/*++ Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: netcfg.c Abstract: System network configuration grovelling routines Author: Mike Massa (mikemas) May 19, 1997 Revision History: Who When What -------- -------- ---------------------------------------------- mikemas 05-19-97 created --*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // // Private Constants // #define TCPIP_INTERFACES_KEY L"System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Tcpip\\Parameters\\Interfaces" #define STRING_ARRAY_DELIMITERS " \t,;" // // Lan Connection Interface structures, and functions. // typedef struct _LANCON_PROPS { GUID guidId; LPWSTR pszwDeviceName; LPWSTR pszwName; NETCON_MEDIATYPE MediaType; NETCON_STATUS Status; } LANCON_PROPS; void ClRtlpFreeLanconProperties(LANCON_PROPS* pLanConProps) { if (pLanConProps) { LocalFree(pLanConProps->pszwDeviceName); LocalFree(pLanConProps->pszwName); LocalFree(pLanConProps); } } HRESULT ClRtlpGetLanconPropsForConnection(IN INetConnection* pNetCon, OUT LANCON_PROPS** ppLanConProps) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; INetLanConnection* pNetLanCon = NULL; LANCON_PROPS* pLanConProps = NULL; *ppLanConProps = NULL; if (!pNetCon) { return E_INVALIDARG; } if (!ppLanConProps) { return E_POINTER; } hr = INetConnection_QueryInterface(pNetCon, &IID_INetLanConnection, &pNetLanCon); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { pLanConProps = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED|LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(LANCON_PROPS)); if (pLanConProps) { LANCON_INFO LanCon; WCHAR pszConnectionName[MAX_PATH]; DWORD cchMax = MAX_PATH-1; pLanConProps->MediaType = NCM_LAN; // We only get here for LAN type devices (so NCM_LAN is a given). hr = INetLanConnection_GetInfo(pNetLanCon, LCIF_COMP | LCIF_NAME, &LanCon); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { pLanConProps->guidId = LanCon.guid; pLanConProps->pszwDeviceName = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, lstrlenW(LanCon.szwConnName) * sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(UNICODE_NULL)); if (pLanConProps->pszwDeviceName) { lstrcpyW(pLanConProps->pszwDeviceName, LanCon.szwConnName); CoTaskMemFree(LanCon.szwConnName); hr = HrLanConnectionNameFromGuidOrPath(&pLanConProps->guidId, NULL, pszConnectionName, &cchMax); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { pLanConProps->pszwName = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, lstrlenW(pszConnectionName) * sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(UNICODE_NULL)); if (pLanConProps->pszwName) { NETCON_STATUS Status; lstrcpyW(pLanConProps->pszwName, pszConnectionName); hr = HrGetPnpDeviceStatus(&pLanConProps->guidId, &pLanConProps->Status); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { *ppLanConProps = pLanConProps; INetLanConnection_Release(pNetLanCon); return S_OK; } } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } INetLanConnection_Release(pNetLanCon); } if (pLanConProps) { ClRtlpFreeLanconProperties(pLanConProps); } return hr; } // // Allocing and cloning helper functions // #define AllocGracefully(status, result, len, name) \ result = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED | LMEM_ZEROINIT, len); \ if (!result) { \ status = GetLastError(); \ ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, \ "[ClNet] alloc of %1!hs! (%2!d! bytes) failed, status %3!d!\n", \ name,len,status); \ goto exit_gracefully; \ } else { \ status = ERROR_SUCCESS; \ } #define CloneAnsiString(Status,AnsiStr,WideResult) { \ SIZE_T len = _mbstrlen(AnsiStr) + 1; \ AllocGracefully(status, WideResult, len * sizeof(WCHAR), # AnsiStr); \ mbstowcs(WideResult, AnsiStr, len); \ } #define CloneWideString(Status,WideStr,WideResult) { \ SIZE_T _size = (wcslen(WideStr) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); \ AllocGracefully(Status, WideResult, _size * sizeof(WCHAR), # WideStr); \ memcpy(WideResult, WideStr, _size); \ } VOID ClRtlpDeleteInterfaceInfo( PCLRTL_NET_INTERFACE_INFO InterfaceInfo ) { if (InterfaceInfo) { LocalFree(InterfaceInfo->InterfaceAddressString); LocalFree(InterfaceInfo->NetworkAddressString); LocalFree(InterfaceInfo->NetworkMaskString); LocalFree(InterfaceInfo); } } // DeleteInterfaceInfo PCLRTL_NET_INTERFACE_INFO ClRtlpCreateInterfaceInfo( IN CONST PIP_ADDR_STRING IpAddr ) { DWORD status; PCLRTL_NET_INTERFACE_INFO This = 0; ULONG Addr, Mask, Network; Addr = inet_addr(IpAddr->IpAddress.String); Mask = inet_addr(IpAddr->IpMask.String); Network = Addr & Mask; if ( (INADDR_NONE == Addr) || (INADDR_NONE == Mask) || ((0 == Network) && Addr && Mask) ) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[ClNet] Bad ip addr/mask: %1!X! %2!X! %3!X!\n", Addr, Mask, Network ); status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto exit_gracefully; } AllocGracefully( status, This, sizeof(CLRTL_NET_INTERFACE_INFO), "CLRTL_NET_INTERFACE_INFO" ); This->Context = IpAddr -> Context; This->InterfaceAddress = Addr; This->NetworkMask = Mask; This->NetworkAddress = Network; CloneAnsiString( status, IpAddr->IpAddress.String, This->InterfaceAddressString ); CloneAnsiString( status, IpAddr->IpMask.String, This->NetworkMaskString ); status = ClRtlTcpipAddressToString( Network, &(This->NetworkAddressString) ); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[ClNet] ClRtlTcpipAddressToString of %1!X! failed, " "status %2!d!\n", Network, status ); goto exit_gracefully; } exit_gracefully: if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError(status); if (This) { ClRtlpDeleteInterfaceInfo(This); This = 0; } } return This; } // CreateInterfaceInfo VOID ClRtlpDeleteAdapter( PCLRTL_NET_ADAPTER_INFO adapterInfo ) { if (adapterInfo) { PCLRTL_NET_INTERFACE_INFO interfaceInfo; interfaceInfo = adapterInfo->InterfaceList; while (interfaceInfo != NULL) { PCLRTL_NET_INTERFACE_INFO next = interfaceInfo->Next; ClRtlpDeleteInterfaceInfo(interfaceInfo); interfaceInfo = next; } LocalFree(adapterInfo->DeviceGuid); LocalFree(adapterInfo->ConnectoidName); LocalFree(adapterInfo->DeviceName); LocalFree(adapterInfo->AdapterDomainName); LocalFree(adapterInfo->DnsServerList); LocalFree(adapterInfo); return; } } // DeleteAdapter DWORD ClRtlpCreateAdapter( IN PIP_ADAPTER_INFO AdapterInfo, OUT PCLRTL_NET_ADAPTER_INFO * ppAdapter) { DWORD status; PCLRTL_NET_ADAPTER_INFO adapter = 0; *ppAdapter = 0; AllocGracefully(status, adapter, sizeof(*adapter), "NET_ADAPTER_INFO"); ZeroMemory(adapter, sizeof(*adapter)); // // Assumption here is that: // // AdapterName contains Guid in the form {4082164E-A4B5-11D2-89C3-E37CB6BB13FC} // We need to store it without curly brackets // { SIZE_T len = _mbstrlen(AdapterInfo->AdapterName); // not including 0, but including { and } // AllocGracefully(status, adapter->DeviceGuid, sizeof(WCHAR) * (len - 1), "adapter->DeviceGuid"); mbstowcs(adapter->DeviceGuid, AdapterInfo->AdapterName+1, len-1); adapter->DeviceGuid[len - 2] = UNICODE_NULL; } adapter->Index = AdapterInfo->Index; { PIP_ADDR_STRING IpAddr = &AdapterInfo->IpAddressList; while ( IpAddr ) { PCLRTL_NET_INTERFACE_INFO interfaceInfo; interfaceInfo = ClRtlpCreateInterfaceInfo(IpAddr); if (!interfaceInfo) { // CreateInterfaceInfo logs the error message // // clean up will be done by DeleteAdapter // status = GetLastError(); goto exit_gracefully; } interfaceInfo->Next = adapter->InterfaceList; adapter->InterfaceList = interfaceInfo; ++(adapter->InterfaceCount); IpAddr = IpAddr -> Next; } if (adapter->InterfaceList) { adapter->InterfaceList->Flags |= CLRTL_NET_INTERFACE_PRIMARY; } } exit_gracefully: if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlpDeleteAdapter(adapter); } else { *ppAdapter = adapter; } return status; } // CreateAdapter PCLRTL_NET_ADAPTER_ENUM ClRtlpCreateAdapterEnum() { DWORD status; DWORD len; PIP_ADAPTER_INFO SingleAdapter = 0; PIP_ADAPTER_INFO AdapterInfo = 0; PCLRTL_NET_ADAPTER_ENUM AdapterEnum = 0; len = 0; for(;;) { status = GetAdaptersInfo(AdapterInfo, &len); if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { break; } if (status != ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[ClNet] GetAdaptersInfo returned %1!d!\n", status); goto exit_gracefully; } LocalFree(AdapterInfo); // LocalFree(0) is OK // AllocGracefully(status, AdapterInfo, len, "IP_ADAPTER_INFO"); } AllocGracefully(status, AdapterEnum, sizeof(*AdapterEnum), "PCLRTL_NET_ADAPTER_ENUM"); ZeroMemory(AdapterEnum, sizeof(*AdapterEnum)); SingleAdapter = AdapterInfo; while (SingleAdapter) { if (SingleAdapter->Type != MIB_IF_TYPE_LOOPBACK && SingleAdapter->Type != MIB_IF_TYPE_PPP && SingleAdapter->Type != MIB_IF_TYPE_SLIP ) { PCLRTL_NET_ADAPTER_INFO Adapter = 0; status = ClRtlpCreateAdapter(SingleAdapter, &Adapter); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[ClNet] CreateAdapter %1!d! failed, status %2!d!\n", AdapterEnum->AdapterCount, status); goto exit_gracefully; } // // Push the adapter into Enumeration List // Adapter->Next = AdapterEnum->AdapterList; AdapterEnum->AdapterList = Adapter; ++(AdapterEnum->AdapterCount); } SingleAdapter = SingleAdapter->Next; } exit_gracefully: if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError(status); ClRtlFreeNetAdapterEnum(AdapterEnum); AdapterEnum = 0; } LocalFree(AdapterInfo); return AdapterEnum; } // CreateAdapterEnum HKEY ClRtlpFindAdapterKey( HKEY TcpInterfacesKey, LPWSTR AdapterGuidString ) /*++ Routine Description: Given the adapter GUID, look through the key names under TCP's Interfaces key and see if a match can be found. The key names should have the GUID as some part of the name. Arguments: TcpInterfacesKey - handle to TCP's interfaces area AdapterGuidString - pointer to string representing adapter's GUID Return Value: Handle to the interface key; otherwise NULL --*/ { HKEY AdapterInterfaceKey = NULL; WCHAR KeyName[REGSTR_MAX_VALUE_LENGTH + 1]; DWORD KeyLength = sizeof( KeyName )/sizeof(TCHAR); DWORD index = 0; BOOL FoundMatch = FALSE; size_t SubStringPos; DWORD Status; FILETIME FileTime; // // enum the key names under the interfaces // do { Status = RegEnumKeyEx(TcpInterfacesKey, index, KeyName, &KeyLength, NULL, NULL, NULL, &FileTime); if ( Status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { break; } // // find the beginning of the match // _wcsupr( KeyName ); if (wcsstr( KeyName, AdapterGuidString )) { FoundMatch = TRUE; break; } ++index; KeyLength = sizeof( KeyName )/sizeof(TCHAR); } while ( TRUE ); if ( FoundMatch ) { Status = RegOpenKeyW(TcpInterfacesKey, KeyName, &AdapterInterfaceKey); if ( Status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { AdapterInterfaceKey = NULL; } } return AdapterInterfaceKey; } // FindAdapterKey DWORD ClRtlpConvertIPAddressString( LPSTR DnsServerString, PDWORD ServerCount, PDWORD * ServerList) /*++ Routine Description: Convert the string of DNS server addresses to binary Arguments: DnsServerString - concat'ed string of IP addresses that can be separated by white space of commas ServerCount - pointer to DWORD that receives # of addresses detected ServerList - pointer to DWORD array of converted IP addresses Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS if everything went ok --*/ { #define MAX_DNS_SERVER_ADDRESSES 100 PCHAR stringPointer = DnsServerString; DWORD stringCount = 0; PDWORD serverList = NULL; LPSTR stringAddress[ MAX_DNS_SERVER_ADDRESSES ]; // // count how many addresses are in the string and null terminate them for // inet_addr // stringPointer += strspn(stringPointer, STRING_ARRAY_DELIMITERS); stringAddress[0] = stringPointer; stringCount = 1; while (stringCount < MAX_DNS_SERVER_ADDRESSES && (stringPointer = strpbrk(stringPointer, STRING_ARRAY_DELIMITERS))) { *stringPointer++ = '\0'; stringPointer += strspn(stringPointer, STRING_ARRAY_DELIMITERS); stringAddress[stringCount] = stringPointer; if (*stringPointer) { ++stringCount; } } serverList = LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, stringCount * sizeof( DWORD )); if ( serverList == NULL ) { return GetLastError(); } *ServerCount = stringCount; *ServerList = serverList; while ( stringCount-- ) { serverList[ stringCount ] = inet_addr( stringAddress[ stringCount ]); } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } // ConvertIPAddressString typedef BOOLEAN (*ENUM_CALLBACK)(LANCON_PROPS *, INetConnection *, PVOID Context); HRESULT ClRtlpHrEnumConnections( IN ENUM_CALLBACK enumCallback, IN PVOID Context ) /*++ Routine Description: Enumerate Connection Manager Connections Arguments: enumCallback - callback to be called for every connection Context - to be passed to a callback Return Value: S_OK or HRESULT error code --*/ { HRESULT hr; INetConnectionManager * NcManager = NULL; IEnumNetConnection * EnumNc = NULL; INetConnection * NetConnection = NULL; LANCON_PROPS * NcProps = NULL; DWORD dwNumConnectionsReturned; LPWSTR deviceGuidString = NULL; // // instantiate a connection mgr object and enum the connections // hr = CoCreateInstance((REFCLSID)&CLSID_ConnectionManager, NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, (REFIID)&IID_INetConnectionManager, &NcManager); if (FAILED(hr)) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[ClNet] INetConnectionManager_CoCreateInstance failed, status %1!X!\n", hr); goto exit_gracefully; } hr = INetConnectionManager_EnumConnections(NcManager, NCME_DEFAULT, &EnumNc); if (FAILED(hr)) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[ClNet] INetConnectionManager_EnumConnections failed, status %1!X!\n", hr); goto exit_gracefully; } IEnumNetConnection_Reset( EnumNc ); while (TRUE) { hr = IEnumNetConnection_Next(EnumNc, 1, &NetConnection, &dwNumConnectionsReturned); if (FAILED(hr)) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[ClNet] IEnumNetConnection_Next failed, status %1!X!\n", hr); goto exit_gracefully; } if ( dwNumConnectionsReturned == 0 ) { hr = S_OK; break; } hr = ClRtlpGetLanconPropsForConnection(NetConnection, &NcProps); if (SUCCEEDED( hr )) { BOOLEAN bCont; bCont = enumCallback(NcProps, NetConnection, Context); ClRtlpFreeLanconProperties(NcProps); NcProps = 0; if (!bCont) { break; } } INetConnection_Release( NetConnection ); NetConnection = NULL; } exit_gracefully: if (EnumNc != NULL) { IEnumNetConnection_Release( EnumNc ); } if (NcManager != NULL) { INetConnectionManager_Release( NcManager ); } return hr; } // HrEnumConnections VOID ClRtlpProcessNetConfigurationAdapter( HKEY TcpInterfacesKey, PCLRTL_NET_ADAPTER_ENUM adapterEnum, LANCON_PROPS * NCProps, LPWSTR DeviceGuidString ) /*++ Routine Description: For a given conn mgr object, determine if it is in use by TCP. This is acheived by comparing the adapter ID in the tcpip adapter enumeration with the connection object's guid. Arguments: TcpInterfacessKey - handle to the root of the TCP\Parameters\Interfaces area adapterEnum - pointer to enumeration of adapters and their interfaces actually in use by TCP NCProps - Connectoid properties. DeviceGuidString - Guid for the connectoid (and for the associated adapter). Return Value: None --*/ { HKEY AdaptersKey; HKEY DHCPAdaptersKey = NULL; HKEY InterfacesKey = NULL; PCLRTL_NET_ADAPTER_INFO adapterInfo = NULL; DWORD valueSize; DWORD valueType; LPWSTR valueName; LPSTR ansiValueName; BOOL ignoreAdapter = FALSE; DWORD NTEContext; DWORD Status; BOOL dhcpEnabled; // // Get the TCP/IP interfaces registry key for this adapter. // InterfacesKey = ClRtlpFindAdapterKey( TcpInterfacesKey, DeviceGuidString ); if (InterfacesKey == NULL) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[ClNet] No Interfaces key for %1!ws!\n", DeviceGuidString ); goto exit_gracefully; } // // see if we should be ignoring this adapter per the registry // valueSize = sizeof(DWORD); Status = RegQueryValueExW(InterfacesKey, L"MSCSHidden", NULL, &valueType, (LPBYTE) &ignoreAdapter, &valueSize); if ( Status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { ignoreAdapter = FALSE; } // // Search the enum for this adapter. // adapterInfo = ClRtlFindNetAdapterById(adapterEnum, DeviceGuidString); if (adapterInfo != NULL) { CloneWideString(Status, NCProps->pszwDeviceName, adapterInfo->DeviceName); CloneWideString(Status, NCProps->pszwName, adapterInfo->ConnectoidName); // // Check if this is a hidden netcard. // if ( ignoreAdapter ) { adapterInfo->Flags |= CLRTL_NET_ADAPTER_HIDDEN; } // // Store the NCStatus in the adapter info structure // adapterInfo->NCStatus = NCProps->Status; // // get the domain name and DHCP server list (if any) associated // with this adapter. The Domain value has precedence over // DhcpDomain. If that value is empty/doesn't exist, then use // DhcpDomain only if EnableDHCP is set to one. // Status = ClRtlRegQueryDword(InterfacesKey, L"EnableDHCP", &dhcpEnabled, NULL); if ( Status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { dhcpEnabled = FALSE; } valueName = L"Domain"; valueSize = 0; Status = RegQueryValueExW(InterfacesKey, valueName, NULL, &valueType, (LPBYTE)NULL, &valueSize); if ( Status != ERROR_SUCCESS || valueSize == sizeof(UNICODE_NULL)) { // // it didn't exist or the value was NULL. if were using DHCP, // then check to see if DHCP supplied domain name was // specified // if ( dhcpEnabled ) { valueName = L"DhcpDomain"; Status = RegQueryValueExW(InterfacesKey, valueName, NULL, &valueType, (LPBYTE)NULL, &valueSize); } else { Status = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } } if ( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS && valueSize > sizeof(UNICODE_NULL)) { // // legit domain name was found (somewhere). store it in the // adapter info // adapterInfo->AdapterDomainName = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, valueSize + sizeof(UNICODE_NULL)); if ( adapterInfo->AdapterDomainName != NULL ) { Status = RegQueryValueExW(InterfacesKey, valueName, NULL, &valueType, (LPBYTE)adapterInfo->AdapterDomainName, &valueSize); if ( Status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { LocalFree( adapterInfo->AdapterDomainName ); adapterInfo->AdapterDomainName = NULL; } #if CLUSTER_BETA else { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, " %1!ws! key: %2!ws!\n", valueName, adapterInfo->AdapterDomainName); } #endif } else { Status = GetLastError(); } } // // now get the DNS server list in a similar fashion. The // NameServer value has precedence over DhcpNameServer but we only // check the DHCP values if DHCP is enabled (just like // above). Note that we use the Ansi APIs since we need to convert // the IP addresses into binary form and there is no wide char // form of inet_addr. // ansiValueName = "NameServer"; valueSize = 0; Status = RegQueryValueExA(InterfacesKey, ansiValueName, NULL, &valueType, (LPBYTE)NULL, &valueSize); if ( Status != ERROR_SUCCESS || valueSize == 1 ) { if ( dhcpEnabled ) { ansiValueName = "DhcpNameServer"; Status = RegQueryValueExA(InterfacesKey, ansiValueName, NULL, &valueType, (LPBYTE)NULL, &valueSize); } else { Status = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } } if ( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS && valueSize > 0 ) { PCHAR nameServerString; nameServerString = LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, valueSize + 1 ); if ( nameServerString != NULL ) { Status = RegQueryValueExA(InterfacesKey, ansiValueName, NULL, &valueType, (LPBYTE)nameServerString, &valueSize); if ( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { DWORD serverCount; PDWORD serverList; #if CLUSTER_BETA ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, " %1!hs! key: %2!hs!\n", ansiValueName, nameServerString); #endif Status = ClRtlpConvertIPAddressString( nameServerString, &serverCount, &serverList ); if ( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { adapterInfo->DnsServerCount = serverCount; adapterInfo->DnsServerList = serverList; } else { adapterInfo->DnsServerCount = 0; adapterInfo->DnsServerList = NULL; } } else { adapterInfo->DnsServerCount = 0; adapterInfo->DnsServerList = NULL; } LocalFree( nameServerString ); } else { Status = GetLastError(); } } } if ( adapterInfo == NULL ) { // // TCP/IP is not bound to this adapter right now. PnP? // ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[ClNet] Tcpip is not bound to adapter %1!ws!.\n", DeviceGuidString ); } exit_gracefully: if (InterfacesKey != NULL) { RegCloseKey( InterfacesKey ); } return; } // ProcessNetConfigurationAdapter typedef struct _CONFIGURATION_CONTEXT { PCLRTL_NET_ADAPTER_ENUM adapterEnum; HKEY TcpInterfacesKey; } CONFIGURATION_CONTEXT, *PCONFIGURATION_CONTEXT; typedef WCHAR GUIDSTR[32 * 3]; VOID GuidToStr(LPGUID Guid, PWCHAR buf) { // // GUIDs look like this: 4082164E-A4B5-11D2-89C3-E37CB6BB13FC // wsprintfW( buf, L"%08X-%04X-%04X-%02X%02X-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X", Guid->Data1, Guid->Data2, Guid->Data3, Guid->Data4[0], Guid->Data4[1], Guid->Data4[2], Guid->Data4[3], Guid->Data4[4], Guid->Data4[5], Guid->Data4[6], Guid->Data4[7] ); } BOOLEAN ClRtlpProcessConfigurationCallback( LANCON_PROPS * NCProps, INetConnection * NetConnection, PVOID Context ) { PCONFIGURATION_CONTEXT Ctx = (PCONFIGURATION_CONTEXT) Context; if ( NCProps->MediaType == NCM_LAN && NCProps->Status != NCS_HARDWARE_NOT_PRESENT && NCProps->Status != NCS_HARDWARE_DISABLED && NCProps->Status != NCS_HARDWARE_MALFUNCTION) { GUIDSTR deviceGuidString; GuidToStr(&NCProps->guidId, deviceGuidString); ClRtlpProcessNetConfigurationAdapter( Ctx->TcpInterfacesKey, Ctx->adapterEnum, NCProps, deviceGuidString ); // // the strings in the properties struct are either kept or // or freed in ProcessNetConfigurationAdapter. If they are // used, then they are freed when the adapter enum is freed // } return TRUE; } // ProcessConfigurationCallback PCLRTL_NET_ADAPTER_ENUM ClRtlEnumNetAdapters( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Enumerates all of the installed network adapters to which TCP/IP is bound. Arguments: None. Return Value: A pointer to a network adapter enumeration, if successful. NULL if unsuccessful. Extended error information is available from GetLastError(). --*/ { DWORD status; PCLRTL_NET_ADAPTER_INFO adapterInfo = NULL; CONFIGURATION_CONTEXT Ctx; PVOID wTimer; ZeroMemory(&Ctx, sizeof(Ctx)); // // First get the list of bound adapters & interfaces from the // tcpip stack. // Ctx.adapterEnum = ClRtlpCreateAdapterEnum(); if (Ctx.adapterEnum == NULL) { status = GetLastError(); ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[ClNet] GetTcpipAdaptersAndInterfaces failed %1!u!\n", status); SetLastError(status); return(NULL); } // // Open the Services portion of the registry // status = RegOpenKeyW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TCPIP_INTERFACES_KEY, &Ctx.TcpInterfacesKey); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[ClNet] Open of TCP Params key failed - %1!u!\n", status ); goto exit_gracefully; } // This function might hang, so setting the watchdog timer to 2 mins (2 * 60 * 1000) ms wTimer = ClRtlSetWatchdogTimer(120000, L"Calling EnumConnections"); status = ClRtlpHrEnumConnections( ClRtlpProcessConfigurationCallback, &Ctx ); ClRtlCancelWatchdogTimer(wTimer); if (status != S_OK) { goto exit_gracefully; } // // Finally, ensure that we found a name for each adapter in the enum. // for (adapterInfo = Ctx.adapterEnum->AdapterList; adapterInfo != NULL; adapterInfo = adapterInfo->Next ) { if (adapterInfo->ConnectoidName == NULL) { if ( adapterInfo->InterfaceCount > 0 ) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[ClNet] No installed adapter was found for IP address %1!ws!\n", adapterInfo->InterfaceList->InterfaceAddressString ); } else { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[ClNet] No installed adapter was found for Tcpip IF entity %1!u!\n", adapterInfo->Index ); } status = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; goto exit_gracefully; } } #if CLUSTER_BETA ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[ClNet] Successfully enumerated all adapters and interfaces\n"); #endif status = ERROR_SUCCESS; exit_gracefully: if (Ctx.TcpInterfacesKey != NULL) { RegCloseKey(Ctx.TcpInterfacesKey); } if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (Ctx.adapterEnum != NULL) { ClRtlFreeNetAdapterEnum(Ctx.adapterEnum); Ctx.adapterEnum = NULL; } SetLastError(status); } return(Ctx.adapterEnum); } // ClRtlEnumNetAdapters VOID ClRtlFreeNetAdapterEnum( IN PCLRTL_NET_ADAPTER_ENUM AdapterEnum ) /*++ Routine Description: Frees a network adapter enumeration structure. Arguments: AdapterEnum - A pointer to the structure to be freed. Return Value: None. --*/ { if (AdapterEnum) { PCLRTL_NET_ADAPTER_INFO p = AdapterEnum -> AdapterList; while (p) { PCLRTL_NET_ADAPTER_INFO next = p->Next; ClRtlpDeleteAdapter(p); p = next; } LocalFree(AdapterEnum); } } // ClRtlFreeNetAdapterEnum PCLRTL_NET_ADAPTER_INFO ClRtlFindNetAdapterById( PCLRTL_NET_ADAPTER_ENUM AdapterEnum, LPWSTR AdapterId ) { PCLRTL_NET_ADAPTER_INFO adapterInfo; for ( adapterInfo = AdapterEnum->AdapterList; adapterInfo != NULL; adapterInfo = adapterInfo->Next ) { if (wcscmp(AdapterId, adapterInfo->DeviceGuid) == 0) { if (!adapterInfo->Ignore) { return(adapterInfo); } else { return(NULL); } } } return(NULL); } // ClRtlFindNetAdapterById PCLRTL_NET_INTERFACE_INFO ClRtlFindNetInterfaceByNetworkAddress( IN PCLRTL_NET_ADAPTER_INFO AdapterInfo, IN LPWSTR NetworkAddress, IN LPWSTR NetworkMask ) { PCLRTL_NET_INTERFACE_INFO interfaceInfo; for (interfaceInfo = AdapterInfo->InterfaceList; interfaceInfo != NULL; interfaceInfo = interfaceInfo->Next ) { if (interfaceInfo->Ignore == FALSE) { // // We only look at the primary interface on the // adapter right now. // if (interfaceInfo->Flags & CLRTL_NET_INTERFACE_PRIMARY) { if ((wcscmp(interfaceInfo->NetworkAddressString, NetworkAddress) == 0) && (wcscmp(interfaceInfo->NetworkMaskString, NetworkMask) == 0)) { return(interfaceInfo); } } } } return(NULL); } // ClRtlFindNetInterfaceByNetworkAddress PCLRTL_NET_ADAPTER_INFO ClRtlFindNetAdapterByNetworkAddress( IN PCLRTL_NET_ADAPTER_ENUM AdapterEnum, IN LPWSTR NetworkAddress, IN LPWSTR NetworkMask, OUT PCLRTL_NET_INTERFACE_INFO * InterfaceInfo ) { PCLRTL_NET_ADAPTER_INFO adapterInfo; PCLRTL_NET_INTERFACE_INFO interfaceInfo; for ( adapterInfo = AdapterEnum->AdapterList; adapterInfo != NULL; adapterInfo = adapterInfo->Next ) { if (adapterInfo->Ignore == FALSE) { for (interfaceInfo = adapterInfo->InterfaceList; interfaceInfo != NULL; interfaceInfo = interfaceInfo->Next ) { if (interfaceInfo->Ignore == FALSE) { // // We only look at the primary interface on the // adapter right now. // if (interfaceInfo->Flags & CLRTL_NET_INTERFACE_PRIMARY) { if ((wcscmp(interfaceInfo->NetworkAddressString, NetworkAddress) == 0) && (wcscmp(interfaceInfo->NetworkMaskString, NetworkMask) == 0)) { *InterfaceInfo = interfaceInfo; return(adapterInfo); } } } } } } *InterfaceInfo = NULL; return(NULL); } // ClRtlFindNetAdapterByNetworkAddress PCLRTL_NET_ADAPTER_INFO ClRtlFindNetAdapterByInterfaceAddress( IN PCLRTL_NET_ADAPTER_ENUM AdapterEnum, IN LPWSTR InterfaceAddressString, OUT PCLRTL_NET_INTERFACE_INFO * InterfaceInfo ) /*++ For a given IP interface address, find the adapter that is hosting that address. --*/ { PCLRTL_NET_ADAPTER_INFO adapterInfo; PCLRTL_NET_INTERFACE_INFO interfaceInfo; for ( adapterInfo = AdapterEnum->AdapterList; adapterInfo != NULL; adapterInfo = adapterInfo->Next ) { if (adapterInfo->Ignore == FALSE) { for (interfaceInfo = adapterInfo->InterfaceList; interfaceInfo != NULL; interfaceInfo = interfaceInfo->Next ) { if (interfaceInfo->Ignore == FALSE ) { if ( wcscmp( interfaceInfo->InterfaceAddressString, InterfaceAddressString ) == 0 ) { *InterfaceInfo = interfaceInfo; return(adapterInfo); } } } } } *InterfaceInfo = NULL; return(NULL); } // ClRtlFindNetAdapterByInterfaceAddress PCLRTL_NET_INTERFACE_INFO ClRtlGetPrimaryNetInterface( IN PCLRTL_NET_ADAPTER_INFO AdapterInfo ) { PCLRTL_NET_INTERFACE_INFO interfaceInfo; for (interfaceInfo = AdapterInfo->InterfaceList; interfaceInfo != NULL; interfaceInfo = interfaceInfo->Next ) { if (interfaceInfo->Flags & CLRTL_NET_INTERFACE_PRIMARY) { if (!interfaceInfo->Ignore) { return(interfaceInfo); } else { return(NULL); } } } return(NULL); } // ClRtlGetPrimaryNetInterface LPWSTR ClRtlGetConnectoidName( INetConnection * NetConnection ) { DWORD status; LANCON_PROPS * NcProps = NULL; LPWSTR name = NULL; status = ClRtlpGetLanconPropsForConnection(NetConnection, &NcProps); if (SUCCEEDED( status )) { DWORD nameLength = (lstrlenW(NcProps->pszwName) * sizeof(WCHAR)) + sizeof(UNICODE_NULL); name = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, nameLength); if (name != NULL) { lstrcpyW(name, NcProps->pszwName); } else { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); } ClRtlpFreeLanconProperties( NcProps ); } else { SetLastError(status); } return(name); } // ClRtlGetConnectoidName typedef struct _FIND_CONNECTOID_CONTEXT { GUID ConnectoidGuid; LPCWSTR ConnectoidName; INetConnection * NetConnection; } FIND_CONNECTOID_CONTEXT, *PFIND_CONNECTOID_CONTEXT; BOOLEAN ClRtlpFindConnectoidByGuidCallback( LANCON_PROPS * NcProp, INetConnection * NetConnection, PVOID Context ) { PFIND_CONNECTOID_CONTEXT Ctx = (PFIND_CONNECTOID_CONTEXT) Context; if ( IsEqualGUID(&Ctx->ConnectoidGuid, &NcProp->guidId) ) { INetConnection_AddRef(NetConnection); Ctx->NetConnection = NetConnection; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } // FindConnectoidByGuidCallback INetConnection * ClRtlFindConnectoidByGuid( LPWSTR ConnectoidGuidStr ) { FIND_CONNECTOID_CONTEXT Ctx; HRESULT hr; RPC_STATUS rpcStatus; ZeroMemory(&Ctx, sizeof(Ctx)); rpcStatus = UuidFromStringW ( (LPWSTR)ConnectoidGuidStr, &Ctx.ConnectoidGuid); if (rpcStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(rpcStatus) ); return 0; } hr = ClRtlpHrEnumConnections(ClRtlpFindConnectoidByGuidCallback, &Ctx); if (hr != S_OK) { SetLastError(hr); return 0; } else { return Ctx.NetConnection; } } // ClRtlFindConnectoidByGuid BOOLEAN ClRtlpFindConnectoidByNameCallback( LANCON_PROPS * NcProp, INetConnection * NetConnection, PVOID Context ) { PFIND_CONNECTOID_CONTEXT Ctx = (PFIND_CONNECTOID_CONTEXT) Context; if ( lstrcmpiW(Ctx->ConnectoidName, NcProp->pszwName) == 0 ) { INetConnection_AddRef(NetConnection); Ctx->NetConnection = NetConnection; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } // FindConnectoidByNameCallback INetConnection * ClRtlFindConnectoidByName( LPCWSTR ConnectoidName ) { FIND_CONNECTOID_CONTEXT Ctx; HRESULT hr; ZeroMemory(&Ctx, sizeof(Ctx)); Ctx.ConnectoidName = ConnectoidName; hr = ClRtlpHrEnumConnections(ClRtlpFindConnectoidByNameCallback, &Ctx); if (hr != S_OK) { SetLastError(hr); return 0; } else { return Ctx.NetConnection; } } // ClRtlFindConnectoidByName DWORD ClRtlSetConnectoidName( INetConnection * NetConnection, LPWSTR NewConnectoidName ) /*++ Routine Description: Set the conn mgr object in the connections folder to the supplied name. This routine must deal with collisions since the name change could be the result of a node joining the cluster whose conn obj name in the connection folder had changed while the cluster service was stopped on that node. If a collision is detected, the existing name is changed to have an "(previous)" appended to it. Arguments: NetConnection - Connect object to set. NewConnectoidName - new name Return Value: Win32 error status --*/ { DWORD status = E_UNEXPECTED; INetConnection * connectoidObj; LPWSTR tempName; ULONG iteration = 2; GUIDSTR connectoidGuid; // // first see if there is a collision with the new name. If so, // we'll rename the collided name, since we need to make all // the cluster connectoids the same. // connectoidObj = ClRtlFindConnectoidByName( NewConnectoidName ); if ( connectoidObj != NULL ) { LANCON_PROPS * NcProps = NULL; status = ClRtlpGetLanconPropsForConnection(connectoidObj, &NcProps); if (SUCCEEDED( status )) { GuidToStr(&NcProps->guidId, connectoidGuid); ClRtlpFreeLanconProperties( NcProps ); } else { wsprintf( &(connectoidGuid[0]), L"????????-????-????-????-??????????????" ); } ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[ClNet] New connectoid name '%1!ws!' collides with name of " "existing connectoid (%2!ws!). Renaming existing connectoid.\n", NewConnectoidName, connectoidGuid ); // // allocate enough space for the connectoid name with a trailing // "(ddd)". 3 digits for the number should be enough // tempName = LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, (wcslen( NewConnectoidName ) + 6) * sizeof(WCHAR) ); if ( tempName == NULL ) { INetConnection_Release( connectoidObj ); return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; } do { wsprintf( tempName, L"%s(%u)", NewConnectoidName, iteration++ ); status = INetConnection_Rename( connectoidObj, tempName ); } while ( !SUCCEEDED( status ) && iteration <= 999 ); if ( iteration > 999 ) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_UNUSUAL, "[ClNet] Failed to create a unique name for connectoid " "'%1!ws!' (%2!ws!)\n", NewConnectoidName, connectoidGuid ); INetConnection_Release( connectoidObj ); return(ERROR_DUP_NAME); } ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[ClNet] Renamed existing connectoid '%1!ws!' (%2!ws!) to '%3!ws!' " "due to a collision with the name of cluster network.\n", NewConnectoidName, connectoidGuid, tempName ); INetConnection_Release( connectoidObj ); } // // now set the connectoid to the new name // status = INetConnection_Rename( NetConnection, NewConnectoidName ); return status; } // ClRtlSetConnectoidName DWORD ClRtlFindConnectoidByNameAndSetName( LPWSTR ConnectoidName, LPWSTR NewConnectoidName ) { DWORD status = E_UNEXPECTED; INetConnection * connectoidObj; connectoidObj = ClRtlFindConnectoidByName( ConnectoidName ); if ( connectoidObj != NULL ) { status = ClRtlSetConnectoidName(connectoidObj, NewConnectoidName); INetConnection_Release( connectoidObj ); } else { status = GetLastError(); } return(status); } // ClRtlFindConnectoidByNameAndSetName DWORD ClRtlFindConnectoidByGuidAndSetName( LPWSTR ConnectoidGuid, LPWSTR NewConnectoidName ) { DWORD status = E_UNEXPECTED; INetConnection * connectoidObj; connectoidObj = ClRtlFindConnectoidByGuid( ConnectoidGuid ); if ( connectoidObj != NULL ) { status = ClRtlSetConnectoidName(connectoidObj, NewConnectoidName); INetConnection_Release( connectoidObj ); } else { status = GetLastError(); } return(status); } // ClRtlFindConnectoidByGuidAndSetName