// Localized strings
var L_UnknownAcct_Property  = "Unknown account type";
var L_Owner_Property        = "Computer administrator";
var L_Limited_Property      = "Limited account";
var L_Password_Property     = "Password protected";
var L_Guest_Property        = "Guest account";
var L_GuestEnabled_Property = "Guest account is on";
var L_GuestDisabled_Property= "Guest account is off";

var L_ClickHere_Text        = "Click here to type";

var L_Account_ToolTip       = "Change this person's account information, such as the account type, name, password, or picture, or delete this account.";//'
var L_Guest_ToolTip         = "Change the guest account picture or prevent guest access to this computer.";
var L_GuestEnable_ToolTip   = "Provide computer access for people without a user account on this computer.";

var L_Welcome_ToolTip       = "The Welcome screen shows the names of everyone with a user account for this computer. This screen appears when you start the computer or switch users.";
var L_Start_ToolTip         = "In the Start menu you can choose a computer activity, such as reading new e-mail messages or browsing the Web. This menu is personalized for everyone who shares this computer.";
var L_SelfHint_ToolTip      = "A password hint can help you remember your password.";
var L_NonSelfHint_ToolTip   = "A password hint can help this person remember his or her password.";

var L_SHGinaLoad_ErrorMessage       = "Windows cannot open the User Accounts control panel.";
var L_NoCurrentUser_ErrorMessage    = "The current user account is not recognized. Restart the computer and then open User Accounts.";
var L_PasswordMismatch_Message      = "The passwords you typed do not match. Please retype the new password in both boxes.";
var L_InvalidPassword_Message       = "The password you typed is incorrect. Please retype your current password.";
var L_PasswordTooShort_Message      = "The password you typed does not meet the password policy requirements. Check the minimum password length, password complexity and password history requirements.";
var L_ChangePassword_ErrorMessage   = "Windows cannot change the password.";
var L_PasswordRequired_Message      = "Windows cannot remove the password.  Password and/or account policies require the account to have a password.";
var L_RemovePassword_ErrorMessage   = "Windows cannot remove the password.";
var L_NameNotValid_ErrorMessage     = "The specified account name is not valid, because account names cannot contain the following characters: /\\[]\":;|<>+=,?*@\n\nPlease type a different name.";//"
var L_DOSName_ErrorMessage          = "The specified account name cannot be used, because it is a reserved name. Please type a different name.";
var L_NameIsComputer_ErrorMessage   = "The user name cannot be the same as the computer name.\n\nPlease type a different name.";
var L_GroupNotExist_ErrorMessage    = "The specified group does not exist.";
var L_AccountExists_ErrorMessage    = "An account named '%1' already exists. Type a different name.";
var L_UnknownImageType_ErrorMessage = "The specified picture is an unknown type or is not valid. Select a different picture.";
var L_NoCamera_ErrorMessage         = "No camera or scanner is available. Make sure the camera is connected and is turned on, and then try again.";
var L_FriendlyUI_ErrorMessage       = "Windows cannot apply the Welcome screen setting you selected.";
var L_MultiUser_ErrorMessage        = "Windows cannot apply the Fast User Switching setting you selected.";
var L_MultiUserMulti_ErrorMessage   = "Fast User Switching cannot be turned off while multiple users are logged on. Make sure that all other users are logged off, and then try again.";
var L_MultiUserRemote_ErrorMessage  = "Fast User Switching cannot be turned off from a remote connection to this computer. Log on to the computer locally to turn off Fast User Switching.";
var L_MultiUserSession0_ErrorMessage= "Fast User Switching cannot be turned off at this time. Log off, log back on, and then turn off Fast User Switching.";
var L_DeleteInUse_ErrorMessage      = "The account you want to delete is logged on. Before you can delete it, you must switch to that user account and log off that user.";
var L_DisableGuestInUse_ErrorMessage= "The Guest account is logged on. Before you can turn off the Guest account, you must switch to the Guest account and log it off.";
var L_NonStandardGina_ErrorMessage  = "A recently installed program has disabled the Welcome screen and Fast User Switching. To restore these features, you must uninstall the program. The following file name might help you identify the program that made the change:  %1";
var L_NetWareClient_ErrorMessage    = "Client Services for NetWare has disabled the Welcome screen and Fast User Switching. To restore these features, you must uninstall Client Services for NetWare.";
var L_NoPassportURL_ErrorMessage    = "Windows cannot connect to the Passport Member Services Web site.";
var L_CSCNoFUS_ErrorMessage         = "Fast User Switching cannot be used because Offline Files is currently enabled.\n\nTo make changes to Offline Files settings, click OK.";