/*++ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Module Name: Choice.h Abstract: This module contains function definitions required by Choice.cpp Author: Wipro Technologies 22-June.-2001 (Created it) Revision History: --*/ #ifndef _CHOICE_H #define _CHOICE_H #include "resource.h" // Defines #define MAX_NUM_RECS 2 #define OPEN_BRACKET L"[" #define CLOSED_BRACKET L"]?" #define COMMA L"," #define SPACE L" " //#define OUTOUT_DEVICE_ERROR 1000 // this value should not be in resource.h #define MAX_COMMANDLINE_OPTION 7 // Maximum Command Line options #define EXIT__FAILURE 255 #define NULL_U_STRING L"\0" #define NULL_U_CHAR L'\0' #define EXIT_SUCCESS 0 #define FREQUENCY_IN_HERTZ 1500 #define DURETION_IN_MILI_SEC 500 #define MILI_SEC_TO_SEC_FACTOR 1000 #define TIMEOUT_MIN 0 #define TIMEOUT_MAX 9999 #define DEFAULT_CHOICE GetResString(IDS_DEFAULT_CHOICE) // following are indxes used for command line parameter #define ID_HELP 0 #define ID_CHOICE 1 #define ID_PROMPT_CHOICE 2 #define ID_CASE_SENSITIVE 3 #define ID_DEFAULT_CHOICE 4 #define ID_TIMEOUT_FACTOR 5 #define ID_MESSAGE_STRING 6 #define END_OF_LINE L"\n" /*#define RELEASE_MEMORY_EX( block ) \ if ( NULL!=(block) ) \ { \ delete [] (block); \ (block) = NULL; \ } \ 1 #define DESTROY_ARRAY( array ) \ if ( NULL != (array) ) \ { \ DestroyDynamicArray( &(array) ); \ (array) = NULL;\ } \ 1*/ BOOL ProcessCMDLine( IN DWORD argc, IN LPCWSTR argv[], OUT TCMDPARSER2 *pcmdParcerHead, OUT PBOOL pbUsage, OUT LPWSTR pszChoice, OUT PBOOL pbCaseSensitive, OUT PBOOL pbShowChoice, OUT PLONG plTimeOutFactor, OUT LPWSTR pszDefaultChoice, OUT LPWSTR pszMessage); void ShowUsage(void); // displays the help BOOL BuildPrompt( IN TCMDPARSER2 *pcmdParcer, IN BOOL bShowChoice, IN LPWSTR pszChoice, IN LPWSTR pszMessage, OUT LPWSTR pszPromptStr); DWORD UniStrChr( IN LPWSTR pszBuf, IN WCHAR szChar); DWORD GetChoice( IN LPCWSTR pszPromptStr, IN LONG lTimeOutFactor, IN BOOL bCaseSensitive, IN LPWSTR pszChoice, IN LPCWSTR pszDefaultChoice, OUT PBOOL pbErrorOnCarriageReturn); BOOL CheckforDuplicates( IN LPWSTR lpszChoice ); /*void MakeErrorMsg( IN HRESULT hr, OUT LPWSTR pszErrorMsg);*/ BOOL WINAPI HandlerRoutine( DWORD dwCtrlType ) ; // End of file #endif // _CHOICE_H