;/* himem2.asm ; * ; * Microsoft Confidential ; * Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1988-1991 ; * All Rights Reserved. ; * ; * Modification History ; * ; * Sudeepb 14-May-1991 Ported for NT XMS support ; * ; * williamh 25-Sept-1992 added UMB initialization ; */ page 95,160 title 'HIMEM2 - Initialization code' funky segment word public 'funky' extrn textseg:word ; in high segment extrn KiddValley:word extrn KiddValleyTop:word extrn cHandles:word extrn pack_and_truncate:near extrn end_of_funky_seg:byte extrn LEnblA20:word extrn LDsblA20:word funky ends .xlist include himem.inc ; get structures, equ's, etc. ; and open segment include xmssvc.inc .list ; public f000 public InitInterrupt public MachineNum ;************************************************************************ ;* * ;* Global Variables * ;* * ;************************************************************************ extrn pPPFIRET:word extrn dd_int_loc:word extrn Interrupt:near extrn hiseg:word extrn call_hi_in_di:near extrn fCanChangeA20:byte extrn fHMAMayExist:byte ifndef NEC_98 extrn fVDISK:byte extrn IsVDISKIn:near endif ;NEC_98 extrn A20Handler:near extrn EnableCount:word extrn MemCorr:word extrn MinHMASize:word extrn pReqHdr:dword extrn PrevInt2f:dword extrn TopOfTextSeg:word extrn AddMem:near extrn InstallA20:near extrn Int2fHandler:near ; extrn Is6300Plus:near extrn IsA20On:near extrn SignOnMsg:byte extrn ROMDisabledMsg:byte extrn UnsupportedROMMsg:byte extrn ROMHookedMsg:byte extrn BadDOSMsg:byte extrn NowInMsg:byte extrn On8086Msg:byte extrn NoExtMemMsg:byte extrn FlushMsg:byte extrn StartMsg:byte extrn HandlesMsg:byte extrn HMAMINMsg:byte extrn KMsg:byte extrn NoHMAMsg:byte extrn A20OnMsg:byte extrn HMAOKMsg:byte ifndef NEC_98 extrn VDISKInMsg:byte extrn BadArgMsg:byte endif ;NEC_98 extrn DevAttr:word extrn Int15MemSize:word extrn EndText:byte extrn A20State:byte extrn DOSTI:near extrn DOCLI:near ifdef NEC_98 extrn fAltA20Routine:byte extrn LocalDisableA20:near extrn LocalEnableA20:near extrn cant_ena20_msg:byte extrn cant_dia20_msg:byte endif ;NEC_98 ;************************************************************************ ;* * ;* Code/Data below here will be discarded after driver initialization * ;* * ;************************************************************************ ; Discardable Initialization Data public fShadowOff, f1stWasWarning fShadowOff db 0 ; NZ if shadow RAM should be disabled, ; 0/1 set by command line switch, 0FFh ; set if little extended and hope to disable f1stWasWarning db 0 ; NZ if 1st attempt to diddle A20 generated ; a warning (and not an error) public fA20Control fA20Control db 0ffh ; NZ if himem should take control of A20, even ; it was already on when himem loaded. ifndef NEC_98 public fCPUClock fCPUClock db 0 ; NZ if himem should try to preserve CPU clock ; speed when gating A20 endif ;NEC_98 public StringParm, MachineNum, MachineName StringParm db 13 DUP (' ') MachineNum dw -1 ; Note: the following table MUST be in the same order as the entries in the ; A20_Scan_Table! If you add entries here, also add one there! MachineName label byte db 'ptlcascade',0 ; Phoenix Cascade BIOS db 'att6300plus',0 ; AT&T 6300 Plus db 'ps2',0 ; IBM PS/2 db 'hpvectra',0 ; HP 'Classic' Vectra (A & A+) db 'acer1100',0 ; Acer 1100 db 'toshiba',0 ; Toshiba 1600 & 1200XE db 'wyse',0 ; Wyse 12.5 MHz 286 machine ifndef NEC_98 db 'tulip',0 ; Tulip machines db 'zenith',0 ; Zenith ZBIOS db 'at1',0 ; IBM AT/delay 0 db 'at2',0 ; IBM AT/delay 1 db 'at3',0 ; IBM AT/delay 2 db 'philips',0 ; Philips machines db 'css',0 ; CSS Lab machines db 'fasthp',0 ; Single byte method for HP Vectras db 'ibm7552',0 ; IBM 7552 Industrial Computer db 'bullmicral',0 ; Bull Micral 60 M004 endif ;NEC_98 db 'at',0 ; IBM AT db 0FFh ; end of table ;NOTE: there is code in GetParms which depends on AltNameTbl coming ; after MachineName table. ifndef NEC_98 public AltName1, AltName2, AltName3, AltName4, AltName5 public AltName6, AltName7, AltName8, AltName9, AltName10 public AltName11, AltName12, AltName13, AltName14, AltName15 public AltName16 ;M004 else ;NEC_98 public AltName1, AltName2, AltName3, AltName4, AltName5 public AltName6, AltName7, AltName8 endif ;NEC_98 AltNameTbl label byte AltName3 db '3',0 ; Phoenix Cascade BIOS AltName5 db '5',0 ; AT&T 6300 Plus AltName2 db '2',0 ; IBM PS/2 AltName4 db '4',0 ; HP 'Classic' Vectra (A & A+) AltName6 db '6',0 ; Acer 1100 AltName7 db '7',0 ; Toshiba 1600 & 1200XE AltName8 db '8',0 ; Wyse 12.5 Mhz 286 machine ifndef NEC_98 AltName9 db '9',0 ; Tulip machine AltName10 db '10',0 ; Zenith ZBIOS AltName11 db '11',0 ; IBM AT/delay 0 AltName12 db '12',0 ; IBM AT/delay 1 AltName13 db '13',0 ; IBM AT/delay 2 db '13',0 ; Philips machines (same as AT3) db '12',0 ; CSS machines AltName14 db '14',0 ; Single byte HP Vectra m/cs AltName15 db '15',0 ; IBM 7552 Industrial Computer AltName16 db '16',0 ; Bull Micral 60 M004 endif ;NEC_98 AltName1 db '1',0 ; IBM AT db 0FFh ; end of table ifdef debug_tsr ;----------------------------------------------- ;*----------------------------------------------------------------------* ;* * ;* ExeStart - * ;* * ;* Entry point when himem is invoked as an .EXE. * ;* * ;*----------------------------------------------------------------------* lpCmdLine dd 81h ; far ptr to command tail public ExeStart ExeStart: mov word ptr cs:[lpCmdLine+2],es ; save PSP segment in pointer mov ax,cs ; Setup segment regs to all be the same mov ds,ax mov es,ax call InitDriver ; Initialize... mov ax,TopOfTextSeg ; TopOfTextSeg == 0 is error installing or ax,ax jnz @f mov ax,4C03h ; error, so just terminate int 21h @@: mov di,offset pack_and_truncate jmp call_hi_in_di ; terminate and stay resident endif ;------------------------------------------------ ;*----------------------------------------------------------------------* ;* * ;* InitInterrupt - * ;* * ;* Called by MS-DOS immediately after Strategy routine * ;* * ;* ARGS: None * ;* RETS: Return code in Request Header's Status field * ;* REGS: Preserved * ;* * ;* This entry point is used only during initialization. * ;* It replaces itself with a much shorter version which only * ;* serves to report the appropriate errors when this driver * ;* is called in error. * ;* * ;*----------------------------------------------------------------------* InitInterrupt proc far ; Save the registers including flags. push ax ; We cannot use pusha\popa because push bx ; we could be on an 8086 at this point push cx push dx push ds push es push di push si push bp pushf push cs ; Set DS=CS for access to global variables. pop ds les di,[pReqHdr] ; ES:DI = Request Header mov bl,es:[di].Command ; Get Function code in BL or bl,bl ; Only Function 00h (Init) is legal jz IInit cmp bl,16 ; Test for "legal" DOS functions jle IOtherFunc IBogusFunc: mov ax,8003h ; Return "Unknown Command" jmp short IExit IOtherFunc: xor ax,ax ; Return zero for unsupported functions jmp short IExit IInit: call InitDriver ; Initialize the driver les di,[pReqHdr] ; Restore es:di = Request Header IExit: or ax,0100h ; Turn on the "Done" bit mov es:[di].Status,ax ; Store return code popff ; restore the registers pop bp pop si pop di pop es pop ds pop dx pop cx pop bx pop ax mov dd_int_loc,offset Interrupt ; replace Interrupt with ret ; tiny permanent stub InitInterrupt endp ;*----------------------------------------------------------------------* ;* * ;* InitDriver - * ;* * ;* Called when driver is Initialized. * ;* * ;* ARGS: ES:DI = Address of the Request Header * ;* RETS: pHdr.Address = Bottom of resident driver code * ;* REGS: AX, CX and Flags are clobbered * ;* * ;*----------------------------------------------------------------------* ifndef NEC_98 public InitDriver endif ;NEC_98 InitDriver proc near cld ifndef debug_tsr call LocateHiSeg ; locate the hiseg in low memory properly mov ax,cs push es mov es,hiseg assume es:funky add textseg,ax ; relocate text segment pointer add LEnblA20+2, ax ; update ptrs to enble & disable a20 rtns add LDsblA20+2, ax pop es assume es:nothing endif ; mov ah,9 ; display signon message ; mov dx,offset SignOnMsg ; int 21h mov ah,30h ; make sure we've got DOS 3.00 or higher int 21h ; Get DOS versions number cmp al,3 jae IDCheckXMS mov dx,offset BadDOSMsg jmp IDFlushMe IDCheckXMS: ifndef NEC_98 mov ax,(INT2F_ID SHL 8) OR INT2F_INS_CHK int 2Fh ; make sure there's no other XMS installed else ;NEC_98 mov ax,4300h ; make sure there's no other XMS installed int 2Fh endif ;NEC_98 cmp al,80h ; Is INT 2F hooked? jne IDNotInYet mov dx,offset NowInMsg jmp IDFlushMe IDNotInYet: ifdef NEC_98 xor ax,ax mov es,ax test byte ptr es:[501h],40h ; we're on an V30/V50 jz @f jmp IDFlushMe ; so give out @@: call GetInt15Memory ; If Int 15h/88h reports < 384k of mov dx,offset NoExtMemMsg or ax,ax ; we have extend memory ? jnz @f jmp IDFlushMe ; so give out @@: test byte ptr es:[0501h],08h ; Q : HIRES CRT ? jz @f ; N : continue mov ah,byte ptr es:[501h] ; BIOS_FLG mov al,ah ; save and ah,07h ; get main memory size cmp ah,4 ; main memory > 512 ? jb @f ; no. don't need to init RAMWindow test byte ptr es:[458h],80h ; NPC ? jnz not_XA ; yes test al,30h ; system type = 0 ? jnz not_XA ; no. other than XA call Init_RamWindow_XA jmp short @f not_XA: call Init_RamWindow @@: endif ;NEC_98 call GetParms ; process command line parameters ;; don't call IsA20On at this moment because we haven't init it yet mov ax, 2 XMSSVC XMS_A20 ;;;; call IsA20On ; Is A20 already enabled? or ax,ax ; (may zap cx, si, di) jz IDInsA20 ; no, go install A20 handler mov dx,offset A20OnMsg ; "A20 already on" message cmp fA20Control,0 ; should we take control of A20 anyway? jne IDInsA20 ; yes, go muck with it mov [fCanChangeA20],0 ; no, don't allow changing of A20 mov ah,9 ; and tell user about it int 21h jmp short IDAfterA20 IDInsA20: call InstallA20 ; install proper A20 handler jc IDFlushMe ; CY means fatal error ; Note: A side affect of the previous InstallA20 is that MemCorr ; is set to reflect the adjustment factor if we're on an AT&T 6300+ IDAfterA20: call InitHandles ; initialize handle table call GetInt15Memory ; how much extended memory is installed? cmp ax,64 ; Is there >= 64K of extended? ifndef NEC_98 jae IDHMAOK else ;NEC_98 jb @f cmp Int15MemSize, 0 ; has the hma been allocated to INT 15 ? jz IDHMAOK ; no, HMA is available @@: endif ;NEC_98 push es mov es,hiseg assume es:funky mov bx,[KiddValley] ; get size of memory we already have in tables mov cx,[cHandles] IDAnyMem: cmp [bx].Flags,FREEFLAG jnz IDAnyMem_1 ; brif not a valid free block add ax,[bx].Len ; accumulate total IDAnyMem_1: add bx,SIZE Handle loop IDAnyMem pop es assume es:nothing mov dx,offset NoHMAMsg or ax,ax ; no HMA, any other memory to control? jnz disp_hma_msg ; jmp if some memory ; We can't find any memory to manage. mov dx,offset NoExtMemMsg ; Display the message in DX followed by the "Flush" message. IDFlushMe: mov ah,9 int 21h mov dx,offset FlushMsg mov ah,9 int 21h xor ax,ax ; discard the driver mov [TopOfTextSeg],ax ifndef debug_tsr ;------------------------------- les di,[pReqHdr] mov es:[di].Units,al and cs:DevAttr,not 8000h ; clr bit 15 in attrib of driver header endif jmp short IDReturn ;------------------------------- IDHMAOK: mov [fHMAMayExist],1 mov dx,offset HMAOKMsg disp_hma_msg: ; mov ah,9 ; int 21h ;; tell xms.lib where our variable is mov ax, cs mov bx, offset A20State XMSSVC XMS_INITUMB call HookInt2F ; "turn on" the driver ; Initialization finished (or failed) -- return to caller IDReturn: ifndef debug_tsr ;------------------------------- mov di,offset pack_and_truncate jmp call_hi_in_di ; pack stuff down and terminate endif ;------------------------------- ret InitDriver endp ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; procedure : LocateHiSeg ; ; Locate the movable segment properly in the low seg. ; taking care of the stripped ORG zeroes. This function ; calculates the segment at which the hiseg should run ; with the ORG. If the segment cvalue goes below zero the ; code is moved up high enough to run the code from a seg value ; of zero. ; ; This function assumes that the 'funky' segment follows ; immediately after the text seg. ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; LocateHiSeg proc near push ds mov ax, cs ; para start of text seg mov cx, offset _text:EndText ; end of text seg add cx, 15 ; para round it shr cx, 1 shr cx, 1 shr cx, 1 shr cx, 1 add ax, cx ; para start of funky seg cmp ax, (HISEG_ORG shr 4) ; will the seg go below zero? jb MoveHiSeg ; yeah, we have to move it sub ax, (HISEG_ORG shr 4) ; no, it fits in pop ds mov hiseg, ax ; update the segment in which ; it is going to run from. ret MoveHiSeg: mov ds, ax ; segment at which funky ; resides without the ORG xor ax, ax mov es, ax ; we want to movve the code ; to 0:HISEG_ORG mov di, offset funky:end_of_funky_seg mov si, di sub si, HISEG_ORG mov cx, si dec di dec si std ; move backward (safe when ; source & dest overlap rep movsb cld pop ds mov hiseg, 0 ; funky is going to run from ; segment zero ret LocateHiSeg endp ;*----------------------------------------------------------------------* ;* * ;* HookInt2F - * ;* * ;* Insert the INT 2F hook * ;* * ;* ARGS: None * ;* RETS: None * ;* REGS: AX, SI, ES and Flags are clobbered * ;* * ;*----------------------------------------------------------------------* public HookInt2F HookInt2F proc near call DOCLI xor ax,ax mov es,ax mov si,2Fh * 4 ; save previous int2f vector mov ax,offset Int2FHandler ; and exchange with new one xchg ax,es:[si][0] mov word ptr [PrevInt2F][0],ax mov ax,cs xchg ax,es:[si][2] mov word ptr [PrevInt2F][2],ax call DOSTI ret HookInt2F endp ;*----------------------------------------------------------------------* ;* * ;* GetInt15Memory - * ;* * ;* Returns the amount of memory INT 15h, Function 88h says is free * ;* * ;* ARGS: None * ;* RETS: AX = Amount of free extended memory in K-bytes * ;* REGS: AX and Flags are clobbered * ;* * ;*----------------------------------------------------------------------* GetInt15Memory proc near ifndef NEC_98 IFDEF WHEN_INT15_DONE mov ah,88h ; snag the int 15h memory clc int 15h ; Is Function 88h around? jnc xret_geti15 xor ax,ax ; No, return 0 xret_geti15: ifndef NOLIMIT ;M005 cmp ax,15*1024 ; Limit himem.sys to using 15 meg jb @f ; of extended memory for apps mov ax,15*1024 ; that don't deal with > 24 bit @@: ; addresses endif ;M005 ELSE XMSSVC XMS_EXTMEM ; return ext-mem in ax5 ENDIF ret else ;NEC_98 push es mov ax,40h mov es,ax mov al,byte ptr es:[01h] ; get extend memory size pop es sub ah,ah shl ax,7 ret endif ;NEC_98 GetInt15Memory endp ;*----------------------------------------------------------------------* ;* * ;* GetParms - * ;* * ;* Get any parameters off of the HIMEM command line * ;* * ;* ARGS: None * ;* RETS: None * ;* REGS: AX, BX, CX, DX, DI, SI, ES and Flags clobbered * ;* * ;* Side Effects: cHandles and MinHMASize may be changed * ;* * ;*----------------------------------------------------------------------* ifndef NEC_98 GPArgPtr dd ? endif ;NEC_98 GPRegSave dw ? public GetParms GetParms proc near cld ; better safe than sorry push ds ifdef debug_tsr ;------------------------------- lds si,lpCmdLine else ;------------------------------- les di,[pReqHdr] ; Running as a device driver lds si,es:[di].pCmdLine ; DS:SI points to first char ; after "DEVICE=" ifndef NEC_98 @@: call GPGetChar ; Skip over driver name, up to jc GPDatsAll ; first blank or / or eol jz GPNextArg cmp al,'/' jnz @b dec si ; Backup to get / again endif ;NEC_98 endif ;------------------------------- assume ds:nothing,es:nothing ; Scan until we see a non-blank or the end of line. ifndef NEC_98 GPNextArg: call GPGetChar jc GPDatsAll ; eol jz GPNextArg ; blank mov word ptr cs:[GPArgPtr], si ; save ptr to start of arg mov word ptr cs:[GPArgPtr+2], ds ; incase we want to complain dec word ptr cs:[GPArgPtr] ; (GPGetChar points at next) cmp al,'/' ; better be a / or not a valid arg jz GPGotOne ; Detected invalid parameter or value, complain to user GPBadParm: mov ah,9 ; tell'm something isn't right push cs pop ds mov dx,offset BadArgMsg int 21h lds si,cs:[GPArgPtr] ; backup to last parameter GPBadDisp: call GPGetChar ; disp arg up to space or eol jc GPDatsAll ; skips over bad arg while we're at it jz GPNextArg cmp al,'/' ; start of next arg? jnz @f dec si ; maybe yes, maybe no--might cmp si,word ptr cs:[GPArgPtr] ; be same arg jnz GPNextArg ; next, go process new arg inc si ; same, keep displaying @@: mov dl,al mov ah,2 int 21h jmp short GPBadDisp ; Finished, we're outta here... else ;NEC_98 GPBadParm: GPNextChar: call GPGetChar jc GPDatsAll cmp al,'/' je GPGotOne jmp short GPNextChar endif ;NEC_98 GPDatsAll: pop ds ret ; Save what we found and get the number or string after it. GPGotOne: lodsb mov cs:[GPRegSave],ax ; Scan past the rest of the parm for a number, EOL, or a space. GPNeedParm: call GPGetChar ifndef NEC_98 jc GPBadParm jz GPBadParm ; blank else ;NEC_98 jc GPDatsAll cmp al,' ' je GPBadParm endif ;NEC_98 cmp al,':' ; start of string arg je GPString cmp al,'=' jne GPNeedParm ; Read the number at DS:SI into DX GPNeedNum: call GPGetChar jc GPDatsAll cmp al,'0' jb GPNeedNum cmp al,'9' ja GPNeedNum xor dx,dx GPNumLoop: sub al,'0' cbw add dx,ax call GPGetChar jc GPNumDone ifndef NEC_98 jz GPNumDone else ;NEC_98 cmp al,' ' je GPNumDone endif ;NEC_98 cmp al,'0' jb GPBadParm cmp al,'9' ja GPBadParm shl dx,1 ; multiply DX by 10 mov bx,dx shl dx,1 shl dx,1 add dx,bx jmp short GPNumLoop ; Move the string arg from ds:si to StringParm GPString: mov cx,(SIZE StringParm) - 1 push cs pop es mov di,offset _text:StringParm GPStrLoop: call GPGetChar jc GPStrDone ifndef NEC_98 jz GPStrDone else ;NEC_98 cmp al,' ' je GPStrDone endif ;NEC_98 stosb loop GPStrLoop GPStrDone: mov byte ptr es:[di],0 ; Null terminate the string ifndef NEC_98 mov dx,-1 ; In case parm expects a num, give'm ; a likely invalid one endif ;NEC_98 ; Which parameter are we dealing with here? GPNumDone: xchg ax,cs:[GPRegSave] cmp al,'H' ; HMAMIN= parameter? jne @f jmp GPGotMin @@: cmp al,'N' ; NUMHANDLES= parameter? jne @f jmp GPGotHands @@: cmp al,'M' ; MACHINE: parameter? je GPGotMachine cmp al,'A' ; A20CONTROL: parameter? je GPGotA20Control cmp al,'S' ; SHADOWRAM: parameter? jne @f jmp GPGotShadow @@: cmp al, 'I' ; INT15= jne @f jmp GPGotInt15 ifndef NEC_98 @@: cmp al, 'C' ; CPUCLOCK: jne @f jmp GPGotCPUClock endif ;NEC_98 @@: jmp GPBadParm ; Process /A20CONTROL: parameter GPGotA20Control: mov ax,word ptr [StringParm] or ax,2020h mov bl,0FFh cmp ax,'no' ; ON ? - means we take control jz GPSetA20 inc bl cmp ax,'fo' ; OFF ? - means we leave alone if on jz GPSetA20 ifndef NEC_98 jmp GPBadParm else ;NEC_98 jmp GPNextParm endif ;NEC_98 GPSetA20: mov fA20Control,bl ; Z if A20 should be left alone if jmp GPNextParm ; it's already on when we're loaded ; Process /MACHINE: parameter. GPGotMachine: push si ; save current location push ds ; in param string push cs pop ds mov di,offset _text:MachineName ; es:di -> MachineName GPNextTbl: xor bx,bx GPNextName: mov si,offset _text:StringParm ; ds:si -> StringParm GPChkNext: cmp byte ptr es:[di],0FFh ; end of name table? ifndef NEC_98 jz GPNoName else ;NEC_98 jz GPBadName endif ;NEC_98 lodsb ; char from StringParm cmp al,'A' ; force to lower case for match jb @f ; (might be numeric, so don't just OR) cmp al,'Z' ja @f or al,20h @@: cmp al,es:[di] ; match so far? jnz GPFlushName or al,al ; finished if matched up to & incl NULL jz GPFoundName inc di ; still matches, check next char jmp short GPChkNext GPFlushName: inc bx GPFN2: inc di cmp byte ptr es:[di],0FFh ifndef NEC_98 jz GPNoName else ;NEC_98 jz GPBadName endif ;NEC_98 cmp byte ptr es:[di],0 jnz GPFN2 inc di jmp short GPNextName GPFoundName: mov cs:[MachineNum],bx ; found a match, remember which entry jmp short GPNameDone ; it is for later ifndef NEC_98 GPNoName: cmp di,offset _text:AltNameTbl ja GPBadName mov di,offset _text:AltNameTbl jmp short GPNextTbl GPNameDone: pop ds ; recover parm line pointer pop si jmp GPNextParm GPBadName: pop ds ; clear stack and error out... pop si jmp GPBadParm else ;NEC_98 GPBadName: cmp di,offset _text:AltNameTbl ja GPNameDone mov di,offset _text:AltNameTbl jmp short GPNextTbl GPNameDone: pop ds ; recover parm line pointer pop si jmp GPNextParm endif ;NEC_98 ; Process /NUMHANDLES= parameter. GPGotHands: cmp dx,MAXHANDLES jna @f jmp GPBadParm @@: or dx,dx ; Zero? jnz @f jmp GPBadParm @@: push es mov es,hiseg assume es:funky mov [cHandles],dx ; Store it pop es assume es:nothing mov dx,offset StartMsg ; display descriptive message call GPPrintIt push es mov es,hiseg assume es:funky mov ax,[cHandles] pop es assume es:nothing call GPPrintAX mov dx,offset HandlesMsg call GPPrintIt ifndef NEC_98 jmp GPNextParm else ;NEC_98 jmp short GPNextParm endif ;NEC_98 GPGotMin: cmp dx,64 ; process /hmamin= parameter jna @f jmp GPBadParm @@: push dx mov cs:[MinHMASize],dx mov dx,offset HMAMINMsg ; print a descriptive message call GPPrintIt mov ax,cs:[MinHMASize] call GPPrintAX mov dx,offset KMsg call GPPrintIt pop dx mov cl,10 ; Convert from K to bytes shl dx,cl mov cs:[MinHMASize],dx jmp short GPNextParm ; Process /SHADOWRAM: parameter GPGotShadow: mov ax,word ptr [StringParm] or ax,2020h xor bl,bl cmp ax,'no' ; ON ? - means we leave it alone jz GPSetShadow inc bl cmp ax,'fo' ; OFF ? - means we turn it off jz GPSetShadow ifndef NEC_98 jmp GPBadParm else ;NEC_98 jmp short GPNextParm endif ;NEC_98 GPSetShadow: mov fShadowOff,bl ; NZ if Shadow RAM should be turned off jmp short GPNextParm ifndef NEC_98 ; Process /CPUCLOCK: parameter GPGotCPUClock: mov ax,word ptr [StringParm] or ax,2020h xor bl,bl cmp ax,'fo' ; OFF ? - means we don't worry about it jz GPSetClock inc bl cmp ax,'no' ; ON ? - means we preserve CPU clock jz GPSetClock ; rate jmp GPBadParm GPSetClock: mov fCPUClock,bl ; NZ if clock rate preserved jmp short GPNextParm endif ;NEC_98 ; Process /INT15= parameter GPGotInt15: cmp dx, 64 ; atleast 64K jae @f jmp GPBadParm ifndef NEC_98 @@: call GetInt15Memory cmp ax, dx ; enuf Ext Mem ? else ;NEC_98 call GetInt15Memory @@: cmp ax, dx ; enuf Ext Mem ? endif ;NEC_98 jae @f jmp GPBadParm @@: mov [Int15MemSize], dx ; Fall through to GetNextParm ifdef NEC_98 jmp short GPNextParm endif ;NEC_98 GPNextParm: mov ax,cs:[GPRegSave] ; are we at the end of the line? cmp al,13 ; may not be needed any longer... je GPExit cmp al,10 je GPExit ifndef NEC_98 jmp GPNextArg else ;NEC_98 jmp GPNextChar endif ;NEC_98 GPExit: pop ds ret GetParms endp ; Get the next character from DS:SI, set CY if it's an EOL (CR, LF), set ; Z if it's a space ifndef NEC_98 GPOffEOL dw -1 endif ;NEC_98 public GPGetChar GPGetChar proc near ifndef NEC_98 cmp si,cs:[GPOffEOL] ; are we already at EOL? jnb GPAtEOL lodsb ; no, get next char cmp al,10 ; is this the EOL? je GPHitEOL cmp al,13 je GPHitEOL cmp al,' ' ; set Z if blank clc ret GPHitEOL: mov cs:[GPOffEOL],si ; save EOL offset once GPAtEOL: else ;NEC_98 lodsb cmp al,10 je @f cmp al,13 je @f clc ret @@: endif ;NEC_98 stc ret GPGetChar endp ;*----------------------------------------------------------------------* GPPrintIt proc near push ds ; Save current DS push cs ; Set DS=CS pop ds mov ah,9 int 21h pop ds ; Restore DS ret GPPrintIt endp ;*----------------------------------------------------------------------* GPPrintAX proc near mov cx,10 xor dx,dx div cx or ax,ax jz GPAPrint push dx call GPPrintAX pop dx GPAPrint: add dl,'0' mov ah,2 int 21h ret GPPrintAX endp ;*----------------------------------------------------------------------* ;* * ;* InitHandles - * ;* * ;* Initialize the Extended Memory Handle Table * ;* * ;* ARGS: None * ;* RETS: None * ;* REGS: AX, BX, CX, and Flags are clobbered * ;* * ;*----------------------------------------------------------------------* assume ds:_text public InitHandles InitHandles proc near push es mov es,hiseg assume es:funky mov cx,[cHandles] ; Init the Handle table. mov bx,[KiddValley] xor ax,ax IHTabLoop: mov [bx].Flags,UNUSEDFLAG mov [bx].cLock,al mov [bx].Base,ax mov [bx].Len,ax if keep_cs mov [bx].Acs,ax endif add bx,SIZE Handle loop IHTabLoop mov [KiddValleyTop],bx ; save top for handle validation pop es assume es:nothing ret InitHandles endp ifdef NEC_98 ;****************************************************************************** ; Init_Ram_Window - Initialize Ram Window Memory ; ; MS-DOS ; Ram Window Memory Ram Windows Memory ; 80 100 80 80 ; 90 110 90 90 ; BO 120 B0 B0 ; A0 130 A0 A0 ; ; ; ; Author: (sbp) ; ; ENTRY: REAL MODE on 386 processor (CPU ID already performed) ; EXIT: ; ; USED: flags ; STACK: ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Init_RamWindow proc near push ax push bx push dx push ds cli mov cs:[save_ss],ss mov cs:[save_sp],sp push cs pop ss mov sp,offset EISA_stack mov al, 8 out 37h, al mov ax, 8000h ; 転送元アドレス mov bx, 4000h ; 転送先アドレス mov cx, 4 ; 転送バンク数 call movebank mov al,08h ; 80 BANK memory mov dx,91h ; 80 BANK ram windows " out dx,al ; set RAM WINDOW mov al,0ah ; A0 BANK memory mov dx,93h ; A0 BANK ram window " out dx,al ; set RAM WINDOW xor ax, ax mov ds, ax test byte ptr ds:[481h], 04h ; Q : can use shadow ram ? jnz @f call initshadowram @@: mov ax, 4000h mov bx, 8000h mov cx, 4 call movebank mov ss, cs:[save_ss] mov sp, cs:[save_sp] mov al, 09h out 37h, al sti pop ds pop dx pop bx pop ax ret Init_RamWindow endp ;****************************************************************************** ; Init_Ram_Window_XA - Initialize Ram Window Memory ; ; MS-DOS Himem ; Ram Window Memory Ram Windows Memory ; 80 100 80 TOM-40 or TOM-20 ; 90 110 90 TOM-30 or TOM-10 ; BO 120 B0 TOM-20 or 120 ; A0 130 A0 TOM-10 or 130 ; ; Author: (sbp) ; ; ENTRY: REAL MODE on 286 ; AH = main memory size in blocks of 128k ; EXIT: ; ; USED: flags ; STACK: ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Init_RamWindow_XA proc near sub ah,3 cmp byte ptr es:[401h],ah ja IRX_Start mov byte ptr es:[401h],0 ret IRX_Start: push ax push bx push dx push ds cli mov cs:[save_ss],ss mov cs:[save_sp],sp push cs pop ss mov sp,offset EISA_stack mov al, 8 out 37h, al cmp ah,1 ; main memory = 640k ? je IRX_640 mov ax, 0a000h ; 転送元アドレス mov bx, 4000h ; 転送先アドレス mov cx, 2 ; 転送バンク数 call movebank mov al,byte ptr es:[401h] dec al shl al,1 add al,10h ; al = BANK # mov dx,93h ; A0 BANK ram window " out dx,al ; set RAM WINDOW mov ax, 4000h mov bx, 0a000h mov cx, 2 call movebank dec byte ptr es:[401h] IRX_640: mov ax, 8000h ; 転送元アドレス mov bx, 4000h ; 転送先アドレス mov cx, 2 ; 転送バンク数 call movebank mov al,byte ptr es:[401h] dec al shl al,1 add al,10h ; al = BANK # mov dx,91h ; 80 BANK ram windows " out dx,al ; set RAM WINDOW mov ax, 4000h mov bx, 8000h mov cx, 2 call movebank dec byte ptr es:[401h] mov ss, cs:[save_ss] mov sp, cs:[save_sp] mov al, 09h out 37h, al sti pop ds pop dx pop bx pop ax ret Init_RamWindow_XA endp ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; movebank move bank datat ; entry ax : source seg. address ; bx : dest. seg. address ; cx : bank count ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------- movebank proc near push es push ds push si push di @@: mov ds, ax mov es, bx push cx mov cx, 8000h cld xor si, si xor di, di rep movsw pop cx add ax, 1000h ; get next bank address add bx, 1000h ; get next bank address loop @b pop di pop si pop ds pop es ret movebank endp ;*----------------------------------------------------------- ;* initshadowram ;* ;* ;*---------------------------------------------------------- initshadowram proc near push es push di push cx cld mov ax, 8000h mov es, ax mov cx, 0004h mov ax,8000h mov es,ax mov cx,0004h l3: xor di, di push cx mov cx, 3333h l1: mov ax, 0ff01h stosw mov ax, 55aah stosw mov al, 00 stosb loop l1 stosb xor di, di mov cx, 3333h l2: mov ax,0ff01h scasw jnz isr_exit mov ax,55aah scasw jnz isr_exit mov al,00h scasb jnz isr_exit loop l2 mov ax, es add ax, 1000h mov es, ax pop cx loop l3 ; clean up memory mov cx, 0004h l4: push cx mov ax, es sub ax, 1000h mov es, ax xor ax, ax mov di, ax mov cx, 8000h rep stosw pop cx loop l4 xor ax,ax jmp short isr_done isr_exit: mov ax,0001 isr_done: pop cx pop di pop es ret initshadowram endp ;*----------------------------------------------------------------------* ;* * ;* ScanEISA - poll any EISA devices through the BIOS's Int15(0d8h) * ;* and add any memory we find out about to our free memory table. * ;* Note: this code (including a big buffer) gets thrown out after * ;* completion of the initialization sequence. * ;* * ;* Note: The COMPAQ BIOS uses up 1.5K of stack during int15(d80x) * ;* so we'll set up a separate stack while we're here * ;* * ;*----------------------------------------------------------------------* save_ss dw 0 save_sp dw 0 EISA_Stack: endif ;NEC_98 _text ends ifdef debug_tsr EndStmt equ STACK segment stack 'STACK' db 1024 dup (?) STACK ends else EndStmt equ endif EndStmt