//+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Microsoft Windows // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998 - 1999 // // File: servwiz.cpp // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "preDNSsn.h" #include #include "resource.h" #include "dnsutil.h" #include "DNSSnap.h" #include "snapdata.h" #include "server.h" #include "domain.h" #include "servwiz.h" #include "zone.h" #include "dnsmgr.h" #ifdef DEBUG_ALLOCATOR #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // export function to be called from DC Promo STDAPI DnsSetup(LPCWSTR lpszFwdZoneName, LPCWSTR lpszFwdZoneFileName, LPCWSTR lpszRevZoneName, LPCWSTR lpszRevZoneFileName, DWORD dwFlags) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); HRESULT hr = S_OK; IComponentData* pICD = NULL; // // create a dummy component data object: // need to have a proper contruction and destruction, so we behave // as a class factory would // CComObject* pComponentData = NULL; CComObject::CreateInstance(&pComponentData); // // Scoping so that the Log file will write exit function before // KillInstance is called // { TRACE_FUNCTION(DnsSetup); if (lpszFwdZoneName) { TRACE_LOGFILE(L"Forward Zone Name: %ws", lpszFwdZoneName); } else { TRACE_LOGFILE(L"Forward Zone Name: (null)"); } if (lpszFwdZoneFileName) { TRACE_LOGFILE(L"Forward Zone File Name: %ws", lpszFwdZoneFileName); } else { TRACE_LOGFILE(L"Forward Zone File Name: (null)"); } if (lpszRevZoneName) { TRACE_LOGFILE(L"Reverse Zone Name: %ws", lpszRevZoneName); } else { TRACE_LOGFILE(L"Reverse Zone Name: (null)"); } if (lpszRevZoneFileName) { TRACE_LOGFILE(L"Reverse Zone File Name: %ws", lpszRevZoneFileName); } else { TRACE_LOGFILE(L"Reverse Zone File Name: (null)"); } TRACE_LOGFILE(L"Flags: %d", dwFlags); ASSERT(pComponentData != NULL); if (pComponentData == NULL) { TRACE_LOGFILE(L"Failed to create and instance of CDNSComponentDataObject."); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } hr = pComponentData->QueryInterface(IID_IComponentData, (void**)&pICD); if (FAILED(hr)) { TRACE_LOGFILE(L"Failed QI on pComponentData for IID_IComponentData. return hr = 0x%x", hr); return hr; } ASSERT(pICD != NULL); // // get the root data node // CDNSRootData* pRootData = (CDNSRootData*)pComponentData->GetRootData(); if (pRootData == NULL) { TRACE_LOGFILE(L"Failed to retrieve root data."); return E_FAIL; } ASSERT(pRootData != NULL); // // run the wizard // CDNSServerWizardHolder wiz(pRootData, pComponentData, NULL, /*bHideUI*/ TRUE); hr = wiz.DnsSetup(lpszFwdZoneName, lpszFwdZoneFileName, lpszRevZoneName, lpszRevZoneFileName, dwFlags); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { TRACE_LOGFILE(L"DnsSetup completed successfully."); } else { TRACE_LOGFILE(L"An error occurred in DnsSetup, returning hr = 0x%x", hr); } } // final destruction pICD->Release(); return hr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void TraceRootHints(PDNS_RECORD pList) { PDNS_RECORD pCurrRec = pList; while (pCurrRec) { TRACE(_T("owner %s, type %d "), pCurrRec->pName, pCurrRec->wType); if (pCurrRec->wType == DNS_TYPE_NS) TRACE(_T("NS, host %s\n"), pCurrRec->Data.NS.pNameHost); else if (pCurrRec->wType == DNS_TYPE_A) { CString szTemp; FormatIpAddress(szTemp, pCurrRec->Data.A.IpAddress); TRACE(_T("A, IP %s\n"), (LPCTSTR)szTemp); } else TRACE(_T("\n")); pCurrRec = pCurrRec->pNext; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CNewDialog class CNewServerDialog : public CHelpDialog { // Construction public: CNewServerDialog(CDNSServerWizardHolder* pHolder, CWnd* pParentWnd); BOOL m_bLocalMachine; BOOL m_bConfigure; // Dialog Data enum { IDD = IDD_CHOOSER_CHOOSE_MACHINE }; CEdit m_serverNameCtrl; CString m_szServerName; // Implementation protected: // Generated message map functions virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(); virtual void OnOK(); afx_msg void OnEditChange(); afx_msg void OnLocalMachineRadio(); afx_msg void OnSpecificMachineRadio(); DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() private: CDNSServerWizardHolder* m_pHolder; }; BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CNewServerDialog, CHelpDialog) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_CHOOSER_RADIO_LOCAL_MACHINE, OnLocalMachineRadio) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_CHOOSER_RADIO_SPECIFIC_MACHINE, OnSpecificMachineRadio) ON_EN_CHANGE(IDC_CHOOSER_EDIT_MACHINE_NAME,OnEditChange) END_MESSAGE_MAP() CNewServerDialog::CNewServerDialog(CDNSServerWizardHolder* pHolder, CWnd* pParentWnd) : CHelpDialog(CNewServerDialog::IDD, pParentWnd, pHolder->GetComponentData()) { ASSERT(m_pHolder != NULL); m_pHolder = pHolder; m_bConfigure = TRUE; m_bLocalMachine = TRUE; } BOOL CNewServerDialog::OnInitDialog() { CHelpDialog::OnInitDialog(); VERIFY(m_serverNameCtrl.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_CHOOSER_EDIT_MACHINE_NAME, this)); CButton* pContactCheck = (CButton*)GetDlgItem(IDC_CHOOSER_CHECK_CONTACT); pContactCheck->SetCheck(m_bConfigure); // // Limit is actually 255 bytes but we will let 255 characters just to be safe // m_serverNameCtrl.SetLimitText(255); if (m_bLocalMachine) { ((CButton*)GetDlgItem(IDC_CHOOSER_RADIO_LOCAL_MACHINE))->SetCheck(TRUE); m_serverNameCtrl.EnableWindow(FALSE); } else { ((CButton*)GetDlgItem(IDC_CHOOSER_RADIO_SPECIFIC_MACHINE))->SetCheck(TRUE); GetDlgItem(IDOK)->EnableWindow(FALSE); } return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control } void CNewServerDialog::OnLocalMachineRadio() { m_bLocalMachine = TRUE; m_serverNameCtrl.EnableWindow(FALSE); GetDlgItem(IDOK)->EnableWindow(TRUE); m_szServerName.Empty(); } void CNewServerDialog::OnSpecificMachineRadio() { m_bLocalMachine = FALSE; m_serverNameCtrl.EnableWindow(TRUE); OnEditChange(); } void CNewServerDialog::OnEditChange() { // // just check to be sure the editbox is not empty: // m_serverNameCtrl.GetWindowText(m_szServerName); m_szServerName.TrimLeft(); m_szServerName.TrimRight(); GetDlgItem(IDOK)->EnableWindow(!m_szServerName.IsEmpty()); } void CNewServerDialog::OnOK() { CButton* pContactCheck = (CButton*)GetDlgItem(IDC_CHOOSER_CHECK_CONTACT); m_bConfigure = pContactCheck->GetCheck(); BOOL bLocalHost = FALSE; if (m_bLocalMachine) { DWORD dwLen = MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH+1; BOOL bRes = ::GetComputerName(m_szServerName.GetBuffer(dwLen), &dwLen); ASSERT(dwLen <= MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH); m_szServerName.ReleaseBuffer(); if (!bRes) { m_szServerName = _T("localhost."); } bLocalHost = TRUE; } else { m_serverNameCtrl.GetWindowText(m_szServerName); } CDNSRootData* pRootData = (CDNSRootData*)m_pHolder->GetRootData(); if (!pRootData->VerifyServerName(m_szServerName)) { // illegal name, warn the user and prompt again DNSMessageBox(IDS_DUPLICATE_SERVER, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); m_serverNameCtrl.SetSel(0,-1); m_serverNameCtrl.SetFocus(); return; } m_pHolder->m_pServerNode->SetDisplayName(m_szServerName); m_pHolder->m_pServerNode->SetLocalServer(bLocalHost); if (m_bConfigure) { // try to contact server BOOL bAlreadyConfigured = FALSE; DWORD dwErr = m_pHolder->GetServerInfo(&bAlreadyConfigured, GetSafeHwnd()); if (dwErr != 0) { CString szMessageFmt, szError, szMsg; szMessageFmt.LoadString(IDS_MSG_SERVWIZ_FAIL_CONTACT_ADD); if (dwErr == RPC_S_UNKNOWN_IF || dwErr == EPT_S_NOT_REGISTERED) { CString szResourceString; szResourceString.LoadString(IDS_MSG_SERVWIZ_NOT_NT5); szMsg.Format(szMessageFmt, szResourceString); } else { if (!CDNSErrorInfo::GetErrorString(dwErr, szError)) { szError.Format(_T("Error 0x%x"), dwErr); } // // NTRAID#Windows Bugs-340841-2001/03/12-jeffjon : if the error // message already ends in a period we should remove it so that // the dialog only shows one // CString szPeriod; szPeriod.LoadString(IDS_PERIOD); if (szError.GetAt(szError.GetLength() - 1) == szPeriod) { szError.SetAt(szError.GetLength() - 1, L'\0'); } szMsg.Format(szMessageFmt, (LPCTSTR)szError); } if (IDYES == DNSMessageBox(szMsg, MB_YESNO)) { m_bConfigure = FALSE; } else { m_serverNameCtrl.SetSel(0,-1); m_serverNameCtrl.SetFocus(); return; // maybe the user wants to change name... } } else { m_bConfigure = FALSE; } } if (!m_bConfigure) { m_pHolder->InsertServerIntoUI(); } CHelpDialog::OnOK(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CDNSServerWiz_StartPropertyPage BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CDNSServerWiz_StartPropertyPage, CPropertyPageBase) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_HELP_BUTTON, OnChecklist) END_MESSAGE_MAP() CDNSServerWiz_StartPropertyPage::CDNSServerWiz_StartPropertyPage() : CPropertyPageBase(CDNSServerWiz_StartPropertyPage::IDD) { InitWiz97(TRUE,0,0, true); } void CDNSServerWiz_StartPropertyPage::OnWizardHelp() { CComPtr spHelp; HRESULT hr = GetHolder()->GetComponentData()->GetConsole()->QueryInterface(IID_IDisplayHelp, (void **)&spHelp); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) spHelp->ShowTopic(L"DNSConcepts.chm::/sag_DNS_CYDNS_01.htm"); } void CDNSServerWiz_StartPropertyPage::OnChecklist() { CComPtr spHelp; HRESULT hr = GetHolder()->GetComponentData()->GetConsole()->QueryInterface(IID_IDisplayHelp, (void **)&spHelp); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) spHelp->ShowTopic(L"DNSConcepts.chm::/sag_DNSChkConfig.htm"); } BOOL CDNSServerWiz_StartPropertyPage::OnInitDialog() { CPropertyPageBase::OnInitDialog(); SetBigBoldFont(m_hWnd, IDC_STATIC_WELCOME); return TRUE; } BOOL CDNSServerWiz_StartPropertyPage::OnSetActive() { GetHolder()->SetWizardButtonsFirst(TRUE); return TRUE; } LRESULT CDNSServerWiz_StartPropertyPage::OnWizardNext() { CDNSServerWizardHolder* pHolder = (CDNSServerWizardHolder*)GetHolder(); UINT nNextPage = IDD; // default do not advance nNextPage = CDNSServerWiz_ScenarioPropertyPage::IDD; pHolder->m_pScenarioPage->m_nPrevPageID = IDD; return nNextPage; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CDNSServerWiz_ScenarioPropertyPage CDNSServerWiz_ScenarioPropertyPage::CDNSServerWiz_ScenarioPropertyPage() : CPropertyPageBase(CDNSServerWiz_ScenarioPropertyPage::IDD) { InitWiz97(FALSE,IDS_SERVWIZ_SCENARIO_TITLE,IDS_SERVWIZ_SCENARIO_SUBTITLE, true); } void CDNSServerWiz_ScenarioPropertyPage::OnWizardHelp() { CComPtr spHelp; HRESULT hr = GetHolder()->GetComponentData()->GetConsole()->QueryInterface(IID_IDisplayHelp, (void **)&spHelp); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) spHelp->ShowTopic(L"DNSConcepts.chm::/sag_DNS_CYDNS_02.htm"); } BOOL CDNSServerWiz_ScenarioPropertyPage::OnInitDialog() { CPropertyPageBase::OnInitDialog(); SendDlgItemMessage(IDC_SMALL_RADIO, BM_SETCHECK, BST_CHECKED, 0); return TRUE; } BOOL CDNSServerWiz_ScenarioPropertyPage::OnSetActive() { GetHolder()->SetWizardButtonsMiddle(TRUE); return TRUE; } LRESULT CDNSServerWiz_ScenarioPropertyPage::OnWizardNext() { CDNSServerWizardHolder* pHolder = (CDNSServerWizardHolder*)GetHolder(); LRESULT lSmallRadioCheck = SendDlgItemMessage(IDC_SMALL_RADIO, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0); LRESULT lMediumRadioCheck = SendDlgItemMessage(IDC_MEDIUM_RADIO, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0); LRESULT lManuallyRadioCheck = SendDlgItemMessage(IDC_MANUALLY_RADIO, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0); LRESULT nNextPage = 0; if (lSmallRadioCheck == BST_CHECKED) { nNextPage = CDNSServerWiz_SmallZoneTypePropertyPage::IDD; pHolder->m_pSmallZoneTypePage->m_nPrevPageID = IDD; pHolder->SetScenario(CDNSServerWizardHolder::SmallBusiness); } else if (lMediumRadioCheck == BST_CHECKED) { nNextPage = CDNSServerWiz_ConfigFwdZonePropertyPage::IDD; pHolder->m_pFwdZonePage->m_nPrevPageID = IDD; pHolder->SetScenario(CDNSServerWizardHolder::MediumBusiness); } else if (lManuallyRadioCheck == BST_CHECKED) { if (pHolder->QueryForRootServerRecords(NULL)) { pHolder->m_bAddRootHints = TRUE; } nNextPage = CDNSServerWiz_FinishPropertyPage::IDD; pHolder->m_pFinishPage->m_nPrevPageID = IDD; pHolder->SetScenario(CDNSServerWizardHolder::Manually); } else { // // This shouldn't happen, don't change the page if it does // nNextPage = IDD; } return nNextPage; } LRESULT CDNSServerWiz_ScenarioPropertyPage::OnWizardBack() { return (LRESULT)m_nPrevPageID; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CDNSServerWiz_ForwardersPropertyPage BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CDNSServerWiz_ForwardersPropertyPage, CPropertyPageBase) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_FORWARD_RADIO, OnChangeRadio) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_NO_FORWARDERS_RADIO, OnChangeRadio) ON_EN_CHANGE(IDC_IPEDIT, OnChangeRadio) END_MESSAGE_MAP() CDNSServerWiz_ForwardersPropertyPage::CDNSServerWiz_ForwardersPropertyPage() : CPropertyPageBase(CDNSServerWiz_ForwardersPropertyPage::IDD) { InitWiz97(FALSE,IDS_SERVWIZ_FORWARDERS_TITLE,IDS_SERVWIZ_FORWARDERS_SUBTITLE, true); } void CDNSServerWiz_ForwardersPropertyPage::OnWizardHelp() { CComPtr spHelp; HRESULT hr = GetHolder()->GetComponentData()->GetConsole()->QueryInterface(IID_IDisplayHelp, (void **)&spHelp); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) spHelp->ShowTopic(L"DNSConcepts.chm::/sag_DNS_CYDNS_07.htm"); } BOOL CDNSServerWiz_ForwardersPropertyPage::OnInitDialog() { CPropertyPageBase::OnInitDialog(); CDNSServerWizardHolder* pHolder = (CDNSServerWizardHolder*)GetHolder(); if (pHolder != NULL) { UINT nScenario = pHolder->GetScenario(); if (nScenario == CDNSServerWizardHolder::SmallBusiness) { SendDlgItemMessage(IDC_FORWARD_RADIO, BM_SETCHECK, BST_CHECKED, 0); SendDlgItemMessage(IDC_NO_FORWARDERS_RADIO, BM_SETCHECK, BST_UNCHECKED, 0); } else { SendDlgItemMessage(IDC_NO_FORWARDERS_RADIO, BM_SETCHECK, BST_CHECKED, 0); SendDlgItemMessage(IDC_FORWARD_RADIO, BM_SETCHECK, BST_UNCHECKED, 0); } } else { SendDlgItemMessage(IDC_FORWARD_RADIO, BM_SETCHECK, BST_CHECKED, 0); SendDlgItemMessage(IDC_NO_FORWARDERS_RADIO, BM_SETCHECK, BST_UNCHECKED, 0); } return TRUE; } void CDNSServerWiz_ForwardersPropertyPage::OnChangeRadio() { LRESULT lForwarderRadio = SendDlgItemMessage(IDC_FORWARD_RADIO, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0); if (lForwarderRadio == BST_CHECKED) { GetDlgItem(IDC_IPEDIT)->EnableWindow(TRUE); GetDlgItem(IDC_IPEDIT2)->EnableWindow(TRUE); CDNSIPv4Control* pForwarderCtrl = (CDNSIPv4Control*)GetDlgItem(IDC_IPEDIT); if (pForwarderCtrl->IsEmpty()) { GetHolder()->SetWizardButtonsMiddle(FALSE); } else { GetHolder()->SetWizardButtonsMiddle(TRUE); } } else { GetDlgItem(IDC_IPEDIT)->EnableWindow(FALSE); GetDlgItem(IDC_IPEDIT2)->EnableWindow(FALSE); GetHolder()->SetWizardButtonsMiddle(TRUE); } } BOOL CDNSServerWiz_ForwardersPropertyPage::OnSetActive() { GetHolder()->SetWizardButtonsMiddle(TRUE); OnChangeRadio(); return TRUE; } LRESULT CDNSServerWiz_ForwardersPropertyPage::OnWizardNext() { CDNSServerWizardHolder* pHolder = (CDNSServerWizardHolder*)GetHolder(); LRESULT nNextPage = -1; LRESULT lCheck = SendDlgItemMessage(IDC_FORWARD_RADIO, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0); if (lCheck == BST_CHECKED) { pHolder->m_bAddForwarder = TRUE; } else { pHolder->m_bAddForwarder = FALSE; } // // Try to load the root hints // if (pHolder->QueryForRootServerRecords(NULL)) { nNextPage = CDNSServerWiz_FinishPropertyPage::IDD; pHolder->m_pFinishPage->m_nPrevPageID = IDD; pHolder->m_bAddRootHints = TRUE; } else { // // If they provided a forwarder then we don't care if root hints failed // nNextPage = CDNSServerWiz_FinishPropertyPage::IDD; pHolder->m_pFinishPage->m_nPrevPageID = IDD; } return nNextPage; } LRESULT CDNSServerWiz_ForwardersPropertyPage::OnWizardBack() { CDNSServerWizardHolder* pHolder = (CDNSServerWizardHolder*)GetHolder(); UINT nPrevPage = static_cast(-1); // // if we did not add a FWD zone, we skipped the reverse one too // UINT nScenario = pHolder->GetScenario(); if (nScenario == CDNSServerWizardHolder::SmallBusiness) { if (pHolder->m_bAddFwdZone) { nPrevPage = pHolder->m_pZoneWiz->GetLastEntryPointPageID(); } else { nPrevPage = m_nPrevPageID; } } else if (nScenario == CDNSServerWizardHolder::MediumBusiness) { if (!pHolder->m_bAddFwdZone) { nPrevPage = CDNSServerWiz_ConfigFwdZonePropertyPage::IDD; } else if (pHolder->m_bAddRevZone) { nPrevPage = pHolder->m_pZoneWiz->GetLastEntryPointPageID(); } else { nPrevPage = CDNSServerWiz_ConfigRevZonePropertyPage::IDD; } } else { // // We should never get here // ASSERT(FALSE); nPrevPage = IDD; } return (LRESULT)nPrevPage; } void CDNSServerWiz_ForwardersPropertyPage::GetForwarder(CString& strref) { CDNSIPv4Control* pIPEdit = (CDNSIPv4Control*)GetDlgItem(IDC_IPEDIT); if (pIPEdit != NULL) { DWORD dwIPVal = 0; pIPEdit->GetIPv4Val(&dwIPVal); strref.Format(L"%d.%d.%d.%d", dwIPVal & 0xff, (dwIPVal >> 8) & 0xff, (dwIPVal >> 16) & 0xff, (dwIPVal >> 24) & 0xff); } CDNSIPv4Control* pIPEdit2 = (CDNSIPv4Control*)GetDlgItem(IDC_IPEDIT2); if (pIPEdit2 != NULL) { DWORD dwIPVal = 0; pIPEdit2->GetIPv4Val(&dwIPVal); if (dwIPVal != 0) { CString optionalValue; optionalValue.Format(L" %d.%d.%d.%d", dwIPVal & 0xff, (dwIPVal >> 8) & 0xff, (dwIPVal >> 16) & 0xff, (dwIPVal >> 24) & 0xff); strref += optionalValue; } } } BOOL CDNSServerWiz_ForwardersPropertyPage::OnApply() { LRESULT lCheck = SendDlgItemMessage(IDC_FORWARD_RADIO, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0); if (lCheck == BST_CHECKED) { // // Set the forwarders IP address on the server // CPropertyPageHolderBase* pHolder = GetHolder(); CTreeNode* pTreeNode = pHolder->GetTreeNode(); CDNSServerNode* pServerNode = dynamic_cast(pTreeNode); if (pServerNode != NULL) { DWORD dwCount = 0; DWORD dwIPArray[2]; ZeroMemory(dwIPArray, sizeof(DWORD) * 2); CDNSIPv4Control* pIPEdit = (CDNSIPv4Control*)GetDlgItem(IDC_IPEDIT); if (pIPEdit != NULL) { DWORD dwIP = 0; pIPEdit->GetIPv4Val(&dwIP); if (dwIP != 0) { dwIPArray[0] = dwIP; ++dwCount; } } CDNSIPv4Control* pIPEdit2 = (CDNSIPv4Control*)GetDlgItem(IDC_IPEDIT2); if (pIPEdit2 != NULL) { DWORD dwIP = 0; pIPEdit2->GetIPv4Val(&dwIP); if (dwIP != 0) { dwIPArray[dwCount] = dwIP; ++dwCount; } } if (dwCount) { DNS_STATUS err = pServerNode->ResetForwarders(dwCount, dwIPArray, DNS_DEFAULT_FORWARD_TIMEOUT, DNS_DEFAULT_SLAVE); if (err != 0) { ::SetLastError(err); return FALSE; } } } } return TRUE; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CDNSServerWiz_SmallZoneTypePropertyPage void CDNSServerWiz_SmallZoneTypePropertyPage::OnWizardHelp() { CComPtr spHelp; HRESULT hr = GetHolder()->GetComponentData()->GetConsole()->QueryInterface(IID_IDisplayHelp, (void **)&spHelp); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) spHelp->ShowTopic(L"DNSConcepts.chm::/sag_DNS_CYDNS_03.htm"); } CDNSServerWiz_SmallZoneTypePropertyPage::CDNSServerWiz_SmallZoneTypePropertyPage() : CPropertyPageBase(CDNSServerWiz_SmallZoneTypePropertyPage::IDD) { InitWiz97(FALSE,IDS_SERVWIZ_SMALL_ZONE_TYPE_TITLE,IDS_SERVWIZ_SMALL_ZONE_TYPE_SUBTITLE, true); } BOOL CDNSServerWiz_SmallZoneTypePropertyPage::OnInitDialog() { CPropertyPageBase::OnInitDialog(); SendDlgItemMessage(IDC_PRIMARY_RADIO, BM_SETCHECK, BST_CHECKED, 0); return TRUE; } BOOL CDNSServerWiz_SmallZoneTypePropertyPage::OnSetActive() { GetHolder()->SetWizardButtonsMiddle(TRUE); return TRUE; } LRESULT CDNSServerWiz_SmallZoneTypePropertyPage::OnWizardNext() { CDNSServerWizardHolder* pHolder = (CDNSServerWizardHolder*)GetHolder(); UINT nNextPage = 0; LRESULT lPrimaryCheck = SendDlgItemMessage(IDC_PRIMARY_RADIO, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0); LRESULT lSecondaryCheck = SendDlgItemMessage(IDC_SECONDARY_RADIO, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0); if (lPrimaryCheck == BST_CHECKED) { // // Set the state of the zone wizard // pHolder->m_bAddFwdZone = TRUE; nNextPage = pHolder->SetZoneWizardContextEx(TRUE, DNS_ZONE_TYPE_PRIMARY, pHolder->GetServerNode()->CanUseADS(), CDNSServerWiz_ForwardersPropertyPage::IDD, // next after wiz CDNSServerWiz_SmallZoneTypePropertyPage::IDD); // prev from wiz } else if (lSecondaryCheck == BST_CHECKED) { // // Set the state of the zone wizard // pHolder->m_bAddFwdZone = TRUE; nNextPage = pHolder->SetZoneWizardContextEx(TRUE, DNS_ZONE_TYPE_SECONDARY, FALSE, CDNSServerWiz_ForwardersPropertyPage::IDD, // next after wiz CDNSServerWiz_SmallZoneTypePropertyPage::IDD); // prev from wiz } else { nNextPage = IDD; } return (LRESULT)nNextPage; } LRESULT CDNSServerWiz_SmallZoneTypePropertyPage::OnWizardBack() { return (LRESULT)m_nPrevPageID; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CDNSServerWiz_NamePropertyPage BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CDNSServerWiz_NamePropertyPage, CPropertyPageBase) ON_EN_CHANGE(IDC_EDIT_DNSSERVER, OnServerNameChange) END_MESSAGE_MAP() CDNSServerWiz_NamePropertyPage::CDNSServerWiz_NamePropertyPage() : CPropertyPageBase(CDNSServerWiz_NamePropertyPage::IDD) { InitWiz97(FALSE,IDS_SERVWIZ_NAME_TITLE,IDS_SERVWIZ_NAME_SUBTITLE, true); } void CDNSServerWiz_NamePropertyPage::OnWizardHelp() { CComPtr spHelp; HRESULT hr = GetHolder()->GetComponentData()->GetConsole()->QueryInterface(IID_IDisplayHelp, (void **)&spHelp); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) spHelp->ShowTopic(L"DNSConcepts.chm::/sag_DNS_CYDNS_04.htm"); } void CDNSServerWiz_NamePropertyPage::OnServerNameChange() { CDNSServerWizardHolder* pHolder = (CDNSServerWizardHolder*)GetHolder(); // // just check to be sure the editbox is not empty: // GetServerNameEdit()->GetWindowText(m_szServerName); m_szServerName.TrimLeft(); m_szServerName.TrimRight(); pHolder->SetWizardButtonsFirst(IsValidServerName(m_szServerName)); } BOOL CDNSServerWiz_NamePropertyPage::OnSetActive() { CDNSServerWizardHolder* pHolder = (CDNSServerWizardHolder*)GetHolder(); pHolder->SetWizardButtonsMiddle(IsValidServerName(m_szServerName)); return TRUE; } LRESULT CDNSServerWiz_NamePropertyPage::OnWizardNext() { CDNSServerWizardHolder* pHolder = (CDNSServerWizardHolder*)GetHolder(); pHolder->m_pServerNode->SetDisplayName(m_szServerName); UINT nNextPage = IDD; // default do not advance if (pHolder->QueryForRootServerRecords(NULL)) { pHolder->m_bAddRootHints = TRUE; } // go to configure zones nNextPage = CDNSServerWiz_ConfigFwdZonePropertyPage::IDD; pHolder->m_pFwdZonePage->m_nPrevPageID = IDD; return nNextPage; } LRESULT CDNSServerWiz_NamePropertyPage::OnWizardBack() { return (LRESULT)m_nPrevPageID; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CDNSServerWiz_ConfigFwdZonePropertyPage void CDNSServerWiz_ConfigFwdZonePropertyPage::OnWizardHelp() { CComPtr spHelp; HRESULT hr = GetHolder()->GetComponentData()->GetConsole()->QueryInterface(IID_IDisplayHelp, (void **)&spHelp); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) spHelp->ShowTopic(L"DNSConcepts.chm::/sag_DNS_CYDNS_11.htm"); } CDNSServerWiz_ConfigFwdZonePropertyPage::CDNSServerWiz_ConfigFwdZonePropertyPage() : CPropertyPageBase(CDNSServerWiz_ConfigFwdZonePropertyPage::IDD) { InitWiz97(FALSE,IDS_SERVWIZ_FWD_ZONE_TITLE,IDS_SERVWIZ_FWD_ZONE_SUBTITLE, true); } BOOL CDNSServerWiz_ConfigFwdZonePropertyPage::OnInitDialog() { CPropertyPageBase::OnInitDialog(); BOOL bAddFwdZone = TRUE; // default in the UI CheckRadioButton(IDC_ZONE_RADIO, IDC_NO_ZONE_RADIO, bAddFwdZone ? IDC_ZONE_RADIO : IDC_NO_ZONE_RADIO); return TRUE; } BOOL CDNSServerWiz_ConfigFwdZonePropertyPage::OnSetActive() { GetHolder()->SetWizardButtonsMiddle(TRUE); return TRUE; } LRESULT CDNSServerWiz_ConfigFwdZonePropertyPage::OnWizardNext() { CDNSServerWizardHolder* pHolder = (CDNSServerWizardHolder*)GetHolder(); pHolder->m_bAddFwdZone = (GetCheckedRadioButton(IDC_ZONE_RADIO, IDC_NO_ZONE_RADIO) == IDC_ZONE_RADIO); UINT nNextPage = static_cast(-1); if (pHolder->m_bAddFwdZone) { // move to reverse zone creation page nNextPage = pHolder->SetZoneWizardContext(TRUE, CDNSServerWiz_ConfigRevZonePropertyPage::IDD, // next after wiz CDNSServerWiz_ConfigFwdZonePropertyPage::IDD); // prev from wiz } else { pHolder->m_bAddRevZone = FALSE; // move to the finish page pHolder->m_pFinishPage->m_nPrevPageID = IDD; if (pHolder->GetScenario() == CDNSServerWizardHolder::MediumBusiness) { nNextPage = CDNSServerWiz_ForwardersPropertyPage::IDD; } else { nNextPage = CDNSServerWiz_FinishPropertyPage::IDD; } } return (LRESULT) nNextPage; } LRESULT CDNSServerWiz_ConfigFwdZonePropertyPage::OnWizardBack() { return (LRESULT)m_nPrevPageID; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CDNSServerWiz_ConfigRevZonePropertyPage void CDNSServerWiz_ConfigRevZonePropertyPage::OnWizardHelp() { CComPtr spHelp; HRESULT hr = GetHolder()->GetComponentData()->GetConsole()->QueryInterface(IID_IDisplayHelp, (void **)&spHelp); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) spHelp->ShowTopic(L"DNSConcepts.chm::/sag_DNS_CYDNS_16.htm"); } CDNSServerWiz_ConfigRevZonePropertyPage::CDNSServerWiz_ConfigRevZonePropertyPage() : CPropertyPageBase(CDNSServerWiz_ConfigRevZonePropertyPage::IDD) { InitWiz97(FALSE,IDS_SERVWIZ_REV_ZONE_TITLE, IDS_SERVWIZ_REV_ZONE_SUBTITLE, true); } BOOL CDNSServerWiz_ConfigRevZonePropertyPage::OnInitDialog() { CPropertyPageBase::OnInitDialog(); BOOL bAddRevZone = TRUE; // default in the UI CheckRadioButton(IDC_ZONE_RADIO, IDC_NO_ZONE_RADIO, bAddRevZone ? IDC_ZONE_RADIO : IDC_NO_ZONE_RADIO); return TRUE; } BOOL CDNSServerWiz_ConfigRevZonePropertyPage::OnSetActive() { GetHolder()->SetWizardButtonsMiddle(TRUE); return TRUE; } LRESULT CDNSServerWiz_ConfigRevZonePropertyPage::OnWizardNext() { CDNSServerWizardHolder* pHolder = (CDNSServerWizardHolder*)GetHolder(); pHolder->m_bAddRevZone = (GetCheckedRadioButton(IDC_ZONE_RADIO, IDC_NO_ZONE_RADIO) == IDC_ZONE_RADIO); UINT nNextPage = static_cast(-1); if (pHolder->m_bAddRevZone) { if (pHolder->GetScenario() == CDNSServerWizardHolder::MediumBusiness) { nNextPage = pHolder->SetZoneWizardContext(FALSE, CDNSServerWiz_ForwardersPropertyPage::IDD, // next after wiz CDNSServerWiz_ConfigRevZonePropertyPage::IDD); // prev from wiz } else { nNextPage = pHolder->SetZoneWizardContextEx(FALSE, DNS_ZONE_TYPE_PRIMARY, pHolder->GetServerNode()->CanUseADS(), CDNSServerWiz_FinishPropertyPage::IDD, // next after wiz CDNSServerWiz_ConfigRevZonePropertyPage::IDD); // prev from wiz } } else { pHolder->m_pFinishPage->m_nPrevPageID = IDD; if (pHolder->GetScenario() == CDNSServerWizardHolder::MediumBusiness) { nNextPage = CDNSServerWiz_ForwardersPropertyPage::IDD; } else { nNextPage = CDNSServerWiz_FinishPropertyPage::IDD; } } return (LRESULT) nNextPage; } LRESULT CDNSServerWiz_ConfigRevZonePropertyPage::OnWizardBack() { CDNSServerWizardHolder* pHolder = (CDNSServerWizardHolder*)GetHolder(); if (pHolder->m_bAddFwdZone) { pHolder->SetZoneWizardContext(TRUE, CDNSServerWiz_ConfigRevZonePropertyPage::IDD, // next after wiz CDNSServerWiz_ConfigFwdZonePropertyPage::IDD); // prev from wiz // // fwd settings // return (LRESULT)pHolder->m_pZoneWiz->GetLastEntryPointPageID(); } else { return (LRESULT)CDNSServerWiz_ConfigFwdZonePropertyPage::IDD; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CDNSServerWiz_FinishPropertyPage void CDNSServerWiz_FinishPropertyPage::OnWizardHelp() { CComPtr spHelp; HRESULT hr = GetHolder()->GetComponentData()->GetConsole()->QueryInterface(IID_IDisplayHelp, (void **)&spHelp); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) spHelp->ShowTopic(L"DNSConcepts.chm::/sag_DNS_CYDNS_08.htm"); } CDNSServerWiz_FinishPropertyPage::CDNSServerWiz_FinishPropertyPage() : CPropertyPageBase(CDNSServerWiz_FinishPropertyPage::IDD) { InitWiz97(TRUE,0,0, true); } BOOL CDNSServerWiz_FinishPropertyPage::OnInitDialog() { CPropertyPageBase::OnInitDialog(); SetBigBoldFont(m_hWnd, IDC_STATIC_COMPLETE); return TRUE; } BOOL CDNSServerWiz_FinishPropertyPage::OnSetActive() { CDNSServerWizardHolder* pHolder = (CDNSServerWizardHolder*)GetHolder(); pHolder->SetWizardButtonsLast(TRUE); DisplaySummaryInfo(pHolder); // NTRAID#NTBUG9-451182-2001/09/12-lucios // NTRAID#NTBUG9-605428-2002/04/19-artm // I'm leaving old code here (but commented out) b/c design // might decide at later date to reenable different messages. // I want to leave the framework readily available. // // Note that to save localization work I've removed the strings // from the string table. What the messages were is included inline // below. CStatic* pStatic = (CStatic*)GetDlgItem(IDC_FINISH_STATIC); ASSERT(pStatic!=NULL); CString preamble, suffix; BOOL success; // Load the string to use for all wizard scenarios. success = preamble.LoadString(IDS_SERVWIZ_FINISH_NOTE_PREAMBLE); ASSERT(success != FALSE); // // Load any suffix strings that depend on the wizard scenario. // // If we are creating a new primary lookup zone (reverse or forward), // we need to tell the user a little bit more. if ( (pHolder->m_bAddFwdZone && pHolder->m_pFwdZoneInfo->m_bPrimary) || (pHolder->m_bAddRevZone && pHolder->m_pRevZoneInfo->m_bPrimary) ) { success = suffix.LoadString(IDS_SERVWIZ_FINISH_NOTE_PRIMARY_SUFFIX); ASSERT(success != FALSE); } pStatic->SetWindowText(preamble + suffix); //switch(pHolder->GetScenario()) //{ // case CDNSServerWizardHolder::SmallBusiness: // ASSERT(note.LoadString(IDS_SMALL_OPTION_NOTE)!=0); // note.LoadString(IDS_SMALL_OPTION_NOTE); // pStatic->SetWindowText(note); // // String was: "Note: You should now add records to the zone or ensure that records are updated dynamically. Also, ensure DNS clients use this server as their preferred DNS server and then verify name resolution using nslookup." // break; // case CDNSServerWizardHolder::MediumBusiness: // ASSERT(note.LoadString(IDS_MEDIUM_OPTION_NOTE)!=0); // note.LoadString(IDS_MEDIUM_OPTION_NOTE); // pStatic->SetWindowText(note); // // String was: "Note: You should now add records to the zones or ensure that records are updated dynamically. You might want to configure DNS clients to use this server as their preferred DNS server. You can then verify name resolution using nslookup." // break; // case CDNSServerWizardHolder::Manually: // ASSERT(note.LoadString(IDS_MANUAL_OPTION_NOTE)!=0); // note.LoadString(IDS_MANUAL_OPTION_NOTE); // pStatic->SetWindowText(note); // // String was: "Note: You might want to configure DNS clients to use this server as their preferred DNS server." // break; // default: // // Unexpected. Leave original resource message // // that will be perceived as a bug // ASSERT // ( // (pHolder->GetScenario()!=CDNSServerWizardHolder::SmallBusiness) && // (pHolder->GetScenario()!=CDNSServerWizardHolder::MediumBusiness) && // (pHolder->GetScenario()!=CDNSServerWizardHolder::Manually) // ); //} return TRUE; } LRESULT CDNSServerWiz_FinishPropertyPage::OnWizardBack() { CDNSServerWizardHolder* pHolder = (CDNSServerWizardHolder*)GetHolder(); if (pHolder->GetScenario() == CDNSServerWizardHolder::SmallBusiness) { // // Small business scenario // return (LRESULT)m_nPrevPageID; } else if (pHolder->GetScenario() == CDNSServerWizardHolder::MediumBusiness) { // // Medium business scenario // return (LRESULT)m_nPrevPageID; } else { // // Configure manually // return CDNSServerWiz_ScenarioPropertyPage::IDD; } return CDNSServerWiz_ScenarioPropertyPage::IDD; } BOOL CDNSServerWiz_FinishPropertyPage::OnWizardFinish() { CDNSServerWizardHolder* pHolder = (CDNSServerWizardHolder*)GetHolder(); pHolder->OnFinish(); // it might return T/F, return TRUE; // we do put up error messages, but the wizard gets dismissed } void CDNSServerWiz_FinishPropertyPage::DisplaySummaryInfo(CDNSServerWizardHolder* pHolder) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); CStatic* pStatic = (CStatic*)GetDlgItem(IDC_SUMMARY_STATIC); // NOTICE-2002/04/11-artm Rewrote to use string functions // in favor of wsprintf() (flagged by prefast and dangerous fctn // to boot). CString summary, buffer; CString szFmt; szFmt.LoadString(IDS_MSG_SERVWIZ_FINISH_NAME); summary.Format( static_cast(szFmt), static_cast(pHolder->m_pServerNode->GetDisplayName())); if (pHolder->m_bRootServer) { szFmt.LoadString(IDS_MSG_SERVWIZ_FINISH_ROOT_SERVER); summary += szFmt; } if (pHolder->GetScenario() != CDNSServerWizardHolder::Manually) { if (pHolder->m_bAddFwdZone) { szFmt.LoadString(IDS_MSG_SERVWIZ_FINISH_FWD_ZONE); buffer.Format( static_cast(szFmt), static_cast(pHolder->m_pFwdZoneInfo->m_szZoneName)); summary += buffer; } if (pHolder->m_bAddRevZone) { szFmt.LoadString(IDS_MSG_SERVWIZ_FINISH_REV_ZONE); buffer.Format( static_cast(szFmt), static_cast(pHolder->m_pRevZoneInfo->m_szZoneName)); summary += buffer; } if (pHolder->m_bAddForwarder) { CString szForwarder; pHolder->m_pForwardersPage->GetForwarder(szForwarder); if (!szForwarder.IsEmpty()) { szFmt.LoadString(IDS_MSG_SERVWIZ_FINISH_FORWARDER); buffer.Format( static_cast(szFmt), static_cast(szForwarder)); summary += buffer; } } } pStatic->SetWindowText(summary); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CDNSServerWizardHolder CDNSServerWizardHolder::CDNSServerWizardHolder(CDNSRootData* pRootData, CComponentDataObject* pComponentData, CDNSServerNode* pServerNode, BOOL bHideUI) : CPropertyPageHolderBase(pRootData, pServerNode, pComponentData) { m_bWizardMode = TRUE; // assume this object will have to be destroyed from the autside m_bAutoDelete = FALSE; m_forceContextHelpButton = forceOff; ASSERT(pRootData != NULL); ASSERT(pComponentData != NULL); m_bSkipNamePage = FALSE; m_bHideUI = bHideUI; m_dwDnsSetupFlags = 0; // initialize options settings (by default do nothing) m_bRootServer = FALSE; m_bHasRootZone = FALSE; m_bAddFwdZone = FALSE; m_bAddRevZone = FALSE; m_bAddRootHints = FALSE; m_bAddForwarder = FALSE; m_nScenario = SmallBusiness; // execution state and error codes if (pServerNode == NULL) { m_pServerNode = new CDNSServerNode(NULL); m_bServerNodeExists = FALSE; } else { m_pServerNode = pServerNode; m_bSkipNamePage = TRUE; m_bServerNodeExists = TRUE; } m_bServerNodeAdded = FALSE; m_bRootHintsAdded = FALSE; m_bRootZoneAdded = FALSE; m_bFwdZoneAdded = FALSE; m_bRevZoneAdded = FALSE; // always create m_pFwdZoneInfo = new CDNSCreateZoneInfo; m_pRevZoneInfo = new CDNSCreateZoneInfo; if (m_pServerNode && m_pServerNode->GetDomainVersion() > DS_BEHAVIOR_WIN2000) { m_pFwdZoneInfo->m_replType = domain; m_pRevZoneInfo->m_replType = domain; } else { m_pFwdZoneInfo->m_replType = w2k; m_pRevZoneInfo->m_replType = w2k; } // embedded zone wizards hookup if (m_bHideUI) { m_pZoneWiz = NULL; } else { m_pZoneWiz = new CDNSZoneWizardHolder(pComponentData); m_pZoneWiz->SetServerNode(m_pServerNode); m_pZoneWiz->Initialize(NULL, FALSE); m_pZoneWiz->Attach(this); } m_pRootHintsRecordList = NULL; // property pages insertion if (m_bHideUI) { m_pStartPage = NULL; m_pScenarioPage = NULL; m_pSmallZoneTypePage = NULL; m_pNamePage = NULL; m_pFwdZonePage = NULL; m_pRevZonePage = NULL; m_pFinishPage = NULL; } else { m_pStartPage = new CDNSServerWiz_StartPropertyPage; if (m_pStartPage) { AddPageToList((CPropertyPageBase*)m_pStartPage); } m_pScenarioPage = new CDNSServerWiz_ScenarioPropertyPage; if (m_pScenarioPage) { AddPageToList((CPropertyPageBase*)m_pScenarioPage); } m_pForwardersPage = new CDNSServerWiz_ForwardersPropertyPage; if (m_pForwardersPage) { AddPageToList((CPropertyPageBase*)m_pForwardersPage); } m_pSmallZoneTypePage = new CDNSServerWiz_SmallZoneTypePropertyPage; if (m_pSmallZoneTypePage) { AddPageToList((CPropertyPageBase*)m_pSmallZoneTypePage); } m_pNamePage = new CDNSServerWiz_NamePropertyPage; if (m_pNamePage) { AddPageToList((CPropertyPageBase*)m_pNamePage); } m_pFwdZonePage = new CDNSServerWiz_ConfigFwdZonePropertyPage; if (m_pFwdZonePage) { AddPageToList((CPropertyPageBase*)m_pFwdZonePage); } m_pRevZonePage = new CDNSServerWiz_ConfigRevZonePropertyPage; if (m_pRevZonePage) { AddPageToList((CPropertyPageBase*)m_pRevZonePage); } m_pFinishPage = new CDNSServerWiz_FinishPropertyPage; if (m_pFinishPage) { AddPageToList((CPropertyPageBase*)m_pFinishPage); } } } CDNSServerWizardHolder::~CDNSServerWizardHolder() { delete m_pZoneWiz; SetRootHintsRecordList(NULL); if ( (m_pServerNode != NULL) && !m_bServerNodeAdded && !m_bServerNodeExists) delete m_pServerNode; } void CDNSServerWizardHolder::DoModalConnect() { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); CThemeContextActivator activator; HWND hWnd = GetMainWindow(); CWnd* pParentWnd = CWnd::FromHandle(hWnd); CNewServerDialog dlg(this, pParentWnd); if (IDOK != dlg.DoModal()) return; // canceled if (!dlg.m_bConfigure) return; // already added // we have to configure, call the wizard m_bSkipNamePage = TRUE; DoModalWizard(); GetComponentData()->GetRootData()->SetDirtyFlag(TRUE); } void CDNSServerWizardHolder::DoModalConnectOnLocalComputer() { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); // get the name of the local machine DWORD dwLen = MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH+1; CString szServerName; BOOL bRes = ::GetComputerName(szServerName.GetBuffer(dwLen), &dwLen); ASSERT(dwLen <= MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH); szServerName.ReleaseBuffer(); if (!bRes) { szServerName = _T("localhost."); } m_pServerNode->SetDisplayName(szServerName); m_pServerNode->SetLocalServer(TRUE); // try to contact server BOOL bAlreadyConfigured = FALSE; HWND hWnd = GetMainWindow(); if (0 != GetServerInfo(&bAlreadyConfigured, hWnd)) { // failed to contact local server, just call the // normal "connect to" dialog and wizard DoModalConnect(); } else { // server successfully contacted if (bAlreadyConfigured) { // server is already setup, just insert in the UI InsertServerIntoUI(); } else { // need to configure, invoke wizard proper m_bSkipNamePage = TRUE; InsertServerIntoUI(); } } } UINT CDNSServerWizardHolder::SetZoneWizardContext(BOOL bForward, UINT nNextPage, UINT nPrevPage) { ASSERT(m_pFwdZoneInfo != NULL); ASSERT(m_pRevZoneInfo != NULL); TRACE(_T("SetZoneWizardContext(%d)\n"),bForward); if (bForward) { m_pZoneWiz->SetZoneInfoPtr(m_pFwdZoneInfo); m_pZoneWiz->SetContextPages(nNextPage, nPrevPage); } else { m_pZoneWiz->SetZoneInfoPtr(m_pRevZoneInfo); m_pZoneWiz->SetContextPages(nNextPage, nPrevPage); } m_pZoneWiz->PreSetZoneLookupType(bForward); return m_pZoneWiz->GetFirstEntryPointPageID(); } UINT CDNSServerWizardHolder::SetZoneWizardContextEx(BOOL bForward, UINT nZoneType, BOOL bADIntegrated, UINT nNextPage, UINT nPrevPage) { ASSERT(m_pFwdZoneInfo != NULL); ASSERT(m_pRevZoneInfo != NULL); TRACE(_T("SetZoneWizardContext(%d)\n"),bForward); if (bForward) { m_pZoneWiz->SetZoneInfoPtr(m_pFwdZoneInfo); m_pZoneWiz->SetContextPages(nNextPage, nPrevPage); } else { m_pZoneWiz->SetZoneInfoPtr(m_pRevZoneInfo); m_pZoneWiz->SetContextPages(nNextPage, nPrevPage); } m_pZoneWiz->PreSetZoneLookupTypeEx(bForward, nZoneType, bADIntegrated); return m_pZoneWiz->GetFirstEntryPointPageID(); } HRESULT CDNSServerWizardHolder::OnAddPage(int, CPropertyPageBase* pPage) { if (pPage != NULL) { UINT_PTR nPageID = (UINT_PTR)pPage->m_psp.pszTemplate; if (nPageID == CDNSServerWiz_ConfigFwdZonePropertyPage::IDD) { ASSERT(m_pZoneWiz != NULL); VERIFY(SUCCEEDED(m_pZoneWiz->AddAllPagesToSheet())); } } return S_OK; } DWORD CDNSServerWizardHolder::GetServerInfo(BOOL* pbAlreadyConfigured, HWND parentHwnd) { TRACE_FUNCTION_IF_NO_UI(m_bHideUI, CDNSServerWizardHolder::GetServerInfo); CThemeContextActivator activator; CContactServerThread* pThreadObj = new CContactServerThread( m_pServerNode->GetRPCName(), (pbAlreadyConfigured != NULL)); if (!pThreadObj) { return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; } CWnd* pParentWnd = CWnd::FromHandle(parentHwnd); TRACE_LOGFILE_IF_NO_UI(m_bHideUI, L"Contacting server..."); CLongOperationDialog dlg(pThreadObj, pParentWnd, IDR_SEARCH_AVI); VERIFY(dlg.LoadTitleString(IDS_MSG_SERVWIZ_CONTACT)); dlg.m_bExecuteNoUI = m_bHideUI; dlg.DoModal(); DWORD dwErr = 0; if (!dlg.m_bAbandoned) { dwErr = pThreadObj->GetError(); if (dwErr == 0) { CDNSServerInfoEx* pInfoEx = pThreadObj->DetachInfo(); ASSERT(pInfoEx != NULL); m_pServerNode->AttachServerInfo(pInfoEx); CDNSRootHintsNode* pNewRootHints = pThreadObj->DetachRootHintsNode(); if (pNewRootHints != NULL) { // root hints can be null on a root server m_pServerNode->AttachRootHints(pNewRootHints); TRACE_LOGFILE_IF_NO_UI(m_bHideUI, L"Attaching root hints..."); } if (pbAlreadyConfigured != NULL) { *pbAlreadyConfigured = pThreadObj->IsAlreadyConfigured(); } } } return dwErr; } BOOL CDNSServerWizardHolder::QueryForRootServerRecords(IP_ADDRESS* pIpAddr) { CThemeContextActivator activator; // clear the current list of root hint info SetRootHintsRecordList(NULL); // create a thread object and set the name of servers to query CRootHintsQueryThread* pThreadObj = new CRootHintsQueryThread; if (pThreadObj == NULL) { ASSERT(FALSE); return FALSE; } if (pIpAddr == NULL) { CRootData* pRootData = GetRootData(); if (!pRootData->HasChildren() && (m_pServerNode == NULL)) return FALSE; VERIFY(pThreadObj->LoadServerNames(pRootData, m_pServerNode)); } else { // if IP address given, try it pThreadObj->LoadIPAddresses(1, pIpAddr); } // create a dialog and attach the thread to it HWND hWnd = GetMainWindow(); CWnd* pParentWnd = CWnd::FromHandle(hWnd); CLongOperationDialog dlg(pThreadObj, pParentWnd, IDR_SEARCH_AVI); VERIFY(dlg.LoadTitleString(IDS_MSG_SERVWIZ_COLLECTINFO)); dlg.m_bExecuteNoUI = m_bHideUI; dlg.DoModal(); if (!dlg.m_bAbandoned) { if (pThreadObj->GetError() != 0) { if (!m_bHideUI && (pIpAddr != NULL)) DNSMessageBox(IDS_MSG_SERVWIZ_FAIL_ROOT_HINTS); } else { // success, get the root hints info to the holder SetRootHintsRecordList(pThreadObj->GetHintsRecordList()); TraceRootHints(m_pRootHintsRecordList); } return (pThreadObj->GetError() == 0); } return FALSE; } void CDNSServerWizardHolder::InsertServerIntoUI() { ASSERT(!m_bHideUI); // insert the server in the UI ASSERT(m_pServerNode != NULL); if (!m_bServerNodeAdded) { GetRootData()->AddServer(m_pServerNode,GetComponentData()); m_bServerNodeAdded = TRUE; } } BOOL CDNSServerWizardHolder::OnFinish() { USES_CONVERSION; CString szLastErrorMessage; BOOL bRet = TRUE; DNS_STATUS dwErr = 0; TRACE_FUNCTION_IF_NO_UI(m_bHideUI, CDNSServerWizardHolder::OnFinish); do // false loop { if (m_bHideUI) { // // insert into list of servers, but not in the UI // GetRootData()->AddChildToList(m_pServerNode); m_bServerNodeAdded = TRUE; } else { // // force the node to expand and wait for completion // only if not called from the empty snapin scenario (auto insertion) // if (m_pServerNode->IsExpanded() && !m_bServerNodeExists) { EnumerateMTNodeHelper(m_pServerNode, GetComponentData()); } } if (m_bAddRootHints && m_pRootHintsRecordList != NULL) { // // Root hints were detected automatically. Add them now. // dwErr = InitializeRootHintsList(); TRACE_LOGFILE_IF_NO_UI(m_bHideUI, L"InitializeRootHintsList() returned dwErr = 0x%x", dwErr); if (dwErr == 0) { m_bRootHintsAdded = TRUE; } else { bRet = FALSE; if (!m_bHideUI) { DNSErrorDialog(dwErr, IDS_MSG_SERVWIZ_FAIL_UPDATE_ROOT_HINTS); } else { ::SetLastError(dwErr); } DNSCreateErrorMessage(dwErr, IDS_MSG_SERVWIZ_FAIL_UPDATE_ROOT_HINTS, szLastErrorMessage); break; // false loop } } else { if (!m_bHideUI) { DNSMessageBox(IDS_ERR_PRIME_ROOT_HINTS, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); } } // // zone creation: root // if (m_bRootServer && !m_bRootZoneAdded && !m_bHideUI) { // // for a root server, need to create a root zone // CDNSCreateZoneInfo rootZoneInfo; rootZoneInfo.m_bPrimary = TRUE; rootZoneInfo.m_bForward = TRUE; rootZoneInfo.m_szZoneName = _T("."); rootZoneInfo.m_szZoneStorage = _T("root.dns"); rootZoneInfo.m_storageType = CDNSCreateZoneInfo::newFile; // // dynamic turned off for security reasons... // rootZoneInfo.m_nDynamicUpdate = ZONE_UPDATE_OFF; dwErr = CDNSZoneWizardHolder::CreateZoneHelper(m_pServerNode, &rootZoneInfo, GetComponentData()); TRACE_LOGFILE_IF_NO_UI(m_bHideUI, L"Root Zone creation returned dwErr = 0x%x", dwErr); if (dwErr != 0) { bRet = FALSE; if (!m_bHideUI) { DNSErrorDialog(dwErr, IDS_MSG_SERVWIZ_FAIL_ADD_ROOT_ZONE); } else { ::SetLastError(dwErr); } DNSCreateErrorMessage(dwErr, IDS_MSG_SERVWIZ_FAIL_ADD_ROOT_ZONE, szLastErrorMessage); break; // false loop } else { m_bRootZoneAdded = TRUE; } } // zone creation: forward lookup zone if (m_bAddFwdZone && !m_bFwdZoneAdded && GetScenario() != CDNSServerWizardHolder::Manually) { if (m_bHideUI) { // Add a DCPromo zone TRACE_LOGFILE(L"Creating forward lookup zone for DCPromo."); dwErr = ::DnssrvCreateZoneForDcPromoEx( m_pServerNode->GetRPCName(), W_TO_UTF8(m_pFwdZoneInfo->m_szZoneName), W_TO_UTF8(m_pFwdZoneInfo->m_szZoneStorage), DNS_ZONE_CREATE_FOR_DCPROMO); // NTRAID#NTBUG9-359894-2001/06/09-sburns if (dwErr == 0 && (m_dwDnsSetupFlags & DNS_SETUP_ZONE_CREATE_FOR_DCPROMO_FOREST)) { // need to make string instances because the l_a_m_e W_TO_UTF8 macro // can't take an expression as a parameter. CString zone(L"_msdcs." + m_pFwdZoneInfo->m_szZoneName); CString stor(L"_msdcs." + m_pFwdZoneInfo->m_szZoneStorage); dwErr = ::DnssrvCreateZoneForDcPromoEx( m_pServerNode->GetRPCName(), W_TO_UTF8(zone), W_TO_UTF8(stor), DNS_ZONE_CREATE_FOR_DCPROMO_FOREST); } if (m_dwDnsSetupFlags & DNS_SETUP_AUTOCONFIG_CLIENT) { // NTRAID#NTBUG9-489252-2001/11/08-sburns DWORD dwflags = DNS_RPC_AUTOCONFIG_ALL; dwErr = ::DnssrvOperation( m_pServerNode->GetRPCName(), NULL, DNSSRV_OP_AUTO_CONFIGURE, DNSSRV_TYPEID_DWORD, (PVOID) (DWORD_PTR) dwflags); } } else { dwErr = CDNSZoneWizardHolder::CreateZoneHelper(m_pServerNode, m_pFwdZoneInfo, GetComponentData()); } TRACE_LOGFILE_IF_NO_UI(m_bHideUI, L"FWD Zone creation returned dwErr = 0x%x", dwErr); if (dwErr != 0) { bRet = FALSE; if (!m_bHideUI) { DNSErrorDialog(dwErr, IDS_MSG_SERVWIZ_FAIL_ADD_FWD_ZONE); } else { ::SetLastError(dwErr); } DNSCreateErrorMessage(dwErr, IDS_MSG_SERVWIZ_FAIL_ADD_FWD_ZONE, szLastErrorMessage); break; // false loop } else { m_bFwdZoneAdded = TRUE; } } // zone creation: reverse lookup zone (only if FWD creation) if (m_bAddRevZone && !m_bRevZoneAdded && GetScenario() != CDNSServerWizardHolder::Manually) { if (m_bHideUI) { // Add a DCPromo zone TRACE_LOGFILE(L"Creating reverse lookup zone for DCPromo."); dwErr = ::DnssrvCreateZoneForDcPromoEx( m_pServerNode->GetRPCName(), W_TO_UTF8(m_pRevZoneInfo->m_szZoneName), W_TO_UTF8(m_pRevZoneInfo->m_szZoneStorage), 0); } else { dwErr = CDNSZoneWizardHolder::CreateZoneHelper(m_pServerNode, m_pRevZoneInfo, GetComponentData()); } TRACE_LOGFILE_IF_NO_UI(m_bHideUI, L"REV Zone creation returned dwErr = 0x%x", dwErr); if (dwErr != 0) { bRet = FALSE; if (!m_bHideUI) { DNSErrorDialog(dwErr, IDS_MSG_SERVWIZ_FAIL_ADD_REV_ZONE); } else { ::SetLastError(dwErr); } DNSCreateErrorMessage(dwErr, IDS_MSG_SERVWIZ_FAIL_ADD_REV_ZONE, szLastErrorMessage); break; // false loop } else { m_bRevZoneAdded = TRUE; } } // // Depending on the scenario we might need to add forwarders // if (!m_bHideUI) { switch (GetScenario()) { case SmallBusiness: case MediumBusiness: { if (m_pForwardersPage != NULL) { if (!m_pForwardersPage->OnApply()) { bRet = FALSE; dwErr = ::GetLastError(); if (dwErr != 0) { DNSErrorDialog(dwErr, IDS_MSG_SERVWIZ_FAIL_FORWARDERS); DNSCreateErrorMessage(dwErr, IDS_MSG_SERVWIZ_FAIL_FORWARDERS, szLastErrorMessage); } } } } break; case Manually: default: break; } } // // Have the server set the regkey that says we are configured // dwErr = m_pServerNode->SetServerConfigured(); if (dwErr != 0) { bRet = FALSE; if (!m_bHideUI) { DNSErrorDialog(dwErr, IDS_MSG_SERVWIZ_FAIL_SERVER_CONFIGURED); } else { ::SetLastError(dwErr); } DNSCreateErrorMessage(dwErr, IDS_MSG_SERVWIZ_FAIL_SERVER_CONFIGURED, szLastErrorMessage); break; // false loop } } while (false); // // Now update the regkey with the error message if we failed // if (!bRet && !szLastErrorMessage.IsEmpty()) { dwErr = WriteResultsToRegkeyForCYS(szLastErrorMessage); ASSERT(dwErr == 0); } // Now refresh the server node so that we pick up all the changes if (!m_bHideUI) { CNodeList nodeList; nodeList.AddTail(m_pServerNode); m_pServerNode->OnRefresh( GetComponentData(), &nodeList); } return bRet; } #define CYS_KEY L"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\srvWiz" #define DNSWIZ_KEY L"DnsWizResult" LONG CDNSServerWizardHolder::WriteResultsToRegkeyForCYS(PCWSTR pszLastErrorMessage) { CRegKey regkeysrvWiz; LONG lRes = regkeysrvWiz.Open(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, CYS_KEY); if (lRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) { lRes = regkeysrvWiz.SetValue(pszLastErrorMessage, DNSWIZ_KEY); } return lRes; } DNS_STATUS CDNSServerWizardHolder::InitializeRootHintsList() { ASSERT(m_pServerNode != NULL); ASSERT(m_pRootHintsRecordList != NULL); CDNSRootHintsNode* pRootHintsNode = m_pServerNode->GetRootHints(); ASSERT(pRootHintsNode != NULL); if (pRootHintsNode == NULL) { return -1; // bogus ret code } return pRootHintsNode->InitializeFromDnsQueryData(m_pRootHintsRecordList); } HRESULT CDNSServerWizardHolder::DnsSetup(LPCWSTR lpszFwdZoneName, LPCWSTR lpszFwdZoneFileName, LPCWSTR lpszRevZoneName, LPCWSTR lpszRevZoneFileName, DWORD dwFlags) { TRACE_FUNCTION(CDNSServerWizardHolder::DnsSetup); TRACE(L"CDNSServerWizardHolder::DnsSetup(\n%s,\n%s,\n%s,\n%s,\n0x%x)\n", lpszFwdZoneName, lpszFwdZoneFileName, lpszRevZoneName, lpszRevZoneFileName, dwFlags); // Save the flags for later use in OnFinish m_dwDnsSetupFlags = dwFlags; ASSERT(m_bHideUI); // set the name of the server to configure to the local host m_pServerNode->SetDisplayName(_T("")); // if needed, add forward lookup zone if ((lpszFwdZoneName != NULL) && (lpszFwdZoneFileName != NULL)) { TRACE_LOGFILE(L"Setting FWD lookup Zone Info"); m_pFwdZoneInfo->m_szZoneName = lpszFwdZoneName; m_pFwdZoneInfo->m_szZoneStorage = lpszFwdZoneFileName; m_pFwdZoneInfo->m_nDynamicUpdate = ZONE_UPDATE_UNSECURE; m_bAddFwdZone = TRUE; } // if needed, add a reverse lookup zone if ((lpszRevZoneName != NULL) && (lpszRevZoneFileName != NULL)) { TRACE_LOGFILE(L"Setting REV lookup Zone Info"); m_pRevZoneInfo->m_bForward = FALSE; m_pRevZoneInfo->m_szZoneName = lpszRevZoneName; m_pRevZoneInfo->m_szZoneStorage = lpszRevZoneFileName; m_pRevZoneInfo->m_nDynamicUpdate = ZONE_UPDATE_UNSECURE; m_bAddRevZone = TRUE; } // try to contact server BOOL bAlreadyConfigured = FALSE; TRACE(L"calling GetServerInfo()\n"); HWND hWnd = GetMainWindow(); DWORD dwErr = GetServerInfo(&bAlreadyConfigured, hWnd); if (0 != dwErr) { TRACE_LOGFILE(L"GetServerInfo() failed, dwErr = 0x%x", dwErr); return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwErr); // something is wrong, cannot contact } // // Check to see if this is a root server // dwErr = ServerHasRootZone(m_pServerNode->GetRPCName(), &m_bHasRootZone); if (m_bHasRootZone) { TRACE_LOGFILE(L"Has root zone: m_bHasRootZone = 0x%x", m_bHasRootZone); m_bRootServer = FALSE; } else { TRACE_LOGFILE(L"Does not have root zone: m_bHasRootZone = 0x%x", m_bHasRootZone); // need to configure server // 1. try to find the root hints BOOL bRootHints = QueryForRootServerRecords(NULL); // if root hints not found, make it a root server if (!bRootHints) { TRACE_LOGFILE(L"root hints not found"); TRACE_LOGFILE(L"Server needs root zone: m_bHasRootZone = 0x%x", m_bHasRootZone); m_bRootServer = TRUE; } else { m_bAddRootHints = TRUE; } } BOOL bFinish = OnFinish(); HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (!bFinish) { dwErr = ::GetLastError(); TRACE_LOGFILE(L"OnFinish failed with error: 0x%x", dwErr); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwErr); } return hr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CContactServerThread CContactServerThread::CContactServerThread(LPCTSTR lpszServerName, BOOL bCheckConfigured) { ASSERT(lpszServerName != NULL); m_szServerName = lpszServerName; m_bCheckConfigured = bCheckConfigured; m_bAlreadyConfigured = FALSE; m_pServerInfoEx = new CDNSServerInfoEx; m_pRootHintsNode = NULL; } CContactServerThread::~CContactServerThread() { if (m_pServerInfoEx != NULL) delete m_pServerInfoEx; if (m_pRootHintsNode != NULL) delete m_pRootHintsNode; } CDNSServerInfoEx* CContactServerThread::DetachInfo() { CDNSServerInfoEx* pInfo = m_pServerInfoEx; m_pServerInfoEx = NULL; return pInfo; } CDNSRootHintsNode* CContactServerThread::DetachRootHintsNode() { CDNSRootHintsNode* pRootHints = m_pRootHintsNode; m_pRootHintsNode = NULL; return pRootHints; } void CContactServerThread::OnDoAction() { USES_CONVERSION; // query the server to find out if it has a root zone BOOL bHasRootZone = FALSE; m_dwErr = ::ServerHasRootZone(m_szServerName, &bHasRootZone); if (m_dwErr != 0) return; // if there is not a root zone, the server is not authoritated for the root // so create the root hints folder and ask it to query for NS and A records if (!bHasRootZone) { CDNSRootHintsNode* pRootHintsNode = new CDNSRootHintsNode; if (pRootHintsNode) { m_dwErr = pRootHintsNode->QueryForRootHints(m_szServerName, 0x0 /*version not known yet*/); } else { m_dwErr = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; } if (m_dwErr != 0) { delete pRootHintsNode; return; } m_pRootHintsNode = pRootHintsNode; } // get server info m_dwErr = m_pServerInfoEx->Query(m_szServerName); if (m_dwErr != 0) return; // if needed verify if the server has been configured if (!m_bCheckConfigured) return; DWORD dwFilter = ZONE_REQUEST_FORWARD | ZONE_REQUEST_REVERSE | ZONE_REQUEST_PRIMARY | ZONE_REQUEST_SECONDARY; PDNS_RPC_ZONE_LIST pZoneList = NULL; m_dwErr = ::DnssrvEnumZones( m_szServerName, dwFilter, NULL /*pszLastZone, unused for the moment */, &pZoneList); if (m_dwErr == 0) { if (pZoneList != NULL) { m_bAlreadyConfigured = pZoneList->dwZoneCount > 0; ::DnssrvFreeZoneList(pZoneList); } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CRootHintsQueryThread CRootHintsQueryThread::CRootHintsQueryThread() { m_pRootHintsRecordList = NULL; m_pServerNamesArr = NULL; m_nServerNames = 0; m_nIPCount = 0; m_ipArray = NULL; } CRootHintsQueryThread::~CRootHintsQueryThread() { if (m_pServerNamesArr != NULL) delete[] m_pServerNamesArr; if (m_ipArray != NULL) free(m_ipArray); if (m_pRootHintsRecordList != NULL) DnsRecordListFree(m_pRootHintsRecordList, DnsFreeRecordListDeep); } BOOL CRootHintsQueryThread::LoadServerNames(CRootData* pRootData, CDNSServerNode* pServerNode) { ASSERT(pRootData != NULL); ASSERT(pServerNode != NULL); CNodeList* pServerList = pRootData->GetContainerChildList(); INT_PTR nCount = pServerList->GetCount(); POSITION pos; CNodeList* pChildList = pRootData->GetContainerChildList(); // look if the server node has been already added BOOL bAddServer = TRUE; for (pos = pChildList->GetHeadPosition(); pos != NULL; ) { CDNSServerNode* pCurrServerNode = (CDNSServerNode*)pChildList->GetNext(pos); if (pCurrServerNode == pServerNode) { bAddServer = FALSE; break; } } if (bAddServer) nCount++; if (nCount == 0) return FALSE; m_nServerNames = static_cast(nCount); m_pServerNamesArr = new CString[nCount]; if (!m_pServerNamesArr) { return FALSE; } int k = 0; // fill in the array of server names for (pos = pChildList->GetHeadPosition(); pos != NULL; ) { CDNSServerNode* pCurrServerNode = (CDNSServerNode*)pChildList->GetNext(pos); m_pServerNamesArr[k] = pCurrServerNode->GetDisplayName(); k++; } if (bAddServer) m_pServerNamesArr[m_nServerNames-1] = pServerNode->GetDisplayName(); return TRUE; } void CRootHintsQueryThread::LoadIPAddresses(DWORD cCount, PIP_ADDRESS ipArr) { ASSERT(cCount > 0); ASSERT(ipArr != NULL); ASSERT(m_nIPCount == 0); ASSERT(m_ipArray == NULL); m_nIPCount = cCount; m_ipArray = (IP_ADDRESS*)malloc(m_nIPCount*sizeof(IP_ADDRESS)); if (m_ipArray != NULL) { memcpy(m_ipArray, ipArr, m_nIPCount*sizeof(IP_ADDRESS)); } } PDNS_RECORD CRootHintsQueryThread::GetHintsRecordList() { PDNS_RECORD pList = m_pRootHintsRecordList; if (m_pRootHintsRecordList != NULL) { m_pRootHintsRecordList = NULL; // tansfer ownership } return pList; } void CRootHintsQueryThread::OnDoAction() { if (m_ipArray != NULL) QueryServersOnIPArray(); else { // try first the default server on the wire QueryAllServers(); if (m_dwErr != 0) { // try the list of servers provided ASSERT(m_pRootHintsRecordList == NULL); if (m_pServerNamesArr != NULL) QueryServersOnServerNames(); } } } void CRootHintsQueryThread::QueryAllServers() { m_dwErr = ::DnsQuery(_T("."), DNS_TYPE_NS, DNS_QUERY_STANDARD, NULL, &m_pRootHintsRecordList, NULL); } void CRootHintsQueryThread::QueryServersOnServerNames() { ASSERT(m_nIPCount == 0); ASSERT(m_ipArray == NULL); ASSERT(m_pServerNamesArr != NULL); ASSERT(m_nServerNames > 0); DNS_STATUS dwLastErr = 0; // allocate array of A record lists PDNS_RECORD* pHostRecordsArr = (PDNS_RECORD*)malloc(m_nServerNames*sizeof(PDNS_RECORD)); if (!pHostRecordsArr) { return; } memset(pHostRecordsArr, 0x0,m_nServerNames*sizeof(PDNS_RECORD)); // allocate an array of IP addresses possibly coming from server names PIP_ADDRESS ipArrayFromNames = (PIP_ADDRESS)malloc(m_nServerNames*sizeof(IP_ADDRESS)); if (!ipArrayFromNames) { return; } do // false loop { DWORD nIPCountFromNames = 0; // loop thru the list of names in the array for (DWORD k = 0; k < m_nServerNames; k++) { IP_ADDRESS ipAddr = IPStringToAddr(m_pServerNamesArr[k]); if (ipAddr == INADDR_NONE) { // host name, build a list of A records by calling DNSQuery() dwLastErr = ::DnsQuery((LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)m_pServerNamesArr[k], DNS_TYPE_A, DNS_QUERY_STANDARD, NULL, &pHostRecordsArr[k], NULL); } else { // IP address, add to the list ipArrayFromNames[nIPCountFromNames++] = ipAddr; } } // count the # of IP Addresses we have in the A record list DWORD nIPCountFromARec = 0; for (k=0; k < m_nServerNames; k++) { PDNS_RECORD pTemp = pHostRecordsArr[k]; while (pTemp != NULL) { nIPCountFromARec++; pTemp = pTemp->pNext; } } m_nIPCount = nIPCountFromARec + nIPCountFromNames; if (m_nIPCount == 0) { ASSERT(m_ipArray == NULL); ASSERT(dwLastErr != 0); m_dwErr = (DWORD)dwLastErr; break; // we did not get any address to query with } // build an array of IP addresses to pass to DnsQuery() m_ipArray = (IP_ADDRESS*)malloc(m_nIPCount*sizeof(IP_ADDRESS)); if (m_ipArray != NULL) { memset(m_ipArray, 0x0, m_nIPCount*sizeof(IP_ADDRESS)); } else { break; } //scan the array of lists of A records we just found PIP_ADDRESS pCurrAddr = m_ipArray; for (k=0; k < m_nServerNames; k++) { PDNS_RECORD pTemp = pHostRecordsArr[k]; while (pTemp != NULL) { CString szTemp; FormatIpAddress(szTemp, pTemp->Data.A.IpAddress); TRACE(_T("found address[%d] = %s\n"), k, (LPCTSTR)szTemp); *pCurrAddr = pTemp->Data.A.IpAddress; pTemp = pTemp->pNext; pCurrAddr++; } } // if any, attach the original IP addresses from names for (k=0; k < nIPCountFromNames; k++) { *pCurrAddr = ipArrayFromNames[k]; pCurrAddr++; } ASSERT(pCurrAddr == m_ipArray+m_nIPCount); // free up the lists of A records for (k=0; k < m_nServerNames; k++) { if (pHostRecordsArr[k] != NULL) ::DnsRecordListFree(pHostRecordsArr[k], DnsFreeRecordListDeep); } // finally can query on IP array just created QueryServersOnIPArray(); } while (false); if (pHostRecordsArr) { free(pHostRecordsArr); pHostRecordsArr = 0; } if (ipArrayFromNames) { free(ipArrayFromNames); ipArrayFromNames = 0; } } void CRootHintsQueryThread::QueryServersOnIPArray() { ASSERT(m_nIPCount > 0); ASSERT(m_ipArray != NULL); CString szTemp; for(DWORD k = 0; k < m_nIPCount; k++) { FormatIpAddress(szTemp, m_ipArray[k]); TRACE(_T("m_ipArray[%d] = %s\n"), k, (LPCTSTR)szTemp); } // have to syntesize an IP_ARRAY (hack) PIP_ARRAY pipArr = (PIP_ARRAY)malloc(sizeof(DWORD)+sizeof(IP_ADDRESS)*m_nIPCount); if (pipArr) { pipArr->AddrCount = m_nIPCount; memcpy(pipArr->AddrArray, m_ipArray, sizeof(IP_ADDRESS)*m_nIPCount); m_dwErr = ::DnsQuery(_T("."), DNS_TYPE_NS, DNS_QUERY_BYPASS_CACHE, pipArr, &m_pRootHintsRecordList, NULL); free(pipArr); pipArr = 0; } }