/********************************************************/ /* */ /* */ /* EUDC EDITOR ( Windows 95) */ /* */ /* * Japanese Version */ /* * Korea Version */ /* * Chinese Version */ /* */ /* */ /* Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation. */ /********************************************************/ #include "stdafx.h" #include #include "eudcedit.h" #include "mainfrm.h" #include "registry.h" #include "util.h" #include "assocdlg.h" #define STRSAFE_LIB #include #ifdef _DEBUG #undef THIS_FILE static char BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CEudcApp, CWinApp) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CEudcApp) ON_COMMAND(ID_APP_ABOUT, OnAppAbout) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP ON_COMMAND(ID_CONTEXT_HELP, CWinApp::OnContextHelp) END_MESSAGE_MAP() /* Global parameter */ INT CAPTION_HEIGHT; // height of caption INT BITMAP_WIDTH; // width of bitmap INT BITMAP_HEIGHT; // height of bitmap TCHAR HelpPath[MAX_PATH]; // help file path TCHAR ChmHelpPath[MAX_PATH]; // help file path for HtmlHelp TCHAR FontPath[MAX_PATH]; // font file path DWORD COLOR_GRID; // grid color DWORD COLOR_FITTING; // bitmap color on show outline DWORD COLOR_CURVE; // color of outline DWORD COLOR_FACE; // Win95 3D Face SystemColor DWORD COLOR_HLIGHT; // Win95 3D HighLight System Color DWORD COLOR_SHADOW; // Win95 3D Shadow SystemColor DWORD COLOR_WIN; // Win95 Window System Color CString NotMemTtl; CString NotMemMsg; HCURSOR ToolCursor[NUMTOOL]; // cursor for tool HCURSOR ArrowCursor[NUMRESIZE]; // cursor for resize COUNTRYINFO CountryInfo; // country information structure /* Global function */ extern BOOL SetCountryInfo( UINT LocalCP); BOOL g_bKeepEUDCLink = TRUE; extern "C" BOOL AnyLinkedFonts(); CEudcApp NEAR theApp; /************************************************/ /* */ /* Default Constructor */ /* */ /************************************************/ CEudcApp::CEudcApp() { } /************************************************/ /* */ /* Initialize Instance */ /* */ /************************************************/ BOOL CEudcApp::InitInstance() { CString MainWndTitle; CRect MainWndRect; UINT MaxWndFlag; HRESULT hresult; // Check whether EUDC editor can open or not if( !CheckPrevInstance()) return FALSE; // // Cicero and Cicero TIP currently does not support EUDC mode. // Use IMM32's IMEs on eudcedit.exe. // DisableCUAS(); /*------------------------------------------------ * check if it's Administrator *------------------------------------------------*/ TCHAR winpath[MAX_PATH]; HANDLE nfh; GetSystemWindowsDirectory( winpath, MAX_PATH); #ifdef IN_FONTS_DIR // CAssocDlg::OnOK() //*STRSAFE* lstrcat( winpath, TEXT("\\FONTS\\")); hresult = StringCchCat(winpath , ARRAYLEN(winpath), TEXT("\\FONTS\\")); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { return FALSE; } #else //*STRSAFE* lstrcat( winpath, TEXT("\\")); hresult = StringCchCat(winpath , ARRAYLEN(winpath), TEXT("\\")); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { return FALSE; } #endif // IN_FONTS_DIR //*STRSAFE* lstrcat(winpath, _T("eudcadm.tte")); hresult = StringCchCat(winpath , ARRAYLEN(winpath), _T("eudcadm.tte")); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { return FALSE; } nfh = CreateFile(winpath, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_DELETE, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if ( nfh == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { HINSTANCE hInst = AfxGetInstanceHandle(); TCHAR szMessage[256]; LoadString(hInst, IDS_ACCESSDENIED, szMessage, sizeof(szMessage) / sizeof(TCHAR)); AfxMessageBox(szMessage, MB_OK, 0); return FALSE; } else { CloseHandle(nfh); DeleteFile(winpath); } // Set background color for dialog COLOR_FACE = ::GetSysColor( COLOR_3DFACE); COLOR_HLIGHT = ::GetSysColor( COLOR_3DHILIGHT); COLOR_SHADOW = ::GetSysColor( COLOR_3DSHADOW); COLOR_WIN = ::GetSysColor( COLOR_WINDOW); // SetDialogBkColor( COLOR_FACE); // Set 3d controls Enable3dControls(); // Create registry subkey if( !CreateRegistrySubkey()) return FALSE; // Open "EUDCEDIT.INI", read data if( !GetProfileText( &MainWndRect, &MaxWndFlag)) return FALSE; // Get Language ID with GetSystemDefaultLCID() // Get area of EUDC from registry and WideCharToMultiByte(). if( !GetCountryInfo()) return FALSE; #if WINVER >= 0x0500 // Remember original font link status before we do anything //pliu g_bKeepEUDCLink = AnyLinkedFonts(); #endif // Get Cursor from resource if( !GetCursorRes()) return FALSE; // Get font and help file path if( !GetFilePath()) return FALSE; // Create MDI mainFrame window MainWndTitle.LoadString( IDS_MAINFRAMETITLE); CMainFrame* pMainFrame = new CMainFrame; if (!pMainFrame->Create( MainWndTitle, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW , MainWndRect, MAKEINTRESOURCE( IDR_MAINFRAME))){ return FALSE; } pMainFrame->ShowWindow( m_nCmdShow); if( MaxWndFlag){ pMainFrame->ShowWindow( SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED); } pMainFrame->UpdateWindow(); m_pMainWnd = pMainFrame; CAssocDlg dlg(m_pMainWnd); if (!dlg.InitSystemFontAssoc()) { return FALSE; } pMainFrame->m_wndGuideBar.PositionStatusPane(); pMainFrame->SendMessage(WM_COMMAND, ID_READ_CHAR, NULL); return TRUE; } BOOL CEudcApp::ExitInstance() { HRESULT hresult; if (!g_bKeepEUDCLink && CountryInfo.bOnlyUnicode) { DWORD dwStart = GetTickCount(); // Stop if this has taken too long while (1) { if( GetTickCount() - dwStart >= 1000 ) break; } EnableEUDC(FALSE); TCHAR szDefaultFace[LF_FACESIZE]; TCHAR szFontPath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR *Ptr; GetStringRes(szDefaultFace, IDS_SYSTEMEUDCFONT_STR, ARRAYLEN(szDefaultFace)); if (InqTypeFace(szDefaultFace, szFontPath,MAX_PATH)) { // // delete file eudc.tte // DeleteFile(szFontPath); if(( Ptr = Mytcsrchr( szFontPath, '.')) != NULL) { *Ptr = '\0'; //*STRSAFE* lstrcat( szFontPath, TEXT(".EUF")); hresult = StringCchCat(szFontPath , ARRAYLEN(szFontPath), TEXT(".EUF")); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { goto RET; } // // delete file eudc.euf // DeleteFile(szFontPath); } } DeleteRegistrySubkey(); EnableEUDC(TRUE); } RET: return CWinApp::ExitInstance(); } /************************************************/ /* */ /* Check whether editor can open or not */ /* */ /************************************************/ BOOL CEudcApp::CheckPrevInstance() { HWND hWnd; TCHAR TitleBuf[50]; GetStringRes(TitleBuf, IDS_MAINFRAMETITLE, ARRAYLEN(TitleBuf)); // Search previous eudcedit mainframe. hWnd = ::FindWindow( NULL, TitleBuf); if( hWnd == NULL) return TRUE; else ::SetForegroundWindow( hWnd); return FALSE; } /************************************************/ /* */ /* disable CUAS */ /* */ /************************************************/ void CEudcApp::DisableCUAS() { typedef BOOL (*PFNIMMDISABLETEXTFRAMESERVICE)(DWORD); PFNIMMDISABLETEXTFRAMESERVICE pfn; HMODULE hMod = LoadLibrary(TEXT("imm32.dll")); if (hMod) { pfn = (PFNIMMDISABLETEXTFRAMESERVICE)GetProcAddress(hMod, "ImmDisableTextFrameService"); if (pfn) pfn(-1); } } /************************************************/ /* */ /* Correspond to waitting for Input */ /* */ /************************************************/ BOOL CEudcApp::OnIdle( LONG lCount) { CWnd *pWnd; if( !lCount){ for( pWnd = m_pMainWnd->GetWindow( GW_HWNDFIRST); pWnd != NULL; pWnd = pWnd->GetNextWindow( GW_HWNDNEXT)){ if( m_pMainWnd == pWnd->GetParent()){ if( pWnd == m_pMainWnd->GetActiveWindow() && ( ::GetCapture() == NULL)) m_pMainWnd->SetActiveWindow(); pWnd->SendMessage( WM_IDLEUPDATECMDUI, (WPARAM)TRUE, 0L); } } } return CWinApp::OnIdle( lCount); } /************************************************/ /* */ /* Open "EUDCEDIT.INI" */ /* Set parameter of EUDC Editor */ /* */ /************************************************/ BOOL CEudcApp::GetProfileText( LPRECT MainWndRect, UINT *MaxWndFlag) { TCHAR ProfileBuf[MAX_PATH], *pString; TCHAR Separation[] = TEXT(" ,"); INT xScreen , yScreen; UINT BitmapSiz; BYTE Rcolor, Gcolor, Bcolor; CString GridColor, CurvColor, FittColor, MainWnd; if (!MaxWndFlag) { return FALSE; } // Get system metrics CAPTION_HEIGHT = ::GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYCAPTION); xScreen = ::GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXSCREEN); yScreen = ::GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYSCREEN); // Read bitmapsize and maxflag BitmapSiz = this->GetProfileInt(TEXT("Bitmap"), TEXT("BitmapSize"), DEF_BITMAPSIZE); if( BitmapSiz <= 0) BitmapSiz = DEF_BITMAPSIZE; if( BitmapSiz > MAX_BITMAPSIZE) BitmapSiz = DEF_BITMAPSIZE; BitmapSiz = ((BitmapSiz + sizeof(WORD)-1)/sizeof(WORD))*sizeof(WORD); if( BitmapSiz > MAX_BITMAPSIZE) BitmapSiz = MAX_BITMAPSIZE; if( BitmapSiz < MIN_BITMAPSIZE) BitmapSiz = MIN_BITMAPSIZE; BITMAP_WIDTH = BitmapSiz; BITMAP_HEIGHT = BitmapSiz; *MaxWndFlag = this->GetProfileInt(TEXT("WindowSize"), TEXT("MinMaxFlag"), 0); // Read color GridColor = this->GetProfileString(TEXT("Color"), TEXT("Grid"), TEXT("128 128 128")); CurvColor = this->GetProfileString(TEXT("Color"), TEXT("Curve"), TEXT("255 0 0")); FittColor = this->GetProfileString(TEXT("Color"), TEXT("Fitting"), TEXT("128 128 128")); // Read grid color ConvStringRes((TCHAR *)ProfileBuf, GridColor, ARRAYLEN(ProfileBuf)); if(( pString = Mytcstok( ProfileBuf, Separation)) == NULL) Rcolor = 0; else Rcolor = (BYTE)Myttoi( pString); if(( pString = Mytcstok( NULL, Separation)) == NULL) Gcolor = 0; else Gcolor = (BYTE)Myttoi( pString); if(( pString = Mytcstok( NULL, Separation)) == NULL) Bcolor = 0; else Bcolor = (BYTE)Myttoi( pString); COLOR_GRID = RGB( Rcolor, Gcolor, Bcolor); // Read outline color ConvStringRes(ProfileBuf, CurvColor,ARRAYLEN(ProfileBuf)); if(( pString = Mytcstok( ProfileBuf, Separation)) == NULL) Rcolor = 0; else Rcolor = (BYTE)Myttoi( pString); if(( pString = Mytcstok( NULL, Separation)) == NULL) Gcolor = 0; else Gcolor = (BYTE)Myttoi( pString); if(( pString = Mytcstok( NULL, Separation)) == NULL) Bcolor = 0; else Bcolor = (BYTE)Myttoi( pString); COLOR_CURVE = RGB( Rcolor, Gcolor, Bcolor); // Read bitmap color in show outline ConvStringRes(ProfileBuf, FittColor,ARRAYLEN(ProfileBuf)); if(( pString = Mytcstok( ProfileBuf, Separation)) == NULL) Rcolor = 0; else Rcolor = (BYTE)Myttoi( pString); if(( pString = Mytcstok( NULL, Separation)) == NULL) Gcolor = 0; else Gcolor = (BYTE)Myttoi( pString); if(( pString = Mytcstok( NULL, Separation)) == NULL) Bcolor = 0; else Bcolor = (BYTE)Myttoi( pString); COLOR_FITTING = RGB( Rcolor, Gcolor, Bcolor); // Read main window size MainWnd = this->GetProfileString(TEXT("WindowSize"),TEXT("MainWindowSize"), TEXT("")); if( *MainWnd == '\0'){ MainWndRect->left = 0; MainWndRect->top = 0; MainWndRect->right = (xScreen/5)*4; MainWndRect->bottom =(yScreen/5)*4; }else{ ConvStringRes(ProfileBuf, MainWnd, ARRAYLEN(ProfileBuf)); pString = Mytcstok( ProfileBuf, Separation); MainWndRect->left = Myttoi( pString); pString = Mytcstok( NULL, Separation); MainWndRect->top = Myttoi( pString); pString = Mytcstok( NULL, Separation); MainWndRect->right = Myttoi( pString); pString = Mytcstok( NULL, Separation); MainWndRect->bottom = Myttoi( pString); } return TRUE; } /************************************************/ /* */ /* Get country information */ /* */ /************************************************/ BOOL CEudcApp::GetCountryInfo() { UINT LocalCP; HRESULT hresult; CountryInfo.CurrentRange = 0; CountryInfo.LangID = (int)GetSystemDefaultLCID(); LocalCP = GetACP(); CountryInfo.bUnicodeMode = FALSE; CountryInfo.bOnlyUnicode = FALSE; switch( CountryInfo.LangID){ case EUDC_JPN: CountryInfo.CharacterSet = SHIFTJIS_CHARSET; break; case EUDC_HKG: CountryInfo.LangID = EUDC_CHT; // // fall through // case EUDC_CHT: CountryInfo.CharacterSet = CHINESEBIG5_CHARSET; break; case EUDC_KRW: CountryInfo.CharacterSet = HANGEUL_CHARSET; break; case EUDC_SIN: CountryInfo.LangID = EUDC_CHS; // // Fall through // case EUDC_CHS: CountryInfo.CharacterSet = GB2312_CHARSET; break; default: CHARSETINFO csi; if (TranslateCharsetInfo((DWORD*)IntToPtr(LocalCP), &csi, TCI_SRCCODEPAGE)) CountryInfo.CharacterSet = csi.ciCharset; CountryInfo.bOnlyUnicode = TRUE; CountryInfo.bUnicodeMode = TRUE; //*STRSAFE* lstrcpy(CountryInfo.szForceFont, _T("Microsoft Sans Serif")); hresult = StringCchCopy(CountryInfo.szForceFont , ARRAYLEN(CountryInfo.szForceFont), _T("Microsoft Sans Serif")); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { return FALSE; } break; } if( !SetCountryInfo( LocalCP)) return FALSE; else return TRUE; } /************************************************/ /* */ /* Get Cursor resource file */ /* */ /************************************************/ BOOL CEudcApp::GetCursorRes() { int i; // For tool cursor ToolCursor[PEN] = this->LoadCursor(IDC_PENCIL); ToolCursor[BRUSH] = this->LoadCursor(IDC_BRUSH); ToolCursor[CIRCLE] = this->LoadStandardCursor(IDC_CROSS); ToolCursor[CIRCLEFILL] = this->LoadStandardCursor(IDC_CROSS); ToolCursor[SLOPE] = this->LoadStandardCursor(IDC_CROSS); ToolCursor[RECTBAND] = this->LoadStandardCursor(IDC_CROSS); ToolCursor[RECTFILL] = this->LoadStandardCursor(IDC_CROSS); ToolCursor[FREEFORM] = this->LoadStandardCursor(IDC_CROSS); ToolCursor[RECTCLIP] = this->LoadStandardCursor(IDC_CROSS); ToolCursor[ERASER] = this->LoadCursor(IDC_ERASER); for( i = PEN; i <= ERASER; i++){ if( ToolCursor[i] == NULL){ return FALSE; } } // For select rectangle cursur ArrowCursor[VERTICAL] = this->LoadStandardCursor( MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_SIZEWE)); ArrowCursor[RIGHTSLOPE]= this->LoadStandardCursor( MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_SIZENESW)); ArrowCursor[LEFTSLOPE] = this->LoadStandardCursor( MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_SIZENWSE)); ArrowCursor[HORIZONTAL]= this->LoadStandardCursor( MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_SIZENS)); ArrowCursor[ALLDIRECT] = this->LoadStandardCursor( MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_SIZEALL)); for( i = VERTICAL; i <= ALLDIRECT; i++){ if( ArrowCursor[i] == NULL){ return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } /************************************************/ /* */ /* Get help file path */ /* */ /************************************************/ BOOL CEudcApp::GetFilePath() { HRESULT hresult; if( !GetSystemWindowsDirectory( FontPath, MAX_PATH)) return FALSE; //*STRSAFE* lstrcat(FontPath, TEXT("\\")); hresult = StringCchCat(FontPath , ARRAYLEN(FontPath), TEXT("\\")); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { return FALSE; } //*STRSAFE* lstrcpy(HelpPath, FontPath); hresult = StringCchCopy(HelpPath , ARRAYLEN(HelpPath), FontPath); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { return FALSE; } //*STRSAFE* lstrcpy(ChmHelpPath, FontPath); hresult = StringCchCopy(ChmHelpPath , ARRAYLEN(ChmHelpPath), FontPath); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { return FALSE; } //*STRSAFE* lstrcat(HelpPath, TEXT("Help\\EUDCEDIT.HLP")); hresult = StringCchCat(HelpPath , ARRAYLEN(HelpPath), TEXT("Help\\EUDCEDIT.HLP")); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { return FALSE; } //*STRSAFE* lstrcat(ChmHelpPath, TEXT("Help\\EUDCEDIT.CHM")); hresult = StringCchCat(ChmHelpPath , ARRAYLEN(ChmHelpPath), TEXT("Help\\EUDCEDIT.CHM")); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { return FALSE; } NotMemTtl.LoadString( IDS_MAINFRAMETITLE); NotMemMsg.LoadString( IDS_NOTENOUGHMEMORY_ERROR); return TRUE; } /************************************************/ /* */ /* COMMAND "About" */ /* */ /************************************************/ void CEudcApp::OnAppAbout() { HICON hIcon; TCHAR TitleBuf[50]; hIcon = LoadIcon( IDR_MAINFRAME); GetStringRes((TCHAR *)TitleBuf, IDS_MAINFRAMETITLE, ARRAYLEN(TitleBuf)); ShellAbout( m_pMainWnd->GetSafeHwnd(), TitleBuf, TEXT(""), hIcon); }