/*++ Copyright (c) 1989-1998 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: threads.h Abstract: This module is the header file for thread pools. Thread pools can be used for one time execution of tasks, for waits and for one shot or periodic timers. Author: Gurdeep Singh Pall (gurdeep) Nov 13, 1997 Environment: The thread pool routines are statically linked in the caller's executable and are callable only from user mode. They make use of Nt system services. Revision History: Aug-19 lokeshs - modifications to thread pool apis. Rob Earhart (earhart) September 29, 2000 Moved globals to threads.c Split up thread pools to seperate modules Moved module-specific interfaces to modules --*/ //todo remove below #define DBG1 1 // Structures used by the Thread pool // Timer structures // Timer Queues and Timer entries both use RTLP_GENERIC_TIMER structure below. // Timer Queues are linked using List. // Timers are attached to the Timer Queue using TimerList // Timers are linked to each other using List #define RTLP_TIMER RTLP_GENERIC_TIMER #define PRTLP_TIMER PRTLP_GENERIC_TIMER #define RTLP_TIMER_QUEUE RTLP_GENERIC_TIMER #define PRTLP_TIMER_QUEUE PRTLP_GENERIC_TIMER struct _RTLP_WAIT ; typedef struct _RTLP_GENERIC_TIMER { LIST_ENTRY List ; // All Timers and Queues are linked using this. ULONG DeltaFiringTime ; // Time difference in Milliseconds from the TIMER entry // just before this entry union { ULONG RefCount ; // Timer RefCount ULONG * RefCountPtr ; // Pointer to Wait->Refcount } ; // keeps count of async callbacks still executing ULONG State ; // State of timer: CREATED, DELETE, ACTIVE. DONT_FIRE union { // Used for Timer Queues struct { LIST_ENTRY TimerList ; // Timers Hanging off of the queue LIST_ENTRY UncancelledTimerList ;// List of one shot timers not cancelled // not used for wait timers #if DBG1 ULONG NextDbgId; #endif } ; // Used for Timers struct { struct _RTLP_GENERIC_TIMER *Queue ;// Queue to which this timer belongs struct _RTLP_WAIT *Wait ; // Pointer to Wait event if timer is part of waits. else NULL ULONG Flags ; // Flags indicating special treatment for this timer PVOID Function ; // Function to call when timer fires PVOID Context ; // Context to pass to function when timer fires PACTIVATION_CONTEXT ActivationContext; // Activation context to activate around callbacks to Function ULONG Period ; // In Milliseconds. Used for periodic timers. LIST_ENTRY TimersToFireList;//placed in this list if the timer is fired HANDLE ImpersonationToken; // Token to use for callouts } ; } ; HANDLE CompletionEvent ; // Event signalled when the timer is finally deleted #if DBG1 ULONG DbgId; ULONG ThreadId ; ULONG ThreadId2 ; #endif } RTLP_GENERIC_TIMER, *PRTLP_GENERIC_TIMER ; // Structures used by Wait Threads // Wait structure typedef struct _RTLP_WAIT { struct _RTLP_WAIT_THREAD_CONTROL_BLOCK *ThreadCB ; HANDLE WaitHandle ; // Object to wait on ULONG State ; // REGISTERED, ACTIVE,DELETE state flags ULONG RefCount ; // initially set to 1. When 0, then ready to be deleted HANDLE CompletionEvent ; struct _RTLP_GENERIC_TIMER *Timer ; // For timeouts on the wait ULONG Flags ; // Flags indicating special treatment for this wait PVOID Function ; // Function to call when wait completes PVOID Context ; // Context to pass to function ULONG Timeout ; // In Milliseconds. PACTIVATION_CONTEXT ActivationContext; // Activation context to activate around calls out to function HANDLE ImpersonationToken; // Token to use for callouts #if DBG1 ULONG DbgId ; ULONG ThreadId ; ULONG ThreadId2 ; #endif } RTLP_WAIT, *PRTLP_WAIT ; // Wait Thread Control Block typedef struct _RTLP_WAIT_THREAD_CONTROL_BLOCK { LIST_ENTRY WaitThreadsList ;// List of all the thread control blocks HANDLE ThreadHandle ; // Handle for this thread ULONG ThreadId ; // Used to check if callback is in WaitThread ULONG NumWaits ; // Number of active waits + handles pending waits ULONG NumActiveWaits ; // Number of active waits (reflects ActiveWaitArray) ULONG NumRegisteredWaits ; // Number of waits that are registered HANDLE ActiveWaitArray[MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS] ;// Array used for waiting PRTLP_WAIT ActiveWaitPointers[MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS] ;// Array of pointers to active Wait blocks. HANDLE TimerHandle ; // Handle to the NT timer used for timeouts RTLP_TIMER_QUEUE TimerQueue;// Queue in which all timers are kept LARGE_INTEGER Current64BitTickCount ; LONGLONG Firing64BitTickCount ; RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION WaitThreadCriticalSection ; // Used for addition and deletion of waits } RTLP_WAIT_THREAD_CONTROL_BLOCK, *PRTLP_WAIT_THREAD_CONTROL_BLOCK ; // Structure used for attaching all I/O worker threads typedef struct _RTLP_IOWORKER_TCB { LIST_ENTRY List ; // List of IO Worker threads HANDLE ThreadHandle ; // Handle of this thread ULONG Flags ; // WT_EXECUTEINPERSISTENTIOTHREAD BOOLEAN LongFunctionFlag ;// Is the thread currently executing long fn } RTLP_IOWORKER_TCB, *PRTLP_IOWORKER_TCB ; typedef struct _RTLP_WAITWORKER { union { PRTLP_WAIT Wait ; PRTLP_TIMER Timer ; } ; BOOLEAN WaitThreadCallback ; //callback queued by Wait thread or Timer thread BOOLEAN TimerCondition ;//true if fired because wait timed out. } RTLP_ASYNC_CALLBACK, * PRTLP_ASYNC_CALLBACK ; // structure used for calling worker function typedef struct _RTLP_WORK { WORKERCALLBACKFUNC Function ; ULONG Flags ; PACTIVATION_CONTEXT ActivationContext; HANDLE ImpersonationToken; } RTLP_WORK, *PRTLP_WORK ; // Structure used for storing events. Note that Link is used as an // SLIST_ENTRY, however declaring it as such would unnecessarily pad // the RTLP_EVENT structure. typedef struct _RTLP_EVENT { SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY Link ; HANDLE Handle ; } RTLP_EVENT, *PRTLP_EVENT ; // Defines used in the thread pool #define THREAD_CREATION_DAMPING_TIME1 1000 // In Milliseconds. Time between starting successive threads. #define THREAD_CREATION_DAMPING_TIME2 15000 // In Milliseconds. Time between starting successive threads. #define THREAD_TERMINATION_DAMPING_TIME 10000 // In Milliseconds. Time between stopping successive threads. #define NEW_THREAD_THRESHOLD 7 // Number of requests outstanding before we start a new thread #define NEW_THREAD_THRESHOLD2 14 #define MAX_WORKER_THREADS 1000 // Max effective worker threads #define INFINITE_TIME (ULONG)~0 // In milliseconds #define PSEUDO_INFINITE_TIME 0x80000000 // In milliseconds #define RTLP_MAX_TIMERS 0x00080000 // 524288 timers per process #define MAX_UNUSED_EVENTS 40 #define NEEDS_IO_THREAD(Flags) (Flags & (WT_EXECUTEINIOTHREAD \ | WT_EXECUTEINUITHREAD \ | WT_EXECUTEINPERSISTENTIOTHREAD)) // Macros #define ONE_MILLISECOND_TIMEOUT(TimeOut) { \ TimeOut.LowPart = 0xffffd8f0 ; \ TimeOut.HighPart = 0xffffffff ; \ } #define HUNDRED_MILLISECOND_TIMEOUT(TimeOut) { \ TimeOut.LowPart = 0xfff0bdc0 ; \ TimeOut.HighPart = 0xffffffff ; \ } #define ONE_SECOND_TIMEOUT(TimeOut) { \ TimeOut.LowPart = 0xff676980 ; \ TimeOut.HighPart = 0xffffffff ; \ } #define USE_PROCESS_HEAP 1 #define RtlpFreeTPHeap(Ptr) \ RtlFreeHeap( RtlProcessHeap(), 0, (Ptr) ) #define RtlpAllocateTPHeap(Size, Flags) \ RtlAllocateHeap( RtlProcessHeap(), (Flags), (Size) ) // used to allocate Wait thread #define ACQUIRE_GLOBAL_WAIT_LOCK() \ RtlEnterCriticalSection (&WaitCriticalSection) #define RELEASE_GLOBAL_WAIT_LOCK() \ RtlLeaveCriticalSection(&WaitCriticalSection) // taken before a timer/queue is deleted and when the timers // are being fired. Used to assure that no timers will be fired later. #define ACQUIRE_GLOBAL_TIMER_LOCK() \ RtlEnterCriticalSection (&TimerCriticalSection) #define RELEASE_GLOBAL_TIMER_LOCK() \ RtlLeaveCriticalSection(&TimerCriticalSection) // used in RtlpThreadPoolCleanup to find if a component is initialized #define IS_COMPONENT_INITIALIZED(StartedVariable, CompletedVariable, Flag) \ {\ LARGE_INTEGER TimeOut ; \ Flag = FALSE ; \ \ if ( StartedVariable ) { \ \ if ( !CompletedVariable ) { \ \ ONE_MILLISECOND_TIMEOUT(TimeOut) ; \ \ while (!*((ULONG volatile *)&CompletedVariable)) \ NtDelayExecution (FALSE, &TimeOut) ; \ \ if (CompletedVariable == 1) \ Flag = TRUE ; \ \ } else { \ Flag = TRUE ; \ } \ } \ } // macro used to set dbg function/context #define DBG_SET_FUNCTION(Fn, Context) { \ CallbackFn1 = CallbackFn2 ; \ CallbackFn2 = (Fn) ; \ Context1 = Context2 ; \ Context2 = (Context ) ; \ } // used to move the wait array /* VOID RtlpShiftWaitArray( PRTLP_WAIT_THREAD_CONTROL_BLOCK ThreadCB ThreadCB, ULONG SrcIndex, ULONG DstIndex, ULONG Count ) */ #define RtlpShiftWaitArray(ThreadCB, SrcIndex, DstIndex, Count) { \ \ RtlMoveMemory (&(ThreadCB)->ActiveWaitArray[DstIndex], \ &(ThreadCB)->ActiveWaitArray[SrcIndex], \ sizeof (HANDLE) * (Count)) ; \ \ RtlMoveMemory (&(ThreadCB)->ActiveWaitPointers[DstIndex],\ &(ThreadCB)->ActiveWaitPointers[SrcIndex],\ sizeof (HANDLE) * (Count)) ; \ } // signature for timer and wait entries #define SET_WAIT_SIGNATURE(ptr) RtlInterlockedSetBitsDiscardReturn(&(ptr)->State, 0xfedc0100) #define SET_TIMER_SIGNATURE(ptr) RtlInterlockedSetBitsDiscardReturn(&(ptr)->State, 0xfedc0200) #define SET_TIMER_QUEUE_SIGNATURE(ptr) RtlInterlockedSetBitsDiscardReturn(&(ptr)->State, 0xfedc0300) #define IS_WAIT_SIGNATURE(ptr) (((ptr)->State & 0x00000f00) == 0x00000100) #define IS_TIMER_SIGNATURE(ptr) (((ptr)->State & 0x00000f00) == 0x00000200) #define CHECK_SIGNATURE(ptr) ASSERTMSG( InvalidSignatureMsg, \ ((ptr)->State & 0xffff0000) == 0xfedc0000 ) #define SET_DEL_SIGNATURE(ptr) RtlInterlockedSetBitsDiscardReturn(&(ptr)->State, 0x00009000) #define SET_DEL_PENDING_SIGNATURE(ptr) RtlInterlockedSetBitsDiscardReturn(&(ptr)->State, 0x00002000) #define CHECK_DEL_SIGNATURE(ptr) ASSERTMSG( InvalidDelSignatureMsg, \ (((ptr)->State & 0xffff0000) == 0xfedc0000) \ && ( ! ((ptr)->State & 0x00009000)) ) #define CHECK_DEL_PENDING_SIGNATURE(ptr) ASSERTMSG( InvalidDelSignatureMsg, \ (((ptr)->State & 0xffff0000) == 0xfedc0000) \ && ( ! ((ptr)->State & 0x0000f000)) ) #define IS_DEL_SIGNATURE_SET(ptr) ((ptr)->State & 0x00009000) #define IS_DEL_PENDING_SIGNATURE_SET(ptr) ((ptr)->State & 0x00002000) #define CLEAR_SIGNATURE(ptr) RtlInterlockedSetClearBits(&(ptr)->State, \ 0xcdef0000, \ 0xfedc0000 & ~(0xcdef0000)) #define SET_DEL_TIMERQ_SIGNATURE(ptr) RtlInterlockedSetBitsDiscardReturn(&(ptr)->State, 0x00000a00) // debug prints #define RTLP_THREADPOOL_ERROR_MASK (0x01 | DPFLTR_MASK) #define RTLP_THREADPOOL_WARNING_MASK (0x02 | DPFLTR_MASK) #define RTLP_THREADPOOL_INFO_MASK (0x04 | DPFLTR_MASK) #define RTLP_THREADPOOL_TRACE_MASK (0x08 | DPFLTR_MASK) #define RTLP_THREADPOOL_VERBOSE_MASK (0x10 | DPFLTR_MASK) #if DBG extern CHAR InvalidSignatureMsg[]; extern CHAR InvalidDelSignatureMsg[]; #endif extern ULONG MaxThreads; extern BOOLEAN LdrpShutdownInProgress; NTSTATUS NTAPI RtlpStartThreadpoolThread( PUSER_THREAD_START_ROUTINE Function, PVOID Parameter, HANDLE *ThreadHandleReturn ); extern PRTLP_EXIT_THREAD RtlpExitThreadFunc; #if DBG1 extern PVOID CallbackFn1, CallbackFn2, Context1, Context2 ; #endif // Timer globals needed by worker extern ULONG StartedTimerInitialization ; // Used by Timer thread startup synchronization extern ULONG CompletedTimerInitialization ; // Used for to check if Timer thread is initialized extern HANDLE TimerThreadHandle; VOID RtlpAsyncWaitCallbackCompletion( IN PVOID Context ); NTSTATUS RtlpInitializeTimerThreadPool ( ) ; NTSTATUS RtlpTimerCleanup( VOID ); NTSYSAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI RtlpWaitCleanup( VOID ); NTSYSAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI RtlpWorkerCleanup( VOID ); NTSYSAPI VOID NTAPI RtlpThreadCleanup ( VOID ); VOID RtlpResetTimer ( HANDLE TimerHandle, ULONG DueTime, PRTLP_WAIT_THREAD_CONTROL_BLOCK ThreadCB ) ; BOOLEAN RtlpInsertInDeltaList ( PLIST_ENTRY DeltaList, PRTLP_GENERIC_TIMER NewTimer, ULONG TimeRemaining, ULONG *NewFiringTime ) ; BOOLEAN RtlpRemoveFromDeltaList ( PLIST_ENTRY DeltaList, PRTLP_GENERIC_TIMER Timer, ULONG TimeRemaining, ULONG* NewFiringTime ) ; BOOLEAN RtlpReOrderDeltaList ( PLIST_ENTRY DeltaList, PRTLP_GENERIC_TIMER Timer, ULONG TimeRemaining, ULONG* NewFiringTime, ULONG ChangedFiringTime ) ; NTSTATUS RtlpDeactivateWait ( PRTLP_WAIT Wait, BOOLEAN OkayToFreeTheTimer ) ; VOID RtlpDeleteWait ( PRTLP_WAIT Wait ) ; VOID RtlpProcessTimeouts ( PRTLP_WAIT_THREAD_CONTROL_BLOCK ThreadCB ) ; ULONG RtlpGetTimeRemaining ( HANDLE TimerHandle ) ; #define THREAD_TYPE_WORKER 1 #define THREAD_TYPE_IO_WORKER 2 VOID RtlpDeleteTimer ( PRTLP_TIMER Timer ) ; PRTLP_EVENT RtlpGetWaitEvent ( VOID ) ; VOID RtlpFreeWaitEvent ( PRTLP_EVENT Event ) ; VOID RtlpDoNothing ( PVOID NotUsed1, PVOID NotUsed2, PVOID NotUsed3 ) ; VOID RtlpExecuteWorkerRequest ( NTSTATUS Status, PVOID Context, PVOID ActualFunction ) ; NTSTATUS RtlpWaitForEvent ( HANDLE Event, HANDLE ThreadHandle ) ; NTSTATUS RtlpCaptureImpersonation( IN LOGICAL RequestDuplicateAccess, OUT PHANDLE Token ); VOID RtlpRestartImpersonation( IN HANDLE Token ); NTSYSAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI RtlThreadPoolCleanup ( ULONG Flags ) ; VOID RtlpWaitOrTimerCallout(WAITORTIMERCALLBACKFUNC Function, PVOID Context, BOOLEAN TimedOut, PACTIVATION_CONTEXT ActivationContext, HANDLE ImpersonationToken, PRTL_CRITICAL_SECTION const *LocksHeld); VOID RtlpApcCallout(APC_CALLBACK_FUNCTION Function, NTSTATUS Status, PVOID Context1, PVOID Context2); VOID RtlpWorkerCallout(WORKERCALLBACKFUNC Function, PVOID Context, PACTIVATION_CONTEXT ActivationContext, HANDLE ImpersonationToken); // Waits and timers may specify that their callbacks must execute // within worker threads of various types. This can cause a problem // if those worker threads are unavailable. RtlpAcquireWorker // guarantees that at least one worker thread of the appropriate type // will be available to handle callbacks until a matching call to // RtlpReleaseWorker is made. NTSTATUS RtlpAcquireWorker(ULONG Flags); VOID RtlpReleaseWorker(ULONG Flags); //to make sure that a wait is not deleted before being registered #define STATE_REGISTERED 0x0001 //set when wait registered. Removed when one shot wait fired. //when deregisterWait called, tells whether to be removed from ActiveArray //If timer active, then have to remove it from delta list and reset the timer. #define STATE_ACTIVE 0x0002 //when deregister wait is called(RefCount may be >0) #define STATE_DELETE 0x0004 //set when cancel timer called. The APC will clean it up. #define STATE_DONTFIRE 0x0008 //set when one shot timer fired. #define STATE_ONE_SHOT_FIRED 0x0010