//***************************************************************************** // // Microsoft Windows Media // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // FileName: wmscontext.idl // // Abstract: // //***************************************************************************** cpp_quote("//*****************************************************************************") cpp_quote("//") cpp_quote("// Microsoft Windows Media") cpp_quote("// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.") cpp_quote("//") cpp_quote("// Automatically generated by Midl from wmscontext.idl" ) cpp_quote("//") cpp_quote("// DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE.") cpp_quote("//") cpp_quote("//*****************************************************************************") import "oaidl.idl"; cpp_quote("#ifndef _WMSContext") cpp_quote("#define _WMSContext") typedef unsigned __int64 QWORD; cpp_quote( "EXTERN_GUID( IID_IWMSContext, 0x4f1a1421, 0x5cd5, 0x11d2, 0x9f, 0x5, 0x0, 0x60, 0x97, 0xd2, 0xd7, 0xcf );" ) cpp_quote( "EXTERN_GUID( IID_IWMSCommandContext, 0x75554931, 0x5f0e, 0x11d2, 0x9f, 0xe, 0x0, 0x60, 0x97, 0xd2, 0xd7, 0xcf );" ) // These are the defined options in the Set and Get methods in IWMSContext. typedef [public] enum WMS_CONTEXT_OPTIONS { WMS_CONTEXT_SET_PROPERTY_NAME_BY_VALUE = 0x0001, WMS_CONTEXT_SET_PROPERTY_STRING_BY_REFERENCE = 0x0002, WMS_CONTEXT_GET_PROPERTY_STRING_BY_REFERENCE = 0x0004, } WMS_CONTEXT_OPTIONS; typedef [public] enum WMS_CONTEXT_HINT_CONSTANTS { WMS_CONTEXT_NO_NAME_HINT = 0xFFFFFFFF } WMS_CONTEXT_HINT_CONSTANTS; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// interface IWMSContext; interface IWMSCommandContext; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [ object, uuid(4F1A1421-5CD5-11d2-9F05-006097D2D7CF), pointer_default(unique), helpstring("Provides methods for managing a collection of properties for a particular context.") ] interface IWMSContext : IUnknown { typedef [public] enum WMS_CONTEXT_TYPE { WMS_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT_TYPE, WMS_SERVER_CONTEXT_TYPE, WMS_USER_CONTEXT_TYPE, WMS_PRESENTATION_CONTEXT_TYPE, WMS_CONTENT_DESCRIPTION_CONTEXT_TYPE, WMS_COMMAND_REQUEST_CONTEXT_TYPE, WMS_COMMAND_RESPONSE_CONTEXT_TYPE, WMS_TRANSPORT_SPEC_CONTEXT_TYPE, WMS_PACKETIZER_CONTEXT_TYPE, WMS_CACHE_CONTENT_INFORMATION_CONTEXT_TYPE, WMS_ARCHIVE_CONTEXT_TYPE, [hidden] WMS_NUM_CONTEXT_TYPE } WMS_CONTEXT_TYPE; [helpstring("Sets the value for or adds a new long value property.")] HRESULT SetLongValue( [in] LPCWSTR pstrName, [in] long lNameHint, [in] long lValue, [in] long lOptions ); [helpstring("Sets the value for or adds a new string value property.")] HRESULT SetStringValue( [in] LPCWSTR pstrName, [in] long lNameHint, [in] LPCWSTR pstrValue, [in] long lOptions ); [helpstring("Sets the value for or adds a new IUnknown value property.")] HRESULT SetIUnknownValue( [in] LPCWSTR pstrName, [in] long lNameHint, [in] IUnknown *pValue, [in] long lOptions ); [helpstring("Sets the value for or adds a new QWORD value property.")] HRESULT SetQwordValue( [in] LPCWSTR pstrName, [in] long lNameHint, [in] CURRENCY qwValue, [in] long lOptions ); [helpstring("Sets the value for or adds a new DATE value property.")] HRESULT SetDateValue( [in] LPCWSTR pstrName, [in] long lNameHint, [in] DATE dateValue, [in] long lOptions ); [helpstring("Sets the value for or adds a new SAFEARRAY value property.")] HRESULT SetArrayValue( [in] LPCWSTR pstrName, [in] long lNameHint, [in] SAFEARRAY(BSTR) psaValue, [in] long lOptions ); [helpstring("Retrieves the value for a long value property.")] HRESULT GetLongValue( [in] LPCWSTR pstrName, [in] long lNameHint, [out] long *plValue, [in] long lOptions ); [helpstring("Retrieves the value for a string value property.")] HRESULT GetStringValue( [in] LPCWSTR pstrName, [in] long lNameHint, [out] LPWSTR *pstrValue, [in] long lOptions ); [helpstring("Retrieves the value for an IUnknown value property.")] HRESULT GetIUnknownValue( [in] LPCWSTR pstrName, [in] long lNameHint, [out] IUnknown **pValue, [in] long lOptions ); [helpstring("Retrieves the value for a QWORD value property.")] HRESULT GetQwordValue( [in] LPCWSTR pstrName, [in] long lNameHint, [out] CURRENCY *pqwValue, [in] long lOptions ); [helpstring("Retrieves the value for a DATE value property.")] HRESULT GetDateValue( [in] LPCWSTR pstrName, [in] long lNameHint, [out] DATE *pdateValue, [in] long lOptions ); [helpstring("Retrieves the value for a SAFEARRAY value property.")] HRESULT GetArrayValue( [in] LPCWSTR pstrName, [in] long lNameHint, [out] SAFEARRAY(BSTR) *ppsaValue, [in] long lOptions ); [helpstring("Sets the value for or adds a new property.")] HRESULT SetValue( [in] LPCWSTR pstrName, [in] long lNameHint, [in] VARIANT Value, [in] long lOptions ); [helpstring("Retrieves the value for a property.")] HRESULT GetValue( [in] LPCWSTR pstrName, [in] long lNameHint, [out] VARIANT *pValue, [in] long lOptions ); [helpstring("Retrieves the number of properties in the context.")] HRESULT GetValueCount( [out] long *pCount ); [helpstring("Retrieves the name, value and hint for a specific property by index.")] HRESULT GetIndexedValue( [in] long lIndex, [out] LPWSTR *pstrName, [out] long *plNameHint, [out] VARIANT *pValue, [out] long *pdwResultOptions, [in] long lOptions ); [helpstring("Removes a specific property from the context.")] HRESULT RemoveValue( [in] LPCWSTR pstrName, [in] long lNameHint, [in] long lOptions ); [helpstring("Removes all properties from the context.")] HRESULT RemoveAllValues(); [helpstring("Retrieves an enumeration value that indicates the context type.")] HRESULT GetContextType( [out] WMS_CONTEXT_TYPE *pType ); [helpstring("Retrieves the value for an IUnknown value property and calls QueryInterface to retrieve a pointer to the specified interface.")] HRESULT GetAndQueryIUnknownValue( [in] LPCWSTR pstrName, [in] long lNameHint, [in] REFIID riid, [out, iid_is(riid)] IUnknown **pResult, [in] long lOptions ); [helpstring("Copies the specified properties to another context.")] HRESULT CopyValues( [in] IWMSContext * pDest, [in] LPCWSTR * pstrName, [in] long * lNameHint, [in] long lNames ); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // IWMSCommandContext [ object, uuid(75554931-5F0E-11d2-9F0E-006097D2D7CF), version(9.0), pointer_default(unique), helpstring("Provides methods for accessing and manipulating command request and command response contexts.") ] interface IWMSCommandContext : IUnknown { [helpstring("Retrieves a command request context.")] HRESULT GetCommandRequest( [out] IWMSContext **ppProps); [helpstring("Retrieves a command response context.")] HRESULT GetCommandResponse( [out] IWMSContext **ppProps); [helpstring("Removes all properties in the command request context.")] HRESULT EraseCommandRequest(); [helpstring("Removes all properties in the command response context.")] HRESULT EraseCommandResponse(); [helpstring("Specifies the identification number for a playlist entry.")] HRESULT SetPlaylistGenerationId( [in] DWORD dwId ); [helpstring("Retrieves the identification number for a playlist entry.")] HRESULT GetPlaylistGenerationId( [out] DWORD *pdwId ); }; cpp_quote("#endif")