_STDCALL=1 # Set this to 1 if you use an older compiler and link386.exe (OMB format) # dont set this if you use MSVC20 compiler and link.exe (COFF format, default) #OMB=1 !IFNDEF DEBLEVEL DEBLEVEL=1 !ENDIF DDEB = -DDEBUG -DDBG=1 -DDEBLEVEL=$(DEBLEVEL) -DNDIS2=1 -DCHICAGO -Zi RDEB = -DDEBLEVEL=0 -DCHICAGO TARGETPATH = $(BASEDIR)\lib\i386\$(DDKBUILDENV) !if "$(DDKBUILDENV)" == "checked" DEBUG = 1 BINTYPE = debug DEB = $(DDEB) BIN = obj\i386\$(DDKBUILDENV) !else BINTYPE = retail DEB = $(RDEB) BIN = obj\i386\$(DDKBUILDENV) !endif WIN32 = $(DDKROOT) NETROOT = $(DDKROOT)\src\net INCLUDE = $(INC32);$(INCLUDE);.;.\inc DDKTOOLS = $(WIN32)\bin ASM = ml CL = cl -bzalign CHGNAM = chgnam.exe CHGNAMSRC = $(DDKTOOLS)\chgnam.vxd INCLUDES = $(NETROOT)\bin\includes.exe MAPSYM = mapsym !ifdef OMB LIBVXD = $(DDKROOT)\lib\i386\free\vxdwraps.lib LINK = link386.exe !else LIBVXD = $(DDKROOT)\lib\i386\free\vxdwraps.clb LINK = link.exe !endif LFLAGS = /m /NOD /MA /LI /NOLOGO /NOI CFLAGS = -nologo -W2 -Zp -Gs -DIS_32 -Zl -c AFLAGS = -DIS_32 -nologo -W2 -Zm -Cx -DMASM6 -DVMMSYS -Zm -DDEVICE=$(DEVICE) !ifdef OMB AFLAGS = $(AFLAGS) -DNDIS_WIN -c !else AFLAGS = $(AFLAGS) -DNDIS_WIN -c -coff -DBLD_COFF !endif !ifdef NDIS_MINI_DRIVER NDIS_STDCALL=1 CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) -DNDIS_MINI_DRIVER AFLAGS = $(AFLAGS) -DNDIS_MINI_DRIVER !endif !ifdef NDIS_STDCALL CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) -Gz -DNDIS_STDCALL AFLAGS = $(AFLAGS) -DNDIS_STDCALL !endif .asm{$(BIN)}.obj: set INCLUDE=$(INCLUDE) set ML= $(AFLAGS) $(DEB) $(ASM) -Fo$*.obj $< .asm{$(BIN)}.lst: set INCLUDE=$(INCLUDE) set ML= $(AFLAGS) $(DEB) $(ASM) -Fl$*.obj $< .c{$(BIN)}.obj: set INCLUDE=$(INCLUDE) set CL= $(CFLAGS) $(DEB) $(CL) -Fo$*.obj $< # $(CHGNAM) $(CHGNAMSRC) $*.obj {$(NDISSRC)}.asm{$(BIN)}.obj: set INCLUDE=$(INCLUDE) set ML= $(AFLAGS) $(DEB) -DMAC=$(DEVICE) $(ASM) -Fo$*.obj $< {$(NDISSRC)}.asm{$(BIN)}.lst: set INCLUDE=$(INCLUDE) set ML= $(AFLAGS) $(DEB) -DMAC=$(DEVICE) $(ASM) -Fl$*.obj $< {$(NDISSRC)}.c{$(BIN)}.obj: set INCLUDE=$(INCLUDE) set CL= $(CFLAGS) $(DEB) $(CL) -Fo$*.obj $< # $(CHGNAM) $(CHGNAMSRC) $*.obj target: $(BIN) $(TARGETPATH)\$(DEVICE).VXD $(BIN): if not exist $(BIN)\nul md $(BIN) dbg: depend $(MAKE) BIN=debug DEB="$(DDEB)" rtl: depend $(MAKE) BIN=retail DEB="$(RDEB)" all: rtl dbg !if EXIST (depend.mk) !include depend.mk !endif VERSION = 4.0 !ifdef OMB $(TARGETPATH)\$(DEVICE).VXD: $(OBJS) $(DEVICE).def $(LIBVXD) ! ifndef PASS0ONLY @echo link -OUT:$@ $(LINK) @<< $(OBJS: =+^ ) $(TARGETPATH)\$(DEVICE).VXD $(LFLAGS) $(BIN)\$(DEVICE).map $(LIBNDIS) $(LIBVXD) $(DEVICE).def << ! endif !else $(TARGETPATH)\$(DEVICE).VXD: $(OBJS) $(DEVICE).def $(LIBNDIS) $(LIBVXD) ! ifndef PASS0ONLY @echo link -OUT:$@ $(LINK) @<< -MACHINE:i386 -DEBUG:NONE -PDB:NONE -DEF:$(DEVICE).def -OUT:$(TARGETPATH)\$(DEVICE).VXD -MAP:$(BIN)\$(DEVICE).map -VXD $(LIBNDIS) $(LIBVXD) $(OBJS: =^ ) << ! endif !endif copy $(DEVICE).inf $(TARGETPATH) copy myndi.dll $(TARGETPATH) cd $(BIN) $(MAPSYM) $(DEVICE) cd ..\.. depend: # -mkdir debug # -mkdir retail set INCLUDE=$(INCLUDE) $(INCLUDES) -i -L$$(BIN) -S$$(BIN) *.asm *.c > depend.mk $(INCLUDES) -i -L$$(BIN) -S$$(BIN) $(NDISSRC)\ndisdev.asm >> depend.mk clean : - @if exist obj\i386\*.obj del obj\i386\*.obj - @if exist obj\i386\*.sym del obj\i386\*.sym - @if exist obj\i386\*.vxd del obj\i386\*.VXD - @if exist obj\i386\*.map del obj\i386\*.map - @if exist obj\i386\*.lst del obj\i386\*.lst - @if exist obj\i386\*.exp del obj\i386\*.exp - @if exist obj\i386\*.lib del obj\i386\*.lib - @if exist debug\*.obj del debug\*.obj - @if exist debug\*.sym del debug\*.sym - @if exist debug\*.vxd del debug\*.VXD - @if exist debug\*.map del debug\*.map - @if exist debug\*.lst del debug\*.lst - @if exist debug\*.exp del debug\*.exp - @if exist debug\*.lib del debug\*.lib - @if exist depend.mk del depend.mk - @if exist retail\*.obj del retail\*.obj - @if exist retail\*.sym del retail\*.sym - @if exist retail\*.VXD del retail\*.VXD - @if exist retail\*.map del retail\*.map - @if exist retail\*.lst del retail\*.lst - @if exist retail\*.exp del retail\*.exp - @if exist retail\*.lib del retail\*.lib - @if exist depend.mk del depend.mk