' Sample TBScript using Microsoft VBcript ' ' Connects, opens Notepad, closes, and logs off. ' Simply connect using the default data TS.Connect ' Wait for the desktop to appear, and give ' several seconds for the session to get started TS.WaitForTextAndSleep "Recycle Bin", 5000 ' Run notepad TS.Start "notepad" ' Wait for notpad to come up TS.WaitForTextAndSleep "Untitled - Notepad", 3000 ' Type some text in notepad TS.TypeText "Hello, World!" + Chr(10) + Chr(10) + "This is a sample script!" ' Wait a couple seconds Sleep 3000 ' Open the file menu TS.KeyAlt "f" ' Wait for Exit to appear TS.WaitForTextAndSleep "Exit", 750 ' Hit 'x' for Exit TS.KeyPress "x" ' Wait for the exit confirmation dialog TS.WaitForTextAndSleep "Do you want to save the changes", 2000 ' Hit no, we don't want to save the changes TS.KeyPress "n" Sleep 3000 ' And logoff! TS.Logoff