/******************************************************************************/ /* Bar.CPP: IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CStatBar (Status Bar) CLASS */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Methods in this file */ /* */ /* CStatBar::CStatBar */ /* CStatBar::~CStatBar */ /* CStatBar::Create */ /* CStatBar::OnSetFont */ /* CStatBar::DoPaint */ /* CStatBar::DrawStatusText */ /* CStatBar::SetText */ /* CStatBar::SetPosition */ /* CStatBar::SetSize */ /* CStatBar::ClearPosition */ /* CStatBar::ClearSize */ /* CStatBar::Reset */ /* CStatBar::OnPaletteChanged */ /* */ /* */ /* Functions in this file */ /* */ /* ClearStatusBarSize */ /* ClearStatusBarPosition */ /* SetPrompt */ /* SetPrompt */ /* ShowStatusBar */ /* IsStatusBarVisible */ /* GetStatusBarHeight */ /* InvalidateStatusBar */ /* ClearStatusBarPositionAndSize */ /* ResetStatusBar */ /* SetStatusBarPosition */ /* SetStatusBarSize */ /* SetStatusBarPositionAndSize */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ #include "stdafx.h" #include "global.h" #include "pbrush.h" #include "pbrusfrm.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #undef THIS_FILE static char BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC( CStatBar, CStatusBar ) #include "memtrace.h" CStatBar *g_pStatBarWnd = NULL; static UINT BASED_CODE indicators[] = { ID_SEPARATOR, // status line indicator IDB_SBPOS, IDB_SBSIZE }; BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP( CStatBar, CStatusBar ) ON_WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE() ON_MESSAGE(WM_SETFONT, OnSetFont) ON_MESSAGE(WM_SIZEPARENT, OnSizeParent) ON_WM_NCDESTROY() END_MESSAGE_MAP() static int miSlackSpace; /******************************************************************************/ CStatBar::CStatBar() { m_iBitmapWidth = 0; m_iBitmapHeight = 0; miSlackSpace = 0; m_iSizeY = 0; } CStatBar::~CStatBar() { // Ensure that the CControlBar doesn't assert trying access our parent // object (CPBFrame) during the destruction of our parent object. m_pDockSite = NULL; } /******************************************************************************/ BOOL CStatBar::Create( CWnd* pParentWnd ) { BOOL bRC = TRUE; int cxStatBar; // width of a char in the status bar // Create the status Bar Window. bRC = CStatusBar::Create(pParentWnd); ASSERT (bRC != FALSE); if (bRC != FALSE) { // Set the Pane Indicators. bRC = SetIndicators( indicators, sizeof( indicators ) / sizeof( UINT ) ); ASSERT( bRC != FALSE ); if (bRC != FALSE) { TRY { // Load the Separator Strings VERIFY(m_cstringSizeSeparator.LoadString(IDS_SIZE_SEPARATOR)); VERIFY(m_cstringPosSeparator.LoadString(IDS_POS_SEPARATOR)); } CATCH(CMemoryException,e) { m_cstringSizeSeparator.Empty(); m_cstringPosSeparator.Empty(); } END_CATCH // Load the Position and Size Bitmaps VERIFY(m_posBitmap.LoadBitmap(IDB_SBPOS)); VERIFY(m_sizeBitmap.LoadBitmap(IDB_SBSIZE)); if ( (m_posBitmap.GetSafeHandle() != NULL) && (m_sizeBitmap.GetSafeHandle() != NULL) ) { //Calculate the size of the pane and set them CClientDC dc(this); /*DK* What font to select? */ /*DK* What to do if in foreign Language, Size "0"? */ cxStatBar = (dc.GetTextExtent(TEXT("0"), 1)).cx; BITMAP bmp; m_posBitmap.GetObject(sizeof (BITMAP), &bmp); m_iBitmapWidth = bmp.bmWidth; m_iBitmapHeight = bmp.bmHeight; int iPaneWidth; UINT uiID, uiStyle; GetPaneInfo( 0, uiID, uiStyle, iPaneWidth) ; SetPaneInfo( 0, uiID, SBPS_NORMAL | SBPS_STRETCH, iPaneWidth ); GetPaneInfo(1, uiID, uiStyle, iPaneWidth); if (iPaneWidth < bmp.bmWidth + (SIZE_POS_PANE_WIDTH * cxStatBar)) { iPaneWidth = bmp.bmWidth + (SIZE_POS_PANE_WIDTH * cxStatBar); SetPaneInfo(1, uiID, uiStyle, iPaneWidth); } GetPaneInfo(2, uiID, uiStyle, iPaneWidth); if (iPaneWidth < bmp.bmWidth + (SIZE_POS_PANE_WIDTH * cxStatBar)) { iPaneWidth = bmp.bmWidth + (SIZE_POS_PANE_WIDTH * cxStatBar); SetPaneInfo(2, uiID, uiStyle, iPaneWidth); } // force a height change CFont *pcFontTemp = GetFont(); // initialize font height etc OnSetFont( (WPARAM)(HFONT)pcFontTemp->GetSafeHandle(), 0 ); } else { bRC = FALSE; } } } return bRC; } /******************************************************************************/ void CStatBar::OnNcDestroy( void ) { m_posBitmap.DeleteObject(); m_sizeBitmap.DeleteObject(); m_posBitmap.m_hObject = NULL; m_sizeBitmap.m_hObject = NULL; m_cstringSizeSeparator.Empty(); m_cstringPosSeparator.Empty(); CStatusBar::OnNcDestroy(); } /******************************************************************************/ CSize CStatBar::CalcFixedLayout(BOOL bStretch, BOOL bHorz) { CSize size = CStatusBar::CalcFixedLayout( bStretch, bHorz ); size.cy = m_iSizeY; return size; } /******************************************************************************/ /* Change the height of the status bar to allow the bitmaps to be painted */ /* in the panes. The height is set in the OnSetFont OnSetFont method. Save */ /* the current border values, change then call OnSetFont and then reset the */ /* border values */ /* */ /* This will increase the height of the whole status bar until the next */ /* OnSetFont (font change) for the status bar. */ /* */ /* In Barcore.cpp, the Height of the status bar is set in the OnSetFont */ /* method as follows: */ /* */ /* Height = = (tm.tmHeight - tm.tmInternalLeading) + */ /* CY_BORDER*4 (which is 2 extra on top, 2 */ /* on bottom) - rectSize.Height(); */ /* */ /* This is really */ /* Height = Height of Font + Border between Font and */ /* Pane edges + Border between Pane edges and */ /* Status bar window. */ /* */ /* tm.tmHeight - tm.tmInternalLeading is Font Height CY_BORDER*4 is border */ /* between font and pane edges rectSize.Height is Neg of Border between Pane */ /* and SBar rectSize is set to 0, then the deflated by the border size. */ /* Deflating from 0 => negative, and - negative gives us a positive amount. */ /* */ /* by default m_cyBottomBorder = m_cyTopBorder = 1 */ /******************************************************************************/ /* We only change the border sizes temporarily for the calculation of the */ /* status bar height. We really don't want to change the border sizes, but */ /* are just using them as a way to affect the size of the whole bar. */ /******************************************************************************/ LRESULT CStatBar::OnSetFont(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { CRect rect; int iTmpcyTopBorder = m_cyTopBorder; int iTmpcyBottomBorder = m_cyBottomBorder; m_cyTopBorder = m_cyBottomBorder = 2; miSlackSpace = 0; // Can't do this in MFC 4 // lResult = CStatusBar::OnSetFont(wParam, lParam); //initialize font height etc rect.SetRectEmpty(); CalcInsideRect( rect, TRUE ); // will be negative size int iBorder = CY_BORDER * 4 - rect.Height(); int iSize = m_iSizeY - iBorder; int cyTallest = m_iBitmapHeight; CDC dc; if( dc.CreateIC( TEXT("DISPLAY"), NULL, NULL, NULL ) ) { TEXTMETRIC tm; tm.tmHeight=0; CFont *font = CFont::FromHandle( (HFONT)wParam ); if ( font ) { CFont *oldFont = dc.SelectObject(font); if( dc.GetTextMetrics( &tm ) && tm.tmHeight > cyTallest ) cyTallest = tm.tmHeight; if (oldFont) dc.SelectObject(oldFont); } dc.DeleteDC(); } if (cyTallest > iSize) m_iSizeY = cyTallest + iBorder; if (m_iBitmapHeight > iSize) miSlackSpace = m_iBitmapHeight - iSize; m_cyTopBorder = iTmpcyTopBorder; m_cyBottomBorder = iTmpcyBottomBorder; return 1L; } /******************************************************************************/ /* This routine is overloaded to allow us to paint the bitmaps in the panes. */ /* If this routine was not here, it would work fine, but no bitmaps would */ /* appear in the status indicator panes. */ /******************************************************************************/ void CStatBar::DoPaint( CDC* pDC ) { BOOL bRC; CString cstringText_Pane1; CString cstringText_Pane2; CRect rect_Pane1; CRect rect_Pane2; CRgn cRgn_Pane1; CRgn cRgn_Pane2; CBitmap* pOldBitmap; UINT uiStyle_Pane1; UINT uiStyle_Pane2; UINT uiID; int iPaneWidth; HDC hdc = pDC->GetSafeHdc(); GetItemRect( 1, &rect_Pane1 ); // get pane rect GetItemRect( 2, &rect_Pane2 ); // get pane rect pDC->ExcludeClipRect( &rect_Pane1 ); // exclude pane rect from paint pDC->ExcludeClipRect( &rect_Pane2 ); // exclude pane rect from paint CStatusBar::DoPaint( pDC ); // Let Parent Class paint remainder of status bar CFont* pfntOld = pDC->SelectObject( GetFont() ); GetPaneText( 1, cstringText_Pane1 ); // Get the Text for the Pane GetPaneText( 2, cstringText_Pane2 ); // The status bar holds the text for us. GetPaneInfo( 1, uiID, uiStyle_Pane1, iPaneWidth ); GetPaneInfo( 2, uiID, uiStyle_Pane2, iPaneWidth ); uiStyle_Pane1 = SBPS_NORMAL; uiStyle_Pane2 = SBPS_NORMAL; CDC srcDC; // select current bitmap into a compatible CDC bRC = srcDC.CreateCompatibleDC( pDC ); ASSERT( bRC != FALSE ); if (bRC != FALSE) { // Set the Text and Background Colors for a Mono to Color Bitmap // Conversion. These are also set in DrawStatusText, so should not // have to reset them for the other bitmap/pane COLORREF crTextColor = pDC->SetTextColor( GetSysColor( COLOR_BTNTEXT ) ); COLORREF crBkColor = pDC->SetBkColor ( GetSysColor( COLOR_BTNFACE ) ); bRC = cRgn_Pane1.CreateRectRgnIndirect( rect_Pane1 ); ASSERT( bRC != FALSE ); if (bRC != FALSE) { pDC->SelectClipRgn( &cRgn_Pane1 ); // set clip region to pane rect pOldBitmap = srcDC.SelectObject( &m_posBitmap ); rect_Pane1.InflateRect( -CX_BORDER, -CY_BORDER ); // deflate => don't paint on the borders pDC->BitBlt( rect_Pane1.left, rect_Pane1.top, rect_Pane1.Width(), rect_Pane1.Height(), &srcDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY ); // BitBlt to pane rect srcDC.SelectObject( pOldBitmap ); rect_Pane1.InflateRect( CX_BORDER, CY_BORDER ); // Inflate back for drawstatustext // paint the borders and the text. DrawStatusText( hdc, rect_Pane1, cstringText_Pane1, uiStyle_Pane1, m_iBitmapWidth + 1 ); } cRgn_Pane2.CreateRectRgnIndirect(rect_Pane2); ASSERT( bRC != FALSE ); if (bRC != FALSE) { pDC->SelectClipRgn(&cRgn_Pane2); // set clip region to pane rect pOldBitmap = srcDC.SelectObject(&m_sizeBitmap); rect_Pane2.InflateRect(-CX_BORDER, -CY_BORDER); // deflate => don't paint on the borders pDC->BitBlt(rect_Pane2.left, rect_Pane2.top, rect_Pane2.Width(), rect_Pane2.Height(), &srcDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); // BitBlt to pane rect srcDC.SelectObject(pOldBitmap); rect_Pane2.InflateRect(CX_BORDER, CY_BORDER); // Inflate back for drawstatustext // DrawStatusText will paint the borders and the text. DrawStatusText(hdc, rect_Pane2, cstringText_Pane2, uiStyle_Pane2, m_iBitmapWidth+1); } pDC->SetTextColor( crTextColor ); pDC->SetBkColor ( crBkColor ); } if (pfntOld != NULL) pDC->SelectObject( pfntOld ); } /******************************************************************************/ /* Partially taken from BARCORE.CPP DrawStatusText method of CStatusBar. */ /* Last parameter was added */ /* */ /* This will allow us to output the text indented the space amount for our */ /* bitmap. Normally, this routine puts the text left alligned to the pane. */ /******************************************************************************/ void PASCAL CStatBar::DrawStatusText( HDC hDC, CRect const& rect, LPCTSTR lpszText, UINT nStyle, int iIndentText ) { ASSERT(hDC != NULL); CBrush* cpBrushHilite; CBrush* cpBrushShadow; HBRUSH hbrHilite = NULL; HBRUSH hbrShadow = NULL; if (! (nStyle & SBPS_NOBORDERS)) { if (nStyle & SBPS_POPOUT) { // reverse colors cpBrushHilite = GetSysBrush( COLOR_BTNSHADOW ); cpBrushShadow = GetSysBrush( COLOR_BTNHIGHLIGHT ); } else { // normal colors cpBrushHilite = GetSysBrush( COLOR_BTNHIGHLIGHT ); cpBrushShadow = GetSysBrush( COLOR_BTNSHADOW ); } hbrHilite = (HBRUSH)cpBrushHilite->GetSafeHandle(); hbrShadow = (HBRUSH)cpBrushShadow->GetSafeHandle(); } // background is already grey UINT nOpts = ETO_CLIPPED; int nOldMode = SetBkMode ( hDC, OPAQUE ); COLORREF crTextColor = SetTextColor( hDC, GetSysColor( COLOR_BTNTEXT ) ); COLORREF crBkColor = SetBkColor ( hDC, GetSysColor( COLOR_BTNFACE ) ); // Draw the hilites if (hbrHilite) { HGDIOBJ hOldBrush = SelectObject( hDC, hbrHilite ); if (hOldBrush) { PatBlt( hDC, rect.right, rect.bottom, -(rect.Width() - CX_BORDER), -CY_BORDER, PATCOPY ); PatBlt( hDC, rect.right, rect.bottom, -CX_BORDER, -(rect.Height() - CY_BORDER), PATCOPY ); SelectObject( hDC, hOldBrush ); } } if (hbrShadow) { HGDIOBJ hOldBrush = SelectObject( hDC, hbrShadow ); if (hOldBrush) { PatBlt( hDC, rect.left, rect.top, rect.Width(), CY_BORDER, PATCOPY ); PatBlt( hDC, rect.left, rect.top, CX_BORDER, rect.Height(), PATCOPY ); SelectObject( hDC, hOldBrush ); } } // We need to adjust the rect for the ExtTextOut, and then adjust it back // just support left justified text if (lpszText != NULL && !(nStyle & SBPS_DISABLED)) { CRect rectText( rect ); rectText.InflateRect( -2 * CX_BORDER, -CY_BORDER ); // adjust left edge for indented Text rectText.left += iIndentText; // align on bottom (since descent is more important than ascent) SetTextAlign( hDC, TA_LEFT | TA_BOTTOM ); if (miSlackSpace > 0) rectText.InflateRect( 0, -(miSlackSpace / 2) ); ExtTextOut( hDC, rectText.left, rectText.bottom, nOpts, &rectText, lpszText, lstrlen( lpszText ), NULL ); } SetTextColor( hDC, crTextColor ); SetBkColor ( hDC, crBkColor ); } /******************************************************************************/ BOOL CStatBar::SetText(LPCTSTR szText) { BOOL bRC = TRUE; if (theApp.InEmergencyState()) { bRC = FALSE; } else { bRC = SetPaneText(0, szText); } return bRC; } /******************************************************************************/ BOOL CStatBar::SetPosition(const CPoint& pos) { BOOL bRC = TRUE; int cch; TCHAR szBuf [20]; cch = wsprintf(szBuf, TEXT("%d~%d"), pos.x, pos.y); for (int i = 0; i < cch; i++) if (szBuf[i] == TEXT('~')) { szBuf[i] = m_cstringPosSeparator[0]; break; } ASSERT (cch != 0); if (cch != 0) { bRC = SetPaneText(1, szBuf); } else { bRC = FALSE; } return bRC; } /******************************************************************************/ BOOL CStatBar::SetSize(const CSize& size) { BOOL bRC = TRUE; int cch; TCHAR szBuf [20]; cch = wsprintf( szBuf, TEXT("%d~%d"), size.cx, size.cy ); for (int i = 0; i < cch; i++) if (szBuf[i] == TEXT('~')) { szBuf[i] = m_cstringSizeSeparator[0]; break; } ASSERT (cch != 0); if (cch != 0) bRC = SetPaneText(2, szBuf); else bRC = FALSE; return bRC; } /******************************************************************************/ BOOL CStatBar::ClearPosition() { BOOL bRC = TRUE; bRC = SetPaneText(1, TEXT("")); // clear the position return bRC; } /******************************************************************************/ BOOL CStatBar::ClearSize() { BOOL bRC = TRUE; bRC = SetPaneText(2, TEXT("")); // clear the size return bRC; } /******************************************************************************/ BOOL CStatBar::Reset() { return ClearPosition() && ClearSize(); } /******************************************************************************/ void CStatBar::OnSysColorChange() { CStatusBar::OnSysColorChange(); InvalidateRect(NULL,FALSE); } /******************************************************************************/ void ClearStatusBarSize() { ASSERT(g_pStatBarWnd); g_pStatBarWnd->ClearSize(); } /******************************************************************************/ void ClearStatusBarPosition() { ASSERT(g_pStatBarWnd); g_pStatBarWnd->ClearPosition(); } /******************************************************************************/ void SetPrompt(LPCTSTR szPrompt, BOOL bRedrawNow) { ASSERT(g_pStatBarWnd); g_pStatBarWnd->SetText(szPrompt); if (bRedrawNow) g_pStatBarWnd->UpdateWindow(); } /******************************************************************************/ void SetPrompt(UINT nStringID, BOOL bRedrawNow) { ASSERT(g_pStatBarWnd); CString str; VERIFY(str.LoadString(nStringID)); g_pStatBarWnd->SetText(str); if (bRedrawNow) g_pStatBarWnd->UpdateWindow(); } /******************************************************************************/ void ShowStatusBar(BOOL bShow /* = TRUE */) { ASSERT(g_pStatBarWnd); g_pStatBarWnd->ShowWindow(bShow ? SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE : SW_HIDE); } /******************************************************************************/ BOOL IsStatusBarVisible() { ASSERT(g_pStatBarWnd); return (g_pStatBarWnd->GetStyle() & WS_VISIBLE) != 0; } /******************************************************************************/ int GetStatusBarHeight() { ASSERT(g_pStatBarWnd); CRect rect; g_pStatBarWnd->GetWindowRect(rect); return rect.Height(); } /******************************************************************************/ void InvalidateStatusBar(BOOL bErase /* = FALSE */) { ASSERT(g_pStatBarWnd); g_pStatBarWnd->Invalidate(bErase); } /******************************************************************************/ void ClearStatusBarPositionAndSize() { ASSERT(g_pStatBarWnd); g_pStatBarWnd->ClearSize(); g_pStatBarWnd->ClearPosition(); } /******************************************************************************/ void ResetStatusBar() { ASSERT(g_pStatBarWnd); g_pStatBarWnd->Reset(); } /******************************************************************************/ void SetStatusBarPosition(const CPoint& pos) { ASSERT(g_pStatBarWnd); if ( ::IsWindow(g_pStatBarWnd->m_hWnd) ) g_pStatBarWnd->SetPosition(pos); } /******************************************************************************/ void SetStatusBarSize(const CSize& size) { ASSERT(g_pStatBarWnd); if ( ::IsWindow( g_pStatBarWnd->m_hWnd) ) g_pStatBarWnd->SetSize(size); } /******************************************************************************/ void SetStatusBarPositionAndSize(const CRect& rect) { ASSERT(g_pStatBarWnd); g_pStatBarWnd->SetPosition(((CRect&)rect).TopLeft()); g_pStatBarWnd->SetSize(rect.Size()); } /******************************************************************************/ LRESULT CStatBar::OnSizeParent(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { LRESULT lRes = CStatusBar::OnSizeParent(wParam, lParam); return(lRes); }