//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // AppInfo.cpp - manages app-level theme information //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "stdafx.h" #include "info.h" #include "AppInfo.h" #include "sethook.h" #include "services.h" #include "themefile.h" #include "tmreg.h" #include "renderlist.h" #include "nctheme.h" #include "loader.h" #include "tmutils.h" //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---- values for _pThemeFile, besides valid ptrs ---- //---- if we have no windows open, we cannot track if theme is active ---- #define THEME_UNKNOWN NULL //---- if we are unhooked, we no that no theme file is avail for us ---- #define THEME_NONE (CUxThemeFile *)(-1) //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAppInfo::CAppInfo() { _fCustomAppTheme = FALSE; _hwndPreview = NULL; _pPreviewThemeFile = NULL; _fFirstTimeHooksOn = TRUE; _fNewThemeDiscovered = FALSE; _pAppThemeFile = THEME_NONE; // no hooks _iChangeNum = -1; _dwAppFlags = (STAP_ALLOW_NONCLIENT | STAP_ALLOW_CONTROLS); //---- compositing ON by default ---- _fCompositing = TRUE; GetCurrentUserThemeInt(THEMEPROP_COMPOSITING, TRUE, &_fCompositing); ZeroMemory(&_csAppInfo, sizeof(_csAppInfo)); if( !InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount(&_csAppInfo, 0) ) { ASSERT(!VALID_CRITICALSECTION(&_csAppInfo)); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAppInfo::~CAppInfo() { ClosePreviewThemeFile(); //---- ignore iRefCount here - force elements to be deleted ---- for (int i=0; i < _ThemeEntries.m_nSize; i++) { _ThemeEntries[i].pThemeFile->ValidateObj(); delete _ThemeEntries[i].pThemeFile; } SAFE_DELETECRITICALSECTION(&_csAppInfo); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CAppInfo::ResetAppTheme(int iChangeNum, BOOL fMsgCheck, BOOL *pfChanged, BOOL *pfFirstMsg) { CAutoCS cs(&_csAppInfo); if (pfChanged) *pfChanged = FALSE; //---- NOTE: "_pAppThemeFile" doesn't hold a refcount on the shared memory map file ---- //---- this is done so that, processes who close all of their windows but continue ---- //---- to run (like WinLogon), will not hold a refcount on old themes (since ---- //---- they never receive any more WM_THEMECHANGED msgs until they create ---- //---- another window. If we were to remove HOOKS between every theme change, ---- //---- we could use the OnHooksDisableld code to remove the theme file hold ---- //---- but design is to let hooks stay ON why we apply and unapply themes. ---- if ((iChangeNum == -1) || (_iChangeNum != iChangeNum) || (_fNewThemeDiscovered)) { //---- new change number for this process ---- if (HOOKSACTIVE()) _pAppThemeFile = THEME_UNKNOWN; else _pAppThemeFile = THEME_NONE; Log(LOG_TMCHANGE, L"ResetAppTheme - CHANGE: iChangeNum=0x%x, _pAppThemeFile=%d", iChangeNum, _pAppThemeFile); _iChangeNum = iChangeNum; _fNewThemeDiscovered = FALSE; //---- update caller's info ---- if (pfChanged) *pfChanged = TRUE; } if (fMsgCheck) { *pfFirstMsg = FALSE; if ((iChangeNum != -1) && (_iFirstMsgChangeNum != iChangeNum)) { //---- new WM_THEMECHANGED_TRIGGER msg for this process ---- _iFirstMsgChangeNum = iChangeNum; //---- update caller's info ---- *pfFirstMsg = TRUE; } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CAppInfo::HasThemeChanged() { CAutoCS cs(&_csAppInfo); BOOL fChanged = _fNewThemeDiscovered; _fNewThemeDiscovered = FALSE; return fChanged; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CAppInfo::ClosePreviewThemeFile() { CAutoCS cs(&_csAppInfo); if (_pPreviewThemeFile) { CloseThemeFile(_pPreviewThemeFile); _pPreviewThemeFile = NULL; } _hwndPreview = NULL; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CAppInfo::LoadCustomAppThemeIfFound() { CAutoCS cs(&_csAppInfo); CCurrentUser hkeyCurrentUser(KEY_READ); RESOURCE HKEY hklm = NULL; HTHEMEFILE hThemeFile = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK; int code32; if (! _fFirstTimeHooksOn) goto exit; _fFirstTimeHooksOn = FALSE; //---- see if this app has custom theme ---- WCHAR szCustomKey[2*MAX_PATH]; StringCchPrintfW(szCustomKey, ARRAYSIZE(szCustomKey), L"%s\\%s\\%s", THEMEMGR_REGKEY, THEMEPROP_CUSTOMAPPS, g_szProcessName); //---- open hkcu ---- code32 = RegOpenKeyEx(hkeyCurrentUser, szCustomKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hklm); if (code32 != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto exit; //---- read the "DllValue" value ---- WCHAR szDllName[MAX_PATH]; hr = RegistryStrRead(hklm, THEMEPROP_DLLNAME, szDllName, ARRAYSIZE(szDllName)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto exit; //---- read the "color" value ---- WCHAR szColorName[MAX_PATH]; hr = RegistryStrRead(hklm, THEMEPROP_COLORNAME, szColorName, ARRAYSIZE(szColorName)); if (FAILED(hr)) *szColorName = 0; //---- read the "size" value ---- WCHAR szSizeName[MAX_PATH]; hr = RegistryStrRead(hklm, THEMEPROP_SIZENAME, szSizeName, ARRAYSIZE(szSizeName)); if (FAILED(hr)) *szSizeName = 0; Log(LOG_TMCHANGE, L"Custom app theme found: %s, %s, %s", szDllName, szColorName, szSizeName); hr = ::OpenThemeFile(szDllName, szColorName, szSizeName, &hThemeFile, FALSE); if (FAILED(hr)) goto exit; _fCustomAppTheme = TRUE; //---- tell every window in our process that theme has changed ---- hr = ApplyTheme(hThemeFile, AT_PROCESS, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) goto exit; exit: if (FAILED(hr)) { if (hThemeFile) ::CloseThemeFile(hThemeFile); } if (hklm) RegCloseKey(hklm); return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CAppInfo::AppIsThemed() { CAutoCS cs(&_csAppInfo); return HOOKSACTIVE(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CAppInfo::CustomAppTheme() { CAutoCS cs(&_csAppInfo); return _fCustomAppTheme; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CAppInfo::IsSystemThemeActive() { HANDLE handle; BOOL fActive = FALSE; HRESULT hr = CThemeServices::GetGlobalTheme(&handle); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (handle) { fActive = TRUE; CloseHandle(handle); } } return fActive; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CAppInfo::WindowHasTheme(HWND hwnd) { //---- keep this logic in sync with "OpenWindowThemeFile()" ---- CAutoCS cs(&_csAppInfo); BOOL fHasTheme = FALSE; if (HOOKSACTIVE()) { //---- check for preview window match ---- if ((ISWINDOW(hwnd)) && (ISWINDOW(_hwndPreview))) { if ((hwnd == _hwndPreview) || (IsChild(_hwndPreview, hwnd))) { if (_pPreviewThemeFile) fHasTheme = TRUE; } } //---- if not preview, just use app theme file ---- if ((! fHasTheme) && (_pAppThemeFile != THEME_NONE)) { fHasTheme = TRUE; } } return fHasTheme; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CAppInfo::OpenWindowThemeFile(HWND hwnd, CUxThemeFile **ppThemeFile) { //---- keep this logic in sync with "WindowHasTheme()" ---- HRESULT hr = S_OK; CUxThemeFile *pThemeFile = NULL; CAutoCS cs(&_csAppInfo); if (hwnd) TrackForeignWindow(hwnd); if (HOOKSACTIVE()) { //---- check for preview window match ---- if ((ISWINDOW(hwnd)) && (ISWINDOW(_hwndPreview))) { if ((hwnd == _hwndPreview) || (IsChild(_hwndPreview, hwnd))) { if (_pPreviewThemeFile) { //---- bump ref count ---- hr = BumpRefCount(_pPreviewThemeFile); if (FAILED(hr)) goto exit; pThemeFile = _pPreviewThemeFile; } } } //---- if not preview, just use app theme file ---- if ((! pThemeFile) && (_pAppThemeFile != THEME_NONE)) { if (_pAppThemeFile == THEME_UNKNOWN || !_pAppThemeFile->IsReady()) { HANDLE handle = NULL; hr = CThemeServices::GetGlobalTheme(&handle); if (FAILED(hr)) goto exit; Log(LOG_TMCHANGE, L"New App Theme handle=0x%x", handle); if (handle) { //---- get a shared CUxThemeFile object for the handle ---- hr = OpenThemeFile(handle, &pThemeFile); if (FAILED(hr)) { // Since it's the global theme, no need to clean stock objects CloseHandle(handle); goto exit; } //---- set our app theme file ---- _pAppThemeFile = pThemeFile; //---- update our cached change number to match ---- _iChangeNum = GetLoadIdFromTheme(_pAppThemeFile); _fNewThemeDiscovered = TRUE; } } else { //---- bump ref count ---- hr = BumpRefCount(_pAppThemeFile); if (FAILED(hr)) goto exit; pThemeFile = _pAppThemeFile; } } } exit: if (pThemeFile) { *ppThemeFile = pThemeFile; } else { hr = MakeError32(ERROR_NOT_FOUND); } return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- DWORD CAppInfo::GetAppFlags() { CAutoCS cs(&_csAppInfo); return _dwAppFlags; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CAppInfo::SetAppFlags(DWORD dwFlags) { CAutoCS cs(&_csAppInfo); _dwAppFlags = dwFlags; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CAppInfo::SetPreviewThemeFile(HANDLE handle, HWND hwnd) { CAutoCS cs(&_csAppInfo); ClosePreviewThemeFile(); //---- set new file ---- if (handle) { HRESULT hr = OpenThemeFile(handle, &_pPreviewThemeFile); if (FAILED(hr)) { // We don't own the handle, so no clean up Log(LOG_ALWAYS, L"Failed to add theme file to list"); _pPreviewThemeFile = NULL; } } _hwndPreview = hwnd; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // If we fail, dont return a theme file and let the caller clean up //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CAppInfo::OpenThemeFile(HANDLE handle, CUxThemeFile **ppThemeFile) { CAutoCS autoCritSect(&_csAppInfo); CUxThemeFile *pFile = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL fGotit = FALSE; if (! handle) { hr = MakeError32(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); goto exit; } for (int i=0; i < _ThemeEntries.m_nSize; i++) { THEME_FILE_ENTRY *pEntry = &_ThemeEntries[i]; pEntry->pThemeFile->ValidateObj(); if (pEntry->pThemeFile->_hMemoryMap == handle) { pEntry->iRefCount++; fGotit = TRUE; *ppThemeFile = pEntry->pThemeFile; break; } } if (! fGotit) { pFile = new CUxThemeFile; if (! pFile) { hr = MakeError32(E_OUTOFMEMORY); goto exit; } hr = pFile->OpenFromHandle(handle); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto exit; } THEME_FILE_ENTRY entry = {1, pFile}; if (! _ThemeEntries.Add(entry)) { hr = MakeError32(E_OUTOFMEMORY); goto exit; } pFile->ValidateObj(); *ppThemeFile = pFile; } exit: if ((FAILED(hr)) && (pFile)) { delete pFile; } return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CAppInfo::BumpRefCount(CUxThemeFile *pThemeFile) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CAutoCS autoCritSect(&_csAppInfo); pThemeFile->ValidateObj(); BOOL fGotit = FALSE; for (int i=0; i < _ThemeEntries.m_nSize; i++) { THEME_FILE_ENTRY *pEntry = &_ThemeEntries[i]; pEntry->pThemeFile->ValidateObj(); if (pEntry->pThemeFile == pThemeFile) { pEntry->iRefCount++; fGotit = TRUE; break; } } if (! fGotit) hr = MakeError32(ERROR_NOT_FOUND); return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CAppInfo::CloseThemeFile(CUxThemeFile *pThemeFile) { CAutoCS autoCritSect(&_csAppInfo); BOOL fGotit = FALSE; pThemeFile->ValidateObj(); for (int i=0; i < _ThemeEntries.m_nSize; i++) { THEME_FILE_ENTRY *pEntry = &_ThemeEntries[i]; pEntry->pThemeFile->ValidateObj(); if (pEntry->pThemeFile == pThemeFile) { pEntry->iRefCount--; fGotit = TRUE; if (! pEntry->iRefCount) { //---- clear app themefile? ---- if (pEntry->pThemeFile == _pAppThemeFile) { _pAppThemeFile = THEME_UNKNOWN; } delete pEntry->pThemeFile; _ThemeEntries.RemoveAt(i); } break; } } if (! fGotit) Log(LOG_ERROR, L"Could not find ThemeFile in list: 0x%x", pThemeFile); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef DEBUG void CAppInfo::DumpFileHolders() { CAutoCS autoCritSect(&_csAppInfo); if (LogOptionOn(LO_TMHANDLE)) { int iCount = _ThemeEntries.m_nSize; if (! iCount) { Log(LOG_TMHANDLE, L"---- No CUxThemeFile objects ----"); } else { Log(LOG_TMHANDLE, L"---- Dump of %d CUxThemeFile objects ----", iCount); for (int i=0; i < _ThemeEntries.m_nSize; i++) { THEME_FILE_ENTRY *pEntry = &_ThemeEntries[i]; pEntry->pThemeFile->ValidateObj(); if (pEntry->pThemeFile) { CUxThemeFile *tf = pEntry->pThemeFile; THEMEHDR *th = (THEMEHDR *)tf->_pbThemeData; Log(LOG_TMHANDLE, L"CUxThemeFile[%d]: refcnt=%d, memfile=%d", i, pEntry->iRefCount, th->iLoadId); } } } } } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CAppInfo::TrackForeignWindow(HWND hwnd) { CAutoCS autoCritSect(&_csAppInfo); WCHAR szDeskName[MAX_PATH] = {0}; BOOL fForeign = TRUE; //---- get desktop name for window ---- if (GetWindowDesktopName(hwnd, szDeskName, ARRAYSIZE(szDeskName))) { if (AsciiStrCmpI(szDeskName, L"default")==0) { fForeign = FALSE; } } if (fForeign) { BOOL fNeedToAdd = TRUE; //---- see if we already know about this window ---- for (int i=0; i < _ForeignWindows.m_nSize; i++) { if (_ForeignWindows[i] == hwnd) { fNeedToAdd = FALSE; break; } } if (fNeedToAdd) { if (_ForeignWindows.Add(hwnd)) { //Log(LOG_TMHANDLE, L"**** ADDED Foreign Window: hwnd=0x%x, desktop=%s ****", hwnd, szDeskName); } else { Log(LOG_TMHANDLE, L"Could not add foreign window=0x%x to tracking list", hwnd); } } } return fForeign; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CAppInfo::OnWindowDestroyed(HWND hwnd) { CAutoCS autoCritSect(&_csAppInfo); BOOL fFound = FALSE; //---- remove from the foreign list, if present ---- for (int i=0; i < _ForeignWindows.m_nSize; i++) { if (_ForeignWindows[i] == hwnd) { _ForeignWindows.RemoveAt(i); fFound = TRUE; //Log(LOG_TMHANDLE, L"**** REMOVED Foreign Window: hwnd=0x%x", hwnd); break; } } //---- see if preview window went away ---- if ((_hwndPreview) && (hwnd == _hwndPreview)) { ClosePreviewThemeFile(); } return fFound; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CAppInfo::GetForeignWindows(HWND **ppHwnds, int *piCount) { CAutoCS autoCritSect(&_csAppInfo); //---- note: we don't see window creates (OpenThemeData) and ---- //---- destroys (WM_NCDESTROY) when hooks are off; therefore ---- //---- this data may be incomplete. hopefully, vtan or USER ---- //---- can give us a more reliable way to enumerate windows ---- //---- on secured desktops ---- //---- validate windows in list, from last to first ---- int i = _ForeignWindows.m_nSize; while (--i >= 0) { if (! IsWindow(_ForeignWindows[i])) { _ForeignWindows.RemoveAt(i); } } BOOL fOk = FALSE; int iCount = _ForeignWindows.m_nSize; if (iCount) { //---- allocate memory to hold window list ---- HWND *pHwnds = new HWND[iCount]; if (pHwnds) { //---- copy windows to caller's new list ---- for (int i=0; i < iCount; i++) { pHwnds[i] = _ForeignWindows[i]; } *ppHwnds = pHwnds; *piCount = iCount; fOk = TRUE; } } return fOk; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------