#include "MSMQMon.h" int __cdecl main( int argc, TCHAR *argv[]) { //TCHAR szConnectString[] = _T("TKBGITWB16\\PRIVATE$\\OCAIN"); TCHAR szConnectString[] = _T("SOLSON22\\PRIVATE$\\TEST"); int count; HRESULT hResult; MSMQMon Test( szConnectString ); TCHAR Queue[256]; Test.DisplayCurrentQueue( Queue ); hResult = Test.ConnectToQueue(); if( S_OK == hResult || MQ_OK == hResult ) { _tprintf( _T("running count\n")); hResult = Test.CountMessagesInQueue( &count ); if( MQ_OK == hResult ) _tprintf( _T("Count of messages: %i\n"), count ); if( Test.CloseOpenQueue() != MQ_OK ) _tprintf( _T("it failed to close the queue\n")); } else { printf("FAILED - Great error message eh?: %x", hResult ); } Test.ConnectToQueue( MQ_SEND_ACCESS ); for( int i=0 ; i < 200000 ; i++ ) { if( !Test.SendQueueMessage() ) { _tprintf( _T("Failed to send message\n")); } } if( Test.CloseOpenQueue() != MQ_OK ) _tprintf( _T("it failed to close the queue\n")); //Test.ConnectToQueue( MQ_PEEK_ACCESS ); //_tprintf( _T("running count\n")); //Test.CountMessagesInQueue(); }