//*************************************************************************** // // MINISERV.CPP // // Module: OLE MS SNMP Property Provider // // Purpose: Implementation for the SnmpSetEventObject class. // // Copyright (c) 1996-2001 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved // //*************************************************************************** #include "precomp.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "classfac.h" #include "guids.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "propprov.h" #include "propsnmp.h" #include "propget.h" #include "propset.h" #include "snmpget.h" #include "snmpset.h" #include "snmpqset.h" SnmpSetClassObject :: SnmpSetClassObject ( SnmpResponseEventObject *parentOperation ) : SnmpClassObject ( parentOperation ) , m_WritableSetCount ( 0 ) , m_WritableSet ( NULL ) , m_RowStatusSpecified ( FALSE ) , m_RowStatusPresent ( FALSE ) { } SnmpSetClassObject :: ~SnmpSetClassObject () { if ( m_WritableSetCount ) { for ( DWORD t_Index = 0 ; t_Index < m_WritableSetCount ; t_Index ++ ) { delete [] (m_WritableSet[t_Index]) ; m_WritableSet[t_Index] = NULL ; } delete [] m_WritableSet ; m_WritableSet = NULL ; m_WritableSetCount = 0 ; } } void SnmpSetClassObject :: SetWritableSet ( wchar_t **a_WritableSet , ULONG a_WritableSetCount ) { if ( m_WritableSetCount ) { for ( DWORD t_Index = 0 ; t_Index < m_WritableSetCount ; t_Index ++ ) { delete [] (m_WritableSet[t_Index]) ; m_WritableSet[t_Index] = NULL ; } delete [] m_WritableSet; m_WritableSet = NULL ; m_WritableSetCount = 0 ; } m_WritableSet = a_WritableSet ; m_WritableSetCount = a_WritableSetCount ; } BOOL SnmpSetClassObject :: IsWritable ( WbemSnmpProperty *a_Property ) { if ( a_Property ) { if ( ! a_Property->GetTag () ) { BOOL t_Status = ( GetSnmpVersion () == 1 ) && ( a_Property->IsSNMPV1Type () ) ; t_Status = t_Status || ( ( GetSnmpVersion () == 2 ) && ( a_Property->IsSNMPV2CType () ) ) ; if ( t_Status ) { if ( a_Property->IsVirtualKey () == FALSE ) { if ( a_Property->IsWritable () ) { if ( m_WritableSetCount ) { for ( DWORD t_Index = 0 ; t_Index < m_WritableSetCount; t_Index ++ ) { if ( _wcsicmp ( a_Property->GetName () , m_WritableSet [ t_Index ] ) == 0 ) { return TRUE ; } } } else { return TRUE ; } } } } } } return FALSE ; } ULONG SnmpSetClassObject :: NumberOfWritable () { WbemSnmpProperty *t_CurrentProperty = GetCurrentProperty () ; ULONG t_NumberOfWritable = 0 ; WbemSnmpProperty *property ; ResetProperty () ; while ( property = NextProperty () ) { if ( ! property->GetTag () ) { BOOL t_Status = ( GetSnmpVersion () == 1 ) && ( property->IsSNMPV1Type () ) ; t_Status = t_Status || ( ( GetSnmpVersion () == 2 ) && ( property->IsSNMPV2CType () ) ) ; if ( t_Status ) { if ( property->IsVirtualKey () == FALSE ) { if ( property->IsWritable () ) { if ( m_WritableSetCount ) { for ( DWORD t_Index = 0 ; t_Index < m_WritableSetCount; t_Index ++ ) { if ( _wcsicmp ( property->GetName () , m_WritableSet [ t_Index ] ) == 0 ) { t_NumberOfWritable ++ ; break ; } } } else { t_NumberOfWritable ++ ; } } } } } } GotoProperty ( t_CurrentProperty ) ; return t_NumberOfWritable ; } BOOL SnmpSetClassObject :: Check ( WbemSnmpErrorObject &a_errorObject ) { // Check Class Object, used in a Get Request, for validity BOOL status = TRUE ; snmpVersion = m_parentOperation->SetAgentVersion ( a_errorObject ) ; if ( snmpVersion == 0 ) { status = FALSE ; } #if 0 WbemSnmpQualifier *qualifier = FindQualifier ( WBEM_QUALIFIER_ROWSTATUS ) ; if ( qualifier ) { SnmpInstanceType *value = qualifier->GetValue () ; if ( typeid ( *value ) == typeid ( SnmpIntegerType ) ) { SnmpIntegerType *integerType = ( SnmpIntegerType * ) value ; m_RowStatusSpecified = integerType->GetValue () ; } else { // Problem Here status = FALSE ; a_errorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_SNMP_E_TYPE_MISMATCH ) ; a_errorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; a_errorObject.SetMessage ( L"Type mismatch for qualifier: RowStatus" ) ; } } #endif // Check all Properties for validity WbemSnmpProperty *property ; ResetProperty () ; while ( status && ( property = NextProperty () ) ) { status = CheckProperty ( a_errorObject , property ) ; } if ( ! m_accessible ) { status = FALSE ; a_errorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_SNMP_E_NOWRITABLEPROPERTIES ) ; a_errorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; a_errorObject.SetMessage ( L"Class must contain at least one property which is accessible" ) ; } if ( m_RowStatusSpecified && ! m_RowStatusPresent ) { status = FALSE ; a_errorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_SNMP_E_INVALID_CLASS ) ; a_errorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; a_errorObject.SetMessage ( L"Class must contain at least one property which is of type RowStatus" ) ; } return status ; } BOOL SnmpSetClassObject :: CheckProperty ( WbemSnmpErrorObject &a_errorObject , WbemSnmpProperty *property ) { // Check property validity BOOL status = TRUE ; if ( typeid ( *property->GetValue () ) == typeid ( SnmpObjectIdentifierType ) ) { SnmpObjectIdentifierType *t_ObjectIdentifier = ( SnmpObjectIdentifierType * ) property->GetValue () ; if ( t_ObjectIdentifier->GetValueLength () < 2 ) { status = FALSE ; a_errorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_SNMP_E_TYPE_MISMATCH ) ; a_errorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; wchar_t *temp = UnicodeStringDuplicate ( L"Type Mismatch for property: " ) ; wchar_t *stringBuffer = UnicodeStringAppend ( temp , property->GetName () ) ; delete [] temp ; a_errorObject.SetMessage ( stringBuffer ) ; delete [] stringBuffer ; } } if ( typeid ( *property->GetValue () ) == typeid ( SnmpRowStatusType ) ) { if ( m_RowStatusPresent ) { status = FALSE ; a_errorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_SNMP_E_INVALID_CLASS ) ; a_errorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; a_errorObject.SetMessage ( L"Class contains more than one property with RowStatus type definition" ) ; } else { m_RowStatusPresent = TRUE ; } } if ( ( snmpVersion == 1 ) && property->IsSNMPV1Type () && IsWritable ( property ) ) { m_accessible = TRUE ; } else if ( ( snmpVersion == 2 ) && property->IsSNMPV2CType () && IsWritable ( property ) ) { m_accessible = TRUE ; } return status ; } SnmpSetResponseEventObject :: SnmpSetResponseEventObject ( CImpPropProv *providerArg , IWbemClassObject *classObjectArg , IWbemContext *a_Context , long lflags ) : SnmpResponseEventObject ( providerArg , a_Context ) , classObject ( NULL ) , session ( NULL ) , operation ( NULL ) , processComplete ( FALSE ) , m_lflags ( lflags ) , state ( 0 ) , m_SnmpTooBig ( FALSE ) , m_VarBindsLeftBeforeTooBig ( 0 ) , #pragma warning (disable:4355) snmpObject ( this ) #pragma warning (default:4355) { if ( classObjectArg ) { classObject = classObjectArg; classObject->AddRef () ; } if ( a_Context ) { VARIANT t_Variant ; VariantInit ( & t_Variant ) ; HRESULT t_Result = a_Context->GetValue ( L"__PUT_EXTENSIONS" , 0 , & t_Variant ) ; if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { if ( t_Variant.vt == VT_BOOL && t_Variant.boolVal == VARIANT_TRUE ) { VARIANT t_ArrayVariant ; VariantInit ( & t_ArrayVariant ) ; HRESULT t_Result = a_Context->GetValue ( L"__PUT_EXT_PROPERTIES" , 0 , & t_ArrayVariant ) ; if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { if ( t_ArrayVariant.vt == ( VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR ) ) { if ( SafeArrayGetDim ( t_ArrayVariant.parray ) == 1 ) { LONG t_Dimension = 1 ; LONG t_Lower ; SafeArrayGetLBound ( t_ArrayVariant.parray , t_Dimension , & t_Lower ) ; LONG t_Upper ; SafeArrayGetUBound ( t_ArrayVariant.parray , t_Dimension , & t_Upper ) ; LONG t_Count = ( t_Upper - t_Lower ) + 1 ; DWORD t_WritableSetCount = t_Count ; wchar_t **t_WritableSet = new wchar_t * [ t_Count ] ; for ( LONG t_ElementIndex = t_Lower ; t_ElementIndex <= t_Upper ; t_ElementIndex ++ ) { BSTR t_Element ; SafeArrayGetElement ( t_ArrayVariant.parray , &t_ElementIndex , & t_Element ) ; wchar_t *t_String = new wchar_t [ wcslen ( t_Element ) + 1 ] ; wcscpy ( t_String , t_Element ) ; t_WritableSet [ t_ElementIndex - t_Lower ] = t_String ; } snmpObject.SetWritableSet ( t_WritableSet , t_WritableSetCount ) ; } } VariantClear ( & t_ArrayVariant ) ; } } VariantClear ( & t_Variant ) ; } } } SnmpSetResponseEventObject :: ~SnmpSetResponseEventObject () { if ( classObject ) classObject->Release () ; } BOOL SnmpSetResponseEventObject :: SendSnmp ( WbemSnmpErrorObject &a_errorObject , const ULONG &a_NumberToSend ) { m_SnmpTooBig = FALSE ; BOOL status = TRUE ; IWbemQualifierSet *classQualifierObject ; HRESULT result = m_namespaceObject->GetQualifierSet ( &classQualifierObject ) ; if ( SUCCEEDED ( result ) ) { wchar_t *agentAddress = NULL ; wchar_t *agentTransport = NULL ; wchar_t *agentWriteCommunityName = NULL ; ULONG agentRetryCount ; ULONG agentRetryTimeout ; ULONG agentMaxVarBindsPerPdu ; ULONG agentFlowControlWindowSize ; status = SetAgentVersion ( m_errorObject ) ; if ( status ) status = GetAgentAddress ( m_errorObject , classQualifierObject , agentAddress ) ; if ( status ) status = GetAgentTransport ( m_errorObject , classQualifierObject , agentTransport ) ; if ( status ) status = GetAgentWriteCommunityName ( m_errorObject , classQualifierObject , agentWriteCommunityName ) ; if ( status ) status = GetAgentRetryCount ( m_errorObject , classQualifierObject , agentRetryCount ) ; if ( status ) status = GetAgentRetryTimeout ( m_errorObject , classQualifierObject , agentRetryTimeout ) ; if ( status ) status = GetAgentMaxVarBindsPerPdu ( m_errorObject , classQualifierObject , agentMaxVarBindsPerPdu ) ; if ( status ) status = GetAgentFlowControlWindowSize ( m_errorObject , classQualifierObject , agentFlowControlWindowSize ) ; if ( status ) { char *dbcsAgentAddress = UnicodeToDbcsString ( agentAddress ) ; if ( dbcsAgentAddress ) { char *dbcsagentWriteCommunityName = UnicodeToDbcsString ( agentWriteCommunityName ) ; if ( dbcsagentWriteCommunityName ) { if ( _wcsicmp ( agentTransport , WBEM_AGENTIPTRANSPORT ) == 0 ) { char *t_Address ; if ( provider->GetIpAddressString () && provider->GetIpAddressValue () && _stricmp ( provider->GetIpAddressString () , dbcsAgentAddress ) == 0 ) { t_Address = provider->GetIpAddressValue () ; } else { if ( SnmpTransportIpAddress :: ValidateAddress ( dbcsAgentAddress , SNMP_ADDRESS_RESOLVE_VALUE ) ) { t_Address = dbcsAgentAddress ; } else { if ( SnmpTransportIpAddress :: ValidateAddress ( dbcsAgentAddress , SNMP_ADDRESS_RESOLVE_NAME ) ) { t_Address = dbcsAgentAddress ; } else { status = FALSE ; a_errorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_SNMP_E_INVALID_TRANSPORTCONTEXT ) ; a_errorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; a_errorObject.SetMessage ( L"Illegal IP address value or unresolvable name for AgentAddress" ) ; } } } if ( status ) { if ( m_agentVersion == 1 ) { session = new SnmpV1OverIp ( t_Address , SNMP_ADDRESS_RESOLVE_NAME | SNMP_ADDRESS_RESOLVE_VALUE , dbcsagentWriteCommunityName , agentRetryCount , agentRetryTimeout , agentMaxVarBindsPerPdu , agentFlowControlWindowSize ); if ( ! (*session)() ) { DebugMacro3( SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( __FILE__,__LINE__, L"SNMPCL Session could not be created" ) ; ) delete session ; session = NULL ; status = FALSE ; a_errorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_SNMP_E_TRANSPORT_ERROR ) ; a_errorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; a_errorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed to get transport resources" ) ; } } else if ( m_agentVersion == 2 ) { session = new SnmpV2COverIp ( t_Address , SNMP_ADDRESS_RESOLVE_NAME | SNMP_ADDRESS_RESOLVE_VALUE , dbcsagentWriteCommunityName , agentRetryCount , agentRetryTimeout , agentMaxVarBindsPerPdu , agentFlowControlWindowSize ); if ( ! (*session)() ) { DebugMacro3( SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( __FILE__,__LINE__, L"SNMPCL Session could not be created" ) ; ) delete session ; session = NULL ; status = FALSE ; a_errorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_SNMP_E_TRANSPORT_ERROR ) ; a_errorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; a_errorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed to get transport resources" ) ; } } else { status = FALSE ; a_errorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_SNMP_E_INVALID_TRANSPORTCONTEXT ) ; a_errorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; a_errorObject.SetMessage ( L"Illegal value for qualifier: AgentSnmpVersion" ) ; } } } else if ( _wcsicmp ( agentTransport , WBEM_AGENTIPXTRANSPORT ) == 0 ) { if ( m_agentVersion == 1 ) { session = new SnmpV1OverIpx ( dbcsAgentAddress , dbcsagentWriteCommunityName , agentRetryCount , agentRetryTimeout , agentMaxVarBindsPerPdu , agentFlowControlWindowSize ); if ( ! (*session)() ) { DebugMacro3( SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( __FILE__,__LINE__, L"SNMPCL Session could not be created" ) ; ) delete session ; session = NULL ; status = FALSE ; a_errorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_SNMP_E_TRANSPORT_ERROR ) ; a_errorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; a_errorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed to get transport resources" ) ; } } else if ( m_agentVersion == 2 ) { session = new SnmpV2COverIpx ( dbcsAgentAddress , dbcsagentWriteCommunityName , agentRetryCount , agentRetryTimeout , agentMaxVarBindsPerPdu , agentFlowControlWindowSize ); if ( ! (*session)() ) { DebugMacro3( SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( __FILE__,__LINE__, L"SNMPCL Session could not be created" ) ; ) delete session ; session = NULL ; status = FALSE ; a_errorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_SNMP_E_TRANSPORT_ERROR ) ; a_errorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; a_errorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed to get transport resources" ) ; } } else { status = FALSE ; a_errorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_SNMP_E_INVALID_TRANSPORTCONTEXT ) ; a_errorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; a_errorObject.SetMessage ( L"Illegal value for qualifier: AgentSnmpVersion" ) ; } } else { status = FALSE ; a_errorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_SNMP_E_INVALID_TRANSPORTCONTEXT ) ; a_errorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; a_errorObject.SetMessage ( L"Illegal value for qualifier: AgentTransport" ) ; } delete [] dbcsagentWriteCommunityName ; } else { status = FALSE ; a_errorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_SNMP_E_INVALID_TRANSPORTCONTEXT ) ; a_errorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; a_errorObject.SetMessage ( L"Illegal value for qualifier: agentWriteCommunityName" ) ; } delete [] dbcsAgentAddress ; if ( status ) { operation = new SetOperation(*session,this); operation->Send ( a_NumberToSend ) ; } } else { status = FALSE ; a_errorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_SNMP_E_INVALID_TRANSPORTCONTEXT ) ; a_errorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; a_errorObject.SetMessage ( L"Illegal value for qualifier: AgentAddress" ) ; } } else { DebugMacro1( SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( __FILE__,__LINE__, L" TransportInformation settings invalid" ) ; ) } delete [] agentTransport ; delete [] agentAddress ; delete [] agentWriteCommunityName ; classQualifierObject->Release () ; } else { status = FALSE ; a_errorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_SNMP_ERROR_CRITICAL_ERROR ) ; a_errorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_ERROR_CRITICAL_ERROR ) ; a_errorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed to get class qualifier set" ) ; } return status ; } SnmpUpdateEventObject :: SnmpUpdateEventObject ( CImpPropProv *providerArg , IWbemClassObject *classObject , IWbemContext *a_Context , long lflags ) : SnmpSetResponseEventObject ( providerArg , classObject , a_Context , lflags ) { } SnmpUpdateEventObject :: ~SnmpUpdateEventObject () { } BOOL SnmpUpdateEventObject :: CheckForRowExistence ( WbemSnmpErrorObject &a_errorObject ) { DebugMacro3( SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( __FILE__,__LINE__, L"SnmpUpdateEventObject :: CheckForRowExistence ( WbemSnmpErrorObject &a_errorObject )" ) ; ) BOOL status = TRUE ; IWbemQualifierSet *classQualifierObject ; HRESULT result = m_namespaceObject->GetQualifierSet ( &classQualifierObject ) ; if ( SUCCEEDED ( result ) ) { wchar_t *agentAddress = NULL ; wchar_t *agentTransport = NULL ; wchar_t *agentWriteCommunityName = NULL ; ULONG agentRetryCount ; ULONG agentRetryTimeout ; ULONG agentMaxVarBindsPerPdu ; ULONG agentFlowControlWindowSize ; status = SetAgentVersion ( m_errorObject ) ; if ( status ) status = GetAgentAddress ( m_errorObject , classQualifierObject , agentAddress ) ; if ( status ) status = GetAgentTransport ( m_errorObject , classQualifierObject , agentTransport ) ; if ( status ) status = GetAgentWriteCommunityName ( m_errorObject , classQualifierObject , agentWriteCommunityName ) ; if ( status ) status = GetAgentRetryCount ( m_errorObject , classQualifierObject , agentRetryCount ) ; if ( status ) status = GetAgentRetryTimeout ( m_errorObject , classQualifierObject , agentRetryTimeout ) ; if ( status ) status = GetAgentMaxVarBindsPerPdu ( m_errorObject , classQualifierObject , agentMaxVarBindsPerPdu ) ; if ( status ) status = GetAgentFlowControlWindowSize ( m_errorObject , classQualifierObject , agentFlowControlWindowSize ) ; if ( status ) { char *dbcsAgentAddress = UnicodeToDbcsString ( agentAddress ) ; if ( dbcsAgentAddress ) { char *dbcsagentWriteCommunityName = UnicodeToDbcsString ( agentWriteCommunityName ) ; if ( dbcsagentWriteCommunityName ) { if ( _wcsicmp ( agentTransport , WBEM_AGENTIPTRANSPORT ) == 0 ) { char *t_Address ; if ( provider->GetIpAddressString () && provider->GetIpAddressValue () && _stricmp ( provider->GetIpAddressString () , dbcsAgentAddress ) == 0 ) { t_Address = provider->GetIpAddressValue () ; } else { t_Address = dbcsAgentAddress ; } if ( m_agentVersion == 1 ) { session = new SnmpV1OverIp ( t_Address , SNMP_ADDRESS_RESOLVE_NAME | SNMP_ADDRESS_RESOLVE_VALUE , dbcsagentWriteCommunityName , agentRetryCount , agentRetryTimeout , agentFlowControlWindowSize , agentMaxVarBindsPerPdu ); if ( ! (*session)() ) { DebugMacro3( SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( __FILE__,__LINE__, L"SNMPCL Session could not be created" ) ; ) delete session ; session = NULL ; status = FALSE ; a_errorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_SNMP_E_TRANSPORT_ERROR ) ; a_errorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; a_errorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed to get transport resources" ) ; } } else if ( m_agentVersion == 2 ) { session = new SnmpV2COverIp ( t_Address , SNMP_ADDRESS_RESOLVE_NAME | SNMP_ADDRESS_RESOLVE_VALUE , dbcsagentWriteCommunityName , agentRetryCount , agentRetryTimeout , agentFlowControlWindowSize , agentMaxVarBindsPerPdu ); if ( ! (*session)() ) { DebugMacro3( SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( __FILE__,__LINE__, L"SNMPCL Session could not be created" ) ; ) delete session ; session = NULL ; status = FALSE ; a_errorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_SNMP_E_TRANSPORT_ERROR ) ; a_errorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; a_errorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed to get transport resources" ) ; } } else { status = FALSE ; a_errorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_SNMP_E_INVALID_TRANSPORTCONTEXT ) ; a_errorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; a_errorObject.SetMessage ( L"Illegal value for qualifier: AgentSnmpVersion" ) ; } } else if ( _wcsicmp ( agentTransport , WBEM_AGENTIPXTRANSPORT ) == 0 ) { if ( m_agentVersion == 1 ) { session = new SnmpV1OverIpx ( dbcsAgentAddress , dbcsagentWriteCommunityName , agentRetryCount , agentRetryTimeout , agentFlowControlWindowSize , agentMaxVarBindsPerPdu ); if ( ! (*session)() ) { DebugMacro3( SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( __FILE__,__LINE__, L"SNMPCL Session could not be created" ) ; ) delete session ; session = NULL ; status = FALSE ; a_errorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_SNMP_E_TRANSPORT_ERROR ) ; a_errorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; a_errorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed to get transport resources" ) ; } } else if ( m_agentVersion == 2 ) { session = new SnmpV2COverIpx ( dbcsAgentAddress , dbcsagentWriteCommunityName , agentRetryCount , agentRetryTimeout , agentFlowControlWindowSize , agentMaxVarBindsPerPdu ); if ( ! (*session)() ) { DebugMacro3( SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( __FILE__,__LINE__, L"SNMPCL Session could not be created" ) ; ) delete session ; session = NULL ; status = FALSE ; a_errorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_SNMP_E_TRANSPORT_ERROR ) ; a_errorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; a_errorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed to get transport resources" ) ; } } else { status = FALSE ; a_errorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_SNMP_E_INVALID_TRANSPORTCONTEXT ) ; a_errorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; a_errorObject.SetMessage ( L"Illegal value for qualifier: AgentSnmpVersion" ) ; } } else { status = FALSE ; a_errorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_SNMP_E_INVALID_TRANSPORTCONTEXT ) ; a_errorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; a_errorObject.SetMessage ( L"Illegal value for qualifier: AgentTransport" ) ; } delete [] dbcsagentWriteCommunityName ; } else { status = FALSE ; a_errorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_SNMP_E_INVALID_TRANSPORTCONTEXT ) ; a_errorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; a_errorObject.SetMessage ( L"Illegal value for qualifier: agentWriteCommunityName" ) ; } delete [] dbcsAgentAddress ; if ( status ) { m_QueryOperation = new SetQueryOperation(*session,this); m_QueryOperation->Send () ; } } else { status = FALSE ; a_errorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_SNMP_E_INVALID_TRANSPORTCONTEXT ) ; a_errorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; a_errorObject.SetMessage ( L"Illegal value for qualifier: AgentAddress" ) ; } } else { DebugMacro1( SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( __FILE__,__LINE__, L" TransportInformation settings invalid" ) ; ) } delete [] agentTransport ; delete [] agentAddress ; delete [] agentWriteCommunityName ; classQualifierObject->Release () ; } else { status = FALSE ; a_errorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_SNMP_ERROR_CRITICAL_ERROR ) ; a_errorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_ERROR_CRITICAL_ERROR ) ; a_errorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed to get class qualifier set" ) ; } return status ; } BOOL SnmpUpdateEventObject :: Update ( WbemSnmpErrorObject &a_errorObject ) { DebugMacro3( SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( __FILE__,__LINE__, L"SnmpUpdateEventObject :: Update ( WbemSnmpErrorObject &a_errorObject )" ) ; ) BOOL status = TRUE ; HRESULT t_WBEM_result = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR ; IWbemClassObject *t_ClassObject = NULL ; VARIANT variant ; VariantInit ( & variant ) ; t_WBEM_result = classObject->Get ( WBEM_PROPERTY_CLASS , 0 , &variant , NULL , NULL ) ; if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_WBEM_result ) ) { IWbemServices *t_Serv = provider->GetServer(); HRESULT result = WBEM_E_FAILED; if (t_Serv) { result = t_Serv->GetObject ( variant.bstrVal , 0 , m_Context , & t_ClassObject , NULL ) ; t_Serv->Release(); } VariantClear ( & variant ) ; if ( SUCCEEDED ( result ) ) { if ( status = GetNamespaceObject ( a_errorObject ) ) { status = snmpObject.Set ( a_errorObject , t_ClassObject , FALSE ) ; if ( status ) { status = snmpObject.Merge ( a_errorObject , GetClassObject () ) ; if ( status ) { status = snmpObject.Check ( a_errorObject ) ; if ( status ) { status = HandleSnmpVersion ( a_errorObject ) ; } else { DebugMacro3( SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( __FILE__,__LINE__, L"Failed During Check : Class definition did not conform to mapping" ) ; ) } } else { DebugMacro3( SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( __FILE__,__LINE__, L"Failed During Merge : Class definition did not conform to mapping" ) ; ) } } else { DebugMacro3( SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( __FILE__,__LINE__, L"Failed During Set : Class definition did not conform to mapping" ) ; ) } } t_ClassObject->Release () ; } } DebugMacro3( SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( __FILE__,__LINE__, L"Returning from SnmpUpdateEventObject :: Update ( WbemSnmpErrorObject &a_errorObject ) with Result (%lx)" , a_errorObject.GetWbemStatus () ) ; ) return status ; } SnmpUpdateAsyncEventObject :: SnmpUpdateAsyncEventObject ( CImpPropProv *providerArg , IWbemClassObject *classObject , IWbemObjectSink *notify , IWbemContext *a_Context , long lflags ) : SnmpUpdateEventObject ( providerArg , classObject , a_Context , lflags ) , notificationHandler ( notify ) { DebugMacro3( SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( __FILE__,__LINE__, L"SnmpUpdateAsyncEventObject :: SnmpUpdateAsyncEventObject ()" ) ; ) notify->AddRef () ; } SnmpUpdateAsyncEventObject :: ~SnmpUpdateAsyncEventObject () { DebugMacro3( SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( __FILE__,__LINE__, L"SnmpUpdateAsyncEventObject :: ~SnmpUpdateAsyncEventObject ()" ) ; ) if ( FAILED ( m_errorObject.GetWbemStatus () ) ) { // Get Status object IWbemClassObject *notifyStatus ; BOOL status = GetSnmpNotifyStatusObject ( ¬ifyStatus ) ; if ( status ) { DebugMacro3( SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( __FILE__,__LINE__, L"Sending Status" ) ; ) HRESULT result = notificationHandler->SetStatus ( 0 , m_errorObject.GetWbemStatus () , NULL , notifyStatus ) ; notifyStatus->Release () ; } else { HRESULT result = notificationHandler->SetStatus ( 0 , m_errorObject.GetWbemStatus () , NULL , NULL ) ; } } else { HRESULT result = notificationHandler->SetStatus ( 0 , m_errorObject.GetWbemStatus () , NULL , NULL ) ; } notificationHandler->Release () ; DebugMacro3( SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( __FILE__,__LINE__, L"Returning from SnmpUpdateAsyncEventObject :: ~SnmpUpdateAsyncEventObject ()" ) ; ) } void SnmpUpdateAsyncEventObject :: SetComplete () { DebugMacro3( SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( __FILE__,__LINE__, L"SnmpUpdateAsyncEventObject :: SetComplete ()" ) ; ) if ( SUCCEEDED ( m_errorObject.GetWbemStatus () ) ) { DebugMacro3( SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( __FILE__,__LINE__, L"Update Succeeded" ) ; ) WbemSnmpErrorObject errorObject ; IWbemClassObject *classObject = GetClassObject () ; BOOL status = snmpObject.Get ( errorObject , classObject ) ; if ( status ) { if ( notificationHandler ) { DebugMacro3( SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( __FILE__,__LINE__, L"Sending Object" ) ; ) notificationHandler->Indicate ( 1 , & classObject ) ; } } else { } } else { } /* * Remove worker object from worker thread container */ DebugMacro3( SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( __FILE__,__LINE__, L"Reaping Task" ) ; ) SetOperation *t_operation = operation ; DebugMacro3( SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( __FILE__,__LINE__, L"Deleting (this)" ) ; ) Complete () ; DebugMacro3( SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( __FILE__,__LINE__, L"Destroying SNMPCL operation" ) ; ) if ( t_operation ) t_operation->DestroyOperation () ; DebugMacro3( SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( __FILE__,__LINE__, L"Returning from SnmpUpdateAsyncEventObject :: SetComplete ()" ) ; ) } void SnmpUpdateAsyncEventObject :: Process () { DebugMacro3( SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( __FILE__,__LINE__, L"SnmpUpdateAsyncEventObject :: Process ()" ) ; ) switch ( state ) { case 0: { BOOL status = Update ( m_errorObject ) ; if ( status ) { } else { ReceiveComplete () ; } } break ; default: { } break ; } DebugMacro3( SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( __FILE__,__LINE__, L"Returning from SnmpUpdateAsyncEventObject :: Process ()" ) ; ) } BOOL SnmpUpdateEventObject :: HandleSnmpVersion ( WbemSnmpErrorObject &a_ErrorObject ) { DebugMacro3( SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( __FILE__,__LINE__, L"SnmpUpdateEventObject :: HandleSnmpVersion ( WbemSnmpErrorObject &a_ErrorObject )" ) ; ) BOOL t_Status = FALSE ; if ( snmpObject.RowStatusSpecified () ) { if ( snmpObject.GetSnmpVersion () == 1 ) { if ( WBEM_FLAG_CREATE_OR_UPDATE == ( m_lflags & WBEM_FLAG_CREATE_OR_UPDATE ) ) { t_Status = Create_Or_Update () ; } else if ( WBEM_FLAG_CREATE_ONLY == ( m_lflags & WBEM_FLAG_CREATE_ONLY ) ) { t_Status = Create_Only () ; } else if ( WBEM_FLAG_UPDATE_ONLY == ( m_lflags & WBEM_FLAG_UPDATE_ONLY ) ) { t_Status = Update_Only () ; } else { t_Status = FALSE ; } } else { if ( WBEM_FLAG_CREATE_OR_UPDATE == ( m_lflags & WBEM_FLAG_CREATE_OR_UPDATE ) ) { t_Status = Create_Or_Update () ; } else if ( WBEM_FLAG_CREATE_ONLY == ( m_lflags & WBEM_FLAG_CREATE_ONLY ) ) { t_Status = Create_Only () ; } else if ( WBEM_FLAG_UPDATE_ONLY == ( m_lflags & WBEM_FLAG_UPDATE_ONLY ) ) { t_Status = Update_Only () ; } else { t_Status = FALSE ; } } } else { if ( WBEM_FLAG_CREATE_OR_UPDATE == ( m_lflags & WBEM_FLAG_CREATE_OR_UPDATE ) ) { state = 0 ; t_Status = SendSnmp ( a_ErrorObject ) ; } else if ( WBEM_FLAG_CREATE_ONLY == ( m_lflags & WBEM_FLAG_CREATE_ONLY ) ) { state = 1 ; t_Status = CheckForRowExistence ( a_ErrorObject ) ; } else if ( WBEM_FLAG_UPDATE_ONLY == ( m_lflags & WBEM_FLAG_UPDATE_ONLY ) ) { state = 2 ; t_Status = CheckForRowExistence ( a_ErrorObject ) ; } else { t_Status = FALSE ; } } return t_Status ; } void SnmpUpdateAsyncEventObject :: ReceiveComplete () { DebugMacro3( SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( __FILE__,__LINE__, L"SnmpUpdateAsyncEventObject :: ReceiveComplete ()" ) ; ) BOOL t_Status = TRUE ; switch ( state ) { case 0: { /* * V1 SMI - CREATE_OR_UPDATE */ if ( m_SnmpTooBig ) { m_errorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_SNMP_E_TRANSPORT_ERROR ) ; m_errorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; m_errorObject.SetMessage ( L"Agent could not process Set Request because SNMP PDU was too big" ) ; } SetComplete () ; return ; } break ; case 1: { /* * V1 SMI - CREATE_ONLY */ if ( ! SUCCEEDED ( m_errorObject.GetStatus () ) ) { SetComplete () ; return ; } state = 3 ; if ( m_QueryOperation->GetRowReceived () == 0 ) { t_Status = SendSnmp ( m_errorObject ) ; } else { m_errorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_SNMP_E_ALREADY_EXISTS ) ; m_errorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_ALREADY_EXISTS ) ; m_errorObject.SetMessage ( L"Instance already exists" ) ; t_Status = FALSE ; } if ( m_QueryOperation ) m_QueryOperation->DestroyOperation () ; } break ; case 2: { /* * V1 SMI - UPDATE_ONLY */ if ( ! SUCCEEDED ( m_errorObject.GetStatus () ) ) { SetComplete () ; return ; } state = 3 ; if ( m_QueryOperation->GetRowReceived () ) { t_Status = SendSnmp ( m_errorObject ) ; } else { m_errorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_SNMP_E_NOT_FOUND ) ; m_errorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND ) ; m_errorObject.SetMessage ( L"Instance does not exist" ) ; t_Status = FALSE ; } if ( m_QueryOperation ) m_QueryOperation->DestroyOperation () ; } break ; case 3: { if ( m_SnmpTooBig ) { m_errorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_SNMP_E_TRANSPORT_ERROR ) ; m_errorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; m_errorObject.SetMessage ( L"Agent could not process Set Request because SNMP PDU was too big" ) ; } t_Status = FALSE ; } break ; case 4: { /* * V2C SMI ROWSTATUS - CREATE_OR_UPDATE */ m_errorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_SNMP_E_PROVIDER_FAILURE ) ; m_errorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; m_errorObject.SetMessage ( L"UNKNOWN STATE TRANSITION" ) ; t_Status = FALSE ; } break ; case 10: { /* * V2C SMI ROWSTATUS - CREATE_ONLY */ WbemSnmpProperty *t_Property ; snmpObject.ResetProperty () ; while ( t_Property = snmpObject.NextProperty () ) { t_Property->SetTag ( FALSE ) ; } ULONG t_VarBindsPerPdu = 0 ; IWbemQualifierSet *classQualifierObject ; HRESULT result = m_namespaceObject->GetQualifierSet ( &classQualifierObject ) ; if ( SUCCEEDED ( result ) ) { t_Status = GetAgentMaxVarBindsPerPdu ( m_errorObject , classQualifierObject , t_VarBindsPerPdu ) ; classQualifierObject->Release () ; if ( t_Status ) { m_VarBindsLeftBeforeTooBig = t_VarBindsPerPdu ; ULONG t_NumberOfWritable = snmpObject.NumberOfWritable () ; /* * Check to see if we can fit all vbs in to one pdu */ if ( t_NumberOfWritable < t_VarBindsPerPdu ) { // Does fit t_Status = Send_Variable_Binding_List ( snmpObject , t_NumberOfWritable , SnmpRowStatusType :: SnmpRowStatusEnum :: createAndGo ) ; state = 11 ; } else { // Does not fit, therefore decompose t_Status = Send_Variable_Binding_List ( snmpObject , m_VarBindsLeftBeforeTooBig , SnmpRowStatusType :: SnmpRowStatusEnum :: createAndWait ) ; state = 12 ; } } else { m_errorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_SNMP_E_TRANSPORT_ERROR ) ; m_errorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; m_errorObject.SetMessage ( L"Internal Error" ) ; t_Status = FALSE ; } } else { m_errorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_SNMP_E_TRANSPORT_ERROR ) ; m_errorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; m_errorObject.SetMessage ( L"Internal Error" ) ; t_Status = FALSE ; } } break ; case 11: { /* * check to see if we fitted everything into one pdu */ if ( m_SnmpTooBig ) { /* * PDU TOO BIG */ /* * Decrement the number of variable bindings so that we can avoid an SNMP TOO BIG response */ m_VarBindsLeftBeforeTooBig -- ; /* * Resend */ t_Status = Send_Variable_Binding_List ( snmpObject , m_VarBindsLeftBeforeTooBig , SnmpRowStatusType :: SnmpRowStatusEnum :: createAndWait ) ; state = 12 ; } else { /* * We've either succeeded or totally failed. */ if ( t_Status = SUCCEEDED ( m_errorObject.GetWbemStatus () ) ) { } else { } } } break ; case 12: { /* * check to see if we fitted everything into one pdu */ if ( m_SnmpTooBig ) { /* * PDU TOO BIG */ if ( m_VarBindsLeftBeforeTooBig == 0 ) { /* * Set Error object for TooBig because we only sent one vb */ t_Status = FALSE ; } else { /* * Decrement the number of variable bindings so that we can avoid an SNMP TOO BIG response */ m_VarBindsLeftBeforeTooBig -- ; /* * Resend */ t_Status = Send_Variable_Binding_List ( snmpObject , m_VarBindsLeftBeforeTooBig , SnmpRowStatusType :: SnmpRowStatusEnum :: createAndWait ) ; state = 12 ; } } else { /* * We've either succeeded or totally failed to set the row as createAndWait */ if ( t_Status = SUCCEEDED ( m_errorObject.GetWbemStatus () ) ) { /* * Now send a non row status variable binding list */ ULONG t_VarBindsPerPdu = 0 ; IWbemQualifierSet *classQualifierObject ; HRESULT result = m_namespaceObject->GetQualifierSet ( &classQualifierObject ) ; if ( SUCCEEDED ( result ) ) { t_Status = GetAgentMaxVarBindsPerPdu ( m_errorObject , classQualifierObject , t_VarBindsPerPdu ) ; classQualifierObject->Release () ; if ( t_Status ) { m_VarBindsLeftBeforeTooBig = t_VarBindsPerPdu ; t_Status = Send_Variable_Binding_List ( snmpObject , m_VarBindsLeftBeforeTooBig ) ; state = 13 ; } else { m_errorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_SNMP_E_TRANSPORT_ERROR ) ; m_errorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; m_errorObject.SetMessage ( L"Internal Error" ) ; t_Status = FALSE ; } } else { m_errorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_SNMP_E_TRANSPORT_ERROR ) ; m_errorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; m_errorObject.SetMessage ( L"Internal Error" ) ; t_Status = FALSE ; } } else { } } } break ; case 13: { /* * check to see if we succeeded in sending a non row status variable binding list */ if ( m_SnmpTooBig ) { if ( m_VarBindsLeftBeforeTooBig == 0 ) { /* * Set Error object for TooBig because we only sent one vb */ t_Status = FALSE ; } else { m_VarBindsLeftBeforeTooBig -- ; t_Status = Send_Variable_Binding_List ( snmpObject , m_VarBindsLeftBeforeTooBig , SnmpRowStatusType :: SnmpRowStatusEnum :: createAndWait ) ; state = 13 ; } } else { if ( snmpObject.NumberOfWritable () == 0 ) { t_Status = Send_Variable_Binding_List ( snmpObject , 0 , SnmpRowStatusType :: SnmpRowStatusEnum :: active ) ; state = 14 ; } else { ULONG t_VarBindsPerPdu = 0 ; IWbemQualifierSet *classQualifierObject ; HRESULT result = m_namespaceObject->GetQualifierSet ( &classQualifierObject ) ; if ( SUCCEEDED ( result ) ) { t_Status = GetAgentMaxVarBindsPerPdu ( m_errorObject , classQualifierObject , t_VarBindsPerPdu ) ; classQualifierObject->Release () ; if ( t_Status ) { m_VarBindsLeftBeforeTooBig = t_VarBindsPerPdu ; t_Status = Send_Variable_Binding_List ( snmpObject , m_VarBindsLeftBeforeTooBig ) ; state = 13 ; } else { m_errorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_SNMP_E_TRANSPORT_ERROR ) ; m_errorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; m_errorObject.SetMessage ( L"Internal Error" ) ; t_Status = FALSE ; } } else { m_errorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_SNMP_E_TRANSPORT_ERROR ) ; m_errorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; m_errorObject.SetMessage ( L"Internal Error" ) ; t_Status = FALSE ; } } } } break ; case 14: { if ( m_SnmpTooBig ) { m_errorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_SNMP_E_TRANSPORT_ERROR ) ; m_errorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; m_errorObject.SetMessage ( L"Agent could not process Set Request because SNMP PDU was too big" ) ; t_Status = FALSE ; } else { SetComplete () ; return ; } } break ; case 20: { /* * V2C SMI ROWSTATUS - UPDATE_ONLY */ WbemSnmpProperty *t_Property ; snmpObject.ResetProperty () ; while ( t_Property = snmpObject.NextProperty () ) { t_Property->SetTag ( FALSE ) ; } ULONG t_VarBindsPerPdu = 0 ; IWbemQualifierSet *classQualifierObject ; HRESULT result = m_namespaceObject->GetQualifierSet ( &classQualifierObject ) ; if ( SUCCEEDED ( result ) ) { t_Status = GetAgentMaxVarBindsPerPdu ( m_errorObject , classQualifierObject , t_VarBindsPerPdu ) ; classQualifierObject->Release () ; if ( t_Status ) { m_VarBindsLeftBeforeTooBig = t_VarBindsPerPdu ; ULONG t_NumberOfWritable = snmpObject.NumberOfWritable () ; /* * Check to see if we can fit all vbs in to one pdu */ if ( t_NumberOfWritable < t_VarBindsPerPdu ) { // Does fit t_Status = Send_Variable_Binding_List ( snmpObject , t_NumberOfWritable , SnmpRowStatusType :: SnmpRowStatusEnum :: active ) ; state = 21 ; } else { // Does not fit, therefore decompose t_Status = Send_Variable_Binding_List ( snmpObject , m_VarBindsLeftBeforeTooBig , SnmpRowStatusType :: SnmpRowStatusEnum :: notInService ) ; state = 22 ; } } else { m_errorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_SNMP_E_TRANSPORT_ERROR ) ; m_errorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; m_errorObject.SetMessage ( L"Internal Error" ) ; t_Status = FALSE ; } } else { m_errorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_SNMP_E_TRANSPORT_ERROR ) ; m_errorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; m_errorObject.SetMessage ( L"Internal Error" ) ; t_Status = FALSE ; } } break ; case 21: { /* * check to see if we fitted everything into one pdu */ if ( m_SnmpTooBig ) { /* * PDU TOO BIG */ /* * Decrement the number of variable bindings so that we can avoid an SNMP TOO BIG response */ m_VarBindsLeftBeforeTooBig -- ; /* * Resend */ t_Status = Send_Variable_Binding_List ( snmpObject , m_VarBindsLeftBeforeTooBig , SnmpRowStatusType :: SnmpRowStatusEnum :: notInService ) ; state = 22 ; } else { /* * We've either succeeded or totally failed. */ if ( t_Status = SUCCEEDED ( m_errorObject.GetWbemStatus () ) ) { } else { } } } break ; case 22: { /* * check to see if we fitted everything into one pdu */ if ( m_SnmpTooBig ) { /* * PDU TOO BIG */ if ( m_VarBindsLeftBeforeTooBig == 0 ) { /* * Set Error object for TooBig because we only sent one vb */ t_Status = FALSE ; } else { /* * Decrement the number of variable bindings so that we can avoid an SNMP TOO BIG response */ m_VarBindsLeftBeforeTooBig -- ; /* * Resend */ t_Status = Send_Variable_Binding_List ( snmpObject , m_VarBindsLeftBeforeTooBig , SnmpRowStatusType :: SnmpRowStatusEnum :: notInService ) ; state = 22 ; } } else { /* * We've either succeeded or totally failed to set the row as notInService */ if ( t_Status = SUCCEEDED ( m_errorObject.GetWbemStatus () ) ) { /* * Now send a non row status variable binding list */ ULONG t_VarBindsPerPdu = 0 ; IWbemQualifierSet *classQualifierObject ; HRESULT result = m_namespaceObject->GetQualifierSet ( &classQualifierObject ) ; if ( SUCCEEDED ( result ) ) { t_Status = GetAgentMaxVarBindsPerPdu ( m_errorObject , classQualifierObject , t_VarBindsPerPdu ) ; classQualifierObject->Release () ; if ( t_Status ) { m_VarBindsLeftBeforeTooBig = t_VarBindsPerPdu ; t_Status = Send_Variable_Binding_List ( snmpObject , m_VarBindsLeftBeforeTooBig ) ; state = 23 ; } else { m_errorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_SNMP_E_TRANSPORT_ERROR ) ; m_errorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; m_errorObject.SetMessage ( L"Internal Error" ) ; t_Status = FALSE ; } } else { m_errorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_SNMP_E_TRANSPORT_ERROR ) ; m_errorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; m_errorObject.SetMessage ( L"Internal Error" ) ; t_Status = FALSE ; } } else { } } } break ; case 23: { /* * check to see if we succeeded in sending a non row status variable binding list */ if ( m_SnmpTooBig ) { if ( m_VarBindsLeftBeforeTooBig == 0 ) { /* * Set Error object for TooBig because we only sent one vb */ t_Status = FALSE ; } else { m_VarBindsLeftBeforeTooBig -- ; t_Status = Send_Variable_Binding_List ( snmpObject , m_VarBindsLeftBeforeTooBig , SnmpRowStatusType :: SnmpRowStatusEnum :: notInService ) ; state = 23 ; } } else { ULONG t_VarBindsPerPdu = 0 ; if ( snmpObject.NumberOfWritable () == 0 ) { t_Status = Send_Variable_Binding_List ( snmpObject , 0 , SnmpRowStatusType :: SnmpRowStatusEnum :: active ) ; state = 24 ; } else { ULONG t_VarBindsPerPdu = 0 ; IWbemQualifierSet *classQualifierObject ; HRESULT result = m_namespaceObject->GetQualifierSet ( &classQualifierObject ) ; if ( SUCCEEDED ( result ) ) { t_Status = GetAgentMaxVarBindsPerPdu ( m_errorObject , classQualifierObject , t_VarBindsPerPdu ) ; classQualifierObject->Release () ; if ( t_Status ) { m_VarBindsLeftBeforeTooBig = t_VarBindsPerPdu ; t_Status = Send_Variable_Binding_List ( snmpObject , m_VarBindsLeftBeforeTooBig ) ; state = 23 ; } else { m_errorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_SNMP_E_TRANSPORT_ERROR ) ; m_errorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; m_errorObject.SetMessage ( L"Internal Error" ) ; t_Status = FALSE ; } } else { m_errorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_SNMP_E_TRANSPORT_ERROR ) ; m_errorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; m_errorObject.SetMessage ( L"Internal Error" ) ; t_Status = FALSE ; } } } } break ; case 24: { if ( m_SnmpTooBig ) { m_errorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_SNMP_E_TRANSPORT_ERROR ) ; m_errorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; m_errorObject.SetMessage ( L"Agent could not process Set Request because SNMP PDU was too big" ) ; t_Status = FALSE ; } else { SetComplete () ; return ; } } break ; case 30: { if ( ! SUCCEEDED ( m_errorObject.GetStatus () ) ) { SetComplete () ; return ; } if ( m_QueryOperation->GetRowReceived () == 0 ) { t_Status = Update_Only () ; } else { t_Status = Create_Only () ; } } break ; default: { m_errorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_SNMP_E_PROVIDER_FAILURE ) ; m_errorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; m_errorObject.SetMessage ( L"UNKNOWN STATE TRANSITION" ) ; t_Status = FALSE ; } break ; } if ( t_Status == FALSE ) { SetComplete () ; } DebugMacro3( SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( __FILE__,__LINE__, L"Returning from SnmpUpdateAsyncEventObject :: ReceiveComplete ()" ) ; ) } void SnmpUpdateAsyncEventObject :: SnmpTooBig () { DebugMacro3( SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( __FILE__,__LINE__, L"SnmpUpdateAsyncEventObject :: SnmpTooBig ()" ) ; ) m_SnmpTooBig = TRUE ; DebugMacro3( SnmpDebugLog :: s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( __FILE__,__LINE__, L"Returning from SnmpUpdateAsyncEventObject :: SnmpTooBig ()" ) ; ) } BOOL SnmpUpdateEventObject :: Create_Only () { BOOL t_Status = TRUE ; /* * V2C SMI ROWSTATUS - CREATE_ONLY */ WbemSnmpProperty *t_Property ; snmpObject.ResetProperty () ; while ( t_Property = snmpObject.NextProperty () ) { t_Property->SetTag ( FALSE ) ; } ULONG t_VarBindsPerPdu = 0 ; IWbemQualifierSet *classQualifierObject ; HRESULT result = m_namespaceObject->GetQualifierSet ( &classQualifierObject ) ; if ( SUCCEEDED ( result ) ) { t_Status = GetAgentMaxVarBindsPerPdu ( m_errorObject , classQualifierObject , t_VarBindsPerPdu ) ; classQualifierObject->Release () ; if ( t_Status ) { m_VarBindsLeftBeforeTooBig = t_VarBindsPerPdu ; ULONG t_NumberOfWritable = snmpObject.NumberOfWritable () ; /* * Check to see if we can fit all vbs in to one pdu */ if ( t_NumberOfWritable < t_VarBindsPerPdu ) { // Does fit t_Status = Send_Variable_Binding_List ( snmpObject , t_NumberOfWritable , SnmpRowStatusType :: SnmpRowStatusEnum :: createAndGo ) ; state = 7 ; } else { // Does not fit, therefore decompose t_Status = Send_Variable_Binding_List ( snmpObject , m_VarBindsLeftBeforeTooBig , SnmpRowStatusType :: SnmpRowStatusEnum :: createAndWait ) ; state = 8 ; } } else { m_errorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_SNMP_E_TRANSPORT_ERROR ) ; m_errorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; m_errorObject.SetMessage ( L"Internal Error" ) ; t_Status = FALSE ; } } else { m_errorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_SNMP_E_TRANSPORT_ERROR ) ; m_errorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; m_errorObject.SetMessage ( L"Internal Error" ) ; t_Status = FALSE ; } return t_Status ; } BOOL SnmpUpdateEventObject :: Update_Only () { BOOL t_Status = TRUE ; /* * V2C SMI ROWSTATUS - UPDATE_ONLY */ WbemSnmpProperty *t_Property ; snmpObject.ResetProperty () ; while ( t_Property = snmpObject.NextProperty () ) { t_Property->SetTag ( FALSE ) ; } ULONG t_VarBindsPerPdu = 0 ; IWbemQualifierSet *classQualifierObject ; HRESULT result = m_namespaceObject->GetQualifierSet ( &classQualifierObject ) ; if ( SUCCEEDED ( result ) ) { t_Status = GetAgentMaxVarBindsPerPdu ( m_errorObject , classQualifierObject , t_VarBindsPerPdu ) ; classQualifierObject->Release () ; if ( t_Status ) { m_VarBindsLeftBeforeTooBig = t_VarBindsPerPdu ; ULONG t_NumberOfWritable = snmpObject.NumberOfWritable () ; /* * Check to see if we can fit all vbs in to one pdu */ if ( t_NumberOfWritable < t_VarBindsPerPdu ) { // Does fit t_Status = Send_Variable_Binding_List ( snmpObject , t_NumberOfWritable , SnmpRowStatusType :: SnmpRowStatusEnum :: active ) ; state = 7 ; } else { // Does not fit, therefore decompose t_Status = Send_Variable_Binding_List ( snmpObject , m_VarBindsLeftBeforeTooBig , SnmpRowStatusType :: SnmpRowStatusEnum :: notInService ) ; state = 8 ; } } else { m_errorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_SNMP_E_TRANSPORT_ERROR ) ; m_errorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; m_errorObject.SetMessage ( L"Internal Error" ) ; t_Status = FALSE ; } } else { m_errorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_SNMP_E_TRANSPORT_ERROR ) ; m_errorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; m_errorObject.SetMessage ( L"Internal Error" ) ; t_Status = FALSE ; } return t_Status ; } BOOL SnmpUpdateEventObject :: Create_Or_Update () { BOOL t_Status = FALSE ; state = 30 ; t_Status = CheckForRowExistence ( m_errorObject ) ; return t_Status ; } BOOL SnmpUpdateEventObject :: Send_Variable_Binding_List ( SnmpSetClassObject &a_SnmpSetClassObject , ULONG a_NumberToSend ) { /* * Find Property of RowStatus type and make sure we don't send in request */ BOOL t_Status = FALSE ; WbemSnmpProperty *t_Property ; a_SnmpSetClassObject.ResetProperty () ; while ( t_Property = a_SnmpSetClassObject.NextProperty () ) { if ( typeid ( *t_Property->GetValue () ) == typeid ( SnmpRowStatusType ) ) { t_Property->SetTag ( TRUE ) ; } } t_Status = SendSnmp ( m_errorObject , a_NumberToSend ) ; return t_Status ; } BOOL SnmpUpdateEventObject :: Send_Variable_Binding_List ( SnmpSetClassObject &a_SnmpSetClassObject , ULONG a_NumberToSend , SnmpRowStatusType :: SnmpRowStatusEnum a_SnmpRowStatusEnum ) { BOOL t_Status = FALSE ; WbemSnmpProperty *t_Property ; a_SnmpSetClassObject.ResetProperty () ; while ( t_Property = a_SnmpSetClassObject.NextProperty () ) { if ( typeid ( *t_Property->GetValue () ) == typeid ( SnmpRowStatusType ) ) { t_Property->SetTag ( FALSE ) ; SnmpRowStatusType *t_RowStatus = new SnmpRowStatusType ( a_SnmpRowStatusEnum ) ; t_Property->SetValue ( t_RowStatus ) ; } } t_Status = SendSnmp ( m_errorObject , a_NumberToSend ) ; return t_Status ; }