VERSION 5.00 Object = "{F9043C88-F6F2-101A-A3C9-08002B2F49FB}#1.2#0"; "COMDLG32.OCX" Begin VB.Form frmHHT BorderStyle = 1 'Fixed Single Caption = "Create HHT and CAB" ClientHeight = 4230 ClientLeft = 45 ClientTop = 330 ClientWidth = 6015 LinkTopic = "Form1" MaxButton = 0 'False MinButton = 0 'False ScaleHeight = 4230 ScaleWidth = 6015 StartUpPosition = 3 'Windows Default Begin VB.TextBox txtLanguage Height = 285 Left = 960 TabIndex = 14 Text = "ALL" Top = 3000 Width = 4935 End Begin VB.CommandButton cmdCreate Caption = "Create" Height = 375 Left = 3360 TabIndex = 16 Top = 3720 Width = 1215 End Begin VB.CommandButton cmdCancel Caption = "Cancel" Height = 375 Left = 4680 TabIndex = 17 Top = 3720 Width = 1215 End Begin VB.Frame fraSKU Caption = "SKU" Height = 2295 Left = 120 TabIndex = 3 Top = 600 Width = 5775 Begin VB.OptionButton optSKU Caption = "All" Height = 255 Index = 11 Left = 120 TabIndex = 20 Top = 1920 Width = 2295 End Begin VB.OptionButton optSKU Caption = "Server" Height = 255 Index = 10 Left = 3000 TabIndex = 19 Top = 1560 Width = 2295 End Begin VB.OptionButton optSKU Caption = "Desktop" Height = 255 Index = 9 Left = 120 TabIndex = 18 Top = 1560 Width = 2295 End Begin VB.OptionButton optSKU Caption = "Windows Me" Height = 255 Index = 0 Left = 120 TabIndex = 4 Top = 240 Width = 2295 End Begin VB.OptionButton optSKU Caption = "64-bit Datacenter Server" Height = 255 Index = 8 Left = 3000 TabIndex = 12 Top = 1200 Width = 2295 End Begin VB.OptionButton optSKU Caption = "64-bit Advanced Server" Height = 255 Index = 6 Left = 3000 TabIndex = 10 Top = 720 Width = 2295 End Begin VB.OptionButton optSKU Caption = "64-bit Professional" Height = 255 Index = 3 Left = 120 TabIndex = 7 Top = 960 Width = 2295 End Begin VB.OptionButton optSKU Caption = "32-bit Datacenter Server" Height = 255 Index = 7 Left = 3000 TabIndex = 11 Top = 960 Width = 2295 End Begin VB.OptionButton optSKU Caption = "32-bit Advanced Server" Height = 255 Index = 5 Left = 3000 TabIndex = 9 Top = 480 Width = 2295 End Begin VB.OptionButton optSKU Caption = "32-bit Server" Height = 255 Index = 4 Left = 3000 TabIndex = 8 Top = 240 Width = 2295 End Begin VB.OptionButton optSKU Caption = "32-bit Professional" Height = 255 Index = 2 Left = 120 TabIndex = 6 Top = 720 Width = 2295 End Begin VB.OptionButton optSKU Caption = "32-bit Personal" Height = 255 Index = 1 Left = 120 TabIndex = 5 Top = 480 Width = 2295 End End Begin VB.CommandButton cmdBrowse Caption = "..." Height = 315 Left = 5520 TabIndex = 2 Top = 120 Width = 375 End Begin VB.TextBox txtName Height = 315 Left = 1080 TabIndex = 1 Tag = "1" Top = 120 Width = 4335 End Begin MSComDlg.CommonDialog dlgFileOpen Left = 120 Top = 3720 _ExtentX = 847 _ExtentY = 847 _Version = 393216 End Begin VB.Label lblLanguage Caption = "Language:" Height = 255 Left = 120 TabIndex = 13 Top = 3000 Width = 855 End Begin VB.Label lblStatus BorderStyle = 1 'Fixed Single Caption = "Entry #1 created" Height = 255 Left = 120 TabIndex = 15 Tag = "1" Top = 3360 Width = 5775 End Begin VB.Label lblName Caption = "File Name:" Height = 255 Left = 120 TabIndex = 0 Top = 120 Width = 855 End End Attribute VB_Name = "frmHHT" Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False Attribute VB_Creatable = False Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True Attribute VB_Exposed = False Option Explicit Private Const DATE_FORMAT_C As String = "Short Date" Private WithEvents p_clsHHT As AuthDatabase.HHT Attribute p_clsHHT.VB_VarHelpID = -1 Private Enum SKU_INDEX_E SI_WINDOWS_MILLENNIUM_E = 0 SI_STANDARD_E = 1 SI_PROFESSIONAL_E = 2 SI_PROFESSIONAL_64_E = 3 SI_SERVER_E = 4 SI_ADVANCED_SERVER_E = 5 SI_ADVANCED_SERVER_64_E = 6 SI_DATA_CENTER_SERVER_E = 7 SI_DATA_CENTER_SERVER_64_E = 8 SI_DESKTOP_ALL_E = 9 SI_SERVER_ALL_E = 10 SI_ALL_E = 11 End Enum Private Const FILE_FILTER_CAB_C As String = "CAB File (*.cab)|*.cab" Private p_blnCreating As Boolean Private p_blnCancelHHTCreation As Boolean Private Sub Form_Load() Set p_clsHHT = g_AuthDatabase.HHT p_blnCreating = False p_blnCancelHHTCreation = False p_SetToolTips SetFontInternal Me End Sub Private Sub Form_Activate() optSKU(SI_STANDARD_E).Value = True lblStatus = "" p_DisableCreate cmdCreate.Default = True cmdCancel.Cancel = True End Sub Private Sub Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer) If (p_blnCreating) Then cmdCancel_Click Cancel = True End If End Sub Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) Set p_clsHHT = Nothing End Sub Private Sub txtName_Change() If (txtName = "") Then p_DisableCreate Else p_EnableCreate End If End Sub Private Sub cmdBrowse_Click() On Error GoTo LErrorHandler dlgFileOpen.CancelError = True dlgFileOpen.Flags = cdlOFNHideReadOnly dlgFileOpen.Filter = FILE_FILTER_CAB_C dlgFileOpen.ShowSave txtName = dlgFileOpen.FileName LEnd: Exit Sub LErrorHandler: GoTo LEnd End Sub Sub cmdCreate_Click() Dim strName As String On Error GoTo LErrorHandler p_blnCreating = True p_DisableEverythingExceptCancel p_clsHHT.GenerateCAB txtName, p_GetSelectedSKU, txtLanguage LEnd: p_blnCreating = False p_Exit Exit Sub LErrorHandler: Select Case Err.Number Case cdlCancel, errCancel ' Nothing. The user cancelled. Case errDatabaseVersionIncompatible DisplayDatabaseVersionError Case errProductIdOrVersionMissing MsgBox "The Product ID or Product Version is missing. " & _ "Please configure these values by selecting Tools/Parameters.", vbExclamation + vbOKOnly Case Else g_ErrorInfo.SetInfoAndDump "cmdCreate_Click" End Select GoTo LEnd End Sub Private Sub cmdCancel_Click() If (p_blnCreating) Then p_blnCreating = False p_blnCancelHHTCreation = True p_DisableCancel Else p_Exit End If End Sub Private Sub p_clsHHT_ReportStatus(ByVal strStatus As String, ByRef blnCancel As Boolean) lblStatus = strStatus DoEvents If (p_blnCancelHHTCreation) Then blnCancel = True p_Exit End If End Sub Private Function p_GetSelectedSKU() As SKU_E If (optSKU(SI_STANDARD_E).Value) Then p_GetSelectedSKU = SKU_STANDARD_E ElseIf (optSKU(SI_PROFESSIONAL_E).Value) Then p_GetSelectedSKU = SKU_PROFESSIONAL_E ElseIf (optSKU(SI_SERVER_E).Value) Then p_GetSelectedSKU = SKU_SERVER_E ElseIf (optSKU(SI_ADVANCED_SERVER_E).Value) Then p_GetSelectedSKU = SKU_ADVANCED_SERVER_E ElseIf (optSKU(SI_DATA_CENTER_SERVER_E).Value) Then p_GetSelectedSKU = SKU_DATA_CENTER_SERVER_E ElseIf (optSKU(SI_PROFESSIONAL_64_E).Value) Then p_GetSelectedSKU = SKU_PROFESSIONAL_64_E ElseIf (optSKU(SI_ADVANCED_SERVER_64_E).Value) Then p_GetSelectedSKU = SKU_ADVANCED_SERVER_64_E ElseIf (optSKU(SI_DATA_CENTER_SERVER_64_E).Value) Then p_GetSelectedSKU = SKU_DATA_CENTER_SERVER_64_E ElseIf (optSKU(SI_WINDOWS_MILLENNIUM_E).Value) Then p_GetSelectedSKU = SKU_WINDOWS_MILLENNIUM_E ElseIf (optSKU(SI_SERVER_ALL_E).Value) Then p_GetSelectedSKU = SKU_SERVER_ALL_E ElseIf (optSKU(SI_DESKTOP_ALL_E).Value) Then p_GetSelectedSKU = SKU_DESKTOP_ALL_E ElseIf (optSKU(SI_ALL_E).Value) Then p_GetSelectedSKU = SKU_ALL_E End If End Function Private Sub p_Exit() Set frmHHT = Nothing Unload Me End Sub Private Sub p_EnableCreate() cmdCreate.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub p_DisableCreate() cmdCreate.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub p_DisableCancel() cmdCancel.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub p_DisableEverythingExceptCancel() Dim optIndex As Long lblName.Enabled = False txtName.Enabled = False cmdBrowse.Enabled = False fraSKU.Enabled = False For optIndex = optSKU.LBound To optSKU.UBound optSKU(optIndex).Enabled = False Next p_DisableCreate End Sub Private Sub p_SetToolTips() lblName.ToolTipText = "Type the path and name of the CAB file to create." txtName.ToolTipText = lblName.ToolTipText fraSKU.ToolTipText = "Select the desired SKU for which to create the file." End Sub