@echo off echo Setting up DirectUser Build environment set DUSER_DIR=%_NTDRIVE%%_NTROOT%\Windows\AdvCore\DUser set DEBUG_CRTS= if /i "%1"=="debug" goto DEBUG if /i "%1"=="release" goto RELEASE if /i "%1"=="bbt" goto BBT if /i "%1"=="icecap" goto ICECAP if /i "%_BuildType%"=="chk" goto DEBUG if /i "%_BuildType%"=="fre" goto RELEASE goto USAGE :DEBUG set BUILDTYPE=Debug set BUILD_ALT_DIR=d set NTDEBUG=ntsd rem if "%_BuildArch%"=="x86" set DEBUG_CRTS=1 set MSC_OPTIMIZATION=/Od goto COMMON :RELEASE set BUILDTYPE=Release set BUILD_ALT_DIR= set NTDEBUG=ntsdnodbg goto COMMON :BBT set BUILDTYPE=BBT set BUILD_ALT_DIR=b set NTDEBUG=ntsd set NTBBT=1 goto COMMON :ICECAP set BUILDTYPE=IceCap set BUILD_ALT_DIR=i set NTDEBUG=ntsdnodbg set PERFFLAGS= set PERFLIBS=%DUSER_DIR%\Lib\*\icecap.lib set NTBBT=1 goto COMMON :COMMON set path=%_NTPOSTBLD%\DUser;%path% set BINPLACE_PLACEFILE=%DUSER_DIR%\PlaceFil.txt set USE_PDB=1 rem Don't split the symbols from the files b/c we need them for IcePick set NTDBGFILES= set NTDEBUGTYPE=both title %BUILDTYPE% %_BuildArch% Build goto END :USAGE echo Usage BldEnv [Mode] echo where mode=Debug, Release, IceCAP, or BBT echo if mode is not specified, uses Debug if CHK and Release if FRE :END