/* Copyright 1999 Microsoft Corporation Symbol resolver class Walter Smith (wsmith) changed Sivarudrappa Mahesh (smahesh) */ #pragma once #include "symdef.h" class SymbolResolver { public: OPENFILE* // pointer to open file info GetFile(LPWSTR szwModule // [in] name of file ); ULONG // return offset of segment definition, 0 if failed GetSegDef(OPENFILE* pFile, // [in] pointer to open file info DWORD dwSection, // [in] section number SEGDEF* pSeg); // [out] pointer to segment definition bool GetNameFromAddr( LPWSTR szwModule, // [in] name of symbol file DWORD dwSection, // [in] section part of address to resolve DWORD dwOffsetToRva, UINT_PTR UOffset, // [in] offset part of address to resolve LPWSTR szwFuncName // [out] resolved function name, ); private: WCHAR m_szwSymDir[MAX_PATH]; };