PAGE ,132 TITLE ANSI Console device CON$INIT routine ;****************************************************************************** ; Change Log: ; Date Who # Description ; -------- --- --- ------------------------------------------------------ ; 06/05/90 MKS C03 Bug#234. ANSI was not recognizing the presence of a ; VGA if there was another video board in the system. ;****************************************************************************** ; MODULE_NAME: CON$INIT ; FUNCTION: ; THIS PROCEDURE PERFORMS ALL NECESSARY INITIALIZATION ROUTINES ; FOR ANSI.SYS. ; THIS ROUTINE WAS SPLIT FROM THE ORIGINAL ANSI.ASM SOURCE FILE ; FOR RELEASE 4.00 OF DOS. ALL CHANGED LINES HAVE BEEN MARKED WITH ; . NEW PROCS HAVE BEEN MARKED AS SUCH. ; P1767 VIDEO_MODE_TABLE not initialized correctly 10/16/87 J.K. ; P2617 Order dependecy problem with Display.sys 11/23/87 J.K. ; D479 An option to disable the extended keyboard functions 02/12/88 J.K. ; D493 New INIT request structure for error message 02/25/88 J.K. ; P5699 Moving selecting alternate print screen routine to only when it ; 10/26/88 is needed. OEM EGA cards don't support the call it, so they ; K. Sayers couldn't (shift) print screen at all. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INCLUDE ANSI.INC ; equates and strucs PUBLIC CON$INIT CODE SEGMENT PUBLIC BYTE ASSUME CS:CODE,DS:CODE EXTRN VIDEO_MODE_TABLE:BYTE EXTRN FUNC_INFO:BYTE EXTRN HDWR_FLAG:WORD EXTRN VIDEO_TABLE_MAX:ABS EXTRN SCAN_LINES:BYTE EXTRN PTRSAV:DWORD EXTRN PARSE_PARM:NEAR EXTRN ERR2:NEAR EXTRN EXT_16:BYTE EXTRN BRKKY:NEAR EXTRN COUT:NEAR EXTRN BASE:WORD EXTRN MODE:BYTE EXTRN MAXCOL:BYTE EXTRN EXIT:NEAR EXTRN MAX_SCANS:BYTE EXTRN ROM_INT10:WORD EXTRN INT10_COM:NEAR EXTRN ROM_INT2F:WORD EXTRN INT2F_COM:NEAR EXTRN ABORT:BYTE EXTRN Display_Loaded_Before_me:byte ;Defined in IOCTL.ASM EXTRN Switch_K:Byte EXTRN fhavek09:BYTE ; M006 EXTRN Switch_S:BYTE ; M008 ifdef DBCS EXTRN DBCSLeadByteTable:dword endif INCLUDE ANSIVID.INC ; video tables data CON$INIT: lds bx,cs:[PTRSAV] ; establish addressability to request header lds si,[BX].ARG_PTR ; ds:SI now points to rest of DEVICE=statement call PARSE_PARM ; parse DEVICE= command line jnc CONT_INIT ; no error in parse...continue install lds bx,cs:[PTRSAV] ; prepare to abort install xor ax,ax ; mov [BX].NUM_UNITS,al ; set number of units to zero mov [BX].END_ADDRESS_O,ax ; set ending address offset to 0 mov [BX].END_ADDRESS_S,cs ; set ending address segment to CS mov word ptr [bx].CONFIG_ERRMSG, -1 ; Let IBMBIO display "Error in CONFIG.SYS..". mov ax,UNKNOWN_CMD ; set error in status mov WORD PTR [BX].STATUS,ax ; set error status jmp ERR2 ; prepare to exit CONT_INIT: push cs pop ds ; restore DS to ANSI segment mov ax,ROM_BIOS mov es,ax ; ES now points to BIOS data area cmp Switch_S,OFF ; M008 jz noscreensizesw ; M008 mov BYTE PTR es:[84h],24 ; M008 ; Use default value noscreensizesw: ; M008 mov ah,es:[KBD_FLAG_3] ; load AH with KBD_FLAG_3 test ah,EXT16_FLAG ; if extended Int16 available jz tlab01 cmp Switch_K,OFF ; and user didn't disable it jnz tlab01 mov EXT_16,ON ; then enable extended int16 tlab01: call DET_HDWR ; procedure to determine video hardware status call LOAD_INT10 ; load interrupt 10h handler call LOAD_INT2F ; load interrupt 2Fh handler ; M006 - begin push ds pop es xor di,di ; es:di points to begining of driver mov ax,4101h ; wait for bh=es:[di] mov bl,1 ; wait for 1 clock tick mov bh,byte ptr es:[di] stc ; Assume we will fail int 15h jc CheckColor mov fhavek09,ON ; remember we have a k09 type CheckColor: ; M006 - end int 11h and al,00110000b cmp al,00110000b jnz iscolor mov [base],0b000h ;look for bw card iscolor: cmp al,00010000b ;look for 40 col mode ja setbrk mov [mode],0 mov [maxcol],39 setbrk: xor bx,bx mov ds,bx mov bx,BRKADR mov WORD PTR [BX],OFFSET BRKKY mov WORD PTR [BX+2],cs mov bx,29H*4 mov WORD PTR [BX],OFFSET COUT mov WORD PTR [BX+2],cs ifdef DBCS mov ax,6300h int 21h ; get DBCS lead byte table mov word ptr cs:DBCSLeadByteTable,si mov word ptr cs:DBCSLeadByteTable+2,ds endif lds bx,cs:[PTRSAV] mov WORD PTR [BX].TRANS,OFFSET CON$INIT ;SET BREAK ADDRESS mov [BX].TRANS+2,cs jmp EXIT ; PROCEDURE_NAME: DET_HDWR ; FUNCTION: ; THIS CODE DETERMINES WHAT VIDEO HARDWARE IS AVAILABLE. THIS INFORMATION ; IS USED TO LOAD APPROPRIATE VIDEO TABLES INTO MEMORY FOR USE IN THE ; GENERIC IOCTL. ; AT ENTRY: ; AT EXIT: ; NORMAL: FLAG WORD WILL CONTAIN BITS SET FOR THE APPROPRIATE ; TABLES. IN ADDITION, FOR VGA SUPPORT, A FLAG BYTE ; WILL CONTAIN THE AVAILABLE SCAN LINE SETTINGS FOR THE ; INSTALLED ADAPTER. ; VIDEO TABLES WILL BE LOADED INTO MEMORY REFLECTING ; APPLICABLE MODE SETTINGS AND SCREEN LINE LENGTHS. ; ERROR: N/A DET_HDWR PROC NEAR mov ah,GET_SYS_ID ; see if this is a Convertible int 15h cmp es:[BX].MODEL_BYTE,LCD_MODEL ; and it has an LCD attached jnz tlab04 mov ah,GET_STATUS ; system status will tell us int 15h test al,1 ; if bit 0 = 0 then LCD.. jnz tlab04 or HDWR_FLAG,LCD_ACTIVE ; so ...set hdwr flag and... lea si,COLOR_TABLE mov cx,COLOR_NUM ; load color table (for LCD) call LOAD_TABLE lea si,MONO_TABLE ; and mono table mov cx,MONO_NUM call LOAD_TABLE jmp short tlab05 ; not LCD... check for CGA and mono tlab04: mov ax,MONO_ADDRESS ; write to mono buffer to see if present call CHECK_BUF cmp ah,al jnz tlab03 ; if present then, or HDWR_FLAG,MONO_ACTIVE ; set hdwr flag and.. lea si,MONO_TABLE mov cx,MONO_NUM ; load mono table call LOAD_TABLE tlab03: mov ax,COLOR_ADDRESS ; write to CGA buffer to see if present call CHECK_BUF cmp ah,al jnz tlab02 ; if present then, or HDWR_FLAG,CGA_ACTIVE ; set hdwr flag and... lea si,COLOR_TABLE mov cx,COLOR_NUM ; load color table call LOAD_TABLE tlab02: tlab05: push cs ; setup addressiblity for pop es ; functionality call xor ax,ax mov ah,FUNC_call ; functionality call xor bx,bx ; implementation type 0 lea DI,FUNC_INFO ; block to hold data int 10H cmp al,FUNC_call ; if call supported, then... jne tlab11 mov ax,1A00h ; alternate check for VGA ;C03 int 10h ; C03 cmp bl,8 ; test for color VGA or mono VGA jz tlab08 cmp bl,7 jnz tlab09 tlab08: or HDWR_FLAG,VGA_ACTIVE ; yes lea si,COLOR_TABLE ; set hdwr flag and... mov cx,COLOR_NUM ; load color table +.. call LOAD_TABLE lea si,VGA_TABLE ; load VGA table mov cx,VGA_NUM call LOAD_TABLE jmp short tlab07 ; not VGA, must be MCGA tlab09: cmp [DI].ACTIVE_DISPLAY,MOD30_MONO jz tlab06 cmp [DI].ACTIVE_DISPLAY,MOD30_COLOR jz tlab06 cmp [DI].ALT_DISPLAY,MOD30_MONO jz tlab06 cmp [DI].ALT_DISPLAY,MOD30_COLOR jnz tlab07 tlab06: or HDWR_FLAG,MCGA_ACTIVE ; so...set hdwr flag and... lea si,COLOR_TABLE mov cx,COLOR_NUM ; load color table +.. call LOAD_TABLE lea si,MCGA_TABLE ; load MCGA table mov cx,MCGA_NUM call LOAD_TABLE tlab07: mov al,[DI].CURRENT_SCANS ; copy current scan line setting.. mov MAX_SCANS,al ; as maximum text mode scan setting. les DI,[DI].STATIC_ADDRESS ; point to static functionality table mov al,es:[DI].SCAN_TEXT ; load available scan line flag byte.. mov SCAN_LINES,al ; and store it in resident data. jmp short DET_HDWR_DONE ; call not supported, try EGA tlab11: mov ah,alT_SELECT ; alternate select call mov BL,EGA_INFO ; get EGA information subcall int 10H cmp bl,EGA_INFO ; see if call was valid jz DET_HDWR_DONE cmp bh,MONOCHROME ; yes, check for monochrome jnz tlab17 or HDWR_FLAG,E5151_ACTIVE ; ..5151 found so set hdwr flag and.. lea si,EGA_5151_TABLE mov cx,EGA_5151_NUM ; load 5151 table. call LOAD_TABLE jmp short DET_HDWR_DONE tlab17: and CL,0FH ; clear upper nibble of switch setting byte cmp cl,9 ; test for switch settings of 5154 jz tlab13 cmp cl,3 jnz tlab14 tlab13: or HDWR_FLAG,E5154_ACTIVE ; so..set hdwr flag and... lea si,COLOR_TABLE mov cx,COLOR_NUM ; load color table +.. call LOAD_TABLE lea si,EGA_5154_TABLE ; load 5154 table mov cx,EGA_5154_NUM call LOAD_TABLE jmp short DET_HDWR_DONE ; 5154 not found, must be 5153 tlab14: or HDWR_FLAG,E5153_ACTIVE ; so..set hdwr flag and... lea si,COLOR_TABLE mov cx,COLOR_NUM ; load color table +.. call LOAD_TABLE lea si,EGA_5153_TABLE ; load 5153 table mov cx,EGA_5153_NUM call LOAD_TABLE DET_HDWR_DONE: ret DET_HDWR ENDP ; PROCEDURE_NAME: CHECK_BUF ; FUNCTION: ; THIS PROCEDURE WRITES TO THE VIDEO BUFFER AND READS THE DATA BACK ; AGAIN TO DETERMINE THE EXISTANCE OF THE VIDEO CARD. ; AT ENTRY: ; AT EXIT: ; NORMAL: AH EQ AL IF BUFFER PRESENT ; AH NE AL IF NO BUFFER ; ERROR: N/A CHECK_BUF PROC NEAR ; write to video buffer to see if it is present push ds mov ds,ax ; load DS with address of buffer mov CH,ds:0 ; save buffer information (if present) mov al,55H ; prepare to write sample data mov ds:0,al ; write to buffer push BX ; terminate the bus so that lines.. pop BX ; are reset mov ah,ds:0 ; bring sample data back... mov ds:0,CH ; repair damage to buffer pop ds ret CHECK_BUF ENDP ; PROCEDURE_NAME: LOAD_TABLE ; FUNCTION: ; THIS PROCEDURE COPIES ONE OF THE VIDEO TABLES INTO RESIDENT DATA. ; IT MAY BE REPEATED TO LOAD SEVERAL TABLES INTO THE SAME DATA SPACE. ; MATCHING MODES WILL BE OVERWRITTEN...THEREFORE..CARE MUST BE TAKEN ; IN LOAD ORDERING. ; AT ENTRY: ; SI: POINTS TO TOP OF TABLE TO COPY ; CX: NUMBER OF RECORDS TO COPY ; AT EXIT: ; NORMAL: TABLE POINTED TO BY SI IS COPIED INTO RESIDENT DATA AREA ; ERROR: N/A LOAD_TABLE PROC NEAR push DI ; save DI push es ; and ES push cs ; setup ES to code segment pop es lea DI,VIDEO_MODE_TABLE ; point DI to resident video table while01: cmp cx,0 ; do for as many records as there are jz while01_exit cmp di,VIDEO_TABLE_MAX ; check to ensure other data not overwritten jge while01_exit ; cas --- signed compare!!! mov al,[DI].V_MODE ; prepare to check resident table cmp al,UNOCCUPIED ; if this spot is occupied jz tlab20 cmp al,[si].V_MODE ; and is not the same mode then jz tlab20 add DI,TYPE MODE_TABLE ; do not touch...go to next mode jmp short while01 ; can write at this location tlab20: push cx ; save record count mov cx,TYPE MODE_TABLE ; load record length rep movsb ; copy record to resident data lea DI,VIDEO_MODE_TABLE ; Set DI to the top of the target again. pop cx ; restore record count and.. dec cx ; decrement jmp short while01 while01_exit: pop es ; restore.. pop DI ; registers ret LOAD_TABLE ENDP ; PROCEDURE_NAME: LOAD_INT10 ; FUNCTION: ; THIS PROCEDURE LOADS THE INTERRUPT HANDLER FOR INT10H ; AT ENTRY: ; AT EXIT: ; NORMAL: INTERRUPT 10H VECTOR POINTS TO INT10_COM. OLD INT 10H ; VECTOR STORED. ; ERROR: N/A LOAD_INT10 PROC NEAR push es xor ax,ax ; point ES to low.. mov es,ax ; memory. mov cx,es:WORD PTR INT10_LOW; store original.. mov cs:ROM_INT10,cx ; interrupt 10h.. mov cx,es:WORD PTR INT10_HI ; location.. mov cs:ROM_INT10+2,cx cli mov es:WORD PTR INT10_LOW,OFFSET INT10_COM ; replace vector.. mov es:WORD PTR INT10_HI,cs ; with our own.. sti mov ax, DISPLAY_CHECK ;DISPLAY.SYS already loaded? int 2fh cmp al, INSTALLED jne L_INT10_Ret mov cs:Display_Loaded_Before_Me,1 L_INT10_Ret: pop es ret LOAD_INT10 ENDP ; PROCEDURE_NAME: LOAD_INT2F ; FUNCTION: ; THIS PROCEDURE LOADS THE INTERRUPT HANDLER FOR INT2FH ; AT ENTRY: ; AT EXIT: ; NORMAL: INTERRUPT 2FH VECTOR POINTS TO INT2F_COM. OLD INT 2FH ; VECTOR STORED. ; ERROR: N/A LOAD_INT2F PROC NEAR push es xor ax,ax ; point ES to low.. mov es,ax ; memory. mov ax,es:WORD PTR INT2F_LOW; store original.. mov cs:ROM_INT2F,ax ; interrupt 2Fh.. mov cx,es:WORD PTR INT2F_HI ; location.. mov cs:ROM_INT2F+2,cx or ax,cx ; check if old int2F is 0 jnz tlab21 mov ax,OFFSET ABORT ; yes....point to.. mov cs:ROM_INT2F,ax ; IRET. mov ax,cs mov cs:ROM_INT2F+2,ax tlab21: cli mov es:WORD PTR INT2F_LOW,OFFSET INT2F_COM ; replace vector.. mov es:WORD PTR INT2F_HI,cs ; with our own.. sti pop es ret LOAD_INT2F ENDP CODE ENDS END