Function EngMgrOnComplete(lSucceeded) wscript.echo "EngMgrOnComplete Succeeded :" & lSucceeded end Function Function WrapperOnProgress(lDone, lTotal) wscript.echo "WrapperOnProgress Done :" & lDone & " Total : " & lTotal end Function Function WrapperOnComplete(lSucceeded) wscript.echo "WrapperOnComplete Succeeded :" & lSucceeded end Function Dim objSEMgr ' ' Create the object ' set objSEMgr = wscript.CreateObject("Semgr.PCHSEManager") ' ' Call Init ' objSEMgr.Init() ' ' Set up the variables ' objSeMgr.sNumResult = 10 objSeMgr.bstrQueryString = "This is a test query string" ' ' Set up the callback function for the search engine manager ' objSeMgr.OnComplete = EngMgrOnComplete ' ' Set up the callback functions for the wrappers ' set objSECollection = objSEMgr.EnumEngine for each objSE in objSECollection objSE.OnComplete = WrapperOnComplete objSE.OnProgress = WrapperOnProgress next ' ' Execute the query ' objSeMgr.ExecuteAsynchQuery ' ' Loop through and get the results ' for each objSE in objSECollection wscript.echo "Search Engine Name :" & objSE.bstrName wscript.echo "Search Engine Description :" & objSE.bstrDescription set objResult = objSE.Result for each objItem in objResult wscript.echo " bstrImageURL :" & objItem.bstrImageURL wscript.echo " bstrTaxonomy :" & objItem.bstrTaxonomy wscript.echo " bstrTitle :" & objItem.bstrTitle wscript.echo " URI :" & objItem.bstrURI wscript.echo " dRank :" & objItem.dRank wscript.echo " sHits :" & objItem.sHits wscript.echo " sIndex :" & objItem.sIndex wscript.echo " sType :" & objItem.sType wscript.echo "" next next