// pc-lint options for this project // // Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation -i..\inc // make sure we treat our headers as non-library -libdir(..\inc) // // string.hpp: // // base class dtor need not be virtual, as we do not define a dtor, nor // do we add any members to the base class -esym(1509,basic_string*) // From String::EqualIgnoreCase: we don't care about the base class dtor. -esym(1509,binary_function*) -esym(1510,binary_function*) // implicit dtor ok: that's what we wanted. -esym(1907,String,Error,CopyCallbackParam,Computer,Popup) -esym(1905,CopyCallbackParam,EqualIgnoreCase) // // mem.hpp // // lint seems to emit this in error: our implementation of operator new // is not a member function -e1921 // // log.cpp // // don't care about new throwing -esym(1550,Log::GetInstance,Burnslib::Heap::OperatorNew) -esym(1551,Log::GetInstance) -emacro(1740,HANDLE) -esym(1740,HANDLE)