//{{NO_DEPENDENCIES}} // Microsoft Developer Studio generated include file. // Used by RemotePage.rc // #define IDI_REMOTE 500 #define IDI_LOC_USER 501 #define IDI_GLOB_USER 502 #define IDI_LOC_GROUP 503 #define IDI_GLOB_GROUP 504 #define IDI_UNKNOWN 505 #define IDD_REMOTE_PTS 510 #define IDD_REMOTE_APPSERVER 511 #define IDD_DISABLE_OFFLINE_FILES 512 #define IDD_REMOTE_DESKTOP_USERS 513 #define IDD_REMOTE_PERSONAL 514 #define IDS_ERR_SAVE_REGISTRY 520 #define IDS_ERR_SAVE_MEMBERS 521 #define IDS_REMOTE_SESSIONS 522 #define IDS_WRN_NO_PERMISSIONS 523 #define IDS_OTHER_USERS 524 #define IDS_USER_HAS_ASSESS 525 #define IDS_WRN_EMPTY_PASSWORD 526 #define IDS_PAGE_TITLE 527 #define IDC_REMOTE_ENABLE 530 #define IDC_REMOTE_USR_LIST 531 #define IDC_REMOTE_USR_ADD 532 #define IDC_REMOTE_USR_REMOVE 533 #define IDC_REMOTE_UPLINK 534 #define IDC_REMOTE_GPLINK_APPSERVER 535 #define IDC_REMOTE_SCLINK_APPSERVER 536 #define IDC_OFFLINE_FILES 537 #define IDC_REMOTE_COMPNAME 538 #define IDC_REMOTE_HELP 539 #define IDC_REMOTE_HELP_APPSERVER 540 #define IDC_REMOTE_SELECT_USERS 541 #define IDC_USER_HAS_ACCESS 542 #define IDC_DEFAULT1 550 #define IDC_DEFAULT2 551 #define IDC_DEFAULT3 552 #define IDC_DEFAULT4 553 #define IDC_DEFAULT5 554 #define IDC_REMOTE_ASSISTANCE_ADVANCED 555 #define IDC_ENABLERA 556 #define IDC_REMOTERA_HELP 557 // Title of the propertysheet, we choose a special ID since this will be accessed from the outside world #define IDS_PROPSHEET_TITLE 10000 //Help message IDs #define HIDC_REMOTE_ENABLE 15001 // (hook up to the "Allow users" checkbox) #define HIDC_REMOTE_USR_LIST 15002 // (hook up to the "Remote Desktop Users" display window) #define HIDC_REMOTE_USR_ADD 15003 // (hook up to the Add... button) #define HIDC_REMOTE_USR_REMOVE 15004 // (hook up to the Remove button) //Help message IDs for Remote Assistance setup #define HIDC_RA_ADVANCED 15005 #define HIDC_RA_ENABLE 15006 #define HIDC_RA_ALLOWUNSOLICIT 15007 #define HIDC_RA_ALLOWRC 15008 #define HIDC_RA_EXPIRY 15009 // Next default values for new objects // #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED #ifndef APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE 566 #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE 32771 #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE 1003 #define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE 200 #endif #endif