/***************************************************************************\ MODULE : wrapper.h PURPOSE : This is not a full program but a module you can include in your code. It implements a standard DDEML callback function that allows you to have most of your DDE table driven. The default callback function handles all basic System Topic information based on the tables you give to this app. LIMITATIONS : This only supports servers that: have only one service name have enumerable topics and items do not change the topics or items they support over time. \***************************************************************************/ /* TYPES */ typedef BOOL (*CBFNIN)(HDDEDATA); typedef HDDEDATA (*CBFNOUT)(HDDEDATA); /* STRUCTURES */ typedef struct _DDEFORMATTBL { LPSTR pszFormat; UINT wFmt; UINT wFmtFlags; CBFNIN lpfnPoke; CBFNOUT lpfnRequest; } DDEFORMATTBL; typedef DDEFORMATTBL *PDDEFORMATTBL; typedef DDEFORMATTBL FAR *LPDDEFORMATTBL; typedef struct _DDEITEMTBL { LPSTR pszItem; HSZ hszItem; UINT cFormats; UINT wItemFlags; LPDDEFORMATTBL fmt; } DDEITEMTBL; typedef DDEITEMTBL *PDDEITEMTBL; typedef DDEITEMTBL FAR *LPDDEITEMTBL; typedef struct _DDETOPICTBL { LPSTR pszTopic; HSZ hszTopic; UINT cItems; UINT wTopicFlags; LPDDEITEMTBL item; CBFNIN lpfnExecute; } DDETOPICTBL; typedef DDETOPICTBL *PDDETOPICTBL; typedef DDETOPICTBL FAR *LPDDETOPICTBL; typedef struct _DDESERVICETBL { LPSTR pszService; HSZ hszService; UINT cTopics; UINT wServiceFlags; LPDDETOPICTBL topic; } DDESERVICETBL; typedef DDESERVICETBL *PDDESERVICETBL; typedef DDESERVICETBL FAR *LPDDESERVICETBL; /* PROTOTYPES */ BOOL InitializeDDE(PFNCALLBACK lpfnCustomCallback, LPDWORD pidInst, LPDDESERVICETBL AppSvcInfo, DWORD dwFilterFlags, HANDLE hInst); VOID UninitializeDDE(VOID);