/*++ Module Name: NewFrs.h Abstract: This module contains the declaration for CNewReplicaSet wizard pages. These classes implement pages in the Create Replica Set wizard. --*/ #ifndef _NEWFRS_H_ #define _NEWFRS_H_ #include "dfscore.h" #include "QWizPage.h" #include "mmcroot.h" #include using namespace std; class CAlternateReplicaInfo { public: CComBSTR m_bstrDisplayName; CComBSTR m_bstrDnsHostName; CComBSTR m_bstrRootPath; CComBSTR m_bstrStagingPath; FRSSHARE_TYPE m_nFRSShareType; HRESULT m_hrFRS; DWORD m_dwServiceStartType; DWORD m_dwServiceState; CAlternateReplicaInfo() { Reset(); } void Reset(); }; typedef list AltRepList; void FreeAltRepList(AltRepList* pList); class CNewReplicaSet { public: CComBSTR m_bstrDomain; CComBSTR m_bstrReplicaSetDN; CComBSTR m_bstrPrimaryServer; CComBSTR m_bstrTopologyPref; CComBSTR m_bstrHubServer; CComBSTR m_bstrFileFilter; CComBSTR m_bstrDirFilter; HRESULT m_hr; AltRepList m_AltRepList; CComPtr m_piReplicaSet; HRESULT Initialize( BSTR i_bstrDomain, BSTR i_bstrReplicaSetDN, DFS_REPLICA_LIST* i_pMmcRepList ); private: BOOL _InsertList(CAlternateReplicaInfo* pInfo); void _Reset(); }; class CNewReplicaSetPage0: public CQWizardPageImpl { BEGIN_MSG_MAP(CNewReplicaSetPage0) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_INITDIALOG, OnInitDialog) CHAIN_MSG_MAP(CQWizardPageImpl) END_MSG_MAP() public: enum { IDD = IDD_NEWFRSWIZ_PAGE0 }; CNewReplicaSetPage0(); ~CNewReplicaSetPage0(); BOOL OnSetActive(); LRESULT OnInitDialog( IN UINT i_uMsg, IN WPARAM i_wParam, IN LPARAM i_lParam, IN OUT BOOL& io_bHandled ); private: HFONT m_hBigBoldFont; }; class CNewReplicaSetPage1: public CQWizardPageImpl { BEGIN_MSG_MAP(CNewReplicaSetPage1) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_INITDIALOG, OnInitDialog) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_NOTIFY, OnNotify) COMMAND_ID_HANDLER(IDC_NEWFRSWIZ_STAGING, OnStaging) CHAIN_MSG_MAP(CQWizardPageImpl) END_MSG_MAP() public: enum { IDD = IDD_NEWFRSWIZ_PAGE1 }; CNewReplicaSetPage1(CNewReplicaSet* i_pRepSet); BOOL OnSetActive(); BOOL OnWizardBack(); BOOL OnWizardNext(); LRESULT OnInitDialog( IN UINT i_uMsg, IN WPARAM i_wParam, IN LPARAM i_lParam, IN OUT BOOL& io_bHandled ); LRESULT OnNotify( IN UINT i_uMsg, IN WPARAM i_wParam, IN LPARAM i_lParam, IN OUT BOOL& io_bHandled ); BOOL OnItemChanged(); BOOL OnStaging( IN WORD wNotifyCode, IN WORD wID, IN HWND hWndCtl, IN BOOL& bHandled ); private: void _Reset(); CNewReplicaSet* m_pRepSet; int m_nCount; // number of eligible members }; class CNewReplicaSetPage2: public CQWizardPageImpl { BEGIN_MSG_MAP(CNewReplicaSetPage2) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_INITDIALOG, OnInitDialog) COMMAND_ID_HANDLER(IDC_NEWFRSWIZ_TOPOLOGYPREF, OnTopologyPref) CHAIN_MSG_MAP(CQWizardPageImpl) END_MSG_MAP() public: enum { IDD = IDD_NEWFRSWIZ_PAGE2 }; CNewReplicaSetPage2(CNewReplicaSet* i_pRepSet, BOOL i_bNewSchema); BOOL OnSetActive(); BOOL OnWizardBack(); BOOL OnWizardFinish(); LRESULT OnInitDialog( IN UINT i_uMsg, IN WPARAM i_wParam, IN LPARAM i_lParam, IN OUT BOOL& io_bHandled ); BOOL OnTopologyPref( IN WORD wNotifyCode, IN WORD wID, IN HWND hWndCtl, IN BOOL& bHandled ); private: void _Reset(); HRESULT _CreateReplicaSet(); CNewReplicaSet* m_pRepSet; BOOL m_bNewSchema; }; #endif // _NEWFRS_H_