Set outputfilename=output.bat
Set inputfilename=list.txt

if exist %outputfilename% del %outputfilename%

    REM -----
    REM set test parms
    REM -----
    set signspc=\"test.spc\"
    set signpvk=\"TestKey\"

    if exist %signspc% 	del %signspc%

    REM -----
    REM create and use test credentials
    REM -----
    makecert -u:TestKey -n:CN=TestCompany test.cer    
    Cert2Spc test.cer test.spc

    REM -----
    REM create output.bat with the signcode statements
    REM -----
    exptext %inputfilename% %outputfilename% "signcode -spc %signspc% -pvk %signpvk% -prog" -name -info

    REM -----
    REM Turn ON the switch to ensure WinVerifyTrust can verify test roots
    REM -----
    setreg.exe 1 True

pause "hit any key to continue..."

REM -----
REM Output.bat contains the signcode statements
REM -----
call output.bat

pause "hit any key to continue..."

REM -----
REM run chktrust to ensure batch file worked
REM leeg: note that this change assumes list.txt is properly filled in and formatted.
REM -----
awk -f check.awk < list.txt > check.bat
call check.bat