/***************************************************************************** C L I P B O O K R E S O U R C E S H E A D E R Name: clpblkrc.h Date: 21-Jan-1994 Creator: John Fu Description: This file contains definitions of the resource IDs. *****************************************************************************/ // resource ID's #define IDACCELERATORS 1 #define IDFRAMEICON 2 #define IDI_CLIPBRD 3 #define IDI_CLIPBOOK 4 #define IDI_REMOTE 5 #define IDBITMAP 6 #define IDSTATUS 7 #define IDCVMENU 8 #define IBM_UPARROW 9 #define IBM_DNARROW 10 #define IBM_UPARROWD 11 #define IBM_DNARROWD 12 #define IDLOCKICON 13 #define IDSHAREICON 14 #define IDC_TOOLBAR 401 #define IDC_CLIPBOOK 16 #define IDC_CLIPBRD 17 #define IDC_REMOTE 18 // user defined messages #define WM_CLOSE_REALLY WM_USER #define WM_F1DOWN (WM_USER + 1) // menuhelp constants #define MH_BASE 10000 #define MH_POPUPBASE 0x1100 #define MH_TOOLTIP 0x1200 #define IDH_FORMATS_BASE 10400 #define IDH_BASE 10000 /* * main menu items */ #define IDM_FIRST 20 #define IDM_ABOUT 20 #define IDM_EXIT 21 #define IDM_COPY 22 #define IDM_DELETE 23 #define IDM_SHARE 24 #define IDM_LOCAL 25 #define IDM_PROPERTIES 26 #define IDM_OPEN 27 #define IDM_SAVEAS 28 #define IDM_NOP 29 #define IDM_CONNECT 30 #define IDM_DISCONNECT 31 #define IDM_CONTENTS 32 #define IDM_SEARCHHELP 33 #define IDM_HELPHELP 34 #define IDM_KEEP 35 #define IDM_UNSHARE 36 #define IDM_TOOLBAR 37 #define IDM_STATUSBAR 38 #define IDM_TILEVERT 39 #define IDM_CASCADE 40 #define IDM_ARRANGEICONS 41 #define IDM_CLPWND 43 #define IDM_REFRESH 44 #define IDM_LISTVIEW 45 #define IDM_PREVIEWS 46 #define IDM_PAGEVIEW 47 #define IDM_TILEHORZ 48 #define IDM_PERMISSIONS 49 #define IDM_AUDITING 50 #define IDM_OWNER 51 #define IDM_PASTE_PAGE 52 // following have no actual menu items #define IDM_UPDATE_PAGEVIEW 53 #define IDM_LAST 53 // strings #define IDS_HELV 21 #define IDS_APPNAME 22 #define IDS_SHROBJNAME 23 #define IDS_INTERNALERR 26 #define IDS_LOCALCLIP 27 #define IDS_CLIPBOARD 28 #define IDS_DATAUNAVAIL 29 #define IDS_READINGITEM 30 #define IDS_VIEWHELPFMT 31 #define IDS_ACTIVATEFMT 32 #define IDS_RENDERING 33 #define IDS_DEFFORMAT 34 #define IDS_GETTINGDATA 35 #define IDS_NAMEEXISTS 36 #define IDS_NOCONNECTION 38 #define IDS_ESTABLISHING 39 #define IDS_CLIPBOOKONFMT 40 #define IDS_PAGEFMT 41 #define IDS_PAGEFMTPL 42 #define IDS_PAGEOFPAGEFMT 43 #define IDS_DELETE 44 #define IDS_DELETECONFIRMFMT 45 #define IDS_FILEFILTER 46 #define IDS_PASTEDLGTITLE 47 #define IDS_SHAREDLGTITLE 48 #define IDS_PAGENAMESYNTAX 49 #define IDS_PASSWORDSYNTAX 50 #define IDS_SHARINGERROR 51 #define IDS_MAXPAGESERROR 52 #define IDS_PRIVILEGEERROR 53 #define IDS_CB_PAGE 54 #define IDS_NOCLPBOOK 55 #define IDS_GETPERMS 56 #define IDS_FILTERTEXT 57 // Filter string in FileType combo-box #define IDS_TSNOTSUPPORTED 58 // Not Supported from a remote session // Header text string ids #define IDS_ERROR 202 // as string ids. Be sure to keep these #define IDS_BINARY 203 // different. #define IDS_CLEAR 204 #define IDS_CANTDISPLAY 207 // "Can't display data in this format" #define IDS_NOTRENDERED 208 // "Application Couldn't render data" #define IDS_ALREADYOPEN 209 // OpenClipboard() fails */ #define IDS_MEMERROR 210 // clausgi addition.. planes/bitsperpixel don't match... #define IDS_BADBMPFMT 211 #define IDS_CLEARTITLE 212 #define IDS_CONFIRMCLEAR 213 #define IDS_TRUSTSHRKEY 256 #define IDS_CLPBKKEY 257 // First permission name -- starts an array of permnames. #define IDS_PERMNAMEFIRST 0x0400 #define IDS_AUDITNAMEFIRST 0x0500 // control ID's #define ID_LISTBOX 200 #define ID_VSCROLL 201 #define ID_HSCROLL 202 #define ID_SIZEBOX 203 #define ID_PAGEUP 204 #define ID_PAGEDOWN 205 // For "Special" Text #define IDS_SPECIAL 1000 //For Menu string of Clipboard Format name. #define MNDELTA 500 #define CF_MN_TEXT CF_TEXT + MNDELTA #define CF_MN_BITMAP CF_BITMAP + MNDELTA #define CF_MN_METAFILEPICT CF_METAFILEPICT + MNDELTA #define CF_MN_SYLK CF_SYLK + MNDELTA #define CF_MN_DIF CF_DIF + MNDELTA #define CF_MN_TIFF CF_TIFF + MNDELTA #define CF_MN_OEMTEXT CF_OEMTEXT + MNDELTA #define CF_MN_DIB CF_DIB + MNDELTA #define CF_MN_PALETTE CF_PALETTE + MNDELTA #define CF_MN_PENDATA CF_PENDATA + MNDELTA #define CF_MN_RIFF CF_RIFF + MNDELTA #define CF_MN_WAVE CF_WAVE + MNDELTA #define CF_MN_OWNERDISPLAY CF_OWNERDISPLAY + MNDELTA #define CF_MN_DSPTEXT CF_DSPTEXT + MNDELTA #define CF_MN_DSPBITMAP CF_DSPBITMAP + MNDELTA #define CF_MN_DSPMETAFILEPICT CF_DSPMETAFILEPICT + MNDELTA #define CF_MN_ENHMETAFILE CF_ENHMETAFILE + MNDELTA #define CF_MN_DSPENHMETAFILE CF_DSPENHMETAFILE + MNDELTA #define CF_MN_UNICODETEXT CF_UNICODETEXT + MNDELTA #define CF_MN_HDROP CF_HDROP + MNDELTA #define CF_MN_LOCALE CF_LOCALE + MNDELTA