<%@LANGUAGE=JScript CODEPAGE=1252 %>
<% var SolutionID = Request.QueryString( "SolutionID" ) var TemplateID = Request.QueryString( "TemplateID" ) var ContactID = Request.QueryString( "ContactID" ) var ProductID = Request.QueryString( "ProductID" ) var ModuleID = Request.QueryString( "ModuleID" ) var Language = Request.QueryString( "Language" ) var KBArticles = Request.QueryString("KBArticles") var SolutionType = Request.QueryString("SolutionType") var DeliveryType = Request.QueryString("DeliveryType") var SP = Request.QueryString( "SP" ) var Mode = new String( Request.QueryString( "Mode" ) ) var SP = 0 g_DBConn = GetDBConnection( Application("SOLUTIONS3") ) if ( Mode.toString() == "user" ) Mode = 1 else Mode = 0 /* This is the header from the Create solution sproc CREATE PROCEDURE SEP_SetSolutionData( @SolutionID int, @SolutionType tinyint, @DeliveryType tinyint, @SP tinyint, @TemplateID int, @ProductID int, @Description nvarchar(1024), @ContactID int, @ModuleID int, @UserMode tinyint = 0 ) AS */ try { var Query = "SEP_SetSolutionData " + SolutionID + "," + SolutionType + "," + DeliveryType + "," + SP + "," + TemplateID + "," + ProductID + ",'" + KBArticles + "'," + ContactID + "," + ModuleID + "," + Mode var NewSolutionID = g_DBConn.Execute( Query ) if ( !NewSolutionID.EOF ) { Response.Write("

Create Solution Results

" ) Response.Write("

Created SolutionID: " + NewSolutionID("SolutionID") + "

") %> <% } } catch( err ) { Response.Write("

Could not Create Response

" ) Response.Write("

Could not create solution due to the following error
Err: " + err.description + "
Please contact SOlson and report the problem" ) Response.Write("

Query: " + Query + "

" ) Response.Write("

Query String: " + Request.QueryString() + "

" ) } %>