//... Prototypes of functions in resread.c that are used in other modules #ifndef _RESREAD_H_ #define _RESREAD_H_ int MyStrLen( TCHAR *psz); #ifdef _DEBUG PBYTE MyAlloc( DWORD size, LPSTR pszFile, WORD wLine); PBYTE MyReAlloc( BYTE *p, DWORD n, LPSTR pszFile, WORD wLine); #else PBYTE MyAlloc( DWORD n); PBYTE MyReAlloc( BYTE *p, DWORD n); #endif void MyFree( void *UNALIGNED*p); int InsDlgToks( CHAR * s1, CHAR * s2, WORD n); void FreeLangIDList( void); typedef struct _tagLangList { WORD wLang; struct _tagLangList *pNext; } LANGLIST, * PLANGLIST; #ifdef _DEBUG typedef struct _tagMemList { char szMemFile[ _MAX_PATH]; WORD wMemLine; PBYTE pMem; struct _tagMemList *pNext; } MEMLIST, * PMEMLIST; void FreeMemList( FILE *pfFile); void FreeMemListItem( void *p, FILE *pfFile); #endif // _DEBUG #endif // _RESREAD_H_