/******************************Module*Header*******************************\ * Module Name: surfeng.cxx * * Internal surface routines * * Created: 13-May-1991 12:53:31 * Author: Patrick Haluptzok patrickh * * Copyright (c) 1991-1999 Microsoft Corporation \**************************************************************************/ #include "precomp.hxx" extern "C" BOOL bInitBMOBJ(); #define MAX_STOCKBITMAPS 4*1024 LONG gStockBitmapFree = MAX_STOCKBITMAPS; #pragma alloc_text(INIT, bInitBMOBJ) #if DBG_STOCKBITMAPS #define STOCKWARNING DbgPrint #define STOCKINFO DbgPrint #else #define STOCKWARNING #define STOCKINFO #endif /******************************Public*Routine******************************\ * GreSetBitmapOwner * * Sets the bitmap owner. * \**************************************************************************/ BOOL GreSetBitmapOwner( HBITMAP hbm, W32PID lPid ) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; SURFREF so((HSURF)hbm); if (so.bValid()) { if (!(so.ps->bDIBSection() && (lPid == OBJECT_OWNER_PUBLIC))) { if(HmgStockObj(hbm)) { WARNING("GreSetBitmapOwner: Cannot set owner for the stock bitmap\n"); } else { #if TRACE_SURFACE_ALLOCS #if TRACE_SURFACE_USER_CHAIN_IN_UM BOOL bOwned; TRACED_SURFACE *pts = (TRACED_SURFACE *)so.ps; if (pts->bEnabled()) { PENTRY pentTmp = &gpentHmgr[(UINT) HmgIfromH(hbm)]; bOwned = ((OBJECTOWNER_PID(pentTmp->ObjectOwner) != OBJECT_OWNER_PUBLIC) && (OBJECTOWNER_PID(pentTmp->ObjectOwner) != OBJECT_OWNER_NONE)); if (bOwned && ((lPid == OBJECT_OWNER_PUBLIC) || (lPid == OBJECT_OWNER_NONE))) { pts->vProcessStackFromUM(TRUE); ASSERTGDI(pentTmp->pUser == NULL, "Object becoming unowned, but user mem is still allocated.\n"); } } else { bOwned = TRUE; } #endif #endif bRet = HmgSetOwner((HOBJ)hbm,lPid,SURF_TYPE); #if TRACE_SURFACE_ALLOCS #if TRACE_SURFACE_USER_CHAIN_IN_UM if (!bRet && !bOwned) { pts->vProcessStackFromUM(TRUE); } #endif #endif } } else { WARNING ("GreSetBitmapOnwer - Setting a DIBSECTION to PUBLIC\n"); } } else { WARNING1("GreSetBitmapOnwer - invalid surfobj\n"); } return(bRet); } /******************************Public*Routine******************************\ * GreMakeBitmapStock * * Makes the bitmap a stock object. * * Requirements: * Bitmap is already not a stock Object. * Bitmap is not a dibsection. * Bitmap should not be selected into any DCs. * Not more than MAX_STOCKBITMAPS gStockBitmaps. * \**************************************************************************/ HBITMAP GreMakeBitmapStock(HBITMAP hbm) { HANDLE bRet = 0; SURFREFAPI so((HSURF)hbm); if (so.bValid()) { if (!(so.ps->bDIBSection())) { if (HmgStockObj(hbm) || so.ps->cRef()) { STOCKWARNING("GreMakeBitmapStock: cannot make bitmap (%p) stock\nReason:",hbm); if (HmgStockObj(hbm)) STOCKWARNING(" it is already a stock bitmap\n"); else STOCKWARNING(" it is selected into some DC\n"); } else { bRet = (HANDLE)((ULONG_PTR)hbm | GDISTOCKOBJ); if (InterlockedDecrement(&gStockBitmapFree) >= 0 && HmgLockAndModifyHandleType((HOBJ)bRet)) { so.ps->vSetStockSurface(); so.ps->hsurf(bRet); so.vSetPID(OBJECT_OWNER_PUBLIC); } else { InterlockedIncrement(&gStockBitmapFree); STOCKWARNING ("GreMakeBitmapStock - HmgLockAndModifyHandleType failed\n"); bRet = 0; } } } else { WARNING ("GreMakeBitmapStock - Setting a DIBSECTION to Stock \n"); } } else { WARNING1("GreMakeBitmapStock - invalid surfobj\n"); } return((HBITMAP)bRet); } /******************************Public*Routine******************************\ * GreMakeBitmapNonStock * * Makes the bitmap a non stock object. * * Requirements: * Bitmap is not default stock bitmap * Bitmap is a stock bitmap * Bitmap is not a dibsection * Bitmap is not selected into any DC * Some stock bitmaps should exist * Bitmap must be public * \**************************************************************************/ HBITMAP GreMakeBitmapNonStock(HBITMAP hbm) { HANDLE bRet = 0; SURFREFAPI so((HSURF)hbm); ASSERTGDI(GreGetObjectOwner((HOBJ)hbm,SURF_TYPE) == OBJECT_OWNER_PUBLIC,"GreMakeBitmapNonStock() bitmap is not public\n"); ASSERTGDI(gStockBitmapFree != MAX_STOCKBITMAPS,"GreMakeBitmapNonStock() no stock bitmaps\n"); if (so.bValid()) { if (!(so.ps->bDIBSection())) { if (hbm==STOCKOBJ_BITMAP || !HmgStockObj(hbm)) { STOCKWARNING("GreMakeBitmapNonStock: Cannot make stock bitmap (%p) non Stock\nReason:",hbm); if (hbm==STOCKOBJ_BITMAP) STOCKWARNING(" it is the default stock bitmap\n"); else STOCKWARNING(" it is not a stock bitmap\n"); } else { bRet = (HANDLE)((ULONG_PTR)hbm & ~GDISTOCKOBJ); if (so.ps->cRef()) { so.ps->vSetUndoStockSurfaceDelayed(); STOCKWARNING("GreMakeBitmapNonStock: Delaying make stock bitmap (%p) non Stock\n",hbm); } else if(HmgLockAndModifyHandleType((HOBJ)bRet)) { InterlockedIncrement(&gStockBitmapFree); so.ps->vClearStockSurface(); so.ps->hsurf(bRet); so.vSetPID(OBJECT_OWNER_CURRENT); } else { STOCKWARNING ("GreMakeBitmapNonStock - HmgLockAndModifyHandleType failed\n"); bRet = 0; } } } else { WARNING ("GreMakeBitmapNonStock - DIBSECTION to set as non stock\n"); } } else { WARNING1("GreMakeBitmapNonStock - invalid surfobj\n"); } return((HBITMAP)bRet); } /******************************Public*Routine******************************\ * bInitBMOBJ * * Initializes the default bitmap. * * History: * 14-Apr-1991 -by- Patrick Haluptzok patrickh * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/ extern "C" BOOL bInitBMOBJ() { HBITMAP hbmTemp = GreCreateBitmap(1, 1, 1, 1, (LPBYTE) NULL); if (hbmTemp == (HBITMAP) 0) { WARNING("Failed to create default bitmap\n"); return(FALSE); } SURFREF so((HSURF)hbmTemp); ASSERTGDI(so.bValid(), "ERROR it created but isn't lockable STOCKOBJ_BITMAP"); ASSERTGDI(so.ps->ppal() == ppalMono, "ERROR the default bitmap has no ppalMono"); so.vSetPID(OBJECT_OWNER_PUBLIC); bSetStockObject(hbmTemp,PRIV_STOCK_BITMAP); so.ps->hsurf((HANDLE)((ULONG_PTR)hbmTemp | GDISTOCKOBJ)); SURFACE::pdibDefault = so.ps; return(TRUE); } /******************************Public*Routine******************************\ * BOOL bDeleteSurface(HSURF) * * Delete the surface object * * History: * Sun 14-Apr-1991 -by- Patrick Haluptzok [patrickh] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/ BOOL bDeleteSurface(HSURF hsurf) { SURFREF so; so.vAltCheckLockIgnoreStockBit(hsurf); return(so.bDeleteSurface()); // bDeleteSurface() checks bValid() } /******************************Public*Routine******************************\ * hbmSelectBitmap * * Select the bitmap into a DC. Provides option to override the * DirectDraw surface check. * * History: * Wed 28-Aug-1991 -by- Patrick Haluptzok [patrickh] * update it, make palette aware. * * Mon 13-May-1991 -by- Patrick Haluptzok [patrickh] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/ HBITMAP hbmSelectBitmap(HDC hdc, HBITMAP hsurf, BOOL bDirectDrawOverride) { HSURF hsurfReturn = (HSURF) 0; BOOL bDelete = FALSE; // // Grab multi-lock so noone can select or delete it. // MLOCKOBJ mlo; // // Lock bitmap // SURFREF SurfBoNew; SurfBoNew.vMultiLock((HSURF) hsurf); MDCOBJ dco(hdc); if (dco.bValid() && SurfBoNew.bValid()) { PSURFACE pSurfNew = SurfBoNew.ps; ASSERTGDI(DIFFHANDLE(hsurf,STOCKOBJ_BITMAP) || (pSurfNew->cRef() == 0) , "ERROR STOCKOBJ_BITMAP cRef != 0"); PDEVOBJ po(dco.hdev()); PPALETTE ppalSrc; PROCESS_UM_TRACE(pSurfNew, FALSE); if ((dco.dctp() == DCTYPE_MEMORY) && ((pSurfNew->cRef() == 0 || pSurfNew->bStockSurface()) || SAMEHANDLE(pSurfNew->hdc(),dco.hdc())) && (bIsCompatible(&ppalSrc, pSurfNew->ppal(), pSurfNew, dco.hdev()))) { // // Note: pSurfOld not safe outside of the MLOCKOBJ. // SURFACE *pSurfOld = dco.pSurfaceEff(); // // Only DirectDraw itself may select DirectDraw surfaces // into, or out of, DCs. This is because DirectDraw has // to track the DCs to be able to mark them as 'bInFullScreen' // when the corresponding DirectDraw surface is 'lost'. // if ((pSurfOld->bApiBitmap() && pSurfNew->bApiBitmap()) || (bDirectDrawOverride)) { // // If this DC is mirrored then turn the mirroring off // And turn it on after selecting the bitmap to set the correct // Window Org. // DWORD dwLayout = dco.pdc->dwLayout(); if (dwLayout & LAYOUT_ORIENTATIONMASK) { dco.pdc->dwSetLayout(-1 , 0); } if (pSurfNew->ppal() != ppalSrc) { pSurfNew->flags(pSurfNew->flags() | PALETTE_SELECT_SET); pSurfNew->ppal(ppalSrc); } HSURF hsurfDelete = (HSURF) (pSurfOld->bLazyDelete() ? pSurfOld->hGet() : NULL); hsurfReturn = pSurfOld->hsurf(); if (DIFFHANDLE((HSURF) hsurf, hsurfReturn)) { if (pSurfNew->bIsDefault()) { dco.pdc->pSurface((SURFACE *) NULL); } else { dco.pdc->pSurface((SURFACE *) pSurfNew); if (pSurfNew->bStockSurface()) dco.pdc->bStockBitmap(TRUE); else dco.pdc->bStockBitmap(FALSE); } dco.pdc->sizl(pSurfNew->sizl()); dco.pdc->ulDirtyAdd(DIRTY_BRUSHES); // // Lower the reference count on the old handle // if (!pSurfOld->bIsDefault()) { pSurfOld->vDec_cRef(); if (pSurfOld->cRef() == 0) { // // Remove reference to device palette if it has one. // if (pSurfOld->flags() & PALETTE_SELECT_SET) pSurfOld->ppal(NULL); pSurfOld->flags(pSurfOld->flags() & ~PALETTE_SELECT_SET); } } // // Device Format Bitmaps hooked by the driver must always // have devlock synchronization. // // Other device-dependent bitmaps must have devlock // synchronization if they can be affected by dynamic mode // changes, because they may have to be converted on-the-fly // to DIBs. // dco.bSynchronizeAccess( (pSurfNew->bUseDevlock()) || (pSurfNew->bDeviceDependentBitmap() && po.bDisplayPDEV())); dco.bShareAccess(dco.bSynchronizeAccess() && pSurfNew->bShareAccess()); // // Put the relevant DC information into the surface as long as it's not // the default surface. // if (!pSurfNew->bIsDefault()) { pSurfNew->vInc_cRef(); if (!pSurfNew->bStockSurface()) { pSurfNew->hdc(dco.hdc()); pSurfNew->hdev(dco.hdev()); } } // // set DIBSection flag in DC // dco.pdc->vDIBSection(pSurfNew->bDIBSection()); // // set DIBColorSpace indentifier. // if (pSurfNew->bDIBSection()) { dco.pdc->dwDIBColorSpace(pSurfNew->dwDIBColorSpace()); } else { dco.pdc->dwDIBColorSpace(0); } // Unref the SurfBoNew as we dont use pSurfNew anymore. This // will also make sure any mode change logic called code // like pConvertDfbSurfaceToDib will not get // tripped due to sharelocks held on the pSurfNew. SurfBoNew.vUnreference(); mlo.vDisable(); dco.pdc->bSetDefaultRegion(); dco.pdc->vUpdate_VisRect(dco.pdc->prgnVis()); if (hsurfDelete) { // // We need one shared lock for bDeleteSurface to succeed: // SURFREF so(hsurfDelete); so.bDeleteSurface(); hsurfReturn = (HSURF)STOCKOBJ_BITMAP; } } // // If it was mirrored then turn back the mirroring on. // if (dwLayout & LAYOUT_ORIENTATIONMASK) { dco.pdc->dwSetLayout(-1 , dwLayout); } } else { WARNING("hbmSelectBitmap failed, unselectable surface\n"); } } else { WARNING1("hbmSelectBitmap failed selection, bitmap doesn't fit into DC\n"); } } else { #if DBG if (dco.bValid()) { WARNING1("hbmSelectBitmap given invalid bitmap\n"); } else { WARNING1("hbmSelectBitmap given invalid DC\n"); } #endif } return((HBITMAP) hsurfReturn); } /******************************Public*Routine******************************\ * GreSelectBitmap * * Select the bitmap into a DC. User and the like will call this function. * \**************************************************************************/ HBITMAP GreSelectBitmap(HDC hdc, HBITMAP hsurf) { return(hbmSelectBitmap(hdc, hsurf, FALSE)); } /******************************Public*Routine******************************\ * hbmCreateClone * * Creates an engine managed clone of a bitmap. * * History: * Tue 17-May-1994 -by- Patrick Haluptzok [patrickh] * Synchronize the call if it's a DFB that needs synching. * * 19-Jun-1991 -by- Patrick Haluptzok patrickh * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/ HBITMAP hbmCreateClone(SURFACE *pSurfSrc, ULONG cx, ULONG cy) { ASSERTGDI(pSurfSrc != NULL, "ERROR hbmCreateClone invalid src"); ASSERTGDI((pSurfSrc->iType() == STYPE_BITMAP) || (pSurfSrc->iType() == STYPE_DEVBITMAP), "ERROR hbmCreateClone src type"); DEVBITMAPINFO dbmi; dbmi.iFormat = pSurfSrc->iFormat(); if ((cx == 0) || (cy == 0)) { dbmi.cxBitmap = pSurfSrc->sizl().cx; dbmi.cyBitmap = pSurfSrc->sizl().cy; } else { ASSERTGDI(cx <= LONG_MAX, "hbmCreateClone: cx too large\n"); dbmi.cxBitmap = min(pSurfSrc->sizl().cx,(LONG)cx); ASSERTGDI(cy <= LONG_MAX, "hbmCreateClone: cy too large\n"); dbmi.cyBitmap = min(pSurfSrc->sizl().cy,(LONG)cy); } dbmi.hpal = (HPALETTE) 0; if (pSurfSrc->ppal() != NULL) { dbmi.hpal = (HPALETTE) pSurfSrc->ppal()->hGet(); } dbmi.fl = BMF_TOPDOWN; HBITMAP hbmReturn = (HBITMAP) 0; SURFMEM SurfDimo; if (SurfDimo.bCreateDIB(&dbmi, NULL)) { POINTL ptlSrc; ptlSrc.x = 0; ptlSrc.y = 0; RECTL rclDst; rclDst.left = 0; rclDst.right = dbmi.cxBitmap; rclDst.top = 0; rclDst.bottom = dbmi.cyBitmap; HSEMAPHORE hsemDevLock = NULL; PPDEV ppdev = NULL; if (pSurfSrc->bUseDevlock()) { PDEVOBJ po(pSurfSrc->hdev()); ASSERTGDI(po.bValid(), "PDEV invalid"); hsemDevLock = po.hsemDevLock(); ppdev = po.ppdev; GreAcquireSemaphoreEx(hsemDevLock, SEMORDER_DEVLOCK, NULL); GreEnterMonitoredSection(ppdev, WD_DEVLOCK); } if (EngCopyBits( SurfDimo.pSurfobj(), // Destination surfobj pSurfSrc->pSurfobj(), // Source surfobj. (CLIPOBJ *) NULL, // Clip object. &xloIdent, // Palette translation object. &rclDst, // Destination rectangle. &ptlSrc )) { SurfDimo.vKeepIt(); hbmReturn = (HBITMAP) SurfDimo.ps->hsurf(); } else { WARNING("ERROR hbmCreateClone failed EngBitBlt\n"); } if (hsemDevLock) { GreExitMonitoredSection(ppdev, WD_DEVLOCK); GreReleaseSemaphoreEx(hsemDevLock); } } else { WARNING("ERROR hbmCreateClone failed DIB allocation\n"); } return(hbmReturn); } /******************************Public*Routine******************************\ * NtGdiGetDCforBitmap * * Get the DC that the bitmap is selected into * * History: * 12-12-94 -by- Lingyun Wang[lingyunw] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/ HDC NtGdiGetDCforBitmap(HBITMAP hsurf) { HDC hdcReturn = 0; SURFREF so((HSURF) hsurf); if (so.bValid()) { hdcReturn = so.ps->hdc(); } return(hdcReturn); } /******************************Public*Routine******************************\ * NtGdiColorSpaceforBitmap * * Get the color space data for this bitmap * * History: * 06-06-97 -by- Hideyuki Nagase [hideyukn] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/ ULONG_PTR NtGdiGetColorSpaceforBitmap(HBITMAP hsurf) { ULONG_PTR dwReturn = 0; SURFREF so((HSURF) hsurf); if (so.bValid() && so.ps->bDIBSection()) { dwReturn = so.ps->dwDIBColorSpace(); } return(dwReturn); } /******************************Public*Routine******************************\ * GreMakeInfoDC() * * This routine is used to take a printer DC and temporarily make it a * Metafile DC for spooled printing. This way it can be associated with * an enhanced metafile. During this period, it should look and act just * like an info DC. * * bSet determines if it should be set into the INFO DC state or restored * to the Direct state. * * History: * 04-Jan-1995 -by- Eric Kutter [erick] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/ BOOL NtGdiMakeInfoDC( HDC hdc, BOOL bSet) { ASSERTGDI(LO_TYPE(hdc) == LO_ALTDC_TYPE,"GreMakeInfoDC - not alt type\n"); BOOL bRet = FALSE; XDCOBJ dco( hdc ); if (dco.bValid()) { bRet = dco.pdc->bMakeInfoDC(bSet); dco.vUnlockFast(); } return(bRet); } /******************************Private*Routine*****************************\ * BOOL pConvertDfbSurfaceToDib * * Converts a compatible bitmap into an engine managed bitmap. Note that * if the bitmap is currently selected into a DC, bConvertDfbDcToDib should * be called. * * The devlock must be already be held. * * History: * Wed 5-May-1994 -by- Tom Zakrajsek [tomzak] * Wrote it (with lots of help from PatrickH and EricK). \*************************************************************************/ SURFACE* pConvertDfbSurfaceToDib ( HDEV hdev, SURFACE *pSurfOld, LONG ExpectedShareCount ) { BOOL b; SURFACE *pSurfNew; SURFACE *pSurfRet; #if TEXTURE_DEMO if (ghdevTextureParent) { return(NULL); } #endif pSurfRet = NULL; ASSERTGDI((pSurfOld != NULL), "pConvertDfbSurfaceToDib: pSurf attached to the DC is NULL\n"); ASSERTGDI((pSurfOld->bRedirection() == FALSE), "pConvertDfbSurfaceToDib: pSurf is a redirection surface"); // // GDI surfaces wrapped around DirectDraw surfaces cannot be // converted (DirectDraw wouldn't know about its new state). // // Similarly, we can't convert surfaces that are the primary // screen! // if (pSurfOld->bDirectDraw() || pSurfOld->bPDEVSurface()) { return(NULL); } // // Create a DIB (dimoCvt) with the same height,width, // and BPP as the DEVBITMAP attached to the DC and // then replace the DEVBITMAP with the DIB // SURFMEM dimoCvt; DEVBITMAPINFO dbmi; ERECTL ercl(0, 0, pSurfOld->sizl().cx, pSurfOld->sizl().cy); PDEVOBJ po(hdev); // // Figure out what format the engine should use by looking at the // size of palette. This is a clone from CreateCompatibleBitmap(). // dbmi.iFormat = pSurfOld->iFormat(); dbmi.cxBitmap = pSurfOld->sizl().cx; dbmi.cyBitmap = pSurfOld->sizl().cy; dbmi.hpal = 0; dbmi.fl = BMF_TOPDOWN; if (dimoCvt.bCreateDIB(&dbmi, NULL)) { pSurfNew = dimoCvt.ps; // // Fill in other necessary fields // ASSERTGDI(pSurfOld->hdev() == hdev, "hdev's don't match"); pSurfNew->hdev(hdev); // // Copy the area as big as the bitmap // if ((*PPFNGET(po, CopyBits, pSurfOld->flags())) ( dimoCvt.pSurfobj(), // destination surface pSurfOld->pSurfobj(), // source surface (CLIPOBJ *)NULL, // clip object &xloIdent, // palette translation object (RECTL *) &ercl, // destination rectangle (POINTL *) &ercl // source origin )) { MLOCKOBJ mlo; LONG SurfTargShareCount; SurfTargShareCount = HmgQueryAltLock((HOBJ)pSurfOld->hsurf()); if (SurfTargShareCount == ExpectedShareCount) { BOOL bStockSurface = pSurfOld->bStockSurface(); BOOL bUndoStockSurfaceDelayed = pSurfOld->bUndoStockSurfaceDelayed(); if (HmgSwapLockedHandleContents((HOBJ)pSurfOld->hsurf(), SurfTargShareCount, (HOBJ)pSurfNew->hsurf(), HmgQueryAltLock((HOBJ)pSurfNew->hsurf()), SURF_TYPE)) { // // Swap necessary fields between the bitmaps // hsurf, hdc, cRef, hpalHint, sizlDim, ppal, SurfFlags // HSURF hsurfTemp = pSurfOld->hsurf(); pSurfOld->hsurf(pSurfNew->hsurf()); pSurfNew->hsurf(hsurfTemp); HDC hdcTemp = pSurfOld->hdc(); pSurfOld->hdc(pSurfNew->hdc()); pSurfNew->hdc(hdcTemp); ULONG cRefTemp = pSurfOld->cRef(); pSurfOld->cRef(pSurfNew->cRef()); pSurfNew->cRef(cRefTemp); HPALETTE hpalTemp = pSurfOld->hpalHint(); pSurfOld->hpalHint(pSurfNew->hpalHint()); pSurfNew->hpalHint(hpalTemp); SIZEL sizlTemp = pSurfOld->sizlDim(); pSurfOld->sizlDim(pSurfNew->sizlDim()); pSurfNew->sizlDim(sizlTemp); PPALETTE ppalTemp = pSurfOld->ppal(); pSurfOld->ppal(pSurfNew->ppal()); pSurfNew->ppal(ppalTemp); FLONG flagsTemp = pSurfOld->flags(); pSurfOld->flags((pSurfOld->flags() & ~SURF_FLAGS) | (pSurfNew->flags() & SURF_FLAGS)); pSurfNew->flags((pSurfNew->flags() & ~SURF_FLAGS) | (flagsTemp & SURF_FLAGS)); // // Some flags have to stay with the original surface, // so swap them yet again to go back to the original: // #define KEEP_FLAGS ENG_CREATE_DEVICE_SURFACE flagsTemp = pSurfOld->flags(); pSurfOld->flags((pSurfOld->flags() & ~KEEP_FLAGS) | (pSurfNew->flags() & KEEP_FLAGS)); pSurfNew->flags((pSurfNew->flags() & ~KEEP_FLAGS) | (flagsTemp & KEEP_FLAGS)); #if TRACE_SURFACE_ALLOCS // We don't care about copying the current allocation trace // to the old object. if (TRACED_SURFACE::bEnabled()) { TRACED_SURFACE *ptsOld = (TRACED_SURFACE *)pSurfOld; TRACED_SURFACE *ptsNew = (TRACED_SURFACE *)pSurfNew; ptsNew->Trace = ptsOld->Trace; #if TRACE_SURFACE_USER_CHAIN_IN_UM // pUser values were swapped in HmgSwapLockedHandleContents. // Swap them back since object owners weren't swapped. // It doesn't matter if TRACED_SURFACE::bUserChainInUM // is enable, since pUser is unused if not enabled. PENTRY pEntryOld = &gpentHmgr[HmgIfromH(pSurfOld->hGet())]; PENTRY pEntryNew = &gpentHmgr[HmgIfromH(pSurfNew->hGet())]; PVOID pUserTemp = pEntryOld->pUser; pEntryOld->pUser = pEntryNew->pUser; pEntryNew->pUser = pUserTemp; #endif } #endif if (bStockSurface) { DC* pdc; HOBJ hObj = 0; pSurfOld->vClearStockSurface(); pSurfNew->vSetStockSurface(); STOCKINFO("Transfer Stock Bitmap State from %p to %p\n", pSurfOld, pSurfNew); if (bUndoStockSurfaceDelayed) { STOCKINFO("Transfer Delayed Undo Stock Bitmap State from %p to %p\n", pSurfOld, pSurfNew); pSurfNew->vSetUndoStockSurfaceDelayed(); } // As its a Stock surface it may be selected into many DCs. Run thru all of them // and replace with new . while (pdc = (DC*) HmgSafeNextObjt(hObj, DC_TYPE)) { hObj = (HOBJ)pdc->hGet(); if ((pdc->pSurface() == pSurfOld)) { STOCKINFO("Updating DC (%p) which refs old stockbmp %p with new stockbmp %p\n", pdc, pSurfOld, pSurfNew); pdc->flbrushAdd(DIRTY_BRUSHES); pdc->pSurface(pSurfNew); MDCOBJA dco((HDC)hObj); LONG lNumLeft = dco.lSaveDepth(); HDC hdcSave = dco.hdcSave(); while (lNumLeft > 1) { MDCOBJA dcoTmp(hdcSave); if (dcoTmp.pSurface() == pSurfOld) { dcoTmp.pdc->pSurface(pSurfNew); } lNumLeft = dcoTmp.lSaveDepth(); hdcSave = dcoTmp.hdcSave(); } } } } // // Destroy the DFB // // If the deletion fails, we're toast, since a bad, // stale surface will have been left in the handle // table. So on the next mode-change, when we walk // the table looking at all surfaces belonging to // this HDEV, we'd crash. // mlo.vDisable(); b = pSurfOld->bDeleteSurface(); ASSERTGDI(b, "A bad surface is left in handle table"); // // Keep a reference to the new surface. // dimoCvt.vKeepIt(); dimoCvt.ps = NULL; pSurfRet = pSurfNew; } else { WARNING("pConvertDfbSurfaceToDib failed to swap bitmap handles\n"); } } else { WARNING("pConvertDfbSurfaceToDib someone else is holding a lock\n"); } } else { WARNING("pConvertDfbSurfaceToDib failed copying DFB to DIB\n"); } } return(pSurfRet); } /******************************Private*Routine*****************************\ * BOOL bConvertDfbDcToDib * * Converts a compatible bitmap that is currently selected into a DC * into an engine managed bitmap. * * The Devlock must already be held. Some sort of lock must also be held * to prevent SaveDC/RestoreDC operations from occuring -- either via an * exclusive DC lock or some other lock. * * History: * Wed 5-May-1994 -by- Tom Zakrajsek [tomzak] * Wrote it (with lot's of help from PatrickH and EricK). \*************************************************************************/ BOOL bConvertDfbDcToDib ( XDCOBJ * pdco ) { SURFACE *pSurfOld; SURFACE *pSurfNew; ASSERTDEVLOCK(pdco->pdc); pSurfOld = pdco->pSurface(); pSurfNew = pConvertDfbSurfaceToDib(pdco->hdev(), pSurfOld, pSurfOld->cRef()); if (pSurfNew) { // // Make sure that the surface pointers in any EBRUSHOBJ's get // updated, by ensuring that vInitBrush() gets called the next // time any brush is used in this DC. // pdco->pdc->flbrushAdd(DIRTY_BRUSHES); // // Replace the pSurf reference in the DCLEVEL // pdco->pdc->pSurface(pSurfNew); // // Walk the saved DC chain // LONG lNumLeft = pdco->lSaveDepth(); HDC hdcSave = pdco->hdcSave(); while (lNumLeft > 1) { MDCOBJA dcoTmp(hdcSave); // // Replace all references to pSurfOld with references to pSurfNew // if (dcoTmp.pSurface() == pSurfOld) { dcoTmp.pdc->pSurface(pSurfNew); } lNumLeft = dcoTmp.lSaveDepth(); hdcSave = dcoTmp.hdcSave(); } } return(pSurfNew != NULL); }