/*++ Copyright (C) 1996-1999 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: _EXTENSION.H History: --*/ #pragma once typedef UUID ExtensionID; typedef UUID OperationID; struct LTAPIENTRY LOCEXTENSIONMENU { LOCEXTENSIONMENU(); CLString strMenuName; // Name of the Menu IID iidProcess; // IID for the process interface the // menu requires OperationID idOp; // Allows a single DLL to implement }; typedef CArray CLocMenuArray; DECLARE_INTERFACE_(ILocExtension, IUnknown) { // // IUnknown standard Interface // STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR*ppvObj) PURE; STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef)(THIS) PURE; STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release)(THIS) PURE; // // Standard Debugging interfaces // STDMETHOD_(void, AssertValidInterface)(THIS) CONST_METHOD PURE; // // ILocExtension methods // // // In Initialize, extension will... // Add any menus it needs to the array of menu obejcts // Register any options it has with Espresso // Ignore the IUnknown for now. STDMETHOD(Initialize)(IUnknown *) PURE; // // Since extensions may have state, we can't use QueryInterface. // This method has similar semantics, except that in most cases // we expect to get a new objects. Also, QI on a returned // object doesn't have to support ILocExtension. STDMETHOD(GetExtension)(const OperationID &, LPVOID FAR*ppvObj) PURE; // // In UnInitialize the extension will... // UnRegister any of its options. STDMETHOD(UnInitialize)(void) PURE; }; struct __declspec(uuid("{9F9D180E-6F38-11d0-98FD-00C04FC2C6D8}")) ILocExtension; LTAPIENTRY void UUIDToString(const UUID &, CLString &); LTAPIENTRY void RegisterExtension(const ExtensionID &, const TCHAR *szDescription, HINSTANCE, const CLocMenuArray &); LTAPIENTRY void UnRegisterExtension(const ExtensionID &); LTAPIENTRY BOOL RegisterExtensionOptions(CLocUIOptionSet *); LTAPIENTRY void UnRegisterExtensionOptions(const TCHAR *szName); // // Extensions need to export the following function: // STDAPI GetExtension(ILocExtension *&); typedef HRESULT (STDAPICALLTYPE *PFNExtensionEntryPoint)(ILocExtension *&);