/*++ Copyright (C) 1996-1999 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: TWOPROPNODE.CPP Abstract: Two Prop Node History: --*/ // classes to support a two-property node for the eval tree // this will be much like the CPropertyNode defined in EvalTree.h // but it will compare a property against another property // rather than a property to a constant #include "precomp.h" #include #pragma warning(disable:4786) #include #include #include "TwoPropNode.h" // warning about performance hits when converting an int to a bool #pragma warning(disable: 4800) // this is only a test // TTwoScalarPropNode foolishMortal; // set offset into object for the right property // "tell me which property I'm operating on" void CTwoPropNode::SetRightPropertyInfo(LPCWSTR wszPropName, long lPropHandle) { m_lRightPropHandle = lPropHandle; } void CTwoPropNode::SetRightEmbeddingInfo(const CEmbeddingInfo* pInfo) { try { if (pInfo && !pInfo->IsEmpty()) { if (!m_pRightInfo) m_pRightInfo = new CEmbeddingInfo(*pInfo); else *m_pRightInfo = *pInfo; } else { delete m_pRightInfo; m_pRightInfo = NULL; } } catch(CX_MemoryException) { } } HRESULT CTwoPropNode::GetRightContainerObject(CObjectInfo& ObjInfo, INTERNAL _IWmiObject** ppInst) { if (!m_pRightInfo) { *ppInst = ObjInfo.GetObjectAt(0); return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } else return m_pRightInfo->GetContainerObject(ObjInfo, ppInst); } HRESULT CTwoPropNode::CompileRightEmbeddingPortion(CContextMetaData* pNamespace, CImplicationList& Implications, _IWmiObject** ppResultClass) { if (!m_pRightInfo) return WBEM_E_FAILED; else return m_pRightInfo->Compile(pNamespace, Implications, ppResultClass); } void CTwoPropNode::SetRightEmbeddedObjPropName(CPropertyName& Name) { if (m_pRightInfo) m_pRightInfo->SetEmbeddedObjPropName(Name); } void CTwoPropNode::MixInJumpsRightObj(const CEmbeddingInfo* pParent) { if (pParent && m_pRightInfo) m_pRightInfo->MixInJumps(pParent); } CPropertyName* CTwoPropNode::GetRightEmbeddedObjPropName() { if (!m_pRightInfo) return NULL; else return m_pRightInfo->GetEmbeddedObjPropName(); } // compare precedence of this node to that node int CTwoPropNode::ComparePrecedence(CBranchingNode* pOther) { int nCompare; nCompare = GetSubType() - pOther->GetSubType(); if(nCompare) return nCompare; CTwoPropNode* pOtherNode = (CTwoPropNode*)pOther; nCompare = m_pRightInfo->ComparePrecedence(pOtherNode->m_pRightInfo); if (nCompare == 0) { nCompare = CPropertyNode::ComparePrecedence(pOther); if (nCompare == 0) nCompare = m_lRightPropHandle - pOtherNode->m_lRightPropHandle; } return nCompare; } HRESULT CTwoPropNode::AdjustCompile(CContextMetaData* pNamespace, CImplicationList& Implications) { HRESULT hRes; if (SUCCEEDED(hRes = CBranchingNode::AdjustCompile(pNamespace, Implications))) if (m_pRightInfo) hRes = m_pRightInfo->Compile(pNamespace, Implications, NULL); else hRes = WBEM_E_FAILED; return hRes; } HRESULT CTwoPropNode::OptimizeSelf() { // can't combine our three branches - nothing to do. return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } HRESULT CTwoPropNode::SetTest(VARIANT& v) { // again, nothing to do, our test is determined by the Right side property // (this should never be called, but doesn't hurt anything) return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } void CTwoPropNode::Dump(FILE* f, int nOffset) { PrintOffset(f, nOffset); if (m_pInfo) m_pInfo->Dump(f); if (m_pRightInfo) m_pRightInfo->Dump(f); fprintf(f, ", LeftPropHandle = (0x%x)\n", m_lPropHandle); fprintf(f, ", RightPropHandle = (0x%x)\n", m_lRightPropHandle); fprintf(f, "Branches:\n"); PrintOffset(f, nOffset); // "i = (Operations)((int)(i) + 1)" is basically i++, with all the BS needed to make the compiler happy. // thank you K&R for saddling us with a nearly useless enum type! for (Operations i = LT; i < NOperations; i = (Operations)((int)(i) + 1)) { DumpNode(f, nOffset+1, m_apBranches[i]); fprintf(f, "\n"); } fprintf(f, "NULL->\n"); DumpNode(f, nOffset+1, m_pNullBranch); } int CTwoPropNode::SubCompare(CEvalNode* pRawOther) { CTwoPropNode* pOther = (CTwoPropNode*)pRawOther; int nCompare; nCompare = m_lPropHandle - pOther->m_lPropHandle; if(nCompare) return nCompare; nCompare = m_lRightPropHandle - pOther->m_lRightPropHandle; if(nCompare) return nCompare; nCompare = m_apBranches.GetSize() - pOther->m_apBranches.GetSize(); if(nCompare) return nCompare; return TRUE; } HRESULT CTwoPropNode::CombineBranchesWith(CBranchingNode* pArg2, int nOp, CContextMetaData* pNamespace, CImplicationList& Implications, bool bDeleteThis, bool bDeleteArg2, CEvalNode** ppRes) { // step one, determine whether we can reuse a node CTwoPropNode* pNewNode = NULL; CTwoPropNode* pDeleteMe = NULL; if (bDeleteThis && bDeleteArg2) { pNewNode = this; pDeleteMe = (CTwoPropNode*) pArg2; } else if (bDeleteThis) pNewNode = this; else if (bDeleteArg2) pNewNode = (CTwoPropNode*) pArg2; else pNewNode = CloneSelfWithoutChildren(); HRESULT hRes = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; CTwoPropNode* pOther = (CTwoPropNode*)pArg2; for (int i = LT; i < NOperations && SUCCEEDED(hRes); i++) { CEvalNode* pNewChildNode = NULL; hRes = CEvalTree::Combine( m_apBranches[i], pOther->m_apBranches[i], nOp, pNamespace, Implications, bDeleteThis, bDeleteArg2, &pNewChildNode); if ( FAILED(hRes) ) break; if (bDeleteArg2) pOther->m_apBranches.Discard(i); if (bDeleteThis) m_apBranches.Discard(i); pNewNode->m_apBranches.Discard(i); pNewNode->m_apBranches.SetAt(i, pNewChildNode); } if (SUCCEEDED(hRes)) { if(pDeleteMe) { pDeleteMe->m_pNullBranch = NULL; delete pDeleteMe; } *ppRes = pNewNode; } else { *ppRes = NULL; } return hRes; } // given a property handle, will retrieve proper property, probably. CVar* CTwoPropNode::GetPropVariant(_IWmiObject* pObj, long lHandle, CIMTYPE* pct) { CVar *pVar = NULL; BSTR bstrName; if (SUCCEEDED(pObj->GetPropertyInfoByHandle(lHandle, &bstrName, pct))) { CSysFreeMe sfm(bstrName); // // Get it into a VARIANT // VARIANT v; if(FAILED(pObj->Get(bstrName, 0, &v, NULL, NULL))) return NULL; // Convert it to a CVar if (pVar = new CVar) pVar->SetVariant(&v); VariantClear( &v ); } return pVar; } // *************************** // **** Two String Prop Node **** // *************************** CEvalNode* CTwoStringPropNode::Clone() const { return (CEvalNode *) new CTwoStringPropNode(*this, true); } CTwoPropNode* CTwoStringPropNode::CloneSelfWithoutChildren() const { return (CTwoPropNode *) new CTwoStringPropNode(*this, false); } long CTwoStringPropNode::GetSubType() { return EVAL_NODE_TYPE_TWO_STRINGS; } HRESULT CTwoStringPropNode::Evaluate(CObjectInfo& ObjInfo, INTERNAL CEvalNode** ppNext) { HRESULT herslut = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; _IWmiObject* pLeftObj; _IWmiObject* pRightObj; if(SUCCEEDED(herslut = GetContainerObject(ObjInfo, &pLeftObj)) && SUCCEEDED(herslut = GetRightContainerObject(ObjInfo, &pRightObj))) { CCompressedString* pLeftStr; CCompressedString* pRightStr; pLeftStr = CoreGetPropertyString(pLeftObj, m_lPropHandle); pRightStr = CoreGetPropertyString(pRightObj, m_lRightPropHandle); if ((pLeftStr == NULL) || (pRightStr == NULL)) { *ppNext = m_pNullBranch; herslut = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } else { int nCompare = pLeftStr->CheapCompare(*pRightStr); // TODO: check to see if CheapCompare is guaranteed to return -1,0,1 // if so, then the multiple else if becomes // *ppNext = m_apBranches[EQ + nCompare]; if (nCompare < 0) *ppNext = m_apBranches[LT]; else if (nCompare > 0) *ppNext = m_apBranches[GT]; else *ppNext = m_apBranches[EQ]; herslut = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } } return herslut; } // ******************************* // **** Two Mismatched Prop Node **** // ******************************* HRESULT CTwoMismatchedPropNode::Evaluate(CObjectInfo& ObjInfo, INTERNAL CEvalNode** ppNext) { CVar *pLeftVar = NULL; CVar *pRightVar = NULL; *ppNext = NULL; HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; // guilty until proven innocent CIMTYPE ct; _IWmiObject* pLeftObj = NULL; _IWmiObject* pRightObj = NULL; // if we can get the objects and variants... if ((SUCCEEDED(hr = GetContainerObject(ObjInfo, &pLeftObj)) && SUCCEEDED(hr = GetRightContainerObject(ObjInfo, &pRightObj))) && (pLeftVar = GetPropVariant(pLeftObj, m_lPropHandle, &ct)) && (pRightVar = GetPropVariant(pRightObj, m_lRightPropHandle, &ct)) ) { if (pLeftVar->IsDataNull() || pRightVar->IsDataNull()) { *ppNext = m_pNullBranch; hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } else hr = Evaluate(pLeftVar, pRightVar, ppNext); } else if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) // if we got here, it's because one of the GetPropVariant's didn't hr = WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; delete pLeftVar; delete pRightVar; return hr; } // ************************************** // **** Two Mismatched String Prop Node **** // ************************************** CEvalNode* CTwoMismatchedStringNode::Clone() const { return (CEvalNode *) new CTwoMismatchedStringNode(*this, true); } CTwoPropNode* CTwoMismatchedStringNode::CloneSelfWithoutChildren() const { return (CTwoPropNode *) new CTwoMismatchedStringNode(*this, false); } // type identification long CTwoMismatchedStringNode::GetSubType() { return EVAL_NODE_TYPE_MISMATCHED_STRINGS; } // string evaluation: promote them all to strings // and do a lexagraphic compare.. HRESULT CTwoMismatchedStringNode::Evaluate(CVar *pLeftVar, CVar *pRightVar, INTERNAL CEvalNode** ppNext) { *ppNext = NULL; HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; // guilty until proven innocent if (pLeftVar->ChangeTypeTo(VT_BSTR) && pRightVar->ChangeTypeTo(VT_BSTR)) { int nCompare = wcscmp(pLeftVar->GetLPWSTR(), pRightVar->GetLPWSTR()); if (nCompare < 0) *ppNext = m_apBranches[LT]; else if (nCompare > 0) *ppNext = m_apBranches[GT]; else *ppNext = m_apBranches[EQ]; hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } else hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; return hr; } // ************************************ // **** Two Mismatched UINT Prop Node **** // ************************************ CEvalNode* CTwoMismatchedUIntNode::Clone() const { return (CEvalNode *) new CTwoMismatchedUIntNode(*this, true); } CTwoPropNode* CTwoMismatchedUIntNode::CloneSelfWithoutChildren() const { return (CTwoPropNode *) new CTwoMismatchedUIntNode(*this, false); } // type identification long CTwoMismatchedUIntNode::GetSubType() { return EVAL_NODE_TYPE_MISMATCHED_INTS; } HRESULT CTwoMismatchedUIntNode::Evaluate(CVar *pLeftVar, CVar *pRightVar, INTERNAL CEvalNode** ppNext) { *ppNext = NULL; HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; // guilty until proven innocent bool bLeftChanged, bRightChanged; bLeftChanged = pLeftVar->ChangeTypeTo(VT_UI4); bRightChanged = pRightVar->ChangeTypeTo(VT_UI4); if (bLeftChanged && bRightChanged) { if (pLeftVar->GetDWORD() < pRightVar->GetDWORD()) *ppNext = m_apBranches[LT]; else if (pLeftVar->GetDWORD() > pRightVar->GetDWORD()) *ppNext = m_apBranches[GT]; else *ppNext = m_apBranches[EQ]; hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } // attempt to handle signed/unsigned mismatches else if (bLeftChanged && pRightVar->ChangeTypeTo(VT_I4) && pRightVar->GetLong() < 0) { *ppNext = m_apBranches[GT]; hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } else if (bRightChanged && pLeftVar->ChangeTypeTo(VT_I4) && pLeftVar->GetLong() < 0) { *ppNext = m_apBranches[LT]; hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } else hr = WBEM_E_TYPE_MISMATCH; return hr; } // *********************************** // **** Two Mismatched int Prop Node **** // *********************************** CEvalNode* CTwoMismatchedIntNode::Clone() const { return (CEvalNode *) new CTwoMismatchedIntNode(*this, true); } CTwoPropNode* CTwoMismatchedIntNode::CloneSelfWithoutChildren() const { return (CTwoPropNode *) new CTwoMismatchedIntNode(*this, false); } // type identification long CTwoMismatchedIntNode::GetSubType() { return EVAL_NODE_TYPE_MISMATCHED_INTS; } HRESULT CTwoMismatchedIntNode::Evaluate(CVar *pLeftVar, CVar *pRightVar, INTERNAL CEvalNode** ppNext) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; // guilty until proven innocent bool bLeftChanged, bRightChanged; bLeftChanged = pLeftVar->ChangeTypeTo(VT_I4); bRightChanged = pRightVar->ChangeTypeTo(VT_I4); if (bLeftChanged && bRightChanged) { if (pLeftVar->GetLong() < pRightVar->GetLong()) *ppNext = m_apBranches[LT]; else if (pLeftVar->GetLong() > pRightVar->GetLong()) *ppNext = m_apBranches[GT]; else *ppNext = m_apBranches[EQ]; hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } // attempt to handle signed/unsigned mismatches else if (bLeftChanged && pRightVar->ChangeTypeTo(VT_UI4) && pRightVar->GetDWORD() > _I32_MAX) { *ppNext = m_apBranches[LT]; hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } else if (bRightChanged && pLeftVar->ChangeTypeTo(VT_UI4) && pLeftVar->GetDWORD() > _I32_MAX) { *ppNext = m_apBranches[GT]; hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } else hr = WBEM_E_TYPE_MISMATCH; return hr; } // ************************************** // **** Two Mismatched int 64 Prop Node **** // ************************************** CEvalNode* CTwoMismatchedInt64Node::Clone() const { return (CEvalNode *) new CTwoMismatchedInt64Node(*this, true); } CTwoPropNode* CTwoMismatchedInt64Node::CloneSelfWithoutChildren() const { return (CTwoPropNode *) new CTwoMismatchedInt64Node(*this, false); } // type identification long CTwoMismatchedInt64Node::GetSubType() { return EVAL_NODE_TYPE_MISMATCHED_INTS; } HRESULT CTwoMismatchedInt64Node::Evaluate(CVar *pLeftVar, CVar *pRightVar, INTERNAL CEvalNode** ppNext) { *ppNext = NULL; HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; // guilty until proven innocent __int64 i64Left, i64Right; unsigned __int64 ui64; if (pLeftVar->ChangeTypeTo(VT_BSTR) && pRightVar->ChangeTypeTo(VT_BSTR)) { if ((pLeftVar->GetLPWSTR() == NULL) || (pRightVar->GetLPWSTR() == NULL)) *ppNext = m_pNullBranch; else { bool bReadLeft, bReadRight; bReadLeft = ReadI64(pLeftVar->GetLPWSTR(), i64Left); bReadRight = ReadI64(pRightVar->GetLPWSTR(), i64Right); if (bReadLeft && bReadRight) { if (i64Left < i64Right) *ppNext = m_apBranches[LT]; else if (i64Left > i64Right) *ppNext = m_apBranches[GT]; else *ppNext = m_apBranches[EQ]; hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } // try to cover ourselves with signed/unsigned mismatches // note that this is a redundant check - if the other side // were a unsigned int 64, this node should have been a UInt64 node. else if (bReadLeft && ReadUI64(pRightVar->GetLPWSTR(), ui64) && (ui64 >= _I64_MAX)) { *ppNext = m_apBranches[LT]; hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } else if (bReadRight && ReadUI64(pLeftVar->GetLPWSTR(), ui64) && (ui64 >= _I64_MAX)) { *ppNext = m_apBranches[GT]; hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } else hr = WBEM_E_TYPE_MISMATCH; } // if ((pLeftVar->GetLPWSTR() == NULL)... } // if (pLeftVar->ChangeTypeTo(VT_BSTR) else hr = WBEM_E_TYPE_MISMATCH; return hr; } // *********************************************** // **** Two Mismatched unsigned int 64 Prop Node **** // *********************************************** CEvalNode* CTwoMismatchedUInt64Node::Clone() const { return (CEvalNode *) new CTwoMismatchedUInt64Node(*this, true); } CTwoPropNode* CTwoMismatchedUInt64Node::CloneSelfWithoutChildren() const { return (CTwoPropNode *) new CTwoMismatchedUInt64Node(*this, false); } // type identification long CTwoMismatchedUInt64Node::GetSubType() { return EVAL_NODE_TYPE_MISMATCHED_INTS; } HRESULT CTwoMismatchedUInt64Node::Evaluate(CVar *pLeftVar, CVar *pRightVar, INTERNAL CEvalNode** ppNext) { *ppNext = NULL; HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; // guilty until proven innocent unsigned __int64 i64Left, i64Right; __int64 i64; if (pLeftVar->ChangeTypeTo(VT_BSTR) && pRightVar->ChangeTypeTo(VT_BSTR)) { if ((pLeftVar->GetLPWSTR() == NULL) || (pRightVar->GetLPWSTR() == NULL)) *ppNext = m_pNullBranch; else { bool bReadLeft, bReadRight; bReadLeft = ReadUI64(pLeftVar->GetLPWSTR(), i64Left); bReadRight = ReadUI64(pRightVar->GetLPWSTR(), i64Right); if (bReadLeft && bReadRight) { if (i64Left < i64Right) *ppNext = m_apBranches[LT]; else if (i64Left > i64Right) *ppNext = m_apBranches[GT]; else *ppNext = m_apBranches[EQ]; hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } // try to cover ourselves with signed/unsigned mismatches else if (bReadLeft && ReadI64(pRightVar->GetLPWSTR(), i64) && (i64 < 0)) { *ppNext = m_apBranches[GT]; hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } else if (bReadRight && ReadI64(pLeftVar->GetLPWSTR(), i64) && (i64 < 0)) { *ppNext = m_apBranches[LT]; hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } else hr = WBEM_E_TYPE_MISMATCH; } } else hr = WBEM_E_TYPE_MISMATCH; return hr; } // ************************************* // **** Two Mismatched Float Prop Node **** // ************************************* CEvalNode* CTwoMismatchedFloatNode::Clone() const { return (CEvalNode *) new CTwoMismatchedFloatNode(*this, true); } CTwoPropNode* CTwoMismatchedFloatNode::CloneSelfWithoutChildren() const { return (CTwoPropNode *) new CTwoMismatchedFloatNode(*this, false); } // type identification long CTwoMismatchedFloatNode::GetSubType() { return EVAL_NODE_TYPE_MISMATCHED_FLOATS; } HRESULT CTwoMismatchedFloatNode::Evaluate(CVar *pLeftVar, CVar *pRightVar, INTERNAL CEvalNode** ppNext) { *ppNext = NULL; HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_TYPE_MISMATCH; // guilty until proven innocent if (pLeftVar->ChangeTypeTo(VT_R8) && pRightVar->ChangeTypeTo(VT_R8)) { if (pLeftVar->GetDouble() < pRightVar->GetDouble()) *ppNext = m_apBranches[LT]; else if (pLeftVar->GetDouble() > pRightVar->GetDouble()) *ppNext = m_apBranches[GT]; else *ppNext = m_apBranches[EQ]; hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } return hr; } #pragma warning(default: 4800)