/* EXTERNAL STYLE SHEET FOR VERTICAL TASKPADS WITH LISTVIEW */ /* BUTTON ELEMENTS */ .divSymbolContainer { position:absolute; left:51.4%; top:16.5%; width:48.6%; height:81%; } .divSymbol { position:absolute; width:45%; height:23%; overflow:hidden; } /* LISTVIEW ELEMENTS */ .divLVContainerTop { position:absolute; left:3.3%; top:16.5%; width:44.7%; height:81%; } .divLVTitle { position:absolute; left:0%; top:0%; width:100%; height:6.85%; } /* WORKAROUND FOR IE5 BUG: The following style attributes were removed from tblLVTitle: padding-left:2%; padding-right:2%; */ .divLVButton { position:absolute; left:70%; top:20%; width:28%; height:60%; background-color:buttonface; } .divLV { position:absolute; left:0%; top:6.85%; width:100%; height:93.15%; }