/*++ Copyright (c) 1990 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: smbpipe.c Abstract: This module contains the code for handling named pipe based transact SMB's. Functions that are handled are: SrvCallNamedPipe SrvWaitNamedPipe SrvQueryInfoNamedPipe SrvQueryStateNamedPipe SrvSetStateNamedPipe SrvPeekNamedPipe SrvTransactNamedPipe Author: Manny Weiser (9-18-90) Revision History: --*/ #include "precomp.h" #include "pipe.tmh" #pragma hdrstop #define BugCheckFileId SRV_FILE_PIPE STATIC VOID SRVFASTCALL RestartCallNamedPipe ( IN OUT PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext ); STATIC VOID SRVFASTCALL RestartWaitNamedPipe ( IN OUT PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext ); STATIC VOID SRVFASTCALL RestartPeekNamedPipe ( IN OUT PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext ); VOID SRVFASTCALL RestartRawWriteNamedPipe ( IN OUT PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext ); STATIC VOID SRVFASTCALL RestartTransactNamedPipe ( IN OUT PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext ); NTSTATUS RestartFastTransactNamedPipe ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp, IN OUT PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext ); VOID SRVFASTCALL RestartFastTransactNamedPipe2 ( IN OUT PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext ); VOID SRVFASTCALL RestartReadNamedPipe ( IN OUT PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext ); VOID SRVFASTCALL RestartWriteNamedPipe ( IN OUT PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext ); #ifdef ALLOC_PRAGMA #pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvCallNamedPipe ) #pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvWaitNamedPipe ) #pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvQueryStateNamedPipe ) #pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvQueryInformationNamedPipe ) #pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvSetStateNamedPipe ) #pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvPeekNamedPipe ) #pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvTransactNamedPipe ) #pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvFastTransactNamedPipe ) #pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvRawWriteNamedPipe ) #pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvReadNamedPipe ) #pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvWriteNamedPipe ) #pragma alloc_text( PAGE, RestartCallNamedPipe ) #pragma alloc_text( PAGE, RestartWaitNamedPipe ) #pragma alloc_text( PAGE, RestartPeekNamedPipe ) #pragma alloc_text( PAGE, RestartReadNamedPipe ) #pragma alloc_text( PAGE, RestartTransactNamedPipe ) #pragma alloc_text( PAGE, RestartRawWriteNamedPipe ) #pragma alloc_text( PAGE, RestartFastTransactNamedPipe2 ) #pragma alloc_text( PAGE, RestartWriteNamedPipe ) #pragma alloc_text( PAGE8FIL, RestartFastTransactNamedPipe ) #endif SMB_TRANS_STATUS SrvCallNamedPipe ( IN OUT PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext ) /*++ Routine Description: This function processes a Call Named pipe request from a Transaction SMB. This call is handled asynchronously and is completed in RestartCallNamedPipe. Arguments: WorkContext - A pointer to a WORK_CONTEXT block. Return Value: SMB_TRANS_STATUS - Indicates whether an error occurred. See smbtypes.h for a more complete description. --*/ { HANDLE fileHandle; IO_STATUS_BLOCK ioStatusBlock; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES objectAttributes; PFILE_OBJECT fileObject; OBJECT_HANDLE_INFORMATION handleInformation; PTRANSACTION transaction; NTSTATUS status; UNICODE_STRING pipePath; UNICODE_STRING fullName; FILE_PIPE_INFORMATION pipeInformation; PIRP irp = WorkContext->Irp; PIO_STACK_LOCATION irpSp; PAGED_CODE( ); // // Strip "\PIPE\" prefix from the path string. // pipePath = WorkContext->Parameters.Transaction->TransactionName; if ( pipePath.Length <= (UNICODE_SMB_PIPE_PREFIX_LENGTH + sizeof(WCHAR)) ) { SrvSetSmbError( WorkContext, STATUS_INVALID_SMB ); return SmbTransStatusErrorWithoutData; } pipePath.Buffer += (UNICODE_SMB_PIPE_PREFIX_LENGTH / sizeof(WCHAR)) + 1; pipePath.Length -= UNICODE_SMB_PIPE_PREFIX_LENGTH + sizeof(WCHAR); // // Attempt to open the named pipe. // SrvAllocateAndBuildPathName( &SrvNamedPipeRootDirectory, &pipePath, NULL, &fullName ); if ( fullName.Buffer == NULL ) { // // Unable to allocate heap for the full name. // IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { SrvPrint0( "SrvCallNamedPipe: Unable to allocate heap for full path name\n" ); } SrvSetSmbError (WorkContext, STATUS_INSUFF_SERVER_RESOURCES); IF_DEBUG(TRACE2) SrvPrint0( "SrvCallNamedPipe complete\n" ); return SmbTransStatusErrorWithoutData; } SrvInitializeObjectAttributes_U( &objectAttributes, &fullName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL ); INCREMENT_DEBUG_STAT( SrvDbgStatistics.TotalOpenAttempts ); status = SrvIoCreateFile( WorkContext, &fileHandle, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, &objectAttributes, &ioStatusBlock, NULL, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, FILE_OPEN, 0, // Create Options NULL, // EA Buffer 0, // EA Length CreateFileTypeNone, (PVOID)NULL, // Create parameters IO_FORCE_ACCESS_CHECK, NULL ); FREE_HEAP( fullName.Buffer ); // // If the user didn't have this permission, update the statistics // database. // if ( status == STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED ) { SrvStatistics.AccessPermissionErrors++; } if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { // // The server could not open the requested name pipe, // return the error. // IF_SMB_DEBUG(OPEN_CLOSE1) { SrvPrint2( "SrvCallNamedPipe: Failed to open %ws, err=%x\n", WorkContext->Parameters.Transaction->TransactionName.Buffer, status ); } SrvSetSmbError (WorkContext, status); IF_DEBUG(TRACE2) SrvPrint0( "SrvCallNamedPipe complete\n" ); return SmbTransStatusErrorWithoutData; } SRVDBG_CLAIM_HANDLE( fileHandle, "FIL", 15, 0 ); SrvStatistics.TotalFilesOpened++; // // Get a pointer to the file object, so that we can directly // build IRPs for asynchronous operations (read and write). // Also, get the granted access mask, so that we can prevent the // client from doing things that it isn't allowed to do. // status = ObReferenceObjectByHandle( fileHandle, 0, NULL, KernelMode, (PVOID *)&fileObject, &handleInformation ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { SrvLogServiceFailure( SRV_SVC_OB_REF_BY_HANDLE, status ); // // This internal error bugchecks the system. // INTERNAL_ERROR( ERROR_LEVEL_IMPOSSIBLE, "SrvCallNamedPipe: unable to reference file handle 0x%lx", fileHandle, NULL ); SrvSetSmbError( WorkContext, status ); IF_DEBUG(TRACE2) SrvPrint0( "SrvCallNamedPipe complete\n" ); return SmbTransStatusErrorWithoutData; } // // Save file handle for the completion routine. // transaction = WorkContext->Parameters.Transaction; transaction->FileHandle = fileHandle; transaction->FileObject = fileObject; // // Set the pipe to message mode, so that we can preform a transceive // pipeInformation.CompletionMode = FILE_PIPE_QUEUE_OPERATION; pipeInformation.ReadMode = FILE_PIPE_MESSAGE_MODE; status = NtSetInformationFile ( fileHandle, &ioStatusBlock, (PVOID)&pipeInformation, sizeof(pipeInformation), FilePipeInformation ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { INTERNAL_ERROR( ERROR_LEVEL_UNEXPECTED, "SrvCallNamedPipe: NtSetInformationFile (pipe information) " "returned %X", status, NULL ); SrvLogServiceFailure( SRV_SVC_NT_SET_INFO_FILE, status ); SrvSetSmbError( WorkContext, status ); IF_DEBUG(TRACE2) SrvPrint0( "SrvCallNamedPipe complete\n" ); return SmbTransStatusErrorWithoutData; } // // Set the Restart Routine addresses in the work context block. // WorkContext->FsdRestartRoutine = SrvQueueWorkToFspAtDpcLevel; WorkContext->FspRestartRoutine = RestartCallNamedPipe; transaction = WorkContext->Parameters.Transaction; // // Build the IRP to start a pipe transceive. // Pass this request to NPFS. // // // Inline SrvBuildIoControlRequest // { // // Get a pointer to the next stack location. This one is used to // hold the parameters for the device I/O control request. // irpSp = IoGetNextIrpStackLocation( irp ); // // Set up the completion routine. // IoSetCompletionRoutine( irp, SrvFsdIoCompletionRoutine, (PVOID)WorkContext, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE ); irpSp->MajorFunction = IRP_MJ_FILE_SYSTEM_CONTROL; irpSp->MinorFunction = 0; irpSp->DeviceObject = IoGetRelatedDeviceObject(fileObject); irpSp->FileObject = fileObject; irp->Tail.Overlay.OriginalFileObject = irpSp->FileObject; irp->Tail.Overlay.Thread = WorkContext->CurrentWorkQueue->IrpThread; DEBUG irp->RequestorMode = KernelMode; irp->MdlAddress = NULL; irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer = transaction->OutData; irpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.Type3InputBuffer = transaction->InData; // // Copy the caller's parameters to the service-specific portion of the // IRP for those parameters that are the same for all three methods. // irpSp->Parameters.FileSystemControl.OutputBufferLength = transaction->MaxDataCount; irpSp->Parameters.FileSystemControl.InputBufferLength = transaction->DataCount; irpSp->Parameters.FileSystemControl.FsControlCode = FSCTL_PIPE_INTERNAL_TRANSCEIVE; } (VOID)IoCallDriver( irpSp->DeviceObject, irp ); // // The tranceive was successfully started. Return the InProgress // status to the caller, indicating that the caller should do // nothing further with the SMB/WorkContext at the present time. // IF_DEBUG(TRACE2) SrvPrint0( "SrvCallNamedPipe complete\n" ); return SmbTransStatusInProgress; } // SrvCallNamedPipe SMB_TRANS_STATUS SrvWaitNamedPipe ( IN OUT PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext ) /*++ Routine Description: This function processes a Wait named pipe transaction SMB. It issues an asynchronous call to NPFS. The function completetion is handled by RestartWaitNamedPipe(). Arguments: WorkContext - A pointer to a WORK_CONTEXT block. Return Value: SMB_TRANS_STATUS - Indicates whether an error occurred. See smbtypes.h for a more complete description. --*/ { PFILE_PIPE_WAIT_FOR_BUFFER pipeWaitBuffer; PREQ_TRANSACTION request; PTRANSACTION transaction; UNICODE_STRING pipePath; CLONG nameLength; PAGED_CODE( ); request = (PREQ_TRANSACTION)WorkContext->RequestParameters; transaction = WorkContext->Parameters.Transaction; // // Allocate and fill in FILE_PIPE_WAIT_FOR_BUFFER structure. // pipePath = transaction->TransactionName; if ( pipePath.Length <= (UNICODE_SMB_PIPE_PREFIX_LENGTH + sizeof(WCHAR)) ) { // // The transaction name does not include a pipe name. It's // either \PIPE or \PIPE\, or it doesn't even have \PIPE. // SrvSetSmbError( WorkContext, STATUS_INVALID_SMB ); return SmbTransStatusErrorWithoutData; } nameLength = pipePath.Length - (UNICODE_SMB_PIPE_PREFIX_LENGTH + sizeof(WCHAR)) + sizeof(WCHAR); pipeWaitBuffer = ALLOCATE_NONPAGED_POOL( sizeof(FILE_PIPE_WAIT_FOR_BUFFER) + nameLength, BlockTypeDataBuffer ); if ( pipeWaitBuffer == NULL ) { // // We could not allocate space for the buffer to issue the // pipe wait. Fail the request. // SrvSetSmbError( WorkContext, STATUS_INSUFF_SERVER_RESOURCES ); IF_DEBUG(TRACE2) SrvPrint0( "SrvWaitNamedPipe complete\n" ); return SmbTransStatusErrorWithoutData; } // // Copy the pipe name not including "\PIPE\" to the pipe wait for // buffer. // pipeWaitBuffer->NameLength = nameLength - sizeof(WCHAR); RtlCopyMemory( pipeWaitBuffer->Name, (PUCHAR)pipePath.Buffer + UNICODE_SMB_PIPE_PREFIX_LENGTH + sizeof(WCHAR), nameLength ); // // Fill in the pipe timeout value if necessary. // if ( SmbGetUlong( &request->Timeout ) == 0 ) { pipeWaitBuffer->TimeoutSpecified = FALSE; } else { pipeWaitBuffer->TimeoutSpecified = TRUE; // // Convert timeout time from milliseconds to NT relative time. // pipeWaitBuffer->Timeout.QuadPart = -1 * UInt32x32To64( SmbGetUlong( &request->Timeout ), 10*1000 ); } // // Set the Restart Routine addresses in the work context block. // WorkContext->FsdRestartRoutine = SrvQueueWorkToFspAtDpcLevel; WorkContext->FspRestartRoutine = RestartWaitNamedPipe; // // Build a Wait named pipe IRP and pass the request to NPFS. // SrvBuildIoControlRequest( WorkContext->Irp, SrvNamedPipeFileObject, WorkContext, IRP_MJ_FILE_SYSTEM_CONTROL, FSCTL_PIPE_WAIT, pipeWaitBuffer, sizeof(*pipeWaitBuffer) + nameLength, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL ); (VOID)IoCallDriver( SrvNamedPipeDeviceObject, WorkContext->Irp ); // // The tranceive was successfully started. Return the InProgress // status to the caller, indicating that the caller should do // nothing further with the SMB/WorkContext at the present time. // IF_DEBUG(TRACE2) SrvPrint0( "SrvWaitNamedPipe complete\n" ); return SmbTransStatusInProgress; } // SrvWaitNamedPipe SMB_TRANS_STATUS SrvQueryStateNamedPipe ( IN OUT PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext ) /*++ Routine Description: This function processes a Query Named pipe transaction SMB. Since this call cannot block it is handled synchronously. Arguments: WorkContext - A pointer to a WORK_CONTEXT block. Return Value: SMB_TRANS_STATUS - Indicates whether an error occurred. See smbtypes.h for a more complete description. --*/ { PREQ_TRANSACTION request; PTRANSACTION transaction; HANDLE pipeHandle; IO_STATUS_BLOCK ioStatusBlock; USHORT pipeHandleState; FILE_PIPE_INFORMATION pipeInformation; FILE_PIPE_LOCAL_INFORMATION pipeLocalInformation; NTSTATUS status; USHORT fid; PRFCB rfcb; PAGED_CODE( ); request = (PREQ_TRANSACTION)WorkContext->RequestParameters; transaction = WorkContext->Parameters.Transaction; // // Get the FID from the second setup word and use it to generate a // pointer to the RFCB. // // SrvVerifyFid will fill in WorkContext->Rfcb. // if( transaction->SetupCount < sizeof(USHORT)*2 ) { SrvSetSmbError( WorkContext, STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return SmbTransStatusErrorWithoutData; } fid = SmbGetUshort( &transaction->InSetup[1] ); rfcb = SrvVerifyFid( WorkContext, fid, FALSE, NULL, // don't serialize with raw write &status ); if ( rfcb == SRV_INVALID_RFCB_POINTER ) { // // Invalid file ID. Reject the request. // IF_DEBUG(SMB_ERRORS) { SrvPrint1( "SrvQueryStateNamedPipe: Invalid FID: 0x%lx\n", fid ); } SrvSetSmbError( WorkContext, STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE ); IF_DEBUG(TRACE2) SrvPrint0( "SrvQueryStateNamedPipe complete\n" ); return SmbTransStatusErrorWithoutData; } pipeHandle = rfcb->Lfcb->FileHandle; status = NtQueryInformationFile ( pipeHandle, &ioStatusBlock, (PVOID)&pipeInformation, sizeof(pipeInformation), FilePipeInformation ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { INTERNAL_ERROR( ERROR_LEVEL_UNEXPECTED, "SrvQueryStateNamedPipe: NtQueryInformationFile (pipe " "information) returned %X", status, NULL ); SrvLogServiceFailure( SRV_SVC_NT_QUERY_INFO_FILE, status ); SrvSetSmbError( WorkContext, status ); IF_DEBUG(TRACE2) SrvPrint0( "SrvQueryStateNamedPipe complete\n" ); return SmbTransStatusErrorWithoutData; } status = NtQueryInformationFile ( pipeHandle, &ioStatusBlock, (PVOID)&pipeLocalInformation, sizeof(pipeLocalInformation), FilePipeLocalInformation ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { INTERNAL_ERROR( ERROR_LEVEL_UNEXPECTED, "SrvQueryStateNamedPipe: NtQueryInformationFile (pipe local " "information) returned %X", status, NULL ); SrvLogServiceFailure( SRV_SVC_NT_QUERY_INFO_FILE, status ); SrvSetSmbError( WorkContext, status ); IF_DEBUG(TRACE2) SrvPrint0( "SrvQueryStateNamedPipe complete\n" ); return SmbTransStatusErrorWithoutData; } // // Query succeeded generate response // pipeHandleState = (USHORT)pipeInformation.CompletionMode << PIPE_COMPLETION_MODE_BITS; pipeHandleState |= (USHORT)pipeLocalInformation.NamedPipeEnd << PIPE_PIPE_END_BITS; pipeHandleState |= (USHORT)pipeLocalInformation.NamedPipeType << PIPE_PIPE_TYPE_BITS; pipeHandleState |= (USHORT)pipeInformation.ReadMode << PIPE_READ_MODE_BITS; pipeHandleState |= (USHORT)((pipeLocalInformation.MaximumInstances << PIPE_MAXIMUM_INSTANCES_BITS) & SMB_PIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES); if( transaction->MaxParameterCount < sizeof(USHORT) ) { SrvSetSmbError( WorkContext, STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return SmbTransStatusErrorWithoutData; } SmbPutUshort( (PSMB_USHORT)WorkContext->Parameters.Transaction->OutParameters, pipeHandleState ); transaction->SetupCount = 0; transaction->ParameterCount = sizeof(pipeHandleState); transaction->DataCount = 0; IF_DEBUG(TRACE2) SrvPrint0( "SrvQueryStateNamedPipe complete\n" ); return SmbTransStatusSuccess; } // SrvQueryStateNamedPipe SMB_TRANS_STATUS SrvQueryInformationNamedPipe ( IN OUT PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext ) /*++ Routine Description: This function process a Query named pipe information transaction SMB. This call is handled synchronously. Arguments: WorkContext - A pointer to a WORK_CONTEXT block. Return Value: SMB_TRANS_STATUS - Indicates whether an error occurred. See smbtypes.h for a more complete description. --*/ { PREQ_TRANSACTION request; PTRANSACTION transaction; HANDLE pipeHandle; IO_STATUS_BLOCK ioStatusBlock; FILE_PIPE_LOCAL_INFORMATION pipeLocalInformation; PNAMED_PIPE_INFORMATION_1 namedPipeInfo; NTSTATUS status; USHORT fid; PRFCB rfcb; PLFCB lfcb; USHORT level; CLONG smbPathLength; PUNICODE_STRING pipeName; CLONG actualDataSize; BOOLEAN returnPipeName; BOOLEAN isUnicode; PAGED_CODE( ); request = (PREQ_TRANSACTION)WorkContext->RequestParameters; transaction = WorkContext->Parameters.Transaction; // // Get the FID from the second setup word and use it to generate a // pointer to the RFCB. // // SrvVerifyFid will fill in WorkContext->Rfcb. // if( transaction->SetupCount < sizeof(USHORT)*2 ) { SrvSetSmbError( WorkContext, STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return SmbTransStatusErrorWithoutData; } fid = SmbGetUshort( &transaction->InSetup[1] ); rfcb = SrvVerifyFid( WorkContext, fid, FALSE, NULL, // don't serialize with raw write &status ); if ( rfcb == SRV_INVALID_RFCB_POINTER ) { // // Invalid file ID. Reject the request. // IF_DEBUG(SMB_ERRORS) { SrvPrint1( "SrvQueryStateNamedPipe: Invalid FID: 0x%lx\n", fid ); } SrvSetSmbError( WorkContext, STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE ); IF_DEBUG(TRACE2) SrvPrint0( "SrvQueryInfoNamedPipe complete\n" ); return SmbTransStatusErrorWithoutData; } lfcb = rfcb->Lfcb; pipeHandle = lfcb->FileHandle; // // The information level is stored in paramter byte one. // Verify that is set correctly. // level = SmbGetUshort( (PSMB_USHORT)transaction->InParameters ); if ( level != 1 ) { SrvSetSmbError( WorkContext, STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER ); IF_DEBUG(TRACE2) SrvPrint0( "SrvQueryInfoNamedPipe complete\n" ); return SmbTransStatusErrorWithoutData; } // // Now check that the response will fit. If everything expect for // the pipe name fits, return STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW with the // fixed size portion of the data. // // *** Note that Unicode strings must be aligned in the SMB. // pipeName = &lfcb->Mfcb->FileName; actualDataSize = sizeof(NAMED_PIPE_INFORMATION_1) - sizeof(UCHAR); isUnicode = SMB_IS_UNICODE( WorkContext ); if ( isUnicode ) { ASSERT( sizeof(WCHAR) == 2 ); actualDataSize = (actualDataSize + 1) & ~1; // align to SHORT smbPathLength = (CLONG)(pipeName->Length) + sizeof(WCHAR); } else { smbPathLength = (CLONG)(RtlUnicodeStringToOemSize( pipeName )); } actualDataSize += smbPathLength; if ( transaction->MaxDataCount < FIELD_OFFSET(NAMED_PIPE_INFORMATION_1, PipeName ) ) { SrvSetSmbError( WorkContext, STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL ); IF_DEBUG(TRACE2) SrvPrint0( "SrvQueryInfoNamedPipe complete\n" ); return SmbTransStatusErrorWithoutData; } if ( (transaction->MaxDataCount < actualDataSize) || (smbPathLength >= MAXIMUM_FILENAME_LENGTH) ) { // // Do not return the pipe name. It won't fit in the return buffer. // returnPipeName = FALSE; } else { returnPipeName = TRUE; } // // Everything is correct, ask NPFS for the information. // status = NtQueryInformationFile ( pipeHandle, &ioStatusBlock, (PVOID)&pipeLocalInformation, sizeof(pipeLocalInformation), FilePipeLocalInformation ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { INTERNAL_ERROR( ERROR_LEVEL_UNEXPECTED, "SrvQueryInformationNamedPipe: NtQueryInformationFile (pipe " "information) returned %X", status, NULL ); SrvLogServiceFailure( SRV_SVC_NT_QUERY_INFO_FILE, status ); SrvSetSmbError( WorkContext, status ); IF_DEBUG(TRACE2) SrvPrint0( "SrvQueryInfoNamedPipe complete\n" ); return SmbTransStatusErrorWithoutData; } // // Query succeeded format the response data into the buffer pointed // at by transaction->OutData // namedPipeInfo = (PNAMED_PIPE_INFORMATION_1)transaction->OutData; if ((pipeLocalInformation.OutboundQuota & 0xffff0000) != 0) { SmbPutAlignedUshort( &namedPipeInfo->OutputBufferSize, (USHORT)0xFFFF ); } else { SmbPutAlignedUshort( &namedPipeInfo->OutputBufferSize, (USHORT)pipeLocalInformation.OutboundQuota ); } if ((pipeLocalInformation.InboundQuota & 0xffff0000) != 0) { SmbPutAlignedUshort( &namedPipeInfo->InputBufferSize, (USHORT)0xFFFF ); } else { SmbPutAlignedUshort( &namedPipeInfo->InputBufferSize, (USHORT)pipeLocalInformation.InboundQuota ); } if ((pipeLocalInformation.MaximumInstances & 0xffffff00) != 0) { namedPipeInfo->MaximumInstances = (UCHAR)0xFF; } else { namedPipeInfo->MaximumInstances = (UCHAR)pipeLocalInformation.MaximumInstances; } if ((pipeLocalInformation.CurrentInstances & 0xffffff00) != 0) { namedPipeInfo->CurrentInstances = (UCHAR)0xFF; } else { namedPipeInfo->CurrentInstances = (UCHAR)pipeLocalInformation.CurrentInstances; } if ( returnPipeName ) { // // Copy full pipe path name to the output buffer, appending a NUL. // // *** Note that Unicode pipe names must be aligned in the SMB. // namedPipeInfo->PipeNameLength = (UCHAR)smbPathLength; if ( isUnicode ) { PVOID buffer = ALIGN_SMB_WSTR( namedPipeInfo->PipeName ); RtlCopyMemory( buffer, pipeName->Buffer, smbPathLength ); } else { UNICODE_STRING source; OEM_STRING destination; source.Buffer = pipeName->Buffer; source.Length = pipeName->Length; source.MaximumLength = source.Length; destination.Buffer = (PCHAR) namedPipeInfo->PipeName; destination.MaximumLength = (USHORT)smbPathLength; RtlUnicodeStringToOemString( &destination, &source, FALSE ); } transaction->DataCount = actualDataSize; } else { SrvSetSmbError2( WorkContext, STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW, TRUE ); transaction->DataCount = FIELD_OFFSET( NAMED_PIPE_INFORMATION_1, PipeName ); } // // Set up to send success response // transaction->SetupCount = 0; transaction->ParameterCount = 0; IF_DEBUG(TRACE2) SrvPrint0( "SrvQueryInfoNamedPipe complete\n" ); if ( returnPipeName) { return SmbTransStatusSuccess; } else { return SmbTransStatusErrorWithData; } } // SrvQueryInformationNamedPipe SMB_TRANS_STATUS SrvSetStateNamedPipe ( IN OUT PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext ) /*++ Routine Description: This function processes a set named pipe handle state transaction SMB. The call is issued synchronously. Arguments: WorkContext - A pointer to a WORK_CONTEXT block. Return Value: SMB_TRANS_STATUS - Indicates whether an error occurred. See smbtypes.h for a more complete description. --*/ { PREQ_TRANSACTION request; PTRANSACTION transaction; HANDLE pipeHandle; IO_STATUS_BLOCK ioStatusBlock; USHORT pipeHandleState; FILE_PIPE_INFORMATION pipeInformation; NTSTATUS status; USHORT fid; PRFCB rfcb; PAGED_CODE( ); request = (PREQ_TRANSACTION)WorkContext->RequestParameters; transaction = WorkContext->Parameters.Transaction; // // Get the FID from the second setup word and use it to generate a // pointer to the RFCB. // // SrvVerifyFid will fill in WorkContext->Rfcb. // if( transaction->SetupCount < sizeof(USHORT)*2 ) { SrvSetSmbError( WorkContext, STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return SmbTransStatusErrorWithoutData; } fid = SmbGetUshort( &transaction->InSetup[1] ); rfcb = SrvVerifyFid( WorkContext, fid, FALSE, NULL, // don't serialize with raw write &status ); if ( rfcb == SRV_INVALID_RFCB_POINTER ) { // // Invalid file ID. Reject the request. // IF_DEBUG(SMB_ERRORS) { SrvPrint1( "SrvSetStateNamedPipe: Invalid FID: 0x%lx\n", fid ); } SrvSetSmbError( WorkContext, STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE ); IF_DEBUG(TRACE2) SrvPrint0( "SrvSetStateNamedPipe complete\n" ); return SmbTransStatusErrorWithoutData; } pipeHandle = rfcb->Lfcb->FileHandle; // // The SMB contains 2 parameter bytes. Translate these to // NT format, then attempt to set the named pipe handle state. // if( transaction->ParameterCount < sizeof(USHORT) ) { SrvSetSmbError( WorkContext, STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return SmbTransStatusErrorWithoutData; } pipeHandleState = SmbGetUshort( (PSMB_USHORT) WorkContext->Parameters.Transaction->InParameters ); pipeInformation.CompletionMode = ((ULONG)pipeHandleState >> PIPE_COMPLETION_MODE_BITS) & 1; pipeInformation.ReadMode = ((ULONG)pipeHandleState >> PIPE_READ_MODE_BITS) & 1; status = NtSetInformationFile ( pipeHandle, &ioStatusBlock, (PVOID)&pipeInformation, sizeof(pipeInformation), FilePipeInformation ); if (NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { status = ioStatusBlock.Status; } if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { INTERNAL_ERROR( ERROR_LEVEL_UNEXPECTED, "SrvSetStateNamedPipe: NetSetInformationFile (pipe information) " "returned %X", status, NULL ); SrvLogServiceFailure( SRV_SVC_NT_SET_INFO_FILE, status ); SrvSetSmbError( WorkContext, status ); IF_DEBUG(TRACE2) SrvPrint0( "SrvSetStateNamedPipe complete\n" ); return SmbTransStatusErrorWithoutData; } // // Success. Update our internal pipe handle state. // rfcb->BlockingModePipe = (BOOLEAN)(pipeInformation.CompletionMode == FILE_PIPE_QUEUE_OPERATION); rfcb->ByteModePipe = (BOOLEAN)(pipeInformation.ReadMode == FILE_PIPE_BYTE_STREAM_MODE); // // Now set up for the success response. // transaction->SetupCount = 0; transaction->ParameterCount = 0; transaction->DataCount = 0; IF_DEBUG(TRACE2) SrvPrint0( "SrvSetStateNamedPipe complete\n" ); return SmbTransStatusSuccess; } // SrvSetStateNamedPipe SMB_TRANS_STATUS SrvPeekNamedPipe ( IN OUT PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext ) /*++ Routine Description: This function handles a peek named pipe transaction SMB. The call is issued asynchrously and is completed by RestartPeekNamedPipe(). Arguments: WorkContext - A pointer to a WORK_CONTEXT block. Return Value: status - The result of the operation. --*/ { PTRANSACTION transaction; USHORT fid; PRFCB rfcb; PLFCB lfcb; NTSTATUS status; PAGED_CODE( ); transaction = WorkContext->Parameters.Transaction; // // Get the FID from the second setup word and use it to generate a // pointer to the RFCB. // // SrvVerifyFid will fill in WorkContext->Rfcb. // if( transaction->SetupCount < sizeof(USHORT)*2 ) { SrvSetSmbError( WorkContext, STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return SmbTransStatusErrorWithoutData; } fid = SmbGetUshort( &transaction->InSetup[1] ); rfcb = SrvVerifyFid( WorkContext, fid, FALSE, SrvRestartExecuteTransaction, // serialize with raw write &status ); if ( rfcb == SRV_INVALID_RFCB_POINTER ) { if ( !NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) { // // Invalid file ID. Reject the request. // IF_DEBUG(SMB_ERRORS) { SrvPrint1( "SrvPeekNamedPipe: Invalid FID: 0x%lx\n", fid ); } SrvSetSmbError( WorkContext, STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE ); IF_DEBUG(TRACE2) SrvPrint0( "SrvPeekNamedPipe complete\n" ); return SmbTransStatusErrorWithoutData; } // // The work item has been queued because a raw write is in // progress. // return SmbTransStatusInProgress; } // // Set the Restart Routine addresses in the work context block. // WorkContext->FsdRestartRoutine = SrvQueueWorkToFspAtDpcLevel; WorkContext->FspRestartRoutine = RestartPeekNamedPipe; // // Issue the request to NPFS. We expect both parameters and // data to be returned. The buffer which we offer is contiguous // and large enough to contain both. // transaction = WorkContext->Parameters.Transaction; lfcb = rfcb->Lfcb; SrvBuildIoControlRequest( WorkContext->Irp, lfcb->FileObject, WorkContext, IRP_MJ_FILE_SYSTEM_CONTROL, FSCTL_PIPE_PEEK, transaction->OutParameters, 0, NULL, transaction->MaxParameterCount + transaction->MaxDataCount, NULL, NULL ); // // Pass the request to NPFS. // (VOID)IoCallDriver( lfcb->DeviceObject, WorkContext->Irp ); // // The peek was successfully started. Return the InProgress // status to the caller, indicating that the caller should do // nothing further with the SMB/WorkContext at the present time. // IF_DEBUG(TRACE2) SrvPrint0( "SrvPeekNamedPipe complete\n" ); return SmbTransStatusInProgress; } // SrvPeekNamedPipe SMB_TRANS_STATUS SrvTransactNamedPipe ( IN OUT PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext ) /*++ Routine Description: This function handles the transact named pipe transaction SMB. The call to NPFS is issued asynchronously and is completed by RestartTransactNamedPipe() Arguments: WorkContext - A pointer to a WORK_CONTEXT block. Return Value: SMB_TRANS_STATUS - Indicates whether an error occurred. See smbtypes.h for a more complete description. --*/ { PTRANSACTION transaction; USHORT fid; PRFCB rfcb; NTSTATUS status; PIO_STACK_LOCATION irpSp; PIRP irp = WorkContext->Irp; PAGED_CODE( ); transaction = WorkContext->Parameters.Transaction; // // Get the FID from the second setup word and use it to generate a // pointer to the RFCB. // // SrvVerifyFid will fill in WorkContext->Rfcb. // if( transaction->SetupCount < sizeof(USHORT)*2 ) { SrvSetSmbError( WorkContext, STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return SmbTransStatusErrorWithoutData; } fid = SmbGetUshort( &transaction->InSetup[1] ); rfcb = SrvVerifyFid( WorkContext, fid, FALSE, SrvRestartExecuteTransaction, // serialize with raw write &status ); if ( rfcb == SRV_INVALID_RFCB_POINTER ) { if ( !NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) { // // Invalid file ID. Reject the request. // IF_DEBUG(SMB_ERRORS) { SrvPrint1( "SrvTransactStateNamedPipe: Invalid FID: 0x%lx\n", fid ); } SrvSetSmbError( WorkContext, STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE ); IF_DEBUG(TRACE2) SrvPrint0( "SrvTransactNamedPipe complete\n" ); return SmbTransStatusErrorWithoutData; } // // The work item has been queued because a raw write is in // progress. // return SmbTransStatusInProgress; } // // Set the Restart Routine addresses in the work context block. // WorkContext->FsdRestartRoutine = SrvQueueWorkToFspAtDpcLevel; WorkContext->FspRestartRoutine = RestartTransactNamedPipe; transaction = WorkContext->Parameters.Transaction; // // Inline SrvBuildIoControlRequest // { // // Get a pointer to the next stack location. This one is used to // hold the parameters for the device I/O control request. // irpSp = IoGetNextIrpStackLocation( irp ); // // Set up the completion routine. // IoSetCompletionRoutine( irp, SrvFsdIoCompletionRoutine, (PVOID)WorkContext, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE ); irpSp->MajorFunction = IRP_MJ_FILE_SYSTEM_CONTROL; irpSp->MinorFunction = 0; irpSp->DeviceObject = rfcb->Lfcb->DeviceObject; irpSp->FileObject = rfcb->Lfcb->FileObject; irp->Tail.Overlay.OriginalFileObject = irpSp->FileObject; irp->Tail.Overlay.Thread = WorkContext->CurrentWorkQueue->IrpThread; DEBUG irp->RequestorMode = KernelMode; irp->MdlAddress = NULL; irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer = transaction->OutData; irpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.Type3InputBuffer = transaction->InData; // // Copy the caller's parameters to the service-specific portion of the // IRP for those parameters that are the same for all three methods. // irpSp->Parameters.FileSystemControl.OutputBufferLength = transaction->MaxDataCount; irpSp->Parameters.FileSystemControl.InputBufferLength = transaction->DataCount; irpSp->Parameters.FileSystemControl.FsControlCode = FSCTL_PIPE_INTERNAL_TRANSCEIVE; } // // Pass the request to NPFS. // (VOID)IoCallDriver( irpSp->DeviceObject, irp ); // // The tranceive was successfully started. Return the InProgress // status to the caller, indicating that the caller should do // nothing further with the SMB/WorkContext at the present time. // IF_DEBUG(TRACE2) SrvPrint0( "SrvTransactNamedPipe complete\n" ); return SmbTransStatusInProgress; } // SrvTransactNamedPipe BOOLEAN SrvFastTransactNamedPipe ( IN OUT PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext, OUT SMB_STATUS * SmbStatus ) /*++ Routine Description: This function handles the special case of a single buffer transact named pipe transaction SMB. The call to NPFS is issued asynchronously and is completed by RestartFastTransactNamedPipe() Arguments: WorkContext - A pointer to a WORK_CONTEXT block. SmbStatus - Status of the transaction. Return Value: TRUE, if fastpath succeeded, FALSE, otherwise. Server must take long path. --*/ { USHORT fid; PRFCB rfcb; PSESSION session; NTSTATUS status; PIO_STACK_LOCATION irpSp; PIRP irp = WorkContext->Irp; CLONG outputBufferSize; CLONG maxParameterCount; CLONG maxDataCount; PSMB_USHORT inSetup; PSMB_USHORT outSetup; PCHAR outParam; PCHAR outData; CLONG offset; CLONG setupOffset; PREQ_TRANSACTION request; PRESP_TRANSACTION response; PSMB_HEADER header; PAGED_CODE( ); header = WorkContext->ResponseHeader; request = (PREQ_TRANSACTION)WorkContext->RequestParameters; response = (PRESP_TRANSACTION)WorkContext->ResponseParameters; // // Get the FID from the second setup word and use it to generate a // pointer to the RFCB. // // SrvVerifyFid will fill in WorkContext->Rfcb. // setupOffset = (CLONG)((CLONG_PTR)(request->Buffer) - (CLONG_PTR)header); inSetup = (PSMB_USHORT)( (PCHAR)header + setupOffset ); fid = SmbGetUshort( &inSetup[1] ); rfcb = SrvVerifyFid( WorkContext, fid, FALSE, SrvRestartSmbReceived, // serialize with raw write &status ); if ( rfcb == SRV_INVALID_RFCB_POINTER ) { if ( !NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) { // // Invalid file ID. Reject the request. // IF_DEBUG(SMB_ERRORS) { SrvPrint1( "SrvTransactStateNamedPipe: Invalid FID: 0x%lx\n", fid ); } SrvSetSmbError( WorkContext, STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE ); IF_DEBUG(TRACE2) SrvPrint0( "SrvTransactNamedPipe complete\n" ); *SmbStatus = SmbStatusSendResponse; return TRUE; } // // The work item has been queued because a raw write is in // progress. // *SmbStatus = SmbStatusInProgress; return TRUE; } // // See and see if all the data will fit into the response buffer. // Reject the long path if not the case. // The "+1" on the MaxSetupCount calculation below accounts for the // USHORT byte count in the buffer. // maxParameterCount = SmbGetUshort( &request->MaxParameterCount ); maxDataCount = SmbGetUshort( &request->MaxDataCount ); session = rfcb->Lfcb->Session; outputBufferSize = ((maxParameterCount * sizeof(CHAR) + 3) & ~3) + ((maxDataCount * sizeof(CHAR) + 3) & ~3) + (((request->MaxSetupCount + 1) * sizeof(USHORT) + 3) & ~3); if ( sizeof(SMB_HEADER) + sizeof (RESP_TRANSACTION) + outputBufferSize > (ULONG)session->MaxBufferSize) { // // This won't fit. Use the long path. // return(FALSE); } // // If this operation may block, and we are running short of // free work items, fail this SMB with an out of resources error. // if ( SrvReceiveBufferShortage( ) ) { SrvStatistics.BlockingSmbsRejected++; SrvSetSmbError( WorkContext, STATUS_INSUFF_SERVER_RESOURCES ); *SmbStatus = SmbStatusSendResponse; return TRUE; } else { // // SrvBlockingOpsInProgress has already been incremented. // Flag this work item as a blocking operation. // WorkContext->BlockingOperation = TRUE; } // // Set the Restart Routine addresses in the work context block. // DEBUG WorkContext->FsdRestartRoutine = NULL; // // Setup pointers and locals. // outSetup = (PSMB_USHORT)response->Buffer; // // The "+1" on the end of the following calculation is to account // for the USHORT byte count, which could overwrite data in certain // cases should the MaxSetupCount be 0. // outParam = (PCHAR)(outSetup + (request->MaxSetupCount + 1)); offset = (CLONG)((outParam - (PCHAR)header + 3) & ~3); outParam = (PCHAR)header + offset; outData = outParam + maxParameterCount; offset = (CLONG)((outData - (PCHAR)header + 3) & ~3); outData = (PCHAR)header + offset; // // Fill in the work context parameters. // WorkContext->Parameters.FastTransactNamedPipe.OutSetup = outSetup; WorkContext->Parameters.FastTransactNamedPipe.OutParam = outParam; WorkContext->Parameters.FastTransactNamedPipe.OutData = outData; // // Inline SrvBuildIoControlRequest // { // // Get a pointer to the next stack location. This one is used to // hold the parameters for the device I/O control request. // irpSp = IoGetNextIrpStackLocation( irp ); // // Set up the completion routine. // IoSetCompletionRoutine( irp, RestartFastTransactNamedPipe, (PVOID)WorkContext, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE ); irpSp->MajorFunction = IRP_MJ_FILE_SYSTEM_CONTROL; irpSp->MinorFunction = 0; irpSp->DeviceObject = rfcb->Lfcb->DeviceObject; irpSp->FileObject = rfcb->Lfcb->FileObject; irp->Tail.Overlay.OriginalFileObject = irpSp->FileObject; irp->Tail.Overlay.Thread = WorkContext->CurrentWorkQueue->IrpThread; DEBUG irp->RequestorMode = KernelMode; irp->MdlAddress = NULL; irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer = outData; irpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.Type3InputBuffer = (PCHAR)header + SmbGetUshort( &request->DataOffset ); // // Copy the caller's parameters to the service-specific portion of the // IRP for those parameters that are the same for all three methods. // irpSp->Parameters.FileSystemControl.OutputBufferLength = maxDataCount; irpSp->Parameters.FileSystemControl.InputBufferLength = SmbGetUshort( &request->DataCount ); irpSp->Parameters.FileSystemControl.FsControlCode = FSCTL_PIPE_INTERNAL_TRANSCEIVE; } // // Pass the request to NPFS. // (VOID)IoCallDriver( irpSp->DeviceObject, irp ); // // The tranceive was successfully started. Return the InProgress // status to the caller, indicating that the caller should do // nothing further with the SMB/WorkContext at the present time. // IF_DEBUG(TRACE2) SrvPrint0( "SrvTransactNamedPipe complete\n" ); *SmbStatus = SmbStatusInProgress; return TRUE; } // SrvFastTransactNamedPipe SMB_TRANS_STATUS SrvRawWriteNamedPipe ( IN OUT PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext ) /*++ Routine Description: This function handles the raw write named pipe transaction SMB. The call to NPFS is issued asynchronously and is completed by RestartRawWriteNamedPipe(). Arguments: WorkContext - A pointer to a WORK_CONTEXT block. Return Value: SMB_TRANS_STATUS - Indicates whether an error occurred. See smbtypes.h for a more complete description. --*/ { PTRANSACTION transaction; USHORT fid; PRFCB rfcb; NTSTATUS status; PAGED_CODE( ); transaction = WorkContext->Parameters.Transaction; // // Get the FID from the second setup word and use it to generate a // pointer to the RFCB. // // SrvVerifyFid will fill in WorkContext->Rfcb. // if( transaction->SetupCount < sizeof(USHORT)*2 ) { SrvSetSmbError( WorkContext, STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return SmbTransStatusErrorWithoutData; } fid = SmbGetUshort( &transaction->InSetup[1] ); rfcb = SrvVerifyFid( WorkContext, fid, FALSE, SrvRestartExecuteTransaction, // serialize with raw write &status ); if ( rfcb == SRV_INVALID_RFCB_POINTER ) { if ( !NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) { // // Invalid file ID. Reject the request. // IF_DEBUG(SMB_ERRORS) { SrvPrint1( "SrvRawWriteStateNamedPipe: Invalid FID: 0x%lx\n", fid ); } SrvSetSmbError( WorkContext, STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE ); IF_DEBUG(TRACE2) SrvPrint0( "SrvRawWriteNamedPipe complete\n" ); return SmbTransStatusErrorWithoutData; } // // The work item has been queued because a raw write is in // progress. // return SmbTransStatusInProgress; } // // We only allow the special 0 bytes message mode write. Otherwise // reject the request. // if ( transaction->DataCount != 2 || transaction->InData[0] != 0 || transaction->InData[1] != 0 || rfcb->ByteModePipe ) { SrvSetSmbError( WorkContext, STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return SmbTransStatusErrorWithoutData; } // // Set the Restart Routine addresses in the work context block. // WorkContext->FsdRestartRoutine = SrvQueueWorkToFspAtDpcLevel; WorkContext->FspRestartRoutine = RestartRawWriteNamedPipe; SrvBuildIoControlRequest( WorkContext->Irp, rfcb->Lfcb->FileObject, WorkContext, IRP_MJ_FILE_SYSTEM_CONTROL, FSCTL_PIPE_INTERNAL_WRITE, transaction->InData, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL ); // // Pass the request to NPFS. // IoCallDriver( rfcb->Lfcb->DeviceObject, WorkContext->Irp ); // // The write was successfully started. Return the InProgress // status to the caller, indicating that the caller should do // nothing further with the SMB/WorkContext at the present time. // IF_DEBUG(TRACE2) SrvPrint0( "SrvRawWriteNamedPipe complete\n" ); return SmbTransStatusInProgress; } // SrvRawWriteNamedPipe VOID SRVFASTCALL RestartCallNamedPipe ( IN OUT PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext ) /*++ Routine Description: This is the completion routine for SrvCallNamedPipe Arguments: WorkContext - A pointer to a WORK_CONTEXT block. Return Value: None. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; PTRANSACTION transaction; PAGED_CODE( ); // // If the transceive request failed, set an error status in the response // header. // status = WorkContext->Irp->IoStatus.Status; transaction = WorkContext->Parameters.Transaction; if ( status == STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW ) { // // Down level clients, expect us to return STATUS_SUCCESS. // if ( !IS_NT_DIALECT( WorkContext->Connection->SmbDialect ) ) { status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { // // The buffer we supplied is not big enough. Set the // error fields in the SMB, but continue so that we send // all the information. // SrvSetSmbError2( WorkContext, STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW, TRUE ); } } else if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { SrvPrint1( "RestartCallNamedPipe: Pipe transceive failed: %X\n", status ); } SrvSetSmbError( WorkContext, status ); } else { // // Success. Prepare to generate and send the response. // transaction->SetupCount = 0; transaction->ParameterCount = 0; transaction->DataCount = (ULONG)WorkContext->Irp->IoStatus.Information; } // // Close the open pipe handle. // SRVDBG_RELEASE_HANDLE( transaction->FileHandle, "FIL", 19, transaction ); SrvNtClose( transaction->FileHandle, TRUE ); ObDereferenceObject( transaction->FileObject ); // // Respond to the client // if ( NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { SrvCompleteExecuteTransaction(WorkContext, SmbTransStatusSuccess); } else if ( status == STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW ) { SrvCompleteExecuteTransaction(WorkContext, SmbTransStatusErrorWithData); } else { IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) SrvPrint1( "Pipe call failed: %X\n", status ); SrvSetSmbError( WorkContext, status ); SrvCompleteExecuteTransaction( WorkContext, SmbTransStatusErrorWithoutData ); } IF_DEBUG(TRACE2) SrvPrint0( "RestartCallNamedPipe complete\n" ); return; } // RestartCallNamedPipe VOID SRVFASTCALL RestartWaitNamedPipe ( IN OUT PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext ) /*++ Routine Description: This is the completion routine for SrvWaitNamedPipe Arguments: WorkContext - A pointer to a WORK_CONTEXT block. Return Value: None. --*/ { PTRANSACTION transaction; NTSTATUS status; PAGED_CODE( ); // // Deallocate the wait buffer. // DEALLOCATE_NONPAGED_POOL( WorkContext->Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer ); // // If the wait request failed, set an error status in the response // header. // status = WorkContext->Irp->IoStatus.Status; if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) SrvPrint1( "Pipe wait failed: %X\n", status ); SrvSetSmbError( WorkContext, status ); SrvCompleteExecuteTransaction( WorkContext, SmbTransStatusErrorWithoutData ); IF_DEBUG(TRACE2) SrvPrint0( "RestartWaitNamedPipe complete\n" ); return; } // // Success. Prepare to generate and send the response. // transaction = WorkContext->Parameters.Transaction; transaction->SetupCount = 0; transaction->ParameterCount = 0; transaction->DataCount = 0; // // Generate and send the response. // SrvCompleteExecuteTransaction(WorkContext, SmbTransStatusSuccess); IF_DEBUG(TRACE2) SrvPrint0( "RestartWaitNamedPipe complete\n" ); return; } // RestartWaitNamedPipe VOID SRVFASTCALL RestartPeekNamedPipe ( IN OUT PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext ) /*++ Routine Description: This is the completion routine for PeekNamedPipe Arguments: WorkContext - A pointer to a WORK_CONTEXT block. Return Value: None. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; PFILE_PIPE_PEEK_BUFFER pipePeekBuffer; PRESP_PEEK_NMPIPE respPeekNmPipe; USHORT readDataAvailable, messageLength, namedPipeState; PTRANSACTION transaction; PAGED_CODE( ); // // If the peek request failed, set an error status in the response // header. // status = WorkContext->Irp->IoStatus.Status; if ( status == STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW ) { // // Down level clients, expect us to return STATUS_SUCCESS. // if ( !IS_NT_DIALECT( WorkContext->Connection->SmbDialect ) ) { status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { // // The buffer we supplied is not big enough. Set the // error fields in the SMB, but continue so that we send // all the information. // SrvSetSmbError2( WorkContext, STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW, TRUE ); } } else if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) SrvPrint1( "Pipe peek failed: %X\n", status ); SrvSetSmbError( WorkContext, status ); SrvCompleteExecuteTransaction( WorkContext, SmbTransStatusErrorWithoutData ); IF_DEBUG(TRACE2) SrvPrint0( "RestartPeekNamedPipe complete\n" ); return; } // // Success. Generate and send the response. // // The parameter bytes are currently in the format returned by NT. // we will reformat them, and leave the extra space between the // parameter and data bytes as extra pad. // // // Since the NT and SMB formats overlap // First read all the parameters into locals... // transaction = WorkContext->Parameters.Transaction; pipePeekBuffer = (PFILE_PIPE_PEEK_BUFFER)transaction->OutParameters; readDataAvailable = (USHORT)pipePeekBuffer->ReadDataAvailable; messageLength = (USHORT)pipePeekBuffer->MessageLength; namedPipeState = (USHORT)pipePeekBuffer->NamedPipeState; // // ... then copy them back in the new format. // respPeekNmPipe = (PRESP_PEEK_NMPIPE)pipePeekBuffer; SmbPutAlignedUshort( &respPeekNmPipe->ReadDataAvailable, readDataAvailable ); SmbPutAlignedUshort( &respPeekNmPipe->MessageLength, messageLength ); SmbPutAlignedUshort( &respPeekNmPipe->NamedPipeState, namedPipeState ); // // Send the response. Set the output counts. // // NT return to us 4 ULONGS of parameter bytes, followed by data. // We return to the client 6 parameter bytes. // transaction->SetupCount = 0; transaction->ParameterCount = 6; transaction->DataCount = (ULONG)WorkContext->Irp->IoStatus.Information - (4 * sizeof(ULONG)); if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { SrvCompleteExecuteTransaction(WorkContext, SmbTransStatusSuccess); } else { SrvCompleteExecuteTransaction(WorkContext, SmbTransStatusErrorWithData); } IF_DEBUG(TRACE2) SrvPrint0( "RestartPeekNamedPipe complete\n" ); return; } // RestartPeekNamedPipe VOID SRVFASTCALL RestartTransactNamedPipe ( IN OUT PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext ) /*++ Routine Description: This is the completion routine for SrvTransactNamedPipe Arguments: WorkContext - A pointer to a WORK_CONTEXT block. Return Value: None. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; PTRANSACTION transaction; PAGED_CODE( ); // // If the transceive request failed, set an error status in the response // header. // status = WorkContext->Irp->IoStatus.Status; if ( status == STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW ) { #if 0 // // Down level clients, expect us to return STATUS_SUCCESS. // if ( !IS_NT_DIALECT( WorkContext->Connection->SmbDialect ) ) { status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { // // The buffer we supplied is not big enough. Set the // error fields in the SMB, but continue so that we send // all the information. // SrvSetSmbError2( WorkContext, STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW, TRUE ); } #else // // os/2 returns ERROR_MORE_DATA in this case, why we convert // this to NO_ERROR is a mystery. // SrvSetSmbError2( WorkContext, STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW, TRUE ); #endif } else if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) SrvPrint1( "Pipe transceive failed: %X\n", status ); SrvSetSmbError(WorkContext, status); SrvCompleteExecuteTransaction( WorkContext, SmbTransStatusErrorWithoutData ); IF_DEBUG(TRACE2) SrvPrint0( "RestartTransactNamedPipe complete\n" ); return; } // // Success. Generate and send the response. // transaction = WorkContext->Parameters.Transaction; transaction->SetupCount = 0; transaction->ParameterCount = 0; transaction->DataCount = (ULONG)WorkContext->Irp->IoStatus.Information; if ( NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { SrvCompleteExecuteTransaction(WorkContext, SmbTransStatusSuccess); } else { SrvCompleteExecuteTransaction(WorkContext, SmbTransStatusErrorWithData); } IF_DEBUG(TRACE2) SrvPrint0( "RestartTransactNamedPipe complete\n" ); return; } // RestartTransactNamedpipe NTSTATUS RestartFastTransactNamedPipe ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp, IN OUT PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext ) /*++ Routine Description: This is the completion routine for SrvFastTransactNamedPipe Arguments: DeviceObject - Pointer to target device object for the request. Irp - Pointer to I/O request packet WorkContext - A pointer to a WORK_CONTEXT block. Return Value: STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; PSMB_HEADER header; PRESP_TRANSACTION response; PSMB_USHORT byteCountPtr; PCHAR paramPtr; CLONG paramOffset; PCHAR dataPtr; CLONG dataOffset; CLONG dataLength; CLONG sendLength; UNLOCKABLE_CODE( 8FIL ); // // Reset the IRP cancelled bit. // Irp->Cancel = FALSE; // // If the transceive request failed, set an error status in the response // header. // status = WorkContext->Irp->IoStatus.Status; if ( status == STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW ) { // // os/2 returns ERROR_MORE_DATA in this case, why we convert // this to NO_ERROR is a mystery. // SrvSetBufferOverflowError( WorkContext ); } else if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) SrvPrint1( "Pipe transceive failed: %X\n", status ); if ( KeGetCurrentIrql() >= DISPATCH_LEVEL ) { WorkContext->FspRestartRoutine = RestartFastTransactNamedPipe2; QUEUE_WORK_TO_FSP( WorkContext ); return STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED; } RestartFastTransactNamedPipe2( WorkContext ); goto error_no_data; } // // Success. Generate and send the response. // dataLength = (CLONG)WorkContext->Irp->IoStatus.Information; header = WorkContext->ResponseHeader; // // Save a pointer to the byte count field. // // If the output data and parameters are not already in the SMB // buffer we must calculate how much of the parameters and data can // be sent in this response. The maximum amount we can send is // minimum of the size of our buffer and the size of the client's // buffer. // // The parameter and data byte blocks are aligned on longword // boundaries in the message. // byteCountPtr = WorkContext->Parameters.FastTransactNamedPipe.OutSetup; // // The data and paramter are already in the SMB buffer. The entire // response will fit in one response buffer and there is no copying // to do. // paramPtr = WorkContext->Parameters.FastTransactNamedPipe.OutParam; paramOffset = (CLONG)(paramPtr - (PCHAR)header); dataPtr = WorkContext->Parameters.FastTransactNamedPipe.OutData; dataOffset = (CLONG)(dataPtr - (PCHAR)header); // // The client wants a response. Build the first (and possibly only) // response. The last received SMB of the transaction request was // retained for this purpose. // response = (PRESP_TRANSACTION)WorkContext->ResponseParameters; // // Build the parameters portion of the response. // response->WordCount = (UCHAR)10; SmbPutUshort( &response->TotalParameterCount, (USHORT)0 ); SmbPutUshort( &response->TotalDataCount, (USHORT)dataLength ); SmbPutUshort( &response->Reserved, 0 ); response->SetupCount = (UCHAR)0; response->Reserved2 = 0; // // We need to be sure we're not sending uninitialized kernel memory // back to the client with the response, so zero out the range between // byteCountPtr and dataPtr. // RtlZeroMemory(byteCountPtr,(ULONG)(dataPtr - (PCHAR)byteCountPtr)); // // Finish filling in the response parameters. // SmbPutUshort( &response->ParameterCount, (USHORT)0 ); SmbPutUshort( &response->ParameterOffset, (USHORT)paramOffset ); SmbPutUshort( &response->ParameterDisplacement, 0 ); SmbPutUshort( &response->DataCount, (USHORT)dataLength ); SmbPutUshort( &response->DataOffset, (USHORT)dataOffset ); SmbPutUshort( &response->DataDisplacement, 0 ); SmbPutUshort( byteCountPtr, (USHORT)(dataPtr - (PCHAR)(byteCountPtr + 1) + dataLength) ); // // Calculate the length of the response message. // sendLength = (CLONG)( dataPtr + dataLength - (PCHAR)WorkContext->ResponseHeader ); WorkContext->ResponseBuffer->DataLength = sendLength; // // Set the bit in the SMB that indicates this is a response from the // server. // WorkContext->ResponseHeader->Flags |= SMB_FLAGS_SERVER_TO_REDIR; // // Send the response. // SRV_START_SEND_2( WorkContext, SrvFsdRestartSmbAtSendCompletion, NULL, NULL ); error_no_data: // // The response send is in progress. The caller will assume // the we will handle send completion. // // Return STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED so that IoCompleteRequest // will stop working on the IRP. // IF_DEBUG(TRACE2) SrvPrint0( "RestartTransactNamedPipe complete\n" ); return STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED; } // RestartFastTransactNamedPipe VOID SRVFASTCALL RestartFastTransactNamedPipe2 ( IN OUT PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext ) /*++ Routine Description: This is the completion routine for SrvFastTransactNamedPipe Arguments: WorkContext - A pointer to a WORK_CONTEXT block. Return Value: None. --*/ { PAGED_CODE( ); // // The transceive request failed. Set an error status in the response // header. // SrvSetSmbError( WorkContext, WorkContext->Irp->IoStatus.Status ); // // An error occurred, so no transaction-specific response data // will be returned. // // Calculate the length of the response message. // WorkContext->ResponseBuffer->DataLength = (CLONG)( (PCHAR)WorkContext->ResponseParameters - (PCHAR)WorkContext->ResponseHeader ); // // Send the response. // SRV_START_SEND_2( WorkContext, SrvFsdRestartSmbAtSendCompletion, NULL, NULL ); return; } // RestartFastTransactNamedPipe2 VOID SRVFASTCALL RestartRawWriteNamedPipe ( IN OUT PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext ) /*++ Routine Description: This is the completion routine for SrvRawWriteNamedPipe Arguments: WorkContext - A pointer to a WORK_CONTEXT block. Return Value: None. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; PTRANSACTION transaction; PAGED_CODE( ); // // If the write request failed, set an error status in the response // header. // status = WorkContext->Irp->IoStatus.Status; if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) SrvPrint1( "Pipe raw write failed: %X\n", status ); SrvSetSmbError( WorkContext, status ); SrvCompleteExecuteTransaction( WorkContext, SmbTransStatusErrorWithoutData ); IF_DEBUG(TRACE2) SrvPrint0( "RestartRawWriteNamedPipe complete\n" ); return; } // // Success. Generate and send the response. // transaction = WorkContext->Parameters.Transaction; transaction->SetupCount = 0; transaction->ParameterCount = 2; transaction->DataCount = 0; SmbPutUshort( (PSMB_USHORT)transaction->OutParameters, 2 ); SrvCompleteExecuteTransaction(WorkContext, SmbTransStatusSuccess); IF_DEBUG(TRACE2) SrvPrint0( "RestartRawWriteNamedPipe complete\n" ); return; } // RestartRawWriteNamedpipe SMB_TRANS_STATUS SrvWriteNamedPipe ( IN OUT PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext ) /*++ Routine Description: This function handles the raw write named pipe transaction SMB. The call to NPFS is issued asynchronously and is completed by RestartRawWriteNamedPipe(). Arguments: WorkContext - A pointer to a WORK_CONTEXT block. Return Value: SMB_TRANS_STATUS - Indicates whether an error occurred. See smbtypes.h for a more complete description. --*/ { PTRANSACTION transaction; USHORT fid; PRFCB rfcb; PLFCB lfcb; NTSTATUS status; LARGE_INTEGER offset; ULONG key = 0; PCHAR writeAddress; CLONG writeLength; PAGED_CODE( ); transaction = WorkContext->Parameters.Transaction; // // Get the FID from the second setup word and use it to generate a // pointer to the RFCB. // // SrvVerifyFid will fill in WorkContext->Rfcb. // if( transaction->SetupCount < sizeof(USHORT)*2 ) { SrvSetSmbError( WorkContext, STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return SmbTransStatusErrorWithoutData; } fid = SmbGetUshort( &transaction->InSetup[1] ); IF_DEBUG(IPX_PIPES) { KdPrint(("SrvWriteNamedPipe: fid = %x length = %d\n", fid, transaction->DataCount)); } rfcb = SrvVerifyFid( WorkContext, fid, FALSE, SrvRestartExecuteTransaction, // serialize with raw write &status ); if ( rfcb == SRV_INVALID_RFCB_POINTER ) { if ( !NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) { // // Invalid file ID. Reject the request. // IF_DEBUG(SMB_ERRORS) { SrvPrint1( "SrvWriteNamedPipe: Invalid FID: 0x%lx\n", fid ); } SrvSetSmbError( WorkContext, STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE ); IF_DEBUG(TRACE2) SrvPrint0( "SrvWriteNamedPipe complete\n" ); return SmbTransStatusErrorWithoutData; } // // The work item has been queued because a raw write is in // progress. // return SmbTransStatusInProgress; } lfcb = rfcb->Lfcb; writeLength = transaction->DataCount; writeAddress = transaction->InData; // // Try the fast I/O path first. If that fails, fall through to the // normal build-an-IRP path. // if ( lfcb->FastIoWrite != NULL ) { INCREMENT_DEBUG_STAT2( SrvDbgStatistics.FastWritesAttempted ); try { if ( lfcb->FastIoWrite( lfcb->FileObject, &offset, writeLength, TRUE, key, writeAddress, &WorkContext->Irp->IoStatus, lfcb->DeviceObject ) ) { // // The fast I/O path worked. Call the restart routine directly // to do postprocessing (including sending the response). // RestartWriteNamedPipe( WorkContext ); IF_DEBUG(IPX_PIPES) SrvPrint0( "SrvWriteNamedPipe complete.\n" ); return SmbTransStatusInProgress; } } except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { // Fall through to the slow path on an exception status = GetExceptionCode(); IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { KdPrint(("FastIoRead threw exception %x\n", status )); } } INCREMENT_DEBUG_STAT2( SrvDbgStatistics.FastWritesFailed ); } IF_DEBUG(IPX_PIPES) { KdPrint(("SrvWriteNamedPipe: Using slow path.\n")); } // // The turbo path failed. Build the write request, reusing the // receive IRP. // // Build the PIPE_INTERNAL_WRITE IRP. // SrvBuildIoControlRequest( WorkContext->Irp, lfcb->FileObject, WorkContext, IRP_MJ_FILE_SYSTEM_CONTROL, FSCTL_PIPE_INTERNAL_WRITE, writeAddress, writeLength, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL ); // // Pass the request to the file system. // WorkContext->FsdRestartRoutine = SrvQueueWorkToFspAtDpcLevel; WorkContext->FspRestartRoutine = RestartWriteNamedPipe; (VOID)IoCallDriver( lfcb->DeviceObject, WorkContext->Irp ); // // The write has been started. Control will return to // RestartWriteNamedPipe when the write completes. // IF_DEBUG(TRACE2) SrvPrint0( "SrvWriteNamedPipe complete\n" ); return SmbTransStatusInProgress; } // SrvWriteNamedPipe VOID SRVFASTCALL RestartWriteNamedPipe ( IN OUT PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext ) /*++ Routine Description: This is the completion routine for SrvRawWriteNamedPipe Arguments: WorkContext - A pointer to a WORK_CONTEXT block. Return Value: None. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; PIO_STATUS_BLOCK iosb; PTRANSACTION transaction; PAGED_CODE( ); // // If the write request failed, set an error status in the response // header. // iosb = &WorkContext->Irp->IoStatus; status = iosb->Status; IF_DEBUG(IPX_PIPES) { KdPrint(("RestartWriteNamedPipe: Status = %x\n", status)); } if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) SrvPrint1( " pipe write failed: %X\n", status ); SrvSetSmbError( WorkContext, status ); SrvCompleteExecuteTransaction( WorkContext, SmbTransStatusErrorWithoutData ); IF_DEBUG(TRACE2) SrvPrint0( "RestartWriteNamedPipe complete\n" ); return; } // // Success. Generate and send the response. // transaction = WorkContext->Parameters.Transaction; transaction->SetupCount = 0; transaction->ParameterCount = 2; transaction->DataCount = 0; SmbPutUshort( (PSMB_USHORT)transaction->OutParameters, (USHORT)iosb->Information ); SrvCompleteExecuteTransaction(WorkContext, SmbTransStatusSuccess); IF_DEBUG(TRACE2) SrvPrint0( "RestartWriteNamedPipe complete\n" ); return; } // RestartWriteNamedPipe SMB_TRANS_STATUS SrvReadNamedPipe ( IN OUT PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext ) /*++ Routine Description: This function handles the raw Read named pipe transaction SMB. The call to NPFS is issued asynchronously and is completed by RestartRawReadNamedPipe(). Arguments: WorkContext - A pointer to a WORK_CONTEXT block. Return Value: SMB_TRANS_STATUS - Indicates whether an error occurred. See smbtypes.h for a more complete description. --*/ { PTRANSACTION transaction; USHORT fid; PRFCB rfcb; PLFCB lfcb; NTSTATUS status; LARGE_INTEGER offset; ULONG key = 0; PCHAR readAddress; CLONG readLength; PAGED_CODE( ); transaction = WorkContext->Parameters.Transaction; // // Get the FID from the second setup word and use it to generate a // pointer to the RFCB. // // SrvVerifyFid will fill in WorkContext->Rfcb. // if( transaction->SetupCount < sizeof(USHORT)*2 ) { SrvSetSmbError( WorkContext, STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return SmbTransStatusErrorWithoutData; } fid = SmbGetUshort( &transaction->InSetup[1] ); IF_DEBUG(IPX_PIPES) { KdPrint(("SrvReadNamedPipe: fid = %x length = %d\n", fid, transaction->MaxDataCount)); } rfcb = SrvVerifyFid( WorkContext, fid, FALSE, SrvRestartExecuteTransaction, // serialize with raw Read &status ); if ( rfcb == SRV_INVALID_RFCB_POINTER ) { if ( !NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) { // // Invalid file ID. Reject the request. // IF_DEBUG(SMB_ERRORS) { SrvPrint1( "SrvReadNamedPipe: Invalid FID: 0x%lx\n", fid ); } SrvSetSmbError( WorkContext, STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE ); IF_DEBUG(TRACE2) SrvPrint0( "SrvReadNamedPipe complete\n" ); return SmbTransStatusErrorWithoutData; } // // The work item has been queued because a raw Read is in // progress. // return SmbTransStatusInProgress; } lfcb = rfcb->Lfcb; readLength = transaction->MaxDataCount; readAddress = transaction->OutData; // // Try the fast I/O path first. If that fails, fall through to the // normal build-an-IRP path. // if ( lfcb->FastIoRead != NULL ) { INCREMENT_DEBUG_STAT2( SrvDbgStatistics.FastReadsAttempted ); try { if ( lfcb->FastIoRead( lfcb->FileObject, &offset, readLength, TRUE, key, readAddress, &WorkContext->Irp->IoStatus, lfcb->DeviceObject ) ) { // // The fast I/O path worked. Call the restart routine directly // to do postprocessing (including sending the response). // RestartReadNamedPipe( WorkContext ); IF_SMB_DEBUG(READ_WRITE2) SrvPrint0( "SrvReadNamedPipe complete.\n" ); return SmbTransStatusInProgress; } } except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { // Fall through to the slow path on an exception status = GetExceptionCode(); IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { KdPrint(("FastIoRead threw exception %x\n", status )); } } INCREMENT_DEBUG_STAT2( SrvDbgStatistics.FastReadsFailed ); } // // The turbo path failed. Build the Read request, reusing the // receive IRP. // // Build the PIPE_INTERNAL_READ IRP. // SrvBuildIoControlRequest( WorkContext->Irp, lfcb->FileObject, WorkContext, IRP_MJ_FILE_SYSTEM_CONTROL, FSCTL_PIPE_INTERNAL_READ, readAddress, 0, NULL, readLength, NULL, NULL ); // // Pass the request to the file system. // WorkContext->FsdRestartRoutine = SrvQueueWorkToFspAtDpcLevel; WorkContext->FspRestartRoutine = RestartReadNamedPipe; (VOID)IoCallDriver( lfcb->DeviceObject, WorkContext->Irp ); // // The Read has been started. Control will return to // SrvFsdRestartRead when the Read completes. // IF_DEBUG(TRACE2) SrvPrint0( "SrvReadNamedPipe complete\n" ); return SmbTransStatusInProgress; } // SrvReadNamedPipe VOID SRVFASTCALL RestartReadNamedPipe ( IN OUT PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext ) /*++ Routine Description: This is the completion routine for SrvRawReadNamedPipe Arguments: WorkContext - A pointer to a WORK_CONTEXT block. Return Value: None. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; PTRANSACTION transaction; PAGED_CODE( ); // // If the transceive request failed, set an error status in the response // header. // status = WorkContext->Irp->IoStatus.Status; if ( status == STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW ) { SrvSetSmbError2( WorkContext, STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW, TRUE ); } else if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) SrvPrint1( "Pipe transceive failed: %X\n", status ); SrvSetSmbError(WorkContext, status); SrvCompleteExecuteTransaction( WorkContext, SmbTransStatusErrorWithoutData ); IF_DEBUG(TRACE2) SrvPrint0( "RestartReadNamedPipe complete\n" ); return; } // // Success. Generate and send the response. // transaction = WorkContext->Parameters.Transaction; transaction->SetupCount = 0; transaction->ParameterCount = 0; transaction->DataCount = (ULONG)WorkContext->Irp->IoStatus.Information; if ( NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { SrvCompleteExecuteTransaction(WorkContext, SmbTransStatusSuccess); } else { SrvCompleteExecuteTransaction(WorkContext, SmbTransStatusErrorWithData); } IF_DEBUG(TRACE2) SrvPrint0( "RestartReadNamedPipe complete\n" ); return; } // RestartReadNamedPipe