//+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Microsoft Windows // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 2000-2002. // // File: SaferEntryPathPropertyPage.cpp // // Contents: Implementation of CSaferEntryPathPropertyPage // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SaferEntryPathPropertyPage.cpp : implementation file // #include "stdafx.h" #include #include "certmgr.h" #include "compdata.h" #include "SaferEntryPathPropertyPage.h" #include "SaferUtil.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CSaferEntryPathPropertyPage property page CSaferEntryPathPropertyPage::CSaferEntryPathPropertyPage( CSaferEntry& rSaferEntry, LONG_PTR lNotifyHandle, LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, bool bReadOnly, bool bNew, CCertMgrComponentData* pCompData, bool bIsMachine, bool* pbObjectCreated /* = 0 */) : CSaferPropertyPage(CSaferEntryPathPropertyPage::IDD, pbObjectCreated, pCompData, rSaferEntry, bNew, lNotifyHandle, pDataObject, bReadOnly, bIsMachine), m_bFirst (true), m_pidl (0), m_bDialogInitInProgress (false) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CSaferEntryPathPropertyPage) // NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here //}}AFX_DATA_INIT } CSaferEntryPathPropertyPage::~CSaferEntryPathPropertyPage() { if ( m_pidl ) { LPMALLOC pMalloc = 0; if ( SUCCEEDED (SHGetMalloc (&pMalloc)) ) { pMalloc->Free (m_pidl); pMalloc->Release (); } } } void CSaferEntryPathPropertyPage::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CSaferPropertyPage::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CSaferEntryPathPropertyPage) DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_PATH_ENTRY_DESCRIPTION, m_descriptionEdit); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_PATH_ENTRY_PATH, m_pathEdit); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_PATH_ENTRY_SECURITY_LEVEL, m_securityLevelCombo); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP } BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CSaferEntryPathPropertyPage, CSaferPropertyPage) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CSaferEntryPathPropertyPage) ON_EN_CHANGE(IDC_PATH_ENTRY_DESCRIPTION, OnChangePathEntryDescription) ON_CBN_SELCHANGE(IDC_PATH_ENTRY_SECURITY_LEVEL, OnSelchangePathEntrySecurityLevel) ON_EN_CHANGE(IDC_PATH_ENTRY_PATH, OnChangePathEntryPath) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_PATH_ENTRY_BROWSE, OnPathEntryBrowse) ON_EN_SETFOCUS(IDC_PATH_ENTRY_PATH, OnSetfocusPathEntryPath) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CSaferEntryPathPropertyPage message handlers void CSaferEntryPathPropertyPage::DoContextHelp (HWND hWndControl) { _TRACE (1, L"Entering CSaferEntryPathPropertyPage::DoContextHelp\n"); static const DWORD help_map[] = { IDC_PATH_ENTRY_PATH, IDH_PATH_ENTRY_PATH, IDC_PATH_ENTRY_SECURITY_LEVEL, IDH_PATH_ENTRY_SECURITY_LEVEL, IDC_PATH_ENTRY_DESCRIPTION, IDH_PATH_ENTRY_DESCRIPTION, IDC_PATH_ENTRY_LAST_MODIFIED, IDH_PATH_ENTRY_LAST_MODIFIED, IDC_PATH_ENTRY_BROWSE, IDH_PATH_ENTRY_BROWSE_FOLDER, 0, 0 }; switch (::GetDlgCtrlID (hWndControl)) { case IDC_PATH_ENTRY_PATH: case IDC_PATH_ENTRY_SECURITY_LEVEL: case IDC_PATH_ENTRY_DESCRIPTION: case IDC_PATH_ENTRY_LAST_MODIFIED: case IDC_PATH_ENTRY_BROWSE: if ( !::WinHelp ( hWndControl, GetF1HelpFilename(), HELP_WM_HELP, (DWORD_PTR) help_map) ) { _TRACE (0, L"WinHelp () failed: 0x%x\n", GetLastError ()); } break; default: break; } _TRACE (-1, L"Leaving CSaferEntryPathPropertyPage::DoContextHelp\n"); } BOOL CSaferEntryPathPropertyPage::OnInitDialog() { CSaferPropertyPage::OnInitDialog(); m_bDialogInitInProgress = true; // NTRAID# 456950 SAFER: Path text box on new path rule property sheet // accepts more than MAX_PATH characters. SendDlgItemMessage (IDC_PATH_ENTRY_PATH, EM_LIMITTEXT, MAX_PATH-1, 0); if ( m_bDirty ) // bNew { GetDlgItem (IDC_DATE_LAST_MODIFIED_LABEL)->ShowWindow (SW_HIDE); GetDlgItem (IDC_PATH_ENTRY_LAST_MODIFIED)->ShowWindow (SW_HIDE); } else { CString szText; VERIFY (szText.LoadString (IDS_PATH_TITLE)); SetDlgItemText (IDC_PATH_TITLE, szText); } ASSERT (m_pCompData); if ( m_pCompData ) { CPolicyKey policyKey (m_pCompData->m_pGPEInformation, SAFER_HKLM_REGBASE, m_bIsMachine); InitializeSecurityLevelComboBox (m_securityLevelCombo, false, m_rSaferEntry.GetLevel (), policyKey.GetKey (), m_pCompData->m_pdwSaferLevels, m_bIsMachine); // Initialize path _TRACE (0, L"Getting path: %s\n", (PCWSTR) m_rSaferEntry.GetPath ()); m_pathEdit.SetWindowText (m_rSaferEntry.GetPath ()); // Initialize description m_descriptionEdit.SetLimitText (SAFER_MAX_DESCRIPTION_SIZE-1); m_descriptionEdit.SetWindowText (m_rSaferEntry.GetDescription ()); SetDlgItemText (IDC_PATH_ENTRY_LAST_MODIFIED, m_rSaferEntry.GetLongLastModified ()); if ( m_bReadOnly ) { m_pathEdit.SetReadOnly (); m_descriptionEdit.SetReadOnly (); m_securityLevelCombo.EnableWindow (FALSE); GetDlgItem (IDC_PATH_ENTRY_BROWSE)->EnableWindow (FALSE); } } m_bDialogInitInProgress = false; return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE } BOOL CSaferEntryPathPropertyPage::OnApply() { if ( m_bDirty && !m_bReadOnly ) { if ( !ValidateEntryPath () ) return FALSE; // Set the level int nCurSel = m_securityLevelCombo.GetCurSel (); ASSERT (CB_ERR != nCurSel); m_rSaferEntry.SetLevel ((DWORD) m_securityLevelCombo.GetItemData (nCurSel)); CString szText; m_pathEdit.GetWindowText (szText); if ( szText.IsEmpty () ) { CString text; CString caption; CThemeContextActivator activator; VERIFY (caption.LoadString (IDS_SAFER_WINDOWS_NODE_NAME)); VERIFY (text.LoadString (IDS_SAFER_PATH_EMPTY)); MessageBox (text, caption, MB_OK); m_pathEdit.SetFocus (); return FALSE; } m_rSaferEntry.SetPath (szText); m_descriptionEdit.GetWindowText (szText); m_rSaferEntry.SetDescription (szText); HRESULT hr = m_rSaferEntry.Save (); if ( SUCCEEDED (hr) ) { if ( m_lNotifyHandle ) MMCPropertyChangeNotify ( m_lNotifyHandle, // handle to a notification (LPARAM) m_pDataObject); // unique identifier if ( m_pbObjectCreated ) *m_pbObjectCreated = true; m_bDirty = false; // NTRAID# 462382 SAFER: Apply button doesn't update date last // modified on rules property sheets. m_rSaferEntry.Refresh (); GetDlgItem (IDC_DATE_LAST_MODIFIED_LABEL)->ShowWindow (SW_SHOW); GetDlgItem (IDC_PATH_ENTRY_LAST_MODIFIED)->ShowWindow (SW_SHOW); GetDlgItem (IDC_DATE_LAST_MODIFIED_LABEL)->UpdateWindow (); GetDlgItem (IDC_PATH_ENTRY_LAST_MODIFIED)->UpdateWindow (); SetDlgItemText (IDC_PATH_ENTRY_LAST_MODIFIED, m_rSaferEntry.GetLongLastModified ()); } else { CString text; CString caption; CThemeContextActivator activator; VERIFY (caption.LoadString (IDS_SAFER_WINDOWS_NODE_NAME)); text.FormatMessage (IDS_ERROR_SAVING_ENTRY, GetSystemMessage (hr)); MessageBox (text, caption, MB_OK); return FALSE; } } return CSaferPropertyPage::OnApply(); } void CSaferEntryPathPropertyPage::OnChangePathEntryDescription() { if ( !m_bDialogInitInProgress ) { m_bDirty = true; SetModified (); } } void CSaferEntryPathPropertyPage::OnSelchangePathEntrySecurityLevel() { if ( !m_bDialogInitInProgress ) { m_bDirty = true; SetModified (); } } void CSaferEntryPathPropertyPage::OnChangePathEntryPath() { if ( !m_bDialogInitInProgress ) { m_bDirty = true; SetModified (); } } //+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: BrowseCallbackProc // // Synopsis: Callback procedure for File & Folder adding SHBrowseForFolder // to set the title bar appropriately // // Arguments: [hwnd] - the hwnd of the browse dialog // [uMsg] - the message from the dialog // [lParam] - message dependant // [pData] - PIDL from last successful call to SHBrowseForFolder // // Returns: 0 // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CSaferEntryPathPropertyPage::BrowseCallbackProc (HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, LPARAM /*lParam*/, LPARAM pData) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); switch(uMsg) { case BFFM_INITIALIZED: { CString szTitle; VERIFY (szTitle.LoadString (IDS_SHBROWSEFORFOLDER_TITLE)); ::SetWindowText (hwnd, szTitle); if ( pData ) ::SendMessage (hwnd, BFFM_SETSELECTION, FALSE, pData); } break; default: break; } return 0; } void CSaferEntryPathPropertyPage::OnPathEntryBrowse() { _TRACE (1, L"Entering CSaferEntryPathPropertyPage::OnPathEntryBrowse()\n"); CString szTitle; VERIFY (szTitle.LoadString (IDS_SELECT_A_FOLDER)); WCHAR szDisplayName[MAX_PATH]; BROWSEINFO bi; // security review 2/25/2002 BryanWal ok ::ZeroMemory (&bi, sizeof (bi)); bi.hwndOwner = m_hWnd; bi.pidlRoot = 0; bi.pszDisplayName = szDisplayName; bi.lpszTitle = szTitle; bi.ulFlags = BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS | BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE | BIF_VALIDATE | BIF_BROWSEINCLUDEFILES; bi.lpfn = BrowseCallbackProc; bi.lParam = (LPARAM) m_pidl; bi.iImage = 0; // security review 2/25/2002 BryanWal ok // NOTICE: MSDN affirms size of pszDisplayName buffer is assumed to be MAX_PATH LPITEMIDLIST pidl = ::SHBrowseForFolder (&bi); if ( pidl ) { CString szFolderPath; BOOL bRVal = ::SHGetPathFromIDList (pidl, szFolderPath.GetBuffer (MAX_PATH)); szFolderPath.ReleaseBuffer(); if ( bRVal ) { LPMALLOC pMalloc = 0; if ( SUCCEEDED (SHGetMalloc (&pMalloc)) ) { if ( m_pidl ) pMalloc->Free (m_pidl); pMalloc->Release (); m_pidl = pidl; } m_pathEdit.SetWindowText (szFolderPath); m_bDirty = true; SetModified (); } } _TRACE (-1, L"Leaving CSaferEntryPathPropertyPage::OnPathEntryBrowse()\n"); } bool CSaferEntryPathPropertyPage::ValidateEntryPath() { bool bRVal = true; CString szPath; m_pathEdit.GetWindowText (szPath); PCWSTR szInvalidCharSet = ILLEGAL_FAT_CHARS; if ( -1 != szPath.FindOneOf (szInvalidCharSet) ) { bRVal = false; CString text; CString caption; VERIFY (caption.LoadString (IDS_SAFER_WINDOWS_NODE_NAME)); CString charsWithSpaces; UINT nIndex = 0; while (szInvalidCharSet[nIndex]) { charsWithSpaces += szInvalidCharSet[nIndex]; charsWithSpaces += L" "; nIndex++; } text.FormatMessage (IDS_SAFER_PATH_CONTAINS_INVALID_CHARS, charsWithSpaces); CThemeContextActivator activator; MessageBox (text, caption, MB_OK); m_pathEdit.SetFocus (); } return bRVal; } void CSaferEntryPathPropertyPage::OnSetfocusPathEntryPath() { if ( m_bFirst ) { if ( true == m_bReadOnly ) SendDlgItemMessage (IDC_PATH_ENTRY_PATH, EM_SETSEL, (WPARAM) 0, 0); m_bFirst = false; } }