!IF 0 Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation !ENDIF !ifndef ICMROOT ICMROOT=$(NTGDI_PATH)\icm !endif # Set this environment variable when building for Memphis # This can be done on the build command line using the -nmake switch !IFDEF MEMPHIS_BUILD !MESSAGE Building UPGRADE DLL for Memphis ANSI=1 USE_MAPSYM=1 MEMPHIS=1 SUBSYSTEM_VERSION=4.00 TARGETNAME=icmupg !ELSE !MESSAGE Building UPGRADE DLL for NT 5.0 ANSI=1 TARGETNAME=migrate UMTYPE=console UMLIBS=$(O)\migrate.lib !ENDIF !include $(ICMROOT)\icmsrc.inc TARGETPATH=$(_OBJ_DIR) TARGETTYPE=DYNLINK DLLBASE=0x5e980000 DLLENTRY=DllEntryPoint DLLDEF=migrate.def INCLUDES=.;$(ICMROOT)\inc;$(INCLUDES) # give migrate.dll a unique PDB name. LINKER_FLAGS=$(LINKER_FLAGS) /PDB:$(O)\icmupg.pdb # make sure the dll is placed in win9xmig\icm BINPLACE_PLACEFILE=placefil.txt NTKEEPRESOURCETMPFILES=1 USE_MSVCRT=1 SOURCES=icmupg.c icmupg.rc $(O)\msg.mc TARGETLIBS=$(SDK_LIB_PATH)\kernel32.lib \ $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\advapi32.lib \ $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\winspool.lib \ $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\user32.lib \ $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\setupapi.lib !IFDEF MEMPHIS_BUILD TARGETLIBS=$(TARGETLIBS) \ $(ICMROOT)\mscms\winnt\$(O)\mscms.lib !ENDIF PRECOMPILED_INCLUDE=icmupg.h PRECOMPILED_PCH=precomp.pch PRECOMPILED_OBJ=precomp.obj # # Defining NTTARGETFILE0 causes makefile.def to include .\makefile.inc # NTTARGETFILE0=$(O)\msg.mc