//+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Contents: Conferencing Services Object interfaces // // Copyright 1995 - 2002 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. // // THIS CODE AND INFORMATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF // ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO // THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A // PARTICULAR PURPOSE. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpp_quote("//+-------------------------------------------------------------------------") cpp_quote("//") cpp_quote("// Microsoft Windows") cpp_quote("// Copyright 1995 - 2002 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.") cpp_quote("//") cpp_quote("// File: imsconf2.h") cpp_quote("//") cpp_quote("//--------------------------------------------------------------------------") ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GUID usage: // // {068B0700-718C-11d0-8B1A-00A0C91BC90E} - {068B08FF-718C-11d0-8B1A-00A0C91BC90E} // import "objidl.idl"; import "oleidl.idl"; import "oaidl.idl"; interface INmManager; interface INmManagerNotify; interface INmSysInfo; interface INmMember; interface INmCall; interface INmCallNotify; interface INmConference; interface INmConferenceNotify; interface INmChannel; interface INmChannelNotify; interface INmChannelData; interface INmChannelDataNotify; interface INmChannelFt; interface INmChannelFtNotify; interface INmChannelVideo; interface INmChannelVideoNotify; interface INmChannelAudio; interface INmChannelAudioNotify; interface INmChannelAppShare; interface INmChannelAppShareNotify; interface INmFt; interface INmSharableApp; interface IEnumNmConference; interface IEnumNmMember; interface IEnumNmChannel; interface IEnumNmCall; interface IEnumNmSharableApp; cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////") cpp_quote("//") cpp_quote("// Constants") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("// NetMeeting Channel Types") cpp_quote("#define NMCH_NONE 0x00000000") cpp_quote("#define NMCH_DATA 0x00000001") cpp_quote("#define NMCH_AUDIO 0x00000002") cpp_quote("#define NMCH_VIDEO 0x00000004") cpp_quote("#define NMCH_SHARE 0x00000010") cpp_quote("#define NMCH_FT 0x00000020") cpp_quote("#define NMCH_ALL 0x0000FFFF") cpp_quote("#define NMCH_SECURE 0x00010000") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("// Initialization options") cpp_quote("#define NM_INIT_NORMAL 0x00000000") cpp_quote("#define NM_INIT_CONTROL 0x00000001") cpp_quote("#define NM_INIT_NO_LAUNCH 0x00000002") cpp_quote("#define NM_INIT_BACKGROUND 0x00000005") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("// INmChannelDataNotify.DataReceived dwFlags") cpp_quote("#define NM_DF_BROADCAST 0x00000010") // data was broadcast to everyone cpp_quote("#define NM_DF_PRIVATE 0x00000020") // data was private cpp_quote("#define NM_DF_SEGMENT_END 0x00000040") // end of data block cpp_quote("#define NM_DF_SEGMENT_BEGIN 0x00000080") // start of data block cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("// Audio") cpp_quote("#define NM_MAX_AUDIO_LEVEL 0x0000FFFF") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("// Video") cpp_quote("#define NM_VIDEO_NO_AUTOSIZE 0x00000000") cpp_quote("#define NM_VIDEO_SMALL 0x00000001") cpp_quote("#define NM_VIDEO_MEDIUM 0x00000002") cpp_quote("#define NM_VIDEO_LARGE 0x00000004") cpp_quote("#define NM_VIDEO_MIN_QUALITY 0x00000000") cpp_quote("#define NM_VIDEO_MAX_QUALITY 0x0000001F") cpp_quote("#define NM_VIDEO_SOURCE_DIALOG 0x00000001") cpp_quote("#define NM_VIDEO_FORMAT_DIALOG 0x00000002") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("// Version Numbers") cpp_quote("#define NM_VER_UNKNOWN 0x00000000") cpp_quote("#define NM_VER_1 0x00000001") cpp_quote("#define NM_VER_2 0x00000002") cpp_quote("#define NM_VER_NetMeeting2_11 0x00000003") cpp_quote("#define NM_VER_NetMeeting3 0x00000004") cpp_quote("#define NM_VER_FUTURE 0x0000000F") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("// User Categories") cpp_quote("#define NM_CATEGORY_PERSONAL 0x00000001") cpp_quote("#define NM_CATEGORY_BUSINESS 0x00000002") cpp_quote("#define NM_CATEGORY_ADULT 0x00000004") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////") cpp_quote("// Error Codes") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("#define NM_E(e) (0x81000000UL | (ULONG) (e))") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("enum {") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("// NetMeeting specific error codes") cpp_quote("//") cpp_quote(" NM_S_NEXT_CONFERENCE = ((ULONG) 0x0201),") // INmSysInfo.SetProperty cpp_quote(" NM_S_ON_RESTART = ((ULONG) 0x0202),") // INmSysInfo.SetProperty cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("// Call specific error codes") cpp_quote("//") cpp_quote(" NM_CALLERR_NOT_INITIALIZED = NM_E(0x0100),") // Local system not initialized cpp_quote(" NM_CALLERR_MEDIA = NM_E(0x0101),") // Invalid channel/media types cpp_quote(" NM_CALLERR_NAME_RESOLUTION = NM_E(0x0102),") // Name resolution failed cpp_quote(" NM_CALLERR_PASSWORD = NM_E(0x0103),") // Invalid conference password cpp_quote(" NM_CALLERR_CONFERENCE_NAME = NM_E(0x0104),") // Problem with the conference name cpp_quote(" NM_CALLERR_IN_CONFERENCE = NM_E(0x0105),") // Remote system is in a conference cpp_quote(" NM_CALLERR_NOT_FOUND = NM_E(0x0106),") // User/Address not found cpp_quote(" NM_CALLERR_MCU = NM_E(0x0107),") // Can't invite MCU into existing conference cpp_quote(" NM_CALLERR_REJECTED = NM_E(0x0108),") // Remote system rejected the request cpp_quote(" NM_CALLERR_AUDIO = NM_E(0x0109),") // Audio connection failed cpp_quote(" NM_CALLERR_AUDIO_LOCAL = NM_E(0x010A),") // Local audio device already in use cpp_quote(" NM_CALLERR_AUDIO_REMOTE = NM_E(0x010B),") // Remote audio device in use cpp_quote(" NM_CALLERR_ALREADY_CALLING = NM_E(0x01FD),") // Already calling this person cpp_quote(" NM_CALLERR_LOOPBACK = NM_E(0x01FE),") // Called Local Machine cpp_quote(" NM_CALLERR_UNKNOWN = NM_E(0x01FF),") // Unknown call error cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("// other error codes") cpp_quote("//") cpp_quote(" NM_E_NOT_INITIALIZED = NM_E(0x0200),") // INmManager not Initialized cpp_quote(" NM_E_CHANNEL_ALREADY_EXISTS = NM_E(0x0201),") // Data channel already exists cpp_quote(" NM_E_NO_T120_CONFERENCE = NM_E(0x0202),") // Not in a T.120 data conference cpp_quote(" NM_E_NOT_ACTIVE = NM_E(0x0203),") // NetMeeting is not running cpp_quote(" NM_E_FILE_TOO_BIG = NM_E(0x0204),") // The file we attempted to send is too big cpp_quote(" NM_E_USER_CANCELED_SETUP = NM_E(0x0205),") // User canceled NetMeeting setup wizard cpp_quote(" NM_E_ALREADY_RUNNING = NM_E(0x0206),") // This means that NetMeeting is already running cpp_quote(" NM_E_SHARING_NOT_AVAILABLE = NM_E(0x0207),") // This means that Shring is not available cpp_quote("};") cpp_quote("") typedef enum tagNmConferenceState{ NM_CONFERENCE_IDLE = 0, NM_CONFERENCE_WAITING = 1, NM_CONFERENCE_INITIALIZING = 2, NM_CONFERENCE_ACTIVE = 3, } NM_CONFERENCE_STATE; typedef enum tagNmCallType{ NM_CALL_DEFAULT = 0, NM_CALL_T120 = 1, NM_CALL_H323 = 2, } NM_CALL_TYPE; typedef enum tagNmAddrType{ NM_ADDR_UNKNOWN = 0, NM_ADDR_IP = 1, NM_ADDR_MACHINENAME = 2, NM_ADDR_PSTN = 3, NM_ADDR_ULS = 4, NM_ADDR_H323_GATEWAY = 5, NM_ADDR_CALLTO = 6, NM_ADDR_T120_TRANSPORT = 7, } NM_ADDR_TYPE; typedef enum tagNmCallState{ NM_CALL_INVALID = 0, NM_CALL_INIT = 1, NM_CALL_RING = 2, NM_CALL_SEARCH = 3, NM_CALL_WAIT = 4, NM_CALL_ACCEPTED = 5, NM_CALL_REJECTED = 6, NM_CALL_CANCELED = 7, } NM_CALL_STATE; typedef enum tagNmMemberNotify{ NM_MEMBER_ADDED = 0, NM_MEMBER_REMOVED = 1, NM_MEMBER_UPDATED = 2, } NM_MEMBER_NOTIFY; typedef enum tagNmChannelNotify{ NM_CHANNEL_ADDED = 0, NM_CHANNEL_REMOVED = 1, NM_CHANNEL_UPDATED = 2, } NM_CHANNEL_NOTIFY; typedef enum tagNmFtState{ NM_FT_INVALID = 0, NM_FT_SENDING = 1, NM_FT_RECEIVING = 2, NM_FT_COMPLETE = 3, } NM_FT_STATE; typedef enum tagNmAudioState{ NM_AUDIO_IDLE = 0, NM_AUDIO_LOCAL_PAUSED = 1, NM_AUDIO_TRANSFERRING = 3, } NM_AUDIO_STATE; typedef enum tagNmAudProp{ NM_AUDPROP_LEVEL = 1, NM_AUDPROP_PAUSE = 2, } NM_AUDPROP; typedef enum tagNmVideoState{ NM_VIDEO_IDLE = 0, NM_VIDEO_LOCAL_PAUSED = 1, NM_VIDEO_PREVIEWING = 2, NM_VIDEO_TRANSFERRING = 3, NM_VIDEO_BOTH_PAUSED = 5, NM_VIDEO_REMOTE_PAUSED = 7, } NM_VIDEO_STATE; typedef enum tagNmVidProp{ NM_VIDPROP_PAUSE = 1, NM_VIDPROP_WINDOW_AUTO_SIZE = 2, NM_VIDPROP_WINDOW_SIZE = 3, NM_VIDPROP_WINDOW_POSITION = 4, NM_VIDPROP_WINDOW_TOP_MOST = 5, NM_VIDPROP_WINDOW_VISIBLE = 6, NM_VIDPROP_IMAGE_PREFERRED_SIZE = 7, NM_VIDPROP_IMAGE_QUALITY = 8, NM_VIDPROP_CAMERA_DIALOG = 9, } NM_VIDPROP; typedef enum tagNmShareState{ NM_SHARE_UNKNOWN = 0, NM_SHARE_WORKING_ALONE = 1, NM_SHARE_COLLABORATING = 2, NM_SHARE_IN_CONTROL = 3, } NM_SHARE_STATE; typedef enum tagNmShAppState{ NM_SHAPP_NOT_SHARED = 0, NM_SHAPP_SHARED = 1, } NM_SHAPP_STATE; typedef enum tagNmSysProp{ NM_SYSPROP_EMAIL_NAME = 1, NM_SYSPROP_SERVER_NAME = 2, NM_SYSPROP_RESOLVE_NAME = 3, NM_SYSPROP_FIRST_NAME = 4, NM_SYSPROP_LAST_NAME = 5, NM_SYSPROP_USER_NAME = 6, NM_SYSPROP_USER_CITY = 7, NM_SYSPROP_USER_COUNTRY = 8, NM_SYSPROP_USER_COMMENTS = 9, NM_SYSPROP_USER_CATEGORY = 10, NM_SYSPROP_USER_PHONENUM = 11, NM_SYSPROP_USER_LOCATION = 12, NM_SYSPROP_H323_GATEWAY = 20, NM_SYSPROP_H323_GATEWAY_ENABLE = 21, NM_SYSPROP_INSTALL_DIRECTORY = 50, NM_SYSPROP_APP_NAME = 51, NM_SYSPROP_LOGGED_ON = 69, NM_SYSPROP_IS_RUNNING = 100, NM_SYSPROP_IN_CONFERENCE = 101, NM_SYSPROP_BUILD_VER = 200, NM_SYSPROP_DISABLE_H323 = 201, NM_SYSPROP_DISABLE_INITIAL_ILS_LOGON = 202, NM_SYSPROP_CALLERISRTC = 300 } NM_SYSPROP; typedef enum tagConfn{ // File Transfer CONFN_FT_UI = 0x000211, CONFN_FT_OFFERED = 0x000212, CONFN_FT_STARTED = 0x000213, CONFN_FT_PROGRESS = 0x000214, CONFN_FT_COMPLETE = 0x000215, CONFN_FT_CANCELED = 0x000216, // Sharing CONFN_CLICK_CONTROL = 0x000220, CONFN_CLICK_OBSCURE = 0x000221, CONFN_CLICK_REMOTE_NOT_COLLABORATING = 0x000222, CONFN_CLICK_LOCAL_NOT_COLLABORATING = 0x000223, // Call control CONFN_CALL_INCOMPATIBLE = 0x000400, CONFN_CALL_OLDER = 0x000401, CONFN_CALL_NEWER = 0x000402, CONFN_CALL_IGNORED = 0x000403, CONFN_CALL_FAILED = 0x000404, CONFN_CALL_IN_CONFERENCE = 0x000405, // Manager notifications CONFN_NM_STARTED = 0x000600, CONFN_NM_STOPPED = 0x000601, } CONFN; // INmObject constants typedef enum NM_APPID { NM_APPID_CHAT = 1, NM_APPID_WHITEBOARD = 2, NM_APPID_T126_WHITEBOARD = 3, NM_APPID_FILE_TRANSFER = 4, NM_APPID_APPSHARING = 5 } NM_APPID; typedef enum NM_VUI { NM_VUI_CHECK = 0, NM_VUI_SHOW = 1 } NM_VUI; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // INmManager Interface [ object, uuid(068B0701-718C-11d0-8B1A-00A0C91BC90E), pointer_default(unique) ] interface INmManager : IUnknown { typedef [unique] INmManager *LPNMMANAGER; [local] HRESULT Initialize( [in, out] ULONG * puOptions, // Can be NULL [in, out] ULONG * puchCaps); // Can be NULL [call_as(Initialize)] HRESULT RemoteInitialize( [in, out] ULONG * puOptions, [in, out] ULONG * puchCaps); HRESULT GetSysInfo( [out] INmSysInfo **ppSysInfo); HRESULT EnumConference( [out] IEnumNmConference **ppEnum); [local] HRESULT CreateConference( [out] INmConference **ppConference, [in] BSTR bstrName, [in] BSTR bstrPassword, [in] ULONG uchCaps); [call_as(CreateConference)] HRESULT RemoteCreateConference( [out] INmConference **ppConference, [in] BSTR bstrName, [in] BSTR bstrPassword, [in] ULONG uchCaps); HRESULT EnumCall( [out] IEnumNmCall **ppEnum); [local] HRESULT CreateCall( [out] INmCall **ppCall, // Can be NULL [in] NM_CALL_TYPE callType, [in] NM_ADDR_TYPE addrType, [in] BSTR bstrAddr, [in] INmConference * pConference); [call_as(CreateCall)] HRESULT RemoteCreateCall( [out] INmCall **ppCall, [in] NM_CALL_TYPE callType, [in] NM_ADDR_TYPE addrType, [in] BSTR bstrAddr, [in] INmConference * pConference); [local] HRESULT CallConference( [out] INmCall **ppCall, [in] NM_CALL_TYPE callType, [in] NM_ADDR_TYPE addrType, [in] BSTR bstrAddr, [in] BSTR bstrName, [in] BSTR bstrPassword); [call_as(CallConference)] HRESULT RemoteCallConference( [out] INmCall **ppCall, [in] NM_CALL_TYPE callType, [in] NM_ADDR_TYPE addrType, [in] BSTR bstrAddr, [in] BSTR bstrName, [in] BSTR bstrPassword); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // INmManagerNotify Interface [ object, uuid(068B0702-718C-11d0-8B1A-00A0C91BC90E), pointer_default(unique) ] interface INmManagerNotify : IUnknown { typedef [unique] INmManagerNotify *LPNMMANAGERNOTIFY; HRESULT NmUI( [in] CONFN uNotify); HRESULT ConferenceCreated( [in] INmConference *pConference); HRESULT CallCreated( [in] INmCall *pCall); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // INmSysInfo Interface [ local, object, uuid(068B0703-718C-11d0-8B1A-00A0C91BC90E), pointer_default(unique) ] interface INmSysInfo : IUnknown { typedef [unique] INmSysInfo *LPNMSYSINFO; HRESULT IsInstalled( void); HRESULT GetProperty( [in] NM_SYSPROP uProp, [out] BSTR *pbstrName); HRESULT SetProperty( [in] NM_SYSPROP uProp, [in] BSTR bstrName); HRESULT GetUserData( [in] REFGUID rguid, [out] BYTE **ppb, [out] ULONG *pcb); HRESULT SetUserData( [in] REFGUID rguid, [in] BYTE *pb, [in] ULONG cb); HRESULT GetNmApp( [in] REFGUID rguid, [out] BSTR *pbstrApplication, [out] BSTR *pbstrCommandLine, [out] BSTR *pbstrDirectory); HRESULT SetNmApp( [in] REFGUID rguid, [in] BSTR bstrApplication, [in] BSTR bstrCommandLine, [in] BSTR bstrDirectory); HRESULT GetNmchCaps( [out] ULONG *pchCaps); HRESULT GetLaunchInfo( [out] INmConference **ppConference, // Can be NULL [out] INmMember **ppMember); // Can be NULL } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // INmCall Interface [ object, uuid(068B0704-718C-11d0-8B1A-00A0C91BC90E), pointer_default(unique) ] interface INmCall : IUnknown { typedef [unique] INmCall *LPNMCALL; HRESULT IsIncoming( void); HRESULT GetState( [out] NM_CALL_STATE *pState); HRESULT GetName( [out] BSTR *pbstrName); HRESULT GetAddr( [out] BSTR *pbstrAddr, [out] NM_ADDR_TYPE *puType); HRESULT GetUserData( [in] REFGUID rguid, [out, size_is(,*pcb)] BYTE **ppb, [out] ULONG *pcb); HRESULT GetConference( [out] INmConference **ppConference); HRESULT Accept( void); HRESULT Reject( void); HRESULT Cancel( void); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // INmCallNotify Interface [ object, uuid(068B0705-718C-11d0-8B1A-00A0C91BC90E), pointer_default(unique) ] interface INmCallNotify : IUnknown { HRESULT NmUI( [in] CONFN uNotify); HRESULT StateChanged( [in] NM_CALL_STATE uState); HRESULT Failed( [in] ULONG uError); HRESULT Accepted( [in] INmConference *pConference); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // INmConference Interface [ object, uuid(068B0710-718C-11d0-8B1A-00A0C91BC90E), pointer_default(unique) ] interface INmConference : IUnknown { typedef [unique] INmConference *LPNMCONFERENCE; HRESULT GetName( [out] BSTR *pbstrName); HRESULT GetID( [out] ULONG *puID); HRESULT GetState( [out] NM_CONFERENCE_STATE *pState); HRESULT GetNmchCaps( [out] ULONG *puchCaps); HRESULT GetTopProvider( [out] INmMember **ppMember); HRESULT EnumMember( [out] IEnumNmMember **ppEnum); HRESULT GetMemberCount( [out] ULONG * puCount); HRESULT EnumChannel( [out] IEnumNmChannel **ppEnum); HRESULT GetChannelCount( [out] ULONG * puCount); [local] HRESULT CreateDataChannel( [out] INmChannelData **ppChannel, // Can be NULL [in] REFGUID rguid); [call_as(CreateDataChannel)] HRESULT RemoteCreateDataChannel( [out] INmChannelData **ppChannel, [in] REFGUID rguid); HRESULT IsHosting( void); HRESULT Host( void); HRESULT Leave( void); HRESULT LaunchRemote( [in] REFGUID rguid, [in] INmMember *pMember); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // INmConferenceNotify Interface [ object, uuid(068B0711-718C-11d0-8B1A-00A0C91BC90E), pointer_default(unique) ] interface INmConferenceNotify : IUnknown { HRESULT NmUI( [in] CONFN uNotify); HRESULT StateChanged( [in] NM_CONFERENCE_STATE uState); HRESULT MemberChanged( [in] NM_MEMBER_NOTIFY uNotify, [in] INmMember *pMember); HRESULT ChannelChanged( [in] NM_CHANNEL_NOTIFY uNotify, [in] INmChannel *pChannel); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // INmMember Interface [ object, uuid(068B0712-718C-11d0-8B1A-00A0C91BC90E), pointer_default(unique) ] interface INmMember : IUnknown { HRESULT GetName( [out] BSTR *pbstrName); HRESULT GetID( [out] ULONG *puID); HRESULT GetNmVersion( [out] ULONG *puVersion); HRESULT GetAddr( [out] BSTR *pbstrAddr, [out] NM_ADDR_TYPE *puType); HRESULT GetUserData( [in] REFGUID rguid, [out, size_is(,*pcb)] BYTE **ppb, [out] ULONG *pcb); HRESULT GetConference( [out] INmConference **ppConference); HRESULT GetNmchCaps( [out] ULONG *puchCaps); HRESULT GetShareState( [out] NM_SHARE_STATE *puState); HRESULT IsSelf( void); HRESULT IsMCU( void); HRESULT Eject( void); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // INmChannel Interface [ object, uuid(068B0720-718C-11d0-8B1A-00A0C91BC90E), pointer_default(unique) ] interface INmChannel : IUnknown { HRESULT IsSameAs( [in] INmChannel *pChannel); HRESULT IsActive( void); HRESULT SetActive( [in] BOOL fActive); HRESULT GetConference( [out] INmConference **ppConference); HRESULT GetInterface( [out] IID *piid); HRESULT GetNmch( [out] ULONG *puCh); HRESULT EnumMember( [out] IEnumNmMember **ppEnum); HRESULT GetMemberCount( [out] ULONG * puCount); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // INmChannelNotify Interface [ object, uuid(068B0721-718C-11d0-8B1A-00A0C91BC90E), pointer_default(unique) ] interface INmChannelNotify : IUnknown { HRESULT NmUI( [in] CONFN uNotify); HRESULT MemberChanged( [in] NM_MEMBER_NOTIFY uNotify, [in] INmMember *pMember); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // INmChannelData Interface [ object, uuid(068B0722-718C-11d0-8B1A-00A0C91BC90E), pointer_default(unique) ] interface INmChannelData : INmChannel { HRESULT GetGuid( [out] GUID *pguid); HRESULT SendData( [in] INmMember *pMember, [in] ULONG uSize, [in, size_is(uSize)] byte *pvBuffer, [in] ULONG uOptions); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // INmChannelDataNotify Interface [ object, uuid(068B0723-718C-11d0-8B1A-00A0C91BC90E), pointer_default(unique) ] interface INmChannelDataNotify : INmChannelNotify { HRESULT DataSent( [in] INmMember *pMember, [in] ULONG uSize, [in, size_is(uSize)] byte *pvBuffer); HRESULT DataReceived( [in] INmMember *pMember, [in] ULONG uSize, [in, size_is(uSize)] byte *pvBuffer, [in] ULONG dwFlags); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // INmChannelAudio Interface [ object, uuid(068B0724-718C-11d0-8B1A-00A0C91BC90E), pointer_default(unique) ] interface INmChannelAudio : INmChannel { HRESULT IsIncoming( void); HRESULT GetState( [out] NM_AUDIO_STATE *puState); HRESULT GetProperty( [in] NM_AUDPROP uID, [out] ULONG *puValue); HRESULT SetProperty( [in] NM_AUDPROP uID, [in] ULONG uValue); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // INmChannelAudioNotify Interface [ object, uuid(068B0725-718C-11d0-8B1A-00A0C91BC90E), pointer_default(unique) ] interface INmChannelAudioNotify : INmChannelNotify { HRESULT StateChanged( [in] NM_AUDIO_STATE uState); HRESULT PropertyChanged( [in] DWORD dwReserved); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // INmChannelVideo Interface [ object, uuid(068B0726-718C-11d0-8B1A-00A0C91BC90E), pointer_default(unique) ] interface INmChannelVideo : INmChannel { HRESULT IsIncoming( void); HRESULT GetState( [out] NM_VIDEO_STATE *puState); HRESULT GetProperty( [in] NM_VIDPROP uID, [out] ULONG *puValue); HRESULT SetProperty( [in] NM_VIDPROP uID, [in] ULONG uValue); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // INmChannelVideoNotify Interface [ object, uuid(068B0727-718C-11d0-8B1A-00A0C91BC90E), pointer_default(unique) ] interface INmChannelVideoNotify : INmChannelNotify { HRESULT StateChanged( [in] NM_VIDEO_STATE uState); HRESULT PropertyChanged( [in] DWORD dwReserved); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // INmChannelFt Interface [ object, uuid(068B0728-718C-11d0-8B1A-00A0C91BC90E), pointer_default(unique) ] interface INmChannelFt : INmChannel { [local] HRESULT SendFile( [out] INmFt **ppFt, // Can be NULL [in] INmMember *pMember, [in] BSTR bstrFile, [in] ULONG uOptions); [call_as(SendFile)] HRESULT RemoteSendFile( [out] INmFt **ppFt, [in] INmMember *pMember, [in] BSTR bstrFile, [in] ULONG uOptions); [local] HRESULT SetReceiveFileDir( [in] BSTR bstrDir); [call_as(SetReceiveFileDir)] HRESULT RemoteSetReceiveFileDir( [in] BSTR bstrDir); HRESULT GetReceiveFileDir( [out] BSTR *pbstrDir); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // INmChannelFtNotify Interface [ object, uuid(068B0729-718C-11d0-8B1A-00A0C91BC90E), pointer_default(unique) ] interface INmChannelFtNotify : INmChannelNotify { HRESULT FtUpdate( [in] CONFN uNotify, [in] INmFt *pFt); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // INmFt Interface [ object, uuid(068B0732-718C-11d0-8B1A-00A0C91BC90E), pointer_default(unique) ] interface INmFt : IUnknown { HRESULT IsIncoming( void); HRESULT GetState( [out] NM_FT_STATE *puState); HRESULT GetName( [out] BSTR *pbstrName); HRESULT GetSize( [out] ULONG *puBytes); HRESULT GetBytesTransferred( [out] ULONG *puBytes); HRESULT GetMember( [out] INmMember **ppMember); HRESULT Cancel( void); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // INmChannelAppShare Interface [ object, uuid(068B072A-718C-11d0-8B1A-00A0C91BC90E), pointer_default(unique) ] interface INmChannelAppShare : INmChannel { HRESULT GetState( [out] NM_SHARE_STATE *puState); HRESULT SetState( [in] NM_SHARE_STATE uState); HRESULT EnumSharableApp( [out] IEnumNmSharableApp **ppEnum); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // INmChannelAppShareNotify Interface [ object, uuid(068B072B-718C-11d0-8B1A-00A0C91BC90E), pointer_default(unique) ] interface INmChannelAppShareNotify : INmChannelNotify { HRESULT StateChanged( [in] NM_SHAPP_STATE uState, [in] INmSharableApp *pApp); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // INmSharableApp Interface [ object, uuid(068B0734-718C-11d0-8B1A-00A0C91BC90E), pointer_default(unique) ] interface INmSharableApp : IUnknown { HRESULT GetName( [out] BSTR *pbstrName); HRESULT GetHwnd( [out] HWND * phwnd); HRESULT GetState( [out] NM_SHAPP_STATE *puState); HRESULT SetState( [in] NM_SHAPP_STATE uState); } cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////") cpp_quote("// Enumerator Definitions") //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // IEnumNmConference Interface [ object, uuid(068B0741-718C-11d0-8B1A-00A0C91BC90E), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IEnumNmConference : IUnknown { [local] HRESULT Next( [in] ULONG cConference, [out] INmConference **rgpConference, [out] ULONG *pcFetched); [call_as(Next)] HRESULT RemoteNext( [in] ULONG cConference, [out, size_is(cConference), length_is(*pcFetched) ] INmConference **rgpConference, [out] ULONG *pcFetched, [out] ULONG *pcItems, [in] BOOL bGetNumberRemaining); HRESULT Skip( [in] ULONG cConference); HRESULT Reset(); HRESULT Clone( [out] IEnumNmConference **ppEnum); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // IEnumNmMember Interface [ object, uuid(068B0742-718C-11d0-8B1A-00A0C91BC90E), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IEnumNmMember : IUnknown { [local] HRESULT Next( [in] ULONG cMember, [out] INmMember **rgpMember, [out] ULONG *pcFetched); [call_as(Next)] HRESULT RemoteNext( [in] ULONG cMember, [out, size_is(cMember), length_is(*pcFetched) ] INmMember **rgpMember, [out] ULONG *pcFetched, [out] ULONG *pcItems, [in] BOOL bGetNumberRemaining); HRESULT Skip( [in] ULONG cMember); HRESULT Reset(); HRESULT Clone( [out] IEnumNmMember **ppEnum); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // IEnumNmChannel Interface [ object, uuid(068B0743-718C-11d0-8B1A-00A0C91BC90E), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IEnumNmChannel : IUnknown { [local] HRESULT Next( [in] ULONG cChannel, [out, size_is(cChannel), length_is(*pcFetched)] INmChannel **rgpChannel, [out] ULONG *pcFetched); [call_as(Next)] HRESULT RemoteNext( [in] ULONG cChannel, [out, size_is(cChannel), length_is(*pcFetched)] INmChannel **rgpChannel, [out] ULONG *pcFetched, [out] ULONG *pcItems, [in] BOOL bGetNumberRemaining); HRESULT Skip( [in] ULONG cChannel); HRESULT Reset(); HRESULT Clone( [out] IEnumNmChannel **ppEnum); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // IEnumNmCall Interface [ object, uuid(068B0744-718C-11d0-8B1A-00A0C91BC90E), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IEnumNmCall : IUnknown { [local] HRESULT Next( [in] ULONG cCall, [out] INmCall **rgpCall, [out] ULONG *pcFetched); [call_as(Next)] HRESULT RemoteNext( [in] ULONG cCall, [out, size_is(cCall), length_is(*pcFetched)] INmCall **rgpCall, [out] ULONG *pcFetched, [out] ULONG *pcItems, [in] BOOL bGetNumberRemaining); HRESULT Skip( [in] ULONG cCall); HRESULT Reset(); HRESULT Clone( [out] IEnumNmCall **ppEnum); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // IEnumNmSharableApp Interface [ object, uuid(068B0745-718C-11d0-8B1A-00A0C91BC90E), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IEnumNmSharableApp : IUnknown { [local] HRESULT Next( [in] ULONG cApp, [out] INmSharableApp **rgpApp, [out] ULONG *pcFetched); [call_as(Next)] HRESULT RemoteNext( [in] ULONG cApp, [out, size_is(cApp), length_is(*pcFetched)] INmSharableApp **rgpApp, [out] ULONG *pcFetched, [out] ULONG *pcItems, [in] BOOL bGetNumberRemaining); HRESULT Skip( [in] ULONG cApp); HRESULT Reset(); HRESULT Clone( [out] IEnumNmSharableApp **ppEnum); } [ object, uuid(068B0780-718C-11d0-8B1A-00A0C91BC90E), // IID_INmObject pointer_default(unique) ] interface INmObject : IUnknown { HRESULT CallDialog([in] long hwnd, [in] int options); HRESULT ShowLocal([in] NM_APPID appId); [local] HRESULT VerifyUserInfo([in] long hwnd, [in] NM_VUI options); [call_as(VerifyUserInfo)] HRESULT RemoteVerifyUserInfo([in] long hwnd, [in] NM_VUI options); }; [ uuid(068B07FF-718C-11d0-8B1A-00A0C91BC90E), version(1.0), helpstring("NmManager 2.0 Type Library") ] library NmManager { [ uuid(068B0700-718C-11d0-8B1A-00A0C91BC90E), helpstring("NetMeeting Manager") ] coclass NmManager { [default] interface INmManager; }; };