// // ARP resource file, "standard" look // #include "resource.h" #include <directuipp.h> /***************************************************** * Default style sheet rules *****************************************************/ <style resid=frame> arpframe { accessible: true; accRole: 9; accName: rcstr(IDS_ARPTITLE); fontsize: sysmetric(DSM_ICONFONTSIZE); fontweight: sysmetric(DSM_ICONFONTWEIGHT); fontstyle: sysmetric(DSM_ICONFONTSTYLE); fontface: sysmetricstr(DSMS_ICONFONTFACE); background: window; foreground: windowtext; } </style> <style resid=closepane> element [id=atom(closepane)] { background: buttonface; padding: rect(10,10,10,10); } button { background: dfc(DFC_BUTTON, DFCS_BUTTONPUSH); foreground: buttontext; contentalign: middlecenter; padding: rect(20,6,20,6); } button [pressed] { background: dfc(DFC_BUTTON, DFCS_BUTTONPUSH | DFCS_PUSHED); padding: rect(21,7,19,5); } button [keyfocused] { contentalign: middlecenter | focusrect; } button [enabled=false] { background: dfc(DFC_BUTTON, DFCS_BUTTONPUSH | DFCS_INACTIVE); foreground: graytext; fontstyle: shadow; } progress { borderthickness: rect(2,2,2,2); bordercolor: buttonface; borderstyle: sunken; padding: rect(1,1,1,1); margin: rect(0, 4, 0, 2); foreground: rcbmp(IDB_PROGRESS); } </style> <style resid=optionpane> ARPSelector { background: appworkspace; foreground: buttontext; padding: rect(3,3,3,3); } element { background: argb(0,0,0,0); } button { bordercolor: appworkspace; borderthickness: rect(2,2,2,2); foreground: captiontext; margin: rect(5,5,5,5); padding: rect(2,2,2,4); } button [keyfocused] { borderstyle: raised; bordercolor: threedlightshadow; } button [mousefocused] { borderstyle: raised; bordercolor: threedlightshadow; } button [pressed] { borderstyle: sunken; padding: rect(3,3,1,3); bordercolor: threedlightshadow; } button [selected] { borderstyle: sunken; padding: rect(3,3,1,3); bordercolor: threedlightshadow; } </style> <style resid=contentpane> element [id=atom(contentpane)] { padding: rect(10,10,10,10); } element [id=atom(installedlistcontainer)] { borderthickness: rect(1,1,1,1); bordercolor: buttonshadow; padding: rect(0,0,0,0); } element [id=atom(publishedlistcontainer)] { borderthickness: rect(1,1,1,1); bordercolor: buttonshadow; padding: rect(0,0,0,0); } element [id=atom(ocsetuplistcontainer)] { borderthickness: rect(1,1,1,1); bordercolor: buttonshadow; padding: rect(0,0,0,0); } element [id=atom(label)] { padding: rect(0,5,5,5); } element { padding: rect(2,2,2,2); } element [id=atom(sort)] { padding: rect(2,2,0,2); } button { background: dfc(DFC_BUTTON, DFCS_BUTTONPUSH); foreground: buttontext; padding: rect(8,6,8,6); margin: rect(5,5,5,5); } button [pressed] { background: dfc(DFC_BUTTON, DFCS_BUTTONPUSH | DFCS_PUSHED); padding: rect(9,7,7,5); } button [keyfocused] { contentalign: focusrect; } </style> <style resid=listscroller> scrollbar { layoutpos: ninebottom; } scrollbar [vertical] { layoutpos: nineright; } viewer { layoutpos: nineclient; } thumb { background: dfc(DFC_BUTTON, DFCS_BUTTONPUSH); } repeatbutton [id=atom(lineup)] { background: dfc(DFC_SCROLL, DFCS_SCROLLUP); width: sysmetric(SM_CXVSCROLL); height: sysmetric(SM_CYVSCROLL); } repeatbutton [id=atom(lineup)][pressed] { background: dfc(DFC_SCROLL, DFCS_SCROLLUP | DFCS_PUSHED); } repeatbutton [id=atom(linedown)] { background: dfc(DFC_SCROLL, DFCS_SCROLLDOWN); width: sysmetric(SM_CXVSCROLL); height: sysmetric(SM_CYVSCROLL); } repeatbutton [id=atom(linedown)][pressed] { background: dfc(DFC_SCROLL, DFCS_SCROLLDOWN | DFCS_PUSHED); } repeatbutton [class="Page"] { background: scrollbar; } repeatbutton [class="Page"][pressed] { background: buttonshadow; } scrollviewer[id=atom(clientscroller)] { borderstyle: solid; borderthickness: rect(1,1,1,1); bordercolor: buttonshadow; margin: rect(0,10rp,0,0); } </style> <style resid=itemlist> arpitem { padding: rect(1,1,1,3); } arpitem [selected] { background: buttonface; foreground: buttontext; bordercolor: buttontext; } arpitem [keyfocused][selected] { background: highlight; foreground: highlighttext; bordercolor: highlighttext; } element { padding: rect(1,1,1,1); } element [id=atom(title)][selected] { fontweight: extrabold; } button { padding: rect(1,1,1,1); contentalign: wrapright; } button [id=atom(supinfo)] { contentalign: wrapleft; } button [selected] { fontstyle: underline; cursor: hand; } button [id=atom(supinfo)][keyfocused] { contentalign: wrapleft|focusrect; } button [keyfocused] { fontstyle: none; contentalign: wrapright|focusrect; } </style> <style resid=itemaction> button { background: dfc(DFC_BUTTON, DFCS_BUTTONPUSH); foreground: buttontext; padding: rect(8,6,8,6); margin: rect(5,5,5,5); } button [pressed] { background: dfc(DFC_BUTTON, DFCS_BUTTONPUSH | DFCS_PUSHED); padding: rect(9,7,7,5); } button [keyfocused] { contentalign: focusrect; } </style> <style resid=helppopup> arphelp { accessible: true; accRole: 9; background: infobackground; foreground: infotext; padding: rect(6,6,6,6); fontsize: sysmetric(DSM_ICONFONTSIZE); fontweight: sysmetric(DSM_ICONFONTWEIGHT); fontstyle: sysmetric(DSM_ICONFONTSTYLE); fontface: sysmetricstr(DSMS_ICONFONTFACE); } element [id=atom(divider)] { background: infotext; } element [id=atom(rdivider)] { background: infotext; } element { background: argb(0,0,0,0); } element [id=atom(title)] { fontsize: sysmetric(DSM_CAPTIONFONTSIZE); fontweight: sysmetric(DSM_CAPTIONFONTWEIGHT); fontstyle: sysmetric(DSM_CAPTIONFONTSTYLE); fontface: sysmetricstr(DSMS_CAPTIONFONTFACE); } button [Enabled] { foreground: hotlight; fontstyle: underline; } button [MouseFocused] { cursor: hand; } button [class="winstyle"] { background: dfc(DFC_BUTTON, DFCS_BUTTONPUSH); foreground: buttontext; padding: rect(8,6,8,6); margin: rect(5,5,5,5); cursor: arrow; fontstyle: none; } button [class="winstyle"][pressed] { background: dfc(DFC_BUTTON, DFCS_BUTTONPUSH | DFCS_PUSHED); padding: rect(9,7,7,5); } button [keyfocused] { contentalign: focusrect; } ARPSupportItem { ContentAlign: WrapLeft; } </style> <style resid=pickapppane> // top padding makes the baseline of the element line up with the combobox element [class="clientcaption"] { padding: rect(0,4rp,8rp,0); } element [class="clientcaption"][id=atom(rowheader)] { fontweight: bold; } // top padding makes the baseline of the element line up with the combobox // left padding does the same for horizontal positioning element [class="clientstatic"] { padding: rect(3rp,4rp,0,0); } // Separates clients in the OEM/MS/NonMS section element [class="interrowspacer"] { height: 6rp; } // Provides spacing around the introductory blurb text for each section element [class="blurbtext"] { padding:rect(0,8rp,8rp,8rp); } // Provides spacing at the bottom of the section // (Do not give any top padding or that will put the white gradient // in the wrong place.) element [id=atom(clipped)] { padding:rect(0,0,0,4rp); } element [id=atom(radiobutton)] { width: sysmetric(SM_CXMENUCHECK); height: sysmetric(SM_CYMENUCHECK); margin: rect(0,6rp,8rp,6rp); layoutpos: left; background: dfc(DFC_BUTTON, DFCS_BUTTONRADIO); } element [id=atom(radiobutton)][selected] { background: dfc(DFC_BUTTON, DFCS_BUTTONRADIO | DFCS_CHECKED); } element [id=atom(radiotext)] { layoutpos: left; contentalign: middleleft; } // The purpose of the "radioindent" class is to get the text inside // each expando to line up exactly with the text next to the radio button // in the header. element [class="radioindent"] { layoutpos: left; padding: rect(8rp,0,0,0); } element [id=atom(checkbutton)] { width: sysmetric(SM_CXMENUCHECK); height: sysmetric(SM_CYMENUCHECK); margin: rect(0,6rp,8rp,6rp); layoutpos: left; background: dfc(DFC_BUTTON, DFCS_BUTTONCHECK); } element [id=atom(checkbutton)][selected] { background: dfc(DFC_BUTTON, DFCS_BUTTONCHECK | DFCS_CHECKED); } element [id=atom(checkbutton)][enabled=false] { background: dfc(DFC_BUTTON, DFCS_BUTTONCHECK | DFCS_INACTIVE); } element [id=atom(checkbutton)][selected][enabled=false] { background: dfc(DFC_BUTTON, DFCS_BUTTONCHECK | DFCS_CHECKED | DFCS_INACTIVE); } element [id=atom(checktext)] { layoutpos: client; contentalign: wrapleft; } element [id=atom(checktext)][enabled=false] { foreground: graytext; } autobutton [id=atom(arrow)] { layoutpos: right; content: rcbmp(IDB_DOWN,3,-1,0,0,0,0,handlemap(SHELLSTYLEHINSTANCE)); } autobutton [id=atom(arrow)][selected] { content: rcbmp(IDB_UP,3,-1,0,0,0,0,handlemap(SHELLSTYLEHINSTANCE)); } // need to add this padding to avoid colliding with the focus rect autobutton [class="padded"] { padding: rect(8rp,2rp,8rp,2rp); } button [keyfocused] { contentalign: focusrect; } autobutton [keyfocused] { contentalign: focusrect; } expando { animation: rectanglev | s | fast; } expando [selected] { background: buttonface; foreground: buttontext; } clipper { alpha: 0; animation: alpha | s | fast; } clipper [expanded] { alpha: 255; } // This controls the spacing of the rows in the custom client section element [class="customclientitem"] { padding: rect(20rp,6rp,8rp,6rp); } gradientline { animation: rectanglev | s | fast; height: 1rp; } gradientline [class="intercategory"] { foreground: highlight; } gradientline [class="interheader"] { foreground: buttonface; margin: rect(0,1rp,0,1rp); } gradientline [class="innerheader"] { foreground: buttonface; } gradientline [class="innerheader"][selected] { foreground: window; } </style>