/*++ Module Name: ICompont.cpp Abstract: This module contains the IComponent Interface implementation for Dfs Admin snapin, Implementation for the CDfsSnapinResultManager class --*/ #include "stdafx.h" #include "DfsGUI.h" #include "DfsCore.h" // For IDfsRoot #include "DfsScope.h" // For CDfsScopeManager #include "DfsReslt.h" // IComponent and other declarations #include "MMCAdmin.h" // For CMMCDfsAdmin #include "Utils.h" #include STDMETHODIMP CDfsSnapinResultManager::Initialize( IN LPCONSOLE i_lpConsole ) /*++ Routine Description: Initializes the Icomponent interface. Allows the interface to save pointers, interfaces that are required later. Arguments: i_lpConsole - Pointer to the IConsole object. --*/ { RETURN_INVALIDARG_IF_NULL(i_lpConsole); HRESULT hr = i_lpConsole->QueryInterface(IID_IConsole2, reinterpret_cast(&m_pConsole)); RETURN_IF_FAILED(hr); hr = i_lpConsole->QueryInterface(IID_IHeaderCtrl2, reinterpret_cast(&m_pHeader)); RETURN_IF_FAILED(hr); hr = i_lpConsole->QueryInterface (IID_IResultData, (void**)&m_pResultData); RETURN_IF_FAILED(hr); hr = i_lpConsole->QueryConsoleVerb(&m_pConsoleVerb); return hr; } STDMETHODIMP CDfsSnapinResultManager::Notify( IN LPDATAOBJECT i_lpDataObject, IN MMC_NOTIFY_TYPE i_Event, IN LPARAM i_lArg, IN LPARAM i_lParam ) /*++ Routine Description: Handles different events in form of notify Arguments: i_lpDataObject - The data object for the node for which the event occured i_Event - The type of event for which notify has occurred i_lArg - Argument for the event i_lParam - Parameters for the event. --*/ { // The snap-in should return S_FALSE for any notification it does not handle. // MMC then performs a default operation for the notification. HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; switch(i_Event) { case MMCN_SHOW: { // The notification is sent to the snap-in's IComponent implementation // when a scope item is selected or deselected. // // arg: TRUE if selecting. Indicates that the snap-in should set up the // result pane and add the enumerated items. FALSE if deselecting. // Indicates that the snap-in is going out of focus and that it // should clean up all result item cookies, because the current // result pane will be replaced by a new one. // param: The HSCOPEITEM of the selected or deselected item. hr = DoNotifyShow(i_lpDataObject, i_lArg, i_lParam); break; } case MMCN_ADD_IMAGES: { // The MMCN_ADD_IMAGES notification is sent to the snap-in's IComponent // implementation to add images for the result pane. // // lpDataObject: [in] Pointer to the data object of the currently selected scope item. // arg: Pointer to the result pane's image list (IImageList). // This pointer is valid only while the specific MMCN_ADD_IMAGES notification is // being processed and should not be stored for later use. Additionally, the // snap-in must not call the Release method of IImageList because MMC is responsible // for releasing it. // param: Specifies the HSCOPEITEM of the currently selected scope item. The snap-in // can use this parameter to add images that apply specifically to the result // items of this scope item, or the snap-in can ignore this parameter and add // all possible images. CMmcDisplay* pCMmcDisplayObj = NULL; hr = m_pScopeManager->GetDisplayObject(i_lpDataObject, &pCMmcDisplayObj); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = pCMmcDisplayObj->OnAddImages((IImageList *)i_lArg, (HSCOPEITEM)i_lParam); break; } case MMCN_SELECT: { // The MMCN_SELECT notification is sent to the snap-in's IComponent::Notify // or IExtendControlbar::ControlbarNotify method when an item is selected in // either the scope pane or result pane. // // lpDataObject: [in] Pointer to the data object of the currently // selected/deselected scope pane or result item. // arg: BOOL bScope = (BOOL) LOWORD(arg); BOOL bSelect = (BOOL) HIWORD(arg); // bScope is TRUE if the selected item is a scope item, or FALSE if // the selected item is a result item. For bScope = TRUE, MMC does // not provide information about whether the scope item is selected // in the scope pane or in the result pane. bSelect is TRUE if the // item is selected, or FALSE if the item is deselected. // param: ignored. hr = DoNotifySelect(i_lpDataObject, i_lArg, i_lParam); break; } case MMCN_DBLCLICK: // Ask MMC to use the default verb. Non documented feature { // The MMCN_DBLCLICK notification is sent to the snap-in's IComponent // implementation when a user double-clicks a mouse button on a list // view item or on a scope item in the result pane. Pressing enter // while the list item or scope item has focus in the list view also // generates an MMCN_DBLCLICK notification message. // // lpDataObject: [in] Pointer to the data object of the currently selected item. // arg: Not used. // param: Not used. CMmcDisplay* pCMmcDisplayObj = NULL; hr = m_pScopeManager->GetDisplayObject(i_lpDataObject, &pCMmcDisplayObj); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = pCMmcDisplayObj->DoDblClick(); break; } case MMCN_DELETE: // Delete the node. Time to remove item { // The MMCN_DELETE notification message is sent to the snap-in's IComponent // and IComponentData implementations to inform the snap-in that the object // should be deleted. This message is generated when the user presses the // delete key or uses the mouse to click the toolbar's delete button. The // snap-in should delete the items specified in the data object. // // lpDataObject: [in] Pointer to the data object of the currently selected // scope or result item, provided by the snap-in. // arg: Not used. // param: Not used. CMmcDisplay* pCMmcDisplayObj = NULL; hr = m_pScopeManager->GetDisplayObject(i_lpDataObject, &pCMmcDisplayObj); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = pCMmcDisplayObj->DoDelete(); // Delete the the item. break; } case MMCN_SNAPINHELP: case MMCN_CONTEXTHELP: { // The MMCN_CONTEXTHELP notification message is sent to the snap-in's // IComponent implementation when the user requests help about a selected // item by pressing the F1 key or Help button. A snap-in responds to // MMCN_CONTEXTHELP by displaying a Help topic for the particular context // by calling the IDisplayHelp::ShowTopic method. // // lpDataObject: [in] Pointer to the data object of the currently selected // scope or result item. // arg: Zero. // param: Zero. hr = DfsHelp(); break; } case MMCN_VIEW_CHANGE: { // The MMCN_VIEW_CHANGE notification message is sent to the snap-in's // IComponent implementation so it can update the view when a change occurs. // This notification is generated when the snap-in (IComponent or IComponentData) // calls IConsole2::UpdateAllViews. // // lpDataObject: [in] Pointer to the data object passed to IConsole::UpdateAllViews. // arg: [in] The data parameter passed to IConsole::UpdateAllViews. // param: [in] The hint parameter passed to IConsole::UpdateAllViews. hr = DoNotifyViewChange(i_lpDataObject, (LONG_PTR)i_lArg, (LONG_PTR)i_lParam); break; } case MMCN_REFRESH: { // The MMCN_REFRESH notification message is sent to a snap-in's IComponent // implementation when the refresh verb is selected. Refresh can be invoked // through the context menu, through the toolbar, or by pressing F5. // // lpDataObject: [in] Pointer to the data object of the currently selected scope item. // arg: Not used. // param: Not used. CMmcDisplay* pCMmcDisplayObj = NULL; hr = m_pScopeManager->GetDisplayObject(i_lpDataObject, &pCMmcDisplayObj); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) (void)pCMmcDisplayObj->OnRefresh(); break; } default: break; } return hr; } STDMETHODIMP CDfsSnapinResultManager::DoNotifyShow( IN LPDATAOBJECT i_lpDataObject, IN BOOL i_bShow, IN HSCOPEITEM i_hParent ) /*++ Routine Description: Take action on Notify with the event MMCN_SHOW. Do add the column headers to result pane and add items to result pane. Arguments: i_lpDataObject - The IDataObject pointer which identifies the node for which the event is taking place i_bShow - TRUE, if the node is being showed. FALSE otherwise i_hParent - HSCOPEITEM of the node that received this event --*/ { RETURN_INVALIDARG_IF_NULL(i_lpDataObject); m_pSelectScopeDisplayObject = NULL; if(FALSE == i_bShow) // If the item is being deselected. return S_OK; // This node is being shown. CMmcDisplay* pCMmcDisplayObj = NULL; HRESULT hr = m_pScopeManager->GetDisplayObject(i_lpDataObject, &pCMmcDisplayObj); RETURN_IF_FAILED(hr); m_pSelectScopeDisplayObject = pCMmcDisplayObj; DISPLAY_OBJECT_TYPE DisplayObType = pCMmcDisplayObj->GetDisplayObjectType(); if (DISPLAY_OBJECT_TYPE_ADMIN == DisplayObType) { CComPtr spUnknown; hr = m_pConsole->QueryResultView(&spUnknown); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CComPtr spMessageView; hr = spUnknown->QueryInterface(IID_IMessageView, (PVOID*)&spMessageView); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CComBSTR bstrTitleText; CComBSTR bstrBodyText; LoadStringFromResource(IDS_APPLICATION_NAME, &bstrTitleText); LoadStringFromResource(IDS_MSG_DFS_INTRO, &bstrBodyText); spMessageView->SetTitleText(bstrTitleText); spMessageView->SetBodyText(bstrBodyText); spMessageView->SetIcon(Icon_Information); } } return hr; } CWaitCursor WaitCursor; hr = pCMmcDisplayObj->SetColumnHeader(m_pHeader); // Call the method SetColumnHeader in the Display callback if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = pCMmcDisplayObj->EnumerateResultPane (m_pResultData); // Add the items to the Result pane return hr; } STDMETHODIMP CDfsSnapinResultManager::Destroy( IN MMC_COOKIE i_lCookie ) /*++ Routine Description: The IComponent object is about to be destroyed. Explicitely release all interface pointers, otherwise, MMC may not call the destructor. Arguments: None. --*/ { m_pHeader.Release(); m_pResultData.Release(); m_pConsoleVerb.Release(); m_pConsole.Release(); m_pControlbar.Release(); m_pMMCAdminToolBar.Release(); m_pMMCRootToolBar.Release(); m_pMMCJPToolBar.Release(); m_pMMCReplicaToolBar.Release(); return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP CDfsSnapinResultManager::GetResultViewType( IN MMC_COOKIE i_lCookie, OUT LPOLESTR* o_ppViewType, OUT LPLONG o_lpViewOptions ) /*++ Routine Description: Used to describe to MMC the type of view the result pane has. --*/ { RETURN_INVALIDARG_IF_NULL(o_lpViewOptions); // The callee (snap-in) allocates the view type string using the COM API function // CoTaskMemAlloc and the caller (MMC) frees it using CoTaskMemFree. if (i_lCookie == 0) // the static node { *o_lpViewOptions = MMC_VIEW_OPTIONS_NOLISTVIEWS; StringFromCLSID(CLSID_MessageView, o_ppViewType); return S_OK; } *o_lpViewOptions = MMC_VIEW_OPTIONS_NONE | MMC_VIEW_OPTIONS_EXCLUDE_SCOPE_ITEMS_FROM_LIST; // Use the default list view *o_ppViewType = NULL; return S_FALSE; // return S_FALSE if a standard list view should be used. } STDMETHODIMP CDfsSnapinResultManager::QueryDataObject( IN MMC_COOKIE i_lCookie, IN DATA_OBJECT_TYPES i_DataObjectType, OUT LPDATAOBJECT* o_ppDataObject ) /*++ Routine Description: Returns the IDataObject for the specified node. --*/ { return m_pScopeManager->QueryDataObject(i_lCookie, i_DataObjectType, o_ppDataObject); } STDMETHODIMP CDfsSnapinResultManager::GetDisplayInfo( IN OUT RESULTDATAITEM* io_pResultDataItem ) /*++ Routine Description: Returns the display information being asked for by MMC. Arguments: io_pResultDataItem - Contains details about what information is being asked for. The information being asked is returned in this object itself. --*/ { RETURN_INVALIDARG_IF_NULL(io_pResultDataItem); RETURN_INVALIDARG_IF_NULL(io_pResultDataItem->lParam); return ((CMmcDisplay*)(io_pResultDataItem->lParam))->GetResultDisplayInfo(io_pResultDataItem); } STDMETHODIMP CDfsSnapinResultManager::CompareObjects( IN LPDATAOBJECT i_lpDataObjectA, IN LPDATAOBJECT i_lpDataObjectB ) { return m_pScopeManager->CompareObjects(i_lpDataObjectA, i_lpDataObjectB); } STDMETHODIMP CDfsSnapinResultManager::DoNotifySelect( IN LPDATAOBJECT i_lpDataObject, IN BOOL i_bSelect, IN HSCOPEITEM i_hParent ) /*++ Routine Description: Take action on Notify with the event MMCN_SELECT. Calling the Display object method to set the console verbs like Copy\Paste\Properties, etc Arguments: i_lpDataObject - The IDataObject pointer which is used to get the DisplayObject. i_bSelect - Used to identify whether the item is in scope and if the item is being selected or deselected i_hParent - Not used. --*/ { RETURN_INVALIDARG_IF_NULL(i_lpDataObject); if (DOBJ_CUSTOMOCX == i_lpDataObject) return S_OK; HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL bSelected = HIWORD(i_bSelect); if (TRUE == bSelected) { CMmcDisplay* pCMmcDisplayObj = NULL; hr = m_pScopeManager->GetDisplayObject(i_lpDataObject, &pCMmcDisplayObj); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Set MMC Console verbs like Cut\Paste\Properties, etc if ((IConsoleVerb *)m_pConsoleVerb) pCMmcDisplayObj->SetConsoleVerbs(m_pConsoleVerb); // Set the text in the description bar above the result view pCMmcDisplayObj->SetDescriptionBarText(m_pResultData); pCMmcDisplayObj->SetStatusText(m_pConsole); } } else { // Clear previous text m_pResultData->SetDescBarText(NULL); m_pConsole->SetStatusText(NULL); } return hr; } //+-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: CDfsSnapinResultManager::DfsHelp // // Synopsis: Display dfs help topic. // //--------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CDfsSnapinResultManager::DfsHelp() { CComPtr sp; HRESULT hr = m_pConsole->QueryInterface(IID_IDisplayHelp, (void**)&sp); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CComBSTR bstrTopic; hr = LoadStringFromResource(IDS_MMC_HELP_FILE_TOPIC, &bstrTopic); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { USES_CONVERSION; hr = sp->ShowTopic(T2OLE(bstrTopic)); } } return hr; } STDMETHODIMP CDfsSnapinResultManager::DoNotifyViewChange( IN LPDATAOBJECT i_lpDataObject, IN LONG_PTR i_lArg, IN LONG_PTR i_lParam ) /*++ Routine Description: Take action on Notify with the event MMCN_VIEW_CHANGE Arguments: i_lpDataObject - The IDataObject pointer which is used to get the DisplayObject. i_lArg - If this is present then the view change is for replica and this parameter contains the DisplayObject (CMmcDfsReplica*) pointer of the replica. i_lParam - This is the lHint used by Root and Link. 0 means clean up the result pane only. 1 means to enumerate the result items and redisplay. --*/ { RETURN_INVALIDARG_IF_NULL(i_lpDataObject); CMmcDisplay* pCMmcDisplayObj = NULL; HRESULT hr = m_pScopeManager->GetDisplayObject(i_lpDataObject, &pCMmcDisplayObj); RETURN_IF_FAILED(hr); // Return if the view change node is NOT the currently selected node if (pCMmcDisplayObj != m_pSelectScopeDisplayObject) return S_OK; if (i_lArg) { // The view change is for a replica result item. ((CMmcDisplay*)i_lArg)->ViewChange(m_pResultData, i_lParam); if ((IToolbar *)m_pMMCReplicaToolBar) ((CMmcDisplay*)i_lArg)->ToolbarSelect(MAKELONG(0, 1), m_pMMCReplicaToolBar); return S_OK; } pCMmcDisplayObj->ViewChange(m_pResultData, i_lParam); IToolbar *piToolbar = NULL; switch (pCMmcDisplayObj->GetDisplayObjectType()) { case DISPLAY_OBJECT_TYPE_ADMIN: piToolbar = m_pMMCAdminToolBar; break; case DISPLAY_OBJECT_TYPE_ROOT: pCMmcDisplayObj->SetStatusText(m_pConsole); piToolbar = m_pMMCRootToolBar; break; case DISPLAY_OBJECT_TYPE_JUNCTION: piToolbar = m_pMMCJPToolBar; break; default: break; } if (piToolbar) (void)pCMmcDisplayObj->ToolbarSelect(MAKELONG(0, 1), piToolbar); return S_OK; }