/**************************************************************************** HANJA.CPP Owner: cslim Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation Hanja conversion and dictionary lookup functions. Dictionary index is stored as globally shared memory. History: 14-JUL-1999 cslim Copied from IME98 source tree *****************************************************************************/ #include "precomp.h" #include "apientry.h" #include "ui.h" #include "debug.h" #include "lexheader.h" #include "hanja.h" #include "immsec.h" #include "winex.h" #include "common.h" #include // NT5 Globally shared memory. const TCHAR IMEKR_LEX_SHAREDDATA_MUTEX_NAME[] = TEXT("{C5AFBBF9-8383-490c-AA9E-4FE93FA05512}"); const TCHAR IMEKR_LEX_SHAREDDATA_NAME[] = TEXT("ImeKrLexHangul2Hanja.SharedMemory"); UINT vuNumofK0=0, vuNumofK1=0; WCHAR vwcHangul=0; // Private data PRIVATE BOOL vfLexOpen = fFalse; PRIVATE HANDLE vhLex=0; PRIVATE HANDLE vhLexIndexTbl=0; PRIVATE UINT vuNumOfHangulEntry=0; PRIVATE DWORD viBufferStart=0; // seek point // Private functions PRIVATE BOOL OpenLex(); //static VOID ClearHanjaSenseArray(); PRIVATE INT SearchHanjaIndex(WCHAR wHChar, _LexIndex *pLexIndexTbl); /* CHanja::CHanja() { vfLexOpen = fFalse; vhLex = vhLexIndexTbl = vhLexIndexTbl = NULL; vuNumOfHangulEntry = 0; for (int i=0; iNumOfHangulEntry; viBufferStart = pLexHeader->iBufferStart; if (pLexHeader->Version < LEX_VERSION || pLexHeader->Version > LEX_COMPATIBLE_VERSION_LIMIT ) { delete pLexHeader; return fFalse; } if (lstrcmpA(pLexHeader->COPYRIGHT_HEADER, COPYRIGHT_STR)) { delete pLexHeader; return fFalse; } // Read Index table SetFilePointer(vhLex, pLexHeader->Headersize, 0, FILE_BEGIN); delete pLexHeader; return OpenLex(); } BOOL OpenLex() { BOOL fRet = fFalse; _LexIndex *pLexIndexTbl; HANDLE hMutex; DWORD dwReadBytes; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Mapping Lex file // The dictionary index is shared data between all IME instance hMutex=CreateMutex(GetIMESecurityAttributes(), fFalse, IMEKR_LEX_SHAREDDATA_MUTEX_NAME); if (hMutex != NULL) { if (DoEnterCriticalSection(hMutex) == fFalse) goto ExitOpenLexCritSection; vhLexIndexTbl = OpenFileMapping(FILE_MAP_READ, fTrue, IMEKR_LEX_SHAREDDATA_NAME); if(vhLexIndexTbl) { Dbg(DBGID_Hanja|DBGID_Mem, TEXT("CHanja::OpenLex() - File mapping already exists")); fRet = fTrue; } else { // if no file mapping exist vhLexIndexTbl = CreateFileMapping(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, GetIMESecurityAttributes(), PAGE_READWRITE, 0, sizeof(_LexIndex)*(vuNumOfHangulEntry), IMEKR_LEX_SHAREDDATA_NAME); if (vhLexIndexTbl) { Dbg(DBGID_Hanja|DBGID_Mem, TEXT("CHanja::OpenLex() - File mapping Created")); pLexIndexTbl = (_LexIndex*)MapViewOfFile(vhLexIndexTbl, FILE_MAP_READ | FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, 0); if (!pLexIndexTbl) goto ExitOpenLexCritSection; if (ReadFile(vhLex, pLexIndexTbl, vuNumOfHangulEntry*sizeof(_LexIndex), &dwReadBytes, 0) != 0 && dwReadBytes == vuNumOfHangulEntry*sizeof(_LexIndex)) { fRet = fTrue; } else { fRet = fFalse; } UnmapViewOfFile(pLexIndexTbl); } #ifdef _DEBUG else DbgAssert(0); #endif } ExitOpenLexCritSection: ReleaseMutex(hMutex); CloseHandle(hMutex); } FreeIMESecurityAttributes(); vfLexOpen = fRet; return fRet; } BOOL CloseLex() { //ClearHanjaSenseArray(); if (vhLexIndexTbl) { CloseHandle(vhLexIndexTbl); vhLexIndexTbl = 0; } if (vhLex) { CloseHandle(vhLex); vhLex = 0; } vfLexOpen = fFalse; return fTrue; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL GenerateHanjaCandList(PCIMECtx pImeCtx, WCHAR wcHangul) { WCHAR wcCandChar; INT iMapCandStr; UINT uNumOfCandStr; _LexIndex *pLexIndexTbl; WCHAR wszMeaning[MAX_SENSE_LENGTH+1]; BYTE cchMeaning = 0; DWORD dwReadBytes; BOOL fRet = fFalse; Dbg(DBGID_Hanja, "GenerateHanjaCandList"); if (!EnsureHanjaLexLoaded()) { MessageBeep(MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); return fFalse; } // Get Current composition char if (wcHangul == 0) wcHangul = pImeCtx->GetCompBufStr(); if (wcHangul == 0) return fFalse; pLexIndexTbl = (_LexIndex*)MapViewOfFile(vhLexIndexTbl, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0); if (!pLexIndexTbl) { Dbg(DBGID_Hanja, TEXT("pLexIndexTbl==0")); DbgAssert(0); return fFalse; } if ((iMapCandStr = SearchHanjaIndex(wcHangul, pLexIndexTbl)) < 0) MessageBeep(MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); else { // Set member vars vwcHangul = wcHangul; vuNumofK0 = pLexIndexTbl[iMapCandStr].wNumOfK0; // Is K1 Hanja enabled? if (pImeCtx->GetGData() && pImeCtx->GetGData()->GetKSC5657Hanja() && (vpInstData->f16BitApps == fFalse) && !IsWin95()) vuNumofK1 = pLexIndexTbl[iMapCandStr].wNumOfK1; else vuNumofK1 = 0; uNumOfCandStr = vuNumofK0 + vuNumofK1; if (uNumOfCandStr == 0) goto GenerateHanjaCandListExit; Dbg(DBGID_Hanja, "Hangul = 0x%04X, K0=%d, K1=%d, iMapCandStr=%d", vwcHangul, vuNumofK0, vuNumofK1, iMapCandStr); // Seek to mapping Hanja SetFilePointer(vhLex, viBufferStart + pLexIndexTbl[iMapCandStr].iOffset, 0, FILE_BEGIN); // Read all candidates for (UINT i = 0; i < uNumOfCandStr; i++) { if (ReadFile(vhLex, &wcCandChar, sizeof(WCHAR), &dwReadBytes, 0) == 0) goto GenerateHanjaCandListExit; if (ReadFile(vhLex, &cchMeaning, sizeof(BYTE), &dwReadBytes, 0) == 0) goto GenerateHanjaCandListExit; if (wcCandChar && (cchMeaning < MAX_SENSE_LENGTH*sizeof(WCHAR))) { if (cchMeaning) { if (ReadFile(vhLex, wszMeaning, cchMeaning, &dwReadBytes, 0) == 0) goto GenerateHanjaCandListExit; } wszMeaning[cchMeaning>>1] = L'\0'; Dbg(DBGID_Hanja, "Read Cand[%d], Hanja=0x%04X", i, wcCandChar); pImeCtx->AppendCandidateStr(wcCandChar, wszMeaning); } } pImeCtx->StoreCandidate(); fRet = fTrue; } GenerateHanjaCandListExit: UnmapViewOfFile(pLexIndexTbl); return fRet; } // For ImeConversionList. DWORD GetConversionList(WCHAR wcReading, LPCANDIDATELIST lpCandList, DWORD dwBufLen) { _LexIndex *pLexIndexTbl; INT iMaxCand; INT i, iMapCandStr; UINT uNumOfCandStr; DWORD dwSize, readBytes, dwStartOfCandStr; BYTE senseLen; WCHAR szSense[MAX_SENSE_LENGTH]; CIMEData ImeData; if (!EnsureHanjaLexLoaded()) return (0L); // Calculate possible maximum candidates dwBufLen can contain. if (dwBufLen) { iMaxCand = dwBufLen - sizeof(CANDIDATELIST) + sizeof(DWORD); // Minus header info.(unvariable part) iMaxCand = iMaxCand / (sizeof(DWORD) + (sizeof(WCHAR)*2)); // DWORD: offset, WCHAR*2: 1 Character + null } else iMaxCand = 0; pLexIndexTbl = (_LexIndex*)MapViewOfFile(vhLexIndexTbl, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0); if (!pLexIndexTbl) { DbgAssert(0); return (0L); } dwSize = 0; if ((iMapCandStr = SearchHanjaIndex(wcReading, pLexIndexTbl)) < 0) goto ConversionExit1; else { vuNumofK0 = pLexIndexTbl[iMapCandStr].wNumOfK0; if (ImeData->fKSC5657Hanja && (vpInstData->f16BitApps == fFalse) && !IsWin95()) vuNumofK1 = pLexIndexTbl[iMapCandStr].wNumOfK1; else vuNumofK1 = 0; uNumOfCandStr = vuNumofK0 + vuNumofK1; if (uNumOfCandStr == 0) // if no Hanja found goto ConversionExit1; dwSize = sizeof(CANDIDATELIST) + uNumOfCandStr*sizeof(DWORD) + uNumOfCandStr * sizeof(WCHAR) * 2; // return required buffer size if (dwBufLen == NULL) goto ConversionExit1; lpCandList->dwSize = dwSize; lpCandList->dwStyle = IME_CAND_READ; lpCandList->dwCount = uNumOfCandStr; lpCandList->dwPageStart = lpCandList->dwSelection = 0; lpCandList->dwPageSize = CAND_PAGE_SIZE; // SetFilePointer(vhLex, viBufferStart + pLexIndexTbl[iMapCandStr].iOffset, 0, FILE_BEGIN); dwStartOfCandStr = sizeof(CANDIDATELIST) + sizeof(DWORD) * uNumOfCandStr; // for dwOffset array for (i = 0; (i < (INT)uNumOfCandStr) && (i < iMaxCand); i++) { WCHAR wchHanja; LPWSTR lpwchCand; LPSTR lpchCand; CHAR szCand[4] = ""; // one DBCS + one Null + one extra lpCandList->dwOffset[i] = dwStartOfCandStr + (i<<2); if (ReadFile(vhLex, &wchHanja, sizeof(WCHAR), &readBytes, 0) == 0) goto ConversionExit1; // if Unicode environment if (vfUnicode) { lpwchCand = (LPWSTR)((LPSTR)lpCandList + lpCandList->dwOffset[i]); *lpwchCand++ = wchHanja; *lpwchCand = L'\0'; } else { // Convert to ANSI WideCharToMultiByte(CP_KOREA, 0, &wchHanja, 1, (LPSTR)szCand, sizeof(szCand), NULL, NULL); lpchCand = (LPSTR)((LPSTR)lpCandList + lpCandList->dwOffset[i]); *lpchCand++ = szCand[0]; *lpchCand++ = szCand[1]; *lpchCand = '\0'; } // Skip meaning if (ReadFile(vhLex, &senseLen, sizeof(BYTE), &readBytes, 0) == 0) goto ConversionExit1; if (senseLen < MAX_SENSE_LENGTH) { if (ReadFile(vhLex, szSense, senseLen, &readBytes, 0) == 0) goto ConversionExit1; } } } // if buffer size too small to copy all conversion list info if (i == iMaxCand && i < (INT)uNumOfCandStr) { lpCandList->dwSize = dwSize = (sizeof(CANDIDATELIST) - sizeof(DWORD))+ i*sizeof(DWORD) + i*sizeof(WCHAR)*2; lpCandList->dwCount = (UINT)i; } ConversionExit1: UnmapViewOfFile(pLexIndexTbl); return (dwSize); } INT SearchHanjaIndex(WCHAR wHChar, _LexIndex *pLexIndexTbl) { int iHead = 0, iTail = vuNumOfHangulEntry-1, iMid; while (iHead <= iTail) { iMid = (iHead + iTail) >> 1; if (pLexIndexTbl[iMid].wcHangul > wHChar) iTail = iMid - 1; else if (pLexIndexTbl[iMid].wcHangul < wHChar) iHead = iMid + 1; else return (iMid); } return (-1); }