/****************************** Module Header ******************************\ * Module Name: connect.c * * Copyright (c) 1985 - 1999, Microsoft Corporation * * DDE Manager conversation connection functions * * Created: 11/3/91 Sanford Staab * \***************************************************************************/ #include "precomp.h" #pragma hdrstop #include "nddeagnt.h" //#define TESTING #ifdef TESTING ULONG DbgPrint( PCH Format, ... ); VOID DbgUserBreakPoint( VOID ); BOOL ValidateConvList( HCONVLIST hConvList) { PCONVLIST pcl; PCL_CONV_INFO pci; PXACT_INFO pxi; int i; BOOL fMatch; if (hConvList == 0) { return(TRUE); } pcl = (PCONVLIST)ValidateCHandle((HANDLE)hConvList, HTYPE_CONVERSATION_LIST, HINST_ANY); for (i = 0; i < pcl->chwnd; i++) { /* * all windows in the list are valid */ if (!IsWindow(pcl->ahwnd[i])) { DebugBreak(); } pci = (PCL_CONV_INFO)GetWindowLongPtr(pcl->ahwnd[i], GWLP_PCI); /* * All windows have at least one convinfo associated with them. */ if (pci == NULL) { DebugBreak(); } fMatch = FALSE; while (pci != NULL) { /* * All non-zombie conversations have hConvList set correctly. */ if (pci->hConvList != hConvList && TypeFromHandle(pci->ci.hConv) != HTYPE_ZOMBIE_CONVERSATION) { DebugBreak(); } /* * All conversations have hConvList clear or set correctly. */ if (pci->hConvList != 0 && pci->hConvList != hConvList) { DebugBreak(); } /* * At least 1 of the conversations references the list */ if (pci->hConvList == hConvList) { fMatch = TRUE; } for (pxi = pci->ci.pxiOut; pxi; pxi = pxi->next) { if ((PCL_CONV_INFO)pxi->pcoi != pci) { DebugBreak(); } } pci = (PCL_CONV_INFO)pci->ci.next; } if (!fMatch) { /* * At least 1 of the conversations references the list */ DebugBreak; } } return(TRUE); } VOID ValidateAllConvLists() { ApplyFunctionToObjects(HTYPE_CONVERSATION_LIST, HINST_ANY, (PFNHANDLEAPPLY)ValidateConvList); } #else // TESTING #define ValidateConvList(h) #define ValidateAllConvLists() #endif // TESTING CONVCONTEXT TempConvContext; CONVCONTEXT DefConvContext = { sizeof(CONVCONTEXT), 0, 0, CP_WINANSI, 0L, 0L, { sizeof(SECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE), SecurityImpersonation, SECURITY_STATIC_TRACKING, TRUE } }; typedef struct tagINIT_ENUM { HWND hwndClient; HWND hwndSkip; LONG lParam; LATOM laServiceRequested; LATOM laTopic; HCONVLIST hConvList; DWORD clst; } INIT_ENUM, *PINIT_ENUM; BOOL InitiateEnumerationProc(HWND hwndTarget, PINIT_ENUM pie); VOID DisconnectConv(PCONV_INFO pcoi); /***************************************************************************\ * DdeConnect (DDEML API) * * Description: * Initiates a DDE conversation. * * History: * 11-1-91 sanfords Created. \***************************************************************************/ FUNCLOG4(LOG_GENERAL, HCONV, DUMMYCALLINGTYPE, DdeConnect, DWORD, idInst, HSZ, hszService, HSZ, hszTopic, PCONVCONTEXT, pCC) HCONV DdeConnect( DWORD idInst, HSZ hszService, HSZ hszTopic, PCONVCONTEXT pCC) { PCL_INSTANCE_INFO pcii; PCL_CONV_INFO pci; HCONV hConvRet = 0; HWND hwndTarget = 0; LATOM aNormalSvcName = 0; EnterDDECrit; if (!ValidateConnectParameters((HANDLE)LongToHandle( idInst ), &pcii, &hszService, hszTopic, &aNormalSvcName, &pCC, &hwndTarget, 0)) { goto Exit; } pci = ConnectConv(pcii, LATOM_FROM_HSZ(hszService), LATOM_FROM_HSZ(hszTopic), hwndTarget, (pcii->afCmd & CBF_FAIL_SELFCONNECTIONS) ? pcii->hwndMother : 0, pCC, 0, CLST_SINGLE_INITIALIZING); if (pci == NULL) { SetLastDDEMLError(pcii, DMLERR_NO_CONV_ESTABLISHED); goto Exit; } else { hConvRet = pci->ci.hConv; } Exit: if (aNormalSvcName) { GlobalDeleteAtom(aNormalSvcName); } LeaveDDECrit; return (hConvRet); } /***************************************************************************\ * DdeConnectList (DDEML API) * * Description: * Initiates DDE conversations with multiple servers or adds unique servers * to an existing conversation list. * * History: * 11-12-91 sanfords Created. \***************************************************************************/ FUNCLOG5(LOG_GENERAL, HCONVLIST, DUMMYCALLINGTYPE, DdeConnectList, DWORD, idInst, HSZ, hszService, HSZ, hszTopic, HCONVLIST, hConvList, PCONVCONTEXT, pCC) HCONVLIST DdeConnectList( DWORD idInst, HSZ hszService, HSZ hszTopic, HCONVLIST hConvList, PCONVCONTEXT pCC) { PCL_INSTANCE_INFO pcii; PCONV_INFO pcoi, pcoiNew, pcoiExisting, pcoiNext; HCONVLIST hConvListRet = 0; HWND hwndTarget = 0; LATOM aNormalSvcName = 0; PCONVLIST pcl = NULL, pclTemp = NULL; HCONVLIST hConvListOld; int i; CheckDDECritOut; EnterDDECrit; if (!ValidateConnectParameters((HANDLE)LongToHandle( idInst ), &pcii, &hszService, hszTopic, &aNormalSvcName, &pCC, &hwndTarget, hConvList)) { goto Exit; } ValidateConvList(hConvList); hConvListOld = hConvList; pcoi = (PCONV_INFO)ConnectConv(pcii, LATOM_FROM_HSZ(hszService), LATOM_FROM_HSZ(hszTopic), hwndTarget, (pcii->afCmd & (CBF_FAIL_SELFCONNECTIONS | CBF_FAIL_CONNECTIONS)) ? pcii->hwndMother : 0, pCC, hConvListOld, CLST_MULT_INITIALIZING); if (pcoi == NULL) { /* * no new connections made */ SetLastDDEMLError(pcii, DMLERR_NO_CONV_ESTABLISHED); hConvListRet = hConvListOld; goto Exit; } /* * allocate or reallocate the hConvList hwnd list for later addition * If we already have a valid list, reuse the handle so we don't have * to alter the preexisting pcoi->hConvList values. */ if (hConvListOld == 0) { pcl = (PCONVLIST)DDEMLAlloc(sizeof(CONVLIST)); if (pcl == NULL) { SetLastDDEMLError(pcii, DMLERR_MEMORY_ERROR); DisconnectConv(pcoi); goto Exit; } // pcl->chwnd = 0; LPTR zero inits. hConvList = (HCONVLIST)CreateHandle((ULONG_PTR)pcl, HTYPE_CONVERSATION_LIST, InstFromHandle(pcii->hInstClient)); if (hConvList == 0) { DDEMLFree(pcl); SetLastDDEMLError(pcii, DMLERR_MEMORY_ERROR); DisconnectConv(pcoi); goto Exit; } } else { pcl = (PCONVLIST)GetHandleData((HANDLE)hConvList); pclTemp = DDEMLReAlloc(pcl, sizeof(CONVLIST) + sizeof(HWND) * pcl->chwnd); if (pclTemp == NULL) { SetLastDDEMLError(pcii, DMLERR_MEMORY_ERROR); hConvListRet = hConvListOld; DisconnectConv(pcoi); goto Exit; } pcl = pclTemp; SetHandleData((HANDLE)hConvList, (ULONG_PTR)pcl); } ValidateConvList(hConvListOld); if (hConvListOld) { /* * remove duplicates from new conversations * * Although we tried to prevent duplicates from happening * within the initiate enumeration code, wild initiates or * servers responding with different service names than * requested could cause duplicates. */ /* For each client window... */ for (i = 0; i < pcl->chwnd; i++) { /* For each existing conversation in that window... */ for (pcoiExisting = (PCONV_INFO) GetWindowLongPtr(pcl->ahwnd[i], GWLP_PCI); pcoi != NULL && pcoiExisting != NULL; pcoiExisting = pcoiExisting->next) { if (!(pcoiExisting->state & ST_CONNECTED)) continue; /* For each new conversation... */ for (pcoiNew = pcoi; pcoiNew != NULL; pcoiNew = pcoiNext) { pcoiNext = pcoiNew->next; /* see if the new conversation duplicates the existing one */ if (!(pcoiNew->state & ST_CONNECTED)) continue; UserAssert(((PCL_CONV_INFO)pcoiExisting)->hwndReconnect); UserAssert(((PCL_CONV_INFO)pcoiNew)->hwndReconnect); if (((PCL_CONV_INFO)pcoiExisting)->hwndReconnect == ((PCL_CONV_INFO)pcoiNew)->hwndReconnect && pcoiExisting->laTopic == pcoiNew->laTopic && pcoiExisting->laService == pcoiNew->laService) { /* * duplicate conversation - disconnection causes an unlink */ if (pcoiNew == pcoi) { /* * We are freeing up the head of the list, * Reset the head to the next guy. */ pcoi = pcoiNext; } ValidateConvList(hConvList); ShutdownConversation(pcoiNew, FALSE); ValidateConvList(hConvList); break; } } } } for (pcoiExisting = pcoi; pcoiExisting != NULL; pcoiExisting = pcoiExisting->next) { /* * if these are all zombies - we DONT want to link it in! * This is possible because ShutdownConversation() leaves the critical section * and could allow responding terminates to come through. */ if (pcoiExisting->state & ST_CONNECTED) { goto FoundOne; } } pcoi = NULL; // abandon this guy - he will clean up in time. FoundOne: /* * add new pcoi (if any are left) hwnd to ConvList hwnd list. */ if (pcoi != NULL) { UserAssert(pcoi->hwndConv); pcl->ahwnd[pcl->chwnd] = pcoi->hwndConv; pcl->chwnd++; hConvListRet = hConvList; } else { hConvListRet = hConvListOld; if (!hConvListOld) { DestroyHandle((HANDLE)hConvList); } } } else { // no hConvListOld UserAssert(pcoi->hwndConv); pcl->ahwnd[0] = pcoi->hwndConv; pcl->chwnd = 1; hConvListRet = hConvList; } if (pcoi != NULL) { /* * set hConvList field for all remaining new conversations. */ UserAssert(hConvListRet); for (pcoiNew = pcoi; pcoiNew != NULL; pcoiNew = pcoiNew->next) { if (pcoiNew->state & ST_CONNECTED) { ((PCL_CONV_INFO)pcoiNew)->hConvList = hConvListRet; } } } Exit: if (aNormalSvcName) { DeleteAtom(aNormalSvcName); } ValidateConvList(hConvListRet); LeaveDDECrit; return (hConvListRet); } /***************************************************************************\ * DdeReconnect (DDEML API) * * Description: * Attempts to reconnect an externally (from the server) terminated * client side conversation. * * History: * 11-12-91 sanfords Created. \***************************************************************************/ FUNCLOG1(LOG_GENERAL, HCONV, DUMMYCALLINGTYPE, DdeReconnect, HCONV, hConv) HCONV DdeReconnect( HCONV hConv) { PCL_INSTANCE_INFO pcii; PCL_CONV_INFO pci, pciNew; HCONV hConvRet = 0; CONVCONTEXT cc; EnterDDECrit; pcii = PciiFromHandle((HANDLE)hConv); if (pcii == NULL) { BestSetLastDDEMLError(DMLERR_INVALIDPARAMETER); goto Exit; } pci = (PCL_CONV_INFO)ValidateCHandle((HANDLE)hConv, HTYPE_CLIENT_CONVERSATION, HINST_ANY); if (pci == NULL) { SetLastDDEMLError(pcii, DMLERR_INVALIDPARAMETER); goto Exit; } if (pci->ci.state & ST_CONNECTED) { goto Exit; } GetConvContext(pci->ci.hwndConv, (LONG *)&cc); pciNew = ConnectConv(pcii, pci->ci.laService, pci->ci.laTopic, pci->hwndReconnect, 0, &cc, 0, CLST_SINGLE_INITIALIZING); if (pciNew == NULL) { SetLastDDEMLError(pcii, DMLERR_NO_CONV_ESTABLISHED); goto Exit; } else { hConvRet = pciNew->ci.hConv; if (pci->ci.cLinks) { PXACT_INFO pxi; int iLink; PADVISE_LINK paLink; /* * reestablish advise links */ for (paLink = pci->ci.aLinks, iLink = pci->ci.cLinks; iLink; paLink++, iLink--) { pxi = (PXACT_INFO)DDEMLAlloc(sizeof(XACT_INFO)); if (pxi == NULL) { break; // abort relinking } pxi->pcoi = (PCONV_INFO)pciNew; pxi->gaItem = LocalToGlobalAtom(paLink->laItem); // pxi copy pxi->wFmt = paLink->wFmt; pxi->wType = (WORD)((paLink->wType >> 12) | XTYP_ADVSTART); if (ClStartAdvise(pxi)) { pxi->flags |= XIF_ABANDONED; } else { GlobalDeleteAtom(pxi->gaItem); DDEMLFree(pxi); } } } } Exit: LeaveDDECrit; return (hConvRet); } /***************************************************************************\ * ValidateConnectParameters * * Description: * worker function to handle common validation code. * * Note that paNormalSvcName is set to the atom value created upon extracting * a normal HSZ from an InstanceSpecific HSZ. * * History: * 11-12-91 sanfords Created. \***************************************************************************/ BOOL ValidateConnectParameters( HANDLE hInst, PCL_INSTANCE_INFO *ppcii, // set if valid hInst HSZ *phszService, // altered if InstSpecific HSZ HSZ hszTopic, LATOM *plaNormalSvcName, // set to atom that needs freeing when done PCONVCONTEXT *ppCC, // set to point to DefConvContext if NULL HWND *phwndTarget, // set if hszService is InstSpecific HCONVLIST hConvList) { DWORD hszType; BOOL fError = FALSE; *ppcii = ValidateInstance(hInst); if (*ppcii == NULL) { return (FALSE); } hszType = ValidateHSZ(*phszService); if (hszType == HSZT_INVALID || ValidateHSZ(hszTopic) == HSZT_INVALID) { SetLastDDEMLError(*ppcii, DMLERR_INVALIDPARAMETER); return (FALSE); } if (hszType == HSZT_INST_SPECIFIC) { *phwndTarget = ParseInstSpecificAtom(LATOM_FROM_HSZ(*phszService), plaNormalSvcName); if (*plaNormalSvcName == 0) { SetLastDDEMLError(*ppcii, DMLERR_SYS_ERROR); return (FALSE); } *phszService = NORMAL_HSZ_FROM_LATOM(*plaNormalSvcName); } if (*ppCC == NULL) { *ppCC = &DefConvContext; if ((*ppcii)->flags & IIF_UNICODE) { (*ppCC)->iCodePage = CP_WINUNICODE; } else { (*ppCC)->iCodePage = CP_WINANSI; } } else try { if ((*ppCC)->cb > sizeof(CONVCONTEXT)) { SetLastDDEMLError(*ppcii, DMLERR_INVALIDPARAMETER); fError = TRUE; } else if ((*ppCC)->cb < sizeof(CONVCONTEXT)) { TempConvContext = DefConvContext; /* * we can use this static temp because we are synchronized. */ RtlCopyMemory(&TempConvContext, *ppCC, (*ppCC)->cb); *ppCC = &TempConvContext; } } except(W32ExceptionHandler(FALSE, RIP_WARNING)) { SetLastDDEMLError(*ppcii, DMLERR_INVALIDPARAMETER); fError = TRUE; } if (fError) { return(FALSE); } if (hConvList != 0 && !ValidateCHandle((HANDLE)hConvList, HTYPE_CONVERSATION_LIST, (DWORD)InstFromHandle((*ppcii)->hInstClient))) { return (FALSE); } return (TRUE); } /***************************************************************************\ * ConnectConv * * Description: * Work function for all Connect cases. * * Method: * * To reduce the number of windows we use and to simplify how client * windows handle multiple WM_DDE_ACK messages during initiation, a * single client window can handle many conversations, each with * a different server window. * * The client window is created and set to a initiation state via the * GWL_CONVSTATE window word. Initiates are then sent to enumerated server * window candidates. * The GWL_CONVSTATE value is used by the DDEML mother windows * to determine if only one or several ACKs are desired to minimize * unnessary message traffic. * * The client window GWL_CONVCONTEXT? window words are also used by * Event Windows to pass context information. * * Note that all client and server windows are children of the mother * window. This reduces the number of top level windows that * WM_DDE_INITIATES need to hit. * * Each WM_DDE_ACK that is received by a client window while in the * initiation state causes it to create a CL_CONV_INFO structure, * partially initialize it, and link it into its list of CL_CONV_INFO * structures. The head of the list is pointed to by the GWLP_PCI * client window word. * * After each WM_DDE_INITIALIZE is sent, the GWLP_PCI value is checked * to see if it exists and needs initialization to be completed. If * this is the case the init code knows that at least one ACK was * received in response to the WM_DDE_INITIALIZE send. The * initialization of each CL_CONV_INFO struct that needs it is then completed. * * Once the broadcasting of WM_DDE_INITIALIZE is done, the init code * then sets the GWL_CONVSTATE value in the client window to indicate that * initialization is complete. * * Returns: * The head pci to the client window or NULL if no connections made it. * * History: * 11-1-91 sanfords Created. \***************************************************************************/ PCL_CONV_INFO ConnectConv( PCL_INSTANCE_INFO pcii, LATOM laService, LATOM laTopic, HWND hwndTarget, // 0 implies broadcast HWND hwndSkip, // 0 implies no skips - avoids self-connections. PCONVCONTEXT pCC, HCONVLIST hConvList, DWORD clst) { INIT_ENUM ie; PCL_CONV_INFO pci; PCONV_INFO pcoi; GATOM gaService, gaTopic; CheckDDECritIn; if (hwndTarget && hwndTarget == hwndSkip) { return(NULL); } LeaveDDECrit; CheckDDECritOut; if (pcii->flags & IIF_UNICODE) { ie.hwndClient = CreateWindowW((LPWSTR)(gpsi->atomSysClass[ICLS_DDEMLCLIENTW]), L"", WS_CHILD, 0, 0, 0, 0, pcii->hwndMother, (HMENU)0, (HANDLE)0, (LPVOID)NULL); } else { ie.hwndClient = CreateWindowA((LPSTR)(gpsi->atomSysClass[ICLS_DDEMLCLIENTA]), "", WS_CHILD, 0, 0, 0, 0, pcii->hwndMother, (HMENU)0, (HANDLE)0, (LPVOID)NULL); } EnterDDECrit; if (ie.hwndClient == 0) { return (NULL); } if (pCC != NULL) { if (!NtUserDdeSetQualityOfService(ie.hwndClient, &(pCC->qos), NULL)) { SetLastDDEMLError(pcii, DMLERR_MEMORY_ERROR); goto Error; } } /* * Note that a pci will be created and allocated for each ACK recieved. */ SetConvContext(ie.hwndClient, (LONG *)pCC); SetWindowLong(ie.hwndClient, GWL_CONVSTATE, clst); SetWindowLongPtr(ie.hwndClient, GWLP_SHINST, (LONG_PTR)pcii->hInstServer); SetWindowLongPtr(ie.hwndClient, GWLP_CHINST, (LONG_PTR)pcii->hInstClient); gaService = LocalToGlobalAtom(laService); gaTopic = LocalToGlobalAtom(laTopic); ie.lParam = MAKELONG(gaService, gaTopic); if (!hwndTarget) { ie.hwndSkip = hwndSkip; ie.laServiceRequested = laService; ie.laTopic = laTopic; ie.hConvList = hConvList; ie.clst = clst; } LeaveDDECrit; if (hwndTarget) { SendMessage(hwndTarget, WM_DDE_INITIATE, (WPARAM)ie.hwndClient, ie.lParam); } else { /* * Send this message to the nddeagnt app first so it can start * the netdde services BEFORE we do an enumeration of windows. * This lets things work the first time. NetDDEAgent caches * service status so this is the fastest way to do this. */ HWND hwndAgent = FindWindowW(SZ_NDDEAGNT_CLASS, SZ_NDDEAGNT_TITLE); if (hwndAgent) { SendMessage(hwndAgent, WM_DDE_INITIATE, (WPARAM)ie.hwndClient, ie.lParam); } EnumWindows((WNDENUMPROC)InitiateEnumerationProc, (LPARAM)&ie); } EnterDDECrit; /* * hConvList may have been destroyed during the enumeration but we are * done with it now so no need to revalidate. */ #if DBG { WCHAR sz[10]; if (gaService && GlobalGetAtomName(gaService, sz, 10) == 0) { RIPMSG1(RIP_ERROR, "Bad Service Atom after Initiate phase: %lX", (DWORD)gaService); } if (gaTopic && GlobalGetAtomName(gaTopic, sz, 10) == 0) { RIPMSG1(RIP_ERROR, "Bad Topic Atom after Initiate phase: %lX", (DWORD)gaTopic); } } #endif // DBG GlobalDeleteAtom(gaService); GlobalDeleteAtom(gaTopic); // // Get the first pci allocated when a WM_DDE_ACK was recieved. // pci = (PCL_CONV_INFO)GetWindowLongPtr(ie.hwndClient, GWLP_PCI); if (pci == NULL) { Error: LeaveDDECrit; NtUserDestroyWindow(ie.hwndClient); EnterDDECrit; return (NULL); } SetWindowLong(ie.hwndClient, GWL_CONVSTATE, CLST_CONNECTED); if (hwndTarget) { /* * If hwndTarget was NULL, the enumeration proc took care of this. */ pci->hwndReconnect = hwndTarget; UserAssert(pci->ci.next == NULL); pci->ci.laServiceRequested = laService; IncLocalAtomCount(laService); // pci copy } if (pcii->MonitorFlags & MF_CONV) { for (pcoi = (PCONV_INFO)pci; pcoi; pcoi = pcoi->next) { MONCONV(pcoi, TRUE); } } return (pci); } /* * Undoes the work of ConnectConv() */ VOID DisconnectConv( PCONV_INFO pcoi) { PCONV_INFO pcoiNext; for (; pcoi; pcoi = pcoiNext) { pcoiNext = pcoi->next; ShutdownConversation(pcoi, FALSE); } } /***************************************************************************\ * InitiateEnumerationProc (FILE LOCAL) * * Description: * Function used via EnumWindows to enumerate all server window candidates * during DDE initiation. The enumeration allows DDEML to know what * window WM_DDE_INITIATE was sent to so that it can be remembered for * possible reconnection later. (The window that receives the WM_DDE_INITIATE * message is not necessarily going to be the server window.) * * History: * 11-1-91 sanfords Created. \***************************************************************************/ BOOL InitiateEnumerationProc( HWND hwndTarget, PINIT_ENUM pie) { PCL_CONV_INFO pci; CheckDDECritOut; if (hwndTarget == pie->hwndSkip) { return (TRUE); } if (pie->hConvList && pie->laTopic && pie->laServiceRequested) { /* * Head off duplicates BEFORE we send the WM_DDE_INITIATE messages! */ PCONVLIST pcl; PCONV_INFO pcoiExisting; int i; EnterDDECrit; /* * We revalidate hConvList here because we left the critical section. */ pcl = (PCONVLIST)ValidateCHandle((HANDLE)pie->hConvList, HTYPE_CONVERSATION_LIST, HINST_ANY); if (pcl != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < pcl->chwnd; i++) { for (pcoiExisting = (PCONV_INFO)GetWindowLongPtr(pcl->ahwnd[i], GWLP_PCI); pcoiExisting != NULL; pcoiExisting = pcoiExisting->next) { if (pcoiExisting->state & ST_CONNECTED && ((PCL_CONV_INFO)pcoiExisting)->hwndReconnect == hwndTarget && pcoiExisting->laTopic == pie->laTopic && pcoiExisting->laService == pie->laServiceRequested) { LeaveDDECrit; return(TRUE); } } } } LeaveDDECrit; } CheckDDECritOut; SendMessage(hwndTarget, WM_DDE_INITIATE, (WPARAM)pie->hwndClient, pie->lParam); EnterDDECrit; // // During the initiate process, any acks received cause more pci's // to become linked together under the same hwndClient. Once // the SendMessage() returns, we set the parts of the new pci's // that hold initiate context information. // pci = (PCL_CONV_INFO)GetWindowLongPtr(pie->hwndClient, GWLP_PCI); if (pci == NULL) { LeaveDDECrit; return (TRUE); } while (pci != NULL) { if (pci->hwndReconnect == 0) { // this one needs updating pci->hwndReconnect = hwndTarget; if (pie->laServiceRequested) { pci->ci.laServiceRequested = pie->laServiceRequested; IncLocalAtomCount(pie->laServiceRequested); // pci copy } } if (pie->clst == CLST_SINGLE_INITIALIZING) { break; } pci = (PCL_CONV_INFO)pci->ci.next; } LeaveDDECrit; return (pie->clst == CLST_MULT_INITIALIZING); } /***************************************************************************\ * SetCommonStateFlags() * * Description: * Common client/server worker function * * History: * 05-12-91 sanfords Created. \***************************************************************************/ VOID SetCommonStateFlags( HWND hwndUs, HWND hwndThem, PWORD pwFlags) { DWORD pidUs, pidThem; GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwndUs, &pidUs); GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwndThem, &pidThem); if (pidUs == pidThem) { *pwFlags |= ST_INTRA_PROCESS; } if (IsWindowUnicode(hwndUs) && IsWindowUnicode(hwndThem)) { *pwFlags |= ST_UNICODE_EXECUTE; } } /***************************************************************************\ * DdeQueryNextServer (DDEML API) * * Description: * Enumerates conversations within a list. * * History: * 11-12-91 sanfords Created. \***************************************************************************/ FUNCLOG2(LOG_GENERAL, HCONV, DUMMYCALLINGTYPE, DdeQueryNextServer, HCONVLIST, hConvList, HCONV, hConvPrev) HCONV DdeQueryNextServer( HCONVLIST hConvList, HCONV hConvPrev) { HCONV hConvRet = 0; PCONVLIST pcl; HWND *phwnd; int i; PCL_CONV_INFO pci; PCL_INSTANCE_INFO pcii; EnterDDECrit; pcl = (PCONVLIST)ValidateCHandle((HANDLE)hConvList, HTYPE_CONVERSATION_LIST, HINST_ANY); if (pcl == NULL) { BestSetLastDDEMLError(DMLERR_INVALIDPARAMETER); goto Exit; } if (!pcl->chwnd) { // empty list goto Exit; } pcii = PciiFromHandle((HANDLE)hConvList); if (pcii == NULL) { BestSetLastDDEMLError(DMLERR_INVALIDPARAMETER); goto Exit; } pcii->LastError = DMLERR_NO_ERROR; do { hConvRet = 0; if (hConvPrev == 0) { pci = (PCL_CONV_INFO)GetWindowLongPtr(pcl->ahwnd[0], GWLP_PCI); if (pci == NULL) { goto Exit; // Must have all conversations zombied. } hConvPrev = hConvRet = pci->ci.hConv; continue; } pci = (PCL_CONV_INFO)ValidateCHandle((HANDLE)hConvPrev, HTYPE_CLIENT_CONVERSATION, InstFromHandle(hConvList)); if (pci == NULL) { pci = (PCL_CONV_INFO)ValidateCHandle((HANDLE)hConvPrev, HTYPE_ZOMBIE_CONVERSATION, InstFromHandle(hConvList)); if (pci == NULL) { SetLastDDEMLError(pcii, DMLERR_INVALIDPARAMETER); break; } else { goto ZombieSkip; } } if (pci->hConvList != hConvList) { SetLastDDEMLError(pcii, DMLERR_INVALIDPARAMETER); break; } ZombieSkip: if (pci->ci.next == NULL) { /* * end of list for this window, go to next window */ for (phwnd = pcl->ahwnd, i = 0; (i + 1) < pcl->chwnd; i++) { if (phwnd[i] == pci->ci.hwndConv) { pci = (PCL_CONV_INFO)GetWindowLongPtr(phwnd[i + 1], GWLP_PCI); if (pci == NULL) { break; } hConvPrev = hConvRet = pci->ci.hConv; break; } } } else { hConvPrev = hConvRet = pci->ci.next->hConv; // next conv for this window. } } while (hConvRet && TypeFromHandle(hConvRet) == HTYPE_ZOMBIE_CONVERSATION); Exit: LeaveDDECrit; return (hConvRet); } /***************************************************************************\ * DdeDisconnect (DDEML API) * * Description: * Terminates a conversation. * * History: * 11-12-91 sanfords Created. \***************************************************************************/ FUNCLOG1(LOG_GENERAL, BOOL, DUMMYCALLINGTYPE, DdeDisconnect, HCONV, hConv) BOOL DdeDisconnect( HCONV hConv) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; PCONV_INFO pcoi; PCL_INSTANCE_INFO pcii; CheckDDECritOut; EnterDDECrit; pcoi = (PCONV_INFO)ValidateCHandle((HANDLE)hConv, HTYPE_CLIENT_CONVERSATION, HINST_ANY); if (pcoi == NULL) { pcoi = (PCONV_INFO)ValidateCHandle((HANDLE)hConv, HTYPE_SERVER_CONVERSATION, HINST_ANY); } if (pcoi == NULL) { BestSetLastDDEMLError(DMLERR_INVALIDPARAMETER); goto Exit; } pcii = PciiFromHandle((HANDLE)hConv); if (pcii == NULL) { BestSetLastDDEMLError(DMLERR_INVALIDPARAMETER); goto Exit; } if (pcoi->state & ST_CONNECTED) { ShutdownConversation(pcoi, FALSE); } fRet = TRUE; Exit: LeaveDDECrit; return (fRet); } /***************************************************************************\ * DdeDisconnectList (DDEML API) * * Description: * Terminates all conversations in a conversation list and frees the list. * * History: * 11-12-91 sanfords Created. \***************************************************************************/ FUNCLOG1(LOG_GENERAL, BOOL, DUMMYCALLINGTYPE, DdeDisconnectList, HCONVLIST, hConvList) BOOL DdeDisconnectList( HCONVLIST hConvList) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; PCL_INSTANCE_INFO pcii; PCONVLIST pcl; PCONV_INFO pcoi, pcoiNext; int i; CheckDDECritOut; EnterDDECrit; pcl = (PCONVLIST)ValidateCHandle((HANDLE)hConvList, HTYPE_CONVERSATION_LIST, HINST_ANY); if (pcl == NULL) { BestSetLastDDEMLError(DMLERR_INVALIDPARAMETER); goto Exit; } ValidateConvList(hConvList); pcii = PciiFromHandle((HANDLE)hConvList); if (pcii == NULL) { BestSetLastDDEMLError(DMLERR_INVALIDPARAMETER); goto Exit; } for(i = pcl->chwnd - 1; i >= 0; i--) { pcoi = (PCONV_INFO)GetWindowLongPtr(pcl->ahwnd[i], GWLP_PCI); while (pcoi != NULL && pcoi->state & ST_CONNECTED) { pcoiNext = pcoi->next; ShutdownConversation(pcoi, FALSE); // may unlink pcoi! pcoi = pcoiNext; } } DestroyHandle((HANDLE)hConvList); DDEMLFree(pcl); fRet = TRUE; Exit: LeaveDDECrit; return (fRet); } /***************************************************************************\ * ShutdownConversation * * Description: * This function causes an imediate termination of the given conversation * and generates apropriate callbacks to notify the application. * * History: * 11-12-91 sanfords Created. \***************************************************************************/ VOID ShutdownConversation( PCONV_INFO pcoi, BOOL fMakeCallback) { CheckDDECritIn; if (pcoi->state & ST_CONNECTED) { pcoi->state &= ~ST_CONNECTED; if (IsWindow(pcoi->hwndPartner)) { PostMessage(pcoi->hwndPartner, WM_DDE_TERMINATE, (WPARAM)pcoi->hwndConv, 0); } if (fMakeCallback && !(pcoi->pcii->afCmd & CBF_SKIP_DISCONNECTS)) { DoCallback(pcoi->pcii, (WORD)XTYP_DISCONNECT, 0, pcoi->hConv, 0, 0, 0, 0, (pcoi->state & ST_ISSELF) ? 1L : 0L); } MONCONV(pcoi, FALSE); } FreeConversationResources(pcoi); } /***************************************************************************\ * UnlinkConvFromOthers * * Description: * * Helper function to handle ugly cross dependency removal. If we are * unlinking a conversation that is going zombie, fGoingZombie is TRUE; * * Conversations that are going zombie are in phase 1 of a 2 phase unlink. * Phase 1 unlinks do not remove the pcoi from its hwnd's list. * All unlinks should result in: * pcoi->hConvList = 0; * hConvList/aServerLookup no longer refrences pcoi->hwndConv unless * one of the pcoi's related to hwndConv is still active. * * * History: * 3-2-92 sanfords Created. \***************************************************************************/ VOID UnlinkConvFromOthers( PCONV_INFO pcoi, BOOL gGoingZombie) { PCONV_INFO pcoiPrev, pcoiFirst, pcoiNow; PCONVLIST pcl; int i, cActiveInList = 0; #ifdef TESTING DWORD path = 0; #define ORPATH(x) path |= x; #else #define ORPATH(x) #endif // TESTING CheckDDECritIn; /* * Scan pcoi linked list to get key pointers. */ pcoiPrev = NULL; pcoiFirst = pcoiNow = (PCONV_INFO)GetWindowLongPtr(pcoi->hwndConv, GWLP_PCI); #ifdef TESTING /* * verify that pcoi is in the conv list for this window. */ while (pcoiNow != NULL) { if (pcoiNow == pcoi) { goto FoundIt; } pcoiNow = pcoiNow->next; } DebugBreak(); FoundIt: pcoiNow = pcoiFirst; #endif // TESTING UserAssert(pcoiFirst); while (pcoiNow != NULL) { if (TypeFromHandle(pcoiNow->hConv) != HTYPE_ZOMBIE_CONVERSATION) { ORPATH(1); cActiveInList++; } if (pcoiNow->next == pcoi) { pcoiPrev = pcoiNow; } pcoiNow = pcoiNow->next; } ValidateAllConvLists(); /* * Unlink conversation unless its going Zombie. */ if (!gGoingZombie) { ORPATH(2); if (TypeFromHandle(pcoi->hConv) != HTYPE_ZOMBIE_CONVERSATION) { ORPATH(4); cActiveInList--; } if (pcoiPrev == NULL) { ORPATH(8); pcoiFirst = pcoi->next; SetWindowLongPtr(pcoi->hwndConv, GWLP_PCI, (LONG_PTR)pcoiFirst); } else { pcoiPrev->next = pcoi->next; } } UserAssert(pcoiFirst != NULL || !cActiveInList); if (cActiveInList == 0) { ORPATH(0x10); if (pcoi->state & ST_CLIENT) { ORPATH(0x20); if (((PCL_CONV_INFO)pcoi)->hConvList) { /* * Remove pcoi's hwnd from its hConvList. */ pcl = (PCONVLIST)GetHandleData((HANDLE)((PCL_CONV_INFO)pcoi)->hConvList); for (i = 0; i < pcl->chwnd; i++) { if (pcl->ahwnd[i] == pcoi->hwndConv) { ORPATH(0x40); pcl->chwnd--; UserAssert(pcl->ahwnd[pcl->chwnd]); pcl->ahwnd[i] = pcl->ahwnd[pcl->chwnd]; ValidateConvList(((PCL_CONV_INFO)pcoi)->hConvList); break; } } ORPATH(0x80); } } else { // SERVER /* * remove server window from the service/topic lookup table. */ ORPATH(0x100); for (i = 0; i < pcoi->pcii->cServerLookupAlloc; i++) { if (pcoi->pcii->aServerLookup[i].hwndServer == pcoi->hwndConv) { ORPATH(0x200); /* * Check for appcompat hack */ if (GetAppCompatFlags2(VERMAX) & GACF2_DDE) { DeleteAtom(pcoi->pcii->aServerLookup[i].laService); // delete laService DeleteAtom(pcoi->pcii->aServerLookup[i].laTopic); // delete laTopic } if (--(pcoi->pcii->cServerLookupAlloc)) { ORPATH(0x400); pcoi->pcii->aServerLookup[i] = pcoi->pcii->aServerLookup[pcoi->pcii->cServerLookupAlloc]; } else { DDEMLFree(pcoi->pcii->aServerLookup); pcoi->pcii->aServerLookup = NULL; } break; } } } } #ifdef TESTING else { /* * make sure at this point we have at least one non-zombie */ pcoiNow = pcoiFirst; while (pcoiNow != NULL) { if (TypeFromHandle(pcoiNow->hConv) != HTYPE_ZOMBIE_CONVERSATION) { goto Out; } pcoiNow = pcoiNow->next; } DebugBreak(); Out: ; } #endif // TESTING ValidateAllConvLists(); ORPATH(0x800); /* * In any case remove hConvList references from client conversation. */ if (pcoi->state & ST_CLIENT) { #ifdef TESTING /* * Verify that the hConvList that is being removed, doesn't reference * this window. */ if (((PCL_CONV_INFO)pcoi)->hConvList && !cActiveInList) { BOOL fFound = FALSE; pcl = (PCONVLIST)GetHandleData((HANDLE)((PCL_CONV_INFO)pcoi)->hConvList); for (i = 0; i < pcl->chwnd; i++) { if (pcl->ahwnd[i] == pcoi->hwndConv) { fFound = TRUE; break; } } UserAssert(!fFound); } #endif // TESTING ((PCL_CONV_INFO)pcoi)->hConvList = 0; pcoi->state &= ~ST_INLIST; } /* * last one out turns out the lights. */ if (pcoiFirst == NULL) { /* * If the pcoi list is empty, this window can go away. */ LeaveDDECrit; NtUserDestroyWindow(pcoi->hwndConv); EnterDDECrit; } } /***************************************************************************\ * FreeConversationResources * * Description: * Used when: Client window is disconnected by app, Server window is * disconnected by either side, or when a conversation is disconnected * at Uninitialize time. * * This function releases all resources held by the pcoi and unlinks it * from its host window pcoi chian. pcoi is freed once this return s. * * History: * 12-21-91 sanfords Created. \***************************************************************************/ VOID FreeConversationResources( PCONV_INFO pcoi) { PADVISE_LINK paLink; PDDE_MESSAGE_QUEUE pdmq; PXACT_INFO pxi; CheckDDECritIn; /* * Don't free resources on locked conversations. */ if (pcoi->cLocks > 0) { pcoi->state |= ST_FREE_CONV_RES_NOW; return; } /* * Don't free resources if a synchronous transaction is in effect! */ pxi = pcoi->pxiOut; while (pxi != NULL) { if (pxi->flags & XIF_SYNCHRONOUS) { /* * This conversation is in a synchronous transaction. * Shutdown the modal loop FIRST, then call this when * the loop exits. */ PostMessage(pcoi->hwndConv, WM_TIMER, TID_TIMEOUT, 0); pcoi->state |= ST_FREE_CONV_RES_NOW; return; } pxi = pxi->next; } /* * If this is an Intra-Process conversation that hasn't yet received * a terminate message, make it a zombie. We will call this routine * again once the terminate arrives or when WaitForZombieTerminate() has * timed out waiting. */ if (pcoi->state & ST_INTRA_PROCESS && !(pcoi->state & ST_TERMINATE_RECEIVED)) { DestroyHandle((HANDLE)pcoi->hConv); pcoi->hConv = (HCONV)CreateHandle((ULONG_PTR)pcoi, HTYPE_ZOMBIE_CONVERSATION, InstFromHandle(pcoi->hConv)); UnlinkConvFromOthers(pcoi, TRUE); return; } /* * remove any transactions left in progress */ while (pcoi->pxiOut != NULL) { (pcoi->pxiOut->pfnResponse)(pcoi->pxiOut, 0, 0); } /* * Throw away any incoming queued DDE messages. */ while (pcoi->dmqOut != NULL) { pdmq = pcoi->dmqOut; DumpDDEMessage(!(pcoi->state & ST_INTRA_PROCESS), pdmq->msg, pdmq->lParam); pcoi->dmqOut = pcoi->dmqOut->next; if (pcoi->dmqOut == NULL) { pcoi->dmqIn = NULL; } DDEMLFree(pdmq); } // // Remove all link info // paLink = pcoi->aLinks; while (pcoi->cLinks) { if (pcoi->state & ST_CLIENT) { MONLINK(pcoi->pcii, FALSE, paLink->wType & XTYPF_NODATA, pcoi->laService, pcoi->laTopic, LocalToGlobalAtom(paLink->laItem), paLink->wFmt, FALSE, (HCONV)pcoi->hwndPartner, (HCONV)pcoi->hwndConv); } else { MONLINK(pcoi->pcii, FALSE, paLink->wType & XTYPF_NODATA, pcoi->laService, pcoi->laTopic, LocalToGlobalAtom(paLink->laItem), paLink->wFmt, TRUE, (HCONV)pcoi->hwndConv, (HCONV)pcoi->hwndPartner); } if (!(pcoi->state & ST_CLIENT)) { DeleteLinkCount(pcoi->pcii, paLink->pLinkCount); } DeleteAtom(paLink->laItem); // link structure copy paLink++; pcoi->cLinks--; } if (pcoi->aLinks) { DDEMLFree(pcoi->aLinks); } // // free atoms associated with this conv // DeleteAtom(pcoi->laService); DeleteAtom(pcoi->laTopic); if (pcoi->laServiceRequested) { DeleteAtom(pcoi->laServiceRequested); } UnlinkConvFromOthers(pcoi, FALSE); /* * invalidate app's conversation handle */ DestroyHandle((HANDLE)pcoi->hConv); DDEMLFree(pcoi); } BOOL WaitForZombieTerminate( HANDLE hData) { PCONV_INFO pcoi; MSG msg; HWND hwnd; BOOL fTerminated; DWORD fRet = 0; CheckDDECritOut; EnterDDECrit; fTerminated = FALSE; while ((pcoi = (PCONV_INFO)ValidateCHandle(hData, HTYPE_ZOMBIE_CONVERSATION, InstFromHandle(hData))) != NULL && !(pcoi->state & ST_TERMINATE_RECEIVED)) { hwnd = pcoi->hwndConv; LeaveDDECrit; while (PeekMessage(&msg, hwnd, WM_DDE_FIRST, WM_DDE_LAST, PM_REMOVE)) { DispatchMessage(&msg); if (msg.message == WM_DDE_TERMINATE) { fTerminated = TRUE; } } if (!fTerminated) { fRet = MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx(0, NULL, 100, QS_POSTMESSAGE, 0); if (fRet == 0xFFFFFFFF) { RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "WaitForZombieTerminate: I give up - faking terminate."); ProcessTerminateMsg(pcoi, pcoi->hwndPartner); EnterDDECrit; return(FALSE); } } EnterDDECrit; } LeaveDDECrit; return(TRUE); }