// // candfunc.cpp // #include "private.h" #include "globals.h" #include "mscandui.h" #include "candmgr.h" #include "candfunc.h" #include "candutil.h" #include "candobj.h" #include "candui.h" /*============================================================================*/ /* */ /* C C A N D F N A U T O F I L T E R */ /* */ /*============================================================================*/ /* C C A N D F N A U T O F I L T E R */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Constructor of CCandFnAutoFilter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CCandFnAutoFilter::CCandFnAutoFilter( CCandidateUI *pCandUI ) { m_pCandUI = pCandUI; m_fEnable = FALSE; m_bstrFilter = NULL; m_pSink = NULL; InitEventSink( pCandUI->GetCandListMgr() ); } /* ~ C C A N D F N A U T O F I L T E R */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Destructor of CCandFnAutoFilter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CCandFnAutoFilter::~CCandFnAutoFilter( void ) { ReleaseEventSink(); ClearFilterString(); FilterCandidateList(); DoneEventSink(); } /* O N S E T C A N D I D A T E L I S T */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Callback function on SetCandidateList (CCandListEventSink method) NOTE: Do not update candidate item in the callback functios ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandFnAutoFilter::OnSetCandidateList( void ) { ClearFilterString(); } /* O N C L E A R C A N D I D A T E L I S T */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Callback function on ClearCandidateList (CCandListEventSink method) NOTE: Do not update candidate item in the callback functios ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandFnAutoFilter::OnClearCandidateList( void ) { ClearFilterString(); } /* O N C A N D I T E M U P D A T E */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Callback function of candiate item has been updated (CCandListEventSink method) NOTE: Do not update candidate item in the callback functios ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandFnAutoFilter::OnCandItemUpdate( void ) { // nothing to do... } /* O N S E L E C T I O N C H A N G E D */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Callback function of candiate selection has been changed (CCandListEventSink method) NOTE: Do not update candidate item in the callback functios ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandFnAutoFilter::OnSelectionChanged( void ) { ClearFilterString(); } /* E N A B L E */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CCandFnAutoFilter::Enable( BOOL fEnable ) { if (m_fEnable != fEnable) { m_fEnable = fEnable; ClearFilterString(); FilterCandidateList(); // notify if (fEnable) { m_pCandUI->NotifyFilteringEvent( CANDUIFEV_ENABLED ); } else { m_pCandUI->NotifyFilteringEvent( CANDUIFEV_DISABLED ); } } return S_OK; } /* G E T F I L T E R I N G R E S U L T */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CCandFnAutoFilter::GetFilteringResult( CANDUIFILTERSTR strtype, BSTR *pbstr ) { CCandidateItem *pCandItem; LPCWSTR pchCandidate; LPCWSTR pchFiltering; LPCWSTR pchReturn; WCHAR szNull[] = L""; int iItemSel; if (pbstr == NULL) { return E_INVALIDARG; } if (!IsEnabled()) { return E_FAIL; } // check if candidate list has been set if (GetCandListMgr()->GetCandList() == NULL) { return E_FAIL; } // iItemSel = GetCandListMgr()->GetCandList()->GetSelection(); pCandItem = GetCandListMgr()->GetCandList()->GetCandidateItem( iItemSel ); if (pCandItem == NULL) { Assert( FALSE ); return E_FAIL; } // pchCandidate = pCandItem->GetString(); pchFiltering = GetFilterString(); if (pchFiltering == NULL) { pchFiltering = szNull; } pchReturn = NULL; switch (strtype) { case CANDUIFST_COMPLETE: { /* complete string */ pchReturn = pchCandidate; break; } case CANDUIFST_DETERMINED: { /* determined string (filtering string) */ pchReturn = pchFiltering; break; } case CANDUIFST_UNDETERMINED: { /* undetermined string (incoming string) */ Assert( wcslen(pchFiltering) <= wcslen(pchCandidate) );; pchReturn = pchCandidate + wcslen(pchFiltering); break; } } if (pchReturn == NULL) { return E_FAIL; } *pbstr = SysAllocString( pchReturn ); return (*pbstr != NULL) ? S_OK : E_OUTOFMEMORY; } /* I S E N A B L E D */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CCandFnAutoFilter::IsEnabled( void ) { return m_fEnable; } /* S E T F I L T E R S T R I N G */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Set filter string Note that this never update filter result. Call FilterCandidateList. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandFnAutoFilter::SetFilterString( LPCWSTR psz ) { ClearFilterString(); if (psz != NULL && *psz != L'\0') { m_bstrFilter = SysAllocString( psz ); } } /* G E T F I L T E R S T R I N G */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Get filter string ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ LPCWSTR CCandFnAutoFilter::GetFilterString( void ) { return m_bstrFilter; } /* C L E A R F I L T E R S T R I N G */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Clear filter string Note that this never update filter result. Call FilterCandidateList. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandFnAutoFilter::ClearFilterString( void ) { if (m_bstrFilter != NULL) { SysFreeString( m_bstrFilter ); m_bstrFilter = NULL; } } /* F I L T E R C A N D I D A T E L I S T */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Do filtering ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int CCandFnAutoFilter::FilterCandidateList( void ) { CCandidateList *pCandList; int cchFilter; int i; int nItem; int nItemVisible; BOOL fFirst; pCandList = GetCandListMgr()->GetCandList(); if (pCandList == NULL) { return 0; } cchFilter = (m_bstrFilter == NULL) ? 0 : wcslen( m_bstrFilter ); nItem = pCandList->GetItemCount(); nItemVisible = 0; fFirst = TRUE; for (i = 0; i < nItem; i++) { CCandidateItem *pCandItem = pCandList->GetCandidateItem( i ); BOOL fMatch = TRUE; if (cchFilter != 0) { fMatch = (CompareString( pCandItem->GetString(), m_bstrFilter, cchFilter ) == 0); } pCandItem->SetVisibleState( fMatch ); if (fMatch) { nItemVisible++; // select first visible item if (fFirst) { GetCandListMgr()->SetSelection( i, this ); fFirst = FALSE; } } } GetCandListMgr()->NotifyCandItemUpdate( this ); return nItemVisible; } /* F E X I S T I T E M M A T C H E S */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Check if item exist matches with the string ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CCandFnAutoFilter::FExistItemMatches( LPCWSTR psz ) { CCandidateList *pCandList; int cchFilter; int i; int nItem; int nItemVisible; pCandList = GetCandListMgr()->GetCandList(); if (pCandList == NULL) { return 0; } cchFilter = (psz == NULL) ? 0 : wcslen( psz ); nItem = pCandList->GetItemCount(); nItemVisible = 0; for (i = 0; i < nItem; i++) { CCandidateItem *pCandItem = pCandList->GetCandidateItem( i ); BOOL fMatch = TRUE; if (cchFilter != 0) { fMatch = (CompareString( pCandItem->GetString(), psz, cchFilter ) == 0); } if (fMatch) { nItemVisible++; } } return (nItemVisible != 0); } /* C R E A T E I N T E R F A C E O B J E C T */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CCandFnAutoFilter::CreateInterfaceObject( REFIID riid, void **ppvObj ) { CCandUIFnAutoFilter *pObject; HRESULT hr; pObject = new CCandUIFnAutoFilter( m_pCandUI, this ); if (pObject == NULL) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } hr = pObject->QueryInterface( riid, ppvObj ); pObject->Release(); return hr; } /*============================================================================*/ /* */ /* C C A N D F N S O R T */ /* */ /*============================================================================*/ /* C C A N D F N S O R T */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Constructor of CCandFnSort ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CCandFnSort::CCandFnSort( CCandidateUI *pCandUI ) { m_pCandUI = pCandUI; m_SortType = CANDSORT_NONE; m_pSink = NULL; InitEventSink( pCandUI->GetCandListMgr() ); } /* ~ C C A N D F N S O R T */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Destructor of CCandFnSort ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CCandFnSort::~CCandFnSort( void ) { ReleaseEventSink(); SortCandidateList( CANDSORT_NONE ); DoneEventSink(); } /* O N S E T C A N D I D A T E L I S T */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Callback function on SetCandidateList (CCandListEventSink method) NOTE: Do not update candidate item in the callback functios ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandFnSort::OnSetCandidateList( void ) { m_SortType = CANDSORT_NONE; } /* O N C L E A R C A N D I D A T E L I S T */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Callback function on ClearCandidateList (CCandListEventSink method) NOTE: Do not update candidate item in the callback functios ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandFnSort::OnClearCandidateList( void ) { m_SortType = CANDSORT_NONE; } /* O N C A N D I T E M U P D A T E */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Callback function of candiate item has been updated (CCandListEventSink method) NOTE: Do not update candidate item in the callback functios ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandFnSort::OnCandItemUpdate( void ) { // nothing to do } /* O N S E L E C T I O N C H A N G E D */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Callback function of candiate selection has been changed (CCandListEventSink method) NOTE: Do not update candidate item in the callback functios ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandFnSort::OnSelectionChanged( void ) { // nothing to do } /* S O R T C A N D I D A T E L I S T */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sort candidate items NOTE: Do not call SetSelection during sort to prevent from clearing filtering string. Selection will be updated in CCandListMgr, and candidate window rebuilds candidate list including selection when candidate item has been updates... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CCandFnSort::SortCandidateList( CANDSORT type ) { if (GetCandListMgr()->GetCandList() == NULL) { return E_FAIL; } if (m_SortType != type) { // do sort m_SortType = type; SortProc( 0, GetCandListMgr()->GetCandList()->GetItemCount() - 1 ); GetCandListMgr()->NotifyCandItemUpdate( this ); // notify event if (m_SortType != CANDSORT_NONE) { m_pCandUI->NotifySortEvent( CANDUISEV_SORTED ); } else { m_pCandUI->NotifySortEvent( CANDUISEV_RESTORED ); } } return S_OK; } /* G E T S O R T T Y P E */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Get sort type ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CCandFnSort::GetSortType( CANDSORT *ptype ) { if (ptype == NULL) { return E_INVALIDARG; } *ptype = m_SortType; return S_OK; } /* C R E A T E I N T E R F A C E O B J E C T */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CCandFnSort::CreateInterfaceObject( REFIID riid, void **ppvObj ) { CCandUIFnSort *pObject; HRESULT hr; pObject = new CCandUIFnSort( m_pCandUI, this ); if (pObject == NULL) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } hr = pObject->QueryInterface( riid, ppvObj ); pObject->Release(); return hr; } /* S O R T P R O C */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ perform quick sort ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CCandFnSort::SortProc( int iItemFirst, int iItemLast ) { CCandidateList *pCandList; int i; int iItemMid; if (iItemFirst >= iItemLast) { return; } pCandList = GetCandListMgr()->GetCandList(); Assert( pCandList != NULL ); pCandList->SwapCandidateItem( iItemFirst, (iItemFirst + iItemLast)/2 ); iItemMid = iItemFirst; for (i = iItemFirst + 1; i <= iItemLast; i++) { CCandidateItem* pCandItem1 = pCandList->GetCandidateItem( iItemFirst ); CCandidateItem* pCandItem2 = pCandList->GetCandidateItem( i ); int fMoveUp = FALSE; switch (m_SortType) { default: case CANDSORT_NONE: if (pCandItem1 && pCandItem2) { fMoveUp = (pCandItem2->GetICandItemOrg() < pCandItem1->GetICandItemOrg()); } break; case CANDSORT_ASCENDING: case CANDSORT_DESCENDING: if (pCandItem1 && pCandItem2) { LONG lCompareResult; CCandidateStringEx *pCandStrEx1; CCandidateStringEx *pCandStrEx2; pCandStrEx1 = new CCandidateStringEx( pCandItem1 ); pCandStrEx2 = new CCandidateStringEx( pCandItem2 ); if ((m_pSink == NULL) || (m_pSink->CompareItem( pCandStrEx1, pCandStrEx2, &lCompareResult ) != S_OK )) { lCompareResult = wcscmp(pCandItem1->GetString(), pCandItem2->GetString()); } if (pCandStrEx1) pCandStrEx1->Release(); if (pCandStrEx2) pCandStrEx2->Release(); if (m_SortType == CANDSORT_DESCENDING) { fMoveUp = (lCompareResult < 0); } else { fMoveUp = (lCompareResult > 0); } break; } } if (fMoveUp) { iItemMid++; pCandList->SwapCandidateItem( i, iItemMid ); } } pCandList->SwapCandidateItem( iItemFirst, iItemMid ); SortProc( iItemFirst, iItemMid-1 ); SortProc( iItemMid+1, iItemLast ); } /*============================================================================*/ /* */ /* C C A N D F N S O R T */ /* */ /*============================================================================*/ /* C C A N D U I F U N C T I O N M G R */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CCandUIFunctionMgr::CCandUIFunctionMgr( void ) { m_pCandUI = NULL; } /* ~ C C A N D U I F U N C T I O N M G R */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CCandUIFunctionMgr::~CCandUIFunctionMgr( void ) { } /* I N I T I A L I Z E */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CCandUIFunctionMgr::Initialize( CCandidateUI *pCandUI ) { m_pCandUI = pCandUI; m_pFnAutoFilter = new CCandFnAutoFilter( pCandUI ); if (m_pFnAutoFilter == NULL) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } m_pFnSort = new CCandFnSort( pCandUI ); if (m_pFnSort == NULL) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } return S_OK; } /* U N I N I T I A L I Z E */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CCandUIFunctionMgr::Uninitialize( void ) { m_pCandUI = NULL; if (m_pFnAutoFilter) { delete m_pFnAutoFilter; m_pFnAutoFilter = NULL; } if (m_pFnSort) { delete m_pFnSort; m_pFnSort = NULL; } return S_OK; } /* G E T O B J E C T */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CCandUIFunctionMgr::GetObject( REFIID riid, void **ppvObj ) { if (ppvObj == NULL) { return E_INVALIDARG; } // create interface object if (IsEqualGUID( riid, IID_ITfCandUIFnAutoFilter )) { return m_pFnAutoFilter->CreateInterfaceObject( riid, ppvObj ); } if (IsEqualGUID( riid, IID_ITfCandUIFnSort )) { return m_pFnSort->CreateInterfaceObject( riid, ppvObj ); } return E_FAIL; }