!IF 0 Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: sources. Abstract: This file specifies the target component being built and the list of sources files needed to build that component. Also specifies optional compiler switches and libraries that are unique for the component being built. Author: NOTE: Commented description of this file is in \nt\bak\bin\sources.tpl !ENDIF MAJORCOMP=console MINORCOMP=keypklib TERMSRV_ROOT = ..\..\.. COMMON_ROOT = $(TERMSRV_ROOT)\COMMON C_DEFINES=-DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DIGNORE_EXPIRATION TARGETNAME=keypklib TARGETPATH=obj TARGETTYPE=LIBRARY MSC_WARNING_LEVEL=$(MSC_WARNING_LEVEL) /W3 /WX SOURCES=keypack.c INCLUDES = \ $(COMMON_ROOT)\license\inc;\ $(DS_INC_PATH)\crypto PRECOMPILED_INCLUDE=precomp.h PRECOMPILED_PCH=precomp.pch PRECOMPILED_OBJ=precomp.obj