/********************************************************************************************* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Module Name: VerboseLoggingData.cpp Abstract: The verbose data is displayed in this module. Author: Wipro Technologies Revision History: 22-Feb-2001 : Created It. *********************************************************************************************/ #include "pch.h" #include "GpResult.h" #include "WMI.h" #include "VerboseLoggingData.h" extern "C" { NTSTATUS NTAPI LsaEnumeratePrivileges( IN LSA_HANDLE PolicyHandle, OUT LSA_ENUMERATION_HANDLE * eHandle, OUT LPVOID * enumBuffer, IN ULONG prefMaxLen, OUT ULONG * countReturned ); }; BOOL CGpResult::DisplayVerboseComputerData( IN IWbemServices *pNameSpace ) /*++ Routine Description: This function displays the verbose data for the scope - computer Arguments: [in] IWbemServices *pRsopNameSpace : interface pointer Return Value: TRUE on SUCCESS FALSE on FAILURE --*/ { //sub-local variables DWORD dwLength = 0; // // Display the verbose information for the scope - computer // Display the header ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_COMPUTER_RESULT ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINE_TAB ) ); for( dwLength = StringLengthInBytes( GetResString( IDS_COMPUTER_RESULT ) ); dwLength > 4; dwLength-- ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_DASH ) ); } ShowMessage( stdout, NEW_LINE ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINETAB ) ); // Display the software installations ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_SW_SETTINGS ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINETAB ) ); for( dwLength = StringLengthInBytes( GetResString( IDS_SW_SETTINGS ) ); dwLength > 0; dwLength-- ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_DASH ) ); } DisplaySoftwareInstallations( pNameSpace, m_pAuthIdentity, m_bSuperVerbose ); // Display the start-up data ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINETAB ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_WS_SSU ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINETAB ) ); for( dwLength = StringLengthInBytes( GetResString( IDS_WS_SSU ) ); dwLength > 0; dwLength-- ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_DASH ) ); } DisplayScripts( pNameSpace, TRUE, m_pAuthIdentity, m_bSuperVerbose ); // Display the scripts data ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINETAB ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_WS_SSD ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINETAB ) ); for( dwLength = StringLengthInBytes( GetResString( IDS_WS_SSD ) ); dwLength > 0; dwLength-- ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_DASH ) ); } DisplayScripts( pNameSpace, FALSE, m_pAuthIdentity, m_bSuperVerbose ); // Display the password policy ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINETAB ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_WS_SS_AP_PP ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINETAB ) ); for( dwLength = StringLengthInBytes( GetResString( IDS_WS_SS_AP_PP ) ); dwLength > 0; dwLength-- ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_DASH ) ); } DisplayPasswordPolicy( pNameSpace, m_pAuthIdentity, m_bSuperVerbose ); // Display the Audit Policy ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINETAB ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_WS_SS_LP_AP ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINETAB ) ); for( dwLength = StringLengthInBytes( GetResString( IDS_WS_SS_LP_AP ) ); dwLength > 0; dwLength-- ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_DASH ) ); } DisplayAuditPolicy( pNameSpace, m_pAuthIdentity, m_bSuperVerbose ); // Display the user rights ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINETAB ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_WS_SS_LP_URA ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINETAB ) ); for( dwLength = StringLengthInBytes( GetResString( IDS_WS_SS_LP_URA ) ); dwLength > 0; dwLength-- ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_DASH ) ); } DisplayUserRights( pNameSpace, m_pAuthIdentity, m_bSuperVerbose ); // Display the security options ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINETAB ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_WS_SS_LP_SO ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINETAB ) ); for( dwLength = StringLengthInBytes( GetResString( IDS_WS_SS_LP_SO ) ); dwLength > 0; dwLength-- ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_DASH ) ); } DisplaySecurityandEvents( pNameSpace, _bstr_t((LPCWSTR)(CLS_SECURITY_BOOLEAN)), m_pAuthIdentity, m_bSuperVerbose ); DisplaySecurityandEvents( pNameSpace, _bstr_t((LPCWSTR)(CLS_SECURITY_STRING)), m_pAuthIdentity, m_bSuperVerbose ); // Display the event log information ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINETAB ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_WS_SS_EL ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINETAB ) ); for( dwLength = StringLengthInBytes( GetResString( IDS_WS_SS_EL ) ); dwLength > 0; dwLength-- ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_DASH ) ); } DisplaySecurityandEvents( pNameSpace, _bstr_t((LPCWSTR)(CLS_EVENTLOG_NUMERIC)), m_pAuthIdentity, m_bSuperVerbose ); DisplaySecurityandEvents( pNameSpace, _bstr_t((LPCWSTR)(CLS_EVENTLOG_BOOLEAN)), m_pAuthIdentity, m_bSuperVerbose ); // Display the restricted groups information ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINETAB ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_WS_SS_RG ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINETAB ) ); for( dwLength = StringLengthInBytes( GetResString( IDS_WS_SS_RG ) ); dwLength > 0; dwLength-- ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_DASH ) ); } DisplayRestrictedGroups( pNameSpace, m_pAuthIdentity, m_bSuperVerbose ); // Display the system services information ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINETAB ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_WS_SS_SS ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINETAB ) ); for( dwLength = StringLengthInBytes( GetResString( IDS_WS_SS_SS ) ); dwLength > 0; dwLength-- ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_DASH ) ); } DisplaySystemServices( pNameSpace, m_pAuthIdentity, m_bSuperVerbose ); // Display the registry information ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINETAB ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_WS_SS_REG ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINETAB ) ); for( dwLength = StringLengthInBytes( GetResString( IDS_WS_SS_REG ) ); dwLength > 0; dwLength-- ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_DASH ) ); } //display registry information DisplayRegistryandFileInfo( pNameSpace, _bstr_t((LPCWSTR)(CLS_REGISTRY)), m_pAuthIdentity, m_bSuperVerbose ); // Display the file information ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINETAB ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_WS_SS_FS ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINETAB ) ); for( dwLength = StringLengthInBytes( GetResString( IDS_WS_SS_FS ) ); dwLength > 0; dwLength-- ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_DASH ) ); } //display registry file infomration DisplayRegistryandFileInfo( pNameSpace, _bstr_t((LPCWSTR)(CLS_FILE)), m_pAuthIdentity, m_bSuperVerbose ); // Display the public key policies ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINETAB ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_WS_SS_PKP ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINETAB ) ); for( dwLength = StringLengthInBytes( GetResString( IDS_WS_SS_PKP ) ); dwLength > 0; dwLength-- ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_DASH ) ); } ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINE_TABTHREE ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); ShowMessage( stdout, NEW_LINE ); // Display the administrative templates ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINETAB ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_ADTS_ERS ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINETAB ) ); for( dwLength = StringLengthInBytes( GetResString( IDS_ADTS_ERS ) ); dwLength > 0; dwLength-- ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_DASH ) ); } //display templates DisplayTemplates( pNameSpace, m_pAuthIdentity, m_bSuperVerbose ); //return success return TRUE; } VOID DisplaySoftwareInstallations( IN IWbemServices *pNameSpace, IN COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity, IN BOOL bSuperVerbose ) /*++ Routine Description This function displays the software installations for the system or user Arguments: [in] IWbemServices *pNamespace : pointer to IWbemServices. [in] COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity : pointer to the authorization structure. [in] BOOL bSuperVerbose : is set to TRUE if the super verbose information is to be displayed. Return Value: None --*/ { //sub-local variables HRESULT hResult = S_OK; BOOL bResult = FALSE; BOOL bGotClass = FALSE; IWbemClassObject *pClass = NULL; IEnumWbemClassObject *pEnumClass = NULL; CHString strTemp; WCHAR szTemp[ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ]; WCHAR szQueryString [ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ]; ULONG ulReturned = 0; DWORD dwTemp = 0; //set to zero.. SecureZeroMemory (szTemp, sizeof (szTemp)); SecureZeroMemory (szQueryString, sizeof (szQueryString)); try { if( pNameSpace == NULL ) { _com_issue_error( STG_E_UNKNOWN ); } SecureZeroMemory( szTemp, sizeof( szTemp ) ); SecureZeroMemory( szQueryString, sizeof( szQueryString ) ); // Form the query string if( bSuperVerbose == TRUE ) { // ennumerate all the classes StringCopy( szTemp, QUERY_SUPER_VERBOSE, MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); StringCchPrintf( szQueryString, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szQueryString), szTemp, CLS_SOFTWARE ); } else { // ennumerate all the classes with precedance = 1 StringCopy( szTemp, QUERY_VERBOSE, MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); StringCchPrintf( szQueryString, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szQueryString), szTemp, CLS_SOFTWARE ); } // Get the pointer to ennumerate with hResult = pNameSpace->ExecQuery( _bstr_t( QUERY_LANGUAGE ), _bstr_t( szQueryString ), WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY | WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY, NULL, &pEnumClass ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); // Set the interface security hResult = SetInterfaceSecurity( pEnumClass, pAuthIdentity ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); // Enumerate the classes one by one and get the data hResult = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; while( WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == hResult ) { // Get the next class hResult = pEnumClass->Next( WBEM_INFINITE , 1, &pClass, &ulReturned ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); if( ulReturned == 0 ) { // No more classes to enumerate // Display N/A if there were no classes if( bGotClass == FALSE ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINE_TABTHREE ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); ShowMessage( stdout, NEW_LINE ); } break; } bGotClass = TRUE; // Get the GPO id bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_GPOID, strTemp, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); StringCopy( szTemp, strTemp.GetBuffer( strTemp.GetLength() ), MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); // Display the GPO name ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_GPO ) ); GpoName( pNameSpace, szTemp, pAuthIdentity ); // Got the class.....get the name of the installable bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_APP_NAME, strTemp, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_APP_NAME ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, strTemp ); // Get the version number bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_VER_HI, dwTemp, 0 ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); StringCchPrintf( szTemp, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szTemp), L"%u", dwTemp ); StringConcat( szTemp, _T( "." ), SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szTemp) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_APP_VERSION ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, _X(szTemp) ); bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_VER_LO, dwTemp, 0 ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); StringCchPrintf( szTemp, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szTemp), L"%u", dwTemp ); ShowMessage( stdout, szTemp ); // Get the Deployment state bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_DEPLOY_STATE, dwTemp, 0 ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_DEPLOY_STATE ) ); switch( dwTemp ) { case 1: ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_ASSIGNED ) ); break; case 2: ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_PUBLISHED ) ); break; default: ShowMessage( stdout, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); break; } // Get the Deployment state bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_APP_SRC, strTemp, 0 ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_APP_SRC ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, _X(strTemp) ); // Get the auto-install information bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_AUTO_INSTALL, dwTemp, 2 ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_AUTOINSTALL ) ); if( dwTemp == VAR_TRUE ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_TRUE ) ); } else { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_FALSE ) ); } // Get the origin information ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_ORIGIN ) ); bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_ORIGIN, dwTemp, 0 ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); switch( dwTemp ) { case 1: ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_APPLICATION ) ); break; case 2: ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_REMOVED ) ); break; case 3: ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_ARP ) ); break; default: ShowMessage( stdout, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); break; } ShowMessage( stdout, NEW_LINE ); }// while } catch( _com_error & error ) { WMISaveError( error.Error() ); ShowLastErrorEx ( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_INTERNAL ); } // release the interface pointers SAFEIRELEASE( pEnumClass ); SAFEIRELEASE( pClass ); return; } VOID DisplayScripts( IN IWbemServices *pNameSpace, IN BOOL bStartUp, IN COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity, IN BOOL bSuperVerbose ) /*++ Routine Description This function displays the scripts policy setting for both start-up and shut-down. Arguments: [in] IWbemServices *pNamespace : pointer to IWbemServices. [in] BOOL bScriptFlag : script type. [in] COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity : pointer to the authorization structure [in] BOOL bSuperVerbose : set to TRUE if the super verbose info is to be displayed.. Return Value: None --*/ { //sub-local variables HRESULT hResult = S_OK; BOOL bResult = FALSE; BOOL bGotClass = FALSE; BOOL bLocaleChanged = FALSE; IWbemClassObject *pClass = NULL; IEnumWbemClassObject *pEnumClass = NULL; IWbemClassObject *pScriptObject = NULL; VARIANT vVarScript; VARTYPE vartype; SAFEARRAY *safeArray = NULL; CHString strTemp; CHString strTemp1; WCHAR szTemp[ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ]; WCHAR szQueryString [ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ]; ULONG ulReturned = 0; LONG lLBound = 0; LONG lUBound = 0; SYSTEMTIME SysTime; LCID lcid; try { if( pNameSpace == NULL ) { _com_issue_error( STG_E_UNKNOWN ); } SecureZeroMemory( szTemp, sizeof( szTemp ) ); SecureZeroMemory( szQueryString, sizeof( szQueryString ) ); if( bStartUp == TRUE ) { StringCopy( szTemp, QUERY_START_UP, MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); } else { StringCopy( szTemp, QUERY_SHUT_DOWN, MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); } // Form the query string if( bSuperVerbose == TRUE ) { // ennumerate all the classes StringCchPrintf( szQueryString, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szQueryString), szTemp, CLS_SCRIPTS ); } else { // ennumerate all the classes with precedance = 1 StringCchPrintf( szQueryString, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szQueryString), szTemp, CLS_SCRIPTS ); StringConcat( szQueryString, QUERY_ADD_VERBOSE, MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); } // Get the pointer to ennumerate with hResult = pNameSpace->ExecQuery( _bstr_t( QUERY_LANGUAGE ), _bstr_t( szQueryString ), WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY | WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY, NULL, &pEnumClass ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); // Set the interface security hResult = SetInterfaceSecurity( pEnumClass, pAuthIdentity ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); // Enumerate the classes one by one and get the data hResult = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; while( WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == hResult ) { // Get the next class hResult = pEnumClass->Next( WBEM_INFINITE , 1, &pClass, &ulReturned ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); if( ulReturned == 0 ) { // No more classes to enumerate // Display N/A if there were no classes if( bGotClass == FALSE ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINE_TABTHREE ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); ShowMessage( stdout, NEW_LINE ); } break; } bGotClass = TRUE; // Get the GPO id... bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_GPOID, strTemp, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); // Display the GPO name StringCopy( szTemp, strTemp, MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_GPO ) ); GpoName( pNameSpace, szTemp, pAuthIdentity ); // Get the script list VariantInit( &vVarScript ); hResult = pClass->Get( _bstr_t( CPV_SCRIPTLIST ), 0, &vVarScript, 0, 0 ); CHECK_HRESULT_VAR( hResult, vVarScript ); if( vVarScript.vt != VT_NULL && vVarScript.vt != VT_EMPTY ) { // get the type of the elements in the safe array vartype = (VARTYPE)(V_VT( &vVarScript ) & ~VT_ARRAY); // Get the array of script objects into a safe array safeArray = ( SAFEARRAY * )vVarScript.parray; //get the number of subkeys if( safeArray != NULL ) { hResult = SafeArrayGetLBound( safeArray, 1, &lLBound ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); hResult = SafeArrayGetUBound( safeArray, 1, &lUBound ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); } // Get the identifier values for each sub-key for( ; lLBound <= lUBound; lLBound++ ) { // Get the script object interface pointer... bResult = GetPropertyFromSafeArray( safeArray, lLBound, &pScriptObject, vartype ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); // Get the script... bResult = PropertyGet( pScriptObject, CPV_SCRIPT, strTemp, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NAME ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, strTemp ); // Get the arguments... bResult = PropertyGet( pScriptObject, CPV_ARGUMENTS, strTemp, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_PARAMETERS ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, strTemp ); // Get the execution time... bResult = PropertyGet( pScriptObject, CPV_EXECTIME, strTemp, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_LASTEXECUTED ) ); // Check if the str is zero if( strTemp.Compare( ZERO ) == 0 ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NOT_EXECUTED ) ); } else { bResult = PropertyGet( pScriptObject, CPV_EXECTIME, SysTime ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); // verify whether console supports the current locale 100% or not lcid = GetSupportedUserLocale( &bLocaleChanged ); // now format the date GetTimeFormat( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, &SysTime, ((bLocaleChanged == TRUE) ? L"HH:mm:ss" : NULL), szTemp, SIZE_OF_ARRAY( szTemp ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, szTemp ); } ShowMessage( stdout, NEW_LINE ); }//end for safearray } else { ShowMessage( stdout, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); ShowMessage( stdout, NEW_LINE ); V_VT( &vVarScript ) = VT_EMPTY; } VariantClear(&vVarScript); }// while } catch(_com_error & error) { WMISaveError( error.Error() ); ShowLastErrorEx ( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_INTERNAL ); /*ShowMessage( stderr, GetResString( IDS_ERROR ) ); ShowMessage( stderr, GetReason() );*/ SAFEIRELEASE(pEnumClass); SAFEIRELEASE(pClass); SAFEIRELEASE(pScriptObject); VariantClear( &vVarScript ); } // release the interface pointers SAFEIRELEASE(pEnumClass); SAFEIRELEASE(pClass); SAFEIRELEASE(pScriptObject); return ; } VOID DisplayPasswordPolicy( IN IWbemServices *pNameSpace, IN COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity, IN BOOL bSuperVerbose ) /*++ Routine Description This function displays the password policy for the computer configuration Arguments: [in] IWbemServices *pNamespace : pointer to IWbemServices. [in] COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity : pointer to the authorization structure [in] BOOL bSuperVerbose : set to TRUE if the super verbose info is to be displayed.. Return Value: None --*/ { //sub-local variables HRESULT hResult = S_OK; BOOL bResult = FALSE; BOOL bGotClass = FALSE; ULONG ulReturned = 0; CHString strTemp; WCHAR szTemp[ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ]; WCHAR szQueryString [ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ]; IWbemClassObject *pClass = NULL; IEnumWbemClassObject *pEnumClass = NULL; SecureZeroMemory ( szTemp, sizeof (szTemp) ); SecureZeroMemory ( szQueryString, sizeof (szQueryString) ); try { if( pNameSpace == NULL ) { _com_issue_error( STG_E_UNKNOWN ); } SecureZeroMemory( szTemp, sizeof( szTemp ) ); SecureZeroMemory( szQueryString, sizeof( szQueryString ) ); // Form the query string if( bSuperVerbose == TRUE ) { // ennumerate all the classes StringCopy( szTemp, QUERY_SUPER_VERBOSE, MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); StringCchPrintf( szQueryString, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szQueryString), szTemp, CLS_PASSWD_POLICY ); } else { // ennumerate all the classes with precedance = 1 StringCopy( szTemp, QUERY_VERBOSE, MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); StringCchPrintf( szQueryString, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szQueryString), szTemp, CLS_PASSWD_POLICY ); } // Get the pointer to ennumerate with hResult = pNameSpace->ExecQuery( _bstr_t( QUERY_LANGUAGE ), _bstr_t( szQueryString ), WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY | WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY, NULL, &pEnumClass ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); // Set the interface security hResult = SetInterfaceSecurity( pEnumClass, pAuthIdentity ); if(FAILED( hResult ) ) { _com_issue_error( hResult ); } hResult = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; while( WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == hResult ) { // Get the next class hResult = pEnumClass->Next( WBEM_INFINITE , 1, &pClass, &ulReturned ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); if( ulReturned == 0 ) { // No more classes to enumerate // Display N/A if there were no classes if( bGotClass == FALSE ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINE_TABTHREE ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); ShowMessage( stdout, NEW_LINE ); } break; } bGotClass = TRUE; // Get the GPO id bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_GPOID, strTemp, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); // Display the GPO name StringCopy( szTemp, strTemp, MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_GPO ) ); GpoName( pNameSpace, szTemp, pAuthIdentity ); // get the key name bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_KEYNAME1, strTemp, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); ShowMessage(stdout, GetResString( IDS_POLICY ) ); ShowMessage(stdout, strTemp); // get the setting bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_SETTING1, ulReturned, 0 ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); ShowMessage(stdout, GetResString( IDS_COMPUTER_SETTING ) ); if( ulReturned == 0) { ShowMessage( stdout, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); } else { //DISPLAY_MESSAGE1( stdout, szTemp, _T( "%u" ), ulReturned ); StringCchPrintf( szTemp, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szTemp), _T( "%u" ), ulReturned ); ShowMessage ( stdout, szTemp ); } ShowMessage( stdout, NEW_LINE ); }// while } catch( _com_error & error ) { WMISaveError( error.Error() ); ShowLastErrorEx ( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_INTERNAL ); } // release the interface pointers SAFEIRELEASE( pEnumClass ); SAFEIRELEASE( pClass ); return; } VOID DisplayAuditPolicy( IN IWbemServices *pNameSpace, IN COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity, IN BOOL bSuperVerbose ) /*++ Routine Description This function displays the Audit policy for the computer configuration. Arguments: [in] IWbemServices *pNamespace : pointer to IWbemServices. [in] COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity : pointer to the authorization structure [in] BOOL bSuperVerbose : set to TRUE if the super verbose info is to be displayed.. Return Value: None --*/ { //sub-local variables HRESULT hResult = S_OK; BOOL bResult = FALSE; BOOL bGotClass = FALSE; BOOL bTemp = FALSE; DWORD dwNoAuditing = 0; ULONG ulReturned = 0; IWbemClassObject *pClass = NULL; IEnumWbemClassObject *pEnumClass = NULL; WCHAR szTemp[ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ]; WCHAR szQueryString [ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ]; CHString strTemp; SecureZeroMemory ( szTemp, sizeof (szTemp) ); SecureZeroMemory ( szQueryString, sizeof (szQueryString) ); try { if( pNameSpace == NULL ) { _com_issue_error( STG_E_UNKNOWN ); } SecureZeroMemory( szTemp, sizeof( szTemp ) ); SecureZeroMemory( szQueryString, sizeof( szQueryString ) ); // Form the query string if( bSuperVerbose == TRUE ) { // ennumerate all the classes StringCopy( szTemp, QUERY_SUPER_VERBOSE, MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); StringCchPrintf ( szQueryString, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szQueryString), szTemp, CLS_AUDIT_POLICY ); } else { // ennumerate all the classes with precedance = 1 StringCopy( szTemp, QUERY_VERBOSE, MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); StringCchPrintf( szQueryString, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szQueryString), szTemp, CLS_AUDIT_POLICY ); } // Get the pointer to ennumerate with hResult = pNameSpace->ExecQuery( _bstr_t( QUERY_LANGUAGE ), _bstr_t( szQueryString ), WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY | WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY, NULL, &pEnumClass ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); // Set the interface security hResult = SetInterfaceSecurity( pEnumClass, pAuthIdentity ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); hResult = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; while( WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == hResult ) { // Get the next class hResult = pEnumClass->Next( WBEM_INFINITE , 1, &pClass, &ulReturned ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); if( ulReturned == 0 ) { // No more classes to enumerate // Display N/A if there were no classes if( bGotClass == FALSE ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINE_TABTHREE ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); ShowMessage( stdout, NEW_LINE ); } break; } bGotClass = TRUE; // Get the GPO id bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_GPOID, strTemp, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); // Get the GPO output StringCopy( szTemp, strTemp.GetBuffer( strTemp.GetLength() ), MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_GPO ) ); GpoName( pNameSpace, szTemp, pAuthIdentity ); // Get the category... bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_CATEGORY, strTemp, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_POLICY ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, strTemp ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_COMPUTER_SETTING ) ); // Get the success property bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_SUCCESS, bTemp, FALSE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); if( bTemp == VAR_TRUE ) { ShowMessage( stdout, CPV_SUCCESS ); } else { dwNoAuditing++; } // Get the failure property bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_FAILURE, bTemp, FALSE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); if( bTemp == VAR_TRUE ) { // Check if the success property is also set if ( dwNoAuditing == 0 ) { ShowMessage( stdout, _T( ", " ) ); } ShowMessage( stdout, CPV_FAILURE ); } else { dwNoAuditing++; } if( dwNoAuditing == 2 ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NO_AUDITING ) ); } dwNoAuditing = 0; ShowMessage( stdout, NEW_LINE ); }// while } catch( _com_error & error ) { WMISaveError( error.Error() ); ShowLastErrorEx ( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_INTERNAL ); } catch( CHeap_Exception ) { SetLastError( (DWORD)E_OUTOFMEMORY ); SaveLastError(); ShowLastErrorEx ( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_INTERNAL ); } // release the interface pointers SAFEIRELEASE(pEnumClass); SAFEIRELEASE(pClass); return; } VOID DisplayUserRights( IN IWbemServices *pNameSpace, IN COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity, IN BOOL bSuperVerbose ) /*++ Routine Description To get the User Rights Assignment policy for the output display- [Computer Configuration\Security Setting\Local Policies\User Rights Assignment] Arguments: [in] IWbemServices *pNamespace : pointer to IWbemServices. [in] COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity : pointer to the authorization structure [in] BOOL bSuperVerbose : set to TRUE if the super verbose info is to be displayed.. Return Value: None --*/ { //sub-local variables HRESULT hResult = S_OK; BOOL bResult = FALSE; BOOL bGotClass = FALSE; ULONG ulReturned = 0; LONG lLBound = 0; LONG lUBound = 0; IWbemClassObject *pClass = NULL; IEnumWbemClassObject *pEnumClass = NULL; VARIANT vVarVerbose; VARTYPE vartype; WCHAR szTemp[ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ]; WCHAR szQueryString [ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ]; CHString strTemp; SAFEARRAY *safeArray = NULL; try { if( pNameSpace == NULL ) { _com_issue_error( STG_E_UNKNOWN ); } SecureZeroMemory( szTemp, sizeof( szTemp ) ); SecureZeroMemory( szQueryString, sizeof( szQueryString ) ); // Form the query string if( bSuperVerbose == TRUE ) { // ennumerate all the classes StringCopy( szTemp, QUERY_SUPER_VERBOSE, MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); StringCchPrintf( szQueryString, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szQueryString), szTemp, CLS_USER_RIGHTS ); } else { // ennumerate all the classes with precedance = 1 StringCopy( szTemp, QUERY_VERBOSE, MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); StringCchPrintf( szQueryString, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szQueryString), szTemp, CLS_USER_RIGHTS ); } // Get the pointer to ennumerate with hResult = pNameSpace->ExecQuery( _bstr_t( QUERY_LANGUAGE ), _bstr_t( szQueryString ), WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY | WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY, NULL, &pEnumClass ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); // Set the interface security hResult = SetInterfaceSecurity( pEnumClass, pAuthIdentity ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); hResult = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; while( WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == hResult ) { // Get the next class hResult = pEnumClass->Next( WBEM_INFINITE , 1, &pClass, &ulReturned ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); if( ulReturned == 0 ) { // No more classes to enumerate // Display N/A if there were no classes if( bGotClass == FALSE ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINE_TABTHREE ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); ShowMessage( stdout, NEW_LINE ); } break; } bGotClass = TRUE; // Get the GPO id bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_GPOID, strTemp, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); StringCopy( szTemp, strTemp.GetBuffer( strTemp.GetLength() ), MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); // Display the GPO name ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_GPO ) ); GpoName( pNameSpace, szTemp, pAuthIdentity ); // Get the user rights VariantInit( &vVarVerbose ); bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_USERRIGHT, strTemp, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); strTemp = strTemp.Mid( ( strTemp.Find( EXTRA ) + 1 ), strTemp.GetLength() ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_POLICY ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, strTemp ); // Get the computer setting ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_COMPUTER_SETTING ) ); hResult = pClass->Get( _bstr_t( CPV_ACCOUNTLIST ), 0, &vVarVerbose, 0, 0 ); CHECK_HRESULT_VAR( hResult, vVarVerbose ); if( vVarVerbose.vt != VT_NULL && vVarVerbose.vt != VT_EMPTY ) { // get the type of the elements in the safe array vartype = (VARTYPE)(V_VT( &vVarVerbose ) & ~VT_ARRAY); //get the array of strings in to the safe array from the variant safeArray = (SAFEARRAY *)vVarVerbose.parray; //get the number of elements (subkeys) if( safeArray != NULL ) { hResult = SafeArrayGetLBound( safeArray, 1, &lLBound ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); hResult = SafeArrayGetUBound( safeArray, 1, &lUBound ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); } for( ; lLBound <= lUBound; lLBound++ ) { // Get the element from the safe array bResult = GetPropertyFromSafeArray( safeArray, lLBound, strTemp, vartype ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); if( strTemp.GetLength() == 0 ) { ShowMessage( stdout, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); } else { ShowMessage( stdout, strTemp ); } ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINE1 ) ); } } else { ShowMessage( stdout, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); ShowMessage( stdout, NEW_LINE ); } VariantClear(&vVarVerbose); } } catch( _com_error & error ) { WMISaveError( error.Error() ); ShowLastErrorEx ( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_INTERNAL ); VariantClear(&vVarVerbose); } catch( CHeap_Exception ) { SetLastError( (DWORD)E_OUTOFMEMORY ); SaveLastError(); ShowLastErrorEx ( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_INTERNAL ); VariantClear(&vVarVerbose); } // release the interface pointers SAFEIRELEASE(pEnumClass); SAFEIRELEASE(pClass); return; } VOID GpoName( IN IWbemServices *pNameSpace, IN LPTSTR lpszGpoId, IN COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity ) /*++ Routine Description To get the GPO name from the GPOID in the instance of any RSOP class Arguments: [in] IWbemServices *pNamespace : pointer to IWbemServices. [in] LPTSTR lpszGpoid : GPO id. [in] COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity : pointer to the authorization structure Return Value: None --*/ { //sub-local variables HRESULT hResult = S_OK; BOOL bResult = FALSE; IWbemClassObject *pClass = NULL; IEnumWbemClassObject *pEnumClass = NULL; ULONG ulReturned = 0; WCHAR szQuery[ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ]; CHString strTemp; try { SecureZeroMemory( szQuery, sizeof( szQuery ) ); // Form the query string StringCchPrintf( szQuery, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szQuery), QUERY_GPO_NAME, lpszGpoId ); // Eexecute the query to get the corressponding Gpo Name. hResult = pNameSpace->ExecQuery( _bstr_t( QUERY_LANGUAGE ), _bstr_t( szQuery ), WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY | WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY, NULL, &pEnumClass); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); // Set the interface security hResult = SetInterfaceSecurity( pEnumClass, pAuthIdentity ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); hResult = pEnumClass->Next( WBEM_INFINITE , 1, &pClass, &ulReturned ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); if( ulReturned == 0 ) { // Did not get the data we were looking for... // Display N/A if there were no classes ShowMessage( stdout, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); // Release the interface pointers SAFEIRELEASE(pEnumClass); SAFEIRELEASE(pClass); return; } // Found the GPO.....get the name bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_GPO_NAME, strTemp, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); ShowMessage( stdout, strTemp ); } catch( _com_error & error ) { WMISaveError( error.Error() ); ShowLastErrorEx ( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_INTERNAL ); } // Release the interface pointers SAFEIRELEASE(pEnumClass); SAFEIRELEASE(pClass); return; } VOID DisplaySecurityandEvents( IN IWbemServices *pNameSpace, IN BSTR pszClassName, IN COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity, IN BOOL bSuperVerbose ) /*++ Routine Description This function displays the Security Options or Eventlog instances for the computer configuration. Arguments: [in] pNamespace : pointer to IWbemServices. [in] pszClassName : classname to retrieve data from. [in] pAuthIdentity : pointer to the Authorization structure [in] BOOL : set to TRUE if the super verbose info is to be displayed Return Value: None --*/ { HRESULT hResult = S_OK; BOOL bResult = FALSE; BOOL bGotClass = FALSE; ULONG ulReturned = 0; DWORD dwTemp = 0; IWbemClassObject *pClass = NULL; IEnumWbemClassObject *pEnumClass = NULL; WCHAR szTemp[ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ]; WCHAR szQueryString [ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ]; CHString strTemp; try { if( pNameSpace == NULL ) { _com_issue_error( STG_E_UNKNOWN ); } SecureZeroMemory( szTemp, sizeof( szTemp ) ); SecureZeroMemory( szQueryString, sizeof( szQueryString ) ); // Form the query string if( bSuperVerbose == TRUE ) { // ennumerate all the classes StringCopy( szTemp, QUERY_SUPER_VERBOSE, MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); StringCchPrintf( szQueryString, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szQueryString), szTemp, pszClassName ); } else { // ennumerate all the classes with precedance = 1 StringCopy( szTemp, QUERY_VERBOSE, MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); StringCchPrintf( szQueryString, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szQueryString), szTemp, pszClassName ); } // Get the pointer to ennumerate with hResult = pNameSpace->ExecQuery( _bstr_t( QUERY_LANGUAGE ), _bstr_t( szQueryString ), WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY | WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY, NULL, &pEnumClass ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); // Set the interface security hResult = SetInterfaceSecurity( pEnumClass, pAuthIdentity ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); hResult = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; while( WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == hResult ) { // Get the next class hResult = pEnumClass->Next( WBEM_INFINITE , 1, &pClass, &ulReturned ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); if( ulReturned == 0 ) { // No more classes to enumerate // Display N/A if there were no classes if( bGotClass == FALSE ) { // Check if this is the Security string class or the eventlog boolean class // so that we can avoid multiple N/A's. if( ( StringCompare( pszClassName, CLS_EVENTLOG_BOOLEAN, FALSE, 0 ) != 0 ) && ( StringCompare( pszClassName, CLS_SECURITY_STRING, FALSE, 0 ) != 0 ) ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINE_TABTHREE ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); ShowMessage( stdout, NEW_LINE ); } } break; } bGotClass = TRUE; // Get the GPO id bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_GPOID, strTemp, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); StringCopy( szTemp, strTemp.GetBuffer( strTemp.GetLength() ), MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_GPO ) ); GpoName( pNameSpace, szTemp, pAuthIdentity ); // Get the key name bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_KEYNAME1, strTemp, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); ShowMessage(stdout, GetResString( IDS_POLICY ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, strTemp ); // Get the setting if( StringCompare( pszClassName, CLS_SECURITY_STRING, FALSE, 0 ) == 0 ) { bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_SETTING1, strTemp, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); } else { bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_SETTING1, dwTemp, 0 ); } CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_COMPUTER_SETTING ) ); if( StringCompare( pszClassName, CLS_EVENTLOG_NUMERIC, FALSE, 0 ) == 0 ) { StringCchPrintf( szTemp, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szTemp), L"%u", dwTemp ); ShowMessage( stdout, szTemp ); } else if( StringCompare( pszClassName, CLS_SECURITY_STRING, FALSE, 0 ) == 0 ) { if( strTemp.Compare( V_NOT_AVAILABLE ) != 0 ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_ENABLED ) ); } else { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NOT_ENABLED ) ); } } else { if( dwTemp == VAR_TRUE ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_ENABLED ) ); } else { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NOT_ENABLED ) ); } } // Get the log name if( ( StringCompare( pszClassName, CLS_SECURITY_BOOLEAN, FALSE, 0 ) != 0 ) && ( StringCompare( pszClassName, CLS_SECURITY_STRING, FALSE, 0 ) != 0 ) ) { bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_TYPE, dwTemp, 5 ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_LOG_NAME ) ); switch( dwTemp ) { case 0: ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_SYSTEM ) ); break; case 1: ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_SECURITY ) ); break; case 2: ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_APP_LOG ) ); break; default: ShowMessage( stdout, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); break; } } ShowMessage( stdout, NEW_LINE ); }// while } catch( _com_error & error ) { WMISaveError( error.Error() ); ShowLastErrorEx ( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_INTERNAL ); } // Release the interface pointers SAFEIRELEASE( pEnumClass ); SAFEIRELEASE( pClass ); return; } VOID DisplayRestrictedGroups( IN IWbemServices *pNameSpace, IN COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity, IN BOOL bSuperVerbose ) /*++ Routine Description Function to display the Restricted Groups policy for computer configuration Arguments: [in] IWbemServices *pNamespace : pointer to IWbemServices. [in] COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity : pointer to the authorization structure. [in] BOOL bSuperVerbose : set to TRUE if the super verbose info is to be displayed. Return Value: None --*/ { //sub-local variables HRESULT hResult = S_OK; BOOL bResult = FALSE; BOOL bGotClass = FALSE; ULONG ulReturned = 0; LONG lLBound = 0; LONG lUBound = 0; IWbemClassObject *pClass = NULL; IEnumWbemClassObject *pEnumClass = NULL; VARIANT vVarVerbose; VARTYPE vartype; WCHAR szTemp[ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ]; WCHAR szQueryString [ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ]; CHString strTemp; SAFEARRAY *safeArray = NULL; try { if( pNameSpace == NULL ) { _com_issue_error( STG_E_UNKNOWN ); } SecureZeroMemory( szTemp, sizeof( szTemp ) ); SecureZeroMemory( szQueryString, sizeof( szQueryString ) ); // Form the query string if( bSuperVerbose == TRUE ) { // ennumerate all the classes StringCopy( szTemp, QUERY_SUPER_VERBOSE, MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); StringCchPrintf( szQueryString, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szQueryString), szTemp, CLS_RESTRICTED_GROUPS ); } else { // ennumerate all the classes with precedance = 1 StringCopy( szTemp, QUERY_VERBOSE, MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); StringCchPrintf( szQueryString, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szQueryString), szTemp, CLS_RESTRICTED_GROUPS ); } // Get the pointer to ennumerate with hResult = pNameSpace->ExecQuery( _bstr_t( QUERY_LANGUAGE ), _bstr_t( szQueryString ), WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY | WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY, NULL, &pEnumClass ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); // set the interface security hResult = SetInterfaceSecurity( pEnumClass, pAuthIdentity ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); hResult = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; while( WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == hResult ) { // Get the next instance hResult = pEnumClass->Next( WBEM_INFINITE, 1, &pClass, &ulReturned ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); if( ulReturned == 0 ) { // No more instances to enumerate // Display N/A if there were no classes if( bGotClass == FALSE ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINE_TABTHREE ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); ShowMessage( stdout, NEW_LINE ); } break; } bGotClass = TRUE; // Get the GPO id bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_GPOID, strTemp, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); StringCopy( szTemp, strTemp.GetBuffer( strTemp.GetLength() ), MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_GPO ) ); GpoName( pNameSpace, szTemp, pAuthIdentity ); // Get the group name bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_GROUP, strTemp, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_GROUPNAME ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, strTemp ); // Get the members of the group VariantInit( &vVarVerbose ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_MEMBERS ) ); hResult = pClass->Get( _bstr_t( CPV_MEMBERS ), 0, &vVarVerbose, 0, 0 ); CHECK_HRESULT_VAR( hResult, vVarVerbose ); if( vVarVerbose.vt != VT_NULL && vVarVerbose.vt != VT_EMPTY ) { // get the type of the elements in the safe array vartype = (VARTYPE) (V_VT( &vVarVerbose ) & ~VT_ARRAY); //get the array of strings in to the safe array from the variant safeArray = ( SAFEARRAY * )vVarVerbose.parray; //get the number of elements (subkeys) if( safeArray != NULL ) { hResult = SafeArrayGetLBound( safeArray, 1, &lLBound ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); hResult = SafeArrayGetUBound( safeArray, 1, &lUBound ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); } for( ; lLBound <= lUBound; lLBound++ ) { // Get the element from the safe array bResult = GetPropertyFromSafeArray( safeArray, lLBound, strTemp, vartype ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); if( strTemp.GetLength() == 0 ) { ShowMessage( stdout, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); } else { ShowMessage( stdout, strTemp ); } ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINE2 ) ); } } else { ShowMessage( stdout, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); } VariantClear( &vVarVerbose ); }// while } catch( _com_error & error ) { WMISaveError( error.Error() ); ShowLastErrorEx ( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_INTERNAL ); VariantClear( &vVarVerbose ); } // Release the interface pointers SAFEIRELEASE( pEnumClass ); SAFEIRELEASE( pClass ); return; } VOID DisplaySystemServices( IWbemServices *pNameSpace, COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity, BOOL bSuperVerbose ) /*++ Routine Description This function displays the System Services policy for the computer configuration Arguments: [in] IWbemServices *pNamespace : pointer to IWbemServices. [in] COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity : pointer to the authorization structure. [in] BOOL bSuperVerbose : set to TRUE if the super verbose info is to be displayed. Return Value: None --*/ { //sub-local variables HRESULT hResult = S_OK; BOOL bResult = FALSE; BOOL bGotClass = FALSE; DWORD dwTemp = 0; ULONG ulReturned = 0; IWbemClassObject *pClass = NULL; IEnumWbemClassObject *pEnumClass = NULL; WCHAR szTemp[ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ]; WCHAR szQueryString [ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ]; CHString strTemp; try { if( pNameSpace == NULL ) { _com_issue_error( STG_E_UNKNOWN ); } SecureZeroMemory( szTemp, sizeof( szTemp ) ); SecureZeroMemory( szQueryString, sizeof( szQueryString ) ); // Form the query string if( bSuperVerbose == TRUE ) { // ennumerate all the classes StringCopy( szTemp, QUERY_SUPER_VERBOSE, MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); StringCchPrintf( szQueryString, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szQueryString), szTemp, CLS_SYSTEM_SERVICES ); } else { // ennumerate all the classes with precedance = 1 StringCopy( szTemp, QUERY_VERBOSE, MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); StringCchPrintf( szQueryString, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szQueryString), szTemp, CLS_SYSTEM_SERVICES ); } // Get the pointer to ennumerate with hResult = pNameSpace->ExecQuery( _bstr_t( QUERY_LANGUAGE ), _bstr_t( szQueryString ), WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY | WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY, NULL, &pEnumClass ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); // Set the interface security hResult = SetInterfaceSecurity( pEnumClass, pAuthIdentity ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); hResult = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; while( WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == hResult ) { // Get the next instance hResult = pEnumClass->Next( WBEM_INFINITE , 1, &pClass, &ulReturned ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); if( ulReturned == 0 ) { // No more classes to enumerate // Display N/A if there were no classes if( bGotClass == FALSE ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINE_TABTHREE ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); ShowMessage( stdout, NEW_LINE ); } break; } bGotClass = TRUE; // Get the GPO id bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_GPOID, strTemp, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); StringCopy( szTemp, strTemp.GetBuffer( strTemp.GetLength() ), MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_GPO ) ); GpoName( pNameSpace, szTemp, pAuthIdentity ); // Get the service information bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_SERVICE, strTemp, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); ShowMessage(stdout, GetResString( IDS_SERVICENAME ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, strTemp ); ShowMessage(stdout, GetResString( IDS_STARTUP ) ); bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_STARTUP, dwTemp, 0 ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); switch( dwTemp ) { case 2: ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_AUTOMATIC ) ); break; case 3: ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_MANUAL ) ); break; case 4: ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_DISABLED ) ); break; default: ShowMessage( stdout, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); break; } ShowMessage( stdout, NEW_LINE ); }// while } catch( _com_error & error ) { WMISaveError( error.Error() ); ShowLastErrorEx ( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_INTERNAL ); } // Release the interface pointers SAFEIRELEASE( pEnumClass ); SAFEIRELEASE( pClass ); return; } VOID DisplayRegistryandFileInfo( IN IWbemServices *pNameSpace, IN BSTR pszClassName, IN COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity, IN BOOL bSuperVerbose ) /*++ Routine Description This function displays the Registry policy or File System policy for the computer configuration. Arguments: [in] pNamespace : pointer to IWbemServices. [in] pszClassName : classname to retrieve data from. [in] pAuthIdentity : pointer to the Authorization structure [in] BOOL : set to TRUE if the super verbose info is to be displayed Return Value: None --*/ { //sub-local variables HRESULT hResult = S_OK; BOOL bResult = FALSE; BOOL bGotClass = FALSE; ULONG ulReturned = 0; IWbemClassObject *pClass = NULL; IEnumWbemClassObject *pEnumClass = NULL; WCHAR szTemp[ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ]; WCHAR szQueryString [ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ]; CHString strTemp; try { if( pNameSpace == NULL ) { _com_issue_error( STG_E_UNKNOWN ); } SecureZeroMemory( szTemp, sizeof( szTemp ) ); SecureZeroMemory( szQueryString, sizeof( szQueryString ) ); // Form the query string if( bSuperVerbose == TRUE ) { // ennumerate all the classes StringCopy( szTemp, QUERY_SUPER_VERBOSE, MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); StringCchPrintf( szQueryString, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szQueryString), szTemp, pszClassName ); } else { // ennumerate all the classes with precedance = 1 StringCopy( szTemp, QUERY_VERBOSE, MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); StringCchPrintf( szQueryString, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szQueryString), szTemp, pszClassName ); } // Get the pointer to ennumerate with hResult = pNameSpace->ExecQuery( _bstr_t( QUERY_LANGUAGE ), _bstr_t( szQueryString ), WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY | WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY, NULL, &pEnumClass ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); // Set the interface security hResult = SetInterfaceSecurity( pEnumClass, pAuthIdentity ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); hResult = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; while( WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == hResult ) { // Get the next instance hResult = pEnumClass->Next( WBEM_INFINITE , 1, &pClass, &ulReturned ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); if(ulReturned == 0) { // No more classes to enumerate // Display N/A if there were no classes if( bGotClass == FALSE ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINE_TABTHREE ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); ShowMessage( stdout, NEW_LINE ); } break; } bGotClass = TRUE; // Get the GPO id bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_GPOID, strTemp, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); StringCopy( szTemp, strTemp.GetBuffer( strTemp.GetLength() ), MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_GPO ) ); GpoName( pNameSpace, szTemp, pAuthIdentity ); // Get the name bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_REG_FS, strTemp, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_OBJECTNAME ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, strTemp ); ShowMessage( stdout, NEW_LINE ); }// while } catch( _com_error & error ) { WMISaveError( error.Error() ); ShowLastErrorEx ( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_INTERNAL ); } catch( CHeap_Exception ) { SetLastError( (DWORD)E_OUTOFMEMORY ); SaveLastError(); ShowLastErrorEx ( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_INTERNAL ); } // Release the interface pointers SAFEIRELEASE( pEnumClass ); SAFEIRELEASE( pClass ); return; } VOID DisplayTemplates( IN IWbemServices *pNameSpace, IN COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity, IN BOOL bSuperVerbose ) /*++ Routine Description This function displays the Administrative Templates policy for the user and computer configurations. Arguments: [in] IWbemServices *pNamespace : pointer to IWbemServices. [in] COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity : pointer to the authorization structure. [in] BOOL bSuperVerbose : set to TRUE if the super verbose info is to be displayed. Return Value: None --*/ { //sub-local variables HRESULT hResult = S_OK; BOOL bResult = FALSE; BOOL bGotClass = FALSE; BOOL bTemp = FALSE; ULONG ulReturned = 0; DWORD dwTemp = 0; IWbemClassObject *pClass = NULL; IEnumWbemClassObject *pEnumClass = NULL; WCHAR szTemp[ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ]; WCHAR szQueryString [ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ]; CHString strTemp; CHString strValueName; SAFEARRAY *psa; CHString strPropertyName = L"";; long lLBound = 0; long lUBound = 0; long i =0; WCHAR szBuffer[MAX_RES_STRING] = L""; VARIANT vtValue; try { if( pNameSpace == NULL ) { _com_issue_error( STG_E_UNKNOWN ); } SecureZeroMemory( szTemp, sizeof( szTemp ) ); SecureZeroMemory( szQueryString, sizeof( szQueryString ) ); // Form the query string if( bSuperVerbose == TRUE ) { // ennumerate all the classes StringCopy( szTemp, QUERY_ADMIN_TEMP, MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); StringCchPrintf( szQueryString, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szQueryString), szTemp, CLS_ADMIN ); } else { // ennumerate all the classes with precedance = 1 StringCopy( szTemp, QUERY_ADMIN_TEMP, MAX_STRING_LENGTH); StringCchPrintf( szQueryString, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szQueryString), szTemp, CLS_ADMIN ); StringConcat( szQueryString, QUERY_ADD_VERBOSE, MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); } // Get the pointer to ennumerate with hResult = pNameSpace->ExecQuery( _bstr_t( QUERY_LANGUAGE ), _bstr_t( szQueryString ), WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY | WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY, NULL, &pEnumClass ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); // Set the interface security hResult = SetInterfaceSecurity( pEnumClass, pAuthIdentity ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); hResult = pEnumClass->Next( WBEM_INFINITE , 1, &pClass, &ulReturned ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); hResult = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; while(WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == hResult) { // hResult = pEnumClass->Next( WBEM_INFINITE , 1, &pClass, &ulReturned ); // CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); if(ulReturned == 0) { // No more classes to enumerate // Display N/A if there were no classes if( bGotClass == FALSE ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINE_TABTHREE ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); ShowMessage( stdout, NEW_LINE ); } break; } bGotClass = TRUE; // Get the GPO id bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_GPOID, strTemp, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); StringCopy( szTemp, (LPCWSTR)strTemp, MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_GPO ) ); GpoName( pNameSpace, szTemp, pAuthIdentity ); // Get the registry value (string) bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_REGISTRY, strTemp, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); /**********this code is added for displaying registry settings value and value name, 14-sep-2001***********/ //get value name and append it to the key bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_VALUENAME, strValueName, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); strTemp+=L"\\"; strTemp+=strValueName; //display the registry value ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_FR_SETTING ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, strTemp ); /***************************************************************************************************************/ // Get the state (Enabled/Disabled) bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_DELETED, bTemp, FALSE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); if( bTemp == VAR_TRUE ) { // The deleted flag is set to TRUE for all the disabled templates ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_STATE ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_DISABLED ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINE ) ); } else { /**********this code is added for displaying registry settings value and value name, 14-sep-2001***********/ ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_VALUE ) ); VariantInit( &vtValue ); hResult = pClass->Get( _bstr_t(CPV_VALUE), 0, &vtValue, NULL, NULL ); psa = vtValue.parray; SafeArrayGetLBound( psa, 1, &lLBound ); SafeArrayGetUBound( psa, 1, &lUBound ); for( i=lLBound; i<=lUBound; i++ ) { SecureZeroMemory( szBuffer, MAX_RES_STRING ); dwTemp = 0; SafeArrayGetElement( psa, &i, (void *)&dwTemp ); SecureZeroMemory( szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer) ); StringCchPrintf( szBuffer, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szBuffer), L"%ld", dwTemp ); ShowMessage( stdout, szBuffer ); if( i != lUBound ) ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_COMMA ) ); } VariantClear( &vtValue ); //display state enabled ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_STATE ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_ENABLED ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINE ) ); } /***************************************************************************************************************/ hResult = pEnumClass->Next( WBEM_INFINITE , 1, &pClass, &ulReturned ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); }// while } catch( _com_error & error ) { WMISaveError( error.Error() ); ShowLastErrorEx ( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_INTERNAL ); } // Release the interface pointers SAFEIRELEASE( pEnumClass ); SAFEIRELEASE( pClass ); return; } VOID DisplayFolderRedirection( IN IWbemServices *pNameSpace, IN COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity, IN BOOL bSuperVerbose ) /*++ Routine Description This function displays the Folder Redirection settings for the user configuration. Arguments: [in] IWbemServices *pNamespace : pointer to IWbemServices. [in] COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity : pointer to the authorization structure [in] BOOL bSuperVerbose : set to TRUE if the super verbose info is to be displayed. Return Value: None --*/ { //sub-local variables HRESULT hResult = S_OK; BOOL bResult = FALSE; BOOL bGotClass = FALSE; BOOL bTemp = FALSE; DWORD dwTemp = 0; ULONG ulReturned = 0; LONG lLBound = 0; LONG lUBound = 0; IWbemClassObject *pClass = NULL; IEnumWbemClassObject *pEnumClass = NULL; VARIANT vVarVerbose; VARTYPE vartype; WCHAR szTemp[ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ]; WCHAR szQueryString [ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ]; CHString strTemp; SAFEARRAY *safeArray = NULL; try { if( pNameSpace == NULL ) { _com_issue_error( STG_E_UNKNOWN ); } SecureZeroMemory( szTemp, sizeof( szTemp ) ); SecureZeroMemory( szQueryString, sizeof( szQueryString ) ); // Form the query string if( bSuperVerbose == TRUE ) { // ennumerate all the classes StringCopy( szTemp, QUERY_SUPER_VERBOSE, MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); StringCchPrintf( szQueryString, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szQueryString), szTemp, CLS_FOLDER_REDIRECTION ); } else { // ennumerate all the classes with precedance = 1 StringCopy( szTemp, QUERY_VERBOSE, MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); StringCchPrintf( szQueryString, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szQueryString), szTemp, CLS_FOLDER_REDIRECTION ); } // Get the pointer to ennumerate with hResult = pNameSpace->ExecQuery( _bstr_t( QUERY_LANGUAGE ), _bstr_t( szQueryString ), WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY | WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY, NULL, &pEnumClass ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); // Set the interface security hResult = SetInterfaceSecurity( pEnumClass, pAuthIdentity ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); hResult = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; while( WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == hResult ) { // Get the next class hResult = pEnumClass->Next( WBEM_INFINITE , 1, &pClass, &ulReturned ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); if(ulReturned == 0) { // No more classes to enumerate // Display N/A if there were no classes if( bGotClass == FALSE ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINE_TABTHREE ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); ShowMessage( stdout, NEW_LINE ); } break; } bGotClass = TRUE; // Get the GPO id bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_GPOID, strTemp, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); StringCopy( szTemp, strTemp.GetBuffer( strTemp.GetLength() ), MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_GPO ) ); GpoName( pNameSpace, szTemp, pAuthIdentity ); // Get the folder re-direction information ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_FR_SETTING ) ); // Get the installation type ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_INSTALLATIONTYPE ) ); bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_FRINSTYPE, dwTemp, 0 ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); switch( dwTemp ) { case 1: ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_BASIC ) ); break; case 2: ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_MAXIMUM ) ); break; default: ShowMessage( stdout, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); break; } // Get the Grant Type ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_GRANTTYPE ) ); bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_FRGRANT, bTemp, FALSE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); if( bTemp == VAR_TRUE ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_EXCLUSIVE ) ); } else { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NOTEXCLUSIVE ) ); } // Get the Move type ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_MOVETYPE ) ); bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_FRMOVE, bTemp, FALSE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); if( bTemp == VAR_TRUE ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_MOVED ) ); } else { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NOTMOVED ) ); } // Get the removal policy ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_POLICYREMOVAL ) ); bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_FRREMOVAL, dwTemp, 0 ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); switch( dwTemp ) { case 1: ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_LEAVEFOLDER ) ); break; case 2: ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_REDIRECT ) ); break; default: ShowMessage( stdout, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); break; } // Get the Redirecting group bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_FRSECGROUP, strTemp, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_REDIRECTINGGROUP ) ); // Compare the value got with the set of values and display the appropriate output if( strTemp.Compare( SID_EVERYONE ) == 0 ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_EVERYONE ) ); } else if( strTemp.Compare( SID_NULL_SID ) == 0 ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NULL_SID ) ); } else if( strTemp.Compare( SID_LOCAL ) == 0 ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_LOCAL ) ); } else if( strTemp.Compare( SID_CREATOR_OWNER ) == 0 ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_CREATOR_OWNER ) ); } else if( strTemp.Compare( SID_CREATOR_GROUP ) == 0 ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_CREATOR_GROUP ) ); } else { ShowMessage( stdout, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); } // Get the re-directed path VariantInit( &vVarVerbose ); hResult = pClass->Get( _bstr_t( CPV_FRPATH ), 0, &vVarVerbose, 0, 0 ); CHECK_HRESULT_VAR( hResult, vVarVerbose ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_REDIRECTEDPATH ) ); if( vVarVerbose.vt != VT_NULL && vVarVerbose.vt != VT_EMPTY ) { // get the type of the elements in the safe array vartype = (VARTYPE)(V_VT( &vVarVerbose ) & ~VT_ARRAY); //get the array of strings in to the safe array from the variant safeArray = ( SAFEARRAY * )vVarVerbose.parray; //get the number of elements (subkeys) if( safeArray != NULL ) { hResult = SafeArrayGetLBound( safeArray, 1, &lLBound ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); hResult = SafeArrayGetUBound( safeArray, 1, &lUBound ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); } for( ; lLBound <= lUBound; lLBound++ ) { // Get the element from the Safe Array bResult = GetPropertyFromSafeArray( safeArray, lLBound, strTemp, vartype ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); if( strTemp.GetLength() == 0) { ShowMessage( stdout, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); } else { ShowMessage( stdout, strTemp ); } ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINE1 ) ); } } else { ShowMessage( stdout, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); } VariantClear( &vVarVerbose ); }// while } catch( _com_error & error ) { WMISaveError( error.Error() ); ShowLastErrorEx ( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_INTERNAL ); VariantClear( &vVarVerbose ); } // Release the interface pointers SAFEIRELEASE( pEnumClass ); SAFEIRELEASE( pClass ); return; } BOOL CGpResult::DisplayVerboseUserData( IN PUSERINFO pUserInfo, IN IWbemServices *pNameSpace ) /*++ Routine Description: This function displays the verbose data for the scope - user Arguments: [in] IWbemServices *pRsopNameSpace : interface pointer Return Value: TRUE on SUCCESS FALSE on FAILURE --*/ { //sub-local variables DWORD dwLength = 0; WCHAR szName[MAX_RES_STRING] = L"";; WCHAR szServer[MAX_RES_STRING] = L""; BOOL bResult = FALSE; CHString strTemp; BOOL bConnFlag = FALSE; /******this code is added to display user priviliges, 20-sep-2001***********/ // If we have to get the information from a remote machine then... // connect to the remote machine for the last time execution information. if ( m_bLocalSystem == FALSE ) { StringCopy( szServer, m_strServerName, MAX_STRING_LENGTH); StringCopy( szName, m_strUserName, MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); bResult = EstablishConnection( szServer, szName, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, m_pwszPassword, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, FALSE ); if( bResult != TRUE ) { strTemp = V_NOT_AVAILABLE; } else { switch( GetLastError() ) { case I_NO_CLOSE_CONNECTION: bConnFlag = FALSE; break; case E_LOCAL_CREDENTIALS: case ERROR_SESSION_CREDENTIAL_CONFLICT: bConnFlag = FALSE; break; default: break; } } } //display the user priviliges ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINE ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString(IDS_USER_PRIV) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINE_TAB ) ); for( dwLength = StringLengthInBytes( GetResString( IDS_USER_PRIV ) ); dwLength > 4; dwLength-- ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_DASH ) ); } ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINE ) ); DisplayUserPrivileges( (LPCWSTR)m_strServerName, pUserInfo->strUserSid, m_szUserGroups, m_NoOfGroups ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINE ) ); //now close the connection // if we have opened a connection then close the same. if( m_bLocalSystem == FALSE && bConnFlag == TRUE ) { CloseConnection( szServer ); } /**************************************************************************/ // // Display the verbose information for the scope - user // Display the header ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_USER_RESULT ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINE_TAB ) ); for( dwLength = StringLengthInBytes( GetResString( IDS_USER_RESULT ) ); dwLength > 4; dwLength-- ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_DASH ) ); } ShowMessage( stdout, NEW_LINE ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINETAB ) ); // Display the software installation data ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_SW_SETTINGS ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINETAB ) ); for( dwLength = StringLengthInBytes( GetResString( IDS_SW_SETTINGS ) ); dwLength > 0; dwLength-- ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_DASH ) ); } DisplaySoftwareInstallations( pNameSpace, m_pAuthIdentity, m_bSuperVerbose ); /******this code is added to display user logon and logoff scripts, 20-sep-2001***********/ // Display the logging data ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINETAB ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_WS_SLOGON ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINETAB ) ); for( dwLength = StringLengthInBytes( GetResString( IDS_WS_SLOGON ) ); dwLength > 0; dwLength-- ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_DASH ) ); } DisplayUserLogonScripts( pNameSpace, TRUE, m_pAuthIdentity, m_bSuperVerbose ); // Display the scripts data ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINETAB ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_WS_SLOGOFF ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINETAB ) ); for( dwLength = StringLengthInBytes( GetResString( IDS_WS_SLOGOFF ) ); dwLength > 0; dwLength-- ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_DASH ) ); } DisplayUserLogonScripts( pNameSpace, FALSE, m_pAuthIdentity, m_bSuperVerbose ); /***************************************************************************************************/ // Display the public key policies // Displaying N/A for time being ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINETAB ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_WS_SS_PKP ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINETAB ) ); for( dwLength = StringLengthInBytes( GetResString( IDS_WS_SS_PKP ) ); dwLength > 0; dwLength-- ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_DASH ) ); } ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINE_TABTHREE ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); ShowMessage( stdout, NEW_LINE ); // Display the administrative template information ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINETAB ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_ADTS_ERS ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINETAB ) ); for( dwLength = StringLengthInBytes( GetResString( IDS_ADTS_ERS ) ); dwLength > 0; dwLength-- ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_DASH ) ); } DisplayTemplates( pNameSpace, m_pAuthIdentity, m_bSuperVerbose ); // Display the File Re-direction information ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINETAB ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_USERFR ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINETAB ) ); for( dwLength = StringLengthInBytes( GetResString( IDS_USERFR ) ); dwLength > 0; dwLength-- ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_DASH ) ); } DisplayFolderRedirection( pNameSpace, m_pAuthIdentity, m_bSuperVerbose ); // Display the group policy for IE ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINETAB ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_IEPOLICY ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINETAB ) ); for( dwLength = StringLengthInBytes( GetResString( IDS_IEPOLICY ) ); dwLength > 0; dwLength-- ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_DASH ) ); } DisplayIEPolicy( pNameSpace, m_pAuthIdentity, m_bSuperVerbose ); // Display the connection information ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINETAB ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_PROXY ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINETAB ) ); for( dwLength = StringLengthInBytes( GetResString( IDS_PROXY ) ); dwLength > 0; dwLength-- ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_DASH ) ); } DisplayIEProxySetting( pNameSpace, m_pAuthIdentity ); // Display the IE Favorite Links or Items ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINETAB ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_FAVLINKORITEM ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINETAB ) ); for( dwLength = StringLengthInBytes( GetResString( IDS_FAVLINKORITEM ) ); dwLength > 0; dwLength-- ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_DASH ) ); } DisplayIEImpURLS( pNameSpace, m_pAuthIdentity, m_bSuperVerbose ); DisplayIEFavorites( pNameSpace, m_pAuthIdentity ); // Display the security content ratings ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINETAB ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_IE_SECURITY ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINETAB ) ); for( dwLength = StringLengthInBytes( GetResString( IDS_IE_SECURITY ) ); dwLength > 0; dwLength-- ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_DASH ) ); } DisplayIESecurityContent( pNameSpace, m_pAuthIdentity ); DisplayIESecurity( pNameSpace, m_pAuthIdentity, m_bSuperVerbose ); // Display the secutrity zone settings ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINETAB ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_IE_PROGRAMS ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINETAB ) ); for( dwLength = StringLengthInBytes( GetResString( IDS_IE_PROGRAMS ) ); dwLength > 0; dwLength-- ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_DASH ) ); } DisplayIEPrograms( pNameSpace, m_pAuthIdentity, m_bSuperVerbose ); return TRUE; } VOID DisplayIEPolicy( IN IWbemServices *pNameSpace, IN COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity, IN BOOL bSuperVerbose ) /*++ Routine Description This function displays the IE policy settings for the user configuration. Arguments: [in] IWbemServices *pNamespace : pointer to IWbemServices. [in] COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity : pointer to the authorization structure [in] BOOL bSuperVerbose : set to TRUE if the super verbose info is to be displayed. Return Value: None --*/ { //sub-local variables HRESULT hResult = S_OK; BOOL bResult = FALSE; BOOL bGotClass = FALSE; BOOL bTemp = FALSE; ULONG ulReturned = 0; IWbemClassObject *pClass = NULL; IEnumWbemClassObject *pEnumClass = NULL; WCHAR szTemp[ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ]; WCHAR szQueryString [ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ]; CHString strTemp; try { if( pNameSpace == NULL ) { _com_issue_error( STG_E_UNKNOWN ); } SecureZeroMemory( szTemp, sizeof( szTemp ) ); SecureZeroMemory( szQueryString, sizeof( szQueryString ) ); // Form the query string if( bSuperVerbose == TRUE ) { // ennumerate all the classes StringCopy( szTemp, QUERY_SUPER_VERBOSE, MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); StringCchPrintf( szQueryString, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szQueryString), szTemp, CLS_IE_POLICY ); } else { // ennumerate all the classes with precedance = 1 StringCopy( szTemp, QUERY_VERBOSE, MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); StringCchPrintf( szQueryString, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szQueryString), szTemp, CLS_IE_POLICY ); } // Get the pointer to ennumerate with hResult = pNameSpace->ExecQuery( _bstr_t( QUERY_LANGUAGE ), _bstr_t( szQueryString ), WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY | WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY, NULL, &pEnumClass ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); // Set the interface security hResult = SetInterfaceSecurity( pEnumClass, pAuthIdentity ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); hResult = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; while( WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == hResult ) { // get the next class hResult = pEnumClass->Next( WBEM_INFINITE , 1, &pClass, &ulReturned ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); if( ulReturned == 0 ) { // No more classes to enumerate // Display N/A if there were no classes if( bGotClass == FALSE ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINE_TABTHREE ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); ShowMessage( stdout, NEW_LINE ); } break; } bGotClass = TRUE; // Get the GPO id bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_GPOID, strTemp, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); StringCopy( szTemp, strTemp.GetBuffer( strTemp.GetLength() ), MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_GPO ) ); GpoName( pNameSpace, szTemp, pAuthIdentity ); // Get the bit-map name bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_BITMAPNAME, strTemp, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_BITMAPNAME ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, strTemp ); // Get the Logo bitmap name bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_LOGOBITMAPNAME, strTemp, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_LOGOBITMAPNAME ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, strTemp ); // Get the title bar text bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_TITLEBARTEXT, strTemp, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_TITLEBARTEXT ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, strTemp ); // Get the user agent text bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_USERAGENTTEXT, strTemp, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_USERAGENTTEXT ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, strTemp ); // Get the info., wether to delete the existing toolbar buttons bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_TOOL_BUTTONS, bTemp, FALSE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_TOOL_BUTTONS ) ); if( bTemp == VAR_TRUE ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_YES ) ); } else { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NO ) ); } ShowMessage( stdout, NEW_LINE ); }// while } catch( _com_error & error ) { WMISaveError( error.Error() ); ShowLastErrorEx ( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_INTERNAL ); } catch( CHeap_Exception ) { SetLastError( (DWORD)E_OUTOFMEMORY ); SaveLastError(); ShowLastErrorEx ( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_INTERNAL ); } // Release the interface pointers SAFEIRELEASE( pEnumClass ); SAFEIRELEASE( pClass ); return; } VOID DisplayIEFavorites( IN IWbemServices *pNameSpace, IN COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity ) /*++ Routine Description This function displays the IE favorites information. Arguments: [in] IWbemServices *pNamespace : pointer to IWbemServices. [in] COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity : pointer to the authorization structure Return Value: None --*/ { //sub-local variables HRESULT hResult = S_OK; BOOL bResult = FALSE; ULONG ulReturned = 0; DWORD dwTemp = 0; IWbemClassObject *pClass = NULL; IEnumWbemClassObject *pEnumClass = NULL; WCHAR szTemp[ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ]; CHString strTemp; try { if( pNameSpace == NULL ) { _com_issue_error( STG_E_UNKNOWN ); } SecureZeroMemory( szTemp, sizeof( szTemp ) ); // Enumerate the classes hResult = pNameSpace->CreateInstanceEnum( _bstr_t( CLS_IE_FAVLINKORITEM ), WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY | WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY, NULL, &pEnumClass); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); // Set the interface security hResult = SetInterfaceSecurity( pEnumClass, pAuthIdentity ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); hResult = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; while( WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == hResult ) { // Get the next class hResult = pEnumClass->Next( WBEM_INFINITE , 1, &pClass, &ulReturned ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); if( ulReturned == 0 ) { // No more classes to enumerate break; } // Get the URL information bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_URL, strTemp, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_URL ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, strTemp ); // Get the information on wether the site is available off line bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_AVAILOFFLINE, dwTemp, 2 ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_AVAILABLE ) ); if( dwTemp == VAR_TRUE ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_YES ) ); } else { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NO ) ); } ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINE ) ); }// while } catch( _com_error & error ) { WMISaveError( error.Error() ); ShowLastErrorEx ( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_INTERNAL ); } // Release the interface pointers SAFEIRELEASE( pEnumClass ); SAFEIRELEASE( pClass ); return; } VOID DisplayIESecurityContent( IN IWbemServices *pNameSpace, IN COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity ) /*++ Routine Description This function displays the IE security contents information. Arguments: [in] IWbemServices *pNamespace : pointer to IWbemServices. [in] COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity : pointer to the authorization structure Return Value: None --*/ { //sub-local variables HRESULT hResult = S_OK; BOOL bResult = FALSE; BOOL bGotClass = FALSE; BOOL bTemp = FALSE; ULONG ulReturned = 0; LONG lLBound = 0; LONG lUBound = 0; IWbemClassObject *pClass = NULL; IEnumWbemClassObject *pEnumClass = NULL; VARIANT vVarVerbose; VARTYPE vartype; WCHAR szTemp[ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ]; CHString strTemp; SAFEARRAY *safeArray = NULL; try { if( pNameSpace == NULL ) { _com_issue_error( STG_E_UNKNOWN ); } SecureZeroMemory( szTemp, sizeof( szTemp ) ); // enumerate the classes hResult = pNameSpace->CreateInstanceEnum( _bstr_t( CLS_IE_SECURITY_CONTENT ), WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY | WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY, NULL, &pEnumClass); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); // set the interface security hResult = SetInterfaceSecurity( pEnumClass, pAuthIdentity ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); hResult = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; while( WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == hResult ) { // Get the next class hResult = pEnumClass->Next( WBEM_INFINITE , 1, &pClass, &ulReturned ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); if( ulReturned == 0 ) { // No more classes to enumerate // Display N/A if there were no instances in both the security classes if( bGotClass == FALSE ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINE_TABTHREE ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); ShowMessage( stdout, NEW_LINE ); } break; } // Got a class...set the flag bGotClass = TRUE; // Get the viewable sites information VariantInit( &vVarVerbose ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_VIEWABLESITES ) ); hResult = pClass->Get( _bstr_t( CPV_ALWAYSVIEW ), 0, &vVarVerbose, 0, 0 ); CHECK_HRESULT_VAR( hResult, vVarVerbose ); if( vVarVerbose.vt != VT_NULL && vVarVerbose.vt != VT_EMPTY ) { // get the type of the elements in the safe array vartype = (VARTYPE)(V_VT( &vVarVerbose ) & ~VT_ARRAY); //get the array of strings in to the safe array from the variant safeArray = ( SAFEARRAY * )vVarVerbose.parray; //get the number of elements (subkeys) if( safeArray != NULL ) { hResult = SafeArrayGetLBound( safeArray, 1, &lLBound ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); hResult = SafeArrayGetUBound( safeArray, 1, &lUBound ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); } for( ; lLBound <= lUBound; lLBound++ ) { // Get the element from the safe array bResult = GetPropertyFromSafeArray( safeArray, lLBound, strTemp, vartype ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); if( strTemp.GetLength() == 0 ) { ShowMessage( stdout, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); } else { ShowMessage( stdout, strTemp ); } ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINE1 ) ); } } else { ShowMessage( stdout, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); } // Get the password over-ride information ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_PASSWORDOVERRIDE ) ); bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_ENABLEPASSWORD, bTemp, FALSE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); if( bTemp == VAR_TRUE ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_TRUE ) ); } else { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_FALSE ) ); } ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINE ) ); VariantClear(&vVarVerbose); }// while } catch( _com_error & error ) { WMISaveError( error.Error() ); ShowLastErrorEx ( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_INTERNAL ); VariantClear(&vVarVerbose); } // Release the interface pointers SAFEIRELEASE( pEnumClass ); SAFEIRELEASE( pClass ); return; } VOID DisplayIESecurity( IN IWbemServices *pNameSpace, IN COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity, IN BOOL bSuperVerbose ) /*++ Routine Description This function displays the IE security information. Arguments: [in] IWbemServices *pNamespace : pointer to IWbemServices. [in] COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity : pointer to the authorization structure Return Value: None --*/ { //sub-local variables HRESULT hResult = S_OK; BOOL bResult = FALSE; BOOL bGotClass = FALSE; BOOL bTemp = FALSE; ULONG ulReturned = 0; IWbemClassObject *pClass = NULL; IEnumWbemClassObject *pEnumClass = NULL; WCHAR szTemp[ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ]; WCHAR szQueryString [ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ]; CHString strTemp; try { if( pNameSpace == NULL ) { _com_issue_error( STG_E_UNKNOWN ); } SecureZeroMemory( szTemp, sizeof( szTemp ) ); SecureZeroMemory( szQueryString, sizeof( szQueryString ) ); // Form the query string if( bSuperVerbose == TRUE ) { // ennumerate all the classes StringCopy( szTemp, QUERY_SUPER_VERBOSE, MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); StringCchPrintf( szQueryString,SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szQueryString), szTemp, CLS_IE_POLICY ); } else { // ennumerate all the classes with precedance = 1 StringCopy( szTemp, QUERY_VERBOSE, MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); StringCchPrintf( szQueryString, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szQueryString), szTemp, CLS_IE_POLICY ); } // Get the pointer to ennumerate with hResult = pNameSpace->ExecQuery( _bstr_t( QUERY_LANGUAGE ), _bstr_t( szQueryString ), WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY | WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY, NULL, &pEnumClass ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); // Set the interface security hResult = SetInterfaceSecurity( pEnumClass, pAuthIdentity ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); hResult = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; while( WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == hResult ) { // get the next class hResult = pEnumClass->Next( WBEM_INFINITE , 1, &pClass, &ulReturned ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); if( ulReturned == 0 ) { // No more classes to enumerate break; } // Got a class...set the flag bGotClass = TRUE; // Get the GPO id bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_GPOID, strTemp, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); StringCopy( szTemp, strTemp.GetBuffer( strTemp.GetLength() ), MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_GPO ) ); GpoName( pNameSpace, szTemp, pAuthIdentity ); // Get the Security content information bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_SEC_CONTENT, bTemp, FALSE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_CONTENT_SETTING ) ); if( bTemp == VAR_TRUE ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_YES ) ); } else { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NO ) ); } // Get the Security zone information bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_SEC_ZONE, bTemp, FALSE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_ZONE_SETTING ) ); if( bTemp == VAR_TRUE ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_YES ) ); } else { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NO ) ); } // Get the Authenticode information bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_AUTH_CODE, bTemp, FALSE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_AUTH_SETTING ) ); if( bTemp == VAR_TRUE ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_YES ) ); } else { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NO ) ); } // Get the trusted publisher lock down information bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_TRUST_PUB, bTemp, FALSE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_TRUST_PUB ) ); if( bTemp == VAR_TRUE ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_YES ) ); } else { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NO ) ); } ShowMessage( stdout, NEW_LINE ); }// while } catch( _com_error & error ) { WMISaveError( error.Error() ); ShowLastErrorEx ( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_INTERNAL ); } catch( CHeap_Exception ) { SetLastError( (DWORD)E_OUTOFMEMORY ); SaveLastError(); ShowLastErrorEx ( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_INTERNAL ); } // Release the interface pointers SAFEIRELEASE( pEnumClass ); SAFEIRELEASE( pClass ); return; } VOID DisplayIEProxySetting( IN IWbemServices *pNameSpace, IN COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity ) /*++ Routine Description This function displays the IE proxy information. Arguments: [in] IWbemServices *pNamespace : pointer to IWbemServices. [in] COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity : pointer to the authorization structure Return Value: None --*/ { //sub-local variables HRESULT hResult = S_OK; BOOL bResult = FALSE; BOOL bGotClass = FALSE; ULONG ulReturned = 0; DWORD dwTemp = 0; IWbemClassObject *pClass = NULL; IEnumWbemClassObject *pEnumClass = NULL; WCHAR szTemp[ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ]; CHString strTemp; try { if( pNameSpace == NULL ) { _com_issue_error( STG_E_UNKNOWN ); } SecureZeroMemory( szTemp, sizeof( szTemp ) ); // Enumerate the classes hResult = pNameSpace->CreateInstanceEnum( _bstr_t( CLS_IE_CONNECTION ), WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY | WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY, NULL, &pEnumClass); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); // set the security interface hResult = SetInterfaceSecurity( pEnumClass, pAuthIdentity ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); hResult = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; while( WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == hResult ) { // Get the next class hResult = pEnumClass->Next( WBEM_INFINITE , 1, &pClass, &ulReturned ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); if( ulReturned == 0 ) { // No more classes to enumerate // Display N/A if there were no classes if( bGotClass == FALSE ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINE_TABTHREE ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); ShowMessage( stdout, NEW_LINE ); } break; } bGotClass = TRUE; // Get the http proxy information bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_HTTP_PROXY, strTemp, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_HTTP_PROXY ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, strTemp ); // Get the Secure proxy information bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_SECURE_PROXY, strTemp, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_SECURE_PROXY ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, strTemp ); // Get the ftp proxy information bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_FTP_PROXY, strTemp, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_FTP_PROXY ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, strTemp ); // Get the Gopher proxy information bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_GOPHER_PROXY, strTemp, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_GOPHER_PROXY ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, strTemp ); // Get the socks proxy information bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_SOCKS_PROXY, strTemp, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_SOCKS_PROXY ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, strTemp ); // Get the Auto config enable information ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_AUTO_CONFIG_ENABLE ) ); bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_AUTO_CONFIG_ENABLE, dwTemp, 2 ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); if( dwTemp == -1 ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_YES ) ); } else { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NO ) ); } // Get the info on wether or not the proxy is enabled ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_ENABLE_PROXY ) ); bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_ENABLE_PROXY, dwTemp, 2 ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); if( dwTemp == VAR_TRUE ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_YES ) ); } else { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NO ) ); } // Get the info on wether or not to use the same proxy ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_USE_SAME_PROXY ) ); bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_USE_SAME_PROXY, dwTemp, 2 ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); if( dwTemp == -1 ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_YES ) ); } else { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NO ) ); } ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINE ) ); }// while } catch( _com_error & error ) { WMISaveError( error.Error() ); ShowLastErrorEx ( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_INTERNAL ); } // Release the interface pointers SAFEIRELEASE( pEnumClass ); SAFEIRELEASE( pClass ); return; } VOID DisplayIEPrograms( IN IWbemServices *pNameSpace, IN COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity, IN BOOL bSuperVerbose ) /*++ Routine Description This function displays the IE program settings for the user configuration. Arguments: [in] IWbemServices *pNamespace : pointer to IWbemServices. [in] COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity : pointer to the authorization structure [in] BOOL bSuperVerbose : set to TRUE if the super verbose info is to be displayed. Return Value: None --*/ { //sub-local variables HRESULT hResult = S_OK; BOOL bResult = FALSE; BOOL bGotClass = FALSE; BOOL bTemp = FALSE; ULONG ulReturned = 0; IWbemClassObject *pClass = NULL; IEnumWbemClassObject *pEnumClass = NULL; WCHAR szTemp[ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ]; WCHAR szQueryString [ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ]; CHString strTemp; try { if( pNameSpace == NULL ) { _com_issue_error( STG_E_UNKNOWN ); } SecureZeroMemory( szTemp, sizeof( szTemp ) ); SecureZeroMemory( szQueryString, sizeof( szQueryString ) ); // Form the query string if( bSuperVerbose == TRUE ) { // ennumerate all the classes StringCopy( szTemp, QUERY_SUPER_VERBOSE, MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); StringCchPrintf( szQueryString, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szQueryString), szTemp, CLS_IE_POLICY ); } else { // ennumerate all the classes with precedance = 1 StringCopy( szTemp, QUERY_VERBOSE, MAX_STRING_LENGTH); StringCchPrintf( szQueryString, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szQueryString), szTemp, CLS_IE_POLICY ); } // Get the pointer to ennumerate with hResult = pNameSpace->ExecQuery( _bstr_t( QUERY_LANGUAGE ), _bstr_t( szQueryString ), WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY | WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY, NULL, &pEnumClass ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); // Set the interface security hResult = SetInterfaceSecurity( pEnumClass, pAuthIdentity ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); hResult = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; while( WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == hResult ) { // get the next class hResult = pEnumClass->Next( WBEM_INFINITE , 1, &pClass, &ulReturned ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); if( ulReturned == 0 ) { // No more classes to enumerate // Display N/A if there were no classes if( bGotClass == FALSE ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINE_TABTHREE ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); ShowMessage( stdout, NEW_LINE ); } break; } bGotClass = TRUE; // Get the GPO id bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_GPOID, strTemp, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); StringCopy( szTemp, strTemp.GetBuffer( strTemp.GetLength() ), MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_GPO ) ); GpoName( pNameSpace, szTemp, pAuthIdentity ); // Get the program information bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_PROGRAM, bTemp, FALSE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_PROGRAM_SETTING ) ); if( bTemp == VAR_TRUE ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_YES ) ); } else { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NO ) ); } ShowMessage( stdout, NEW_LINE ); }// while } catch( _com_error & error ) { WMISaveError( error.Error() ); ShowLastErrorEx ( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_INTERNAL ); } // Release the interface pointers SAFEIRELEASE( pEnumClass ); SAFEIRELEASE( pClass ); return; } VOID DisplayIEImpURLS( IN IWbemServices *pNameSpace, IN COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity, IN BOOL bSuperVerbose ) /*++ Routine Description This function displays the information on the important URLs. Arguments: [in] IWbemServices *pNamespace : pointer to IWbemServices. [in] COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity : pointer to the authorization structure [in] BOOL bSuperVerbose : set to TRUE if the super verbose info is to be displayed. Return Value: None --*/ { //sub-local variables HRESULT hResult = S_OK; BOOL bResult = FALSE; BOOL bGotClass = FALSE; ULONG ulReturned = 0; IWbemClassObject *pClass = NULL; IEnumWbemClassObject *pEnumClass = NULL; WCHAR szTemp[ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ]; WCHAR szQueryString [ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ]; CHString strTemp; try { if( pNameSpace == NULL ) { _com_issue_error( STG_E_UNKNOWN ); } SecureZeroMemory( szTemp, sizeof( szTemp ) ); SecureZeroMemory( szQueryString, sizeof( szQueryString ) ); // Form the query string if( bSuperVerbose == TRUE ) { // ennumerate all the classes StringCopy( szTemp, QUERY_SUPER_VERBOSE, MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); StringCchPrintf( szQueryString, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szQueryString), szTemp, CLS_IE_POLICY ); } else { // ennumerate all the classes with precedance = 1 StringCopy( szTemp, QUERY_VERBOSE, MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); StringCchPrintf( szQueryString, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szQueryString), szTemp, CLS_IE_POLICY ); } // Get the pointer to ennumerate with hResult = pNameSpace->ExecQuery( _bstr_t( QUERY_LANGUAGE ), _bstr_t( szQueryString ), WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY | WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY, NULL, &pEnumClass ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); // Set the interface security hResult = SetInterfaceSecurity( pEnumClass, pAuthIdentity ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); hResult = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; while( WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == hResult ) { // get the next class hResult = pEnumClass->Next( WBEM_INFINITE , 1, &pClass, &ulReturned ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); if( ulReturned == 0 ) { // No more classes to enumerate // Display N/A if there were no classes if( bGotClass == FALSE ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINE_TABTHREE ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); ShowMessage( stdout, NEW_LINE ); } break; } bGotClass = TRUE; // Get the GPO id bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_GPOID, strTemp, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); StringCopy( szTemp, strTemp.GetBuffer( strTemp.GetLength() ), MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_GPO ) ); GpoName( pNameSpace, szTemp, pAuthIdentity ); // Get the home page URL bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_HOMEPAGEURL, strTemp, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_HOMEPAGEURL ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, strTemp ); // Get the search bar URL bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_SEARCHBARURL, strTemp, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_SEARCHBARURL ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, strTemp ); // Get the Online Help Page URL bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_HELPPAGEURL, strTemp, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_HELPPAGEURL ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, strTemp ); ShowMessage( stdout, NEW_LINE ); }// while } catch( _com_error & error ) { WMISaveError( error.Error() ); ShowLastErrorEx ( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_INTERNAL ); } catch( CHeap_Exception ) { SetLastError( (DWORD)E_OUTOFMEMORY ); SaveLastError(); ShowLastErrorEx ( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_INTERNAL ); } // Release the interface pointers SAFEIRELEASE( pEnumClass ); SAFEIRELEASE( pClass ); return; } VOID DisplayUserPrivileges( LPCWSTR szServerName, CHString strSid, LPWSTR *szGroups, DWORD dwNoOfGroups ) /*++ Routine Description This function is added to display user security priviliges Arguments: [in] IWbemServices *pNamespace : pointer to IWbemServices. [in] COAUTHIDENTITY *pAuthIdentity : pointer to the authorization structure [in] BOOL bSuperVerbose : set to TRUE if the super verbose info is to be displayed. Return Value: None --*/ { //sub-local variables DWORD dw = 0; WCHAR szPrivilegeDisplayName[MAX_RES_STRING] = L""; DWORD dwDisplayNameSize = MAX_RES_STRING; LSA_HANDLE lsaPolicyHandle = NULL; LSA_UNICODE_STRING lsaSystemName; LSA_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES lsaObjectAttributes; PSID pSid = NULL; ULONG lRightsCount; NTSTATUS ntStatus; WCHAR szBuffer[1024]; DWORD dwLocaleid; LPWSTR szAccountName=NULL; LPLOCALGROUP_USERS_INFO_0 pBuffer=NULL; PLSA_UNICODE_STRING pUserRights=NULL; LPWSTR szTraversedRights=NULL; DWORD cb=0; LPWSTR szTemp = NULL; SecureZeroMemory( &lsaSystemName, sizeof(LSA_UNICODE_STRING)); if( StringLength(szServerName, 0)!=0 ) { dw = StringLength(szServerName, 0); lsaSystemName.Length = (USHORT) dw*sizeof(WCHAR); lsaSystemName.MaximumLength = (USHORT)(dw+1)*sizeof(WCHAR); lsaSystemName.Buffer = (PWSTR)szServerName; } //intialize object attributes SecureZeroMemory( &lsaObjectAttributes, sizeof(lsaObjectAttributes) ); ntStatus = LsaOpenPolicy( &lsaSystemName, &lsaObjectAttributes, POLICY_LOOKUP_NAMES | POLICY_VIEW_LOCAL_INFORMATION, &lsaPolicyHandle ) ; if( STATUS_SUCCESS != ntStatus) { SetLastError( LsaNtStatusToWinError(ntStatus) ); SaveLastError(); ShowLastErrorEx( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_INTERNAL ); return; } //convert string form of sid to sid structure if( 0 == ConvertStringSidToSid( (LPCWSTR)strSid, &pSid ) ) { SaveLastError(); SecureZeroMemory( szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer) ); ShowLastErrorEx( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_INTERNAL ); LsaClose(lsaPolicyHandle); return; } for( dw=0;dwExecQuery( _bstr_t( QUERY_LANGUAGE ), _bstr_t( szQueryString ), WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY | WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY, NULL, &pEnumClass ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); // Set the interface security hResult = SetInterfaceSecurity( pEnumClass, pAuthIdentity ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); // Enumerate the classes one by one and get the data hResult = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; while( WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == hResult ) { // Get the next class hResult = pEnumClass->Next( WBEM_INFINITE , 1, &pClass, &ulReturned ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); if( ulReturned == 0 ) { // No more classes to enumerate // Display N/A if there were no classes if( bGotClass == FALSE ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NEWLINE_TABTHREE ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); ShowMessage( stdout, NEW_LINE ); } break; } bGotClass = TRUE; // Get the script id... bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_SCRIPT_ID, strTemp, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); if( bStartUp && -1 == strTemp.Find(L"Logon")) //script to display is logon { continue; } if( !bStartUp && -1 == strTemp.Find(L"Logoff")) { continue; } // Get the GPO id... bResult = PropertyGet( pClass, CPV_GPOID, strTemp, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); // Display the GPO name StringCopy( szTemp, strTemp, MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_GPO ) ); GpoName( pNameSpace, szTemp, pAuthIdentity ); //get the script name // Get the script list VariantInit( &vVarScript ); hResult = pClass->Get( _bstr_t( CPV_SCRIPTLIST ), 0, &vVarScript, 0, 0 ); CHECK_HRESULT_VAR( hResult, vVarScript ); if( vVarScript.vt != VT_NULL && vVarScript.vt != VT_EMPTY ) { // get the type of the elements in the safe array vartype = (VARTYPE)(V_VT( &vVarScript ) & ~VT_ARRAY); // Get the array of script objects into a safe array safeArray = ( SAFEARRAY * )vVarScript.parray; //get the number of subkeys if( safeArray != NULL ) { hResult = SafeArrayGetLBound( safeArray, 1, &lLBound ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); hResult = SafeArrayGetUBound( safeArray, 1, &lUBound ); CHECK_HRESULT( hResult ); } // Get the identifier values for each sub-key for( ; lLBound <= lUBound; lLBound++ ) { // Get the script object interface pointer... bResult = GetPropertyFromSafeArray( safeArray, lLBound, &pScriptObject, vartype ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); // Get the script... bResult = PropertyGet( pScriptObject, CPV_SCRIPT, strTemp, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NAME ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, strTemp ); // Get the arguments... bResult = PropertyGet( pScriptObject, CPV_ARGUMENTS, strTemp, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_PARAMETERS ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, strTemp ); // Get the execution time... bResult = PropertyGet( pScriptObject, CPV_EXECTIME, strTemp, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_LASTEXECUTED ) ); // Check if the str is zero if( strTemp.Compare( ZERO ) == 0 ) { ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( IDS_NOT_EXECUTED ) ); } else { bResult = PropertyGet( pScriptObject, CPV_EXECTIME, SysTime ); CHECK_BRESULT( bResult ); // verify whether console supports the current locale 100% or not lcid = GetSupportedUserLocale( &bLocaleChanged ); // now format the date GetTimeFormat( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, &SysTime, ((bLocaleChanged == TRUE) ? L"HH:mm:ss" : NULL), szTemp, SIZE_OF_ARRAY( szTemp ) ); ShowMessage( stdout, szTemp ); } ShowMessage( stdout, NEW_LINE ); }//end for safearray } else { ShowMessage( stdout, V_NOT_AVAILABLE ); ShowMessage( stdout, NEW_LINE ); V_VT( &vVarScript ) = VT_EMPTY; } VariantClear(&vVarScript); }// while } catch(_com_error & error) { WMISaveError( error.Error() ); ShowLastErrorEx ( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_INTERNAL ); VariantClear( &vVarScript ); } // release the interface pointers SAFEIRELEASE(pEnumClass); SAFEIRELEASE(pClass); SAFEIRELEASE(pScriptObject); return; }