/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: TPooledDispatch.cpp Comments: Implementation of thread pool. (c) Copyright 1999, Mission Critical Software, Inc., All Rights Reserved Proprietary and confidential to Mission Critical Software, Inc. REVISION LOG ENTRY Revision By: Christy Boles Revised on 02/22/99 11:48:28 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifdef USE_STDAFX #include "StdAfx.h" #else #include #endif #include "Common.hpp" #include "UString.hpp" #include "Tnode.hpp" #include "TPool.h" // maximum number of jobs allowed #define MAX_COUNT 5000000 // executes a job from the thread pool int Job::Run() { MCSASSERT(m_pStartRoutine); m_Status = JobStatusRunning; m_ThreadID = GetCurrentThreadId(); m_timeStarted = GetTickCount(); m_result = (m_pStartRoutine)(m_pArgs); m_timeEnded = GetTickCount(); m_Status = JobStatusFinished; return m_result; } // Thread entry point function used by all threads in the job pool // waits for a job and then executes it DWORD __stdcall ThreadEntryPoint( void * arg // in - pointer to job pool ) { MCSASSERT(arg); TJobDispatcher * pPool = (TJobDispatcher *)arg; DWORD result = 0; BOOL bAbort = FALSE; do { if ( ! pPool->SignalForJob() ) { // Now there should be a job waiting for us! Job * pJob = pPool->GetAvailableJob(); if ( pJob ) { result = pJob->Run(); } else { bAbort = TRUE; } } else { result = (int)GetLastError(); bAbort = TRUE; } } while ( ! bAbort ); pPool->ThreadFinished(); return result; } void TJobDispatcher::InitThreadPool( DWORD nThreads // in - number of threads to use ) { BOOL bExisted; DWORD rc; DWORD ThreadID; HANDLE hThread; rc = m_sem.Create(NULL,0,MAX_COUNT, &bExisted); if ( ! rc && ! bExisted ) { m_numThreads = nThreads; m_numActiveThreads = m_numThreads; // Construct the threads for ( UINT i = 0 ; i < nThreads ; i++ ) { hThread = CreateThread(NULL,0,&ThreadEntryPoint,this,0,&ThreadID); if(hThread) { CloseHandle(hThread); } } } } DWORD // ret- OS return code TJobDispatcher::SignalForJob() { return m_sem.WaitSingle(); } Job * TJobDispatcher::GetAvailableJob() { Job * pJob = NULL; if ( ! m_Aborting ) { // get the first job from the 'waiting' list pJob = m_JobsWaiting.GetFirstJob(); // and put it in the 'in progress' list if ( pJob ) { m_JobsInProgress.InsertBottom(pJob); } else { MCSASSERT(m_JobsWaiting.Count() == 0); } } return pJob; } // Causes threads to stop when they finish their current job // any jobs that are waiting will not be executed. void TJobDispatcher::ShutdownThreads() { m_Aborting = TRUE; m_sem.Release(m_numThreads); // wait until all of our threads have exited, so we don't delete the thread pool out from under them. while ( m_numActiveThreads > 0 ) { Sleep(100); } } // This function returns when all jobs are completed void TJobDispatcher::WaitForCompletion() { while ( UnfinishedJobs() ) { Sleep(1000); } } // This functions returns the number of jobs that have not yet completed int TJobDispatcher::UnfinishedJobs() { int nUnfinished = 0; TNodeListEnum e; Job * j; nUnfinished += m_JobsWaiting.Count(); for ( j = (Job*)e.OpenFirst(&m_JobsInProgress) ; j ; j = (Job*)e.Next() ) { if ( j->GetStatus() != Job::JobStatusFinished ) nUnfinished++; } return nUnfinished; }