/*++ Copyright (c) 2001, Microsoft Corporation Module Name: uicomp.cpp Abstract: This file implements the UIComposition Class. Author: Revision History: Notes: --*/ #include "private.h" #include "resource.h" #include "cicspres.h" #include "uicomp.h" #include "globals.h" #include "ctxtcomp.h" #include "cic.h" #include "profile.h" #include "cregkey.h" #include "cresstr.h" #include "delay.h" #include "fontlink.h" const TCHAR c_szCUASDefCompKey[] = TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\CTF\\CUAS\\DefaultCompositionWindow"); const TCHAR c_szLeft[] = TEXT("Left"); const TCHAR c_szTop[] = TEXT("Top"); //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // IsEALang // //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL IsEALang() { TLS* ptls = TLS::GetTLS(); if (ptls) { CicProfile* pProfile; if (pProfile = ptls->GetCicProfile()) { LANGID langid; pProfile->GetLangId(&langid); switch(PRIMARYLANGID(langid)) { case LANG_JAPANESE: case LANG_KOREAN: case LANG_CHINESE: return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Internal_PolyTextOutW // //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL Internal_PolyTextOutW( HDC hDC, CONST POLYTEXTW* pptxt, int cStrings) { for (int i=0; i < cStrings; i++) { if (! FLExtTextOutW(hDC, pptxt[i].x, pptxt[i].y, pptxt[i].uiFlags, &pptxt[i].rcl, pptxt[i].lpstr, pptxt[i].n, pptxt[i].pdx)) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CDefCompFrameGripper // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CDefCompFrameGripper::ctor // //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- CDefCompFrameGripper::CDefCompFrameGripper(CDefCompFrameWindow *pDefCompFrameWindow, RECT *prc, DWORD dwStyle) : CUIFGripper( pDefCompFrameWindow, prc, dwStyle) { m_pDefCompFrameWnd = pDefCompFrameWindow; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CCompFinalizeButton // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CCompFinalizeButton::ctor // //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- CCompFinalizeButton::CCompFinalizeButton(CCompFrameWindow *pCompFrameWindow, DWORD dwID, RECT *prc, DWORD dwStyle, DWORD dwSBtnStyle, DWORD dwSBtnShowType) : CUIFToolbarButton(pCompFrameWindow, dwID, prc, dwStyle, dwSBtnStyle, dwSBtnShowType) { m_pCompFrameWnd = pCompFrameWindow; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CCompFinalizeButton::dtor // //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- CCompFinalizeButton::~CCompFinalizeButton() { HICON hIcon = GetIcon(); if (hIcon) { DestroyIcon(hIcon); SetIcon(NULL); } } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CCompFinalizeButton::OnLeftClick // //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CCompFinalizeButton::OnLeftClick() { Assert(m_pCompFrameWnd); // // complete string at lbutton click. // if (m_pCompFrameWnd->GetIMC()) ImmNotifyIME(m_pCompFrameWnd->GetIMC(), NI_COMPOSITIONSTR, CPS_COMPLETE, 0); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CDefCompFrameWindow // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CDefCompFrameWindow::CDefCompFrameWindow // //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- CDefCompFrameWindow::CDefCompFrameWindow(HIMC hIMC, DWORD dwStyle) : CCompFrameWindow(hIMC, dwStyle) { // // get the current position from registry // LoadPosition(); // // Set theme // SetActiveTheme(L"TASKBAR", TBP_BACKGROUNDBOTTOM, TS_NORMAL ); } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CDefCompFrameWindow::~CDefCompFrameWindow // //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- CDefCompFrameWindow::~CDefCompFrameWindow() { // // save the current position to registry // SavePosition(); } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CDefCompFrameWindow::OnSetCursor // //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CDefCompFrameWindow::OnSetCursor( UINT uMsg, POINT pt ) { // // SendMessage(WM_UICOMP_SETCURSOR) will set the cursor if pt is in // the comp str window. // if (IsWindow(m_hwndCompStr)) { RECT rc; GetWindowRect(m_hwndCompStr, &rc); MyScreenToClient(NULL, &rc); if (PtInRect(&rc, pt)) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CDefCompFrameWindow::HandleMouseMsg // //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDefCompFrameWindow::HandleMouseMsg( UINT uMsg, POINT pt ) { if (IsWindow(m_hwndCompStr)) { RECT rc; GetWindowRect(m_hwndCompStr, &rc); MyScreenToClient(NULL, &rc); if (PtInRect(&rc, pt)) SendMessage(m_hwndCompStr, WM_UICOMP_SETCURSOR, 0, 0); } CUIFWindow::HandleMouseMsg(uMsg, pt ); } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CDefCompFrameWindow::Init // //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDefCompFrameWindow::Init() { if (!m_pGripper) { RECT rc; ::SetRect(&rc, 0, 0, 0, 0); m_pGripper = new CDefCompFrameGripper(this, &rc, 0); m_pGripper->Initialize(); AddUIObj(m_pGripper); } if (!m_pEnterButton) { RECT rc; ::SetRect(&rc, 0, 0, 0, 0); m_pEnterButton = new CCompFinalizeButton(this, 0, &rc, 0, UITBBUTTON_BUTTON, 0); m_pEnterButton->Initialize(); m_pEnterButton->Init(); m_pEnterButton->SetIcon(LoadSmIcon(::GetInstance(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDIC_ENTER_ICON))); m_pEnterButton->SetToolTip(CRStr2(IDS_ENTER_BTN_TOOLTIP)); AddUIObj(m_pEnterButton); } } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // OnCreate // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDefCompFrameWindow::OnCreate(HWND hWnd) { // // Set Window Theme. // SetWindowTheme(hWnd, L"TASKBAR", NULL); // // Get margins of button theme. // CUIFTheme themeBtn; memset(&_marginsButton, 0, sizeof(_marginsButton)); themeBtn.SetActiveTheme(L"TOOLBAR", TP_BUTTON, 0); if (SUCCEEDED(themeBtn.OpenThemeData(hWnd))) { themeBtn.GetThemeMargins(NULL, TS_NORMAL, TMT_CONTENTMARGINS, NULL, &_marginsButton); } } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // OnWindowPosChanged // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LRESULT CDefCompFrameWindow::OnWindowPosChanged(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { IMCLock imc(GetIMC()); if (SUCCEEDED(imc.GetResult())) { SendMessage(imc->hWnd, WM_IME_NOTIFY, IMN_PRIVATE_ONLAYOUTCHANGE, (LPARAM)GetIMC()); } return CUIFWindow::OnWindowPosChanged(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CDefCompFrameWindow::SetCompStrRect // //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDefCompFrameWindow::SetCompStrRect(int dx, int dy, BOOL fShow) { int x, y; int nGripperWidth = GetGripperWidth(); RECT rcWnd; GetWindowRect(GetWnd(), &rcWnd); Move(rcWnd.left, rcWnd.top, dx + (DEFFRAME_LEFT_MARGIN * 3) + nGripperWidth + DEFFRAME_ENTER_BTN_CX, dy + DEFFRAME_TOP_MARGIN + DEFFRAME_BOTTOM_MARGIN); if (m_pGripper) { RECT rc; x = DEFFRAME_LEFT_MARGIN; y = DEFFRAME_TOP_MARGIN; ::SetRect(&rc, x, y, x + nGripperWidth, DEFFRAME_TOP_STR_MARGIN + dy); m_pGripper->SetRect(&rc); } if (m_pEnterButton) { RECT rc; x = DEFFRAME_LEFT_MARGIN + nGripperWidth + dx + DEFFRAME_LEFT_MARGIN; y = DEFFRAME_TOP_MARGIN; ::SetRect(&rc, x, y, x + DEFFRAME_ENTER_BTN_CX + _marginsButton.cxLeftWidth + _marginsButton.cxRightWidth, y + DEFFRAME_ENTER_BTN_CY + _marginsButton.cyTopHeight + _marginsButton.cyBottomHeight); m_pEnterButton->SetRect(&rc); } Show(fShow); x = DEFFRAME_LEFT_MARGIN + nGripperWidth; y = DEFFRAME_TOP_STR_MARGIN; ::MoveWindow(m_hwndCompStr, x, y, dx, dy, TRUE); ::ShowWindow(m_hwndCompStr, fShow ? SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE : SW_HIDE); } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // GetGripperWidth // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CDefCompFrameWindow::GetGripperWidth() { if (m_pGripper) { if (SUCCEEDED(m_pGripper->EnsureThemeData(GetWnd()))) { int nRet = -1; SIZE size; HDC hdc = GetDC(GetWnd()); if (SUCCEEDED(m_pGripper->GetThemePartSize(hdc, TS_NORMAL, NULL, TS_TRUE, &size))) { nRet = size.cx + CUI_GRIPPER_THEME_MARGIN * 2; } ReleaseDC(GetWnd(), hdc); if (nRet >= 0) return nRet; } } return 5; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // SavePosition // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDefCompFrameWindow::SavePosition() { CMyRegKey key; if (key.Create(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, c_szCUASDefCompKey) == S_OK) { key.SetValue((DWORD)_xWnd, c_szLeft); key.SetValue((DWORD)_yWnd, c_szTop); } } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // LoadPosition // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDefCompFrameWindow::LoadPosition() { CMyRegKey key; int x, y; x = 0; y = 0; if (key.Open(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, c_szCUASDefCompKey, KEY_READ) == S_OK) { DWORD dw; if (key.QueryValue(dw, c_szLeft) == S_OK) x = (int)dw; if (key.QueryValue(dw, c_szTop) == S_OK) y = (int)dw; } Move(x, y, 0, 0); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CCompButtonFrameWindow // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CCompButtonFrameWindow::CCompButtonFrameWindow // //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- CCompButtonFrameWindow::CCompButtonFrameWindow(HIMC hIMC, DWORD dwStyle) : CCompFrameWindow(hIMC, dwStyle) { #ifdef COMPBUTTON_TOOLBARTHEME // // Set theme // SetActiveTheme(L"TOOLBAR", TBP_BACKGROUNDBOTTOM, TS_NORMAL ); #endif } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CCompButtonFrameWindow::~CCompButtonFrameWindow // //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- CCompButtonFrameWindow::~CCompButtonFrameWindow() { } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // OnCreate // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CCompButtonFrameWindow::OnCreate(HWND hWnd) { // // Set Window Theme. // #ifdef COMPBUTTON_TOOLBARTHEME SetWindowTheme(hWnd, L"TASKBAR", NULL); #else SetWindowTheme(hWnd, L"TOOLBAR", NULL); #endif // // Get margins of button theme. // CUIFTheme themeBtn; memset(&_marginsButton, 0, sizeof(_marginsButton)); themeBtn.SetActiveTheme(L"TOOLBAR", TP_BUTTON, 0); if (SUCCEEDED(themeBtn.OpenThemeData(hWnd))) { themeBtn.GetThemeMargins(NULL, TS_NORMAL, TMT_CONTENTMARGINS, NULL, &_marginsButton); } } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CCompButtonFrameWindow::Init // //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CCompButtonFrameWindow::Init() { if (!m_pEnterButton) { RECT rc; ::SetRect(&rc, 0, 0, 0, 0); m_pEnterButton = new CCompFinalizeButton(this, 0, &rc, 0, UITBBUTTON_BUTTON, 0); m_pEnterButton->Initialize(); m_pEnterButton->Init(); m_pEnterButton->SetIcon(LoadSmIcon(::GetInstance(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDIC_ENTER_ICON))); m_pEnterButton->SetToolTip(CRStr2(IDS_ENTER_BTN_TOOLTIP)); AddUIObj(m_pEnterButton); } } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CCompButtonFrameWindow::MoveShow // //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CCompButtonFrameWindow::MoveShow(int x, int y, BOOL fShow) { RECT rcWnd; int cx = DEFFRAME_ENTER_BTN_CX + _marginsButton.cxLeftWidth + _marginsButton.cxRightWidth; int cy = DEFFRAME_ENTER_BTN_CY + _marginsButton.cyTopHeight + _marginsButton.cyBottomHeight; GetWindowRect(GetWnd(), &rcWnd); Move(x, y, ((COMPBTN_LEFT_MARGIN + 1) * 2) + cx, ((COMPBTN_TOP_MARGIN + 1) * 2) + cy); if (m_pEnterButton) { RECT rc; x = COMPBTN_LEFT_MARGIN; y = COMPBTN_TOP_MARGIN; ::SetRect(&rc, x, y, x + cx, x + cy); m_pEnterButton->SetRect(&rc); } Show(fShow); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // UIComposition // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // UIComposition::CompWndProc // //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* static */ LRESULT UIComposition::CompWndProc( HWND hCompWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (uMsg) { case WM_SETCURSOR: case WM_UICOMP_SETCURSOR: { UIComposition* pv = (UIComposition*)GetWindowLongPtr(hCompWnd, GWLP_USERDATA); HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; if (pv) { HWND hUIWnd = pv->GetUIWnd(); if (IsWindow(hUIWnd)) { HIMC hImc = (HIMC)GetWindowLongPtr(hUIWnd, IMMGWLP_IMC); IMCLock imc(hImc); if (SUCCEEDED(imc.GetResult())) { hr = pv->OnSetCursor(imc, wParam, lParam); } } } if (hr != S_OK) return DefWindowProc(hCompWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); break; } case WM_PAINT: case WM_TIMER: { TLS* ptls = TLS::GetTLS(); if (ptls == NULL) return 0; UIComposition* pv = (UIComposition*)GetWindowLongPtr(hCompWnd, GWLP_USERDATA); if (pv != NULL) { switch (uMsg) { case WM_PAINT: { PAINTSTRUCT ps; HDC hDC = BeginPaint(hCompWnd, &ps); HWND hUIWnd = pv->GetUIWnd(); if (IsWindow(hUIWnd)) { HIMC hImc = (HIMC)GetWindowLongPtr(hUIWnd, IMMGWLP_IMC); IMCLock imc(hImc); if (SUCCEEDED(imc.GetResult())) { pv->OnPaint(ptls, hCompWnd, hDC, ps, imc); } } EndPaint(hCompWnd, &ps); } break; case WM_TIMER: pv->OnTimer(hCompWnd); break; } } } break; default: return DefWindowProc(hCompWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); } return 0; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // UIComposition::ctor // UIComposition::dtor // //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- UIComposition::UIComposition(HWND hUIWnd) { for (int i=0; i < sizeof(m_CompWnd)/sizeof(COMPWND); i++) { m_CompWnd[i].hCompWnd = NULL; m_CompWnd[i].fDefaultCompWnd = FALSE; } m_DefCompWnd.hCompWnd = NULL; m_DefCompWnd.fDefaultCompWnd = TRUE; m_hFontLevel1 = NULL; m_hFontLevel2 = NULL; m_isc = 0; m_hUIWnd = hUIWnd; m_lpszCompStr = NULL; m_nCompStr = 0; m_bTimerCOMPOSITION = FALSE; } UIComposition::~UIComposition() { DestroyCompositionWindow(); if (m_hFontLevel1) DeleteObject(m_hFontLevel1); if (m_hFontLevel2) DeleteObject(m_hFontLevel2); m_hFontLevel1 = NULL; m_hFontLevel2 = NULL; if (m_lpszCompStr) { cicMemFree(m_lpszCompStr); m_lpszCompStr = NULL; } m_nCompStr = 0; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // UIComposition::OnCreate // //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT UIComposition::OnCreate() { return S_OK; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // UIComposition::OnDestroy // //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT UIComposition::OnDestroy() { return DestroyCompositionWindow(); } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // UIComposition::OnImeSetContext // //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT UIComposition::OnImeSetContext( IMCLock& imc, HWND hUIWnd, BOOL fActivate, DWORD isc) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (fActivate) { if (SUCCEEDED(imc.GetResult())) { // // #598648 // // Powerpnt XP does not clear ISC_SHOWUICOMPOSITIONWINDOW. // even though it is AIMM filtered window. It must be Level3. // BOOL fFilter = MsimtfIsWindowFiltered(imc->hWnd); if ((isc & ISC_SHOWUICOMPOSITIONWINDOW) && fFilter) { isc &= ~ISC_SHOWUICOMPOSITIONWINDOW; // // 616323 // // Trident can not handle the existing composition string. // // if hIMC already has a composition string before the focus // goes to the trident. We need to clear the comp string. // Trident can not start the composition string in the middle // of composing. // IMCCLock comp(imc->hCompStr); if (FAILED(hr=comp.GetResult())) { DebugMsg(TF_ERROR, TEXT("UIComposition::OnImeSetContext. comp==NULL")); return hr; } if (comp->dwCompStrLen) { DWORD dwImeCompatFlags = ImmGetAppCompatFlags(NULL); if (dwImeCompatFlags & IMECOMPAT_AIMM12_TRIDENT) { IMCCLock imc_ctfime(imc->hCtfImeContext); if (FAILED(imc_ctfime.GetResult())) { return E_FAIL; } CicInputContext* _pCicContext = imc_ctfime->m_pCicContext; if (_pCicContext == NULL) { DebugMsg(TF_ERROR, TEXT("UIComposition::OnImeSetContext. _pCicContext==NULL")); return E_FAIL; } _pCicContext->EscbCompComplete(imc); } } } } m_isc = isc; UpdateShowCompWndFlag(imc, NULL); } m_fActive = fActivate; return hr; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // UIComposition::OnImeSetContextAfter // //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT UIComposition::OnImeSetContextAfter( IMCLock& imc) { if ((m_pDefCompFrameWnd && IsWindow(m_pDefCompFrameWnd->GetWnd())) || IsWindow(m_CompWnd[FIRST_WINDOW].hCompWnd) ) { HRESULT hr; // // Validation check of imc. // Because CIMEUIWindowHandler::ImeUIWndProcWorker doesn't check. // hr = imc.GetResult(); // // we show the def / level2 comp window, // // - if imc is valid. // - if composition window is on Level1 or 2. // - if it is not level 3, // (m_isc does not have ISC_SHOWUICOMPOSITIONWINDOW) // - if it is active. // - if there is a composition string. // IME_UIWND_STATE uiwndState; if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && ((uiwndState = GetLevelFromIMC(imc)) == IME_UIWND_LEVEL1 || uiwndState == IME_UIWND_LEVEL2) && (m_isc & ISC_SHOWUICOMPOSITIONWINDOW) && m_fActive) { DWORD dwCompLen = 0; UpdateShowCompWndFlag(imc, &dwCompLen); if (uiwndState == IME_UIWND_LEVEL1) { ShowWindow(m_pDefCompFrameWnd->GetWnd(), m_fShowCompWnd.IsSetFlag() ? SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE : SW_HIDE); } else if ((uiwndState == IME_UIWND_LEVEL2) && (m_fShowCompWnd.IsResetFlag())) { for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(m_CompWnd)/sizeof(COMPWND) && dwCompLen > 0; i++) { m_CompWnd[i].caret.HideCaret(); ShowWindow(m_CompWnd[i].hCompWnd, SW_HIDE); } } } else { // // Both Level 1 / Level 2 window hide. // ShowWindow(m_pDefCompFrameWnd->GetWnd(), SW_HIDE); for (int i=0; i < sizeof(m_CompWnd)/sizeof(COMPWND); i++) { m_CompWnd[i].caret.HideCaret(); ShowWindow(m_CompWnd[i].hCompWnd, SW_HIDE); } } } else { m_isc &= ~ISC_SHOWUICOMPOSITIONWINDOW; } return S_OK; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // UIComposition::OnImeSelect // //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT UIComposition::OnImeSelect( BOOL fSelect) { return S_OK; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // UIComposition::OnImeStartComposition // //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT UIComposition::OnImeStartComposition( IMCLock& imc, HWND hUIWnd) { HRESULT hr; if (SUCCEEDED(hr = UpdateFont(imc))) { TEXTMETRIC tm; HDC hDC; HFONT hFontOrg; hDC = GetDC(m_DefCompWnd.hCompWnd); // get FontHeight for level1. hFontOrg = (HFONT)SelectObject(hDC, m_hFontLevel1); GetTextMetrics(hDC, &tm); m_tmFontHeightLevel1 = tm.tmHeight; // get FontHeight for level2. SelectObject(hDC, m_hFontLevel2); GetTextMetrics(hDC, &tm); m_tmFontHeightLevel2 = tm.tmHeight; SelectObject(hDC, hFontOrg); ReleaseDC(m_DefCompWnd.hCompWnd, hDC); if (!imc.UseVerticalCompWindow()) { m_caret_size.cx = CARET_WIDTH; m_caret_size.cy = tm.tmHeight + LINE_BOLD_WIDTH; } else { m_caret_size.cx = tm.tmHeight + LINE_BOLD_WIDTH; m_caret_size.cy = CARET_WIDTH; } if (SUCCEEDED(hr = CreateCompositionWindow(imc, hUIWnd))) { UpdateCompositionRect(imc); } } return hr; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // UIComposition::OnImeCompositionUpdate // //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT UIComposition::OnImeCompositionUpdate(IMCLock& imc) { m_isc |= ISC_SHOWUICOMPOSITIONWINDOW; // arrive WM_IME_COMPOSITION in IME UI window, // IME should draw comp wnd. return UpdateShowCompWndFlag(imc, NULL); } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // UIComposition::OnImeCompositionUpdateByTimer // //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT UIComposition::OnImeCompositionUpdateByTimer(IMCLock& imc) { return UpdateCompositionRect(imc); } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // UIComposition::OnImeEndComposition // //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT UIComposition::OnImeEndComposition() { m_isc = 0; return DestroyCompositionWindow(); } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // UIComposition::CreateCompositionWindow // //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT UIComposition::CreateCompositionWindow( IMCLock& imc, HWND hUIWnd) { HRESULT hr; if (SUCCEEDED(hr=imc.GetResult()) && IsWindow(hUIWnd) && m_fInitUIComp.IsResetFlag()) { // // Create three composition windows // // m_CompWnd[0].hCompWnd is first composition window rectangle. // m_CompWnd[1].hCompWnd is middle composition window rectangle. // m_CompWnd[2].hCompWnd is last composition window rectangle. // for (int i=0; i < sizeof(m_CompWnd)/sizeof(COMPWND); i++) { Assert(!m_CompWnd[i].hCompWnd); m_CompWnd[i].hCompWnd = CreateWindowExW(0, s_szCompClassName, NULL, WS_POPUP | WS_DISABLED, 0, 0, 0, 0, hUIWnd, // Parent Window Handle. NULL, GetInstance(), NULL); if (m_CompWnd[i].hCompWnd == NULL) { DestroyCompositionWindow(); DebugMsg(TF_ERROR, TEXT("UIComposition::Create. m_CompWnd[].hCompWnd==NULL")); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } SetWindowLongPtr(m_CompWnd[i].hCompWnd, GWLP_USERDATA, (LONG_PTR)this); switch (i) { case FIRST_WINDOW: SetWindowLongPtr(m_CompWnd[FIRST_WINDOW].hCompWnd, COMPUI_WINDOW_INDEX, FIRST_WINDOW); break; case MIDDLE_WINDOW: SetWindowLongPtr(m_CompWnd[MIDDLE_WINDOW].hCompWnd, COMPUI_WINDOW_INDEX, MIDDLE_WINDOW); break; case LAST_WINDOW: SetWindowLongPtr(m_CompWnd[LAST_WINDOW].hCompWnd, COMPUI_WINDOW_INDEX, LAST_WINDOW); break; } m_CompWnd[i].caret.CreateCaret(m_CompWnd[i].hCompWnd, m_caret_size); } if (FAILED(CreateCompButtonWnd(hUIWnd, (HIMC)imc))) { DestroyCompositionWindow(); DebugMsg(TF_ERROR, TEXT("UIComposition::Create. m_pCompButtonFrameWindow==NULL")); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } if (FAILED(CreateDefFrameWnd(hUIWnd, (HIMC)imc))) { DestroyCompositionWindow(); DebugMsg(TF_ERROR, TEXT("UIComposition::Create. m_pDefFrameWindow==NULL")); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } // // Create default composition window // Assert(!m_DefCompWnd.hCompWnd); m_DefCompWnd.hCompWnd = CreateWindowExW(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, s_szCompClassName, NULL, WS_CHILD | WS_DISABLED, 0, 0, 0, 0, m_pDefCompFrameWnd->GetWnd(), NULL, GetInstance(), NULL); if (m_DefCompWnd.hCompWnd == NULL) { DestroyCompositionWindow(); DebugMsg(TF_ERROR, TEXT("UIComposition::Create. m_DefCompWnd.hCompWnd==NULL")); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } m_pDefCompFrameWnd->SetCompStrWnd(m_DefCompWnd.hCompWnd); SetWindowLongPtr(m_DefCompWnd.hCompWnd, GWLP_USERDATA, (LONG_PTR)this); SetWindowLongPtr(m_DefCompWnd.hCompWnd, COMPUI_WINDOW_INDEX, DEFAULT_WINDOW); m_DefCompWnd.caret.CreateCaret(m_DefCompWnd.hCompWnd, m_caret_size); // // Final: set flag // m_fInitUIComp.SetFlag(); } return hr; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // UIComposition::DestroyCompositionWindow // //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT UIComposition::DestroyCompositionWindow() { for (int i=0; i < sizeof(m_CompWnd)/sizeof(COMPWND); i++) { m_CompWnd[i].caret.DestroyCaret(); if (IsWindow(m_CompWnd[i].hCompWnd)) { DestroyWindow(m_CompWnd[i].hCompWnd); m_CompWnd[i].poly_text.RemoveAll(); } m_CompWnd[i].hCompWnd = NULL; } if (m_pCompButtonFrameWnd) { DestroyWindow(m_pCompButtonFrameWnd->GetWnd()); delete m_pCompButtonFrameWnd; m_pCompButtonFrameWnd = NULL; } m_DefCompWnd.caret.DestroyCaret(); if (IsWindow(m_DefCompWnd.hCompWnd)) { DestroyWindow(m_DefCompWnd.hCompWnd); m_DefCompWnd.poly_text.RemoveAll(); } if (m_pDefCompFrameWnd) { DestroyWindow(m_pDefCompFrameWnd->GetWnd()); delete m_pDefCompFrameWnd; m_pDefCompFrameWnd = NULL; } m_DefCompWnd.hCompWnd = NULL; m_fInitUIComp.ResetFlag(); return S_OK; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // UIComposition::HideCompositionWindow // //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT UIComposition::HideCompositionWindow() { for (int i=0; i < sizeof(m_CompWnd)/sizeof(COMPWND); i++) { if (IsWindow(m_CompWnd[i].hCompWnd)) { ShowWindow(m_CompWnd[i].hCompWnd, SW_HIDE); } } if (IsWindow(m_DefCompWnd.hCompWnd)) { ShowWindow(m_DefCompWnd.hCompWnd, SW_HIDE); } if (m_pDefCompFrameWnd) m_pDefCompFrameWnd->Show(FALSE); if (m_pCompButtonFrameWnd) m_pCompButtonFrameWnd->Show(FALSE); return S_OK; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // UIComposition::GetSelection // //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT UIComposition::GetSelection( IMCLock& imc, LONG *pacpSelStart, LONG *pcchSel) { HRESULT hr; IMCCLock imc_ctfime(imc->hCtfImeContext); if (FAILED(hr=imc_ctfime.GetResult())) { DebugMsg(TF_ERROR, TEXT("UIComposition::OnSetCursor. imc_ctfime==NULL")); return hr; } CicInputContext* _pCicContext = imc_ctfime->m_pCicContext; if (_pCicContext == NULL) { DebugMsg(TF_ERROR, TEXT("UIComposition::OnSetCursor. _pCicContext==NULL")); return hr; } *pacpSelStart = 0; *pcchSel = 0; Interface Selection; Interface SelectionACP; hr = _pCicContext->EscbGetSelection(imc, &Selection); if (hr == S_OK) { hr = Selection->QueryInterface(IID_ITfRangeACP, (void **)SelectionACP); if (hr == S_OK) { hr = SelectionACP->GetExtent(pacpSelStart, pcchSel); } } // // if there is no selection, we don't have to check ReadOnly area. // if (*pcchSel == 0) return hr; // // find the first non readonly range in the text store. // // pacpSelSrart is the offset of the composition string, // so we need to subtract the range of the readonly area. // LONG cchRO = 0; hr = _pCicContext->EscbReadOnlyPropMargin(imc, &SelectionACP, &cchRO); if (hr == S_OK) { if (cchRO <= *pacpSelStart) { *pacpSelStart -= cchRO; } else { // // our selection is overwrapped to Read Only area. Why? // Assert(0); *pacpSelStart = 0; *pcchSel = 0; } } return S_OK; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // UIComposition::UpdateShowCompWndFlag // //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT UIComposition::UpdateShowCompWndFlag( IMCLock& imc, DWORD* pdwCompStrLen) { HRESULT hr; // // Validation check of imc. // Because CIMEUIWindowHandler::ImeUIWndProcWorker doesn't check. // if (FAILED(hr=imc.GetResult())) { DebugMsg(TF_ERROR, TEXT("UIComposition::UpdateShowCompWndFlag. imc==NULL")); return hr; } if (! IsWindow(imc->hWnd)) { DebugMsg(TF_ERROR, TEXT("UIComposition::UpdateShowCompWndFlag. imc->hWNd==NULL")); return E_FAIL; } IMCCLock comp(imc->hCompStr); if (FAILED(hr=comp.GetResult())) { DebugMsg(TF_ERROR, TEXT("UIComposition::UpdateShowCompWndFlag. comp==NULL")); return hr; } if ((m_isc & ISC_SHOWUICOMPOSITIONWINDOW) && comp->dwCompStrLen) { m_fShowCompWnd.SetFlag(); } else { m_fShowCompWnd.ResetFlag(); } if (pdwCompStrLen) *pdwCompStrLen = comp->dwCompStrLen; return S_OK; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // UIComposition::UpdateCompositionRect // //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT UIComposition::UpdateCompositionRect( IMCLock& imc) { HRESULT hr; // // Validation check of imc. // Because CIMEUIWindowHandler::ImeUIWndProcWorker doesn't check. // if (FAILED(hr=imc.GetResult())) { DebugMsg(TF_ERROR, TEXT("UIComposition::UpdateCompositionRect. imc==NULL")); return hr; } if (! IsWindow(imc->hWnd)) { DebugMsg(TF_ERROR, TEXT("UIComposition::UpdateCompositionRect. imc->hWNd==NULL")); return E_FAIL; } IMCCLock comp(imc->hCompStr); if (FAILED(hr=comp.GetResult())) { DebugMsg(TF_ERROR, TEXT("UIComposition::UpdateCompositionRect. comp==NULL")); return hr; } // // Get Selection. // LONG acpSelStart = 0; LONG cchSel = 0; GetSelection(imc, &acpSelStart, &cchSel); // // Update show composition flag // DWORD dwCompLen = 0; UpdateShowCompWndFlag(imc, &dwCompLen); // // Allocate temp composition string buffer // LPWSTR lpCompStr; lpCompStr = GetCompStrBuffer(comp->dwCompStrLen); if (!lpCompStr) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; // // Store composition string in local buffer // memcpy(lpCompStr, comp.GetOffsetPointer(comp->dwCompStrOffset), dwCompLen * sizeof(WCHAR)); UINT fSwpShow = m_fShowCompWnd.IsSetFlag() ? SWP_SHOWWINDOW : SWP_HIDEWINDOW; IME_UIWND_STATE uiwndState = GetLevelFromIMC(imc); if (uiwndState == IME_UIWND_LEVEL1) { // // When the style is DEFAULT, show the default composition window. // if (IsWindow(m_DefCompWnd.hCompWnd)) { POLYTEXTW poly; memset(&poly, 0, sizeof(poly)); poly.n = dwCompLen; poly.lpstr = (LPCWSTR)lpCompStr; poly.uiFlags = ETO_OPAQUE; SIZE size; HDC hDC = GetDC(m_DefCompWnd.hCompWnd); HFONT hFontOrg = (HFONT)SelectObject(hDC, m_hFontLevel1); FLGetTextExtentPoint32(hDC, poly.lpstr, poly.n, &size); poly.rcl.right = size.cx + 2 * GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXEDGE); poly.rcl.bottom = size.cy + 2 * GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYEDGE); BOOL fShowCaret = (comp->dwCursorPos <= poly.n ? TRUE : FALSE); BOOL fEndCaret = (comp->dwCursorPos == poly.n ? TRUE : FALSE); if (m_pDefCompFrameWnd) { m_pDefCompFrameWnd->SetCompStrRect(poly.rcl.right - poly.rcl.left + (fEndCaret ? m_caret_size.cx * 2: 0), poly.rcl.bottom - poly.rcl.top + LINE_BOLD_WIDTH, m_fShowCompWnd.IsSetFlag()); } GuidMapAttribute guid_map(GuidMapAttribute::GetData(comp)); if (guid_map.Valid()) { Assert(poly.n == guid_map->dwGuidMapAttrLen); m_DefCompWnd.poly_text.RemoveAll(); PBYTE lpCompAttr = (PBYTE)guid_map.GetOffsetPointer(guid_map->dwGuidMapAttrOffset); CCompClauseStore compclause; compclause.Set(comp); m_DefCompWnd.poly_text.SplitPolyStringAndAttr(imc, hDC, poly, lpCompAttr, &compclause); } else { m_DefCompWnd.poly_text.RemoveAll(); m_DefCompWnd.poly_text.SplitPolyStringAndAttr(imc, hDC, poly); } if (fShowCaret) { SetCaretPos(hDC, m_DefCompWnd.caret, 0, 0, poly.lpstr, poly.n, comp->dwCursorPos, FALSE, fEndCaret); } // // Save Selection acp and cch // m_DefCompWnd.sel.acpStart = acpSelStart; m_DefCompWnd.sel.cch = cchSel; SelectObject(hDC, hFontOrg); ReleaseDC(m_DefCompWnd.hCompWnd, hDC); InvalidateRect(m_DefCompWnd.hCompWnd, NULL, FALSE); } for (int i=0; i < sizeof(m_CompWnd)/sizeof(COMPWND); i++) { if (IsWindow(m_CompWnd[i].hCompWnd)) { ShowWindow(m_CompWnd[i].hCompWnd, SW_HIDE); } } if (m_pCompButtonFrameWnd) { m_pCompButtonFrameWnd->MoveShow(0, 0, FALSE); } } else if (uiwndState == IME_UIWND_LEVEL2) { // // When the style is not DEFAULT, show the composition window. // POINT pt = imc->cfCompForm.ptCurrentPos; // // Set the rectangle for the composition string. // RECT rect; if (imc->cfCompForm.dwStyle & CFS_RECT) rect = imc->cfCompForm.rcArea; else GetClientRect(imc->hWnd, &rect); ClientToScreen(imc->hWnd, &pt); MapWindowPoints(imc->hWnd, NULL, (LPPOINT)&rect, 2); // // Check the start position. // if (! PtInRect(&rect, pt)) return E_FAIL; DWORD dwCursorPos = comp->dwCursorPos; CCompClauseStore compclause; compclause.Set(comp); GuidMapAttribute guid_map(GuidMapAttribute::GetData(comp)); PBYTE lpCompAttr; BOOL fCompAttr = TRUE; if (guid_map.Valid()) { lpCompAttr = (PBYTE)guid_map.GetOffsetPointer(guid_map->dwGuidMapAttrOffset); Assert(dwCompLen == guid_map->dwGuidMapAttrLen); } else { TLS* ptls = TLS::GetTLS(); if (ptls) { CicProfile* pProfile; if (pProfile = ptls->GetCicProfile()) { LANGID langid; pProfile->GetLangId(&langid); if (PRIMARYLANGID(langid) == LANG_KOREAN) { fCompAttr = FALSE; } } } if (fCompAttr) return E_FAIL; } { // // composition window // POINT compbtn_pos = {0,0}; BOOL fInitcompbtn_pos = FALSE; POINT window_pos; window_pos = pt; int window_width; if (!imc.UseVerticalCompWindow()) { window_width = rect.right - pt.x; } else { window_width = rect.bottom - pt.y; } UINT string_length; int i; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(m_CompWnd)/sizeof(COMPWND) && dwCompLen > 0; i++) { m_CompWnd[i].caret.HideCaret(); m_CompWnd[i].poly_text.RemoveAll(); // // Init Selection acp and cch // m_CompWnd[i].sel.acpStart = 0; m_CompWnd[i].sel.cch = 0; SIZE size; size.cy = 0; if (IsWindow(m_CompWnd[i].hCompWnd)) { HDC hDC = GetDC(m_CompWnd[i].hCompWnd); HFONT hFontOrg = (HFONT)SelectObject(hDC, m_hFontLevel2); if (i != MIDDLE_WINDOW) { string_length = CalcSingleTextExtentPoint(imc, hDC, lpCompStr, dwCompLen, lpCompAttr, fCompAttr, &compclause, window_width, &size, m_CompWnd[i].poly_text, 0); } else { string_length = CalcMultiTextExtentPoint(imc, hDC, lpCompStr, dwCompLen, lpCompAttr, fCompAttr, &compclause, window_width, &size, m_CompWnd[i].poly_text); } if (string_length) { BOOL fShowCaret = (dwCursorPos <= string_length ? TRUE : FALSE); BOOL fEndCaret = (dwCursorPos == string_length ? TRUE : FALSE); int pos_x = window_pos.x; int pos_y = window_pos.y; int cx; int cy; if (!imc.UseVerticalCompWindow()) { cx = size.cx + (fEndCaret ? m_caret_size.cx: 0); cy = size.cy; } else { pos_x -= size.cx; cx = size.cx; cy = size.cy + (fEndCaret ? m_caret_size.cy: 0); } SetWindowPos(m_CompWnd[i].hCompWnd, HWND_TOP, pos_x, pos_y, cx, cy, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOOWNERZORDER | SWP_NOSENDCHANGING | SWP_NOACTIVATE | fSwpShow); if (fShowCaret) { UpdateCaretRect(hDC, i, dwCursorPos, imc.UseVerticalCompWindow(), fEndCaret); dwCursorPos = ULONG_MAX; } else { dwCursorPos -= string_length; } // // Save Selection acp and cch for this COMPWND // if (cchSel && (acpSelStart < (LONG)string_length)) { m_CompWnd[i].sel.acpStart = acpSelStart; LONG cchSelTemp = cchSel; if (acpSelStart + cchSel > (LONG)string_length) cchSelTemp = string_length - acpSelStart; m_CompWnd[i].sel.cch = cchSelTemp; // // update cchSel for next COMPWND // cchSel -= cchSelTemp; if (cchSel < 0) cchSel = 0; } // // set level2 comp finalizing button position. // compbtn_pos.x = pos_x + cx; compbtn_pos.y = pos_y; fInitcompbtn_pos = TRUE; // // update CompStr, CompAttr, CompClause for next COMPWND // lpCompStr += string_length; dwCompLen -= string_length; if (fCompAttr) { lpCompAttr += string_length; compclause.Shift(string_length); } // // update acpSelStart for next COMPWND // acpSelStart -= string_length; if (acpSelStart < 0) acpSelStart = 0; } else { ShowWindow(m_CompWnd[i].hCompWnd, SW_HIDE); m_CompWnd[i].poly_text.RemoveAll(); } SelectObject(hDC, hFontOrg); ReleaseDC(m_CompWnd[i].hCompWnd, hDC); InvalidateRect(m_CompWnd[i].hCompWnd, NULL, FALSE); } if (!imc.UseVerticalCompWindow()) { window_pos.x = rect.left; window_pos.y += size.cy; window_width = rect.right - rect.left; rect.top += size.cy; } else { window_pos.x -= size.cx; window_pos.y = rect.top; window_width = rect.bottom - rect.top; rect.left -= size.cx; } } // // hide the remaining window. // for (; i < sizeof(m_CompWnd)/sizeof(COMPWND); i++) { if (IsWindow(m_CompWnd[i].hCompWnd)) ShowWindow(m_CompWnd[i].hCompWnd, SW_HIDE); m_CompWnd[i].poly_text.RemoveAll(); } if (IsWindow(m_DefCompWnd.hCompWnd)) { ShowWindow(m_DefCompWnd.hCompWnd, SW_HIDE); } if (m_pDefCompFrameWnd) m_pDefCompFrameWnd->Show(FALSE); if (m_pCompButtonFrameWnd) { m_pCompButtonFrameWnd->MoveShow(compbtn_pos.x, compbtn_pos.y, m_fShowCompWnd.IsSetFlag() && fInitcompbtn_pos); } } } return S_OK; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // UIComposition::UpdateFont // //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT UIComposition::UpdateFont( IMCLock& imc) { HRESULT hr; // // Validation check of imc. // Because CIMEUIWindowHandler::ImeUIWndProcWorker doesn't check. // if (FAILED(hr=imc.GetResult())) { DebugMsg(TF_ERROR, TEXT("UIComposition::UpdateFont. imc==NULL")); return hr; } if (m_hFontLevel1) DeleteObject(m_hFontLevel1); if (m_hFontLevel2) DeleteObject(m_hFontLevel2); LOGFONTW logfont = imc->lfFont.W; m_hFontLevel2 = CreateFontIndirectW(&logfont); logfont.lfEscapement = 0; logfont.lfOrientation = 0; if (logfont.lfFaceName[0] == L'@') { StringCchCopyW(logfont.lfFaceName, ARRAYSIZE(logfont.lfFaceName), &logfont.lfFaceName[1]); } m_hFontLevel1 = CreateFontIndirectW(&logfont); return S_OK; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // UIComposition::OnPaint // //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT UIComposition::OnPaint( TLS* ptls, HWND hCompWnd, HDC hDC, PAINTSTRUCT& ps, IMCLock& imc) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; COMPWNDINDEX index = (COMPWNDINDEX)GetWindowLong(hCompWnd, COMPUI_WINDOW_INDEX); IMCCLock comp(imc->hCompStr); if (FAILED(hr=comp.GetResult())) { DebugMsg(TF_ERROR, TEXT("UIComposition::OnPaint. comp==NULL")); } else { IME_UIWND_STATE uiwndState = GetLevelFromIMC(imc); if ((uiwndState == IME_UIWND_LEVEL1) && (index == DEFAULT_WINDOW)) { HFONT hFontOrg = (HFONT)SelectObject(hDC, m_hFontLevel1); PolyTextAndAttrOut(ptls, hDC, FALSE, &m_DefCompWnd); SelectObject(hDC, hFontOrg); } else if ((uiwndState == IME_UIWND_LEVEL2) && (index != DEFAULT_WINDOW)) { if (m_CompWnd[index].poly_text.GetPolySize()) { HFONT hFontOrg = (HFONT)SelectObject(hDC, m_hFontLevel2); PolyTextAndAttrOut(ptls, hDC, imc.UseVerticalCompWindow(), &m_CompWnd[index]); SelectObject(hDC, hFontOrg); } } } return hr; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // UIComposition::OnTimer // //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT UIComposition::OnTimer( HWND hCompWnd) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; COMPWNDINDEX index = (COMPWNDINDEX)GetWindowLong(hCompWnd, COMPUI_WINDOW_INDEX); if (index == DEFAULT_WINDOW) { return m_DefCompWnd.caret.OnTimer(); } else { return m_CompWnd[index].caret.OnTimer(); } } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // UIComposition::OnImeNotifySetCompositionWindow // //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT UIComposition::OnImeNotifySetCompositionWindow( IMCLock& imc) { return UpdateCompositionRect(imc); } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // UIComposition::OnImeNotifySetCompositionFont // //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT UIComposition::OnImeNotifySetCompositionFont( IMCLock& imc) { HRESULT hr; if (FAILED(hr = UpdateFont(imc))) return hr; return UpdateCompositionRect(imc); } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // UIComposition::CalcSingleTextExtentPoint // //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- UINT UIComposition::CalcSingleTextExtentPoint( IMCLock& imc, HDC hDC, LPCWSTR lpsz, int string_len, PBYTE lpAttr, BOOL fCompAttr, CCompClauseStore* compclause, int window_width, LPSIZE real_size, // OUTPUT: Total window rectangle CPolyText& poly_text, int row_index) { if (string_len == 0 || lpsz == NULL) { return 0; } SIZE delta_size; delta_size.cx = 0; UINT ret_len = 0; UINT delta_len = 0; SIZE size; while ((delta_size.cx < window_width) && string_len) { ++delta_len; --string_len; FLGetTextExtentPoint32(hDC, lpsz, delta_len, &size); delta_size = size; } if (delta_size.cx < window_width) { ret_len = delta_len; } else { ret_len = (delta_len > 1 ? delta_len - 1 : 0); } if (ret_len) { FLGetTextExtentPoint32(hDC, lpsz, ret_len, real_size); } else { // // if string length is 0, we should return just the height. // real_size->cx = 0; real_size->cy = delta_size.cy; } if (!imc.UseVerticalCompWindow()) { if (ret_len > 0) { real_size->cy += LINE_BOLD_WIDTH; POLYTEXTW poly; memset(&poly, 0, sizeof(poly)); poly.y = row_index * real_size->cy; poly.n = ret_len; poly.lpstr = lpsz; poly.uiFlags = ETO_OPAQUE; poly.rcl.top = row_index * real_size->cy; poly.rcl.right = real_size->cx; poly.rcl.bottom = poly.rcl.top + real_size->cy; if (fCompAttr) poly_text.SplitPolyStringAndAttr(imc, hDC, poly, lpAttr, compclause); else poly_text.SplitPolyStringAndAttr(imc, hDC, poly); } } else { RotateSize(real_size); if (ret_len > 0) { real_size->cx += LINE_BOLD_WIDTH; // // shift prev lines to the right. // poly_text.ShiftPolyText(real_size->cx, 0); POLYTEXTW poly; memset(&poly, 0, sizeof(poly)); poly.x = real_size->cx; poly.n = ret_len; poly.lpstr = lpsz; poly.uiFlags = ETO_OPAQUE; poly.rcl.left = 0; poly.rcl.right = poly.rcl.left + real_size->cx; poly.rcl.bottom = real_size->cy; if (fCompAttr) poly_text.SplitPolyStringAndAttr(imc, hDC, poly, lpAttr, compclause); else poly_text.SplitPolyStringAndAttr(imc, hDC, poly); } } // // #608684 // // the total size of poly text could be bigger than the result of // FLGetTextExtentPoint() with whole string. So we need to // adjust the returning size. // if (ret_len) { int real_width = 0; INT_PTR i; INT_PTR nCnt = poly_text.GetPolySize(); const POLYTEXTW* ppoly = poly_text.GetPolyData(); if (!imc.UseVerticalCompWindow()) { for (i = 0; i < nCnt; i++) { if (ppoly->rcl.top == (row_index * real_size->cy)) real_width += (ppoly->rcl.right - ppoly->rcl.left); ppoly++; } Assert(window_width >= real_width); real_size->cx = real_width; } else { for (i = 0; i < nCnt; i++) { if (ppoly->rcl.left == 0) real_width += (ppoly->rcl.bottom - ppoly->rcl.top); ppoly++; } Assert(window_width >= real_width); real_size->cy = real_width; } } return ret_len; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // UIComposition::CalcMultiTextExtentPoint // //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- UINT UIComposition::CalcMultiTextExtentPoint( IMCLock& imc, HDC hDC, LPCWSTR lpsz, int string_len, PBYTE lpAttr, BOOL fCompAttr, CCompClauseStore *compclause, int window_width, LPSIZE real_size, // OUTPUT: Total window rectangle CPolyText& poly_text) { SIZE single_size; // output single window rectangle from CalcSingleTextExtentPoint single_size.cy = 0; single_size.cx = 0; UINT single_len; UINT total_string_len = 0; SIZE prev_size = {0, 0}; UINT prev_string_len = 0; real_size->cx = 0; real_size->cy = 0; int row_index = 0; CCompClauseStore compclauseTmp; compclauseTmp.Copy(compclause); if (!imc.UseVerticalCompWindow()) { while ((single_len = CalcSingleTextExtentPoint(imc, hDC, lpsz, string_len, lpAttr, fCompAttr, &compclauseTmp, window_width, &single_size, poly_text, row_index)) > 0) { string_len -= single_len; lpsz += single_len; if (fCompAttr) { lpAttr += single_len; compclauseTmp.Shift(single_len); } real_size->cx = max(real_size->cx, single_size.cx); real_size->cy += single_size.cy; prev_size = single_size; prev_string_len = single_len; total_string_len += single_len; ++row_index; } real_size->cy -= prev_size.cy; total_string_len -= prev_string_len; poly_text.RemoveLastLine(FALSE); } else { while ((single_len = CalcSingleTextExtentPoint(imc, hDC, lpsz, string_len, lpAttr, fCompAttr, &compclauseTmp, window_width, &single_size, poly_text, row_index)) > 0) { string_len -= single_len; lpsz += single_len; if (fCompAttr) { lpAttr += single_len; compclauseTmp.Shift(single_len); } real_size->cy = max(real_size->cy, single_size.cy); real_size->cx += single_size.cx; prev_size = single_size; prev_string_len = single_len; total_string_len += single_len; ++row_index; } real_size->cx -= prev_size.cx; total_string_len -= prev_string_len; if (poly_text.RemoveLastLine(TRUE) == S_OK) poly_text.ShiftPolyText(-single_size.cx, 0); } return total_string_len; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // UIComposition::SetCaretPos // //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT UIComposition::SetCaretPos( HDC hDC, CCaret& caret, int x, int y, LPCWSTR lpCompStr, DWORD string_length, DWORD cursor_pos, BOOL fVert, BOOL fEndCaret) { if (cursor_pos > string_length) return S_FALSE; SIZE size; FLGetTextExtentPoint32(hDC, lpCompStr, cursor_pos, &size); POINT pos; if (!fVert) { pos.x = ((x + size.cx > 1) ? (x + size.cx - (fEndCaret ? 0 : 1)) : 0); pos.y = y; } else { RotateSize(&size); pos.x = x - size.cx - LINE_BOLD_WIDTH; pos.y = ((y + size.cy > 1) ? (y + size.cy - (fEndCaret ? 0 : 1)) : 0); } caret.SetCaretPos(pos); caret.ShowCaret(); return S_OK; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // UIComposition::UpdateCaretRect // //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT UIComposition::UpdateCaretRect( HDC hDC, int index, DWORD dwCursorPos, // dwCursorPos:: based on m_CompWnd[index].poly_text.lpstr BOOL fVert, BOOL fEndCaret) { POLYTEXTW poly; DWORD dwCur = dwCursorPos; BOOL fFound = FALSE; for (int i=0; i < m_CompWnd[index].poly_text.GetPolySize(); i++) { poly = m_CompWnd[index].poly_text.GetPolyAt(i); if (dwCur <= poly.n) { fFound = TRUE; break; } dwCur -= poly.n; } if (! fFound) { return S_FALSE; } SetCaretPos(hDC, m_CompWnd[index].caret, poly.x, poly.y, poly.lpstr, poly.n, dwCur, fVert, fEndCaret); return S_OK; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // UIComposition::PolyTextAndAttrOut // //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- const DWORD s_dwDotStyles[] = {1,2}; const DWORD s_dwDashStyles[] = {3,2}; HRESULT UIComposition::PolyTextAndAttrOut( TLS* ptls, HDC hDC, BOOL fVert, COMPWND* pcompwnd) { CicBridge* cic = ptls->GetCicBridge(); if (cic == NULL) { Internal_PolyTextOutW(hDC, pcompwnd->poly_text.GetPolyData(), (int)pcompwnd->poly_text.GetPolySize()); DebugMsg(TF_ERROR, TEXT("UIComposition::PolyTextAndAttrOut. cic==NULL")); return S_OK; } if (pcompwnd->poly_text.GetAttrSize() == 0) { // // Korean default composition window. // SetBkColor(hDC, GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW)); SetTextColor(hDC, GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT)); Internal_PolyTextOutW(hDC, pcompwnd->poly_text.GetPolyData(), (int)pcompwnd->poly_text.GetPolySize()); return S_OK; } RECT rect; GetClientRect(pcompwnd->hCompWnd, &rect); LONG acpStart = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pcompwnd->poly_text.GetAttrSize(); i++) { POLYTEXTW poly = pcompwnd->poly_text.GetPolyAt(i); // // Check if this is the last in this line. // BOOL fLastTextInLine = FALSE; if (i + 1 < pcompwnd->poly_text.GetAttrSize()) { POLYTEXTW poly_next = pcompwnd->poly_text.GetPolyAt(i+1); if (!fVert && (poly_next.x < poly.rcl.right)) fLastTextInLine = TRUE; else if (fVert && (poly_next.y < poly.rcl.bottom)) fLastTextInLine = TRUE; } else { fLastTextInLine = TRUE; } TF_DISPLAYATTRIBUTE da; BOOL fDapNotFound = FALSE; if (FAILED(cic->GetDisplayAttributeInfo(pcompwnd->poly_text.GetAttrAt(i), &da))) { memset(&da, 0, sizeof(da)); da.lsStyle = TF_LS_DOT; da.crLine.type = TF_CT_SYSCOLOR; da.crLine.nIndex = COLOR_WINDOWTEXT; fDapNotFound= TRUE; } // // Text and Back color. // switch (da.crText.type) { case TF_CT_SYSCOLOR: SetTextColor(hDC, GetSysColor(da.crText.nIndex)); break; case TF_CT_COLORREF: SetTextColor(hDC, da.crText.cr); break; default: SetTextColor(hDC, GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT)); break; } switch (da.crBk.type) { case TF_CT_SYSCOLOR: SetBkColor(hDC, GetSysColor(da.crBk.nIndex)); break; case TF_CT_COLORREF: SetBkColor(hDC, da.crBk.cr); break; default: SetBkColor(hDC, GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW)); break; } // // Line // DWORD dwPenStyle = PS_GEOMETRIC | PS_SOLID; DWORD dwStyles = 0; const DWORD *lpdwStyles = NULL; switch (da.lsStyle) { case TF_LS_NONE: dwPenStyle = PS_NULL; break; case TF_LS_SOLID: dwPenStyle = PS_GEOMETRIC | PS_SOLID; break; case TF_LS_DOT: dwPenStyle = PS_GEOMETRIC | PS_USERSTYLE; dwStyles = 2; lpdwStyles = s_dwDotStyles; break; case TF_LS_DASH: dwPenStyle = PS_GEOMETRIC | PS_USERSTYLE; dwStyles = 2; lpdwStyles = s_dwDashStyles; break; case TF_LS_SQUIGGLE: dwPenStyle = PS_GEOMETRIC | PS_SOLID; break; } DWORD dwWidth = 1; if (da.fBoldLine) { dwWidth = LINE_BOLD_WIDTH; } LOGBRUSH lbr; lbr.lbStyle = BS_SOLID; lbr.lbColor = 0; lbr.lbHatch = 0; switch (da.crLine.type) { case TF_CT_SYSCOLOR: lbr.lbColor = GetSysColor(da.crLine.nIndex); break; case TF_CT_COLORREF: lbr.lbColor = da.crLine.cr; break; case TF_CT_NONE: lbr.lbColor = GetTextColor(hDC); break; } HPEN hPen = ExtCreatePen(dwPenStyle, dwWidth, &lbr, dwStyles, lpdwStyles); if (hPen != NULL) { HPEN hPenOrg = (HPEN)SelectObject(hDC, hPen); Internal_PolyTextOutW(hDC, &poly, 1); SIZE size; FLGetTextExtentPoint32(hDC, poly.lpstr, poly.n, &size); POINT start_pt; POINT end_pt; if (!fVert) { start_pt.x = poly.x; start_pt.y = poly.y + size.cy; // // (size.cy / 4) is the gap between clauses. // end_pt.x = poly.rcl.right; if (!fLastTextInLine) end_pt.x -= (size.cy / 4); end_pt.y = start_pt.y; } else { RotateSize(&size); start_pt.x = poly.rcl.left + 1; start_pt.y = poly.y; end_pt.x = poly.rcl.left + 1; // // (size.cx / 4) is the gap between clauses. // end_pt.y = poly.rcl.bottom; if (!fLastTextInLine) end_pt.y -= (size.cx / 4); } MoveToEx(hDC, start_pt.x, start_pt.y, NULL); if (da.lsStyle != TF_LS_SQUIGGLE) { LineTo(hDC, end_pt.x, end_pt.y); } else { CArray squiggle_line; MakeSquiggleLine(start_pt, end_pt, LINE_SQUIGGLE_FREQUENCY, LINE_SQUIGGLE_AMPLITUDE, fVert, squiggle_line); Polyline(hDC, squiggle_line.GetData(), (int)squiggle_line.GetSize()); } SelectObject(hDC, hPenOrg); DeleteObject(hPen); } else { Assert(0); Internal_PolyTextOutW(hDC, &poly, 1); } // // Draw Selection. // if (fDapNotFound && pcompwnd->sel.cch && ((acpStart + (LONG)poly.n) > pcompwnd->sel.acpStart) && (acpStart <= pcompwnd->sel.acpStart + pcompwnd->sel.cch)) { LONG acpSelStartTemp; LONG cchSelTemp; acpSelStartTemp = pcompwnd->sel.acpStart - acpStart; if (acpSelStartTemp < 0) acpSelStartTemp = 0; cchSelTemp = pcompwnd->sel.acpStart + pcompwnd->sel.cch - acpStart - acpSelStartTemp; if (cchSelTemp > (LONG)poly.n) cchSelTemp = poly.n; SIZE sizeStart; SIZE sizeEnd; if (acpSelStartTemp) { FLGetTextExtentPoint32(hDC, poly.lpstr, acpSelStartTemp, &sizeStart); } else { sizeStart.cx = 0; sizeStart.cy = pcompwnd->fDefaultCompWnd ? m_tmFontHeightLevel1 : m_tmFontHeightLevel2; } FLGetTextExtentPoint32(hDC, poly.lpstr, acpSelStartTemp + cchSelTemp, &sizeEnd); RECT rcInvert; rcInvert = poly.rcl; if (!fVert) { rcInvert.left = poly.rcl.left + sizeStart.cx; rcInvert.right = poly.rcl.left + sizeEnd.cx; } else { rcInvert.top = poly.rcl.top + sizeStart.cx; rcInvert.bottom = poly.rcl.top + sizeEnd.cx; } BitBlt(hDC, rcInvert.left, rcInvert.top, rcInvert.right - rcInvert.left, rcInvert.bottom - rcInvert.top, hDC, rcInvert.left, rcInvert.top, DSTINVERT); } if (fLastTextInLine) { // // if this is the last in this line, we just draw with bk color. // POLYTEXTW poly_clear; memset(&poly_clear, 0, sizeof(poly_clear)); if (!fVert) { SetBkColor(hDC, GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW)); poly_clear.uiFlags = ETO_OPAQUE; poly_clear.rcl.top = poly.y; poly_clear.rcl.bottom = poly.rcl.bottom; poly_clear.rcl.left = poly.rcl.right; poly_clear.rcl.right = rect.right; Internal_PolyTextOutW(hDC, &poly_clear, 1); } else { SetBkColor(hDC, GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW)); poly_clear.uiFlags = ETO_OPAQUE; poly_clear.rcl.top = poly.rcl.bottom; poly_clear.rcl.bottom = rect.bottom; poly_clear.rcl.left = poly.rcl.left; poly_clear.rcl.right = poly.x; Internal_PolyTextOutW(hDC, &poly_clear, 1); } } acpStart += poly.n; } return S_OK; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // UIComposition::MakeSquiggleLine // //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT UIComposition::MakeSquiggleLine( POINT start_pt, POINT end_pt, int frequency, int amplitude, BOOL fVert, CArray& squiggle_line) { int nSquiggle = 0; int n; if (!fVert) { if (end_pt.x > start_pt.x) n = (end_pt.x - start_pt.x) / frequency; else n = (start_pt.x - end_pt.x) / frequency; } else { if (end_pt.y > start_pt.y) n = (end_pt.y - start_pt.y) / frequency; else n = (start_pt.y - end_pt.y) / frequency; } nSquiggle = n * 2; // control point. nSquiggle++; // end point. POINT begin_pt = start_pt; POINT pt = begin_pt; for (int i=1; i < nSquiggle; i++) { if (!fVert) { if ((n = i % 2) != 0) { // control point pt.x += frequency / 2; pt.y = begin_pt.y - amplitude; } else { pt.x = begin_pt.x + frequency; pt.y = begin_pt.y; begin_pt = pt; } } else { if ((n = i % 2) != 0) { // control point pt.x = begin_pt.x + amplitude; pt.y += frequency / 2; } else { pt.x = begin_pt.x; pt.y = begin_pt.y + frequency; begin_pt = pt; } } squiggle_line.SetAtGrow(i-1, pt); } return S_OK; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // UIComposition::OnPrivateGetContextFlag // //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT UIComposition::OnPrivateGetContextFlag( IMCLock& imc, BOOL fStartComposition, IME_UIWND_STATE* uists) { // // Check WM_IME_STARTCOMPOSITION already send ? // if (fStartComposition) { WINDOWPLACEMENT wndpl; if (IsWindow(m_DefCompWnd.hCompWnd) && IsWindowVisible(m_DefCompWnd.hCompWnd)) { *uists = IME_UIWND_LEVEL1; return S_OK; } else { for (int i=0; i < sizeof(m_CompWnd)/sizeof(COMPWND); i++) { if (IsWindow(m_CompWnd[i].hCompWnd) && IsWindowVisible(m_CompWnd[i].hCompWnd)) { *uists = IME_UIWND_LEVEL2; return S_OK; } } } // // If m_fShowCompWnd flag set, already arrived WM_IME_COMPOSITION in this UI Wnd. // In this case, IME UI Wnd Level is either Level 1 or Level 2. // if (m_fShowCompWnd.IsSetFlag()) { *uists = IME_UIWND_LEVEL1_OR_LEVEL2; return S_OK; } if (! (m_isc & ISC_SHOWUICOMPOSITIONWINDOW)) { *uists = IME_UIWND_LEVEL3; return S_OK; } } *uists = IME_UIWND_UNKNOWN; return S_FALSE; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // UIComposition::OnPrivateGetCandRectFromComposition // //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT UIComposition::OnPrivateGetCandRectFromComposition( IMCLock& imc, CandRectFromComposition* pv) { HRESULT hr; IMCCLock comp(imc->hCompStr); if (FAILED(hr=comp.GetResult())) { DebugMsg(TF_ERROR, TEXT("UIComposition::OnPrivateGetCandRectFromComposition. comp==NULL")); return hr; } IME_UIWND_STATE uiwndState = GetLevelFromIMC(imc); if (uiwndState == IME_UIWND_LEVEL1) { LPCWSTR lpstr = (LPCWSTR)comp.GetOffsetPointer(comp->dwCompStrOffset); SIZE size; if (lpstr && pv->dwCharPos) { HDC hDC = GetDC(m_DefCompWnd.hCompWnd); HFONT hFontOrg = (HFONT)SelectObject(hDC, m_hFontLevel1); FLGetTextExtentPoint32(hDC, lpstr, pv->dwCharPos, &size); SelectObject(hDC, hFontOrg); ReleaseDC(m_DefCompWnd.hCompWnd, hDC); } else { size.cx = 0; size.cy = m_tmFontHeightLevel1; } // // When the style is DEFAULT, this is the default composition window. // GetWindowRect(m_DefCompWnd.hCompWnd, pv->out_rcArea); POINT pt; pt.x = pt.y = 0; pv->out_rcArea->left += pt.x + size.cx; pv->out_rcArea->right += pt.x + size.cx; pv->out_rcArea->top += pt.y; pv->out_rcArea->bottom += pt.y; } else if (uiwndState == IME_UIWND_LEVEL2) { BOOL fFound = FALSE; POLYTEXTW poly; DWORD dwCur = pv->dwCharPos; int i; if (PRIMARYLANGID(pv->langid) == LANG_JAPANESE) { // // In Japanese case, poly_text stored each clause string. // for (i=0; i < sizeof(m_CompWnd)/sizeof(COMPWND) && ! fFound;) { for (int j=0; j < m_CompWnd[i].poly_text.GetPolySize(); j++) { poly = m_CompWnd[i].poly_text.GetPolyAt(j); if (dwCur < poly.n) { fFound = TRUE; break; } dwCur -= poly.n; } if (! fFound) { i++; } } } else { // // In other language case, poly_text stored plane text. Not clause. // for (i=0; i < sizeof(m_CompWnd)/sizeof(COMPWND) && ! fFound;) { for (int j=0; j < m_CompWnd[i].poly_text.GetPolySize(); j++) { poly = m_CompWnd[i].poly_text.GetPolyAt(j); if (dwCur <= poly.n) { fFound = TRUE; poly.n = dwCur; break; } dwCur -= poly.n; } if (! fFound) { i++; } } } if (! fFound) { return S_FALSE; } SIZE size; if (poly.lpstr && poly.n) { HDC hDC = GetDC(m_CompWnd[i].hCompWnd); HFONT hFontOrg = (HFONT)SelectObject(hDC, m_hFontLevel2); FLGetTextExtentPoint32(hDC, poly.lpstr, poly.n, &size); SelectObject(hDC, hFontOrg); ReleaseDC(m_DefCompWnd.hCompWnd, hDC); } else { size.cx = 0; size.cy = m_tmFontHeightLevel2; } if (!imc.UseVerticalCompWindow()) { // // When the style is not DEFAULT, this is the composition window. // if (PRIMARYLANGID(pv->langid) == LANG_JAPANESE) { pv->out_rcArea->left = poly.x; } else { pv->out_rcArea->left = poly.x + size.cx; } pv->out_rcArea->right = poly.x + size.cx; pv->out_rcArea->top = poly.y; pv->out_rcArea->bottom = poly.y + size.cy + LINE_BOLD_WIDTH; } else { RotateSize(&size); pv->out_rcArea->left = poly.x - size.cx - LINE_BOLD_WIDTH; pv->out_rcArea->right = poly.x; pv->out_rcArea->top = poly.y; pv->out_rcArea->bottom = poly.y + size.cy; } // // Convert to Screen coordinate. // POINT pt; pt.x = pt.y = 0; ClientToScreen(m_CompWnd[i].hCompWnd, &pt); pv->out_rcArea->left += pt.x; pv->out_rcArea->right += pt.x; pv->out_rcArea->top += pt.y; pv->out_rcArea->bottom += pt.y; } return S_OK; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // UIComposition::GetCompStrExtent // //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT UIComposition::OnSetCursor(IMCLock &imc, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; POINT pt; ULONG uEdge; ULONG uQuadrant; IMCCLock imc_ctfime(imc->hCtfImeContext); if (FAILED(hr=imc_ctfime.GetResult())) { DebugMsg(TF_ERROR, TEXT("UIComposition::OnSetCursor. imc_ctfime==NULL")); return hr; } CicInputContext* _pCicContext = imc_ctfime->m_pCicContext; if (_pCicContext == NULL) { DebugMsg(TF_ERROR, TEXT("UIComposition::OnSetCursor. _pCicContext==NULL")); return hr; } GetCursorPos(&pt); GetCompStrExtent(pt, &uEdge, &uQuadrant, imc); DWORD dwBtnStatus = 0; if (GetKeyState(VK_LBUTTON) < 0) { dwBtnStatus |= MK_LBUTTON; } if (GetKeyState(VK_MBUTTON) < 0) { dwBtnStatus |= MK_MBUTTON; } if (GetKeyState(VK_RBUTTON) < 0) { dwBtnStatus |= MK_RBUTTON; } if (_pCicContext->MsImeMouseHandler(uEdge, uQuadrant, dwBtnStatus, imc) == 1L) hr = S_OK; return hr; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // UIComposition::GetCompStrExtent // //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT UIComposition::GetCompStrExtent( POINT pt, ULONG *puEdge, ULONG *puQuadrant, IMCLock& imc) { Assert(puEdge); Assert(puQuadrant); *puEdge = 0; *puQuadrant = 0; ULONG uCount; HRESULT hr; IMCCLock comp(imc->hCompStr); if (FAILED(hr=comp.GetResult())) { DebugMsg(TF_ERROR, TEXT("UIComposition::GetCompStrExtent. comp==NULL")); return hr; } if (!comp.GetOffsetPointer(comp->dwCompStrLen)) { // // There is no composition string. // return S_OK; } IME_UIWND_STATE uiwndState = GetLevelFromIMC(imc); if (uiwndState == IME_UIWND_LEVEL1) { HDC hDC = GetDC(m_DefCompWnd.hCompWnd); HFONT hFontOrg = (HFONT)SelectObject(hDC, m_hFontLevel1); POINT ptCli = pt; ScreenToClient(m_DefCompWnd.hCompWnd, &ptCli); hr = m_DefCompWnd.poly_text.GetPolyTextExtent(ptCli, hDC, FALSE, puEdge, puQuadrant); SelectObject(hDC, hFontOrg); ReleaseDC(m_DefCompWnd.hCompWnd, hDC); } else if (uiwndState == IME_UIWND_LEVEL2) { BOOL fVert = imc.UseVerticalCompWindow(); int i; for (i=0; i < sizeof(m_CompWnd)/sizeof(COMPWND); i++) { HDC hDC = GetDC(m_CompWnd[i].hCompWnd); HFONT hFontOrg = (HFONT)SelectObject(hDC, m_hFontLevel2); POINT ptCli = pt; ScreenToClient(m_CompWnd[i].hCompWnd, &ptCli); hr = m_CompWnd[i].poly_text.GetPolyTextExtent(ptCli, hDC, fVert, puEdge, puQuadrant); SelectObject(hDC, hFontOrg); ReleaseDC(m_CompWnd[i].hCompWnd, hDC); if (hr == S_OK) break; } } return hr; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // UIComposition::CreateDefFrameWnd // //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT UIComposition::CreateDefFrameWnd(HWND hwndParent, HIMC hIMC) { DWORD dwWndStyle = // UIWINDOW_TOPMOST | UIWINDOW_HASTOOLTIP | UIWINDOW_HABITATINWORKAREA | UIWINDOW_WHISTLERLOOK | UIWINDOW_TOOLWINDOW; if (!m_pDefCompFrameWnd) { m_pDefCompFrameWnd = new CDefCompFrameWindow(hIMC, dwWndStyle); if (!m_pDefCompFrameWnd) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; if (!m_pDefCompFrameWnd->Initialize()) { delete m_pDefCompFrameWnd; m_pDefCompFrameWnd = NULL; return E_FAIL; } m_pDefCompFrameWnd->Init(); } m_pDefCompFrameWnd->CreateWnd(hwndParent); return S_OK; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // UIComposition::CreateCompButtonWnd // //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT UIComposition::CreateCompButtonWnd(HWND hwndParent, HIMC hIMC) { // // #500698 // // no more level2 comp window in English Speech so we don't need // finalizing button on level2. // TLS * ptls = TLS::GetTLS(); if (!ptls || !ptls->NonEACompositionEnabled()) return S_OK; // // we don't use Level2 Comp Finalizing Button for EA language. // if (IsEALang()) { if (m_pCompButtonFrameWnd) { delete m_pCompButtonFrameWnd; m_pCompButtonFrameWnd = NULL; } return S_OK; } DWORD dwWndStyle = // UIWINDOW_TOPMOST | UIWINDOW_HASTOOLTIP | UIWINDOW_HABITATINWORKAREA | UIWINDOW_WHISTLERLOOK | UIWINDOW_TOOLWINDOW | UIWINDOW_WSBORDER; if (!m_pCompButtonFrameWnd) { m_pCompButtonFrameWnd = new CCompButtonFrameWindow(hIMC, dwWndStyle); if (!m_pCompButtonFrameWnd) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; if (!m_pCompButtonFrameWnd->Initialize()) { delete m_pCompButtonFrameWnd; m_pCompButtonFrameWnd = NULL; return E_FAIL; } m_pCompButtonFrameWnd->Init(); } m_pCompButtonFrameWnd->CreateWnd(hwndParent); return S_OK; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // UIComposition::OnPrivateGetTextExtent // //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT UIComposition::OnPrivateGetTextExtent(IMCLock& imc, TEXTEXT *ptext_ext) { ULONG uCount; HRESULT hr; if (m_bTimerCOMPOSITION == TRUE) { // UIWnd has already got WM_IME_COMPOSITION with new composition text, and // set a timer for it, but the time-out value has not yet elapsed, so the new // composition window text is not updated yet. // But caller of GetTextExtent may assume the new text has already been in the // composition window and try to get extent for the updated range. // // In this case, we need to call UpdateCompositionRect( ) to update the composition // Rect. UpdateCompositionRect(imc); } IMCCLock imc_ctfime(imc->hCtfImeContext); if (FAILED(hr=imc_ctfime.GetResult())) { DebugMsg(TF_ERROR, TEXT("UIComposition::OnPrivateGetTextExtent. imc_ctfime==NULL")); return hr; } CicInputContext* _pCicContext = imc_ctfime->m_pCicContext; if (_pCicContext == NULL) { DebugMsg(TF_ERROR, TEXT("UIComposition::OnPrivateGetTextExtent. _pCicContext==NULL")); return hr; } LONG cch = 0; if (FAILED(_pCicContext->EscbReadOnlyPropMargin(imc, NULL, &cch))) { DebugMsg(TF_ERROR, TEXT("UIComposition::OnPrivateGetTextExtent. comp==NULL")); return hr; } ptext_ext->acpStart -= cch; ptext_ext->acpEnd -= cch; if (ptext_ext->prc) memset(ptext_ext->prc, 0, sizeof(*ptext_ext->prc)); if (ptext_ext->pfClipped) *ptext_ext->pfClipped = FALSE; IMCCLock comp(imc->hCompStr); if (FAILED(hr=comp.GetResult())) { DebugMsg(TF_ERROR, TEXT("UIComposition::OnPrivateGetTextExtent. comp==NULL")); return hr; } if (!comp.GetOffsetPointer(comp->dwCompStrLen)) { // // There is no composition string. // return S_OK; } // If the requested range is beyond the composition window, // just return the position based on the real window. // this is hack for CHS/CHT TIP's special design. if (ptext_ext->acpStart > (LONG)(comp->dwCompStrLen)) ptext_ext->acpStart = (LONG)(comp->dwCompStrLen); if (ptext_ext->acpEnd > (LONG)(comp->dwCompStrLen)) ptext_ext->acpEnd = (LONG)(comp->dwCompStrLen); RECT rcStart = {0}; RECT rcEnd = {0}; HRESULT hrStart = S_FALSE; HRESULT hrEnd = S_FALSE; IME_UIWND_STATE uiwndState = GetLevelFromIMC(imc); if (uiwndState == IME_UIWND_LEVEL1) { HDC hDC = GetDC(m_DefCompWnd.hCompWnd); HFONT hFontOrg = (HFONT)SelectObject(hDC, m_hFontLevel1); DWORD acpStart = ptext_ext->acpStart; DWORD acpEnd = ptext_ext->acpEnd; hrStart = m_DefCompWnd.poly_text.GetPolyTextExtentRect(acpStart, hDC, FALSE, TRUE, &rcStart); if (hrStart == S_OK) m_DefCompWnd._ClientToScreen(&rcStart); hrEnd = m_DefCompWnd.poly_text.GetPolyTextExtentRect(acpEnd, hDC, FALSE, TRUE, &rcEnd); if (hrEnd == S_OK) m_DefCompWnd._ClientToScreen(&rcEnd); SelectObject(hDC, hFontOrg); ReleaseDC(m_DefCompWnd.hCompWnd, hDC); } else if (uiwndState == IME_UIWND_LEVEL2) { DWORD acpStart; DWORD acpEnd; BOOL fVert; BOOL fGetLast = FALSE; int i; TryWithLast: acpStart = ptext_ext->acpStart; acpEnd = ptext_ext->acpEnd; fVert = imc.UseVerticalCompWindow(); for (i=0; i < sizeof(m_CompWnd)/sizeof(COMPWND); i++) { HDC hDC = GetDC(m_CompWnd[i].hCompWnd); HFONT hFontOrg = (HFONT)SelectObject(hDC, m_hFontLevel2); if (hrStart != S_OK) { hrStart = m_CompWnd[i].poly_text.GetPolyTextExtentRect(acpStart, hDC, fVert, fGetLast, &rcStart); if (hrStart == S_OK) m_CompWnd[i]._ClientToScreen(&rcStart); } if (hrEnd != S_OK) { hrEnd = m_CompWnd[i].poly_text.GetPolyTextExtentRect(acpEnd, hDC, fVert, fGetLast, &rcEnd); if (hrEnd == S_OK) m_CompWnd[i]._ClientToScreen(&rcEnd); } SelectObject(hDC, hFontOrg); ReleaseDC(m_CompWnd[i].hCompWnd, hDC); if ((hrStart == S_OK) && (hrEnd == S_OK)) break; } if (!fGetLast && (hrStart != S_OK)) { fGetLast = TRUE; goto TryWithLast; } } if (hrStart == S_OK) { if (hrEnd == S_OK) { ptext_ext->prc->left = min(rcStart.left , rcEnd.left); ptext_ext->prc->top = min(rcStart.top , rcEnd.top); ptext_ext->prc->bottom = max(rcStart.bottom , rcEnd.bottom); ptext_ext->prc->right = max(rcStart.right , rcEnd.right); } else { ptext_ext->prc->left = rcStart.left; ptext_ext->prc->top = rcStart.top; ptext_ext->prc->bottom = rcStart.bottom; ptext_ext->prc->right = rcStart.right; } } return hrStart; }