Controlling Trace Log Sessions
Once a trace log session has been created, as
explained in Creating New Trace Log
Sessions, TraceView can be used to control activities of that
session. All control options for a given session are
available by right clicking the session’s line in the Trace Log Session List
window in TraceView as shown here:
The possible options are:
- Start Trace
- Stop Trace
- Group Sessions
- Ungroup Sessions
- Remove Log Session
Starting Trace Log Sessions
Newly created log
sessions are started automatically. But, once stopped a log session has
to be explicitly started again from the the menu above. Starting the log
session both starts the providers associated with the trace log session and starts
TraceView consuming events from those providers. Only stopped trace log
sessions will have Start Trace as an option. Grouped trace log sessions
all start together, and cannot be started individually while grouped.
Stoping Trace Log Sessions
Stopping a currently
active trace log session causes the providers associated with the trace log
session to stop generating events and it stops TraceView from attempting to
consume events from those providers. Only currently active trace log
sessions will have Stop Trace as an option. Grouped sessions all stop
together and cannot be individually stopped while grouped.
Grouping Trace Log Sessions
It is possible to group
multiple distinct trace log sessions together in TraceView, such that all trace
log sessions have their events displayed in a single display window.
Grouping is accomplished in a similar fashion to start or stop by right
clicking on the session’s line in the Trace Log Session List window and
selecting the appropriate option from the pop-up menu. Grouping of active
trace log sessions is only supported on .NET and later operating systems.
Grouping of multiple existing log file sessions is supported on all platforms
supporting TraceView. ‘Group Sessions’ will only appear as a valid option
if multiple trace log sessions for real-time trace providers are selected, or
multiple existing log file sessions are selected, but not both. Also, for
real-time trace log sessions, the sessions must all be stopped in order for the
‘Group Sessions’ to be a valid option. Again, ‘Group Sessions’ will not
show up as a valid option for real-time trace log sessions on any platform
prior to the .NET platforms. Once grouped, all trace log session trace
output will displayed to a single display window for all trace log sessions in
the group. Upon grouping, if any display windows end up having no trace
log sessions associated with them, they are removed.
Ungrouping Trace Log Sessions
‘Ungroup Sessions’ is
only a valid option for stopped trace log sessions. When ungrouped, all
trace log sessions are automatically restarted. Ungrouped sessions are
given a new display window for output.
Removing Trace Log Sessions
Only stopped trace log sessions can be removed. Removal of a log session
will cause the removal of the trace log session’s information from the Trace
Log Session List window, and will cause the associated display window to be
deleted, if the trace log session is the last associated session with that
display window.
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