// Copyright (c) 1997-2001 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved #include "precomp.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern ISmirDatabase* g_pNotifyInt; extern CCorrCacheNotify *gp_notify; CCorrGroupArray::CCorrGroupArray() { SetSize(0, 10000); } int _cdecl compare( const void *arg1, const void *arg2 ) { CCorrObjectID tmp1; (*(CCorrGroupIdItem**)arg1)->GetGroupID(tmp1); CCorrObjectID tmp2; (*(CCorrGroupIdItem**)arg2)->GetGroupID(tmp2); switch (tmp1.CompareWith(tmp2)) { case ECorrAreEqual: break; case ECorrFirstLess: return -1; case ECorrFirstGreater: return 1; } return 0; } void CCorrGroupArray::Sort() { if (GetSize()) { //CObject** temp = GetData(); qsort((void *)GetData(), (size_t)GetSize(), sizeof( CCorrGroupIdItem * ), compare ); } FreeExtra(); } //============================================================================ // CCorrGroupArray::~CCorrGroupArray // // This is the CCorrGroupArray class's only desstructor. If there are any items in // the queue they are deleted. // // // Parameters: // // none // // Returns: // // none // //============================================================================ CCorrGroupArray::~CCorrGroupArray() { for (int x = 0; x < GetSize(); x++) { CCorrGroupIdItem * item = GetAt(x); delete item; } RemoveAll(); } //============================================================================ // CCorrGroupIdItem::CCorrGroupIdItem // // This is the CCorrGroupIdItem class's only constructor. This class is derived from // the CObject class. This is so the MFC template storage classes can be // used. It is used to store a CString value in a list. // // // Parameters: // // CString * str A pointer to the CString object to be stored. // // Returns: // // none // //============================================================================ CCorrGroupIdItem::CCorrGroupIdItem(IN const CCorrObjectID& ID, IN ISmirGroupHandle* grpH) : m_groupId(ID) { m_index = 0; if (grpH) { m_groupHandles.AddHead(grpH); } } void CCorrGroupIdItem::GetGroupID(OUT CCorrObjectID& ID) const { m_groupId.ExtractOID(ID); } void CCorrGroupIdItem::DebugOutputItem(CString* msg) const { CString debugstr; CCorrObjectID tmp; m_groupId.ExtractOID(tmp); tmp.GetString(debugstr); if (!debugstr.GetLength()) { debugstr = L"Error retrieving Group Object OID"; } if (msg) { debugstr += L"\t\t:\t"; debugstr += *msg; } debugstr += L"\n"; DebugMacro6( SnmpDebugLog::s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine(__FILE__,__LINE__, debugstr); ) } //============================================================================ // CCorrGroupIdItem::~CCorrGroupIdItem // // This is the CCorrGroupIdItem class's only destructor. It frees the memory used // to store the CString members. // // // Parameters: // // none // // Returns: // // none // //============================================================================ CCorrGroupIdItem::~CCorrGroupIdItem() { while (!m_groupHandles.IsEmpty()) { (m_groupHandles.RemoveHead())->Release(); } } CCorrObjectID::CCorrObjectID(IN const CCorrObjectID& ID) : m_Ids(NULL) { m_length = ID.m_length; if (m_length) { m_Ids = new UINT[m_length]; memcpy(m_Ids, ID.m_Ids, m_length*sizeof(UINT)); } } CCorrObjectID::CCorrObjectID(IN const char* str) : m_Ids(NULL) { m_length = 0; if (NULL != str) { size_t InputLen = strlen(str); if (InputLen > MAX_OID_STRING) return; //string is too long. char temp[MAX_OID_STRING + 1]; strcpy(temp, str); BOOL bad = FALSE; char* temp1 = temp; UINT temp2[MAX_OID_LENGTH]; CString dot("."); if (dot.GetAt(0) == temp[0]) { temp1++; } istrstream istr(temp1); char d; istr >> temp2[0]; m_length++; if (istr.bad() || istr.fail()) { bad = TRUE; } while(!istr.eof() && !bad) { istr >> d; if (istr.bad() || istr.fail()) { bad = TRUE; } if (d != dot.GetAt(0)) { bad = TRUE; } if (m_length < MAX_OID_LENGTH) { istr >> temp2[m_length++]; if (istr.bad() || istr.fail()) { bad = TRUE; } } else { bad = TRUE; } } if (!bad) { m_Ids = new UINT[m_length]; memcpy(m_Ids, temp2, m_length*sizeof(UINT)); } else { m_length = 0; } } } CCorrObjectID::CCorrObjectID(IN const UINT* ids, IN const UINT len) : m_Ids(NULL) { if (len <= MAX_OID_LENGTH) { m_length = len; } else { m_length = 0; } if (m_length) { m_Ids = new UINT[m_length]; memcpy(m_Ids, ids, m_length*sizeof(UINT)); } } void CCorrObjectID::Set(IN const UINT* ids, IN const UINT len) { if (m_length) { delete [] m_Ids; } if (len <= MAX_OID_LENGTH) { m_length = len; } else { m_length = 0; } if (m_length) { m_Ids = new UINT[m_length]; memcpy(m_Ids, ids, m_length*sizeof(UINT)); } else { m_Ids = NULL; } } char* CCorrObjectID::GetString() const { char * ret = NULL; if (m_length) { ret = new char[BYTES_PER_FIELD*m_length]; ostrstream s(ret, BYTES_PER_FIELD*m_length); s << m_Ids[0]; UINT i = 1; char dot = '.'; while (i < m_length) { s << dot << m_Ids[i++]; } s << ends; } return ret; } #define AVERAGE_OID_LENGTH 20 wchar_t* CCorrObjectID::GetWideString() const { wchar_t *returnValue = NULL ; ULONG totalLength = 0 ; ULONG reallocLength = AVERAGE_OID_LENGTH ; wchar_t *reallocArray = new wchar_t [ reallocLength ] ; if (reallocArray == NULL) { throw Heap_Exception(Heap_Exception::HEAP_ERROR::E_ALLOCATION_ERROR); } wmilib::auto_ptr t_ReallocWrap ( reallocArray ); ULONG objectIdentifierLength = m_length ; ULONG index = 0 ; while ( index < objectIdentifierLength ) { wchar_t stringValue [ 40 ] ; _ultow ( m_Ids [ index ] , stringValue , 10 ); ULONG stringLength = wcslen ( stringValue ) ; if ( ( totalLength + stringLength + 1 ) >= reallocLength ) { ULONG t_Max = max( stringLength + 1 , AVERAGE_OID_LENGTH ) ; reallocLength = reallocLength + t_Max ; wchar_t *t_newReallocArray = new wchar_t [ reallocLength ] ; CopyMemory ( t_newReallocArray , t_ReallocWrap.get () , totalLength * sizeof ( wchar_t ) ) ; t_ReallocWrap.reset ( t_newReallocArray ) ; } wcscpy ( & ( t_ReallocWrap.get () [ totalLength ] ) , stringValue ) ; totalLength = totalLength + stringLength ; index ++ ; if ( index < objectIdentifierLength ) { if ( ( totalLength + 1 + 1 ) >= reallocLength ) { reallocLength = reallocLength + AVERAGE_OID_LENGTH ; wchar_t *t_newReallocArray = new wchar_t [ reallocLength ] ; CopyMemory ( t_newReallocArray , t_ReallocWrap.get () , totalLength * sizeof ( wchar_t ) ) ; t_ReallocWrap.reset ( t_newReallocArray ) ; } wcscpy ( & ( t_ReallocWrap.get ()[ totalLength ] ) , L"." ) ; totalLength ++ ; } } returnValue = new wchar_t [ totalLength + 1 ] ; if ( objectIdentifierLength ) { wcscpy ( returnValue , t_ReallocWrap.get () ) ; } else { returnValue [ 0 ] = 0 ; } return returnValue ; } void CCorrObjectID::GetString(CString& str) const { wchar_t* oid = GetWideString(); try { str = oid; } catch(...) { delete [] oid; throw; } delete [] oid; } ECorrCompResult CCorrObjectID::CompareWith(IN const CCorrObjectID& second) const { if (0 == m_length) { if (0 == second.m_length) { return ECorrAreEqual; } else { return ECorrFirstLess; } } if (0 == second.m_length) { return ECorrFirstGreater; } ECorrCompResult res = ECorrAreEqual; if (m_length <= second.m_length) { for (UINT i = 0; i < m_length; i++) { if (m_Ids[i] != second.m_Ids[i]) { if (m_Ids[i] < second.m_Ids[i]) { return ECorrFirstLess; } else { return ECorrFirstGreater; } } } if (m_length < second.m_length) { res = ECorrFirstLess; } } else { for (UINT i = 0; i < second.m_length; i++) { if (m_Ids[i] != second.m_Ids[i]) { if (m_Ids[i] < second.m_Ids[i]) { return ECorrFirstLess; } else { return ECorrFirstGreater; } } } res = ECorrFirstGreater; } return res; } BOOL CCorrObjectID::IsSubRange(IN const CCorrObjectID& child) const { if (m_length >= child.m_length) { return FALSE; } for (UINT i=0; i(IN const CCorrObjectID& second) const { if (ECorrFirstGreater == CompareWith(second)) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } BOOL CCorrObjectID::operator <=(IN const CCorrObjectID& second) const { ECorrCompResult res = CompareWith(second); if ((ECorrAreEqual == res) || (ECorrFirstLess == res)) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } BOOL CCorrObjectID::operator >=(IN const CCorrObjectID& second) const { ECorrCompResult res = CompareWith(second); if ((ECorrAreEqual == res) || (ECorrFirstGreater == res)) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } CCorrObjectID& CCorrObjectID::operator =(IN const CCorrObjectID& ID) { if (m_length) { delete [] m_Ids; } m_length = ID.m_length; if (m_length) { m_Ids = new UINT[m_length]; memcpy(m_Ids, ID.m_Ids, m_length*sizeof(UINT)); } else { m_Ids = NULL; } return *this; } CCorrObjectID& CCorrObjectID::operator +=(IN const CCorrObjectID& ID) { if((m_length + ID.m_length) > MAX_OID_LENGTH) { if(m_length) { delete [] m_Ids; m_Ids = NULL; } m_length = 0; } else { if (ID.m_length) { UINT* newIds = new UINT[m_length + ID.m_length]; if(m_length) { memcpy(newIds, m_Ids, m_length*sizeof(UINT)); delete [] m_Ids; m_Ids = NULL; } memcpy(&(newIds[m_length]), ID.m_Ids, ID.m_length*sizeof(UINT)); m_Ids = newIds; m_length += ID.m_length; } } return *this; } CCorrObjectID& CCorrObjectID::operator ++() { if (m_length) { m_Ids[m_length - 1]++; } return *this; } CCorrObjectID& CCorrObjectID::operator --() { if (m_length) { m_Ids[m_length - 1]--; } return *this; } CCorrObjectID& CCorrObjectID::operator -=(IN const UINT sub) { if (sub && (m_length > sub)) { m_length -= sub; UINT* newIds = new UINT[m_length]; memcpy(newIds, m_Ids, m_length*sizeof(UINT)); delete [] m_Ids; m_Ids = newIds; } else if (sub == m_length) { m_length = 0; delete [] m_Ids; m_Ids = NULL; } return *this; } CCorrObjectID& CCorrObjectID::operator /=(IN const UINT sub) { if (sub && (m_length > sub)) { m_length -= sub; UINT* newIds = new UINT[m_length]; memcpy(newIds, &(m_Ids[sub]), m_length*sizeof(UINT)); delete [] m_Ids; m_Ids = newIds; } else if (sub == m_length) { m_length = 0; delete [] m_Ids; m_Ids = NULL; } return *this; } CCorrObjectID::~CCorrObjectID() { if (m_length) { delete [] m_Ids; } } //============================================================================ // CCorrRangeTableItem::CCorrRangeTableItem // // This is the CCorrRangeTableItem class's only constructor. This class is derived from // the CObject class. This is so the MFC template storage classes can be // used. It is used to store a CString value in a list. // // // Parameters: // // CString * str A pointer to the CString object to be stored. // // Returns: // // none // //============================================================================ CCorrRangeTableItem::CCorrRangeTableItem(IN const CCorrObjectID& startID, IN const CCorrObjectID& endID, IN CCorrGroupIdItem* grpID) { m_groupId = grpID; CCorrObjectID temp; m_groupId->GetGroupID(temp); CCorrObjectID startRange = startID; startRange /= temp.GetLength(); CCorrObjectID endRange = endID; endRange /= (temp.GetLength() - 1); m_startRange.Set(startRange); m_endRange.Set(endRange); } //============================================================================ // CCorrRangeTableItem::~CCorrRangeTableItem // // This is the CCorrRangeTableItem class's only destructor. It frees the memory used // to store the CString members. // // // Parameters: // // none // // Returns: // // none // //============================================================================ CCorrRangeTableItem::~CCorrRangeTableItem() { } BOOL CCorrRangeTableItem::GetStartRange(OUT CCorrObjectID& start) const { if (!m_groupId) return FALSE; m_groupId->GetGroupID(start); CCorrObjectID tmp; m_startRange.ExtractOID(tmp); start += tmp; return TRUE; } BOOL CCorrRangeTableItem::GetEndRange(OUT CCorrObjectID& end) const { if (!m_groupId) return FALSE; m_groupId->GetGroupID(end); end -= 1; CCorrObjectID tmp; m_endRange.ExtractOID(tmp); end += tmp; return TRUE; } CCorrRangeTableItem::ECorrRangeResult CCorrRangeTableItem:: IsInRange(IN const CCorrObjectID& ID) const { CCorrObjectID a; GetStartRange(a); if (ID == a) { return ECorrEqualToStart; } if (ID < a) { return ECorrBeforeStart; } CCorrObjectID b; GetEndRange(b); if (ID == b) { return ECorrEqualToEnd; } if (ID > b) { return ECorrAfterEnd; } return ECorrInRange; } void CCorrRangeTableItem::DebugOutputRange() const { DebugMacro6( if (m_groupId) { CString debugstr; CCorrObjectID tmp; m_groupId->GetGroupID(tmp); tmp.GetString(debugstr); CString out1; CCorrObjectID start; GetStartRange(start); start.GetString(out1); CString out2; CCorrObjectID end; GetEndRange(end); end.GetString(out2); debugstr += "\t\t:\t\t"; debugstr += out1; debugstr += "\t\t:\t\t"; debugstr += out2; debugstr += "\t\tGroup : Start : End\n"; SnmpDebugLog::s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine(__FILE__,__LINE__, debugstr); } else { SnmpDebugLog::s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine(__FILE__,__LINE__, L"Attempt to output empty RangeTableItem\n"); } ) } //============================================================================ // CCorrRangeList::~CCorrRangeList // // This is the CCorrRangeList class's only desstructor. If there are any items in // the queue they are deleted. // // // Parameters: // // none // // Returns: // // none // //============================================================================ CCorrRangeList::~CCorrRangeList() { while(!IsEmpty()) { CCorrRangeTableItem * item = RemoveHead(); delete item; } } //============================================================================ // CCorrRangeList::Add // // This public method is called to add a CCorrRangeTableItem into this CCorrRangeList. The // CCorrRangeTableItem is not added if it is already present in the list. If this is the // case a pointer to the matching item in the list is returned. // // // Parameters: // // CCorrRangeTableItem * newItem A pointer to the CCorrRangeTableItem to be added. // // Returns: // // CCorrRangeTableItem * A pointer to the item if is in the list. NULL if // the item was not found and was added. // //============================================================================ BOOL CCorrRangeList::Add(IN CCorrRangeTableItem* newItem) { AddTail(newItem); //empty or all items smaller return TRUE; } BOOL CCorrRangeList::GetLastEndOID(OUT CCorrObjectID& end) const { if (IsEmpty()) { return FALSE; } return (GetTail()->GetEndRange(end)); } CCorrGroupMask::CCorrGroupMask(IN const TCorrMaskLength sze) : m_mask(NULL) { m_size = sze; if (m_size) { TCorrMaskLength x = m_size / (sizeof(TCorrMaskUnit)*BITS_PER_BYTE); if (m_size % (sizeof(TCorrMaskUnit)*BITS_PER_BYTE)) { x++; } m_mask = new TCorrMaskUnit[x]; ZeroMemory((PVOID)m_mask, (DWORD)(sizeof(TCorrMaskUnit)*x)); } } BOOL CCorrGroupMask::IsBitSet(IN const TCorrMaskLength bit)const { TCorrMaskLength x = bit / (sizeof(TCorrMaskUnit)*BITS_PER_BYTE); TCorrMaskLength val = bit % (sizeof(TCorrMaskUnit)*BITS_PER_BYTE); return (((m_mask[x] >> val) & 1) == 1); } void CCorrGroupMask::SetBit(IN const TCorrMaskLength bit, IN const BOOL On) { BOOL IsBit = IsBitSet(bit); if ((IsBit && On) || (!IsBit && !On)) { return; } else { TCorrMaskLength x = bit / (sizeof(TCorrMaskUnit)*BITS_PER_BYTE); TCorrMaskLength val = bit % (sizeof(TCorrMaskUnit)*BITS_PER_BYTE); TCorrMaskLength maskval = 1; maskval <<= val; if (On) { m_mask[x] += maskval; } else { m_mask[x] -= maskval; } } } CCorrGroupMask::~CCorrGroupMask() { if (m_mask) { delete [] m_mask; } } CCorrCache::CCorrCache( ISmirInterrogator *a_ISmirInterrogator ) : m_Groups (NULL) { m_ValidCache = TRUE; m_Ref_Count = 0; m_size = 0; BuildCacheAndSetNotify( a_ISmirInterrogator ); if (m_groupTable.GetSize()) { m_Groups = new CCorrGroupMask(m_size); BuildRangeTable(); } } CCorrCache::~CCorrCache() { if (m_Groups) { delete m_Groups; } } void CCorrCache::InvalidateCache() { m_Lock.Lock(); if (!m_Ref_Count) { delete this; } else { m_ValidCache = FALSE; m_Lock.Unlock(); } } BOOL CCorrCache::BuildCacheAndSetNotify( ISmirInterrogator *a_ISmirInterrogator ) { LPUNKNOWN pInterrogativeInt = NULL; // =============================================================== // The following relies on the current thread having been // initialised for OLE (i.e. by the use of CoInitialize) // =============================================================== HRESULT hr = S_OK ; if ( a_ISmirInterrogator ) { hr = a_ISmirInterrogator->QueryInterface ( IID_ISMIR_Interrogative, (void**)&pInterrogativeInt ); } else { hr = CoCreateInstance (CLSID_SMIR_Database, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER | CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, IID_ISMIR_Interrogative, (void**)&pInterrogativeInt); } if (NULL == pInterrogativeInt) { return FALSE; } IEnumGroup *pTEnumSmirGroup = NULL; //enum all groups hr = ((ISmirInterrogator*)pInterrogativeInt)->EnumGroups(&pTEnumSmirGroup, NULL); //now use the enumerator if(NULL == pTEnumSmirGroup) { pInterrogativeInt->Release(); return FALSE; } ISmirGroupHandle *phModule=NULL; DebugMacro6( SnmpDebugLog::s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine(__FILE__,__LINE__, L"CCorrCache::BuildCacheAndSetNotify - Accessing SMIR Getting Groups\n"); ) for(int iCount=0; S_OK == pTEnumSmirGroup->Next(1, &phModule, NULL); iCount++) { //DO SOMETHING WITH THE GROUP HANDLE //eg get the name BSTR szName=NULL; char buff[1024]; LPSTR pbuff = buff; int lbuff = sizeof(buff); phModule->GetGroupOID(&szName); if (FALSE == WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, szName, -1, pbuff, lbuff, NULL, NULL)) { DWORD lasterr = GetLastError(); SysFreeString(szName); phModule->Release(); DebugMacro6( SnmpDebugLog::s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine(__FILE__,__LINE__, L"CCorrCache::BuildCacheAndSetNotify - Error bad BSTR conversion\n"); ) continue; } SysFreeString(szName); CCorrObjectID grpId(buff); CCorrObjectID zero; if (zero != grpId) { CCorrGroupIdItem* groupId = new CCorrGroupIdItem(grpId, phModule); m_groupTable.Add(groupId); m_size++; } DebugMacro6( SnmpDebugLog::s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine(__FILE__,__LINE__, L"%s\n", buff); ) } DebugMacro6( SnmpDebugLog::s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine(__FILE__,__LINE__, L"CCorrCache::BuildCacheAndSetNotify - Finished accessing SMIR Getting Groups\n"); ) pTEnumSmirGroup->Release(); if (NULL == g_pNotifyInt) { hr = pInterrogativeInt->QueryInterface(IID_ISMIR_Database, (void **) &g_pNotifyInt); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if( gp_notify== NULL) { DWORD dw; gp_notify = new CCorrCacheNotify(); gp_notify->AddRef(); hr = g_pNotifyInt->AddNotify(gp_notify, &dw); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { gp_notify->SetCookie(dw); } } } } else { if( gp_notify== NULL) { DWORD dw; gp_notify = new CCorrCacheNotify(); gp_notify->AddRef(); hr = g_pNotifyInt->AddNotify(gp_notify, &dw); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { gp_notify->SetCookie(dw); } } } pInterrogativeInt->Release(); if ((NULL == gp_notify) || (0 == gp_notify->GetCookie())) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } #pragma warning (disable:4018) BOOL CCorrCache::BuildRangeTable() { UINT pos = 0; TCorrMaskLength posIndex = 0; TCorrMaskLength nextIndex = 1; m_groupTable.Sort(); DebugMacro6( SnmpDebugLog::s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine(__FILE__,__LINE__, L"CCorrCache::BuildRangeTable - Printing sorted group table...\n"); for (int x = 0; x < m_groupTable.GetSize(); x++) { CCorrGroupIdItem * i = m_groupTable.GetAt(x); i->DebugOutputItem(); } SnmpDebugLog::s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine(__FILE__,__LINE__, L"CCorrCache::BuildRangeTable - Finished printing sorted group table...\n"); ) while (pos < m_groupTable.GetSize()) { UINT nextpos = pos + 1; DoGroupEntry(&pos, &nextpos, &posIndex, &nextIndex); pos = nextpos; posIndex = nextIndex++; } return TRUE; } #pragma warning (default:4018) #pragma warning (disable:4018) void CCorrCache::DoGroupEntry(UINT* current, UINT* next, TCorrMaskLength* cIndex, TCorrMaskLength* nIndex) { CCorrGroupIdItem* alpha = m_groupTable.GetAt(*current); CCorrObjectID a; alpha->GetGroupID(a); CCorrObjectID End(a); ++End; if (*next < m_groupTable.GetSize()) { CCorrGroupIdItem* beta = m_groupTable.GetAt(*next); CCorrObjectID b; beta->GetGroupID(b); //check for duplicates while ((a == b) && (*next < m_groupTable.GetSize())) { DebugMacro6( SnmpDebugLog::s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine(__FILE__,__LINE__, L"Deleting duplicate non MIB2 group... "); beta->DebugOutputItem(); ) //add the group handles to the one not being deleted while (!beta->m_groupHandles.IsEmpty()) { alpha->m_groupHandles.AddTail(beta->m_groupHandles.RemoveHead()); } m_groupTable.RemoveAt(*next); delete beta; beta = m_groupTable.GetAt(*next); beta->GetGroupID(b); } //after checking for duplicates, check we still meet the initial condition if (*next < m_groupTable.GetSize()) { //if the next item is not a child of this if ((a.GetLength() >= b.GetLength()) || (!a.IsSubRange(b))) { CCorrObjectID c; CCorrRangeTableItem* newEntry; if (!m_rangeTable.GetLastEndOID(c) || !a.IsSubRange(c)) { //add whole of a-range to rangetable newEntry = new CCorrRangeTableItem(a, End, alpha); } else { //add from c to end of a-range to rangetable newEntry = new CCorrRangeTableItem(c, End, alpha); } newEntry->DebugOutputRange(); m_rangeTable.Add(newEntry); alpha->SetIndex(*cIndex); m_Groups->SetBit(*cIndex); } else //the next item is a child so add a subrange and do the child - recurse! { CCorrObjectID c; CCorrRangeTableItem* newEntry; if (!m_rangeTable.GetLastEndOID(c) || !a.IsSubRange(c)) { //add start of a-range to start of b to rangetable newEntry = new CCorrRangeTableItem(a, b, alpha); } else { //add from c to start of b to rangetable newEntry = new CCorrRangeTableItem(c, b, alpha); } newEntry->DebugOutputRange(); m_rangeTable.Add(newEntry); UINT temp = (*next)++; TCorrMaskLength tempIndex = (*nIndex)++; DoGroupEntry(&temp, next, &tempIndex, nIndex); if (*next >= m_groupTable.GetSize()) { m_rangeTable.GetLastEndOID(c); ////add from c to end of a-range to rangetable newEntry = new CCorrRangeTableItem(c, End, alpha); m_rangeTable.Add(newEntry); alpha->SetIndex(*cIndex); m_Groups->SetBit(*cIndex); newEntry->DebugOutputRange(); } //while the new next one(s) is a child add it first - recurse AGAIN! while(!m_Groups->IsBitSet(*cIndex)) { DoGroupEntry(current, next, cIndex, nIndex); } } } } //if this is the last item then add it. if (*current == m_groupTable.GetUpperBound()) { //add whole of a-range to rangetable CCorrRangeTableItem* newEntry = new CCorrRangeTableItem(a, End, alpha); m_rangeTable.Add(newEntry); alpha->SetIndex(*cIndex); m_Groups->SetBit(*cIndex); newEntry->DebugOutputRange(); } } #pragma warning (default:4018) void CCorrCache::AddRef() { m_Lock.Lock(); m_Ref_Count++; m_Lock.Unlock(); } void CCorrCache::DecRef() { m_Lock.Lock(); if (m_Ref_Count) m_Ref_Count--; if (!m_Ref_Count && !m_ValidCache) { delete this; return; } m_Lock.Unlock(); } CCorrEncodedOID::CCorrEncodedOID(IN const CCorrObjectID& src_oid) : m_ids(NULL), m_length(0), m_chopped(0) { Set(src_oid); } void CCorrEncodedOID::Set(IN const CCorrObjectID& src_oid) { m_chopped = 0; UINT x = 0; UINT oidlength = src_oid.GetLength(); if (oidlength > MAX_OID_LENGTH) { DebugMacro6( SnmpDebugLog::s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine(__FILE__,__LINE__, L"CCorrEncodedOID::Set: Truncating OID from %d to %d components", oidlength, MAX_OID_LENGTH); ) oidlength = MAX_OID_LENGTH; } if (oidlength) { UCHAR buff[MAX_OID_LENGTH*MAX_BYTES_PER_FIELD]; const UINT* oid_ids = src_oid.GetIds(); for (UINT i = 0; i < oidlength; i++) { UINT val = oid_ids[i]; //get the top four bits and store in byte //BIT7 means next byte is part of this UINT if (val >= BIT28) { buff[x++] = (UCHAR) (BIT7 + ((val & HI4BITS) >> 28)); } //get the top four bits and store in byte //BIT7 means next byte is part of this UINT if (val >= BIT21) { buff[x++] = BIT7 + ((val & HIMID7BITS) >> 21); } //get the top four bits and store in byte //BIT7 means next byte is part of this UINT if (val >= BIT14) { buff[x++] = BIT7 + ((val & MID7BITS) >> 14); } //get the top four bits and store in byte //BIT7 means next byte is part of this UINT if (val >= BIT7) { buff[x++] = BIT7 + ((val & LOMID7BITS) >> 7); } //get the next seven bits and store in byte buff[x++] = (val & LO7BITS); } //Remove the standard if necessary... if ((1 == buff[0]) && (3 == buff[1]) && (6 == buff[2]) && (1 == buff[3])) { m_chopped = 1; m_ids = new UCHAR[x-4]; m_length = x-4; memcpy(m_ids, &buff[4], m_length*sizeof(UCHAR)); } else { m_ids = new UCHAR[x]; m_length = x; memcpy(m_ids, buff, m_length*sizeof(UCHAR)); } } else { m_ids = NULL; } } void CCorrEncodedOID::ExtractOID(OUT CCorrObjectID& src_oid) const { if (m_length) { UINT buff[MAX_OID_LENGTH]; UINT x = 0; //Add the standard if necessary... if (m_chopped == 1) { buff[0] = 1; buff[1] = 3; buff[2] = 6; buff[3] = 1; x = 4; } for (UINT i = 0; (i < m_length) && (x < MAX_OID_LENGTH); i++) { //extract the value of the byte buff[x] = m_ids[i] & LO7BITS; //are there more bytes for this UINT while ((i < m_length) && (m_ids[i] & 128)) { //shift the value by a "byte" and extract tbe next byte. buff[x] = buff[x] << 7; buff[x] += m_ids[++i] & LO7BITS; } x++; if ((x == MAX_OID_LENGTH) && (i < m_length)) { DebugMacro6( SnmpDebugLog::s_SnmpDebugLog->WriteFileAndLine(__FILE__,__LINE__, L"CCorrEncodedOID::ExtractOID: Truncating OID %d components - SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN", MAX_OID_LENGTH); ) } } src_oid.Set(buff, x); } else { src_oid.Set(NULL, 0); } } CCorrEncodedOID::~CCorrEncodedOID() { delete [] m_ids; } CCorrCacheWrapper::CCorrCacheWrapper(IN CCorrCache* cachePtr) : m_lockit(NULL) { m_lockit = new CCriticalSection(); m_CachePtr = cachePtr; } CCorrCache* CCorrCacheWrapper::GetCache() { m_lockit->Lock(); return m_CachePtr; } CCorrCacheWrapper::~CCorrCacheWrapper() { delete m_lockit; }