/*++ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Module Name: ixpciir.h Abstract: This header file defines the private interfaces, defines and structures for Pci Irq Routing support. Author: Santosh Jodh (santoshj) 10-June-1998 Environment: Kernel mode only. Revision History: --*/ #include #define PCI_LINK_SIGNATURE 'KNLP' #define IsPciIrqRoutingEnabled() \ (HalpPciIrqRoutingInfo.PciIrqRoutingTable && HalpPciIrqRoutingInfo.PciInterface) typedef struct _LINK_STATE LINK_STATE, *PLINK_STATE; typedef struct _LINK_NODE LINK_NODE, *PLINK_NODE; typedef struct _PCI_IRQ_ROUTING_INFO PCI_IRQ_ROUTING_INFO, *PPCI_IRQ_ROUTING_INFO; struct _LINK_STATE { ULONG Interrupt; // Interrupt for this link. ULONG RefCount; // Number of devices using this link. }; struct _LINK_NODE { ULONG Signature; // Signature 'PLNK'. PLINK_NODE Next; ULONG Link; // Link value. ULONG InterruptMap; // Possible Irq map. PLINK_STATE Allocation; PLINK_STATE PossibleAllocation; }; struct _PCI_IRQ_ROUTING_INFO { PPCI_IRQ_ROUTING_TABLE PciIrqRoutingTable; PINT_ROUTE_INTERFACE_STANDARD PciInterface; PLINK_NODE LinkNodeHead; ULONG Parameters; }; NTSTATUS HalpInitPciIrqRouting ( OUT PPCI_IRQ_ROUTING_INFO PciIrqRoutingInfo ); NTSTATUS HalpFindLinkNode ( IN PPCI_IRQ_ROUTING_INFO PciIrqRoutingInfo, IN PDEVICE_OBJECT Pdo, IN ULONG Bus, IN ULONG Slot, OUT PLINK_NODE *LinkNode ); NTSTATUS HalpCommitLink ( IN PLINK_NODE LinkNode ); VOID HalpProgramInterruptLine ( IN PPCI_IRQ_ROUTING_INFO PciIrqRoutingInfo, IN PDEVICE_OBJECT Pdo, IN ULONG Interrupt ); extern PCI_IRQ_ROUTING_INFO HalpPciIrqRoutingInfo;