//+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Microsoft Windows // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995 - 1995. // // File: util.cxx // // Contents: Misc helper functions // // History: 5-Apr-95 BruceFo Created // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "headers.hxx" #pragma hdrstop #include "resource.h" #include "util.hxx" #include // SAFEBOOT_* flags ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define NETMSG_DLL TEXT("netmsg.dll") ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: MyFormatMessageText // // Synopsis: Given a resource IDs, load strings from given instance // and format the string into a buffer // // History: 11-Aug-93 WilliamW Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- DWORD MyFormatMessageText( IN HRESULT dwMsgId, IN PWSTR pszBuffer, IN DWORD cchBuffer, IN va_list * parglist ) { // // get message from system or app msg file. // DWORD dwReturn = FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE, g_hInstance, dwMsgId, LANG_USER_DEFAULT, pszBuffer, cchBuffer, parglist); if (0 == dwReturn) // couldn't find message { appDebugOut((DEB_IERROR, "FormatMessage failed, 0x%08lx\n", GetLastError())); WCHAR szText[200]; dwReturn = LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_APP_MSG_NOT_FOUND, szText, ARRAYLEN(szText)); if (0 != dwReturn) { int iReturn = wnsprintf(pszBuffer, cchBuffer, szText, dwMsgId); dwReturn = (iReturn < 0) ? 0 : iReturn; } } return dwReturn; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: MyCommonDialog // // Synopsis: Common popup dialog routine - stole from diskadm directory // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- DWORD MyCommonDialog( IN HWND hwnd, IN HRESULT dwMsgCode, IN PWSTR pszCaption, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN va_list arglist ) { WCHAR szMsgBuf[500]; if (0 == MyFormatMessageText(dwMsgCode, szMsgBuf, ARRAYLEN(szMsgBuf), &arglist)) { return 0; } return MessageBox(hwnd, szMsgBuf, pszCaption, dwFlags); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: MyConfirmationDialog // // Synopsis: This routine retreives a message from the app or system // message file and displays it in a message box. // // Note: Stole from diskadm directory // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- DWORD MyConfirmationDialog( IN HWND hwnd, IN HRESULT dwMsgCode, IN DWORD dwFlags, ... ) { WCHAR szCaption[100]; DWORD dwReturn; va_list arglist; va_start(arglist, dwFlags); LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_MSGTITLE, szCaption, ARRAYLEN(szCaption)); dwReturn = MyCommonDialog(hwnd, dwMsgCode, szCaption, dwFlags, arglist); va_end(arglist); return dwReturn; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: MyErrorDialog // // Synopsis: This routine retreives a message from the app or system // message file and displays it in a message box. // // Note: Stole from diskadm directory // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID MyErrorDialog( IN HWND hwnd, IN HRESULT dwErrorCode, ... ) { WCHAR szCaption[100]; va_list arglist; va_start(arglist, dwErrorCode); LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_MSGTITLE, szCaption, ARRAYLEN(szCaption)); MyCommonDialog(hwnd, dwErrorCode, szCaption, MB_ICONSTOP | MB_OK, arglist); va_end(arglist); } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: NewDup // // Synopsis: Duplicate a string using '::new' // // History: 28-Dec-94 BruceFo Created // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PWSTR NewDup( IN const WCHAR* psz ) { if (NULL == psz) { appDebugOut((DEB_IERROR,"Illegal string to duplicate: NULL\n")); return NULL; } int cch = lstrlenW(psz) + 1; PWSTR pszRet = new WCHAR[cch]; if (NULL == pszRet) { appDebugOut((DEB_ERROR,"OUT OF MEMORY\n")); return NULL; } lstrcpynW(pszRet, psz, cch); return pszRet; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CopySecurityDescriptor, public // // Synopsis: Copy an NT security descriptor. Delete the result // using LocalFree(). // // History: 19-Apr-95 BruceFo Created // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CopySecurityDescriptor( IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecDesc, OUT PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *ppsdResult ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSelfSecDesc = NULL; appDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "CopySecurityDescriptor, pSecDesc = 0x%08lx\n", pSecDesc)); if (NULL == ppsdResult) { return E_POINTER; } *ppsdResult = NULL; if (NULL == pSecDesc) { // nothing to do return S_OK; } if (!IsValidSecurityDescriptor(pSecDesc)) { return E_INVALIDARG; } SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_CONTROL sdc = 0; DWORD dwRevision = 0; if ( ::GetSecurityDescriptorControl( pSecDesc, &sdc, &dwRevision ) ) { DWORD dwLen = GetSecurityDescriptorLength(pSecDesc); pSelfSecDesc = reinterpret_cast(::LocalAlloc(LPTR, dwLen)); if (NULL != pSelfSecDesc) { // if the original is already self-relative, just copy it if ( sdc & SE_SELF_RELATIVE ) { CopyMemory(pSelfSecDesc, pSecDesc, dwLen); } else if (!MakeSelfRelativeSD(pSecDesc, pSelfSecDesc, &dwLen)) { appDebugOut((DEB_TRACE, "MakeSelfRelativeSD failed, 0x%08lx\n", GetLastError())); DWORD err = ::GetLastError(); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( err ); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { appAssert(IsValidSecurityDescriptor(pSelfSecDesc)); *ppsdResult = pSelfSecDesc; } else { ::LocalFree(pSelfSecDesc); } } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else { DWORD err = ::GetLastError(); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( err ); } return hr; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: WarnDelShare, public // // Synopsis: Function to warn a user that a share will be deleted, and give // the user a chance to cancel. // // Arguments: [hwnd] - parent window handle for messages // [idMsg] - message ID to display (rmdir vs. move) // [pszShare] - share name // [pszPath] - path that share affects // // Returns: IDYES if share was deleted, IDNO if we don't want to delete, // but keep going, IDCANCEL to stop going. // // History: 19-Apr-95 BruceFo Created // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- UINT WarnDelShare( IN HWND hwnd, IN UINT idMsg, IN PWSTR pszShare, IN PWSTR pszPath ) { DWORD id = MyConfirmationDialog( hwnd, idMsg, MB_YESNOCANCEL | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, pszPath, pszShare); if (id != IDYES) { return id; } id = ConfirmStopShare(hwnd, MB_YESNOCANCEL, pszShare); if (id != IDYES) { return id; } UINT ret = NetShareDel(NULL, pszShare, 0); if (ret != NERR_Success) { DisplayError(hwnd, IERR_CANT_DEL_SHARE, ret, pszShare); return IDYES; // allow the stop anyway } return IDYES; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: ConfirmStopShare, public // // Synopsis: Display the appropriate confirmations when stopping a share. // // Arguments: [hwnd] - parent window handle for messages // [uType] - either MB_YESNO or MB_YESNOCANCEL // [pszShare] - ptr to affected share name // // Returns: IDYES if share should be deleted, IDNO if we don't want to // delete, but keep going, IDCANCEL to stop going. // // History: 19-Apr-95 BruceFo Created // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- DWORD ConfirmStopShare( IN HWND hwnd, IN UINT uType, IN LPWSTR pszShare ) { DWORD id = IDYES; DWORD cConns = 0; DWORD cOpens = 0; NET_API_STATUS err = ShareConnectionInfo(pszShare, &cConns, &cOpens); if (err != NERR_Success) { DisplayError(hwnd, IERR_CANT_DEL_SHARE, err, pszShare); // allow the stop anyway } else if (cConns != 0) { // If there are any open files, just give the more detailed // message about there being open files. Otherwise, just say how // many connections there are. if (cOpens != 0) { id = MyConfirmationDialog( hwnd, MSG_STOPSHAREOPENS, uType | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, cOpens, cConns, pszShare); } else { id = MyConfirmationDialog( hwnd, MSG_STOPSHARECONNS, uType | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, cConns, pszShare); } } // JonN 4/4/01 328512 // Explorer Sharing Tab (NTSHRUI) should popup warning on deleting // SYSVOL,NETLOGON and C$, D$... shares // // No need to worry about IPC$, that won't turn up in NTSHRUI if (IDYES == id) { bool fSpecialShare = !lstrcmpi(pszShare,L"NETLOGON") || !lstrcmpi(pszShare,L"SYSVOL"); if ( fSpecialShare || (lstrlen(pszShare) == 2 && L'$'== pszShare[1]) ) { id = MyConfirmationDialog( hwnd, (fSpecialShare) ? MSG_DELSPECIALSHARE : MSG_DELADMINSHARE, uType | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, pszShare); } } return id; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: ShareConnectionInfo, public // // Synopsis: Determine how many connections and file opens exist for a // share, for use by confirmation dialogs. // // Arguments: [pszShare] - ptr to affected share name // [pcConns] - *pcConns get the number of connections // [pcOpens] - *pcOpens get the number of file opens // // Returns: standard net api code, NERR_Success if everything ok. // // History: 19-Apr-95 BruceFo Stolen // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- NET_API_STATUS ShareConnectionInfo( IN LPWSTR pszShare, OUT LPDWORD pcConns, OUT LPDWORD pcOpens ) { CONNECTION_INFO_1* pBuf; DWORD iEntry, iTotal; NET_API_STATUS err = NetConnectionEnum( NULL, pszShare, 1, (LPBYTE*)&pBuf, 0xffffffff, // no buffer limit; get them all! &iEntry, &iTotal, NULL); if ((err == NERR_Success) || (err == ERROR_MORE_DATA)) { int iConnections = 0; for (DWORD i = 0; i < iEntry; i++) { iConnections += pBuf[i].coni1_num_opens; } *pcConns = iTotal; *pcOpens = iConnections; err = NERR_Success; } else { *pcConns = 0; *pcOpens = 0; } NetApiBufferFree(pBuf); appDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE,"Share '%ws' has %d connections and %d opens\n", pszShare, *pcConns, *pcOpens)); return err; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: DisplayError // // Synopsis: Display an error message // // History: 24-Apr-95 BruceFo Stolen // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID DisplayError( IN HWND hwnd, IN HRESULT dwErrorCode, // message file number. not really an HRESULT IN NET_API_STATUS err, IN PWSTR pszShare ) { if ( err < MIN_LANMAN_MESSAGE_ID || err > MAX_LANMAN_MESSAGE_ID ) { // a Win32 error? WCHAR szMsg[500]; DWORD dwReturn = FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, err, LANG_USER_DEFAULT, szMsg, ARRAYLEN(szMsg), NULL); if (0 == dwReturn) // couldn't find message { appDebugOut((DEB_IERROR, "FormatMessage (from system) failed, 0x%08lx\n", GetLastError())); MyErrorDialog(hwnd, IERR_UNKNOWN, err); } else { MyErrorDialog(hwnd, dwErrorCode, pszShare, szMsg); } } else { DisplayLanmanError(hwnd, dwErrorCode, err, pszShare); } } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: DisplayLanmanError // // Synopsis: Display an error message from a LanMan error. // // History: 24-Apr-95 BruceFo Stolen // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID DisplayLanmanError( IN HWND hwnd, IN HRESULT dwErrorCode, // message file number. not really an HRESULT IN NET_API_STATUS err, IN PWSTR pszShare ) { if ( err < MIN_LANMAN_MESSAGE_ID || err > MAX_LANMAN_MESSAGE_ID ) { MyErrorDialog(hwnd, IERR_UNKNOWN, err); return; } WCHAR szCaption[100]; LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_MSGTITLE, szCaption, ARRAYLEN(szCaption)); // // get LanMan message from system message file. // WCHAR szNetMsg[500]; WCHAR szBuf[500]; HINSTANCE hInstanceNetMsg = LoadLibrary(NETMSG_DLL); if (NULL == hInstanceNetMsg) { appDebugOut((DEB_IERROR, "LoadLibrary(netmsg.dll) failed, 0x%08lx\n", GetLastError())); LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_NO_NET_MSG, szBuf, ARRAYLEN(szBuf)); MessageBox(hwnd, szBuf, szCaption, MB_ICONSTOP | MB_OK); return; } DWORD dwReturn = FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, hInstanceNetMsg, err, LANG_USER_DEFAULT, szNetMsg, ARRAYLEN(szNetMsg), NULL); if (0 == dwReturn) // couldn't find message { appDebugOut((DEB_IERROR, "FormatMessage failed, 0x%08lx\n", GetLastError())); if (LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_NET_MSG_NOT_FOUND, szBuf, ARRAYLEN(szBuf)) && wnsprintf(szNetMsg, ARRAYLEN(szNetMsg), szBuf, GetLastError()) > 0) { MessageBox(hwnd, szNetMsg, szCaption, MB_ICONSTOP | MB_OK); } } else { MyErrorDialog(hwnd, dwErrorCode, pszShare, szNetMsg); } FreeLibrary(hInstanceNetMsg); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: IsValidShareName // // Synopsis: Checks if the proposed share name is valid or not. If not, // it will return a message id for the reason why. // // Arguments: [pszShareName] - Proposed share name // [puId] - If name is invalid, this will contain the reason why. // // Returns: TRUE if name is valid, else FALSE. // // History: 3-May-95 BruceFo Stolen // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL IsValidShareName( IN PCWSTR pszShareName, OUT HRESULT* uId ) { if (NetpNameValidate(NULL, (PWSTR)pszShareName, NAMETYPE_SHARE, 0L) != NERR_Success) { *uId = IERR_InvalidShareName; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: IsValidWin9xShareLength // // Synopsis: Checks if the proposed share name is within the maximum length // that Win9x clients can use, which is LM20_NNLEN *bytes* for // the MBCS version of the name. // // Arguments: [pszShareName] - Proposed share name // // Returns: TRUE if name is valid, else FALSE. // // History: 07-Nov-01 JeffreyS Created // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL IsValidWin9xShareLength( IN PCWSTR pszShare ) { char szBuf[LM20_NNLEN+1]; // +1 for '\0' // If WideCharToMultiByte fails with ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER, then we // know the name is too long. There is no need to check the string // length on success. if (pszShare && WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pszShare, -1, szBuf, LM20_NNLEN+1, NULL, NULL)) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: SetErrorFocus // // Synopsis: Set focus to an edit control and select its text. // // Arguments: [hwnd] - dialog window // [idCtrl] - edit control to set focus to (and select) // // Returns: nothing // // History: 3-May-95 BruceFo Stolen // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID SetErrorFocus( IN HWND hwnd, IN UINT idCtrl ) { HWND hCtrl = ::GetDlgItem(hwnd, idCtrl); ::SetFocus(hCtrl); ::SendMessage(hCtrl, EM_SETSEL, 0, -1); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: ConfirmReplaceShare // // Synopsis: Display confirmations for replacing an existing share // // Arguments: [hwnd] - dialog window // [pszShareName] - name of share being replaced // [pszOldPath] - current path for the share // [pszNewPath] - directory the user's trying to share // // Returns: Returns IDYES or IDNO // // History: 4-May-95 BruceFo Stolen // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- DWORD ConfirmReplaceShare( IN HWND hwnd, IN PCWSTR pszShareName, IN PCWSTR pszOldPath, IN PCWSTR pszNewPath ) { DWORD id = MyConfirmationDialog( hwnd, MSG_RESHARENAMECONFIRM, MB_YESNO | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, pszOldPath, pszShareName, pszNewPath); if (id != IDYES) { return id; } return ConfirmStopShare(hwnd, MB_YESNO, (PWSTR)pszShareName); } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: TrimLeadingAndTrailingSpaces // // Synopsis: Trims the leading and trailing spaces from a null-terminated string. // Used primarily for share names. // // History: 18-Jul-97 JonN Created // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID TrimLeadingAndTrailingSpaces( IN OUT PWSTR psz ) { int cchStrlen = ::wcslen(psz); int cchLeadingSpaces = 0; int cchTrailingSpaces = 0; while (L' ' == psz[cchLeadingSpaces]) cchLeadingSpaces++; if (cchLeadingSpaces < cchStrlen) { while (L' ' == psz[cchStrlen-(cchTrailingSpaces+1)]) cchTrailingSpaces++; } if ((cchLeadingSpaces+cchTrailingSpaces) > 0) { cchStrlen -= (cchLeadingSpaces+cchTrailingSpaces); (void)memmove( psz, psz+cchLeadingSpaces, cchStrlen*sizeof(WCHAR) ); psz[cchStrlen] = L'\0'; } } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: IsSafeMode // // Synopsis: Checks the registry to see if the system is in safe mode. // // History: 06-Oct-00 JeffreyS Created // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL IsSafeMode( VOID ) { BOOL fIsSafeMode = FALSE; LONG ec; DWORD dwValue; DWORD dwValueSize = sizeof(dwValue); ec = SHRegGetValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\SafeBoot\\Option"), TEXT("OptionValue"), SRRF_RT_DWORD, NULL, &dwValue, &dwValueSize); if (ec == NO_ERROR) { fIsSafeMode = (dwValue == SAFEBOOT_MINIMAL || dwValue == SAFEBOOT_NETWORK); } return fIsSafeMode; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: IsForcedGuestModeOn // // Synopsis: Checks the registry to see if the system is using the // Guest-only network access mode. // // History: 06-Oct-00 JeffreyS Created // 19-Apr-00 GPease Modified and changed name // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL IsForcedGuestModeOn( VOID ) { BOOL fIsForcedGuestModeOn = FALSE; if (IsOS(OS_PERSONAL)) { // Guest mode is always on for Personal fIsForcedGuestModeOn = TRUE; } else if (IsOS(OS_PROFESSIONAL) && !IsOS(OS_DOMAINMEMBER)) { LONG ec; DWORD dwValue; DWORD dwValueSize = sizeof(dwValue); // Professional, not in a domain. Check the ForceGuest value. ec = SHRegGetValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\LSA"), TEXT("ForceGuest"), SRRF_RT_DWORD, NULL, &dwValue, &dwValueSize); if (ec == NO_ERROR && 1 == dwValue) { fIsForcedGuestModeOn = TRUE; } } return fIsForcedGuestModeOn; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: IsSimpleUI // // Synopsis: Checks whether to show the simple version of the UI. // // History: 06-Oct-00 JeffreyS Created // 19-Apr-00 GPease Removed CTRL key check // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL IsSimpleUI( VOID ) { // Show old UI in safe mode and anytime network access involves // true user identity (server, pro with GuestMode off). // Show simple UI anytime network access is done using the Guest // account (personal, pro with GuestMode on) except in safe mode. return (!IsSafeMode() && IsForcedGuestModeOn()); }