if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[DBGP_BuildDebugPortalTables]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) drop procedure [dbo].[DBGP_BuildDebugPortalTables] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[DBGP_GetAllBucketDataByRange]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) drop procedure [dbo].[DBGP_GetAllBucketDataByRange] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[DBGP_GetAllSolutionRequestsBySolutionID]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) drop procedure [dbo].[DBGP_GetAllSolutionRequestsBySolutionID] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[DBGP_GetBucketCrashData]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) drop procedure [dbo].[DBGP_GetBucketCrashData] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[DBGP_GetBucketCrashes]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) drop procedure [dbo].[DBGP_GetBucketCrashes] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[DBGP_GetBucketData]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) drop procedure [dbo].[DBGP_GetBucketData] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[DBGP_GetBucketIDByiBucket]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) drop procedure [dbo].[DBGP_GetBucketIDByiBucket] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[DBGP_GetBucketStats]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) drop procedure [dbo].[DBGP_GetBucketStats] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[DBGP_GetBucketStatus]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) drop procedure [dbo].[DBGP_GetBucketStatus] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[DBGP_GetBuckets]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) drop procedure [dbo].[DBGP_GetBuckets] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[DBGP_GetBucketsByAlias]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) drop procedure [dbo].[DBGP_GetBucketsByAlias] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[DBGP_GetBucketsByElapsedTime]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) drop procedure [dbo].[DBGP_GetBucketsByElapsedTime] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[DBGP_GetBucketsBySpecificBuildNumber]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) drop procedure [dbo].[DBGP_GetBucketsBySpecificBuildNumber] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[DBGP_GetCommentActions]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) drop procedure [dbo].[DBGP_GetCommentActions] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[DBGP_GetCommentsByBucketID]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) drop procedure [dbo].[DBGP_GetCommentsByBucketID] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[DBGP_GetCrashInfoPerFile]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) drop procedure [dbo].[DBGP_GetCrashInfoPerFile] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[DBGP_GetCustomerInfoByBucketID]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) drop procedure [dbo].[DBGP_GetCustomerInfoByBucketID] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[DBGP_GetCustomerInfoByIncident]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) drop procedure [dbo].[DBGP_GetCustomerInfoByIncident] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[DBGP_GetDeliveryTypes]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) drop procedure [dbo].[DBGP_GetDeliveryTypes] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[DBGP_GetFollowUpAliases]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) drop procedure [dbo].[DBGP_GetFollowUpAliases] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[DBGP_GetFollowUpBucketCounts]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) drop procedure [dbo].[DBGP_GetFollowUpBucketCounts] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[DBGP_GetPendingSolutionRequestByBucketID]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) drop procedure [dbo].[DBGP_GetPendingSolutionRequestByBucketID] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[DBGP_GetPendingSolutionRequests]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) drop procedure [dbo].[DBGP_GetPendingSolutionRequests] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[DBGP_GetSolutionTypes]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) drop procedure [dbo].[DBGP_GetSolutionTypes] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[DBGP_GetSolvedBucketsBySpecificBuildNumber]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) drop procedure [dbo].[DBGP_GetSolvedBucketsBySpecificBuildNumber] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[DBGP_GetStaticDataRowCount]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) drop procedure [dbo].[DBGP_GetStaticDataRowCount] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[DBGP_GetTopUnsolvedBuckets]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) drop procedure [dbo].[DBGP_GetTopUnsolvedBuckets] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[DBGP_GetUnsolvedBucketsBySpecificBuildNumber]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) drop procedure [dbo].[DBGP_GetUnsolvedBucketsBySpecificBuildNumber] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[DBGP_GetibucketByBucketID]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) drop procedure [dbo].[DBGP_GetibucketByBucketID] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[DBGP_SetBucketBugNumber]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) drop procedure [dbo].[DBGP_SetBucketBugNumber] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[DBGP_SetComment]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) drop procedure [dbo].[DBGP_SetComment] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[DBGP_UpdateCrashData]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) drop procedure [dbo].[DBGP_UpdateCrashData] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[DBGP_UpdateStaticDataBugID]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) drop procedure [dbo].[DBGP_UpdateStaticDataBugID] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[DBGP_UpdateStaticDataSolutionID]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) drop procedure [dbo].[DBGP_UpdateStaticDataSolutionID] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[SEP_CountTotalBuckets]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) drop procedure [dbo].[SEP_CountTotalBuckets] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[SEP_GetBucketBugID]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) drop procedure [dbo].[SEP_GetBucketBugID] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[SEP_GetBucketList]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) drop procedure [dbo].[SEP_GetBucketList] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[SEP_GetBucketListRange]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) drop procedure [dbo].[SEP_GetBucketListRange] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[SEP_GetBucketNameByiBucket]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) drop procedure [dbo].[SEP_GetBucketNameByiBucket] GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO CREATE PROCEDURE DBGP_BuildDebugPortalTables AS --exec DBGP_UpdateCrashData PRINT '------ Dropping table DBGPortal_CrashData -----' if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[DBGPortal_CrashData]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1) drop table [dbo].[DBGPortal_CrashData] PRINT '------ Done dropping table -----' PRINT '------ Dropping table Index CrashData1 -----' IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysindexes WHERE name = 'DBGPortal_CrashData1') DROP INDEX DBGPortal_CrashData.DBGPortal_CrashData1 PRINT '------ Done -----' PRINT '------ Dropping table Index IX_DBGPortal_CrashData -----' IF EXISTS( SELECT name FROM sysindexes WHERE name = 'IX_DBGPortal_CrashData' ) DROP INDEX [DBGPortal_CrashData].IX_DBGPortal_CrashData PRINT '------ Done -----' PRINT '------ Dropping table Index CrashData_1 -----' IF EXISTS( SELECT name FROM sysindexes WHERE name = 'IX_DBGPortal_CrashData_1' ) DROP INDEX [DBGPortal_CrashData].IX_DBGPortal_CrashData_1 PRINT '------ Done -----' PRINT '------ Dropping table Index CrashData_2 -----' IF EXISTS( SELECT name FROM sysindexes WHERE name = 'IX_DBGPortal_CrashData_2' ) DROP INDEX [DBGPortal_CrashData].IX_DBGPortal_CrashData_2 PRINT '------ Done -----' PRINT '------ Dropping table Index CrashData_3 -----' IF EXISTS( SELECT name FROM sysindexes WHERE name = 'IX_DBGPortal_CrashData_3' ) DROP INDEX [DBGPortal_CrashData].IX_DBGPortal_CrashData_3 PRINT '------ Done -----' PRINT '------ Dropping table Index CrashData_4 -----' IF EXISTS( SELECT name FROM sysindexes WHERE name = 'IX_DBGPortal_CrashData_4' ) DROP INDEX [DBGPortal_CrashData].IX_DBGPortal_CrashData_4 PRINT '------ Done -----' PRINT '------ Dropping table Index CrashData_5 -----' IF EXISTS( SELECT name FROM sysindexes WHERE name = 'IX_DBGPortal_CrashData_5' ) DROP INDEX [DBGPortal_CrashData].IX_DBGPortal_CrashData_5 PRINT '------ Done -----' PRINT '------ Creating Table DBGPotal_CrashData -----' CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DBGPortal_CrashData] ( [DataIndex] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL , [Path] [varchar] (256) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL , [BuildNo] [int] NULL , [EntryDate] [datetime] NULL , [IncidentID] [int] NULL , [Email] [nvarchar] (128) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL , [Description] [nvarchar] (512) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL , [Comments] [nvarchar] (1024) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL , [Repro] [nvarchar] (1024) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL , [TrackID] [nvarchar] (16) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL , [iBucket] [int] NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] PRINT '------ Done -----' PRINT '------ Populating table CrashData -----' INSERT INTO dbgportal_CrashData (Path, BuildNo, EntryDate, IncidentID, email, Description, Comments, Repro, iBucket, TrackID ) select Crash.Path, BuildNo, EntryDate, Inc.IncidentID, Email, Description, Comments, Repro, Crash.sBucket, trackID from CrashInstances as Crash left join KaCustomer2.dbo.Incident as Inc on Crash.IncidentID=Inc.IncidentID left join KaCustomer2.dbo.customer as Cust on Inc.HighId = Cust.HighID and Inc.LowId = Cust.LowID PRINT '------ Done -----' PRINT '------ Creating clustered index DBGPotal_Crashdata1 -----' CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX [DBGPortal_CrashData1] ON [dbo].[DBGPortal_CrashData]([iBucket]) ON [PRIMARY] PRINT '------ Done -----' PRINT '------ Creating Index IX_DBG... -----' CREATE INDEX [IX_DBGPortal_CrashData] ON [dbo].[DBGPortal_CrashData]([Path], [BuildNo], [EntryDate], [Email], [IncidentID], [TrackID]) ON [PRIMARY] PRINT '------ Done -----' PRINT '------ Creating Index IX_DBG. .1. -----' CREATE INDEX [IX_DBGPortal_CrashData_1] ON [dbo].[DBGPortal_CrashData]([BuildNo]) ON [PRIMARY] PRINT '------ Done -----' PRINT '------ Creating Index IX_DBG. .2 -----' CREATE INDEX [IX_DBGPortal_CrashData_2] ON [dbo].[DBGPortal_CrashData]([Email]) ON [PRIMARY] PRINT '------ Done -----' PRINT '------ Creating Index IX_DBG. .3. -----' CREATE INDEX [IX_DBGPortal_CrashData_3] ON [dbo].[DBGPortal_CrashData]([Path]) ON [PRIMARY] PRINT '------ Done -----' PRINT '------ Creating Index IX_DBG. .4. -----' CREATE INDEX [IX_DBGPortal_CrashData_4] ON [dbo].[DBGPortal_CrashData]([EntryDate]) ON [PRIMARY] PRINT '------ Done -----' PRINT '------ Creating Index IX_DBG. .5. -----' CREATE INDEX [IX_DBGPortal_CrashData_5] ON [dbo].[DBGPortal_CrashData]([TrackID]) ON [PRIMARY] PRINT '------ Done -----' PRINT '------ Dropping table BucketDAta. -----' /****** Object: Table [dbo].[DBGPortal_BucketData] Script Date: 1/23/2002 6:49:53 PM ******/ if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[DBGPortal_BucketData]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1) drop table [dbo].[DBGPortal_BucketData] PRINT '------ Done -----' PRINT '------ Delteing index IX_...BucketData. -----' IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysindexes WHERE name = 'IX_DBGPortal_BucketData') DROP INDEX DBGPortal_BucketData.IX_DBGPortal_BucketData PRINT '------ Done -----' PRINT '------ Createing BucketData Table -----' /****** Object: Table [dbo].[DBGPortal_BucketData] Script Date: 1/23/2002 6:49:53 PM ******/ CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DBGPortal_BucketData] ( [BucketIndex] [int] NULL , [iBucket] [int] NOT NULL , [BucketID] [varchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL , [FollowUp] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL , [CrashCount] [int] NOT NULL , [BugID] [int] NULL , [SolutionID] [int] NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] PRINT '------ Done -----' PRINT '------ Creating Tmp table-----' declare @tmpTable Table( AnIndex int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, -- [BucketIndex] [int], iBucket int, BucketID varchar(100), FollowUp varchar(50), CrashCount int , BugID int , SolutionID int ) PRINT '------ Done -----' PRINT '------ Populating temp table with bucketdata. -----' --INSERT INTO DBGPortaL_BucketData ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUP, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID) INSERT INTO @TmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUP, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID) SELECT One.iBucket, BTI.BucketID, FollowUP, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM ( SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT COUNT(IBucket) as CrashCount, iBucket FROM DbGPortal_CrashData GROUP BY iBucket ORDER BY CrashCount DESC ) as One INNER JOIN BucketToint as BTI on One.iBucket = BTI.iBucket LEFT JOIN FollowUpIds as F ON BTI.iFollowUP = F.iFollowUp LEFT JOIN Solutions.DBO.SolvedBuckets ON BucketID = strBucket LEFT JOIN RaidBugs as R ON BTI.iBucket = R.iBucket WHERE BugID is NULL and SolutioNID is NULL ORDER BY CrashCount DESC PRINT '------ Done -----' PRINT '------ Populating DBGPortal_BucketData table. -----' INSERT INTO DBGPOrtal_BucketData ( BucketIndex, iBucket, BucketID, FollowUP, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID) SELECT AnIndex, iBucket, BucketID, FollowUP, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM @TmpTable ORDER BY CrashCount DESC PRINT '------ Done -----' PRINT '------ Clearing temp talbe -----' DELETE FROM @TmpTable PRINT '------ Done -----' PRINT '------ Populating temp table iwth solved raided buckets -----' INSERT INTO @TmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUP, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID) SELECT One.iBucket, BTI.BucketID, FollowUP, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM ( SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT COUNT(IBucket) as CrashCount, iBucket FROM DbGPortal_CrashData GROUP BY iBucket ORDER BY CrashCount DESC ) as One INNER JOIN BucketToint as BTI on One.iBucket = BTI.iBucket LEFT JOIN FollowUpIds as F ON BTI.iFollowUP = F.iFollowUp LEFT JOIN Solutions.DBO.SolvedBuckets ON BucketID = strBucket LEFT JOIN RaidBugs as R ON BTI.iBucket = R.iBucket WHERE BugID is not NULL or SolutioNID is NOT NULL ORDER BY CrashCount DESC PRINT '------ Done -----' PRINT '------ Populating BucketData table with solved, raidied data. -----' INSERT INTO DBGPOrtal_BucketData ( BucketIndex, iBucket, BucketID, FollowUP, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID) SELECT AnIndex, iBucket, BucketID, FollowUP, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM @TmpTable ORDER BY CrashCount DESC PRINT '------ Done -----' PRINT '------ Creating clusterd index. -----' CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX [IX_DBGPortal_BucketData] ON [dbo].[DBGPortal_BucketData]([CrashCount] DESC ) ON [PRIMARY] PRINT '------ Done -----' GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO CREATE PROCEDURE DBGP_GetAllBucketDataByRange( @Page int, @PageSize int = 25 ) AS --SELECT BTI.iBucket, BTI.BucketID, FollowUp, Count(sBucket) as [CrashCount], BugID, SolutionID FROM BucketToInt as BTI --LEFT JOIN FollowUpIds as F ON BTI.iFollowUP = F.iFollowUp --INNER JOIN CrashInstances as C on BTI.iBucket = sBucket --LEFT JOIN Solutions.DBO.SolvedBuckets ON BTI.BucketID = strBucket --LEFT JOIN RaidBugs as R ON BTI.iBucket = R.iBucket --where BTI.iBucket> @Start and BTI.iBucket <= @Start + @Range --GROUP BY BTI.iBucket, BTI.bucketID, FollowUp, BugID, SolutionID --order by BTI.iBucket declare @tmpTable Table( AnIndex int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [BucketIndex] [int] NULL , [iBucket] [int] NOT NULL , [BucketID] [varchar] (100) NOT NULL , [FollowUp] [varchar] (50) NULL , [CrashCount] [int] NOT NULL , [BugID] [int] NULL , [SolutionID] [int] NULL ) --INSERT INTO @TmpTable (Path, BuildNo, EntryDate, IncidentID, email, Description, Comments, Repro ) --Select Crash.Path, BuildNo, EntryDate, Inc.IncidentID, Email, Description, Comments, Repro from -- KaCustomer2.dbo.Incident as Inc --left join KaCustomer2.dbo.customer as Cust on Inc.HighId = Cust.HighID and Inc.LowId = Cust.LowID --left join CrashDB2.dbo.CrashInstances as crash on crash.IncidentID = Inc.IncidentID -- where Inc.sBucket=@iBucket and Crash.Path is not null order by EntryDate desc BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable (iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID from DBGPortal_BucketData order by CrashCount DESC END --select Path, BuildNo, EntryDate, IncidentID, Email, Description, Comments, Repro from @TmpTable where Anindex>=(@Page-1)*@PageSize and AnIndex < ((@Page-1) *@PageSize) + @PageSize select iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID from @TmpTable where Anindex>=(@Page-1)*@PageSize and AnIndex < ((@Page-1) *@PageSize) + @PageSize GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO CREATE PROCEDURE DBGP_GetAllSolutionRequestsBySolutionID( @SolutionID int ) AS SELECT strBucket, Comment FROM Solutions.dbo.SolvedBuckets INNER JOIN CrashDB2.DBO.Comments on BucketID = strBucket WHERE SolutionID = @SolutionID and ( ActionID = 10 or ActionID=8 ) GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO CREATE PROCEDURE DBGP_GetBucketCrashData ( @iBucket int, @Page int = 1, @PageSize int = 25 ) AS --SELECT top 10 path, BuildNo, EntryDate, IncidentID FROM CrashInstances --where sBucket = @iBucket --ORDER BY EntryDate DESC declare @tmpTable Table( AnIndex int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, Path varchar(256), buildNo int, EntryDate datetime, IncidentID int -- email nvarchar(128), -- Description nvarchar(512), -- comments nvarchar(1024), -- repro nvarchar(1024) ) INSERT INTO @TmpTable (Path, BuildNo, EntryDate, IncidentID ) SELECT path, BuildNo, EntryDate, IncidentID FROM CrashInstances where sBucket = @iBucket ORDER BY EntryDate DESC select * from @TmpTable where Anindex>=(@Page-1)*@PageSize and AnIndex < ((@Page-1) *@PageSize) + @PageSize --SELECT path, BuildNo, EntryDate, IncidentID FROM CrashInstances --where sBucket = @iBucket --ORDER BY EntryDate DESC --SELECT top 10 path, BuildNo, EntryDate, IncidentID FROM CrashInstances --where sBucket = @iBucket --ORDER BY EntryDate DESC --Select top 25 Crash.Path, BuildNo, EntryDate, Inc.IncidentID, Email, Description, Comments, Repro from -- KaCustomer2.dbo.Incident as Inc --left join KaCustomer2.dbo.customer as Cust on Inc.HighId = Cust.HighID and Inc.LowId = Cust.LowID --left join CrashDB2.dbo.CrashInstances as crash on crash.IncidentID = Inc.IncidentID -- where Inc.sBucket=@iBucket and Crash.Path is not null order by EntryDate desc GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO CREATE PROCEDURE DBGP_GetBucketCrashes( @iBucket int, @Page int, @PageSize int, @CustomerInfo int = 0, @OrderBy varchar(25) = 'email' ) AS declare @tmpTable Table( AnIndex int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, Path varchar(256), buildNo int, EntryDate datetime, IncidentID int, email nvarchar(128), Description nvarchar(512), comments nvarchar(1024), repro nvarchar(1024), TrackID nvarchar(16) ) --INSERT INTO @TmpTable (Path, BuildNo, EntryDate, IncidentID, email, Description, Comments, Repro ) --Select Crash.Path, BuildNo, EntryDate, Inc.IncidentID, Email, Description, Comments, Repro from -- KaCustomer2.dbo.Incident as Inc --left join KaCustomer2.dbo.customer as Cust on Inc.HighId = Cust.HighID and Inc.LowId = Cust.LowID --left join CrashDB2.dbo.CrashInstances as crash on crash.IncidentID = Inc.IncidentID -- where Inc.sBucket=@iBucket and Crash.Path is not null order by EntryDate desc IF ( @CustomerInfo = 1 ) BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable (Path, BuildNo, EntryDate, IncidentID, email, Description, Comments, Repro, TrackID ) SELECT Path, BuildNo, EntryDate, IncidentID, email, Description, Comments, Repro, TrackID from DBGPortal_CrashData where iBucket=@iBucket order by Email desc END ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable (Path, BuildNo, EntryDate, IncidentID ) SELECT Path, BuildNo, EntryDate, IncidentID from DBGPortal_CrashData where iBucket=@iBucket END --select Path, BuildNo, EntryDate, IncidentID, Email, Description, Comments, Repro from @TmpTable where Anindex>=(@Page-1)*@PageSize and AnIndex < ((@Page-1) *@PageSize) + @PageSize select Path, BuildNo, EntryDate, IncidentID, Email, Description, Comments, Repro, TrackID from @TmpTable where Anindex>= ((@Page-1)*@PageSize+1) and AnIndex <= ((@Page) *@PageSize) GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO CREATE PROCEDURE DBGP_GetBucketData( @BucketID varchar(100) ) AS --DECLARE @iBucket int --DECLARE @FollowUp nvarchar(50) --DECLARE @Crashes int --DECLARE @SolutionID int --DECLARE @iFollowup int --DECLARE @BugID int DECLARE @BugArea varchar(30) DECLARE @DriverName varchar(100) SELECT @BugArea = Area from RaidBugs where BucketID = @BucketID SELECT @DriverName = DriverName from buckettoint as bti left join drnames on bti.iDriverName = drnames.iDriverName where BucketID = @BucketID --SELECT @iBucket = iBucket, @iFollowup = iFollowup FROM BucketToInt where BucketID = @BucketID --SELECT @FollowUP = FollowUP from FollowUPIds where iFollowup = @iFollowup --select @Crashes = count(*) from CrashInstances where sBucket=@iBucket --SELECT @SolutionID = SolutionID from solutions.dbo.SolvedBuckets where strBucket = @BucketID --SELECT @BucketID as BucketID, @iBucket as iBucket, @FollowUp as [Follow Up], @Crashes as Crashes, @SolutionID as [Solution ID], @BugID as BugID, @BugArea as Area SELECT BucketID, iBucket, FollowUp as [Follow Up], CrashCount as Crashes, SolutionID as [Solution ID], BugID, @bugArea as Area, @DriverName as DriverName from DBGPortal_BucketData where BucketID = @BucketID GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO CREATE PROCEDURE DBGP_GetBucketIDByiBucket( @iBucket int ) AS SELECT BucketID FROM BucketToInt WHERE iBucket = @iBucket GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO CREATE PROCEDURE DBGP_GetBucketStats ( @Page int = 1, @PageSize int = 25, @Solved varchar(10) = 'UnSolved', @Raided varchar(10) = 'NotRaided', @OrderBy varchar(20) = 'TotalCrashes', @SortDir varchar(10) = 'DESC', @Reserved varchar(20) = 'none', @NumDays int = 2 ) AS DECLARE @TotalCrashes decimal (10, 2 ) SELECT @TotalCrashes = COUNT(*) FROM DBGPortal_CrashData DECLARE @TotalBuckets decimal (10, 2 ) SELECT @TotalBuckets = COUNT(*) FROM DBGPortal_BucketData DECLARE @TmpTable TABLE ( FollowUp varchar(50), TotalCrashes int, [% of Total Hits] decimal(10,2), BucketCount int, [% of Total Buckets] decimal(10,2) ) INSERT INTO @TmpTable (FollowUp, TotalCrashes, [% of Total Hits], BucketCount, [% of Total Buckets] ) SELECT FollowUp, SUM(CrashCount) as TotalCrashes, Convert( decimal(10,2), ((CAST( SUM(CrashCount) AS float)*100) / CAST(@TotalCrashes as float))) as [% of Total Hits], Count(iBucket) as BucketCount, Convert( decimal(10,2), ((CAST( Count(iBucket) AS float)*100) / CAST(@TotalBuckets as float))) as [% of Total Buckets] FROM DBGPortal_BucketData GROUP BY FollowUp IF (@SortDir = 'DESC' ) BEGIN print 'order desc' IF (@OrderBy = 'FollowUp' ) BEGIN print 'order followup desc' SELECT * FROM @TmpTable ORDER BY FollowUp DESC END ELSE BEGIN print 'order else' SELECT * FROM @TmpTable ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'TotalCrashes' THEN TotalCrashes WHEN '% of total Hits' THEN TotalCrashes WHEN 'BucketCount' THEN BucketCount WHEN '% of Total Buckets' THEN BucketCount END DESC END END ELSE BEGIN print 'order asc' IF (@OrderBy = 'FollowUp' ) BEGIN print 'order by followup asc' SELECT * FROM @TmpTable ORDER BY FollowUp ASC END ELSE BEGIN print 'order by other' SELECT * FROM @TmpTable ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'TotalCrashes' THEN TotalCrashes WHEN '% of total Hits' THEN TotalCrashes WHEN 'BucketCount' THEN BucketCount WHEN '% of Total Buckets' THEN BucketCount END ASC END END --SELECT * from @TmpTable GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO CREATE PROCEDURE DBGP_GetBucketStatus ( @BucketID varchar(100) ) AS --IF EXISTS( select * from Comments WHERE iBucket = @BucketID and [Action] = 'closed' ) -- select top 1 [Action], CommentBy from Comments WHERE iBucket = @BucketID AND [Action] = 'closed' order by EntryDate DESC --ELSE IF EXISTS( SELECT * from Comments WHERE iBucket = @BucketID and [Action] = 'solution requested' ) -- select top 1 [Action], CommentBy from Comments WHERE iBucket = @BucketID and [Action] = 'solution requested' order by EntryDate DESC --ELSE -- select top 1 [Action], CommentBy from Comments WHERE iBucket = @BucketID order by EntryDate DESC --GO select TOP 1 MAX(ActionID) as BiggestComment, [Action], CommentBy from Comments WHERE BucketID = @BucketID and ActionID != 7 -- order by EntryDate DESC group by [Action], CommentBy ORDER BY BiggestComment DESC GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO CREATE PROCEDURE DBGP_GetBuckets( @Page int = 1, @PageSize int = 25, @Solved varchar(10) = 'UnSolved', @Raided varchar(10) = 'NotRaided', @OrderBy varchar(10) = 'CrashCount', @SortDir varchar(10) = 'DESC', @Alias varchar(20) = 'none', @Reserved int = 0 ) AS DECLARE @EndRow int SET @EndRow = (@Page*@PageSize) + 1 SET ROWCOUNT @EndRow --declare @Solved varchar(10) --declare @Raided varchar(10) --declare @page int --declare @pagesize int --declare @OrderBy varchar(10) --declare @SortDir varchar(10) --set @Solved = 'nSolved' --set @Raided = 'raided' --set @Page = 1 --set @PageSize = 50 --set @OrderBy = 'Followup' --set @SortDir = 'ASC' declare @tmpTable Table( AnIndex int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, -- [BucketIndex] [int], iBucket int, BucketID varchar(100), FollowUp varchar(50), CrashCount int , BugID int , SolutionID int ) IF ( @Solved = 'Solved' ) BEGIN IF ( @Raided = 'Raided' ) BEGIN IF ( @SortDir = 'DESC' ) BEGIN IF @OrderBy = 'BucketID' or @OrderBy = 'FollowUp' BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID IS not null and BugID IS NOT Null ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'BucketID' THEN BucketID WHEN 'FollowUp' THEN FollowUP END DESC END ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID IS not null and BugID IS NOT Null ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'iBucket' THEN iBucket WHEN 'CrashCount' THEN CrashCount WHEN 'BugID' THEN BugID WHEN 'SolutionID' THEN SolutionID END DESC END END ELSE BEGIN IF @OrderBy = 'BucketID' or @OrderBy = 'FollowUp' BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID IS not null and BugID IS NOT Null ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'BucketID' THEN BucketID WHEN 'FollowUp' THEN FollowUP END ASC END ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID IS not null and BugID IS NOT Null ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'iBucket' THEN iBucket WHEN 'CrashCount' THEN CrashCount WHEN 'BugID' THEN BugID WHEN 'SolutionID' THEN SolutionID END ASC END END END ELSE IF ( @Raided = 'NotRaided' ) BEGIN IF ( @SortDir = 'DESC' ) BEGIN IF @OrderBy = 'BucketID' or @OrderBy = 'FollowUp' BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID IS not null and BugID IS Null ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'BucketID' THEN BucketID WHEN 'FollowUp' THEN FollowUP END DESC END ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID IS not null and BugID IS Null ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'iBucket' THEN iBucket WHEN 'CrashCount' THEN CrashCount WHEN 'BugID' THEN BugID WHEN 'SolutionID' THEN SolutionID END DESC END END ELSE BEGIN IF @OrderBy = 'BucketID' or @OrderBy = 'FollowUp' BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID IS not null and BugID IS Null ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'BucketID' THEN BucketID WHEN 'FollowUp' THEN FollowUP END ASC END ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID IS not null and BugID IS Null ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'iBucket' THEN iBucket WHEN 'CrashCount' THEN CrashCount WHEN 'BugID' THEN BugID WHEN 'SolutionID' THEN SolutionID END ASC END END END ELSE IF ( @Raided = 'All' ) BEGIN IF ( @SortDir = 'DESC' ) BEGIN IF @OrderBy = 'BucketID' or @OrderBy = 'FollowUp' BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID IS not null ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'BucketID' THEN BucketID WHEN 'FollowUp' THEN FollowUP END DESC END ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID IS not null ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'iBucket' THEN iBucket WHEN 'CrashCount' THEN CrashCount WHEN 'BugID' THEN BugID WHEN 'SolutionID' THEN SolutionID END DESC END END ELSE BEGIN IF @OrderBy = 'BucketID' or @OrderBy = 'FollowUp' BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID IS not null ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'BucketID' THEN BucketID WHEN 'FollowUp' THEN FollowUP END ASC END ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID IS not null ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'iBucket' THEN iBucket WHEN 'CrashCount' THEN CrashCount WHEN 'BugID' THEN BugID WHEN 'SolutionID' THEN SolutionID END ASC END END END END ELSE IF ( @Solved = 'UnSolved' ) BEGIN IF ( @Raided = 'Raided' ) BEGIN IF ( @SortDir = 'DESC' ) BEGIN IF @OrderBy = 'BucketID' or @OrderBy = 'FollowUp' BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID IS null and BugID IS NOT Null ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'BucketID' THEN BucketID WHEN 'FollowUp' THEN FollowUP END DESC END ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID IS null and BugID IS NOT Null ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'iBucket' THEN iBucket WHEN 'CrashCount' THEN CrashCount WHEN 'BugID' THEN BugID WHEN 'SolutionID' THEN SolutionID END DESC END END ELSE BEGIN IF @OrderBy = 'BucketID' or @OrderBy = 'FollowUp' BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID IS null and BugID IS NOT Null ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'BucketID' THEN BucketID WHEN 'FollowUp' THEN FollowUP END ASC END ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID IS null and BugID IS NOT Null ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'iBucket' THEN iBucket WHEN 'CrashCount' THEN CrashCount WHEN 'BugID' THEN BugID WHEN 'SolutionID' THEN SolutionID END ASC END END END ELSE IF ( @Raided = 'NotRaided' ) BEGIN IF ( @SortDir = 'DESC' ) BEGIN IF @OrderBy = 'BucketID' or @OrderBy = 'FollowUp' BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID IS null and BugID IS Null ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'BucketID' THEN BucketID WHEN 'FollowUp' THEN FollowUP END DESC END ELSE IF @OrderBy = 'iBucket' OR @OrderBy = 'BugID' OR @OrderBy = 'SolutionID' BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID IS null and BugID IS Null ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'iBucket' THEN iBucket --WHEN 'CrashCount' THEN CrashCount WHEN 'BugID' THEN BugID WHEN 'SolutionID' THEN SolutionID END DESC END ELSE BEGIN SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE BucketIndex>=((@Page-1)*@PageSize+1) and BucketIndex <= ((@Page) *@PageSize) AND SolutionID IS NULL AND BugID is NULL RETURN END END ELSE BEGIN IF @OrderBy = 'BucketID' or @OrderBy = 'FollowUp' BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID IS null and BugID IS Null ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'BucketID' THEN BucketID WHEN 'FollowUp' THEN FollowUP END ASC END ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID IS null and BugID IS Null ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'iBucket' THEN iBucket WHEN 'CrashCount' THEN CrashCount WHEN 'BugID' THEN BugID WHEN 'SolutionID' THEN SolutionID END ASC END END END --unsolved all ELSE IF ( @Raided = 'All' ) BEGIN IF ( @SortDir = 'DESC' ) BEGIN IF @OrderBy = 'BucketID' or @OrderBy = 'FollowUp' BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID IS null ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'BucketID' THEN BucketID WHEN 'FollowUp' THEN FollowUP END DESC END ELSE IF @OrderBy = 'iBucket' OR @OrderBy = 'BugID' OR @OrderBy = 'SolutionID' or @OrderBy = 'CrashCount' BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID IS null ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'iBucket' THEN iBucket WHEN 'CrashCount' THEN CrashCount WHEN 'BugID' THEN BugID WHEN 'SolutionID' THEN SolutionID END DESC END END ELSE BEGIN IF @OrderBy = 'BucketID' or @OrderBy = 'FollowUp' BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID IS null ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'BucketID' THEN BucketID WHEN 'FollowUp' THEN FollowUP END ASC END ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID IS null ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'iBucket' THEN iBucket WHEN 'CrashCount' THEN CrashCount WHEN 'BugID' THEN BugID WHEN 'SolutionID' THEN SolutionID END ASC END END END END ELSE IF ( @Solved = 'all' ) BEGIN IF ( @Raided = 'Raided' ) BEGIN IF ( @SortDir = 'DESC' ) BEGIN IF @OrderBy = 'BucketID' or @OrderBy = 'FollowUp' BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE BugID IS NOT Null ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'BucketID' THEN BucketID WHEN 'FollowUp' THEN FollowUP END DESC END ELSE --else order by BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE BugID IS NOT Null ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'iBucket' THEN iBucket WHEN 'CrashCount' THEN CrashCount WHEN 'BugID' THEN BugID WHEN 'SolutionID' THEN SolutionID END DESC END END ELSE BEGIN IF @OrderBy = 'BucketID' or @OrderBy = 'FollowUp' BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE BugID IS NOT Null ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'BucketID' THEN BucketID WHEN 'FollowUp' THEN FollowUP END ASC END ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE BugID IS NOT Null ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'iBucket' THEN iBucket WHEN 'CrashCount' THEN CrashCount WHEN 'BugID' THEN BugID WHEN 'SolutionID' THEN SolutionID END ASC END END END ELSE IF ( @Raided = 'NotRaided' ) BEGIN IF ( @SortDir = 'DESC' ) BEGIN IF @OrderBy = 'BucketID' or @OrderBy = 'FollowUp' BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE BugID IS Null ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'BucketID' THEN BucketID WHEN 'FollowUp' THEN FollowUP END DESC END ELSE IF @OrderBy = 'iBucket' OR @OrderBy = 'BugID' OR @OrderBy = 'SolutionID' BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE BugID IS Null ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'iBucket' THEN iBucket --WHEN 'CrashCount' THEN CrashCount WHEN 'BugID' THEN BugID WHEN 'SolutionID' THEN SolutionID END DESC END ELSE BEGIN SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE BucketIndex>=((@Page-1)*@PageSize+1) and BucketIndex <= ((@Page) *@PageSize) AND BugID is NULL RETURN END END ELSE BEGIN IF @OrderBy = 'BucketID' or @OrderBy = 'FollowUp' BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE BugID IS Null ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'BucketID' THEN BucketID WHEN 'FollowUp' THEN FollowUP END ASC END ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE BugID IS Null ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'iBucket' THEN iBucket WHEN 'CrashCount' THEN CrashCount WHEN 'BugID' THEN BugID WHEN 'SolutionID' THEN SolutionID END ASC END END END --unsolved all ELSE IF ( @Raided = 'All' ) BEGIN IF ( @SortDir = 'DESC' ) BEGIN IF @OrderBy = 'BucketID' or @OrderBy = 'FollowUp' BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'BucketID' THEN BucketID WHEN 'FollowUp' THEN FollowUP END DESC END ELSE IF @OrderBy = 'iBucket' OR @OrderBy = 'BugID' OR @OrderBy = 'SolutionID' OR @orderBy = 'CrashCount' BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'iBucket' THEN iBucket WHEN 'CrashCount' THEN CrashCount WHEN 'BugID' THEN BugID WHEN 'SolutionID' THEN SolutionID END DESC END END ELSE BEGIN IF @OrderBy = 'BucketID' or @OrderBy = 'FollowUp' BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'BucketID' THEN BucketID WHEN 'FollowUp' THEN FollowUP END ASC END ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'iBucket' THEN iBucket WHEN 'CrashCount' THEN CrashCount WHEN 'BugID' THEN BugID WHEN 'SolutionID' THEN SolutionID END ASC END END END END select iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID from @TmpTable where Anindex>= ((@Page-1)*@PageSize+1) and AnIndex <= ((@Page) *@PageSize) SET ROWCOUNT 0 GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO CREATE PROCEDURE DBGP_GetBucketsByAlias( @Page int = 1, @PageSize int = 25, @Solved varchar(10) = 'notSolved', @Raided varchar(10) = 'notRaided', @OrderBy varchar(10) = 'CrashCount', @SortDir varchar(10) = 'DESC', @Alias varchar(50) = 'dbg' ) AS declare @tmpTable Table( AnIndex int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, -- [BucketIndex] [int], iBucket int, BucketID varchar(100), FollowUp varchar(50), CrashCount int , BugID int , SolutionID int ) IF ( @Solved = 'Solved' ) BEGIN IF ( @Raided = 'Raided' ) BEGIN IF ( @SortDir = 'DESC' ) BEGIN IF @OrderBy = 'BucketID' or @OrderBy = 'FollowUp' BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID IS not null and BugID IS NOT Null AND FollowUp = @Alias ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'BucketID' THEN BucketID WHEN 'FollowUp' THEN FollowUP END DESC END ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID IS not null and BugID IS NOT Null AND FollowUp = @Alias ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'iBucket' THEN iBucket WHEN 'CrashCount' THEN CrashCount WHEN 'BugID' THEN BugID WHEN 'SolutionID' THEN SolutionID END DESC END END ELSE BEGIN IF @OrderBy = 'BucketID' or @OrderBy = 'FollowUp' BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID IS not null and BugID IS NOT Null AND FollowUp = @Alias ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'BucketID' THEN BucketID WHEN 'FollowUp' THEN FollowUP END ASC END ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID IS not null and BugID IS NOT Null AND FollowUp = @Alias ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'iBucket' THEN iBucket WHEN 'CrashCount' THEN CrashCount WHEN 'BugID' THEN BugID WHEN 'SolutionID' THEN SolutionID END ASC END END END ELSE BEGIN IF ( @SortDir = 'DESC' ) BEGIN IF @OrderBy = 'BucketID' or @OrderBy = 'FollowUp' BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID IS not null AND FollowUp = @Alias --and BugID IS Null ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'BucketID' THEN BucketID WHEN 'FollowUp' THEN FollowUP END DESC END ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID IS not null AND FollowUp = @Alias--and BugID IS Null ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'iBucket' THEN iBucket WHEN 'CrashCount' THEN CrashCount WHEN 'BugID' THEN BugID WHEN 'SolutionID' THEN SolutionID END DESC END END ELSE BEGIN IF @OrderBy = 'BucketID' or @OrderBy = 'FollowUp' BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID IS not null AND FollowUp = @Alias--and BugID IS Null ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'BucketID' THEN BucketID WHEN 'FollowUp' THEN FollowUP END ASC END ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID IS not null AND FollowUp = @Alias--and BugID IS Null ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'iBucket' THEN iBucket WHEN 'CrashCount' THEN CrashCount WHEN 'BugID' THEN BugID WHEN 'SolutionID' THEN SolutionID END ASC END END END END ELSE IF ( @Solved = 'unSolved' ) --end if Solved BEGIN IF ( @Raided = 'Raided' ) BEGIN IF ( @SortDir = 'DESC' ) BEGIN IF @OrderBy = 'BucketID' or @OrderBy = 'FollowUp' BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID IS null and BugID IS NOT Null AND FollowUp = @Alias ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'BucketID' THEN BucketID WHEN 'FollowUp' THEN FollowUP END DESC END ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID IS null and BugID IS NOT Null AND FollowUp = @Alias ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'iBucket' THEN iBucket WHEN 'CrashCount' THEN CrashCount WHEN 'BugID' THEN BugID WHEN 'SolutionID' THEN SolutionID END DESC END END ELSE BEGIN IF @OrderBy = 'BucketID' or @OrderBy = 'FollowUp' BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID IS null and BugID IS NOT Null AND FollowUp = @Alias ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'BucketID' THEN BucketID WHEN 'FollowUp' THEN FollowUP END ASC END ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID IS null and BugID IS NOT Null AND FollowUp = @Alias ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'iBucket' THEN iBucket WHEN 'CrashCount' THEN CrashCount WHEN 'BugID' THEN BugID WHEN 'SolutionID' THEN SolutionID END ASC END END END ELSE IF ( @Raided = 'notRaided' ) BEGIN IF ( @SortDir = 'DESC' ) BEGIN IF @OrderBy = 'BucketID' or @OrderBy = 'FollowUp' BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID IS null and BugID IS Null AND FollowUp = @Alias ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'BucketID' THEN BucketID WHEN 'FollowUp' THEN FollowUP END DESC END ELSE --IF @OrderBy = 'iBucket' OR @OrderBy = 'BugID' OR @OrderBy = 'SolutionID' BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID IS null and BugID IS Null AND FollowUp = @Alias ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'iBucket' THEN iBucket WHEN 'CrashCount' THEN CrashCount WHEN 'BugID' THEN BugID WHEN 'SolutionID' THEN SolutionID END DESC END -- ELSE -- BEGIN -- SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID -- FROM DBGPortal_BucketData -- WHERE BucketIndex>=(@Page-1)*@PageSize and BucketIndex < ((@Page-1) *@PageSize) + @PageSize AND SolutionID IS NULL AND BugID is NULL AND FollowUp = @Alias -- END END ELSE --this else is for the sortdirection BEGIN IF @OrderBy = 'BucketID' or @OrderBy = 'FollowUp' BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID IS null and BugID IS Null AND FollowUp = @Alias ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'BucketID' THEN BucketID WHEN 'FollowUp' THEN FollowUP END ASC END ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID IS null and BugID IS Null AND FollowUp = @Alias ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'iBucket' THEN iBucket WHEN 'CrashCount' THEN CrashCount WHEN 'BugID' THEN BugID WHEN 'SolutionID' THEN SolutionID END ASC END END END ELSE IF ( @Raided = 'all' ) BEGIN IF ( @SortDir = 'DESC' ) BEGIN IF @OrderBy = 'BucketID' or @OrderBy = 'FollowUp' BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID IS null AND FollowUp = @Alias ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'BucketID' THEN BucketID WHEN 'FollowUp' THEN FollowUP END DESC END ELSE --IF @OrderBy = 'iBucket' OR @OrderBy = 'BugID' OR @OrderBy = 'SolutionID' BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID IS null AND FollowUp = @Alias ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'iBucket' THEN iBucket WHEN 'CrashCount' THEN CrashCount WHEN 'BugID' THEN BugID WHEN 'SolutionID' THEN SolutionID END DESC END END ELSE --this else is for the sortdirection BEGIN IF @OrderBy = 'BucketID' or @OrderBy = 'FollowUp' BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID IS null AND FollowUp = @Alias ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'BucketID' THEN BucketID WHEN 'FollowUp' THEN FollowUP END ASC END ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID IS null AND FollowUp = @Alias ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'iBucket' THEN iBucket WHEN 'CrashCount' THEN CrashCount WHEN 'BugID' THEN BugID WHEN 'SolutionID' THEN SolutionID END ASC END END END END ELSE IF ( @Solved = 'all' ) BEGIN IF ( @Raided = 'Raided' ) BEGIN IF ( @SortDir = 'DESC' ) BEGIN IF @OrderBy = 'BucketID' or @OrderBy = 'FollowUp' BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE BugID IS NOT Null AND FollowUp = @Alias ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'BucketID' THEN BucketID WHEN 'FollowUp' THEN FollowUP END DESC END ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE BugID IS NOT Null AND FollowUp = @Alias ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'iBucket' THEN iBucket WHEN 'CrashCount' THEN CrashCount WHEN 'BugID' THEN BugID WHEN 'SolutionID' THEN SolutionID END DESC END END ELSE BEGIN IF @OrderBy = 'BucketID' or @OrderBy = 'FollowUp' BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE BugID IS NOT Null AND FollowUp = @Alias ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'BucketID' THEN BucketID WHEN 'FollowUp' THEN FollowUP END ASC END ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE BugID IS NOT Null AND FollowUp = @Alias ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'iBucket' THEN iBucket WHEN 'CrashCount' THEN CrashCount WHEN 'BugID' THEN BugID WHEN 'SolutionID' THEN SolutionID END ASC END END END --end raided ELSE IF ( @Raided = 'notRaided' ) BEGIN IF ( @SortDir = 'DESC' ) BEGIN IF @OrderBy = 'BucketID' or @OrderBy = 'FollowUp' BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE BugID IS Null AND FollowUp = @Alias ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'BucketID' THEN BucketID WHEN 'FollowUp' THEN FollowUP END DESC END ELSE --IF @OrderBy = 'iBucket' OR @OrderBy = 'BugID' OR @OrderBy = 'SolutionID' BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE BugID IS Null AND FollowUp = @Alias ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'iBucket' THEN iBucket WHEN 'CrashCount' THEN CrashCount WHEN 'BugID' THEN BugID WHEN 'SolutionID' THEN SolutionID END DESC END END ELSE --this else is for the sortdirection BEGIN IF @OrderBy = 'BucketID' or @OrderBy = 'FollowUp' BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE BugID IS Null AND FollowUp = @Alias ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'BucketID' THEN BucketID WHEN 'FollowUp' THEN FollowUP END ASC END ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE BugID IS Null AND FollowUp = @Alias ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'iBucket' THEN iBucket WHEN 'CrashCount' THEN CrashCount WHEN 'BugID' THEN BugID WHEN 'SolutionID' THEN SolutionID END ASC END END END ELSE IF ( @Raided = 'All' ) BEGIN IF ( @SortDir = 'DESC' ) BEGIN IF @OrderBy = 'BucketID' or @OrderBy = 'FollowUp' BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE FollowUp = @Alias ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'BucketID' THEN BucketID WHEN 'FollowUp' THEN FollowUP END DESC END ELSE --IF @OrderBy = 'iBucket' OR @OrderBy = 'BugID' OR @OrderBy = 'SolutionID' BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE FollowUp = @Alias ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'iBucket' THEN iBucket WHEN 'CrashCount' THEN CrashCount WHEN 'BugID' THEN BugID WHEN 'SolutionID' THEN SolutionID END DESC END END ELSE --this else is for the sortdirection BEGIN IF @OrderBy = 'BucketID' or @OrderBy = 'FollowUp' BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE FollowUp = @Alias ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'BucketID' THEN BucketID WHEN 'FollowUp' THEN FollowUP END ASC END ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) SELECT iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE FollowUp = @Alias ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'iBucket' THEN iBucket WHEN 'CrashCount' THEN CrashCount WHEN 'BugID' THEN BugID WHEN 'SolutionID' THEN SolutionID END ASC END END END END select iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID from @TmpTable where Anindex>= ((@Page-1)*@PageSize+1) and AnIndex <= ((@Page) *@PageSize) GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO CREATE PROCEDURE DBGP_GetBucketsByElapsedTime( @Page int = 1, @PageSize int = 25, @Solved varchar(10) = 'UnSolved', @Raided varchar(10) = 'NotRaided', @OrderBy varchar(10) = 'CrashCount', @SortDir varchar(10) = 'DESC', @Reserved varchar(20) = 'none', @NumDays int = 2 ) AS declare @tmpTable Table( AnIndex int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, -- [BucketIndex] [int], iBucket int, BucketID varchar(100), FollowUp varchar(50), CrashCount int , BugID int , SolutionID int ) DECLARE @EndRow int SET @EndRow = (@Page*@PageSize) + 1 SET ROWCOUNT @EndRow --DECLARE @NumDays INT --SET @NumDays = 2 IF ( @Solved = 'UnSolved' ) BEGIN IF ( @Raided = 'NotRaided' ) BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) select Distinct(CD.iBucket), BucketID, FollowUp, Count(CD.iBucket) as CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID from DBGPortal_CrashData as CD inner join DBGPortal_BucketData as BD on CD.iBucket = BD.iBucket where DATEDIFF(day,EntryDate,GETDATE()) < @NumDays AND SolutionID IS Null and BugID is NULL GROUP BY CD.iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, BugID, SolutionID ORDER BY CrashCount desc END IF ( @Raided = 'Raided' ) BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) select Distinct(CD.iBucket), BucketID, FollowUp, Count(CD.iBucket) as CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID from DBGPortal_CrashData as CD inner join DBGPortal_BucketData as BD on CD.iBucket = BD.iBucket where DATEDIFF(day,EntryDate,GETDATE()) < @NumDays AND SolutionID IS Null and BugID is NOT NULL GROUP BY CD.iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, BugID, SolutionID ORDER BY CrashCount desc END IF ( @Raided = 'All' ) BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) select Distinct(CD.iBucket), BucketID, FollowUp, Count(CD.iBucket) as CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID from DBGPortal_CrashData as CD inner join DBGPortal_BucketData as BD on CD.iBucket = BD.iBucket where DATEDIFF(day,EntryDate,GETDATE()) < @NumDays AND SolutionID is NULL GROUP BY CD.iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, BugID, SolutionID ORDER BY CrashCount desc END END ELSE IF( @Solved = 'Solved' ) BEGIN IF ( @Raided = 'Raided' ) BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) select Distinct(CD.iBucket), BucketID, FollowUp, Count(CD.iBucket) as CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID from DBGPortal_CrashData as CD inner join DBGPortal_BucketData as BD on CD.iBucket = BD.iBucket where DATEDIFF(day,EntryDate,GETDATE()) < @NumDays AND SolutionID IS NOT Null AND BugID IS NOT NULL GROUP BY CD.iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, BugID, SolutionID ORDER BY CrashCount desc END IF ( @Raided = 'NotRaided' ) BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) select Distinct(CD.iBucket), BucketID, FollowUp, Count(CD.iBucket) as CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID from DBGPortal_CrashData as CD inner join DBGPortal_BucketData as BD on CD.iBucket = BD.iBucket where DATEDIFF(day,EntryDate,GETDATE()) < @NumDays AND SolutionID IS NOT Null AND BugID is NULL GROUP BY CD.iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, BugID, SolutionID ORDER BY CrashCount desc END IF ( @Raided = 'all' ) BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) select Distinct(CD.iBucket), BucketID, FollowUp, Count(CD.iBucket) as CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID from DBGPortal_CrashData as CD inner join DBGPortal_BucketData as BD on CD.iBucket = BD.iBucket where DATEDIFF(day,EntryDate,GETDATE()) < @NumDays AND SolutionID IS NOT Null GROUP BY CD.iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, BugID, SolutionID ORDER BY CrashCount desc END END ELSE IF ( @Solved = 'all' ) BEGIN IF ( @Raided = 'NotRaided' ) BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) select Distinct(CD.iBucket), BucketID, FollowUp, Count(CD.iBucket) as CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID from DBGPortal_CrashData as CD inner join DBGPortal_BucketData as BD on CD.iBucket = BD.iBucket where DATEDIFF(day,EntryDate,GETDATE()) < @NumDays AND BugID is NULL GROUP BY CD.iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, BugID, SolutionID ORDER BY CrashCount desc END IF ( @Raided = 'Raided' ) BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) select Distinct(CD.iBucket), BucketID, FollowUp, Count(CD.iBucket) as CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID from DBGPortal_CrashData as CD inner join DBGPortal_BucketData as BD on CD.iBucket = BD.iBucket where DATEDIFF(day,EntryDate,GETDATE()) < @NumDays AND BugID is NOT NULL GROUP BY CD.iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, BugID, SolutionID ORDER BY CrashCount desc END IF ( @Raided = 'All' ) BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) select Distinct(CD.iBucket), BucketID, FollowUp, Count(CD.iBucket) as CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID from DBGPortal_CrashData as CD inner join DBGPortal_BucketData as BD on CD.iBucket = BD.iBucket where DATEDIFF(day,EntryDate,GETDATE()) < @NumDays GROUP BY CD.iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, BugID, SolutionID ORDER BY CrashCount desc END -- INSERT INTO @tmpTable ( iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID ) -- select Distinct(CD.iBucket), BucketID, FollowUp, Count(CD.iBucket) as CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID from DBGPortal_CrashData as CD -- inner join DBGPortal_BucketData as BD on CD.iBucket = BD.iBucket -- where DATEDIFF(day,EntryDate,GETDATE()) < @NumDays -- GROUP BY CD.iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, BugID, SolutionID -- ORDER BY CrashCount desc END select iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount, BugID, SolutionID from @TmpTable where Anindex>= ((@Page-1)*@PageSize+1) and AnIndex <= ((@Page) *@PageSize) SET ROWCOUNT 0 GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO CREATE PROCEDURE "DBGP_GetBucketsBySpecificBuildNumber"( @Build int, @QueryType tinyint = 1 ) AS --Unsolved buckets IF ( @QueryType = 1 ) BEGIN SELECT TOP 25 sBucket, BTI.BucketID, FollowUP, "Crash Count", BugID, SolutionID FROM ( SELECT sBucket, Count(sBucket) as "Crash Count" FROM CrashInstances WHERE BuildNo = @Build GROUP BY sBucket ) AS One INNER JOIN BucketToInt as BTI ON sBucket = BTI.iBucket LEFT JOIN Solutions.dbo.SolvedBuckets on BTI.BucketID = strBucket LEFT JOIN RaidBugs as R on BTI.iBucket=R.iBucket INNER JOIN FollowupIDs AS F on BTI.iFollowUP = F.iFollowUP WHERE SolutionID is NULL and BugID is Null ORDER BY "Crash Count" DESC END --Raided buckets IF( @QueryType = 2 ) BEGIN SELECT TOP 25 Two.iBucket, BTI.BucketID, FollowUP, "Crash Count", BugID, SolutionID FROM ( SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT iBucket, BugID, Count(sBucket) as "Crash Count" FROM (SELECT iBucket, BugID FROM RaidBugs) as One INNER JOIN CrashInstances ON iBucket = sBucket WHERE BuildNo = @Build GROUP BY iBucket, BugID ORDER BY "Crash Count" DESC ) as Two INNER JOIN BucketToInt as BTI on BTI.iBucket = Two.iBucket LEFT JOIN FollowupIDs as F on BTI.iFollowUP = F.iFollowUP LEFT JOIN Solutions.DBO.SolvedBuckets on BTI.BucketID = strBucket WHERE SolutionID is NULL ORDER BY "Crash Count" DESC END --Solved Buckets IF( @QueryType = 3 ) BEGIN SELECT TOP 25 Two.iBucket, two.BucketID, FollowUp, Count(sBucket) as "Crash Count", BugId, SolutionID FROM ( SELECT iBucket, BTI.BucketID, FollowUP, SolutionID FROM ( SELECT strBucket, SolutionID FROM Solutions.DBO.SolvedBuckets ) as One INNER JOIN BucketToInt as BTI ON one.StrBucket = BTI.BucketID LEFT JOIN FollowUPIds as F ON BTI.iFollowUp = F.iFollowUP ) as Two INNER JOIN CrashInstances as C on Two.iBucket = sBucket LEFT JOIN RaidBugs as R on Two.iBucket = R.iBucket WHERE BuildNo = @Build GROUP BY Two.iBucket, two.BucketID, FollowUp, BugID, SolutionID ORDER BY "Crash Count" DESC END GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO CREATE PROCEDURE DBGP_GetCommentActions AS SELECT * FROM CommentActions WHERE ActionID <= 5 GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO CREATE PROCEDURE DBGP_GetCommentsByBucketID( @BucketID varchar(100) ) AS SELECT ActionID, EntryDate, CommentBy, [Action], Comment FROM Comments where BucketID = @BucketID ORDER BY EntryDate ASC GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO CREATE PROCEDURE DBGP_GetCrashInfoPerFile ( @filename varchar(100), @Build int ) AS select d.Drivername, COUNT(DISTINCT iBucket) as buckets, COUNT(sBucket) as Hits from BuckettoInt as I INNER JOIN CrashInstances as C on i.iBucket = c.sBucket INNER JOIN DrNames as D on i.iDriverName = d.IDriverName where d.Drivername = @Filename and BuildNo = @Build group by d.DriverName order by hits desc GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO CREATE PROCEDURE DBGP_GetCustomerInfoByBucketID ( @BucketID int ) AS --Select top 10 Crash.Path, Inc.IncidentID, Created, Display, ComputerName, [Description], Repro, Comments, Email, Contact, Phone, Lang from -- KaCustomer2.dbo.Incident as Inc --inner join KaCustomer2.dbo.customer as Cust on Inc.HighId = Cust.HighID and Inc.LowId = Cust.LowID --inner join CrashDB.dbo.CrashInstances as crash on crash.IncidentID = Inc.IncidentID -- where sBucket=@BucketID order by [Description] desc --GO Select top 100 Crash.Path, BuildNo, EntryDate, Inc.IncidentID from KaCustomer2.dbo.Incident as Inc inner join KaCustomer2.dbo.customer as Cust on Inc.HighId = Cust.HighID and Inc.LowId = Cust.LowID inner join CrashDB2.dbo.CrashInstances as crash on crash.IncidentID = Inc.IncidentID where Inc.sBucket=@BucketID order by [Description] desc GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO CREATE PROCEDURE DBGP_GetCustomerInfoByIncident( @IncidentID int ) AS --SELECT * FROM KaCustomer2.dbo.Incident where IncidentID = @IncidentID --select Display, ComputerName, OSName, OSVersion, OSLang, Description, Repro, Comments from KaCustomer2.dbo.Incident where IncidentID = @IncidentID select Email, Contact,Phone, Lang, Created, Display, ComputerName, OSName, OSVersion, OSLang, Description, Repro, Comments from KaCustomer2.dbo.Incident as I LEFT JOIN KaCustomer2.dbo.Customer as C on I.HighID=C.HighID and I.LowID=C.LowID where IncidentID = @IncidentID GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO CREATE PROCEDURE DBGP_GetDeliveryTypes AS SELECT DeliveryType FROM Solutions.DBO.DeliveryTypes GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO CREATE PROCEDURE DBGP_GetFollowUpAliases AS select distinct(FollowUP), FollowUp from FollowUPIds order by FollowUP ASC GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO CREATE PROCEDURE DBGP_GetFollowUpBucketCounts AS SELECT FollowUp, Count(iBucket) as BucketCount FROM FollowUpIds as F INNER JOIN BucketToInt as BTI on F.iFollowUp = BTI.iFollowUp GROUP BY FollowUp ORDER BY BucketCount DESC GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO CREATE PROCEDURE DBGP_GetPendingSolutionRequestByBucketID( @BucketID varchar(100) ) AS select EntryDate, CommentBy, Comment from comments where actionID = 8 and BucketID = @BucketID GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO CREATE PROCEDURE DBGP_GetPendingSolutionRequests AS select CrashCount, EntryDate, CommentBy, Comment, C.BucketID, 1 as [Create Solution] from comments as C INNER JOIN DBGPortal_BucketData as CD on C.BucketID = CD.BucketID where actionID = 8 order by crashcount DESC GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO CREATE PROCEDURE DBGP_GetSolutionTypes AS SELECT SolutionTypeName from Solutions.DBO.SolutionTypes GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO CREATE PROCEDURE DBGP_GetSolvedBucketsBySpecificBuildNumber ( @Build int ) AS SELECT top 10 two.iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount FROM ( SELECT Distinct(iBucket) as iBucket, count(iBucket) as CrashCount FROM BucketToCrash INNER JOIN ( SELECT crashID from CrashInstances where BuildNo = @Build ) as nCrashID ON BucketToCrash.CrashID = nCrashID.CrashID WHERE iBucket <> 101 and iBucket<>102 group by iBucket ) as two INNER JOIN BucketToInt on two.iBucket = BucketToInt.iBucket LEFT JOIN Solutions.dbo.SolvedBuckets on two.iBucket=bucket LEFT JOIN FollowUpIds on BucketToInt.iFollowup = followUpIds.iFollowup WHERE SolutionID is NOT null order by CrashCount DESC GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO CREATE PROCEDURE DBGP_GetStaticDataRowCount ( @Page int = 0, --dummy @PageSize int =0, --dummy @Solved varchar(20) = 'unSolved', @Raided varchar(20) = 'unRaided', @Reserved varchar(20) = 'Reserved', --sortorder @Reserved2 varchar(20) = 'Reserved', --desc @Alias varchar(20) = 'none', @NumDays int = 0 --number of days to count ) AS IF ( @Alias = 'none' ) BEGIN IF ( @NumDays = 0 ) BEGIN IF ( @Solved = 'solved' ) BEGIN IF ( @Raided = 'Raided' ) SELECT COUNT(*) as NumRows FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID is NOT null and BugID is NOT NULL ELSE IF ( @Raided = 'notRaided' ) SELECT COUNT(*) as NumRows FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID is NOT null and BugID is NULL ELSE IF ( @Raided = 'all' ) SELECT COUNT(*) as NumRows FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID is NOT null --and BugID is NULL --select COUNt(DISTINCT(CD.iBucket)) as NumRows from DBGPortal_CrashData as CD -- inner join DBGPortal_BucketData as BD on CD.iBucket = BD.iBucket -- where DATEDIFF(day,EntryDate,GETDATE()) < @NumDays AND SolutionID IS NOT NULL END ELSE IF ( @Solved = 'unsolved' ) BEGIN IF ( @Raided = 'Raided' ) SELECT COUNT(*) as NumRows FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID is null and BugID is NOT NULL ELSE IF ( @Raided = 'NotRaided' ) SELECT COUNT(*) as NumRows FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID is null and BugID is NULL ELSE IF ( @Raided = 'all' ) SELECT COUNT(*) as NumRows FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID is null -- select COUNt(DISTINCT(CD.iBucket)) as NumRows from DBGPortal_CrashData as CD -- inner join DBGPortal_BucketData as BD on CD.iBucket = BD.iBucket -- where DATEDIFF(day,EntryDate,GETDATE()) < @NumDays AND SolutionID IS NULL END ELSE IF ( @Solved = 'all' ) BEGIN IF ( @Raided = 'Raided' ) SELECT COUNT(*) as NumRows FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE BugID is NOT NULL ELSE IF ( @Raided = 'NotRaided' ) SELECT COUNT(*) as NumRows FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE BugID is NULL ELSE IF ( @Raided = 'all' ) SELECT COUNT(*) as NumRows FROM DBGPortal_BucketData END END ELSE BEGIN IF( @Solved = 'solved' ) BEGIN IF ( @Raided = 'Raided' ) select COUNt(DISTINCT(CD.iBucket)) as NumRows from DBGPortal_CrashData as CD inner join DBGPortal_BucketData as BD on CD.iBucket = BD.iBucket where DATEDIFF(day,EntryDate,GETDATE()) < @NumDays and SolutionID IS NOT NULL AND BugID is NOT NULL ELSE IF ( @Raided = 'NotRaided' ) select COUNt(DISTINCT(CD.iBucket)) as NumRows from DBGPortal_CrashData as CD inner join DBGPortal_BucketData as BD on CD.iBucket = BD.iBucket where DATEDIFF(day,EntryDate,GETDATE()) < @NumDays AND SolutionID IS NOT NULL AND BugID is NULL ELSE IF ( @Raided = 'all' ) select COUNt(DISTINCT(CD.iBucket)) as NumRows from DBGPortal_CrashData as CD inner join DBGPortal_BucketData as BD on CD.iBucket = BD.iBucket where DATEDIFF(day,EntryDate,GETDATE()) < @NumDays AND SolutionID IS NOT NULL END ELSE IF ( @Solved = 'unsolved' ) BEGIN IF ( @Raided = 'Raided' ) select COUNt(DISTINCT(CD.iBucket)) as NumRows from DBGPortal_CrashData as CD inner join DBGPortal_BucketData as BD on CD.iBucket = BD.iBucket where DATEDIFF(day,EntryDate,GETDATE()) < @NumDays and SolutionID IS NULL AND BugID is NOT NULL ELSE IF ( @Raided = 'NotRaided' ) select COUNt(DISTINCT(CD.iBucket)) as NumRows from DBGPortal_CrashData as CD inner join DBGPortal_BucketData as BD on CD.iBucket = BD.iBucket where DATEDIFF(day,EntryDate,GETDATE()) < @NumDays AND SolutionID IS NULL AND BugID is NULL ELSE IF ( @Raided = 'all' ) select COUNt(DISTINCT(CD.iBucket)) as NumRows from DBGPortal_CrashData as CD inner join DBGPortal_BucketData as BD on CD.iBucket = BD.iBucket where DATEDIFF(day,EntryDate,GETDATE()) < @NumDays and SolutionID IS NULL END ELSE IF ( @Solved= 'all' ) BEGIN IF ( @Raided = 'Raided' ) select COUNt(DISTINCT(CD.iBucket)) as NumRows from DBGPortal_CrashData as CD inner join DBGPortal_BucketData as BD on CD.iBucket = BD.iBucket where DATEDIFF(day,EntryDate,GETDATE()) < @NumDays and BugID is NOT NULL ELSE IF ( @Raided = 'NotRaided' ) select COUNt(DISTINCT(CD.iBucket)) as NumRows from DBGPortal_CrashData as CD inner join DBGPortal_BucketData as BD on CD.iBucket = BD.iBucket where DATEDIFF(day,EntryDate,GETDATE()) < @NumDays AND BugID is NULL ELSE IF ( @Raided = 'all' ) select COUNt(DISTINCT(CD.iBucket)) as NumRows from DBGPortal_CrashData as CD where DATEDIFF(day,EntryDate,GETDATE()) < @NumDays END END END ELSE BEGIN IF ( @Solved = 'solved' ) BEGIN IF ( @Raided = 'Raided' ) SELECT COUNT(*) as NumRows FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID is NOT null and BugID is NOT NULL AND FollowUp = @Alias ELSE IF ( @Raided = 'NotRaided' ) SELECT COUNT(*) as NumRows FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID is NOT null AND FollowUp = @Alias and BugID is NULL ELSE IF ( @Raided = 'All' ) SELECT COUNT(*) as NumRows FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID is NOT null AND FollowUp = @Alias END ELSE IF ( @Solved = 'unSolved' ) BEGIN IF ( @Raided = 'Raided' ) SELECT COUNT(*) as NumRows FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID is null and BugID is NOT NULL AND FollowUp = @Alias ELSE IF ( @Raided = 'notRaided' ) SELECT COUNT(*) as NumRows FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID is null and BugID is NULL AND FollowUp = @Alias ELSE IF ( @Raided = 'All' ) SELECT COUNT(*) as NumRows FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE SolutionID is NULL and FollowUp = @Alias END ELSE IF ( @Solved = 'all' ) BEGIN IF ( @Raided = 'Raided' ) SELECT COUNT(*) as NumRows FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE BugID is NOT NULL AND FollowUp = @Alias ELSE IF ( @Raided = 'notRaided' ) SELECT COUNT(*) as NumRows FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE BugID is NULL AND FollowUp = @Alias ELSE IF ( @Raided = 'All' ) SELECT COUNT(*) as NumRows FROM DBGPortal_BucketData WHERE FollowUp = @Alias END END GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO CREATE PROCEDURE DBGP_GetTopUnsolvedBuckets AS SELECT TOP 25 BTI.iBucket, BTI.BucketID, FollowUP, [Crash Count], BugID, SolutionID FROM (SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT sBucket, Count(sBucket) as [Crash Count] FROM CrashInstances group by sBucket ORDER by [Crash Count] DESC ) as One INNER JOIN BucketToInt as BTI on sBucket=BTI.iBucket INNER JOIN FollowUPIDs as F on BTI.iFollowUP = F.iFollowup LEFT JOIN Solutions.dbo.SolvedBuckets as SOL on BucketID = SOL.strbucket LEFT JOIN RaidBugs as R on BTI.iBucket = R.iBucket WHERE BugID is NULL and SolutionID is NULL order by [Crash Count] DESC GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO CREATE PROCEDURE DBGP_GetUnsolvedBucketsBySpecificBuildNumber ( @Build int ) AS SELECT top 10 two.iBucket, BucketID, FollowUp, CrashCount FROM ( SELECT Distinct(iBucket) as iBucket, count(iBucket) as CrashCount FROM BucketToCrash INNER JOIN ( SELECT crashID from CrashInstances where BuildNo = @Build ) as nCrashID ON BucketToCrash.CrashID = nCrashID.CrashID WHERE iBucket <> 101 and iBucket<>102 group by iBucket ) as two INNER JOIN BucketToInt on two.iBucket = BucketToInt.iBucket LEFT JOIN Solutions.dbo.SolvedBuckets on two.iBucket=bucket LEFT JOIN FollowUpids on BucketToInt.iFollowup = followUpids.iFollowup WHERE SolutionID is null order by CrashCount DESC GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO CREATE PROCEDURE DBGP_GetibucketByBucketID( @BucketID Varchar(100) ) AS SELECT iBucket FROM BucketToInt where BucketID = @BucketID GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO CREATE PROCEDURE DBGP_SetBucketBugNumber ( @BucketID varchar(100), @BugID int, @iBucket int, @Area varchar(30) ) AS IF EXISTS( SELECT iBucket FROM RaidBugs WHERE BucketID = @BucketID ) UPDATE RaidBugs SET BugID=@BugID, Area=@Area WHERE BucketID = @BucketID ELSE INSERT INTO RaidBugs (iBucket, BugID, BucketID, Area ) VALUES ( @iBucket, @BugID, @BucketID, @Area ) GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO CREATE PROCEDURE DBGP_SetComment( @By varchar(20), -- @Action nvarchar(50), @Action int, @Comment nvarchar(1000), @BucketID varchar(100), @iBucket int ) AS DECLARE @ActionString nvarchar(50) IF ( @Action = 7 ) UPDATE Comments SET ActionID = 6, Action=(SELECT [Action] FROM CommentActions WHERE ActionID = 6) WHERE BucketID=@BucketID and ActionID = 8 if ( @Action = 9 ) UPDATE Comments SET ActionID = 10, Action=(SELECT [Action] FROM CommentActions WHERE ActionID = 10) WHERE BucketID=@BucketID and ActionID = 8 SELECT @ActionString = [Action] from CommentActions where ActionID = @Action INSERT INTO Comments ( EntryDate, CommentBy, [Action], Comment, BucketID, ActionID, iBucket ) VALUES ( GETDATE(), @By, @ActionString, @Comment, @BucketID, @Action, @iBucket ) GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO CREATE PROCEDURE DBGP_UpdateCrashData AS DECLARE @LastUpdate datetime select top 1 @LastUpdate = EntryDate from DBGPortal_Crashdata order by EntryDate DESC PRINT @LastUpdate INSERT INTO dbgportal_CrashData (Path, BuildNo, EntryDate, IncidentID, email, Description, Comments, Repro, iBucket, TrackID ) select Crash.Path, BuildNo, EntryDate, Inc.IncidentID, Email, Description, Comments, Repro, Crash.sBucket, trackID from CrashInstances as Crash left join KaCustomer2.dbo.Incident as Inc on Crash.IncidentID=Inc.IncidentID left join KaCustomer2.dbo.customer as Cust on Inc.HighId = Cust.HighID and Inc.LowId = Cust.LowID WHERE EntryDate > @LastUpdate GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO CREATE PROCEDURE DBGP_UpdateStaticDataBugID ( @BucketID varchar(100), @BugID int ) AS UPDATE DBGPortal_BucketData SET BugID = @BugID WHERE BucketID = @BucketID GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO CREATE PROCEDURE DBGP_UpdateStaticDataSolutionID( @BucketID varchar(100), @SolutionID int ) AS UPDATE DBGPortal_BucketData SET SolutionID = @SolutionID WHERE BucketID = @BucketID GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO CREATE PROCEDURE "SEP_CountTotalBuckets" AS SELECT COUNT(*) as TotalBuckets FROM BucketToInt GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO CREATE PROCEDURE "SEP_GetBucketBugID"( @iBucket int ) AS SELECT BugID FROM RaidBugs where iBucket = @iBucket GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO CREATE PROCEDURE "SEP_GetBucketList" AS SELECT iBucket, BucketId FROM BucketToInt GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO CREATE PROCEDURE "SEP_GetBucketListRange"( @Start as int, @Size as int ) AS SELECT iBucket, BucketId FROM BucketToInt where iBucket >= @Start and iBucket <= (@Start + @Size) order by iBucket GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO CREATE PROCEDURE "SEP_GetBucketNameByiBucket" ( @iBucket int ) AS SELECT BucketID FROM BucketToInt WHERE iBucket = @iBucket GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO