<% Dim cnConnection Dim rsCustomer Dim iIncident Dim strPreviousPage Dim rsPremier Dim strHex Dim strName Dim strPhone Dim strEmail Dim strHigh Dim strLow Dim strTemp Call CVerifyEntry Call CVerifyPassport Call CCreateObjects Call CCreateConnection if cnConnection.State = adStateOpen then Call CGetPremierID if Request.Cookies("Misc")("auto") = "True" then Call CSetPassport else Response.Cookies("Misc")("auto") = "False" End If End If Call CSetPreviousPage Call CGetCustomerProfile Call CDestroyObjects '_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 'Sub Procedures Private Sub CSetPreviousPage on error resume next strPreviousPage = Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") strPreviousPage = Right(strPreviousPage, len(strPreviousPage) - Instrrev(strPreviousPage, "/")) Response.Cookies("Misc")("PreviousPage") = strPreviousPage End Sub Private Sub CGetCustomerProfile on error resume next if oPassMgrObj.Profile("MemberIdHigh") <> "" and oPassMgrObj.Profile("MemberIdLow")<> "" then Set rsCustomer = cnConnection.execute("Exec GetCustomer " & oPassMgrObj.Profile("MemberIdHigh") & ", " & oPassMgrObj.Profile("MemberIdLow")) set rsCustomer.ActiveConnection = Nothing if rsCustomer.State = adStateOpen then if rsCustomer.RecordCount > 0 then strEmail = rsCustomer("EMail") strName = rsCustomer("Contact") strPhone = rsCustomer("Phone") if Request.Cookies("intCustomerPremierID") = 0 then if IsNull(rsCustomer("PremierID")) = false then Response.Cookies("intCustomerPremierID") = rsCustomer("PremierID") end if end if else strName = oPassMgrObj.Profile("MemberName") strPhone = "" strEmail = oPassMgrObj.Profile("PreferredEmail") end if else strName = oPassMgrObj.Profile("MemberName") strPhone = "" strEmail = oPassMgrObj.Profile("PreferredEmail") end if end if End Sub Private Sub CSetPassport on error resume next if Request.Cookies("Misc")("auto") = "True" then if oPassMgrObj.Profile("MemberIdHigh") <> "" and oPassMgrObj.Profile("MemberIdLow") <> "" then iIncident = Request.Cookies("Misc")("txtIncidentID") cnConnection.Execute("Exec SetPassport " & oPassMgrObj.Profile("MemberIdHigh") & ", " & oPassMgrObj.Profile("MemberIdLow") & ", " & iIncident) if cnConnection.Errors.Count > 0 then cnConnection.Errors.Clear Exit Sub End if end if end if End Sub Private Sub CGetPremierID on error resume next Response.Cookies("intCustomerPremierID") = 0 strHigh = CStr(Hex(oPassMgrObj.Profile("MemberIdHigh"))) strLow = Cstr(Hex(oPassMgrObj.Profile("MemberIdLow"))) if Len(strHigh) > 8 then strHigh = right(strHigh, 8) end if if len(strLow) > 8 then strLow = right(strHigh, 8) end if if Len(strHigh) < 8 then strTemp = String(8 - len(strHigh), "0") strHigh =strTemp & strHigh end if if Len(strLow) < 8 then strTemp = string(8 - len(strLow), "0") strLow = strTemp & strLow end if strHex = strHigh & strLow set rsPremier = cnConnection.Execute("Exec GetPremierID '" & strHex & "'") if cnConnection.Errors.Count > 0 then Response.Cookies("intCustomerPremierID") = 0 Exit Sub End if if rsPremier.State = adStateOpen then if rsPremier.RecordCount > 0 then Response.Cookies("intCustomerPremierID") = rsPremier.Fields(0).Value else Response.Cookies("intCustomerPremierID") = 0 end if else Response.Cookies("intCustomerPremierID") = 0 end if End Sub Private Sub CVerifyEntry on error resume next if Trim(Request.Cookies("Misc")("PreviousPage")) <> "locate.asp" and Trim(Request.Cookies("Misc")("PreviousPage")) <> "submit.asp" then if Request.Cookies("Misc")("privacy") <> "1" then Response.Redirect("https://" & Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") & "/secure/sprivacy.asp") Response.End end if end if End Sub Private Sub CVerifyPassport on error Resume next If oPassMgrObj.IsAuthenticated(TimeWindow, ForceLogin) = false then Response.Cookies("Misc")("P") = "1" Response.Write "



" Response.write oPassMgrObj.LogoTag2(Server.URLEncode(ThisPageURL), TimeWindow, ForceLogin, CoBrandArgs, strLCID, Secure) Response.Write "

" Response.Write "
" %> <% Response.End end if End Sub Private Sub CCreateObjects on error resume next set cnConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")'Create Connection Object set rsCustomer = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")'Create Recordset Object set rsPremier = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") End Sub Private Sub CDestroyObjects on error resume next if rsCustomer.State = adStateOpen then rsCustomer.Close set rsCustomer = nothing if rsPremier.State = adStateOpen then rsPremier.Close set rsPremier = nothing if cnConnection.State = adStateOpen then cnConnection.Close set cnConnection = nothing End Sub Private Sub CCreateConnection on error resume next with cnConnection .ConnectionString = strCustomer .CursorLocation = adUseClient .ConnectionTimeout = strGlobalConnectionTimeout .Open end with 'Catch errors and display to user if cnConnection.State = adStateClosed then Response.Write "


" Response.Write "


" cnConnection.Errors.Clear Call CDestroyObjects %> <% Response.End end if End Sub If oPassMgrObj.IsAuthenticated(TimeWindow, ForceLogin) = true then Response.Cookies("Misc")("P") = "0" '_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ %>



<% = Server.HTMLEncode(rsCustomer("Contact")) %>

<% strName = Replace(strName, Chr(34), """) if Len(strName) = 4 and strName = "~|~|" then %> <% else if Session.CodePage = 932 then %> <% else %> <% end if end if %>

<% if Len(strEmail) = 4 and strEmail = "~|~|" then %> <% else if Session.CodePage = 932 then %> <% else %> <% end if end if %>

<% if Len(strPhone) = 4 and strPhone = "~|~|" then %> <% else if Session.CodePage = 932 then %> <% else %> <% end if end if %>

<% if Request.Cookies("Misc")("auto") = "True" then %>

<% else %>



<% end if %>
<% End if %>